What are the advantages and disadvantages of an urban lifestyle? Life in the village, the pros and cons, how to make the right choice.

In such difficult question, as "Is it good to have an apartment in the city center?", of course, it would be easy and even logical to answer that they say "there is no friend for the taste and color." But we will not look for easy ways and still make an attempt to understand the situation.

First of all, let's divide this question into 3 parts.

  • Possibility of living in large metropolitan areas such as Moscow, Beijing, Hong Kong, Tokyo and the like. The difference between these agglomerations is not small, of course. This is the price for square meter apartments and the development of infrastructure and, in general, the difference in the culture and customs of states. But with all this, their problems are largely similar, since these territories are increasingly copying each other, adopting experience, both positive and negative.
  • Opportunity to live in large cities. Here the story is a little different. The problems of the center are not so pronounced in them, but they are already making themselves felt more and more often. After all, territories are constantly developing, population density is growing, and cities are acquiring the features of megacities, taking on the same difficulties.
  • Living in cities with a relatively small population, for example, about 500,000 people. Here, development is not so rapid and life in the center brings more pluses than minuses. This is due to the maximum concentration of socio-cultural facilities and the development of infrastructure in the administrative centers of such territories.

Thus, we can shift the projection of living in metropolitan areas to less big cities with all the advantages and disadvantages. Our civilization is developing at such a pace that literally in a few years the same problems will arise there. As the closest and at the same time a vivid example, one can rely on living conditions in the capital of the Russian Federation, Moscow.

The cost of buying and renting an apartment


If life has turned out so that you are the owner of an apartment in the center, then there are a number of advantages. It is clear that you are no longer an ordinary person, but of a certain status. But living in the center is not only prestigious. And it is determined by the same value of your property. You are a rich person. If you decide to move from the center to any other area or even a city, it is possible to improve not only your living conditions, but also acquire a decent additional fortune. There are other opportunities to profit from real estate in the center. Especially if you are not tied to her place of work or anything else significant. Having rented or bought, say, an apartment on a mortgage, somewhere in a more remote area, your property in the center can be rented out and bring a significant and pleasant replenishment of the family or personal budget!


Buying an apartment in the center of any city, and even more so in the capital, is a very expensive undertaking. Rental housing in the center also exceeds the average city indicators, sometimes even at times. Thus, the price per m2 of housing in the Central Administrative District of Moscow starts at about $10,000 per square meter, and the total cost can be more than one million dollars. The average cost per 1 m2 in the center of the capital fluctuates around the figure of 400,000 -450,000 rubles. The range in rental prices is also large. It can be either 50,000 or 150,000 rubles a month.

Walking distance to work

Most of us go to work every day. And sometimes the choice of place of residence depends on walking distance to it.


The advantage of the city center over the outskirts may be a greater choice of employment opportunities in various areas and professions. This is due to the fact that the concentration of business centers, administrative and office buildings, various companies is the highest here. Also thanks to this and pay level labor is generally higher. Step-by-step availability of work can free you up with just a lot (!) of time, which we so lack for personal life and rest.


There are no downsides to being within walking distance. And even if your profession involves working in an industrial area remote from the center, anyway, you will get there earlier than others. After all, you will go in the "countercurrent" of congestion and traffic jams. In the morning - from the center, and in the evening - on the contrary, in the opposite direction.

Car parking in the city center



The cost of a parking space in parking lots is high. For parking on the roadsides and in the yards, there is also a fee. This greatly increases the overall cost of living in the metropolitan area. There is, of course, an option to live without a car, but it is far from suitable for everyone.

For reference

The cost of parking for a car in the city center is 50 rubles per hour. Residents inside the Boulevard Ring now have the right to park for free, and only from 20.00 to 8.00.

Accessibility to cultural centers, theaters, exhibition halls


Walking distance to places that bring culture to the masses will allow you to easily follow the latest premieres and performances, without spending several hours on it in traffic jams and thus not spoiling the whole impression of the performance. As they say, as long as finances allow.


Close proximity to crowded places can sometimes annoy just because of its abundance of visitors. They're circling around looking for a parking space, making noise, or just too excited.

Availability of shops and retail chains


Of course, all the most fashionable boutiques, beautiful shops, and modern shopping centers are concentrated in the center. By its architectural appearance and richness interior decoration sometimes they don't even give up recognized monuments architecture and art.


But for all these delights, of course, the buyer has to pay from his, in the end, wallet. Rental rates in such stores are very high, the cost of rent is invested as a result in the price of the goods - there is nowhere else. Large supermarkets of various well-known retail chains Hardly ever. The reason for this is the same - the lack of acceptable economic conditions and suitable sites for such construction in the center of the metropolis. If you decide to make shopping cheaper, then welcome to the city outskirts. There are super and hypermarkets - more than enough.

Availability of parks, squares and playgrounds for dogs


The authorities diligently protect the city squares and parks existing in the center. They are in a well-groomed form, very beautiful and picturesque.


These parks, and indeed just green spaces, are sorely lacking. In addition, many of them seek to build up seemingly "temporary", but still structures. For example, cafes, bars, restaurants and their summer grounds. As a result, there is practically no place for walking ... And what can we say about our smaller brothers - domestic animals. Involuntarily, we have to get out for a walk away from the center.

Road congestion


Get from the city center to any point to get faster. At least you won't have to go from end to end. But it still probably refers more to the location.


The congestion of highways here is the highest in almost all directions. Streets in historical centers cities are narrower and unadapted to modern realities. Even a short route can take a very long time.

Ambient air pollution


There are no advantages in the central part of the city in this aspect.


And there is only one drawback, but a very big one - an increased concentration in the atmosphere. This has an extremely negative impact on human health. Mixing with dust, industrial emissions and fog, vehicle exhausts form smog, which hangs in a dense cap over many cities. And if the concentration of vehicles on the outskirts is not so high, and there are quite a lot of parks, squares or simply freely ventilated areas, then in the center - on the contrary. The building density of buildings and structures is maximum, cars flock from all sides, forming continuous rivers, lakes and seas. Insufficient amount of green spaces can in no way unload the territory from gas contamination and smog.

infrastructure and social


In terms of availability per 1 m2 paid services very, very diverse, everything will be at the highest level. Shopping centers and transport interchanges are always within walking distance.


But they are not always fully available, available municipal services such as kindergartens, schools and hospitals. This happens because the population density in the center is growing, and the availability of places in such institutions is not at the same pace. The alternative is paid medical and educational services. But again, they are not cheap. For example, for a private kindergarten, 35,000 rubles a month is not the limit at all.

Cost of living in the center


As you know, the cost of living consists of payment for consumed water and electricity, serviceable technical condition housing, taxes and surcharges. So, the advantages in this case include uniform tariffs for electricity, water, gas and heat for all categories of citizens of the Russian Federation. Regardless of where they live.



After reading this article, we hope that you have become a little better at understanding the correctness and usefulness of your, let's say, deployment. Only you can evaluate and make a decision. We just tried to identify and streamline as much as possible the pros and cons of living in an apartment in the center of cities and megacities, for example, in Rostov-on-Don this

When I studied at the university, I had several people from the villages in my group. I have always heard that they want to stay in the city, that there are no prospects in the countryside. I agree with them, I think, basically, all young people are trying to move to the city and take advantage of all the opportunities.

How is rural life different from urban life?

In the village, I came only to my grandmother in the summer for the holidays. Of course, their lives are completely different. I have been living in the city since birth, but so far the maximum that attracts me is the acquisition suburban area. We have a river in the city, and have small house next to her - quite a good idea.

First of all, in a village or village, the absence of large industrial enterprises. Nowhere you will find a factory in the middle of the village. Sometimes such facilities are built outside the city, but, anyway, settlements near them are considered at least urban settlements. Of course, all villagers keep livestock. But one should not think that people in villages and villages still live without any amenities. It all depends on finances, in any village you can build a comfortable house.

One of the biggest differences is the people. The rural population is much friendlier and more sociable. For example, I don’t even know all the neighbors in my entrance, but there people personally know each other.

Pros and cons of living in the city

Each person chooses a place to his liking. But, whatever one may say, living in the city has many advantages:

  • developed infrastructure;
  • convenient transport system;
  • more vacancies and higher wage;
  • a bunch of educational institutions;
  • advanced medicine.

But not all urban residents are satisfied with their lives, and many even seriously think about moving to some village. The reasons lie in the following:

  • bad ecology;
  • high level crime;
  • high workload;
  • deterioration of physical and mental condition.

As a rule, the desire to lead a more measured lifestyle among urban residents arises with age, I think this is due to fatigue from a too fast pace of life.

Sometimes thoughts come from city dwellers - wouldn't it be better to live in a village where there is no fuss, where there is clean air and silence? It is clear that in large locality a huge number of opportunities, you can study and work, there is a lot of entertainment. At the same time, living outside the city has its advantages. However, before moving, it is better to evaluate all the pros and cons of living in the countryside.

Advantages of living in the countryside

The main advantage of village life is Fresh air and environmental cleanliness. There is no smoky sky in the village, and the stars seem bigger and brighter at night. Water does not contain chlorine impurities, transparent and tasty. And this is a pledge healthy sleep and good health.

It is much easier to find friends in the countryside, more people live here. open people.

Products from your garden

Considering the pros and cons of living in the countryside, one cannot fail to mention the fresh food that you can grow on your own. personal plot. It is in such cases that one can be completely sure that vegetables and fruits were not grown and stored using chemicals. And this is the key to a happy longevity.


Unlike a city apartment, in a private house you can have as many animals as you can feed. Besides, we are talking not only about a cat or a dog, you can even get a horse, a goat or a cow.

Real estate prices

Speaking about the pros and cons of living in the village, do not forget that the cost of real estate here is much less than in big city. Therefore, you can buy a house in which there is enough space for everyone, even if the family is very large.

Peace and quiet

If you want to forget about the bustle of the city, go live in the village, there are few cars here, no one knocks on the wall, no noise comes from the street. Here you will not hear the roar of tram wheels, but only the singing of birds and the sound of the wind.

Life in the village is very measured, sometimes it seems that time here flows much more slowly.

A few more pluses

The benefits of living in the countryside don't end there. As in the city, most villages have Internet and satellite TV. But there are no video cameras on every corner and huge traffic jams. Children grow up strong and healthy.

On your site you can build a bathhouse or a sauna, you can go fishing and in the forest, do small, but own business.

Negative sides

Naturally, if everything was as rosy in the village as it seems at first glance, then the cities would no longer exist, everyone would move to live “closer to the earth”.

The main disadvantage of living in a village for a city dweller is that it is quite difficult to get used to and settle down here. Not everyone knows how, and does not want to, milk a cow and plant potatoes. In spite of a calm lifestyle, residents do not have a free minute, because they constantly need to do something - water the garden, paint the fence, make preparations for the winter, and so on. A city dweller has much less routine worries than a rural one.

In addition, you will have to do most of the work yourself, for example, repair the roof or dig up the site.

In addition, not all villages also have a central sewage system, and for a city dweller this can be a huge problem, you will have to go to the toilet outside and bring water from a well, although even this problem can be solved in the village. There are frequent power outages in the village as well. electrical energy and you need to be prepared for this.

Lack of Opportunities

The pros and cons of living in the countryside and the city are very diverse, but the most important thing is that there are practically no opportunities for development in the village. To obtain quality education, even if not higher, you have to go to the city. The same must be done to obtain high paying job. In the village, you will have to sell products from your site, or go to a store or a local cafe to work. You will not find a prestigious job here.

For big purchases you have to go to the city

AT countryside there are no services for the repair of equipment, beauty salons. To purchase a serious product, to receive a certain service, you have to go to the city. Interesting events, festivals and sports competitions are not held in the villages. Even if you want to go to the theater or cinema, you still have to go to the city.

More cons

Life in the village, the pros and cons, which we analyze, is not suitable for every city dweller. First of all, you need to assess whether you can go to a low-paying job, being a specialist in the city. It is unlikely that in the village there will be an opportunity to work as a rental manager or an accountant. It’s easier if you have your own personal vehicle, and the village is not far from the city, then you can go to work, although this is already additional expenses. In parallel, a new problem may arise - bad roads, as a rule, they are such and are outside the cities and highways.

Assessing the pros and cons of living in the village, do not forget about the children. Indeed, they will be healthier in rural areas, but it is unlikely that their abilities will be developed. There are no specialized, sports and music schools, developing circles. Even if you have a car, then think about whether you can take your child to school and to the circle every day.

Life and life in the countryside is very different from urban conditions. A leaky roof will have to be repaired, private house requires permanent care and minor repairs.

Do not forget about the neighbors, they will not knock on the walls, but living in the village alone will not work. In the villages, all residents know everything about each other, they live more openly and are very interested in the private life of their neighbors.


Life in a city and a village are different things, therefore, if a city dweller enters a village, then he can immediately be calculated, as well as vice versa. But it is impossible to answer the question of where it is better to live, each person decides this question individually for himself.

The 21st century dictates its own terms: people leave their places and move to big cities. This process is inevitable, because a big city is an opportunity for self-realization and decent wages.

But what kind of housing is better to buy? An apartment in the city or is it still your own house outside the city? People who have made the decision to buy their own housing often cannot decide on their choice. Yes, and the cost of the apartment and country house about the same. And if you are building a house from scratch, then it is even easier.

It is possible to build a turnkey house with a different budget, on the website http://sivco.ru/ construction company Sivco You can choose frame or block type houses for any budget.

We analyzed the pros and cons of a city apartment and a country house.

First, let's evaluate the advantages of housing in the city:

  • all infrastructure within walking distance;
  • proximity to schools and kindergartens;
  • opportunity to get to work a short time;
  • there is no need to take care of the condition of the yard, entrance, house as a whole;
  • not too high payment for heating;
  • feeling that there are people around you (neighbors);
  • instant solution of utility problems (masters will arrive quickly enough);
  • the arrival of an ambulance in case of illness will not be delayed for a long time.

Here are perhaps the most strengths living in a city apartment.

There are a lot of negative points too.

Can't breathe in an urban environment clean air, hence - frequent acute respiratory infections in children and adults, headaches, hypoxia and other diseases.

Living in an apartment is a limitation in space. For some people, it's a lot of pressure.

It is difficult, and sometimes impossible, to park your car in the yard, which creates conflict situations with housemates.

The good sound conductivity of the walls sometimes annoys so much that you want to shout at those who like to play music or build (drill). You can't rest in the noise that comes from the neighbors, and they have a party in full swing. Often it comes to neighborhood wars.

You cannot rebuild your living space without the consent of the BTI. And if you try to move partitions, break walls or combine a bathroom, the likelihood of a fine is very high.

And, finally, you cannot turn on the heating when you need it, and you also run the risk of being left without water if the utilities started repairs.

Well, life is country house? What pitfalls can be encountered after moving into a house, and what advantages do you get?

House outside the city. Cons and pros.

First, the negative points, which are not so many, and if desired, they can be easily dealt with.

The first is the distance from the city. It takes longer to get to city work from a country house, you definitely need a car, and preferably two - for both spouses. After all, in the city there are shops that a woman definitely needs, and beauty salons, and schools, and kindergartens where children need to be taken. And one car is not enough.

A doctor from the city will not get there soon if someone from the family suddenly happens to get sick. The same can be said about pharmacies: good pharmaceutical companies have them in the city.

And the second thing that can strain is the need to take care of your house and the area adjacent to it on your own. But many find more advantages in this, it all depends on the nature of the person and the employment of the person at work.

There are still more positive aspects in the acquisition of suburban real estate.

The main one is being outdoors at any time of the year. Sometimes you don’t want to leave the apartment in winter, and there is no need to do this. But a house is completely different - it has its own yard, and a plot on which, if desired, you can set up a garden and even a garden, and your own garage, and even a bathhouse or sauna.

In a country house, you can arrange everything to your liking, give the whole family the opportunity to participate in housing planning even before construction begins.

AT own house you can do whatever you want: run, jump, turn on the TV at night, invite guests at any time, and at the same time not be afraid that the neighbors will write a complaint to the district police officer.

A house outside the city can always be completed if the family has suddenly increased. And this does not need to be agreed with anyone. You are your own masters!

You change your whole life, its whole way of life, you leave friends, habits, business and entertainment ... Before you decide on this, you need to think it over well, weigh all the pros and cons.

Living outside the city: pros and cons

Life in a country house better life in a city apartment. Put on one scale the garden right outside the window, the bathhouse, the air, the beautiful landscape around, and on the other - the bustle of the city, noise, smog, traffic jams, noisy neighbors from above ... It seems that there is even nothing to doubt - urgently move. But not everything is so simple, and only people who have lived for a long time both in a city apartment and in a house outside the city can objectively judge the pros and cons of moving out of town.

We collected their feedback on FORUMHOUSE and got a complete picture of the advantages and disadvantages of country life.

Cons of living outside the city

Those who have lived outside the city for a long time honestly warn neophytes: this rural life is not such a paradise. It is full of all sorts of shortcomings and difficulties.

Minus: schools and development

It is most important. Children want to give the very best. good school, sport sections, music and art education, for kids - "developers" with excellent teachers. There are two ways out: to settle not so far from the city and take children to classes, which is actually a real feat for both parents and children. Or accept as an axiom that rustic Kindergarten, studying in an ordinary rural school and a musician in the regional center will not be the worst start in life for a child. The quality of education in an ordinary rural school is inferior to a good urban one, but this is partly offset by clean rural air, remoteness from highways and traffic jams. As a FORUMHOUSE user says tver_vic, studies have been conducted on the relationship of slow human development with hypoxia in childhood. It turned out that children from the suburbs think faster and absorb information better than children from the city center.

Cons: work

You can always find a source of income in a big city. Away from the city is more difficult. If it is not possible to change urban work for an equivalent one, this may become big problem; you will have to go to work in the city. Based on this, one of the criteria for choosing a site for permanent residence should be the availability of a convenient train station. According to reviews FORUMHOUSE users living outside the city and traveling five days a week to their offices, it is better that it be 10 minutes by car to a convenient terminal than a 20-minute walk from the settlements, where the train stops once a day, full of passengers. The scheme "from home by car to the station - from the station to the city by train" is also convenient because you do not have to stand in traffic jams at the entrance to the city.

But people who have extensive experience in suburban life advise not to focus on the place of work when choosing a site: work can suddenly change, and a house ... A house is a house!


I judge by my suburban neighbors who live in their homes year-round. In the beginning, they traveled to the city every day to work. Then many gradually switched to “remote making money” or finding adequate work in the nearest district. Although it is an hour drive from us to the city center, road repairs, traffic jams and possible daily delays to the offices began to strain them.

Minus: medical assistance

Revealing the minuses of life outside the city, we must not forget that in many villages there are not even medical and obstetric stations, let alone polyclinics.


You have a toothache and you need to drive about an hour to the city, and then look for where to stumble. I don't think everyone will like it.

But focusing on this when buying a house is not recommended. All the same, in most village hospitals there is one specialist - a general practitioner, who in most cases sends patients to the district center. Therefore, it should be possible, in which case, to quickly reach district hospital. The qualifications of the local doctors are enough to cope with ordinary diseases, and if, God forbid, what is serious, then you can take a referral to the city.

Cons: neighbors

In a city, you can live on the same site for years and not know the name of your neighbor. It doesn't work that way in the countryside. Relations with neighbors are significant here, and which ones you get depends on how comfortable your life will be. Thieves, and drunkards, and quarrelsome bores, and curious gossips can get caught ... The old proverb "do not buy a house - buy a neighbor" is as relevant in country life as it was 200 years ago.

Minus: rural boredom

Citizens who are fascinated by the idea of ​​moving “to nature” often think that they can easily come to terms with the absence of public institutions, theater, clubs, large stores, a gym near the house, and then it turns out that all this is terribly lacking. Live outside the city three summer months and living there permanently are completely different things. Suddenly it turns out that you are a complete urbanist and simply cannot live without city noise?

Cons: all by yourself

You need to be prepared for the fact that a house is no more comfort than an apartment - it is a completely different comfort. To the beautiful spacious house, a bathhouse, a vegetable garden and a green lawn, the need to service all this is attached. You can't call a plumber from the Housing Office anymore. Many see this as an advantage: living outside the city is more difficult, and yes, you will have to sort out the boiler yourself, but you will be sure that problems with heating will not begin in the midst of frosts. You have to monitor the condition of your well or well yourself, but the water will not be turned off three times a year for two weeks for mysterious maintenance work.

tver_vic FORUMHOUSE User

No one will wash the stairs for you, they won’t sweep the yard, they won’t remove the grass, the snow won’t fall off, they won’t monitor the heating, they won’t check and clean the septic tank.

Cons: car dependency

Without a car, at least some, it is almost impossible to live outside the city, the feedback from the participants of our portal confirmed this many times. And if the car needs repairs, especially not quick ones? This should also be considered, including when choosing a site, so that, if anything, you do not have to walk five kilometers to the station.

Life outside the city: the pros

Discouraging others from rash decisions, describing the shortcomings of village life, the former city dwellers themselves in 99% of cases say: "But we will never return to the city." What makes people put up with the lack of city joys? What is so special about this "life on earth"? As it turned out, this is what is important for the "immigrants".

Pros: You are a homeowner

For families, especially young ones, who have no money for an apartment in the near and long term, buying a plot of land outside the city often becomes the only opportunity to become a homeowner. Usually they start by buying a plot, then they collect money for construction - and as they say on FORUMHOUSE, “ family building - The best way raising children and achieving harmony in a young family". Opportunity to build a house larger area than would be the area of ​​a city apartment comparable in price. And building a house for three generations - your parents, you, your children, get another, simply invaluable advantage: your children grow up in a big happy family, and your parents, constantly seeing their grandchildren in front of them, have a goal in life, and they have incentive to live longer. Your race continues, and you yourself are building this "bridge through eternity."

Pros: high status

Your own house outside the city is not at all like an apartment in a high-rise building, and, as they say beutiflet,"Those who have the financial means to escape this anthill do so without a second thought."

Beutiflet FORUMHOUSE User

It all depends on the way of life of a person and his aspirations, however, in our village (20 km and 15 minutes to the Moscow Ring Road), the poorest villager is on average wealthier than the richest city dweller in my house in Moscow.

Pros: comfort

Wherever you build or buy a house, in the suburbs or in the wilderness, it still will not be a village of the 80s of the last century. Now in any private house all the so-called "city conveniences" are available, from a warm water closet to the Internet. Moreover, in your own house, you will control the heating, and not the “uncle at the valve”: it will be cold - turn it on, hot - turn it off.

tver_vic FORUMHOUSE User

Making a decent toilet-shower is now very simple: a septic tank and a well. TV set? Yes, at least hang the house with plates. Internet? Not a problem - at least three options.

Plus: the happiness of life on earth

Only because of him it is already possible to move out of town. You woke up, went out - and you are in your garden, there is silence around, fresh air and other ecological cleanliness. Many former townspeople complain that at first they could not sleep because of the birds, “the nightingales sing like crazy in different voices.” In the city, we no longer notice the noise of cars, industrial enterprises - suburban silence, in which bird trills and grasshoppers chirp stand out, at first it seems like some kind of luxury. Children play with dogs, feed rabbits, run on soft green grass, not on concrete pad. The baby sleeps in the stroller on the porch, and at this time the mother can safely do household chores. Outside the city, you begin to understand that you lived a significant part of your life in some artificial conditions and deprived himself of a lot.

Pros: no neighbors

Only your family lives in your house. On weekends, you won't be woken up by the grinding of a drill from the neighbors on the left, or loud music from the neighbors downstairs, or the traditional family scandal from the neighbors on the right. No one turns on the music to the fullest, no one screams, no one stomps over your head, and you will never be flooded again ... When you are the real owner in your house, this gives a feeling of freedom and independence.

OlegNovosel FORUMHOUSE User

The child got sick. With high temperature. Some sick person sneezed in the elevator. And if you lived in a house, there would be less chance of catching some kind of infection.
