How to ennoble a cast-iron battery in an apartment. How to close radiators - interesting ideas for the home

On such frosty winter days as now, heating saves our houses and apartments. Therefore, the presence heating radiators in dwellings - this is undoubtedly a plus. But often batteries become a stumbling block when you want to decorate a room beautifully.

So where to put the hated batteries? After all, no matter how modern they are, appearance rooms, alas, still deteriorate because of them ...

The problem with the design of radiators is especially relevant in children's rooms and rooms where children often play, not only for aesthetic reasons, but also because kids run a lot and can hit the battery.

If modern radiators have such an appearance that they can easily fit into a high-tech or minimalist room, then Soviet cast-iron batteries look quite depressing. Therefore it is necessary disguise the battery so that it was not visible, but did not stop warming us in the cold.

How to hide the battery

Editorial "So simple!" prepared for you 14 practical ways how to hide the nondescript radiator and at the same time transform the interior. Now, looking at the batteries in the house, I get aesthetic pleasure!

  1. The easiest way is to paint the battery. Use for this special paint resistant to elevated temperatures. The color must be selected to match the interior of the room. This option is best applied to modern aluminum batteries. Painted cast iron products will stand out strongly.

    But if you decorate them with various patterns - a completely different matter! This is especially true in the children's room or in the kitchen. If artistic skills are completely absent, you can use special stencils.

  2. Very original idea! To implement it, you must have several skeins of twine, 3 hours of time and perseverance.

  3. You can close the heating battery with a cotton curtain. This option is suitable only for products installed in a niche.

    You can attach the curtain to the window sill with Velcro, the fabric should be matched to the tone of the wallpaper. Blinds can be used as an alternative.

  4. And this idea is just 2 in 1! We hide the batteries and get a new place for reading or pleasant gatherings.

  5. And you can hide them under special bars or perforated screens. These devices are made from various materials have a variety of shapes and designs.

  6. Thanks to the screens, the battery can be used as extra bed for relaxation, as a shelf or stand for decorative elements.

  7. How about this way?

  8. Screens made of thick glass will successfully cover an unsightly battery. Such products look beautiful and very stylish.

    However, glass screens cover only outside batteries. They are fixed using screw holders with elastic protective gaskets.

  9. Another interesting idea is a nightstand with lattice doors. Practical and convenient, right?

  10. You can hide the radiators with the help of hinged grilles. Most often, such products are used for cast-iron batteries located in a niche under the windowsill. And a nice bonus is that everyone can handle the installation. All that is required is to hang the structure on the heater.

  11. Great idea for a kid's room!

  12. Please note that the choice of material from which the screen will be made must be approached no less scrupulously than the design of the product itself. After all, the material must be resistant to high temperatures.

  13. Another great idea: a battery hidden in a box with a perforated panel. Stylish and tasteful!

  14. And finally decoupage. Using ordinary napkins and PVA glue, you can also decorate the heater. It is easy to do it yourself, special skills and expensive materials are not required.

    It is enough to pick up napkins to match, cut necessary elements and cover the radiator with them. On top, you can apply a special heat-resistant varnish.

Wondering what to close heating battery, you need to take care not only of the decorative side, but also of practicality. After all, no matter how beautifully and stylishly decorated the heating radiator is, if it does not fulfill its main function (heating the air in the room), it simply does not make sense.

And how would you transform unsightly batteries? I would be glad if you share your opinion with us in the comments. And do not forget to tell your friends about these ideas, perhaps for some of them it is very relevant!

Nastya practices yoga and loves traveling. Fashion, architecture and everything beautiful - that's what a girl's heart aspires to! Anastasia is engaged in interior design, and also makes unique decorations with a floral theme. Dreams of living in France, learning the language and keenly interested in the culture of this country. He believes that a person needs to learn something new all his life. Anastasia's favorite book is Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert.

Screens and decorative grilles, selected for the interior of the room, make it possible to make massive radiators invisible. Similar disguise in apartments and residential buildings necessary to meet the aesthetic needs of residents. Whereas in kindergartens, schools and other institutions where children may be, heating radiator fences are installed without fail to ensure their safety. From a rich assortment of ready-made screens sold in construction stores, the buyer cannot make a choice for a long time, because he cannot understand what is the best way to close the heating battery.

For residential premises and offices, many choose cheap plastic screens, available in various colors to make it easier to match the grate to the interior. In institutions, only wooden screens made of natural wood are allowed.

View open window should not be overshadowed by heating devices that can be easily hidden behind decorative screens

Types of decorative grilles and screens

Based design features all screens designed to mask heating radiators can be divided into several groups:

  • hinged screens with or without covers are used to close cast-iron batteries located in a niche under the window sills or protruding slightly forward;
  • flat screens are suitable for fencing radiators hidden deep in niches;
  • screens in the form of an attached box allow you to completely hide the installation site of the heater.

Guards for batteries are also divided according to the material of manufacture.

Decorative grilles can be:

  • metal;
  • plastic;
  • wooden;
  • glass.

Making a box or false plasterboard wall

Many tenants who carry out repairs in the apartment do not like not only the type of batteries, but also the wiring of the pipes of the heating system. The presence of a pipeline makes installation difficult suspended ceilings And floor coverings. Therefore, the entire wiring, together with the batteries, can be hidden behind a false wall made of drywall.

If every square centimeter is saved in a room usable area, then instead of a false wall they make the box from the same material. Let's look at how to close the drywall heating battery with your own hands.

Tools and necessary materials

For the installation of the structure, you will need the following tools and building materials:

  • tape measure and pencil;
  • screwdriver;
  • metal scissors;
  • level;
  • self-tapping screws and dowels;
  • drywall;
  • profile UD and CD;
  • decorative lattice.

The procedure for carrying out installation work

If the heating radiator is located in a niche under the windowsill, then to mask it, you need to build profile frame around the perimeter of this hole. At the same time, with the help of a UD guide profile attached to the bottom of the window sill, to the floor and walls with self-tapping screws, a single frame is created.

The front edge of the frame is deepened by 13 mm, which allows, after screwing the drywall, to obtain a surface that coincides with the wall.

Important! Further, the CD profile is vertically inserted into the constructed frame on both sides of the heating radiator. Moreover, the distance between these profiles should slightly exceed the dimensions of the decorative lattice.

With the help of drywall sheets sewn onto a profile frame, it is possible to hide the battery and heating wiring behind a false wall

Then, four segments of the UD profile, the length of which is 6 cm, are sewn to the vertical CD profiles. The segments must be placed with the open side to the radiator, as they will serve as frames into which horizontal profiles will be inserted, indicating the height of the decorative frame. Depending on the actual dimensions of the existing niche, additional vertical CD profiles can be installed every 60 cm.

After finishing work on preparing the frame, it is sewn up with sheets of drywall, which are puttied and hung in the allotted space with a decorative grille. The profiles are fastened together with small LM screws.

Important! It is necessary to foresee in advance how to close the heating radiators with drywall so that free access is provided to the heaters and connections for their repair and maintenance.

Elements heating system hide in boxes constructed of drywall

Advantages of installing decorative grilles on heating radiators

  • Reduced dusting of batteries with complex shape for cleaning and washing.
  • Choice protective screen, suitable in style and material for the interior of the room.
  • Protecting young children from possible bruises when falling on metal appliances, as well as from burns that can be obtained from touching them.
  • Ensuring uniform distribution of warm air flows in the space of the room.
  • Quick way to disguise old batteries that don't fit in general form renovated room.

Various models of screens and decorative grilles allow you to close the heating radiator most the best way. Without denying that it is beautiful, some believe that batteries cannot be closed, since heat transfer decreases significantly. However, in practice, this opinion is refuted by successfully operated gratings that do not prevent heat from escaping through their holes.

When arranging the interior space and creating a unique interior, the question often arises of how to close the radiators so that the radiators harmoniously fit into the integral interior picture of the room.

Heating systems of any room should give off heat as much as possible, heating it.

At the same time, their design must correspond to the holistic concept of the room.

Ideally, a beautiful screen should not only solve the problem of how to close the battery, but also increase the heat transfer of the radiator.

How to disguise a battery in a room?

Radiators and pipes of the heating system do not decorate the interiors of any room, so many owners tend to cover their heater in some way. This must be done aesthetically and efficiently, taking into account all the nuances.

IN old days radiators and heating pipes were beautifully painted white, which was periodically refreshed by tinting.

To date, the elements of the heating system white color against the background of colored walls do not look very attractive.

Such batteries are more organically combined with light walls, fitting into the overall color scheme.

If available inside the apartment plain walls various colors, you can choose the most suitable heat-resistant paint.

With the right color solution radiators and pipes dissolve within the overall design of the room.

When the wallpaper is decorated with various ornaments, individual elements drawings can be placed directly on the radiator.

The simplest solution in this case is to stick strips of such wallpaper on its facade surface.

Numerous ideas on how to close radiators can be viewed in the photo in the design catalogs.

The most popular options may be as follows:

  • masking of heating elements inside the lattice functional structure: chest of drawers, cabinet, side shelves;
  • decorating a battery under the guise of a fireplace using wooden frame and special film stickers;
  • placing the radiator inside a niche, which is closed by a wall-to-wall screen;
  • arrangement of a table above a niche with a battery;
  • the use of attached large-width lattice screens made of wood and MDF;
  • the device of a glass screen made of translucent glass, decorated with a pattern;
  • the use of various suspended structures.

In addition to providing efficient heating houses or apartments, it is important to think over an attractive and practical design, which would please aesthetically, while maintaining safety.

For example, in a children's room, it is important to protect the child from sharp corners and level the risk of burns.

Thermal aspects

The heating of the room is due to physical processes having two components:

  • infrared radiation, transmitting directly thermal energy subjects;
  • circulation of heated air with the displacement of the cold component.

From the point of view of efficient heat distribution, it is best to close the radiators with your own hands with a screen in the form of a grid with large cells.

With such a barrier arrangement, both processes proceed efficiently with minimal heat loss.

The positive effect will be enhanced by thermal insulation placed on the wall, which reflects heat, returning it back to the room. The cold air that enters from below rises to the top as it warms up.

To prevent stagnation of warm air under the windowsill, it is recommended to install a visor on top of the screen, which would direct warm air into the room.

From above, two will be very useful metal plates, which increase the efficiency of removing warm air from the front side of the radiator.

Thus, a correctly installed grid, taking into account the laws of heat engineering, improves thermal efficiency, which often turns out to be much higher than that of an open battery.

Design issues when installing a heating system

The issue of designing radiators inside different rooms can be considered from two sides:

  • in case of radiator replacement;
  • in the case of masking pipes and the battery itself.

If it is necessary and possible to replace the radiators, you can choose an attractive design of the room, which would imply the use of designer radiators.

In this case, such heating elements do not need to be closed, since they will be an important stylish detail of a holistic interior.

In case of repair without replacement of sanitary equipment, there are various options, allowing the owner of the apartment to choose how to decorate the radiator.

They can be in the following ways:

  • painting, which allows you to bring the radiators in line with the general color background. When carrying out such procedures, it is important to make sure that the radiators fit stylistically into the overall concept of the interior;
  • plastic grills captivate with their low price, but when heated, they can release harmful substances;
  • a glass panel made of translucent glass with printed photo, covering the front side of the battery, is attached to the wall using metal brackets. Leaving free space for air circulation, it limits infrared radiation;
  • hinged screens are the easiest way to mask the radiator, although they do not solve the problems with the supply pipes and restrict air circulation and infrared radiation;
  • flat screens can be represented by different options: with thread, forging, pattern, just lattice;
  • screen-box, in addition to aesthetic appeal, can serve as furniture. At the same time, it is important to maintain the lattice structure on top and on the front side.

Decor of batteries and pipes of the heating system in different rooms

In the bathroom, the problem of masking pipes and radiators can be solved in two ways:

  • hide these elements inside lockers and other pieces of furniture;
  • close the heating elements with a screen or box.

In the first case, decorative pieces of furniture, in addition to their aesthetic function, can serve as a place to store hygiene items, bath towels.

For the second option, gratings made of plastic, MDF, HDF, glass screens are suitable. In any case, it is important to use materials that are resistant to moisture.

There are several ways to close the battery in the kitchen, but the priority will be options that allow the most useful use of protective structures.

Firstly, you can expand the window sill, which could serve as a countertop. In this case, the radiator itself is recommended to be closed with a metal screen.

IN small kitchens such solutions are very useful, because in this way you can save a lot of space.

Secondly, you can make a decorative side table from a material that is resistant to high temperatures. With this solution, it is important to ensure free air circulation from above and below.

A fairly functional device that can close the kitchen battery is a hinged screen.

When cleaning or repairing, it can be easily removed, providing full access to the heater.

When installed, it has an attractive appearance, adding kitchen area stylistic benefits.

A flat screen mounted on a stand or self-tapping to a window sill will hide the radiator and add aesthetic appeal to your kitchen design.

Today's market offers a wide variety of such products of different styles.

With the help of a box, you can make a kitchen battery in a room a small table or even a bench. Based on it, you can make a frame of a decorative screen in the form of a fireplace.

Thus, the look, shape and functionality of the devices that hide the battery in the room depend on the imagination of the homeowners.

The main thing is that when creating aesthetically attractive design adhere to technological feasibility.

Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

Each apartment and house has heating radiators that effectively heat the room in cold weather, but do not always have an attractive appearance. In most cases, no matter how modern external design batteries, they still do not fit into the overall picture of the interior.

Nowadays, when the market finishing materials offers a lot of options for decorating the interior, the question of how to hide the batteries does not require much thought and is solved quite simply.

Decorative screens for radiators

Most often, the radiator is located under the window, where unaesthetic pipes can be hidden using decorative panels or screens. Today, this is perhaps the most common way to decorate radiators, due to the ease of implementation and the huge variety of options offered.

In addition to excellent aesthetic qualities, battery panels reduce the spread of infrared radiation, and in some cases increase the heat transfer of radiators. In addition, a screen for radiators, as in the photo, increases the safety of the room as a whole, especially for families with small children, where there is always a risk of thermal burns.

A radiator covered with a decorative screen does not require constant cleaning from dust and dirt, it is enough to periodically remove dust from the surface of the panels.

Ready-made screens for batteries in a wide range are presented in stores of building and finishing materials. There are also companies that manufacture screens to order, according to individual sizes and taking into account the wishes of the client. One way or another, we get a lot of options on how to close the radiators in our apartment in a beautiful and original way.

Typically, screens for decorating radiators are made of plastic or stainless steel, less often glass or wood. Each of these materials has its own advantages in operation. So, metal screens have an excellent ability to give off heat and special durability. They are relatively inexpensive, easy to install, but, alas, they do not differ in high aesthetic qualities.

Glass screens for radiators add lightness to the interior. Glass in this case can be glossy or matte, can be tinted, painted or applied. decorative drawings using photographic techniques.

Plastic screens are characterized by affordability and practicality, but such products are far from shining with their durability. Under the influence of heat, plastic quickly becomes unusable, so the average life of plastic screens is about 6 years.

Wooden screens are distinguished by their ability to create a special comfort in the room. Such products can be very successfully matched to the tone of the surrounding furniture, and the screen design itself, which is a kind of wickerwork of wooden planks, looks very stylish.

One way or another, a room with a well-decorated radiator takes on a complete look in which all interior items are in perfect harmony with each other.


You can also make a decorative screen with your own hands - just take measurements from the radiator and, in accordance with these dimensions, build a special box that will cover the battery. The photo shows what such a screen might look like, and the video will help you visualize how to make it step by step.

As for materials, wood, medium-density fiberboard or drywall are suitable for this purpose. The latter is considered the simplest, most affordable and easy-to-work material. Especially drywall is good because it allows different variants finishing - it can be painted, primed, and covered with a decorative film, wallpaper or decorated with stucco.

In a word, to the question of how to hide batteries in an apartment, there are a lot of original solutions, and the choice of the most suitable is a purely individual matter, focused on your tastes and preferences.
