Cognitively research presentation of sweetness harm or benefit. Healthy sweets: the benefits and harms of sweets

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 56", Penza


"Sweetness is in

student 4 "B" class

We often hear about

that sweets are bad for you

organism, but is it so great

this harm?

Sweets are harmful to the body, but is this harm so great?

This is

relevance of the topic .


Learning positive

and negative

effects of sweets on the human body.

My hypothesis is this:

1. If children and adults consume sweets in moderation, then there will be no harm to health, and they will only enjoy it.

Let us assume that the creation of a useful product is possible at home.

From the encyclopedia

Candies are confectionery products


treacle syrup,

to which

add various

types of food raw materials.

Making sweets consists of the following operations:

  • preparation of candy mass in various ways
  • molding of separate cases from it with their subsequent finishing or without finishing
  • wrapping or packing candies in boxes

Candy types









The world's first candies

The very first appeared in Egypt. Since sugar was not yet known at that time, they used instead

dates and honey.

In the East, sweets were made from almonds and figs, and in ancient Rome, nuts and poppy seeds were boiled with honey and sprinkled with sesame seeds. We also had something like sweets:

In ancient Russia they were made

maple syrup,

molasses and honey.

Sociological survey: "How do you feel about candy?"

An experience

  • experiment day:
  • In a glass of sugar, an egg floated to the surface.
  • In a glass without sugar - the egg drowned.

3-5 days of experiment :

  • In a glass of sugar, the egg was covered with bubbles and had an unpleasant odor, continued to be on the surface.

Day 14 of the experiment:

  • In a glass of sugar, the egg was covered with a brownish film, had an unpleasant odor and continued to be on the surface. When I took out the egg and touched it with a tissue, the color of the shell changed (brown to white).
  • There was no change in the glass without sugar.

From this experiment

can be done output :

a change in the color of the egg, an unpleasant odor, indicates that calcium has lost its properties under the influence of sugar. It has been scientifically proven that with excessive ingestion of sucrose, lactic acid is formed, which has a destructive effect on teeth, tooth enamel is damaged, and the risk of caries increases.

Is eating candy good or bad?

I asked this question to the health worker of our school. Vasina Yulia Vyacheslavovna.


Sweets These are carbohydrates, that is, the most important source of energy. Children move a lot, their energy consumption is high, it must be replenished quickly, from this point of view, sweets are useful for children.


Since sweets have

high calorie content, you should not abuse them. Excessive consumption of easily digestible carbohydrates leads to the deposition of fat in the body, a person's weight increases, and obesity develops.

There is a metabolic disorder, and as a result, allergic rashes on the skin - diathesis.


7-8 walnuts;

1 can of boiled condensed milk;

250 grams of cookie crumbs.

Mix all ingredients. Form small balls from this mass, dip each ball into the crushed crumbs, then spread on a dish and refrigerate for several hours.

I suggest you try and evaluate

1. Delicious

2. Nice

3. Useful

Details Created on 03/13/2017 05:48 Updated on 03/13/2017 07:44

MADOU Kindergarten No. 265 "Wonderland"

Open competition of research projects for children of senior preschool and primary school age "First Discoveries"

Research Project Theme: "Amazing Candies"

Direction: "Health"

Participant: Alina Zaitseva, middle group No. 1

Scientific adviser: Kalinkina Irina Viktorovna, educator

Barnaul 2016

Introduction 3

1 Theoretical study of the problem

1.1 From the history of candy 3

1.2 About making homemade sweets 4

2 Practical study of the problem. Making homemade

Conclusion 6

References and sources 7



Relevance: I really love candy. The New Year is coming and everyone is waiting for sweet gifts. It became interesting to me: maybe sweets are not only tasty, but also healthy? I really wanted to know where sweets first appeared and what they are made of. And is it possible to make sweets yourself at home.

Object of study- candies

Subject of study- the history of the creation and emergence of sweets.

Hypothesis: if I study the literature on this topic and cook sweets at home together with my mother, I can say with confidence that sweets can be not only tasty, but also healthy.

Goals and objectives:

To study the history of creation and emergence candy;

Learn recipes for making homemade candy;

Make useful and safe sweets at home;

Have a tasting candy homemade and make sure that such sweets are not only delicious but also useful!

Research methods- study of literature, Internet sources, experimental activities (candy making).

1. Theoretical study of the problem. From the history of candy.

Today sweets have become one of the traditional treats on our table during tea parties. Few people refuse to treat themselves to sweets for tea. An ancient delicacy - sweets have been known since ancient times. The first sweets were very simple, they did not add chocolate, but in shape they already looked like what we see today. The sweet first appeared in the Middle East, and then it was nuts and dried fruits pressed with honey. The delicacy was served to rich nobles, but ordinary people occasionally indulged themselves with such sweetness. Sugar and chocolate were not added to sweets before - completely different ingredients were used. If we talk about chocolate, then the first sweets with its use appeared in South America. Sugar was first added to sweets in Italy. Sweets with sugar for a long time were sold only in pharmacies. Sweets were considered medicinal because of the properties of sugar to raise the tone of a person - patients who did not get enough glucose in a natural way, it became better from sugar.

It is interesting that in our country sweets were made in Ancient Russia. Then they were created using honey, molasses and sugar syrup. Traditional sweets appeared on the tables of Russians during the time of Peter I. At the same time, chocolates remained a delicacy for the richest buyers for a long time.

About making homemade candy.

Before for cooking candy at home, maple or birch sugar, molasses and honey were used. With the addition of orris root and ginger glaze, candies were made. The ancient Egyptians, for example, as the main component candy used dates. The oldest, simplest and fastest recipe for making homemade candy this is the use of a mixture of honey and fruit. Such sweets are very tasty, beautiful, and, moreover, harmless, they can be consumed without fear, because they do not contain any additives harmful to the body in the form of preservatives and dyes.

Now, let's get to the practical part! Let's try to cook candy yourself!

2. Practical study of the problem. Candy making.

We decided to take the most delicious, in our opinion, ingredients. They should also be useful! It is very important!

Required products:

Dried apricots - 200 grams, peanuts - 100 grams, honey - 1/3 cup, sugar - 3 tablespoons, chocolate - 1 bar.

Manufacturing :

1. Together with my mother, we purchased all the necessary ingredients.

2. Steamed dried apricots in advance and then dried with a napkin.

3. The nuts were crushed, and the dried apricots were finely chopped. Nuts should not be very small.

4. Mix dried apricots with nuts until smooth.

5. Next, we started preparing the syrup. To do this, we dissolved honey and sugar and boiled the mixture a little until it began to thicken! Remove from heat and let cool! Everything must be done very carefully and carefully. Of course my mom helped me.

7. Now a very interesting creative process: from our mass we form candies. This can be done by hand or with molds. We give sweets cool down.

8. Now you need to melt the chocolate. Carefully!

9. Frozen candy sprinkled with chocolate. Beautiful!

10. Optionally, you can decorate candy sprinkles, white chocolate or coconut flakes.

Candies own production ready! Let's try! Mmm! Turns out it's oh so delicious!

Result of work:

My hypothesis is confirmed - I studied the history of the emergence of sweets, learned the recipes for making homemade sweets. Homemade candies not only very tasty, but also useful, because they consist only of natural ingredients.

Conclusion. As a result of the research, I expanded my horizons and now I know many interesting facts about wonderful sweets that children love very much; learned to do sweets with mom.

Cooking at home candy- the process is quite exciting. Get all your family and friends involved. You will not only cheer everyone up, causing everyone's joy and, but you will also be pleased with the results. A wonderful family treat, candies give special warmth to any festive or family table.

Cooked with love, homemade candies will be a tasty and useful gift for your loved ones.

Used Books:

  1. Ivchenko Z. Homemade sweets and sweets. We do it ourselves. Moscow: Family Leisure Club, 2016
  2. Encyclopedia for children. – M.: Avanta, 2000.
  3. Internet sources:

Municipal budgetary educational institution

secondary school №7

village of Perepravnaya municipal formation Mostovsky district

research project

Completed by: student 2 "A" class Kozlov Vadim

Head: Kishunova Kristina Sergeevna


    Theoretical part……………………………………………….. 4

2.1 History of candy

2.2 History of chocolate

2.3 Useful properties of sweets

2.4 Harmful properties of sweets

3. Practical part………………………………………………6

3.1 Expert opinion

3.2. Study of the composition of sweets for the content of E-additives

3.3 Survey analysis

3.4 Conclusions………………………………………………………………..8

    Literature………………………………………………………….. 9


6.1. Attachment 1. This is interesting!

6.2. Application2. Expert opinion.

6.4. Application3. Questionnaires, interviews.

6.5. Application4. Booklet.

There was a buffet in our house,

It contained five sweets...

But one day, sometime,

In our house the lights went out

And when they turned on the light

There were no more candies.

Where are these candies now?

If there were children around?

E. Uspensky


On any holiday table, in addition to all the prepared foods and treats, there are always sweets. .

Sweets are a truly unique product: delicious, able to please just by their presence. Consuming different varieties of candy-chocolate products can bring a lot of pleasure. However, sweet tooth should remember that eating sweets can bring not only benefits, but also harm.

Many traditionally consider sweets to be a harmful product. Someone considers the opposite - useful.

Where is the truth? Let's try to understand this issue.

Objective: Find out what benefits the human body can bring the use of sweets or what harm.


    To get acquainted with the history of the origin of chocolate, sweets;

    Find out what diseases that persecute a person when sweets are abused;

    With the help of a questionnaire, find out how many people consume sweets daily;

    Investigate the preferences and tastes for sweets among schoolchildren;

    To determine the impact on the human body of the use of sweets;

Hypothesis: If a person consumes sweets, then he will be able to avoid some diseases, and if abused, he will harm his body.

Object of study: candies

Research methods

    Theoretical (studying material on rational nutrition)

    Sociological (conducting a sociological survey)

    Creative (booklet creation)


Nutrition is at the center of medical attention today. In all countries, interest in them is constantly growing among the most diverse segments of the population, scientists and government agencies. The problem of nutrition is included in the list of the most important global problems put forward by the UN for humanity, along with such problems as environmental protection and energy supply. And, as folk wisdom says, in order to be happy, one must be healthy. And the first step to health is to follow the rules of proper nutrition.

    Theoretical part

2.1 History of candy

The history of sweets covers the geography of the entire globe. The word "candy" itself is translated from Latin as "cooked potion".

The first confectioners appeared in ancient Egypt, where noble citizens have always been distinguished by their love for culinary delights: since sugar was not yet known at that time, they cooked sweets from honey and dates.

In some countries of the East, each tribe had its own confectioner and secret recipes. In these regions, almonds, honey and figs have long been used to make candy.

In ancient Rome, the recipe for sweets made from nuts, poppy seeds, honey and sesame seeds was kept in the strictest confidence.

In Russia, sweets were made from maple syrup, molasses and honey.

When a large amount of sugar from the colonies began to appear in Europe in the 17th century, confectionery became another art form. The French candied fruits and developed new recipes. The French chronicles tell of how sweets played a role of national importance at court. In 1715, the chancellor won the favor of the French king Louis XV, presenting him in gratitude for the throne speech delivered in parliament ... a huge dish of sweets! However, what else could win the heart of the monarch, who was then only five years old?!

Sweets have a rich history and many interesting facts (Appendix 1).

2.2 History of chocolate

Chocolate was invented before the discovery of America by Columbus. It was made from cocoa beans. The Aztec and Mayan tribes used chocolate as the basis for drinks and sauces. Cocoa beans were ground and mixed with water, producing sweet and bitter drinks reserved exclusively for the elite and priests. The chocolate itself was made from roasted and ground fermented beans from the Theobroma cacao leguminous tree. It grew in the lowlands of the tropics of Central and South America, in Mexico. Currently, this tree is cultivated in all tropical countries.

2.3 What is the use of sweet ...

Sweets are carbohydrates, and therefore a source of energy, so necessary for babies when they move a lot. Also, carbohydrates are involved in the construction of blood proteins, hormones, etc.

In addition, sweets are source of joy for a child!

Chocolate beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system stem, protecting it from atherosclerosis. It contains vitamin F, which lowers blood cholesterol levels and reduces the likelihood of heart attacks and strokes.

Contains chocolate and flavonoids that inactivate free radicals, the main cause of cell aging. A small piece of dark chocolate has the same amount of flavonoids as 6 apples, 4.5 cups of tea, 28 cups of white wine, or 2 cups of red wine.

One bar of chocolate contains more potassium, calcium, minerals and vitamins (mainly B1, B12 and PP) than one green apple. And dark chocolate is also quite high in iron.

2.4 What is its harm ...

All sweets contain sugars - glucose, sucrose, fructose, etc. Sucrose forms lactic acid, which increases the acidic environment in the mouth. The result - tooth enamel remains unprotected, and as a result - the threat of caries.

Sugars have the ability to be stored in the body as fats. From the sweet disrupt metabolism. Increased load on the liver.

An excessive amount of carbohydrates increases gastric secretion and can cause heartburn and stomach pain.

Chocolate enhances the secretion of the sebaceous glands, so its daily use can cause significant skin problems, provoke allergic reactions.

    Practical part

3.1 Expert opinion

In the course of research work, I learned the opinion of the dentist about sweets.

Whenever a child eats a candy, the sucrose present in it forms lactic acid, which increases the natural acidic environment in the mouth. If sweets are eaten immediately after dinner, then the plaque remaining on the enamel of the teeth after eating protects them from the destructive effects of sugars.

If the child grabbed the candy two hours after dinner or before eating, the enamel is uncovered. And even teeth with the best heredity in this case are threatened with caries.

3.2 Examination of the composition of sweets for the content of additives

Customers, especially children, most often choose products based on their appearance, beautiful packaging, and pleasant taste. To what extent is the attractiveness of the packaging justified by the quality of the product? Are the most popular foods among children really healthy? What is the mysterious letter E and the numbers next to it are so often found on candy packages? I wanted to understand all these issues.

To do this, I conducted a survey among my peers to find out which sweets the guys like the most. After finding out the preferences of my classmates, I examined the composition of these sweets for the content of E-additives. I wrote off the composition from the packages, for this I even had to purchase a magnifying glass, since on many packages it is written in such small print that it is difficult to see it with the naked eye. Information about the chemical significance and biological effects on the body is taken mainly from the Internet (many sites publish materials from printed publications, mainly newspapers).

Food supplement

Sweets in which I found an additive

When tested in animals, consumption of E-476 in large amounts resulted in enlargement of the kidneys and liver.

chocolate "Alpengold", "Bliss", "Russian", "Milka M-Joy"

It has a negative effect on the body. May cause an asthma attack.

marmalade, marshmallow "Sharmel" factory "Udarnitsa",

candy factory "Krasnaya Zarya"

Causes skin inflammation and increased activity in children.

M&M, Mishki Habiro

It can cause cancer, causes various types of allergies.

Chewing sweets "HUBBA - BUBBA",

M&M, Smeshariki

Causes allergic reactions, nasal congestion, runny nose, nausea, abdominal pain, hyperactivity.

Sweets "Taste of Summer" from the factory "Russia - a generous soul", marshmallows of the brand "Klim"

3.3 Survey analysis

A total of 36 questionnaires were collected (survey questions are presented in Appendix 3).

When answering the questions, it turned out that more than half of the children (60%) are very fond of sweets. The answers also revealed that 38% are indifferent to sweets.

36% of the participants in the questionnaire consume sweets several times a day. I also learned the most favorite sweets of classmates. I like toffee the most.

During the interview, I found out that 58% of schoolchildren are aware of the dangers of sweets. Note the negative impact of sweets on teeth. 85% of respondents believe that sweets are not harmful to the body, because they are delicious.


As a result of the work done, I learned the history of the emergence of sweets, chocolate, got acquainted with their classification.

From a conversation with a dentist, I learned what consequences for the human body can be caused by the abuse of sweets.

Based on the results of the survey and the experiment, I fully confirmed my hypothesis that if a person consumes sweets, then he will be able to avoid some diseases, and if abused, he will harm his body.

From literary sources and the Internet, I learned that doctors are still hotly debating about how much sweets can and should be eaten. The exact "dose" has not yet been established. However, everyone unanimously agrees that a few tiled squares or two candies will not bring any harm.

There is no consensus on whether chocolate, sweets are harmful or useful.

List of used literature

    Big medical encyclopedia. – M.: Eksmo, 2005

    The doctor advises. Therapeutic nutrition for various diseases. - Irkutsk, 1993

    Food hygiene. - M .: Medicine, 1971

    Children's encyclopedia. - M.: Enlightenment, 1972

    Pichugina G.V. We repeat chemistry on examples of everyday life. – M.: ARKTI, 1999

    Ponomarev S. A. Raise your kids healthy. - M .: New School, 1989

    Skurikhin I.M., Nechaev A.P. Everything about food from the point of view of a chemist. -

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of a Young Chemist. - M .: Pedagogy, 1990

    Encyclopedia for children. – M.: Avanta, 2000

Natalya Elfimova
Children's research project "The benefits and harms of these delicious sweets"

Research Article


Relevance. Many of us simply cannot imagine life without sweets. Candies- the most favorite delicacy among children and adults. But are they really good for dental health? And what are sweets are the most harmful?

Adults know what excessive consumption of sweets can lead to and try to limit themselves, but children are ready to eat. sweets from morning to evening, and by using a large amount candy spoil their teeth. Therefore, they must be taught to control and restrain their desires in the excessive use of sweets, to monitor the health of their teeth.

Target: concretize children's knowledge about the impact of drinking candy for dental health; find out the positive and negative aspects of the influence candy for the lives of children, and answer the main question: eat candies- Is this good or bad?


To identify the impact of the use of different types candy on the health of the teeth, depending on their composition and sugar content, the duration of the stay candy in the mouth during use.

Develop selection rules candy, least unhealthy teeth. Learn to make candy yourself.

To consolidate the ability to analyze, generalize, schematize, conduct an experiment.

Cultivate a caring attitude towards the health of your body (dental health in particular).

Develop interest in research activities.


Candies bring us joy benefit or harm for the body depends on their composition, and their amount used.

Theoretical part

On any holiday table, in addition to all the prepared foods and treats, there are always candies.

Candies- truly unique product: delicious, able to please only one of his presence. Consumption of different varieties candy- chocolate products can bring a lot of fun. However, sweet tooth should remember that eating sweets can bring not only benefit, but also harm.

Many traditionally believe candy is a harmful product. Someone considers the opposite - useful.

Where is the truth? Let's try to understand this issue.

History candy

History candy covers the geography of the entire globe. The very word « candy» translated from Latin as "prepared potion".

The first confectioners appeared in ancient Egypt, where noble citizens have always been distinguished by their love for culinary delights: since sugar was not known then, they brewed sweets made from honey and dates.

In some countries of the East, each tribe had its own confectioner and secret recipes. IN these regions almonds, honey and figs for a long time used to make candy.

Recipe in ancient Rome nut candy, poppy seeds, honey and sesame was kept in the strictest confidence.

In Russia candies made from maple syrup, molasses and honey.

When a large amount of sugar from the colonies began to appear in Europe in the 17th century, confectionery became another art form. The French candied fruits and developed new recipes. French chronicles tell how candies played a role of national importance at court. In 1715, the chancellor won the favor of the French king Louis XV, presenting him in gratitude for the throne speech delivered in parliament ... a huge dish with sweets! However, what else could win the heart of the monarch, who was then only five years old!

The history of the origin of caramel

Word "caramel" comes from the Latin name for sugar cane (cannamella). History claims that caramel, like many other products known to us today and their combinations, appeared quite by accident.

It is believed that caramel was first prepared by Indian Dalits. The people of this poorest caste chopped the leaves of the sugar cane and roasted it on fire.

Of course, it was only a kind of sweetness that we know very well today.

However, a start has been made.

In the XIV-XVI centuries, caramel began to be produced in a more familiar form for us, although sugar at that time was a product that only very rich people could afford.

In our country, caramel has become widespread with the advent of lollipops.

A little earlier, the same sweets appeared in France, but were not available to everyone.

At the end of the 19th century, caramel acquired another form - medicinal candies which combines sweetness and bitter medicines.

At the very end of the century, the idea to combine caramel with a mixture came to the mind of the French pharmacist Carl Soldan. Thus, he tried to motivate his daughter to take the necessary medicines.

What is useful citric acid

Citric acid is an essential link in the process of cellular respiration, as it has antioxidant and bactericidal properties; it stimulates cell renewal.

The main production method is biosynthesis from sugar or sugary substances. (molasses) industrial mold strains. That is, it is a chemical product. As a dietary supplement, it has the code E-330. The salts and esters that make up the composition are called citrates.

The most common use is as a dietary supplement. Everything that you see on the labels, disguised as E330 to E333, is citric acid and its salts, which are called citrates in chemical language.

And add it to such products how: marmalade, ice cream, cakes and pastries, sausages, cheeses, juices, caramel and many others.

Harm of citric acid.

One of the main enemies of tooth enamel is citric acid.

This substance softens the enamel, making it loose, which naturally leads to its destruction. At the same time, citric acid is found in almost all berries, including the beloved strawberries. But most of this substance is found in cranberries, pomegranates, pineapples, and, of course, citrus fruits. Just two glasses of freshly squeezed orange juice cause irreparable harm to your teeth. You can reduce the negative impact if you dilute fruit smoothies with water and drink them through a straw.

After eating foods high in citric acid, in no case should you run to the bathroom and brush your teeth. Thus, more harm already softened tooth enamel. You should postpone this hygiene procedure for 30 minutes.

If time does not endure, you can limit yourself to rinsing your mouth with plain water. Exceeding the daily dose (66-120 mg per 1 kg of body weight) can provoke severe irritation of the gastric mucosa, accompanied by severe pain, coughing and bloody vomiting.

What the benefits of sweet.

Sweets are carbohydrates, and therefore a source of energy, so necessary for babies when they move a lot. Also, carbohydrates are involved in the construction of blood proteins, hormones, etc.

Besides, candies is a source of joy for the child!

Chocolate has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, protecting it from atherosclerosis. It contains vitamin F, which lowers blood cholesterol levels and reduces the likelihood of heart attacks and strokes.

Contains chocolate and flavonoids that inactivate free radicals, the main cause of cell aging. A small piece of dark chocolate has the same amount of flavonoids as 6 apples, 4.5 cups of tea, 28 cups of white wine, or 2 cups of red wine.

One bar of chocolate contains potassium, calcium, minerals and vitamins (mainly B1, B12 and PP) more than one green apple. And dark chocolate is also quite high in iron.

What is it harm…

All sweets contain sugars - glucose, sucrose, fructose, etc. Sucrose forms lactic acid, which increases the acidic environment in the mouth. The result - tooth enamel remains unprotected, and as a result - the threat of caries.

Sugars have the ability to be stored in the body as fats. Sweets can disrupt metabolism. Increased load on the liver.

Excess carbohydrates increase gastric secretion and can cause heartburn and stomach pain.

Chocolate enhances the secretion of the sebaceous glands, so its daily use can cause significant skin problems, provoke allergic reactions.

Practical part

First step - "Creating a Piggy Bank"

Our portfolio includes a variety of candy(lollipops "Lemon Slice", caramel "Lemons", candies"M&Ms", chocolate candies"Marine", dark chocolate, information from the Internet about the effect of sugar on dental health, information that we received while watching a cartoon "Good Doctor Dentist".

Stage two - Experimenting with sweets.

We carried out a series of experiments to determine harmful whether the types of sweets we have selected?

Experiment No. 1. This experience helped to check how the composition affects candies and the duration of its presence and the effect on the teeth during its use?

We classified sweets in different ways:

By length of stay candies in the mouth during its use or in water.

For the experiment, we took several types candy:

Sour candy caramel

regular caramel,

multicolored candy - peanuts in the shell

Chocolate candy,

Bitter chocolate.

All these we examined the composition of sweets: tried on taste and dissolved in water. The results were entered into a table. (Appendix No. 1)

Output: We experimentally found out that the longest time in the mouth, while eating, is candy caramel, which means that the candy is the most candy that is bad for teeth. It took a decent amount of time to eat the candy caramel - and all the while our teeth are given away. "at the mercy of" destructive bacteria and acids, which means that the lollipop is the most candy that is bad for teeth. In addition, they have another unpleasant property: they are very hard, therefore, hitting the teeth, they can leave microcracks on the enamel. And microcracks, as you know, not only increase the likelihood of developing caries in the future, but also lower the strength of the teeth, make them more fragile and vulnerable to injuries, chips, etc. And these candies also contain citric acid and artificial dyes, which also adversely affect the teeth and the body as a whole. It took a small amount of time to eat ordinary caramel, but this one candy broke in the mouth into sharp pieces that mixed with the filling, it turned out that they stick to the teeth and get into the interdental spaces, and then destroy the enamel over time. Less harmful(of all types candy) turned out to be chocolate candy and chocolate.

Experiment #2

We conducted the following experiment in order to find out exactly which candy is the most harmful to teeth.

Not to hurt your teeth, for the experiment we used chicken eggs(their shells also contain calcium, which were immersed in prepared jars with solutions candy and left for a few days.

The faster the egg shell collapses in a certain solution candies, the more destructive this candy for teeth.

This experiment helped us find out which candy is the most harmful.

Turned out it was sour candy "Lemon Slice", because in addition to sugar, it also contains citric acid, which is also very harmful to dental health.

In second place "on harmfulness» - caramel "Lemons".

On the third - candies"M&Ms".

On the fourth - chocolate candy.

Output: During the experiment, we came to the conclusion that lollipops that contain citric acid, dyes and flavors are very harmful to tooth enamel.

Already on the fourth day, we noticed that on the shell, which lay in a solution of candy caramel "Lemon Slice", a dark coating formed. This proves the presence of dyes in the product.

On the 9th day on the shell, which lay in a solution of candy caramel "Lemon Slice" cracks appeared, the shell membrane exfoliated. The process of shell destruction has begun, because in addition to sugar, in these sweets also contains citric acid, which is also very harmful to dental health. On the 14th day, cracks appeared on the shell, which lay in solutions of ordinary caramel. And in solution "Bitter chocolate" the shell of the egg remained intact, even after 15 days, but the shell turned into a light brown color. In addition, according to information from the Internet, we learned that cocoa, which is contained in large quantities in dark chocolate, on the contrary, protects teeth from caries. Scientists have proven that dark chocolate has disinfecting properties and stops the growth of bacteria in the oral cavity.

According to the results of our experiments, we can conclude that the most useful for human teeth is dark chocolate. But dark chocolate is contraindicated for children. The caffeine content of a dark chocolate bar exceeds the caffeine content of a cup of strong coffee.

We also learned that another type of sugar found in all fruits, fructose, is not at all bad for teeth. Therefore, fruits and berries, as well as dried fruits, can be added to the composition candy, replacing in them the usual harmful to teeth, sugar.

Cooking healthy candy:

These useful candies without sugar consist of natural products: nuts, and dried fruits. They are ideal for a healthy diet in families with small children, they will become a favorite and sought-after dessert.

Cooking Ingredients:

Dried fruits: raisins, dried apricots and prunes - total weight 300 grams;

Hazelnuts and walnuts - 100 grams;

Cocoa powder or coconut flakes to decorate our sweets.

It is important to know that natural dried fruits look unsightly and dry, they should be bought. Soft, shiny and beautiful, you should not take it, as they are chemically treated or soaked in sugar syrup.


1. To begin with, we will wash dried fruits well and pour boiling water over them. This must be done so that various unnecessary impurities and bacteria do not get into our dessert.

2. Grind well-washed dried fruits with a blender or with a meat grinder. You can do this with an ordinary knife, but the more uniform it will be candy mass, the better our delicacy will turn out.

3. We also chop the walnuts, and leave the hazelnuts whole.

4. Mix chopped nuts and dried fruits and proceed to the formation candy.

5. Take a whole hazelnut and form a neat ball around it from the prepared dried fruit mass.

6. Roll the finished ball in cocoa or coconut flakes and put on a dish. Thus, from this number of products, we get 15 sweets 2 centimeters in diameter.

Finished sweets You can send them to the refrigerator for several hours so that they freeze better.

After watching the cartoon "Good Doctor Dentist" I learned what consequences for the human body can be caused by the abuse of sweets. As a result of the work done, I learned the history of the emergence candy got acquainted with their classification.

From a conversation with a dentist, I learned what consequences for the human body can be caused by the abuse of sweets.

Based on the results of the experiment, I fully confirmed my hypothesis, of course, candies bring us joy, and if a person uses sweets, then he will be able to avoid some diseases, and if abused, then harm your body.

The main argument in favor of candy this is the observance of the recipe and the daily dose of no more than 2 pieces per day. And to keep your teeth healthy, you must strictly follow the rules of hygiene.


Orlova N. "I know peace: Children's encyclopedia. History of things. – M.: "Family Library", 1998

Internet sources:

http: //www.interesnaya...zdorove_zubov

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary school No. A.A. Arakantsev, Semikarakorsk "Research work" The benefits and harms of sweets" Author of the work: Eleonora Vystavkina, student of 1 "A" class, secondary school No. 2 Head: Bozhko A. A., primary school teacher, secondary school No. 2, Semikarakorsk 2014

Purpose: to find out the benefits and harms of sweet foods for the child's body Subject of study: sweet foods Hypothesis: are sweet foods really harmful to our body or can be beneficial Research methods: reading and studying educational literature; viewing illustrations; experiments and experiments with sweets; questioning The game "Applause": I will ask those who know that it is harmful to eat a lot of sweets to stand up. Let's applaud you! Now stand up, please, those who do not have a toothache. And you applause! And who knows what sweet benefits our body? Thanks everyone for the replies. Relevance of the study: Our teacher often talks about the benefits or during the school breakfast. For all my dangers of individual products, classmates like it when they give something sweet for breakfast. I know that sweets make my teeth hurt, my mother tells me about it. Therefore, I decided to study the issue of the benefits and harms of sweets. I began to look for the answer to my question in books, reference books, the Internet, conversations with adults and conducted a whole study. In the course of my work, I found answers to my questions. I think that this topic is relevant. To test my assumptions, I decided to conduct a survey in our class 1a. "How often do you crave sweets?" This question was number 1 in the questionnaire. And I found out that all the guys in our class eat sweets with pleasure. There is nothing wrong. After all, the need for sweets is inherent in a person from birth, because breast milk has a sweetish taste. And in general, sweets are just an incredibly tasty thing. Therefore, it is hardly possible to meet a person who would be absolutely indifferent to sweets. Someone eats more of them, someone very little, but few people completely exclude them from their diet. When answering the question “Are all sweets equally harmful?”, My classmates and I tried to divide all sweets into two groups: harmful and useful. From the scientific and educational literature, I learned: the benefits of sweet foods are that they have a high glucose content, which gives energy to our body, improves mood. And it's a brain booster. It has been found that certain products

stimulate mental activity. Therefore, in the diet of a lot of hard-working schoolchildren, there should be something sweet: tea with sugar, sweet curd, a small piece of chocolate. Vitamin B 6, which is in it, is called the memory vitamin, it helps to concentrate, calms the nervous system. But why do adults often talk about the dangers of sweets loved by children? What threatens the large use of various sweet delicacies for the human body, and even more so for children? I tried to find the answer to this question in a conversation with the pediatrician of our school, Nina Petrovna, and found out the following: careless, large consumption of sweets leads to obesity, which develops diabetes; tooth enamel is damaged, caries develops, a fungus may even appear in the mouth; we very often chew sweet food badly and swallow quickly, and this threatens to cause inflammation of the pancreas; with a large consumption of sweets, small blood vessels seem to stick together, the blood moves poorly, which leads to diseases of the legs, kidneys, and eyes. What to do if you really want something sweet? From the literature, I learned that it is best to choose those foods that slowly increase blood glucose levels - these are fruits, dried fruits, berries, honey. You can treat yourself a little with homemade cakes, jam, candied fruit. But you need to remember: after two in the afternoon, not only sweets, but also all carbohydrates such as cereals and pasta are not processed, and go into the formation of a fat reserve. Therefore, if you want to eat - do it before dinner! And scientists have also proven that any sweet eaten at 7 8 o'clock in the morning is completely processed by the body. Why not get up early? I would like to say about the dangers of carbonated water. With its large use, our body gets used to sugar, and we want to drink even more, and the harmful substances of sweet soda develop various diseases, allergies and simply harm human health. Having found out all this, I now know what the danger of sweets is and how they can be replaced. It turns out that it is not at all necessary to give up sweets, you just need to choose healthy sweets and control their use, exercise moderation and caution, then all the benefits will be obtained and the harm of sweets will not appear under any circumstances! And if everyone in your family eats porridge in the morning, and fruits are served for dessert, and not sweets and cakes, then your family prefers healthy and wholesome food! The hypothesis “sweet foods are harmful to our body, but can also be beneficial”, when used correctly, has been confirmed. If we

we will learn from childhood to appreciate, protect and strengthen our health, if we demonstrate a healthy lifestyle by personal example, then our generation will be healthier. And I want to end my speech with the words of the scientist Avicenna: “... My advice will benefit those who eat and drink with dignity, in their turn.” I wish you all good health and that there is always healthy food on your table!
