Glue for repairing rubber boats. Glue for rubber boats: which is better? How to make glue for a rubber boat with your own hands

Many anglers are interested in how to seal boat pvc at home, because taking it to the service is a little expensive, but in the process of repair it seems there is nothing complicated. It really is.

Before you start sealing the damage, you need to pay attention to the fact that glue like “Seconds” or “Moment” is not at all suitable for this purpose. These compounds are not designed for such work and will not provide the strength that is needed - the patch will quickly peel off. But the problem is that it is rather problematic to remove such glue from the surface of the boat, so you will most likely have to put a new patch on the surface that is smeared with Moment. And this does not add reliability and quality.

Therefore, to repair damage on the boat, you should use the glue that comes in the repair kit or similar adhesives. It should only be taken into account that the "Uranus" included in the set becomes soft in warm weather and the patch can peel off.

There is nothing complicated in the process of sealing a boat at home. You just need to follow some generally accepted guidelines. And so, we decided that we won’t write much, so here’s a detailed one for you step-by-step instruction about how to seal PVC boats at home.

1. Before proceeding with the repair, the boat must be dried, cleaned of dirt around the cut / puncture and laid out on a flat surface. Some advise to clean the place of gluing with sandpaper, but you should not do this - this will damage the coating and material of the boat and reduce its wear resistance.

2. Degrease the cleaned surface around the damage. It is best to use a solvent for this purpose. If it is not at hand, then acetone or alcohol will do.

3. Cut out a patch a few centimeters larger than the hole. It is better to use the material for the patch from the repair kit, or find a similar one. If there is any doubt, then it is better to degrease the patch.

4. If this is a cut on the bottom of the boat, then it should be carefully sewn up with harsh threads.

5. Apply the patch to the damage in the way it is planned to be fixed and trace with a pencil to outline its boundaries on the boat.

6. Now we take the glue, best of all on a flat small brush and coat the patch and the boat with it, inside the circled contour.

7. We are waiting for about 15 minutes for the glue to begin to harden and apply a new portion of the adhesive on both surfaces.

8. After about five minutes, the places where the glue was applied must be heated with a hair dryer. You should be careful to warm it up and not dry it out.

9. Now we glue the patch for damage, making sure that the surfaces with the glue applied coincide and gently iron with some hard object to press well and get rid of air bubbles that could get between the glued surfaces.

10. In the event that the cut is larger than five centimeters, two patches should be applied. One inside, the second outside according to the above method. And for greater strength and tightness, you can put two patches on top - the first is a couple of centimeters larger than the damage, the second is several centimeters larger than the first patch.

11. Carefully, so as not to bend the place of gluing, we send the boat to dry for a day, and preferably two.

There are cases when the damage is only a scratch on top layer boats without any significant damage. You can simply fill it with glue from the repair kit, this will be enough. But you can, for greater reliability, put a small patch. This is of course if you are very worried about your favorite boat.

There are situations when the damage is significant and it is rather difficult to connect exactly the edges of the gap (cut) of the material before gluing. Therefore it is recommended:

  • the damaged area is washed and dried;
  • laid out on a flat surface and degreased;
  • before starting gluing the damaged edges, it is better to sew them together, and only then proceed to the main gluing stage.

With this elimination of extensive cuts and gaps, it is desirable to install two patches at once. This is a more complex repair, but one can do it alone. One of the patches is glued on the inside, and the other on the outside of the damage. To make it easier to stick the patch inside the boat, you can use a special hook.

Having completely unscrewed the valve, glue the first patch through the hole using a hook. It is always glued inside the boat, and then only the outer patch is glued. After the repair is completed, it is necessary to make sure that inside the walls of the cylinder they are not glued together due to the ingress of glue on them. If, nevertheless, such a nuisance occurred, then gently immediately pull the balloon by opposite sides.

To eliminate the gnaw through of the boat on top of the outer patch, it is better to additionally glue a larger patch. It turns out that with outer side two patches will be glued at the site of damage. But there is no need to rush to glue the second one. Only after the glue has dried well on the previous patches, you can glue the third one.

Damage to the bottom is quite specific. Their main culprits are snags in water bodies, large tree branches, and bars from reinforcement. Such cuts are ragged and have a complex configuration. When repairing them, you should also put an internal and external patch. And for precise connection of damaged edges, threads can be used for stitching. The very procedure for carrying out the work is the same as for the repair of ordinary punctures.

After drying and degreasing the seam of the boat and the place around it on both sides, a patch is cut out with a size slightly larger than the length of the damaged seam. thin layer glue is applied to the patch. Then it is glued and immediately rolled with a roller. Excess glue that has come out can be removed with a cloth moistened with solvent. After the glue dries on the first patch, another one is cut out. Its dimensions are larger than the first, taking into account that it is possible to make a bend on the reverse side. After gluing it, you also need to roll the damaged area.

When the repair of the seam is completed, in order to check the quality of work, the boat must be inflated. Using a soapy solution, treat the repair site with it and check the air outlet. If everything is fine and the soap solution does not poison, then after 24 hours the boat can be used for fishing.

Most cases of valve failure are due to mechanical action. Your boat is deflated after fishing. Friends help you collect payolas. And by chance someone steps on the valve, under which there is a stone on the other side. Crack, in such a situation, probably, hardly anyone will hear ...

In order to replace the valve, you will need a special key. I do not advise you to “pick out” the valve with improvised means, otherwise you can damage it and then, in order to remove it, you will need three times as much effort and time.

If you don’t have a “proprietary” key, then you can make it yourself. To do this, you will need a metal or hard plastic tube with a diameter of 13 to 20 mm and a jigsaw, which will need to cut out “teeth” to contact with inner surface valve. From above, you can make a small cylindrical hole, where the "knob" is subsequently placed.

So, everything is ready! Boat cylinders must be deflated. Through the material, feel and firmly squeeze the mating part of the valve, the so-called "glass", in your hand. Use a wrench to unscrew the valve body from the "glass". There are cases when, as a result of long-term operation, the valve “sours” and does not get out of the “glass”. In this case, you can use the car spray "liquid key".

Before inserting a new valve, it is useful to inspect the faulty one. Sometimes it is enough just to blow it out and wash it in soapy water, and lubricate the “sticky” valve spring with a small amount of grease.

If your old valve does not lend itself to resuscitation, then change it to a new one.

While holding the mating part of the valve ("glass") with your hand, tighten the new valve with a wrench. Do not overdo it!

The new valve must be screwed on tight enough, but not “tightly”!
Firstly, it may ever have to be unscrewed, and secondly, excessive tightening force can easily lead to breakage of the valve or key.

Inflate the balloon and use a soapy solution to check the tightness of the connection. If air is leaking from under the valve, then “squeeze” it with a key.

Inflatable boats are characterized by mobility, lightness, high carrying capacity and excellent stability on the water. In a matter of minutes, it can be inflated and just as quickly deflated and folded into a compact bag.

However, the material from which inflatable boats are made - rubberized fabric or PVC - is quite vulnerable to mechanical damage.

The side or bottom of a small boat can be accidentally pierced with a sharp snag or damaged on a rocky shore. It’s good that almost any damage on an inflatable boat can be repaired with your own hands with glue.

Choosing the best glue for PVC boats

inflatable boats from reinforced PVC appeared on sale relatively recently and almost immediately pressed the classic rubber products on the market. PVC boats are lighter, stronger, they are not afraid of frost, they are not subject to decay. At the same time, like rubber counterparts, they are maintainable.

A PVC boat can be repaired even in field conditions if you have patch material and one of the following adhesives on hand:

  • TEXACOL M 150 PU.PVC (Italy). Texacol adhesive for PVC boats is a professional adhesive designed specifically for bonding PVC and polyurethane products. Glue of this brand is widely used in the production of inflatable boats, gluing conveyor belts. Texacol has a high initial tack. To increase the water and heat resistance of adhesive joints, it can be used as a two-component adhesive together with Desmodur RFE 750 hardener (add 6-10 g of hardener per 100 grams of glue). Texacol glue is supplied in 17-liter metal cans, but it is available in specialized stores in 50, 100, 250, 500 and 1000 ml packages. 250 ml costs about 300 rubles, a liter - about 700 rubles.
  • Bostik Vinycol 1520 (France). Bostik glue for PVC boats is made on the basis of polyurethane with the addition of synthetic wax. Possesses high initial tack, after drying gives a strong seam with high water resistance. Like Texacol, it can be used with Desmodur RFE hardener (mixed at a ratio of 100:6). Vinycol 1520 glue is professional, therefore it is supplied in metal cans of 10 and 25 liters. In specialized stores you can find this glue in packages of 30, 100 and 500 ml. 100 ml costs about 250 rubles.
  • Glue for PVC boat repair Kleyberg "Master" (Russia)- universal one-component adhesive composition based on polyurethane, designed for gluing PVC products (boats, awnings, etc.), leather, rubber, polyurethane, etc. The glue gives an elastic and water-resistant seam. The repaired boat can be used after 2 hours. This adhesive is included in repair kits for PVC boats, and is also sold separately. A tube of Kleyberg "Master" with a volume of 30 ml costs about 70-100 rubles.
  • "Liquid patch" for PVC boats. This composition Russian production based on polyvinyl chloride and active reagents designed for quick repair of inflatable boats, swimming pools, awnings and other PVC products. It is enough to degrease the repaired surface and simply apply the product to the puncture site. If the cut is large, it is recommended to sew the glued parts with nylon thread. The boat can be used after a day. "Liquid Patch" is available in 20 ml tubes, available in different colors- gray, purple, red and green. It costs about 200 rubles.

What glue is better to buy for repairing a rubber boat

Rubber boats are becoming less and less common, but some fishermen and hunters still go out on the water in boats like "Ufimka" or "Dive", made back in the days of the USSR.

Special glue will help to extend the life of an old boat or return a damaged modern watercraft to service.

Here are the two best options:

  • Glue 4508 for boats and rubber products (Russia)- universal one-component adhesive based on natural rubber. It is used both in everyday life and as a professional glue for gluing rubber products and rubberized fabrics. The use of 4508 adhesive together with French-made Desmodur hardeners significantly increases the strength and elasticity of the adhesive line. The restored product can be used a day after the repair. A tube of glue 4508 with a volume of 50 ml costs about 80 rubles.
  • Glue 88-HT is a universal contact special adhesive that perfectly glues rubber and rubberized fabrics using hot and cold methods. After applying the 88-HT adhesive, the surfaces to be bonded are held for several minutes and strongly pressed against each other. In this case, the initial strength of the joint occurs immediately after compression. Thanks to this property, 88-HT glue is excellent for repairing old-style rubber boats. A tube of special glue 88-NT with a volume of 125 ml costs 80-100 rubles.

An example of working with glue - glue the bottom to a rubber boat

Repair of the bottom of an inflatable boat in most cases is associated with the elimination of a puncture or cut. This is a simple procedure that does not raise questions: a patch is being prepared right size, glue is applied to it and to the place of damage, gluing is made, a press is placed.

Much more questions arise if you need to replace the bottom of the boat completely. However, even such repair of a rubber boat can be done at home with your own hands. Consider the technology of the process on the example of repair (replacement) of the bottom of the boat type "Ufimka" using glue brand 4508.

For work you will need:

  • glue and brush for application;
  • marker;
  • sandpaper - "zero";
  • tires for the new bottom;
  • tape made of thin rubberized fabric.

The procedure itself is performed in the following sequence:

  1. The tape comes off from the old bottom (from the outside);
  2. The boat is inflated, the outline of the old bottom is outlined with a marker;
  3. With inside cylinders, the tape is also circled around the perimeter with a marker, after which it is removed;
  4. The oarlocks are tied with a rope, the bottom is carefully torn off (it is better to start from the nose);
  5. Cylinders are completely cleaned of traces of old glue, degreased with gasoline;
  6. First, the inner tape is glued around the entire perimeter (you need to glue the tape to half its width);
  7. Glue is applied to the bow section and the stern section of the boat, it is also applied to similar sections of the new bottom (glue is applied in 2 layers with an interval of 20-30 minutes);
  8. The boat is placed in a vertical position, first glued upper part, then the bottom (gluing is carried out by strongly pressing the surfaces to be glued);
  9. Then the boat is turned over and both sides are glued in turn (the inner tape is also glued in parallel);
  10. After 2-3 hours, the outer tape is glued.


Time of full drying of glue - two days.

An essential piece of equipment for any angler or hunter. But in life there are various situations and breakdowns of a swimming facility are no exception. Here the question arises, how to glue and what kind of glue to glue the boat from pvc is better In general, this is especially important in field conditions. Although polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is a material that does not require special care, elastic and at the same time elastic, requires a special kind of adhesive composition.

PVC Adhesive Requirements

The quality of the repair of punctures or cuts must meet the highest requirements. Otherwise, you risk getting into extremely dangerous situation on the water while the boat is in operation. Such a risk is often associated with human life, because due to improperly selected glue, when the damage is repaired, the patch can come off and the boat will sharply and quickly begin to deflate or take on water. In this regard, the adhesive composition must meet the following requirements:

Types of glue

To eliminate punctures or cuts in PVC boats, you should purchase a special glue for PVC. They are divided into two main types:

  1. One-component. The leader, according to the reviews of consumers and masters of specialized services, is polychloroprene glue. It is specially made for the repair of PVC, rubberized fabric and various materials, wetsuits. This composition has high elasticity, resilience, strength, withstands temperature extremes, and the adhesive seam has a high durability. As a substitute for this composition, you can use a special polyurethane boat glue. It has almost the same characteristics and properties, moreover, it is transparent and does not turn yellow.
  2. Two-component. Among the compositions of this variety, Bostik Vinycol 1520 glue showed high performance. It is made on the basis of polyurethane, which contains wax and organic solvent. Bostik Vinicol has high adhesive properties: strength, "flexibility", not susceptible to temperature.

Adhesives that are similar or similar in composition to Moment glue are not recommended for use when repairing PVC boats. They do not have sufficient tightness, operational durability, reliability and strength. In a situation where you have to re-repair the same place, dried Moment-type glue will be extremely difficult to remove. In some cases, it will be necessary to apply another adhesive over the old one, and the quality of such a repair is very low.

Attention! Many owners of inflatable boats choose Uran glue. Its main disadvantage is that when direct sunlight or high temperatures of a different origin hit the repair site, it is prone to softening and the patch can peel off.

Adhesive characteristics

To repair boats made of PVC, you need to use an adhesive composition that is designed for PVC products. In addition, it must have the following characteristics:

  • Moisture resistant. Since the operation of the product is carried out on the body of water or repairs can be carried out when high humidity, the adhesive must withstand the effects of water on it.
  • Elasticity. When inflating the pontoons of the boat, the material experiences a high surface tension. Therefore, the adhesive composition must have high elasticity in order to avoid the destruction of the seam.
  • Thermal resistance. During operation, the boat may be exposed to heat from the sun or other source, in connection with this, the adhesive should not soften under the influence of high temperatures.
  • Strength. Must have high tensile strength.
  • Durability. The glue line should not lose its strength characteristics after a long period of operation.
  • Drying time. A short time curing refers to the advantage of the adhesive composition. This feature is especially important when repairing in field conditions.

When gluing a patch on a rubber boat, choose special adhesives that are designed for PVC products. But when working with such substances, it must be remembered that they are flammable and emit harmful substances for human health. In this regard, all work must be carried out in a well-ventilated room or on the street.

PVC inflatable boat repair - video

Lost in fishing? Don't worry, this happens. Even if you don’t have the money to buy a new one, such an “injury” absolutely does not mean the cancellation of a wonderful weekend by the river. Let's look at how you can seal this unit for swimming.

Be critical of the damage before you glue something. If you have a large cut, or worse, a torn hole, don't try to repair it yourself. Only when absolutely necessary.

On your own, with the help of the repair kit that comes with the product, you can fix a small breakthrough. In case of serious damage, it is best to contact specialists. Of course, you can try it yourself, but there is no guarantee that at the most unfortunate moment it will not break and you will not go under.

Many establishments that repair such boats claim that any damage can be repaired, while even aesthetically hiding the patch. The only question is how much the repair costs.

What will be needed for the repair?

Before starting repairs, prepare the necessary tools.

Usually this is a fairly standard set:

  1. First of all, you will need a repair kit that comes with the boat. This is important, because there is a patch cloth, all the necessary screwdrivers and wrenches, and other such trifles. If you're just buying a boat, make sure it's all there.
  2. Secondly, you need a pencil for calculations.
  3. Thirdly, scissors to cut the necessary piece of fabric.
  4. Fourth, you will need an object like a roller. It can be anything - a knife handle, a mug or something similar.
  5. Fifth, hairdryer. You can homemade, which dry your head. Don't worry, it won't spoil. It will only be necessary to heat the surface to 60-80 degrees.
  6. At sixth, solvent or acetone to degrease the surface.
  7. Seventh, a brush with which glue will be applied.

Glue for work

Polyurethane adhesive "Professional"

Suitable according to different opinions different types glue. The most common polyurethane-based option using a hardener. This is a fairly strong composition that has been tested by many.

However, it is worth considering some difficulties in the work. If during gluing you apply the fabric a little unevenly, then everything will remain so. The fact is that it fastens very quickly, which means it is impossible to tear the material back. In the process, you will need to take your time and carefully smooth out the glued.

There is also an opinion that the Professional glue is quite effective. It is sold in many stores, which makes it affordable.

Here, too, there is one snag. If you have an old bottle lying around, do not rush to use it. This adhesive must be purchased specifically for PVC.

You can consult the nearest appropriate store, just remember that you need to select the adhesive specifically for PVC.

Let's start repairing

After all the tools are in front of you, the place of repair is determined, you can proceed to action.

Let's write the steps step by step:

  1. We clean the place where the glue will be. This must be done carefully, but without significant effort. The process is carried out with acetone or solvent. The fact is that with prolonged exposure, PVC itself is destroyed. IN last resort, wipe the designated area with alcohol, although this is not as effective. Without performing this action, nothing will work! Never touch the cover sandpaper or similar materials.
  2. We measure the hole and count around the edge about four centimeters. We cut out such a patch, put it on a breakthrough and outline it with a pencil.
  3. For a stronger bond We spread a layer of glue on the patch and the outlined area and wait for it to dry, repeat the procedure. After that, apply another layer and gently apply to the selected surface. If you need it quickly, it will not work out so well. Just grease the boat fabric and patches and fasten them. Such repairs are better at the first convenient occasion remake.
  4. We heat the surfaces to be glued. You need an average of 70 degrees. If you have industrial dryer, do not overdo it, as too high a temperature will destroy the material.
  5. Carefully level the surface with a roller. We expel all the bubbles and bumps. The more evenly it lies, the more it will hold. If you are not confident in your abilities, glue a small piece to another part of the boat, practice a little and you will succeed.

In principle, the repair is completed. Leave the patch alone. It is better not to shift and in no case bend the place of gluing.

If you do everything carefully, without negligence, you may well be able to repair fairly large gaps. The main thing is not to rush during gluing, since once glued it is very difficult to tear off and remake.

We glue the bottom of the boat

The bottom is the element of the boat that requires the most strength and, in turn, is most prone to injury. If you have a small hole or a huge cut, it is better to contact the repair shop.

You can try to repair the bottom yourself, however, for this you need to use only the most durable method of gluing and best glue. Also, only PVC fabric is needed for this.

We glue on the seam

Here the process does not differ from that described, only the number of patches changes. We impose one from the inside, according to the described technology, and glue the second from the outside.

We do this carefully so that there are no gaps on the folds. Carefully roll with a roller, and if necessary, glue one more patch on the sides.

Checking the strength is pretty easy. Prepare a thick soapy solution and lubricate the places where air can pass, after waiting for it to dry completely and inflate the boat.

Each glue dries its own amount of time, but it is better to let the repair stand for an extra hour to be sure. If they poison somewhere, soap bubbles will appear.

How to increase the catch of fish?

For 7 years of active passion for fishing, I have found dozens of ways to improve the bite. Here are the most effective ones:

  1. Biting activator. This pheromone supplement is the strongest lure for fish in cold and warm water. Discussion of the Hungry Fish bite activator.
  2. Raise gear sensitivity. Read the appropriate manuals for the particular type of tackle.
  3. Lures based pheromones.

Let's summarize what has been written:

  1. The best repair fabric is the same PVC material.
  2. The most effective adhesive according to popular opinion is polyurethane.
  3. Large damage should be repaired in the workshop, however, you can try it yourself.
  4. With strict adherence to the restoration process, the boat will serve you for a long time.
  5. Do not sand the surface or overdo it with thinner or acetone.
  6. When self repair large damage, it is better to glue two pieces of fabric: outside and inside the balloon.
  7. The bottom should be given the most attention, as it is most prone to destruction.
  8. The seams of the boats are glued with more patches that are applied from the inside, outside and, if necessary, on the sides.

Try to realistically assess the damage and make right choice. You can try to glue the PVC boat on your own in case of any breakdown, however, this does not give any guarantee of the result.

Please note that such a patch can let you down at any, and most importantly, the most inopportune moment.

Over time, the appearance of various holes cannot be avoided. To eliminate them, you will need to purchase glue. Considering that the stores present big choice of this product, it is always difficult to decide.

Types of holes

Every fisherman who uses a rubber boat knows how easily it can be damaged. Even a careless movement with a strong oar can lead to serious consequences.

Boat damage is completely different:

  • as a result of a slight puncture, small holes appear;
  • as a result of careless handling, cuts and cracks of rather large length may appear.

After detecting a small damage, you must immediately proceed to repair, otherwise the material in this place will subsequently begin to crack, and it will take a lot of time and effort to restore the crack.

What kind of glue is right?

After the discovery of holes, many citizens suffer for a long time with the choice of glue. Not every option will work. When choosing it, it is important to consider the following points:

  1. Not recommended to take a budget option. There is a chance that you will get an incomprehensible mixture that will not close the hole, but rather harm the rubber.
  2. If you want to say goodbye to damage for a long time, then you do not need to purchase superglue. They can glue holes, but your joy will be short-lived.
  3. It is worth choosing an adhesive with high heat resistance.
  4. Should not be purchased universal means. They don't suit you very well. You need to pay attention to options that are designed specifically for the rubber spell.

The best glue option usually comes with the boat. But if they didn’t put it on you or the boat was bought from hand, then you can purchase black glue with the name “Radical”. It is found in most construction stores. This tool has good strength and water resistance.

Some citizens also choose polychloroprene glue to seal the boat. Before buying it, be sure to study its composition. It is included in every package.

An important parameter is heat resistance. The higher it is, the better the product will be.

Patch material?

Before starting the repair, you need to stock up on fixtures and materials that will definitely come in handy in the process. For this you will need:

  • special glue;
  • pieces of rubber. They are required to be used as patches. The size is selected based on the width of the crack.

Boat repair

When repairing a rubber boat, problems mainly arise for beginners. For experienced anglers who prefer this type of transport, this procedure is commonplace.

How to catch more fish?

I have been active fishing for quite some time and have found many ways to improve the bite. And here are the most effective ones:

  1. Cool activator. Attracts fish in cold and warm water with the help of pheromones included in the composition and stimulates their appetite. It is a pity that Rosprirodnadzor wants to ban its sale.
  2. More sensitive gear. Reviews and instructions for other types of gear you can find on the pages of my site.
  3. Lures using pheromones.

You can get the rest of the secrets of successful fishing for free by reading our other articles on the site.

First you need to determine the location of the damage and prepare the right materials. Then they should be carefully glued to the boat. Such a process will not take much time and effort. But for the first time, it is better to seek help from citizens who have already carried out this process.


Before repairing, you need to find out where the leak has formed. This will require:

Pieces of rubber prepared in advance should be slightly large sizes than a hole.

This is necessary so that the rubber completely covers the hole. Besides, this advice will allow you to round off the remaining material so that the fabric will not move away from the surface of the boat over time.


The boat repair process is as follows:

  1. Cutting rubber. It is desirable that it be exactly the same material as the boat. Many manufacturers provide material recommended for this purpose.
  2. We process the surface. For secure bonding the surface of the boat should be rubbed with sandpaper or fine-grained paper. Then it will become slightly rough, and due to this, the rubber piece will stick tightly to the boat. Then, in the same way, we rub the patches themselves.
  3. Sewing up the incisions. The resulting cuts must be sealed with nylon threads. The tighter the stitches are, the longer there will be no new damage in this place.
  4. We degrease. Before use, the rubber must be degreased with special means such as: gasoline, acetone and thinner. The selected material is applied to the rough surface near the hole and to each patch you cut. Due to this, dust and dirt will be removed from it.
  5. We apply glue. This must be done on a rough surface of the boat. There is no need to pour glue on the patch. Usually it is applied in 2 layers:
    • the first, thin layer of glue is applied thanks to the glue brush. After that, the surface must be allowed to dry, usually it takes at least 10 minutes. The amount of time it takes for the adhesive to dry may vary depending on the conditions under which the repair is being carried out. You can check whether the glue has dried or not with a pencil or a knife.
    • the second layer is applied after the first, this is done in exactly the same way as in the previous version. Do not let it dry, apply a patch. It should be taken with both hands and very carefully applied to the glue.

      Keep in mind that once a patch has been applied, it will not be possible to change its position.

  6. Smoothing out. After the patch has been applied to the surface, you need to start smoothing it. Thus, air will be removed from under it.

This completes the repair process. Remember that it is advisable not to use the boat for the next 3 days.

In order for the boat to serve for a long time, you need to follow these recommendations:

  • some instances of glue require additional drying during operation, a regular hair dryer will help you with this;
  • while using the glue, it is best to work outdoors or in a ventilated area.

It is important that the air humidity does not exceed 60 percent.

Ignoring the above recommendations may lead to unexpected re-breakage. Remember that if you are sealing a hole at a temperature of more than 18 degrees or working with greasy hands, then you can not count on a good result.

In order not to waste your time on fixing holes, you need to carefully operate the boat. Of course, over time, it will still have to be glued, because it is not eternal, but this process will have to be carried out only after years use.
