Where to go to serve in the army. Where to go to serve in the army

If you apply for a job in a professional army through the draft board and the contract center, then in most cases you will not have a choice. The direction will be given to the part that is acutely experiencing a shortage of personnel. When moving to another area, we recommend that you prepare documents on passing the commission in advance and get a personal file from your military registration and enlistment office. We will figure out where it is best to serve under a contract in Russia.

The choice of type of troops

First of all, you need to decide on the type of troops in which you would like to work. Those who served most often enter the same troops by class. The final choice takes place in the part where you will submit the documents. Candidates suitable for the profile are determined according to the following criteria:

  • health indicators;
  • personal qualities;
  • physical form;
  • preferences.

For some positions there is an additional selection. For example, those wishing to serve as a sniper will have to pass a series of tests that will determine whether they are suitable for the position.

The part has the right to conduct additional testing, including a test of personal qualities, psychological stability and physical fitness.

Additional selection has been introduced in almost all elite branches of the military, but it can only be used in popular units. There are also too many applicants in a number of cities, so often those who decide to serve on a contract have to work hard to get into the desired place.

Location selection

It is most important to choose locality where it will be good to live and serve. Popular areas are:

  • Kaliningrad;
  • Murmansk;
  • Leningradskaya;
  • Moscow.

As for the cities, the most popular are Seversk and Moscow. It is extremely difficult to get a job in a military unit in the capital. Because of the opportunities that this city offers, young people with families aspire to it. Almost all of them aim to earn money on housing and settle in the capital.

The theory suggests that each military conscript must independently choose the direction for his service in the army Russian Federation.

Are the wishes of recruits taken into account?

In 2017-2018, it is envisaged that the choice of direction army service every citizen liable for military service must follow, therefore it is recommended to inform the doctors in advance during the draft board and when communicating with the military commissar. At the same time, it is recommended to bring arguments in favor of decision. For example, for service in the tractor or automobile troops, it is advisable to take care of special certificates. Despite this, it is not always possible to start the service in the direction of interest. But in any case, it is advisable to determine the direction of service in the army of the Russian Federation for yourself and try to use your legal right.

Directions of army service: brief information

For example, the fleet, special forces, Marines, border troops, reconnaissance battalions - one of the most prestigious areas. Most men with perfect condition health and fitness choose these options.

Fewer people want to serve in the Internal Troops and in the construction battalion. Despite the presence of respect, the conditions of service are not suitable for everyone.

Many conscripts are guided by the location of the military unit. Sometimes it is possible to deviate from the territorial issue if a man liable for military service has a certain dream and makes an effort to realize it.

Skills, features of physical forms are taken into account. If a man is a bad swimmer, he will not be able to become a Marine.

At the same time, 2-meter men cannot be tankers, paratroopers, or submariners.

personal wishes and physical abilities do not always correlate, therefore, every citizen liable for military service must be prepared for certain deviations from existing personal wishes.

Types and types of troops of the army of the Russian Federation

In Russia, troops are divided into the following types and types:

  • ground forces - a type that includes big number soldiers with different abilities and training levels. Among the differences is a large fire and strike force, optimal maneuverability, a tendency to independence;
  • The Air Force is a branch of the Armed Forces, whose representatives strike at the enemy, conduct air reconnaissance and air transportation. The activity is based on the use of aircraft and helicopters;
  • The navy was created to strike various objects belonging to the enemy side. Soldiers are allowed to serve only in good health and quick reaction;
  • strategic missile troops solve strategic tasks during a nuclear war. The main armament is modern missile systems, on which the activity of men liable for military service and the success of the result largely depend. In the Strategic Missile Forces, combat duty must be carried out by everyone, from the private to the commanders-in-chief, therefore the conscript must have perfect health and a developed physical form;
  • space troops - a new kind of troops of the Russian Federation. Representatives of the space troops ensure the security of the state in the space sphere. This is required for maximum protection of possible missile attacks. Each representative of the space forces must have perfect health (category A);
  • Airborne troops operate behind enemy lines, destroying nuclear weapons. The main task is to capture and hold important objects to increase the effectiveness of the fight on enemy territory, disrupt the control system and the operation of the enemy rear. The Airborne Forces successfully operate with the ground forces;
  • The rear of the Armed Forces provides the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation with material means for the effective conduct of battles, guaranteed medical care to wounded soldiers and sick people, organizing and conducting sanitary and hygienic measures;
  • The engineering troops are equipped with modern high-performance equipment to perform complex and specific work, create water, anti-tank, anti-personnel, anti-vehicle barriers in the path of potential enemy troops.

Each soldier, taking into account physical fitness and state of health, has the right to choose the appropriate direction of army service. Employees of military registration and enlistment offices, if possible, take into account the wishes of citizens liable for military service. In the absence of the opportunity, the soldier must understand that he must agree to the proposals of the military enlistment office in order to fulfill his duty to the Motherland.

Video: Which troops are better to go to serve and why?

In which troops is it better to serve in the army?

    Don't chase after outside military service. Airborne, marines, border guards - it's beautiful for stories in the news, you can show bricks broken on your head, parachuting. But there are troops that are rarely shown on TV, there is no extreme sports there, but in these troops the soldiers perform challenging tasks. For example, a radar station operator in the radio engineering troops, he must be able to work with equipment, detect air targets, and he does this while sitting at the station screen for 4-6 hours, and this is more difficult than running ten kilometers. And the operator of manual support of the anti-aircraft missile system, the price of his successful work is equal to the lives of tens and hundreds of thousands of people. He must know the technique, collected, attentive, mentally and physically strong. By the way, gamers will be very useful in these troops.

    Is it really impossible for a girl in Russia to join the army? do not graduate from the university of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or medical before.

    We must serve the Motherland. And the Motherland, real, with a thinking government and caring for the state, needs all types of troops and service in each should be honorable. What in this moment no. A choice from vocation, ability, and physical fitness. If there is a desire and care of the Motherland for its servicemen, then service is honorable and needed everywhere.

    We gain experience in life by following our life path....

    The experience of military service in life is always useful.

    What to advise you?

    The border guards are Federal Service security.

    Airborne troops to Min. defense of the Russian Federation.

    The FSB is a lazier and more lured body than the RF Ministry of Defense.

    The FSB (border guards) have a narrow specificity and focus in ensuring security, which usually comes down to control over a section of the border, in settlements and near settlements.

    Do I need to explain who General V. Margelov is? His son, senior lieutenant Margelov, was one of the first to parachute inside a combat vehicle. The Airborne Forces is not only a school for winged infantry, but it is also a school of life. Whoever served in the Airborne Forces (this does not depend on rank and position) is forever a soldier . ____________________________________________________________________________ shy; __

    Motorized rifle, tank, missile, etc. just as respectable and necessary in the defense of our country with you.

    Much depends on what you are going to do after the army, my nephew wanted to get a job in the rescue service after the army, therefore he asked at the military registration and enlistment office for the Ministry of Emergency Situations, they were understanding and sent, now he serves in the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the Far East.

    http://slugbawarmie.ru/ come see

    Conscripts would like to serve in those troops where there is the least hazing and heavy physical activity. It is difficult to find such troops, because in different parts the same type of troops can have a different situation.

    For example, before, there was the least amount of hazing in the border troops, because there is simply no time to deal with nonsense. Border security is constant patrols. Now the border guards are all contract soldiers and you can go there to serve under a contract, especially under the new law (from June 1, 2014) a conscript has the right to choose one of two service options:

    1 year of military service or

    2 years under contract.

    Physical activity is least of all in the technical troops, where the main service is connected with the study of technology, equipment, etc. - these are railway troops, signal troops, tank troops, space troops (created recently), rocket troops and artillery.

    Hazing is the least in those troops where the majority of military personnel are contract soldiers (they are serious guys and do not toil with foolishness).

    The salary is higher for those who serve in remote areas and troops with constant combat readiness.

And whether to serve at all, the conscript should find out what types and types of troops are in the Russian Armed Forces. It is curious that there are three of them in the country. The clans make up the Strategic Missile Forces (Strategic Missile Forces), the Aerospace Defense Forces and the Airborne Forces (Airborne Forces), which are considered the elite of the Army. The species include NE ( Ground troops), Air Force (Air Force) and Navy (Navy), each of which also consists of separate branches of service. For example, tank and motorized rifles, which are part of the SV, or are considered the pride of the domestic military fleet of the Marine Corps.

The election game

Theoretically, any Russian conscript has the right not only to dream, but also to independently choose the genus or in which he would like to spend the next 12 months. Or more, if by the time he was transferred to the reserve, he suddenly had a desire to stay on long-term service and conclude the first contract with the army and his unit. The future soldier must declare such a desire to the military commissar and doctors at the draft board. And if possible, and somehow argue your position. For example, a certificate of a driver or a tractor driver, which would allow serving in the automobile or tank troops, a certificate of graduation from a radio school and being sent to the signal troops, a certificate of a master of sports in boxing, a document on making three parachute jumps and a dream to get into those celebrating their 85th year in 2015 anniversary of the Airborne Forces.

Unfortunately, in practice, much happens not according to the scenario outlined by the draftee: a parachutist and a boxer are often sent to motorized rifles, and a promising rock climber is sent to an airfield. In fairness, it is worth recognizing that this does not always happen due to the unwillingness or indifference of the military commissar. Much more often, the misunderstanding is connected with the peculiar “games” of the General Staff Directorate in organizing a draft campaign, whose instructions are followed. The so-called buyers - soldiers and officers from various parts who come to the military commissariats and select recruits solely at their own discretion.

Get ranked!

Of course, there is no official rating of the best or worst branches and types of troops. And here are some unofficial ones. The most prestigious include, in particular, landing, various, reconnaissance battalions, fleet. But there are not too many who want to get, even if only for a year, into the construction battalion or the Internal Troops, with all due respect to them. However, great importance It also has where exactly the military unit is located. After all, there is a big one in the service for a very Far East or in the area of ​​the Moscow Prospekt Mira. When choosing a military profession, it is better to pay Special attention not to the notorious rating, but to match your dream. And if you managed to grow up to two meters, alas, they will not take you to either the tankers or the submariners with all your desire. How naive it is to expect to become a Marine without knowing how to swim and pull up on the crossbar.

Machine gunner Maxim

The most fortunate in terms of the future call to Russian professional athletes. Once upon a time, in the days of the USSR and the Central sports club army, to serve a year or two in a sports company, appearing there only for an oath and transfer to the reserve and continuing to win gold medals in the most prestigious competitions, did not even want to, but dreamed of many high-class Soviet athletes. Including the most famous ones.

This was mainly due to the fact that officially from military service they were not released, and service in CSKA or its branches in the regions gave a happy opportunity not to end up anywhere in Nakhodka or Fergana. And then to Afghanistan. At the beginning of the Russian period of the country's history, sports companies were canceled, but more recently they were returned to service. In one of them was even a failed participant in the 2014 Olympics in figure skating, Maxim Kovtun from Yekaterinburg. I wonder what kind of troops he dreamed of as a child? Did you really want to be a machine gunner?

Today's article will be devoted to military service. We will analyze when and why they make a call for urgent service. We will discuss all the advantages and disadvantages of this process and pay due attention to the nuances that should be remembered.

What is military service?

Before you pay attention to the nuances, you need to familiarize yourself with the very term "conscripts in the army."

Urgent service in the army - urgent comes from the word "term". This is the period of time that the state has established for conscripts, today it is 12 months. For military service in the Russian Federation, males who have reached the age of 18 are called up, who, for health reasons, do not have the right to deferment.
If you have received a call for military service, then you must arrive at the unit at the appointed time without fail.

Benefits of military service

1. The army makes a real man out of every boy. Here you can bring your body into shape, become more responsible and focused, learn to be fully responsible for your words and actions. In addition, you will learn sewing, cooking, shooting and other interesting and useful activities.

2. By law, during the urgent military service you are completely freed from any educational process. Be it university or college.

3. If you are going to connect your life with law enforcement agencies in the future, then knowledge and experience will help you in the educational process.

4. Referring to the federal law dated February 12, 1993 No. 4468-1 “On pension provision for persons who have completed military service, service in the internal affairs bodies, the State fire service, bodies for control over the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system, and their families", the period that you served on conscription will be counted in seniority and accordingly your pension will be higher.

5. Today, the service life is only one year. I would like to remind you that earlier military service lasted two painful years, full of suffering...

6. After dinner, there is one hour for sleep. The daily routine has become simpler and less rigid.

7. The food in the army isn't as bad as they make it out to be. The diet is quite balanced, there are proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the required proportions. If desired, the soldier can always ask for an additional portion. They feed three times a day. Some parts give extra food for the day. Also, do not forget that relatives bring gifts with them when visiting soldiers.

8. Since 2012, the salary, or as it is also called - monetary allowance, has doubled. Accordingly, this is a sufficient motivator for hard work.

9. Most of the soldiers who served excellently and coped with all duties, on the recommendation of the commander, can enter any university in the country on preferential terms. By law, they are exempted from passing the competition and entry into the university is absolutely free for them.

10. If a soldier, after completing his military service, wants to extend the contract, then he can receive free distance learning at any university in the country, and the delivery of sessions for him will be held at any convenient time. If, at the time appointed by the dean's office, a soldier cannot appear to pass the sessions, he can apply to reschedule the session to another date.

11. Today, military service is not hard labor and not a living hell. This is just the preparation of real men, who in our time are not so many.

12. You will find yourself a lot of real, true friends who will accompany you through life and help you in any difficult moment. The army brings people together and teaches goodwill and sociability.

By the way, these are not all the advantages of military service. Many people are so afraid of the army, but in fact, they know absolutely nothing about it. You should not be afraid of the army, it is better to try it for yourself and see for yourself. You know, many who have gone through the entire process of military service do not dare to say that they spent a year in vain after they uttered the words: "I serve the Motherland!"

Disadvantages of military service

1. Some have to interrupt studying proccess which could negatively affect the ratings.

2. A long period of separation from relatives and friends. The first few months you will be very bored, but by the end of the service, every soldier gets used to a tough schedule and perceives the distance normally. Moreover, now soldiers are being called up for service in units that are located close to their hometown. That is why relatives can visit a soldier during a certain period of time, which is allotted for meetings.

3. Tense schedule- this is probably the biggest minus of military service. The rise is very early, there is absolutely no time to "soak in the crib". Conditions in the army are spartan. Bathing at certain hours, a certain number of times a week. Visiting relatives is also on schedule; meals on schedule, no gastronomic delights and homemade cheesecakes with strawberry jam should not be expected ... The usual food in the army is various cereals, stew or roasted meat, bread with butter, boiled eggs, first courses (soups, borscht, cabbage soup, pickles, etc.). Sometimes there are more fine dining, but extremely rare.
Sleep - about seven hours of sleep at night and one hour of sleep after dinner.

4. Complete lack of free time. You will be busy all the time. This is either a sport, or part-time work and similar army worries. Many who have completed military service admit that they completely rethought their lives after being in the army.

Probably, these are all cons. We can conclude that for the year spent in military service you will not lose anything. Most likely, you will acquire many new life values ​​\u200b\u200bthat will help you in the future.

How to prepare for military service so that you can transfer it easily

1. Take care of your health.
Initially you should stop drinking and smoking , this is very important, because in the army no one will allow you to do this. By the way, smoking has a bad effect on overall physical endurance, and in the army this is very important, since exercise there will be enough

2. Start a year before the general call physical training .
You should be able to pull up at least 20 times, push up 100 times. Running is also important, as it is an indispensable attribute. morning exercises soldier.

3. Correct nutrition.
Start eating right and try to avoid a large number greasy, fried and sweet food, because excess weight will interfere with your service.

4. By the time you are called, you must have basic knowledge .
Learn to shoot, sew, cook, and similar activities that are often practiced during the military service. So you will not only not disgrace yourself in front of other soldiers, but you will also be able to earn the trust and respect of the unit commander, who will later be able to speak well of you when you enter the university.

5. Get used to the schedule .
You must be ready to get up at any time of the day and serve the Motherland. For several months, it is better to accustom yourself to the schedule of early rises in order to get used to the mode of service as soon as possible.

6. Friends.
You need to find friends in the company so that life does not seem so boring and gray. Be sociable and sociable, in this case, you will definitely find like-minded people.

7. Get mentally adjusted.
You don't have to think that whole year you will waste or that you will be bullied and forced to do "dirty work". Think that this is your next interesting journey, which will surely bring a lot of positive impressions, because there is no bad without good, and vice versa.

Who can get a deferment from military service?

If we failed to convince you and you still decide to ask who can get a deferment from military service, we have prepared a list of cases in which a soldier can receive a deferment.

1. Priests who have higher education and work in religious organizations.
2. Rural, city heads also receive a deferment from military service for the period of their powers.
3. Health workers who perform their duties properly.

Also deferment can be obtained for family reasons that fit the following:

1. Disabled guardians (father or mother), over whom the recruit carried out guardianship.
2. If the conscript has minor, incapacitated brothers or sisters or siblings, of any age, over whom the conscript has custody. This item will help to get a deferment only if the brothers and sisters of the conscript do not have other guardians who can look after them during the period of the soldier’s military service.
3. If the conscript has a single father or mother who has two or more minor children. This item is valid only if the conscript is officially employed.
4. If the conscript has a disabled wife, a disabled child, a pregnant wife or a child under the age of three who is brought up without a mother after her death or by a court decision.
5. The conscript can receive a deferral for health reasons, that is chronic diseases, which can be aggravated during the service.

We have not provided all the cases when you can get a deferment from military service. This is only the main list, which is most often found in practice.

We hope that this article turned out to be useful to you, and you will probably want to serve the Motherland and accept the draft into the army.
