How to remove rusty bolts. How to unscrew a stuck bolt and leave it whole

This article will focus on such a misfortune as a broken off or rusted bolt. In general, how to unscrew it if it cannot be done with a conventional tool?

Perform this or that locksmith work related to the repair of equipment, not only professional craftsmen but also to many ordinary consumers.

But sometimes the situation develops in such a way that the seemingly simplest procedure for replacing bolts becomes a problem. Often the reason for this is a stripped thread, sometimes the so-called "sticking" of the fastening material.

Unscrewing a bolt with torn edges, without damaging the outer case of the product, without certain knowledge, will not work for everyone. Therefore, it is necessary to consider in more detail the procedure for such work and study possible methods its implementation.

Preparatory activities

You should not start removing the damaged bolt immediately, but after completing a series of so-called preparatory procedures. The order of these works is as follows:

Unscrewing a rusty bolt or nut can be pretty nerve-wracking.

A person who has never faced the problem of how to unscrew a rusty soured bolt or a tightly stuck nut cannot even convey how much time, effort and nerves this sometimes seemingly hopeless task can take. Sometimes they just give up, and the only way out is seen only as a “Bulgarian”, which allows, albeit radically, but quickly to resolve the issue. But often even she is not able to help and threatens to only aggravate the situation, creating problems of a different kind.

So is it possible unscrew the problematic bolt or rusty nut without resorting to emergency measures? This question is best owned by motorists. It is they who most often face similar situations and can give useful advice, sharing successful experiences and recipes from their own arsenal of tools. Consider the available options.

Lever arm

This is the first thing you can do if you need to unscrew a rusty nut or a capricious bolt. Used as leverage steel pipe put on the key. On fasteners and around it, you should first thoroughly walk with a brush with a metal bristle. It is better to use a box wrench, but in extreme cases, an open-end wrench is also suitable. Everything must be done carefully. The main thing is not to overdo it. Excessive force is unacceptable, as the result may be a stripped bolt head, licked ribs of a nut, or a broken wrench.


Here we are not talking about simply cutting off a rusty nut or a tight bolt head. With a chisel and one sharp blow of a hammer, stubborn fasteners can be pulled out of the tenacious embrace of rust. To do this, you need to point the chisel closer to the edge of the bolt or nut at an angle in the direction opposite to the thread, and then hit it sharply and strongly with a hammer. By using this technology, experienced craftsmen with one blow, they masterfully rip off any, sometimes the most hopeless nut or bolt. Of course, you still need to grow to such professionalism, but the method works.


This does not require special skills and deep knowledge in theoretical mechanics the operation can be either a solution to the problem, or preparatory stage to the solution of the problem of unscrewing a rusty bolt or nut. In any case, two or three sharp blows with a hammer on fasteners through a non-ferrous metal tip will not hurt. Such an action will help destroy oxide layers and greatly facilitate the task.


Perhaps, in the process of unwinding, a rusty bolt or a naughty nut has already moved along the thread by a couple of microns, but this moment, of course, cannot be noticed. Therefore, you need to try to tighten the fasteners even more and try to loosen again. This technique allows you to destroy oxide formations and, gradually loosening, unwind threaded connection.

warm up

It is worth trying to achieve the desired result by heating capricious fasteners. Everything fits here - gas-burner, soldering iron, pocket lighter. You can even use rags soaked in gasoline or other flammable liquid, but this should be done carefully, observing safety rules. Without waiting for the old nut or rusty bolt head to cool, you need to try to unscrew them. Best of all for these purposes, not an open-end wrench, but a box or socket wrench is suitable. If it doesn’t work the first time, you can try to combine techniques - tap well, loosen, use a lever.


“Sprinkle with a Vedashka” is how any garage will respond to a complaint about a problematic bolt or capricious nut. And they will be absolutely right. the best remedy not yet figured out. Its exact recipe remains a mystery, but it is known for certain that the liquid is 50% white spirit. To unscrew the soured fasteners, you first need to open access to the thread by treating the area around the bolt or nut with a metal brush, and then pour the fasteners abundantly with “magic” liquid, spraying it from a can. After 15-20 minutes, you can already try to unscrew. This tool is really effective and almost always helps.

Gasoline, kerosene, turpentine and others

Unfortunately, it is not always at hand, and buying a can because of one rusty nut or bolt is not The best decision in terms of economy. Therefore, it is worth trying something from the products of oil refining - from white spirit to turpentine. All of them have a high penetrating power and are solvents. This property of them will help in case of clogging of the threaded connection with dirt of various nature. The procedure is standard - the place around the fastener is cleaned and filled with kerosene, diesel fuel, gasoline. After 10-15 minutes, when the liquid penetrates deep into the thread, you can try to turn the bolt or nut.


A rusted, unwilling to unscrew bolt or nut will help "return to obedience". To do this, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe threaded connection must be wetted with vinegar and wait from 15 to 30 minutes. If time is not limited, then you can simply cover the fasteners with a rag soaked in vinegar. In a couple of hours, vinegar will thoroughly undermine rust and weaken the adhesion of mating surfaces in fasteners. After such a “compress”, a rusty bolt or nut at first reluctantly, and then more and more easily succumb to unwinding.

Coca Cola

This is not a joke for people who are far from technology, and not news for specialists. It contains phosphoric acid, which is effectively used in production for degreasing, soldering,. The procedure is still the same. Fasteners are cleaned and watered with a fashionable "pop". In the meantime, a problematic bolt or nut is getting wet, there is time to think about what kind of muck some of us drink with pleasure, considering it almost an elixir of health.

rust converter

Such products are made on the basis of acids that destroy iron oxide. For their effective application it is better to moisten a piece of rag in the converter, cover the bolt or nut to be unscrewed with it and leave it for several hours. Fasteners before this, it is desirable to degrease well with gasoline, kerosene or some other solvent. The converter “breaks” rust well and the threaded connection is untwisted.

Brake fluid

Fresh or already used - it doesn’t matter, the “brake” helps a lot. It has a high penetrating and lubricating ability, and therefore, if necessary, unscrew a rusty nut or a tight, naughty bolt, it can be safely used. It is better, of course, to moisten a piece of rag with brake fluid, cover the soured fasteners and wait an hour or two. During this time, the liquid will seep into the thread and the connection will be easier to unwind.

Alcohol solution of iodine

We are talking about the idea of ​​​​an ordinary pharmacy alcohol solution iodine. In this tandem, alcohol, also known as ethylene, and iodine, as an element of the periodic table, equally distribute the functions of releasing fasteners soured in rust. Alcohol has a high penetrating power, and iodine interacts with iron oxides and other iron compounds formed upon contact with external environment. Thus, these two substances loosen rust, making it easier to free the rusted bolt or nut. In order not to get your hands dirty and for the sake of convenience, it is better to apply iodine to the compound with a syringe.

Many people in their lives have faced the task of urgently unscrewing rusty nuts and bolts. And it often happens that the repair itself is very minor, but the fight with the bolt can easily spoil the whole mood. But there are folk ways, with the help of which you can quickly and without nerves solve this problem. Let's find out how to unscrew a rusty bolt at home without special means and tools.

Use the lever

This is the very first thing that comes to mind if you need to unscrew a rusty or soured fastener. As a lever, you can use an ordinary pipe, which is put on the key. Previously, it is better to walk along the bolt itself and around it with a metal brush. To work with a lever, it is better to choose a box wrench, but an open-end wrench will do. You should work carefully. The key can easily slip off and hit your fingers. It is not necessary to apply excessive efforts when unscrewing - one or two powerful short-term jerks are enough. Here the main task is to break the bolt, that is, to destroy the oxides that long time formed in a pair of "bolt - nut". In addition, if you apply excessive force, you can easily lick off the edges of the head, break the key or the bolt itself. And then you definitely cannot do without special heads for torn edges.


Here's another one effective method how to unscrew a rusty bolt at home. But do not think that a hated nut or bolt can be cut down with a chisel. With this tool, you can actually pry the fastener out of the rust holding it. It is necessary to sharply hit the chisel with a hammer. In this case, it is installed to the edge of the bolt at a slight angle. The tool is directed at an angle in the direction opposite to the thread. Next, make a strong and sharp blow with a hammer.

Thus, experienced locksmiths in a few seconds can disrupt even the most complex bolt or a nut. Of course, to use this method masterfully, you will need some experience, but this method definitely works.


Oxides and rust form inside the thread during the operation of the connection. The bolt or nut is literally attached to the thread. If these oxides are destroyed, then even that which should not be unscrewed will be unscrewed.

You will need a spacer for the size of the bolt head or nut. A hammer will also come in handy. With the help of these simple tools, the bolt head is tapped from all sides if possible. You can also hit the head several times. If the oxide layers are not age-old, then this will be enough and the bolt can be unscrewed.


Before using any methods for unscrewing difficult fasteners, craftsmen traditionally try to unscrew the connection using wrenches and socket heads. It is possible that when trying to unscrew the nut or bolt has already moved slightly along the thread, but so slightly that it is not noticeable to the eye.

You can try to loosen the connection. To do this, with a key or socket head, on the contrary, they try to tighten the bolt even more, but within reason. Next, try to loosen the bolt. You can hear a characteristic crunch. This means that the oxides have collapsed and you can carefully, slowly, unscrew the bolt or nut.

warming up

Here is another way to unscrew a rusty bolt at home. Its only drawback is that it does not always fit. For example, they can not be used everywhere in the car. But the efficiency of the method is much higher than the previous ones.

The bottom line is to warm up the soured bolt. When heated, the metal expands - this is a school physics course. This means that when expanding, the oxides will collapse and the bolt will come out as if the connection is new. For warming up, you can use everything that is at hand: portable gas cylinders, soldering irons, cutting torch, battery and graphite rod. This method differs from all others in that it is effective for tasks such as unscrewing a rusty bolt in hard to reach place. Where you can’t knock, where you can’t moisten the fasteners with chemistry, the flame of a mini-burner will easily get there.

The bolt or nut should be heated to a sufficiently high temperature - it can even be red-hot. Then some locksmiths prefer to cool the heated part with water, while others do not wait until it cools down. In any case, after heating, you can try box wrench or socket head to unscrew the tight bolt. From the first time, the fasteners may not succumb, but from the second or third it will definitely work. Can be used this method in combination with those already described above. But not a single connection has withstood the heating yet: everything spins up, the main thing is to heat it hotter.


Let's move on to chemical methods how to unscrew a rusty bolt at home. The first thing that comes to mind is that same VD-40 liquid. And let them say that the liquid is expensive, so far they have not been able to come up with a better one. Manufacturers keep the composition secret, but it is known that about half of the "VD-40" is kerosene. He is able to penetrate into any cracks. By the way, instead of "VD" you can use analogues (for example, from the company "Mannol").

To combat oxides and fasteners, it is enough to splash a bolt or nut abundantly. But first, access to the thread should be provided. Otherwise, the use of liquid will lead to nothing. Literally after 20 minutes, you can try to unscrew the bolt or nut. The element should unscrew with a crack and crunch.


Speaking of chemistry, one cannot but say about folk remedies. You can unscrew a rusty bolt using gasoline, kerosene, turpentine, white spirit. A can of WD-40 is quite expensive, and acquiring it for the sake of one harmful bolt is not always wise. Therefore, solvents can be used. All of them have a very high penetrating power and can easily get inside a rusty thread.

So where to start? The place around the fastener is carefully cleaned with a metal brush, then the fastener is abundantly poured with kerosene, gasoline or other chemicals that are at hand. After 15-20 minutes, you can try to turn away.

Acetic essence

Experienced locksmiths shared their experience on how to unscrew a rusty bolt at home or garage conditions. The liquid that housewives use in the kitchen comes to the rescue. 70% vinegar essence is a real acid, which means it can defeat rust and oxides.

The place is cleaned with a metal brush, then the rags are abundantly moistened with liquid and the fasteners are covered with this rag. After some time (usually 20 minutes is enough, but may be longer), the bolt will loosen. Hard at first, then easier.

"Coca Cola"

This is not a joke at all, but one of the ways to unscrew rusty nuts and bolts. Everyone knows that the composition of the popular drink contains phosphoric acid. It is used for degreasing and to combat corrosion products. Naturally, it will take more time than with essence or VD-40, but if there is nothing else, then you can try.

Everything is very simple. The surface near the fasteners is abundantly filled with a sweet drink, and then all that remains is to wait. After a few hours, you can try to unscrew.

Brake fluid

And here's how to unscrew a rusty bolt in a car if the car is on the way. Brake fluid will help. It has great penetrating power and can easily get where even kerosene can't. After a few minutes, you can try to unscrew the connection. As practice shows, this is a very effective folk remedy.

If you opened this article, it means that strong words are behind you, you pulled yourself together and decided to find answers to the questions: “What should I do if the bolt is stuck? How to open it? Let's try to understand this problem.

Bolt stuck: how to unscrew?

Repair is difficult, replacement of spare parts is complicated by metal corrosion or hydrated iron hydroxide for a banal reason. For example, during installation at the factory or during a previous repair, unscrupulous craftsmen ignored the treatment with lubricants (movil or grease). As a result of operation, water got under the thread. She caused the surface of the bolt and nut to loosen, locking them tightly with a new molecular compound. Each motorist will choose a suitable method for working with a stuck bolt or use a combination of the methods proposed in this article. So let's look at some of them.

With solvents

There are no hopeless situations. take on cutting tool early until you know what to do if the bolt has stuck. Any motorist in his arsenal has several liquids that have the ability to fight rust. First in the line of solvents, WD-40 will most likely come to mind. This is an aerosol that is able to penetrate micro-gaps with its components and dissolve rust. If this option is not available, then in almost every garage there will be such products as antifreeze, brake fluid, white spirit, kerosene, Coca-Cola, extreme case you can take ethylene glycol. With the last substance, you must be very careful. Protect the mucous membranes of the eyes and respiratory tract.

Moisten the nut with the selected liquid by wrapping it with a rag previously soaked in the same solution. Then it is necessary to leave all this for some time to penetrate into the microcracks of the substance. Further, by tapping a bolt or nut, you can destroy the softened rust. After that, you can start unscrewing. It is worth noting that if the bolt or stud is screwed into the housing vertically (even if down and pour the solvent), it is not so easy to unscrew them. But still, one should not underestimate the capillary ability of liquids, especially in a loose environment of rust. You only need to find a way to fix the rags on the stud or bolt head. And also follow the already suggested path.

When repairing the chassis of a car, you can often encounter a problem when a bolt on a rack has stuck. What to do? Basically, the lower part of the front struts is mounted in a glass. Therefore, the solvent can be poured directly into it. It is important here not to damage the rubber bands on the racks, as the chemistry can react with them and dissolve them. Then you have to change the racks.

thermal method

If the proposed option with a solvent does not work, then it is worth trying the thermal method. By heating the nut screwed on the bolt, you can increase the product. In this case, there will be a chance to rip it off the spot. If the bolt is placed in the housing, this option can also be used. Heating the product will slightly change the structure of rust, and the chance to unscrew an already cooled bolt will increase. For heat treatment you can use a gas burner. However, it is not so easy to acquire the skill of handling such equipment. It takes time. An excellent alternative can be a tourist gas burner. It costs less and is easier to manage. It should be noted that during operation, it is necessary to strictly observe safety rules in order to avoid a fire.

Another chance to save the life of the product will be a sharp freezing of the bolt with a special spray. However, it is only used by professionals. In everyday life, its use is unprofitable, since the substance is quite expensive. It makes no sense to purchase it for unscrewing several bolts.

mechanical method

It is also important to approach the methods of unscrewing nuts and unscrewing bolts with ingenuity. We use the "do no harm" principle. So, the bolt stuck. How to unscrew it? Doing this with a simple open-end wrench is fraught with abrasions on the hands and “licked” edges of the product. For this, a ring wrench is more suitable. It will preserve the edges and help create more force when unscrewing. Putting pressure on the key, even with a lever, is gradual, increasing the amplitude (as if swinging and destroying rust).

Let's consider another mechanical way. We take it into service for situations where both temperature and chemical substances powerless. If the bolt cannot be unscrewed from the body, you can try to tap it. We do this in the course of thread rotation with a chisel, as if rotating it.

If this procedure is not successful, the bolt can be drilled out. What does it look like? We use a drill with a slightly smaller diameter than the product, so as not to spoil the thread. But even if this happens, do not be upset. The thread can be corrected with a tap.

And you need to know this too.

It is a completely different matter when the breakup bolt stuck right in the silent block. At first glance, it may seem that extracting it is an insurmountable task. But not for us. If a decision is made to change the silent block, but the bolt prevents this action from being carried out, a proven method will come to the rescue. You will need an angle grinder with a thin disc (125 mm), perhaps a hacksaw and, oddly enough, a hammer drill. The use of the first two tools is clear and logical. But it is the puncher that can provide an invaluable service in pushing out the bolt. There is a possibility that the bolt, when removed, will rest against the body. Therefore, regrettably, but its further extraction will take place in parts. Sawing off small pieces with a hacksaw, pushing out the remnants of the product with a blunt drill, you can free the suspension.

So we considered several options for how to act when the bolt got stuck. How to unscrew it? Now this is not a problem for you.

Almost all equipment is assembled using fasteners, where bolts or other products are used. But when it becomes necessary to unscrew them, they can turn out to be rusted and already unusable.

These elements often turn out to have torn edges, threads, or their head breaks off. Buthow to unscrew a bolt with stripped edgesso as not to spoil the whole structure?

In contact with

Why fasteners are needed

Fasteners are essential elements engineering, which are used almost everywhere. The most common fasteners that are threaded are:

  • screws;
  • bolts;
  • nuts.

A bolt, like a screw, is a rod with a head that has one threaded end. Screws are usually classified into two types:

  1. Adjusting, which fix the parts mutually.
  2. Fasteners, which are used to connect a detachable character.

The screw heads can be cross recessed or single slotted.

Usually, given element necessary if you want to fasten additional element. Often a machine screw with a countersunk head is used instead of bolts, since the protruding head interferes with some mechanisms.

Most often, screws are used when it becomes necessary to fix parts that have been mounted on shafts or axles.

As for the bolts, they form a connection with threaded hole and nuts.Hex bolthas a head on one side and a screw thread on the other. They are intended for fastening such parts that have a small thickness, or if you want to often separate the elements. That's why it's so important to know how to unscrew the stuck bolt.

Nuts are fastener with construction hole threaded type designed to transmit torque. Nuts are produced various shapes, and it depends on the conditions of use.

Reasons for the failure of fasteners

As a rule, the reasons why a bolt becomes unusable can be the following:

  • sticking;
  • displacement of parts that are fastened with the participation of bolts;
  • excessive overtightening during installation;
  • use of inappropriate keys;
  • uneven forces during unscrewing.

Preparatory work

Depending on the reason why the bolt is not loosened, various preparatory measures may be required.

For example:

  1. Open the bolt joint using a penetrating fluid that is designed to reduce friction. You can use substances such as kerosene, brake fluid or WD-40 for this purpose. To do this, you will need to apply the substance to the connection and leave for about an hour. Only after this time has passed, you can start unscrewing.
  2. Some people use a hammer to knock on the bolt, but only so that the existing thread is not damaged.
  3. You can try to slightly heat the element that has boiled with a burner. This procedure causes the resulting dirt and rust to burn off, after which the bolt metal becomes more pliable.

Experts answering the questionhow to unscrew a screw with torn edges, they say that this is done in exactly the same way.

How to unscrew a bolt with torn edges

Once all the preparation procedures are completed, you can proceed with the extraction, buthow to unscrew a bolt with torn edges? First of all, for this you need to purchase all necessary tools. In order to carry out your plan, you can use the following methods:

  1. Take a gas key, but it's only good if space allows. It is possible to use a gas wrench not only on bolts that have a surface with edges, but also on cylindrical ones, when the thread is completely torn off.
  2. A damaged bolt can also be removed with ring wrenches, where there are different heads for torn edges. In this case, you will need to select the proper head size, otherwise it will not work.

Important! The longer the key, the easier it will be to unscrew the fastener.

If using the methods described above does not work, then you can resort to using other methods.

How to unscrew a bolt under a screwdriver

Often the situation with bolts and screws confuses the owner, because not everyone knowshow to unscrew the bolt if it does not get out.

When there is practically no access, you can make a notch with a chisel or grinder. After the manipulation, unscrewing the bolt with a screwdriver will be quite simple.

Although in some cases this does not give the desired result, then you can take the same screwdriver, placing it at an angle, and tap it lightly. But this must be done so that the bolt begins to rotate.

To the question how to unscrew a hexagon with torn edges, experts say that this fastener can be removed by the following methods:

  1. Using a needle file, which will help to get the size for the hexagon.
  2. Using a TORX sprocket, but it is important that it is of the proper size.
  3. A screwdriver that can be used if you first make an even notch.
  4. Using an extractor that screws into the hex hole.

Bolt for internal sprocket or hex

It can be unscrewed by the following methods:

  1. A flat screwdriver, but in this case you will need to make a notch with a grinder or a hacksaw. This must be done in such a way that the cut is with clear vertical walls, otherwise the screwdriver will jump off.
  2. An asterisk TORX, which should not pass into the hole with slots, but should not be larger than this size. She must cut through the hat and fit tightly into it. Next, you should unscrew the bolt jerkily, because otherwise the slot may break.
  3. With a drill, drill and extractors. To carry out the unscrewing procedure, you will need to drill a hole in the center and hammer an extractor of the desired size there. After that, using pliers, unscrew the element. It is very simple to carry out the unscrewing procedure using an extractor, since it has a thread that is opposite to the thread.
  4. A drill with a left-hand rotation or reverse drill, the diameter of which is smaller than the deformed bolt. To carry out this procedure, you will need to drill a small hole with a thin drill and only then insert a left-hand drill. Naturally, now the drill will need to be put on the intensive rotation mode.

Attention! You can not use an asterisk that has a hole in the center, so when clogging they break.

How to loosen a hex bolt

This fastener can be easily unscrewed in the following ways:

  1. With the above asterisk.
  2. Using a needle file that makes the proper size for a hexagon.
  3. A screwdriver, but before that, just like in the previous versions, you will need to make an even notch.
  4. Extractor, the method of use of which has already been described.

How to unscrew an asterisk bolt with broken edges

To accomplish what you want to do, you need to knowhow to unscrew the sprocket bolt. After all, unscrewing such a fastener is possible in the same ways as those indicated above:

  1. After making a cut, simply unscrew the bolt with a flat screwdriver.
  2. Using an adjustable wrench, which is used to compress the part.
  3. Using an extractor.

How to unscrew a bolt with special equipment

The bolts are unscrewed using a variety of devices, and this will allow drill out the bolt without damaging the thread, For example:

  • keys;
  • screwdriver;
  • pneumatic wrench;
  • ratchet.

But often it is not possible to solve the problem with the methods listed above, and then others will come to the for removing broken bolts:

  1. Thin open end wrenches, but they are categorically not suitable in the case of rusty or stuck bolts, as this breaks the edges.
  2. Impact wrench.
  3. Ring wrenches, which are more applicable, as they cover the head of the product more tightly.
  4. Welding equipment.
  5. A hex wrench that is less likely to cause edge stripping.
  6. Impact wrench.
  7. A multiplier that allows you to apply more force to a stuck bolt.
  8. Screwdriver with a large handle.
  9. Clamping tool.
  10. Extractor set.
  11. A hairpin, which is perfect for products that have a high hat.

Working with a set of extractors

Initially, you will need to outline the center, for which you need a center punch and a hammer. A pilot hole is then drilled to be used by the extractor.

Attention!In this case, it is important that the axis is not displaced, and the depth of this hole should not exceed three diameters of the drill used.

The extractor will need to be inserted into the hole and slightly knocked out so that the fixation is more reliable. Only then can a tap be used to screw in the extractor. Working with it is quite simple, because after the extractor enters the product until it stops, the product will begin to turn out.

Working with welding equipment

If abroken bolt, how to unscrewit without damaging the equipment itself? Most fast way is to use welding.

To do this, take a nut right size and weld it to the broken part, but only with inside. After that, the product can simply unscrew the fastener with a wrench.

Welding equipment makes it possible to unscrew a screw or bolt that has a broken head or edges that have been torn off.

In a situation where the head is torn off, a small amount of metal must be deposited on the remaining part, after which a regular nut should be put on and welded.

Unscrewing with a wrench

Unfortunately, this tool cannot be used if the head of the fastener has been torn off.How to unscrew a licked bolt, described in another paragraph. To unscrew it with a wrench, you need to put a suitable nozzle on it. The twisting process itself occurs due to the impact mechanism of the wrench.

The wrench itself is a device that facilitates the process of assembling and disassembling bolt-nut connections. It is very convenient if the wrench cannot be used.

As soon as the wrench is started, power is supplied to the motor, which transfers energy to the gearbox, which leads to the functioning of the chuck. Almost all devices that are designed for loosening nuts have a special spring that allows the cartridge to rotate back. This fact allows the use of a wrench not only in mechanical engineering, but also in many other areas of activity.

Often the situation arises thatbolt won't loosen what to doin that case, if there are no special skills? There are several simple tips, which make it easier to unscrew the fastener:

  1. In order to carry out this procedure faster, you should preheat the element.
  2. How to remove a stripped bolt? In this case, you can use a hex wrench.
  3. During operation, you can use acetone or oil for lubrication.
  4. The use of a drill with a reverse thread can greatly facilitate the process.
  5. If there are no special tools at hand, then a core and a hammer can be used. To do this, the first one should be placed at an angle of forty-five degrees and beat on it with a hammer, but only counterclockwise.
  6. If it is not possible to unscrew the element, then you will need to drill larger hole and cut the thread again.

How to unscrew a broken nut

In order to accomplish what you want to do, you need to knowhow to unscrew a nut with torn edges. Although it is not easy, you can use a few tips from experts:

  1. You will need a metal brush, which is used to clean the jammed connection. In this place, you should drop a small amount of kerosene or diesel fuel and wait twenty minutes. After that, using the spanner wrench, you should unscrew the nut.
  2. You can tap the nut, but don't use too much force.
  3. Using a gas wrench, as it has a stronger clamp and even round objects can be unscrewed with it.
  4. The grinder, which cuts new edges, will perfectly cope with this problem.
  5. At home, they often use a chisel and a hammer, with which they cut a non-working nut and then unscrew it.

All the methods described above for removing a rusted, deformed or stuck bolt will be within the power of any owner. And the listed tools and equipment can be purchased at any hardware store. It is important that too much effort is not applied during disassembly, it is better to deal with the cause of the problem and eliminate it.
