I dreamed that the son went. adult son to little

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

died - a joyful event; to see dead is the end of anxiety; to good things in business; to see how he dies - to a quarrel, litigation; resurrects - the return of old troubles; for a woman - a relationship with his father, husband; if childless and not married - feeling, connection; for a man - the resumption of relationships, affairs, the sleeping man himself; died and is buried, or lost (left) - a break with a loved one or misfortune in the family.

Dreamed of a son

according to Miller's dream book

If you have a son and you see him handsome and obedient in a dream, it means that you will have something to be proud of, and you will strive for high honors. If you dream of a crippled or suffering child, it means that you should be afraid of some kind of misfortune. If a mother dreams that her son fell to the bottom of the well, and she hears his cry from there, it means that she will have a lot of grief. But if in a dream she manages to save her son, it means that the danger threatening this dream will be immediately removed, and the dream must be taken as an incentive to prudence.

Dreamed of a family

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing in a dream some kind of family, friendly and happy, promises you health and prosperity, but if there is neither peace nor health in the family, this portends you despondency and disappointment.

Expert Answers


I dreamed that I was pregnant from another man whom I have known since childhood and gave birth to a son and he is 2 years old. Even though I'm married. What does this mean? (Yana)

A dream means that subconsciously you feel some kind of complications in your relationship with your husband and are trying to imagine your life with another person to compare the situation.


Dreamed of a son in love triangle. We sat down at a table in a cafe, they are all opposite me, one girl (like the former or something) is unhappy, the second girl, the usual one, does not even understand what the first one is sad about. The second works in public toilet and she also sells pies or something, she got poisoned and wants me to replace her. AT real life the girl is different, I saw everyone for the first time. What is it for? (K, Svetlana)

Judging by the description of the dream, in reality you are very worried about personal life son. It seems that you consider some of his girls unworthy, some, as it seems to you, are trying to “take away” your child from you. A dream reflects your experiences, and not the real situation from his life.

Seeing your son beautiful and healthy in a dream portends news of his happiness and well-being.

But if in a dream you see that he is sick, injured, pale, etc., then expect bad news or trouble.

If you dream that your son killed you, then after your death he will inherit your fortune.

The dream in which you saw that your son died portends you great concern for his well-being.

Sometimes such a dream may indicate that your child has excellent health and your worries are groundless.

If in a dream your son is calling you, then soon he will need your help.

If you dream that you have a son, although in fact you have no children, then you will have to courageously endure future troubles or material losses.

Sometimes such a dream warns of great experiences. See interpretation: children, relatives.

The dream in which you saw that your son was born portends unrest and worries.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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In an article on the topic: "dream book adult children dream of being small" - presented actual information on this issue in 2018.

Remembering in the morning weird dream do you find it completely crazy? Or are you just trying to understand what an adult little person is dreaming of?

Indeed, how can one dream that you see an adult as a child? It is quite difficult to answer such a question, but still possible.

Do you have a son or daughter who grew up long ago, became independent and started families and left you? But in a dream, do you see them as very young children?

The interpretation of sleep can be different. On the one hand, you may just miss a long time ago past times. It seems to you that then life was much more pleasant and easier. On the other hand, your children may have serious problems that they cannot cope with.

Try to call or meet with the children. It is possible that you, with a little effort, will help them solve problems.

Or maybe you dream that you yourself have become a small child? This means that you are very tired, literally exhausted. Try to take a vacation and get away from your usual places. No need to go to resorts and other places where you have to follow the schedule, try to be in time everywhere, and so on.

It is better to just relax in the village, in the country or in the forest, where life flows calmly and unhurriedly. Such a rest will allow you to gain strength, recover and find answers to questions that have been tormenting you for a long time.

Little children according to the dream book

For some, any mischievous trick of the kids causes tenderness and a smile, while others are annoyed even by their presence. And why do small children dream? The dream book ambiguously interprets the plot with the kids in a dream: the interpretation may depend both on the details of the dream and on your emotional mood in relation to the baby.

For a loving mother, to see small children healthy and beautiful in a dream - good sign: a dream book predicts a happy and prosperous period in life. Even if your own kids get sick in a dream, it is still considered positive - they will very rarely get sick.

If you play with other people's children, then in reality you cannot decide what kind of activity you like. It’s better to wait a bit with the change of profession to your favorite, anyway this moment nothing will work.

If small children dreamed business man, then the dream book associates them with a recently started business. Remember the emotional coloring of the dream, how did you treat the guys? If you experienced irritation, anger, then in reality the business will not give you pleasure.

If the general mood of the dream was positive, then the goals set for oneself will be achieved with incredible ease. In addition, you will enjoy achieving them, and the profit you will receive in the end will be above all expectations.

Small children are often dreamed of by those who, for whatever reason, cannot have their own. This is a reflection of the subconscious desire to find a strong friendly family and home comfort. Do not worry, all this is achievable, the main thing is to show the will and take a step forward.

If you often see your own children in a dream, then the dream book gives a warning that they really need you. Pay more attention to the kids, even if they don’t particularly require it from you. Also, it may be a subconscious personification of concern for their fate and future.

Depending on the situation, the dream book gives other predictions why small children dream. A woman who in a dream has acquired numerous offspring can expect to meet an old friend. This event will cause trouble and trouble.

Why dream of feeding babies in a dream? You will receive a difficult task at work. Although you will have to spend on it the lion's share of moral and physical strength, the reward will be higher than deserved, the money will flow like a river.

Interpretations of the dream book depending on the gender and age of the kids

For a girl, small children, boys in a dream, are a harbinger of a dream book about the appearance of numerous suitors. If the boys are also well-dressed and have a nice face, then the fans will be all right for selection - wealthy and handsome.

A woman can have no doubt why such a picture is dreaming: she will receive significant cash, and for this she does not have to undertake any labor costs. But the boys are fighting, then in reality you need to be wary of dubious events - they will lead to ruin.

If in a dream you saw little girls, and the children were unfamiliar to you, and entered the house, then the dream book predicts the arrival of unexpected guests. Moreover, this surprise will be pleasant, or not, depends on the behavior of the girls. If they were noisy, then the guests will bring only confusion and confusion to the house.

And well-mannered, calmly behaving girls in a dream predict a pleasant society good people, when communicating with which you will enrich your horizons. It’s bad if girls pester you and ask a lot of questions, it’s possible that after a pleasant evening with friends, gossip will spread about you.

Why dream of seeing your children as little ones? The dream interpretation advises at least to call them, but it is better to come. Now, more than ever, they need support, and it is the parental society, a conversation with relatives, that will help them recover.

Also, if adult children dream of being small, then this may be a subconscious reflection of your desire to take care of someone. You are tired of loneliness, and the dream book advises you to gather as many people around you as possible, and the state of mind will immediately return to normal.

If you dreamed of many small children, and you kissed them, hugged them, showed affection, then the dream book predicts that in reality life will turn into a calm channel, troubles and troubles will end, and you will only have to live and enjoy unprecedented harmony. Even such a negatively colored plot as beating children in a dream is deciphered by the dream book as a positive forecast: success awaits you in any endeavors, fortune favors you.

Foundlings in a dream are a good symbol. In real life, you will be randomly “thrown” with a job that will turn out to your liking and bring stability to your life. financial affairs. The plot with the kids is negatively interpreted only if they are capricious and mischievous - you are provided with minor chores and troublesome affairs.

I dreamed of many many children of 3-5 years old, both girls and boys together. They were kind, active and got along well with each other playing, most climbed a small hill (knoll) in the yard. They overcame it with joy and play, without even noticing it at all. I watched this picture, looking out the window in a dream. How to understand this vision?

I dreamed of many mothers with newborn babies in their arms. Mothers sat in a row in some room and held newborn children in their arms, and I walked between them and said that they should grow up healthy.

I dreamed of a girl and a boy. I went with them to some house and there I met my childhood friend, and he was young, and then it turned out that this was his son.

I don't have my own children yet. I dreamed that I was walking with my children as a boy on a bicycle stroller, I roll it in front of me, I don’t see my face, and the older girl runs around for about 5 years. I hug them and say how much I love.

I dreamed that I had two children, both boys no older than 2 years old, although in fact I have one child.

I dreamed that I was on some planet. My team and I need to quickly rescue the babies and take them to Earth. But some children cried and did not obey at all, did not want to run. And I, like some kind of superheroine, quickly and deftly picked up an approach to each. She reassured all the children, and they happily transferred to our shuttle. In general, the operation to save the little kids was a success.

I dreamed that I gave birth to two boys, twins, and how I nursed them, there are no children in my life.

Yesterday I dreamed that a little boy lay at the bottom of the bath, and I barely pulled it out. The body was all swollen with water, but I managed to pump it out, and the child survived. Today I had a dream that another child was severely beaten and scolded for something and even tortured with fire, he was simply set on fire. What is it for?

I dreamed of two little boys. One year with something, and the second is very breastfeeding, their mother drinks, and I decided to pick them up, she reacted calmly. I don’t have children, but in a dream I had children like mine! I would like to know what that means.

I dreamed how I found a child of 11 months old, boy. I didn’t look for parents, anyone, but fiddled with him and kissed a lot. In reality, there are no children.

Why do small children dream?

The image of a child seen in a dream

Sometimes the events described in dreams make you think about their meaning. Sometimes questions are caused by specific images or objects.

For example, let's take dreams where you see small children. Let's look at the question of what small children dream of, taking into account various interpretations dreams.

Why do small children dream of Miller's dream book?

According to Miller, a dream of beautiful children portends well-being and prosperity in the near future. Welfare and peace will come to you if in a dream you meet children who are busy with work or study.

If they are sick, dying, or worse than that, are dead, then expect exciting events that unsettle. Most likely, you will be accompanied by fears and situations that directly threaten well-being.

Playing or caring for children in a dream predicts the speedy achievement of goals in all areas.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation - the meaning of a dream about young children

A lot of babies in a dream are, according to the seer, a pile of small problems that have to be solved in some way, while making considerable efforts. In a global sense, this dream can be perceived as a harbinger of an improvement in the demographic situation around the world.

And the crying child also refers to the symbols of global events in Vanga's dream book, because it predicts the imminent approach of war.

A dream where disabled children are present suggests that your addictions harm not only you, but also everyone who is nearby. However, this dream also has a double bottom - another meaning that is a big ecological problems on the planet.

Seeing your own children symbolizes problems with your family. Try to reconnect with them. Searching for lost children in a dream is a sign of the impossibility of getting out of the predicament that is emerging at the moment.

But games with them speak of your irresistible desire to change the field of activity, but a dream can also warn that while the old way of life and way of earning will be more acceptable.

Little children in a dream - Freud's dream book

Psychoanalysis played its part. Therefore, the meanings of dreams in given interpretation significantly different from all the others. This also applies to dreams involving children.

Freud sees babies in this context as a symbol of the genitals. Moreover, depending on the gender of the child, we can talk about female or male genital organs.

If you play with children in a dream or punish them, then you just love to achieve orgasm through self-satisfaction. At the same time, the punishment of children of the same sex as you in a dream symbolizes homosexual inclinations.

Why do small children dream of Aesop's dream book

In Aesop's dream book, children are a sign of anxiety, inconstancy and capriciousness. Usually such a dream speaks of your inner anxiety due to the recent situation.

A child crying in a dream is a symbol that the expected result will not be obtained, no matter how hard you try.

And if you dreamed about the process of lulling a child, then get ready for a large expenditure of all kinds of resources to achieve the desired result in the business that you decided to do.

Feeding children in a dream is a sign of the end of a business that has brought many problems, with the greatest benefit in every sense of the word.

To punish a child while in the kingdom of Morpheus means to perform duties or work that depresses you.

Little children in a dream - interpretation from other dream books (erotic and female dream books)

An erotic dream book interprets the appearance of children in your dream as victories on the personal front.

The female dream book echoes Miller's dream book, foreshadowing a person's well-being and stability with a positive image of children, and if the situation is exactly the opposite - the children are sick and unhappy, then you will find anxiety and unrest in the circumstances.

Why is the little girl dreaming?

If you dreamed of a little girl, then this could mean positive changes in life, up to the birth of a child.

Why is the little boy dreaming?

Little boys in a dream are usually interpreted as a sign of anxiety that awaits you. They promise problems in business, turmoil and the appearance nervous tension caused by the performance of certain duties, moreover, not always desired. And a lot of little boys in a dream are several small problems at once that will have to be solved somehow.

What does it mean if an adult child dreams of a small one?

Dreams where your adult child is a small child indicate the beginning of a period when it is simply necessary to make any changes. If the baby also speaks in a dream, then try to remember these words, they may turn out to be useful tips to reorganize the way of life.

The world of dreams is mysterious and very interesting. He often helps us figure things out when we're in a difficult situation. Trust yourself and your dreams!

Why dream of a baby stroller

Why dream of children's paraphernalia

Why is the daughter dreaming

Why do twins dream

One comment on “What do little children dream about?”

I just had a dream! Thanks for an interesting opinion!

Seeing a little son in a dream

Seeing a small son in a dream is a harbinger of imminent change. A dreaming adult son recommends bringing new impressions and vivid emotions into his real life.

Was the baby seen in a dream upset or crying? So, you need to pay more attention to yourself and your health. Most often, this dream predicts illness.

Embracing a little son in a dream is a symbol of hope for the future. It is highly likely that after such a dream your personal and professional affairs will go uphill. Even if now you are surrounded on all sides by problems and failures, the hour is not far off when you will be absolutely happy and successful.

A harbinger of great human happiness is a dream in which you saw a newborn son. There are many pleasant moments and positive emotions ahead of you.

Did your son play in his sleep? This dream promises a new serious hobby, which as a result can lead to a sharp career growth. If you played with him together, the dream symbolizes your carelessness and the complete absence of problems.

Don't be afraid to see horrible dream in which your child died. In real life, after this, positive changes await you. Was the child in a coffin? The interpretation of such a dream is identical to the previous one.

If in reality you have an adult son, and in a dream he was small, and the dream brought a lot of positive emotions, then this is good, just wonderful. The interpreter says that you can safely move forward, now the period has come when all undertakings will end in success and material gain. Was the baby beautiful and very cheerful? In the very near future, many happy moments await you.

Did your child try to talk to you? It is likely that the words of the baby will be prophetic, so try to remember what exactly your son said.

A dream in which someone stole your little son from you shows that you can’t take everything so seriously. Be simple, and everything in your life will work out. Disappointment promises a dream in which the boy himself disappeared. Bad news awaits in reality the dreamer who saw his little blood sick and unhappy. The worse the child's condition, the worse the news should be expected in reality.

Did you have a dream in which you beat your little son? This is a very important symbol, indicating that in reality you can, most likely, unintentionally, negatively affect his fate. Difficult disagreements with relatives await those who beat their sons to blood.

Serious changes for the worse await you if your son was drowning in his sleep. It looks like you will find yourself in a predicament and will not be able to find a way out of it on your own. Saved your child in a dream? So, in reality you will have to help your loved one.

Plans will soon come true with a dreamer who saw a son learning something. An interesting surprise or surprise awaits you if the boy was just a baby.

Hello Igor. Please help me, the meaning of the dream that I had the other day, as if I were handed a document issued in my name (last name, first name, patronymic are indicated in words). I asked what it was. I was told that these are documents for an apartment, now it is yours. Is there any negative meaning in this dream? Thank you.

Bakhyt, judging by the dream, something unexpected may await you, the fulfillment of something conceived for a long time.

Good afternoon! 🙂 Your site is very, very beautiful!))) I would like to understand the meaning of my dream) Here we are talking about my son, but what if I dreamed of my brother, only not at the age of 18 years old, but somewhere around the age of 4. And the most interesting thing is that I cried, because he will no longer be as small as before , and now it’s not him, not the same .. Is it something psychological?))) It’s just interesting)

And the second question, in fact, there is no way to leave a comment under that topic - my mother dreamed that I was marrying an old gypsy. In my life I have a young man, my mother likes him. He is soon going to propose to me, my mother also assumes this approximately. I read somewhere that, perhaps, this is to move my daughter to a guy (I really was going to live with him before the wedding, but my mother does not know and was against it, at least six months ago).

In general, I wrote to you more because of fear .. because my daughter’s wedding is a sign of illness and something bad (((Help!

Anastasia, perhaps the first dream indicates that you do not understand each other on specific issues.

The second dream means changes, but most of all it is tied to travel, moving. This option can be considered the most probable.

Good morning, Igor!

Sorry for not posting in desired article, comments are closed.

I dreamed that I was walking with a man and his brother (my brother doesn’t really look like himself), and some young drunkard got attached to us along the way, but I quickly drove her away, and they were both flattered by it. And then they are at my house in next room talking to girls. And I am so offended and unpleasant that I took a friend to help me, so that she would support me. As soon as they leave the room and go along the corridor where we are standing with a friend. These 2 girls are in front, and they are behind with their brother. I understand that they took them off for sex, but they are interested in them. I examined the blonde he had chosen for himself. He walks and doesn’t look in my direction, and I almost cry and was just about to kick him out of my house and woke up, and he was exactly opposite me as soon as I wanted to yell at him.

The dream had a dream from Thursday to Friday. How would you explain it?

Thanks a lot for your help.

Carolina, the dream only says that now you are moving back to each other. It was as if a black cat ran between you: quarrels, mutual insults and misunderstandings go hand in hand.

What does a dream mean if an adult son dreamed of a little one?

Dreams are different - sometimes they warn the dreamer about important milestones in life, what this or that event is dreaming of, it is advisable to find out from professional astrologers who are capable of making a correct forecast based on seemingly insignificant details.

What if a little son dreams?

Soothsayers say that if the dreamer dreamed of a small son, you need to pay attention to the state of health, the mother has a strong connection with the child, even if he has already grown up. It is quite possible that in the dream the son was small because it was at that age that the most sincere relationship was, the mother would rather listen to the baby.

It is necessary to remember all the circumstances in which the meeting with the child took place, perhaps he gives advice on what to do in a particular case. The dreamer should immediately write down the vision, otherwise after a few minutes you can forget some little things, namely they are the main ones that turn out to be decisive in deciphering the vision.

If in a dream the baby is dissatisfied with something, is naughty or cries, then he foresees the mother’s illness and asks her to take care of her health. Such warnings should not be neglected, perhaps the woman herself does not yet know about the danger, it is best to go to the doctor and conduct an examination. But such a dream can also mean very serious changes in life and, far from always in better side If you consult a specialist, he will give a recommendation on how to avoid trouble.

It is believed that the mother maintains a close spiritual connection with her child, even if he has long become an adult, so it is recommended to find a good specialist on deciphering dreams and turn to him with a request to interpret the meaning of the dream.

It is very pleasant for an adult woman to see her son in a dream and remember how he kissed and hugged her at the beginning of her life, it is gratifying to understand what a dream is and in reality promises only good events. The astrologer who solves the vision will explain that from that moment on, the dreamer begins a particularly favorable period - all deeds, all undertakings are certainly doomed to success.

It is quite possible that the son not only predicts good luck in his career, but will also give some useful advice, it is absolutely necessary after waking up to remember all his words and write them down, each word can be decisive. No less important are the feelings with which the meeting with the child occurred in a dream, sometimes it is the sensations that give the full picture so that the astrologer correctly guesses what he saw and gives a useful prediction.

Another option is also likely - if the baby begins to complain that someone offended him, or something hurts him, perhaps he himself needs help, an adult, he is unlikely to go to his mother with his troubles. Therefore, it is advisable to carefully and tactfully ask about problems and help, sometimes it’s enough just to talk heart to heart, because a man also needs care and sympathy, despite the fact that he already has his own adult children.

What portends?

Astrologers warn that every dream must be taken seriously, as they can warn of problems and dangers awaiting the dreamer. A woman sees a dream in which her adult son has become small again and walks away from her, sometimes looking back and wiping his tears. Such a dream can promise both the illness of the mother herself and serious disease her boy.

It is recommended, after such visions, to call your child and gradually ask him about the events that occurred in real life, maybe he needs moral or material support. Sometimes the soothsayer says that the dreamer is waiting hard work, which subsequently will certainly lead to success, but serious efforts will be required.

Dream Interpretation adult children dream of small

Old Russian dream book

Why is the son dreaming:

Esoteric dream book

Seeing a son in a dream means:

Which is not really there - a reminder that you have not yet created what you should, have not carried out the work of your life. They kill, they die - time is running out, we urgently need to "take up the mind." Born - a favorable opportunity for self-realization. Existing in reality - a reminder that it's time to analyze your relationship and, depending on the context of the dream, resolve the issues that have arisen.

Miller's dream book

A dream with a son in a dream book is interpreted as:

If you have a son and you see him handsome and obedient in a dream, it means that you will have something to be proud of, and you will strive for high honors.
If you dream of a crippled or suffering child, then you should be afraid of some kind of misfortune.
If a mother dreams that her son fell to the bottom of the well, and she hears his cry from there, it means that she will have a lot of grief. But if in a dream she manages to save her son, it means that the danger threatening this dream will be immediately removed, and the dream must be taken as an incentive to prudence.

Miller's dream book

Sleeping with a son means:

To have a son and see him handsome and obedient - you will have something to be proud of, and you will strive for high honors;
crippled or suffering child - beware of some kind of trouble;
for a mother - to see that her son fell to the bottom of the well and hear his cry from there - a lot of grief;
for the mother - you managed to save your son - the danger threatening this dream will be immediately removed, an incentive to prudence.
See also Child, Scream, Well, Suffering.

Small dream book

The meaning of sleep son:

A dream in which you see your son handsome and obedient means that in real life you will have a reason to be proud of your children. If you dreamed that your son came to you sick or injured, then expect trouble. If a mother dreams that her son fell into a well and she hears his cry, then sadness, loss and illness will fall to her lot. If she manages to save her son, then in reality she will be able to avert trouble.

Dream interpretation for women

What does it mean if a son dreams:

If you dream of your future son, whom you see as pretty and well-bred boy, in real life this means that your career will go uphill and this will become your pride. You will be striving for a higher position.

If you dreamed that your son is not good-looking, suffers from some kind of deviations, then in reality beware of trouble.

A dream in which you see your son screaming and pleading for help portends grief and failure in business.

Dream interpretation alphabetically

What can a son dream about:

A dream in which you see yourself as a woman in labor and they announce to you that your son was born means that you will be able to oppose your will and determination to evil intentions, thereby preventing tragic events.

If you have a freak son, this is to painful experiences and bitter disappointment.

Handsome strong son - safely arrange your wedding.

To experience strong anxiety for the fate of your son in a dream means that you will have to learn things that you would prefer never to hear.

Dreams are not just a picture in video slides, they are impressions and events of our life. In our subconscious, the sensations that we experience are hidden - they are the cause of our dreams. Dreams according to the dream book are of three types: simple, prophetic and nightmarish. Dreams are something unreal, emotional and delivering memories that haunt. That is, something specific affects the production of pictures in our dream. Some specific reason.

The meaning of the dream book of Fate if the son plays the main role in a dream

  1. The interpretation of the dream in which they saw their son - this speaks of upcoming experiences.
  2. The son dreamed of what it was for (for the father) - this speaks of hopes, condition, achievements, opportunities.
  3. The son dreamed of what it was for (for the mother), a big dream book of Fate - this symbolizes a guardian angel, a protector; also denotes a relationship with a spouse.
  4. I dreamed that my son was leaving, an online interpreter - warns of impending misfortunes in the family, as well as a break in relations.
  5. Deciphering sleep, if a childless woman dreamed of a son - according to big dream book this speaks of her feelings for her partner and the situation with him.
  6. Why is there a dream about the death / death of a son, interpretation according to online dream book- portends the son's move from his parents.
  7. What does a dream in which a woman gives birth to a son mean - you need to beware of disputes that may be in the near future.
  8. Why see a little son in a dream - it's time to change something in your life.
  9. An adult son dreamed that a free interpreter of dreams was saying - listen to what your son told you in a dream, this will allow you to bring vivid emotions and impressions into everyday life
  10. Crying son according to the dream book of dreams, what does it mean - you need to pay more attention to your health. Serious illnesses are possible.
  11. I dreamed of a little son who hugs you, decoding from the dream book of Fate - this speaks of all your hopes and plans for the future. Good luck will accompany you in everything.
  12. In a dream, a naked son dreamed - a difficult task ahead, which would turn out to be successful and profitable.
  13. Look online interpretation sleep if dreamed beautiful and healthy son- you will receive news that he is happy and does not need anything.
  14. Interpret from a popular dream book if you dreamed of a wounded, pale or sick son - bad news, trouble.
  15. The meaning was a dream about how your son killed you - when you die, your son will become the heir to your fortune.

Let's decipher the meaning of dreams in which the son is in the title role

A dream is the fruit of the subconscious, that is, it turns out that he himself creates certain pictures. It turns out that something like that influenced and became a distortion of the image. And this “something” turned out to be in our head, in our thoughts. If it is there, then it was able to get through only thanks to its owner. Our states - spiritual, mental and physical - are the real "scriptwriters" of our dreams. You can look for ways to interpret a dream with the help of a dream book, or you can use psychoanalysis and find the answer in the past and in the present.

  1. To dream about how your son dies - in the near future you will have to worry about the well-being of your son.
  2. What does the dream book of dreams say if you dreamed of a son calling you - he will need your support and help.
  3. Interpret the dream in which you saw that you have a son, although in real life you have no children - there will be material losses and troubles that you will overcome.
  4. Why see in a dream a son falling into a well and calling his mother - loss, illness and sadness are coming.
  5. If you had a dream in which a mother saves her son from danger, it is in your power to get out of trouble.
  6. Why had a dream in which the son is mutilated and suffering - portends trouble.
  7. The meaning of seeing in a dream an unborn son with a beautiful face, which means that you will rapidly move along career ladder and be the pride of your family.
  8. Decipher dreamed of an unattractive outwardly or sick son, what does this mean - this speaks of impending troubles and dangers.
  9. In a dream, you committed the murder of a son, what does it mean by free dream book Fates - there are many deep and disturbing contradictions in your soul. Bad dream.
  10. To dream about how you beat your son, the meaning of the popular dream book - in reality, you will be able to achieve positive results in the business you are doing.
  11. The meaning of seeing a drunken son in a dream - a frivolous way awaits you in real life.
  12. Deciphering the dream, if the son is lost - this speaks of the fears of your son. He is afraid of losing something or someone.
  13. Look at the dream book of Fate, which means if you dream of your son's marriage, it promises a long illness.
  14. Why does the son dream in a coffin, look at the free interpreter of dreams - this dream has two meanings (positive and negative). Talks about debts and expenses that cannot be avoided.
  15. What does it mean to see a son in glasses in a dream if he does not wear them - speaks of change.

Interpretation of dreams in which you saw a son in a dream

It is very important to understand what your subconscious mind is trying to tell you through dreams. For example, seeing the death of your own son is a rather memorable fragment, but its essence must be found on the surface. This speaks of spiritual world man, about his doubts and fears. No person can interpret the same situation in the same way, because everyone sees a different meaning and different meaning. It is necessary to turn to your subconscious and it will indicate the correct answer.

  1. Deciphering to see a newborn son in a dream portends troubles and worries.
  2. I had a dream in which my son drowned, what is it for - you will receive unexpected news.
  3. To see your son lying in the hospital, what does it mean from a free dream book - you have to find out some information that will calm you down.
  4. To see in a dream how a son is drowning, the meaning of the online dream book of Fate - you are with the law or you will have a reprimand from the leader.
  5. The interpretation of a dream in which they saw a son being discharged from the hospital promises a move to a new place.
  6. What does the dream book of dreams say, if a son in a suit had a dream, financial difficulties are coming.
  7. The meaning of seeing a son in black clothes in a dream - unpleasant situations are coming that will not bring anything good.
  8. I dreamed of a son in white clothes, interpretation of sleep online - perhaps you will receive a promotion, bonus or award.
  9. To see in a dream a son riding a swing, what does it mean - life changes for the better await you.
  10. Look at the free dream book, which means if your son rocked you on a swing, your son will become the perpetrators of changes in your life.
  11. To see a dream in which you and your son are on a swing, deciphering the dream - this indicates that events are coming that will turn out to be favorable for both of you.

Interpretation of sleep according to the best online dream books

If, according to Miller's dream book, in a dream you saw your real son, he was handsome and obedient, then this portends success in your personal and career life. If the son suffers and does not feel well in a dream, then be in trouble. According to Vanga's dream book, to see a son in a dream means that you and him will have good luck and good health. If in a dream you saw the death of your son, then expect good news.
