If the heating does not work, where to call. Where to complain about poor heating in the apartment

A cold snap and approaching frosts are an occasion to urgently think about the temperature in the apartment. In some houses it becomes too cold, in others - much more than necessary. By sanitary standards, the temperature in the apartment should be from 18 to 25 degrees. So, according to GOST R 51617-2000 (room temperature standards), in living rooms there should be about 18-20 degrees of heat, in a bathroom, shower or restroom - up to 25 degrees. In the corner rooms of apartments, the air temperature should be 2 degrees higher. Remember that heating is a utility service, and you pay money to maintain a certain temperature in your living space. In the event that this service is of poor quality, you, as a consumer, have the right not to pay for heating services at all.

What should be the temperature in the apartment in winter?

A cold snap and approaching frosts are an occasion to urgently think about the temperature in the apartment. In some houses it becomes too cold, in others - much more than necessary.

According to sanitary standards, the temperature in the apartment should be from 18 to 25 degrees. So, according to GOST R 51617-2000 (room temperature standards), in living rooms there should be about 18-20 degrees of heat, in a bathroom, shower or restroom - up to 25 degrees. In the corner rooms of apartments, the air temperature should be 2 degrees higher.

Who is responsible for heating in an apartment in Moscow

Remember that heating is a utility service, and you pay money to maintain a certain temperature in your living space. In the event that this service is of poor quality, you, as a consumer, have the right not to pay for heating services at all. If it is cold in your apartment, you must urgently write a complaint to your management company. A commission will be sent to you, which will identify the reasons for the low temperature in the apartment. Utilities are obliged to fix everything on average within a period of 1 to 7 days.

Where to complain if the heating is not turned on?

When the cold comes and the temperature drops below normative value, starts heating season. If the room is well warmed up, then it will be comfortable to live in it even in the most cold winter. But not in all houses and apartments with the beginning of the heating season, the batteries become warm. And there are many reasons for that. But in any case, you need to know what to do and where to complain about the lack of heating in the apartment.

Many apartment residents often have the question, where to complain about the lack of heating in the apartment? But before answering it, it is necessary to consider for what reasons there may be no heating?

The lack of heating can be caused by the following reasons:

In any case, you need to know where to complain about the lack of heating in the house. It doesn't take long to get things fixed. And especially if there are small children in the apartment. Then the problem should be solved as soon as possible. But you need to act without panic and competently.

Where to go if the batteries are cold?

Many residents have a question, where to call if there is no heating in the apartment? First you need to contact the emergency dispatch service of the area. Contact phone number can be found by calling the help desk. You can also find the number online. The dispatcher is obliged to accept the application and send a specialist in the near future to identify the cause of the lack of heat supply.

In order to confirm the absence of heating in the apartment, a technical specialist must draw up an act.

And of course in duplicate. One - the specialist takes with him, the second - leaves the owner of the apartment. In the near future, we can expect a solution to the problem.

It should also be noted that the plumber must once a year routinely inspect the elements heating system for performance. If the locksmith did not conduct an inspection, this must be reported in a conversation with a utility service specialist.

But where to complain about the lack of heating in the apartment, if the appeal to the dispatch service did not work? The most effective way out of this situation is to file a complaint with the regulatory authorities.

Where else can you turn if the heating has not been restored?

Knowing where to complain if there is no heating, you can achieve a quick solution to the problem. If, after inspecting the heating system by a public utility worker, the heating was not turned on, then you can contact the following authorities:

If the requests and demands of the residents were ignored by the employees of the above authorities, where to complain about heating in this case? Then more drastic measures should be taken. You should contact:

But a claim about the lack of heating should be sent to these authorities if the utility service specialists have not taken any measures and ignore the complaint of the residents of the house. After all, it is possible that a housing office employee will arrive shortly after the call and quickly solve the problem. If the utility service does not perform its duties at the proper level, higher authorities can identify the culprit and fine the organization, bring it to serious liability.

Interruptions in heating can occur not only in a residential apartment, but also in office space companies. Often employees have a question, if there is no heating at work, where can they complain then? First, you should inform the head of the company about the existence of such a problem, and also notify the landlord if the office is rented. Further actions are the same as in the absence of heating in the apartment.

When can I complain about poor quality heating?

There are temperature standards in the living room.

The temperature in the apartment should not be less than 18 degrees.

If the heat index is lower than that established in the standard, you can contact the Housing Office or other authorities. Thus, if there is no heating at all or the batteries are barely warm where to complain, now it’s clear.

How to write a complaint?

Having determined where to turn if there is no heating, it is necessary to file a complaint. But regardless of which structure the claim is directed to, it is a fairly effective tool for influencing unscrupulous workers in the public utilities sector. It is only important to draw up the document correctly and competently.

Regardless of where to turn in the absence of heating, the complaint is made as follows:

Knowing to whom to complain about the lack of heating is not enough, you must also correctly draw up a complaint. Of course, you can find a sample on the Internet or fill it out already. ready template. But it is still not easy to write a document on your own. In order to make a complaint correctly, you need to know the different legal aspects and nuances. If there is no experience in compiling similar appeals, then it is very likely that the claim will be written unreasonably, and they simply will not be considered.

In this regard, when filing a complaint, it is better to seek the help of an experienced lawyer. A specialist in this field knows all the nuances of the current legislation and will help to bypass the existing "pitfalls". You can consult with a lawyer online. Today there are many forums. Consultation can be both paid and free. Remote advice from a legal specialist guarantees savings in effort, time and money for applicants. The lawyer will tell you what to do if there is no heating in the apartment, where to complain in each case, and will answer all your questions.

Regardless of who to complain to if there is no heating, it is advisable to file a collective claim. Since public appeals, as a rule, are considered necessarily and in the first place. Usually the decision is made from 10 to 30 days after receipt of the document. Complaints must be submitted in multiple copies. Residents of the house must have a second version of the document in their hands.

But before deciding who to complain to about the lack of heating, you need to check if the valve that blocks the coolant is closed. In this case, simply turn the lever and the heating in the apartment will resume. In some cases it may be required.

Knowing where to complain if there is no heating, teaming up with residents of the house who have a similar problem, competently compiling a complaint and sending it to the appropriate authority, you can achieve a quick solution to the issue of heating.

Is it worth paying for heat, which was not in fact?

If there was no heating long time, residents of the house are not required to pay for it.

But where to turn if there is no heating for recalculation of the amount of payment for services?

Of course, to the public service. She will recalculate for all the time when there was no heating in the apartment. But it should be noted that, on their own initiative, public utilities will not reduce the debt. Therefore, the initiative regarding the recalculation should come from the tenants of the apartment.

To do this, a written application should be sent to the service organization at home. Such a document is drawn up in the same way as a complaint. The only thing, at the end, another requirement should be stated, which concerns the recalculation of the amount of payment for the provided heating.

Remote control heating system

Many tenants country houses or empty apartments install a remote heating system. This allows you to easily monitor the temperature in the house and manage it effectively. The heating is controlled by telephone through the GSM network standards. Disabling or enabling heating via SMS is a very convenient option for controlling the heating system at a distance.

GSM controllers can be connected to an electric, gas or convective heating system. The only thing is that you need an automation system and a good mobile signal. All change data temperature regime will be sent via SMS.

Thus, the temperature in the apartment can be monitored from a distance by installing a remote system. Heating problems are not uncommon for apartment dwellers. The reasons for the lack of heat can be different. It is important to know what to do and where to complain about the lack of heating in the house. And the ability to correctly compose a complaint will increase the chances of a quick solution to the problem.

Before the start of the heating season, apartment owners are interested in the question of how stable and high-quality the heating system will work. When the batteries in the apartment are barely warm, it is raining outside the window or a snowstorm is raging, it is almost impossible to get out from under the warm blanket in the morning.

A cold battery can be a short-term phenomenon associated with a network failure, in which case you just have to endure and hope for a quick repair. But what to do when the boiler rooms are constantly poorly heated, dampness appears in the housing, and people living in it regularly get sick?

Owners of housing in apartment buildings should know who is responsible for the work engineering networks, and if the batteries in the apartment are cold, then you need to know where to complain in such a situation.

After all, utility companies usually consider payment for heating according to the tariff, not taking into account the actual temperature in the house. In such a scenario, the consumer pays for the heat that is not available in the rooms of his dwelling.

If there is no heat in the apartment, first of all, you should ask the neighbors about the condition of the batteries. Rarely batteries remain cold in one apartment.

In the event that the problem has affected all residents, you should contact management company or to another organization responsible for supplying heat in an apartment building.

ATTENTION! When buying a home, you should immediately conclude an agreement with the management company for the provision utilities. Under the contract, the consumer is responsible for the timely payment of heating bills, and the management company is responsible for the quality of services.

Temperature standards in apartments

Exist temperature standards in residential premises during the heating season. If they are violated, utility companies must recalculate for heat.

Residents of apartments who have entered into an agreement with the management company, have the right to demand so that the heating system is turned on in time, and also that it maintains the required temperature.

IMPORTANT! According to the adopted GOST R 51617-2000 indoors apartment building temperature indicators should be within 18-25 degrees of heat.

The exact figures depend on the functional purpose of the rooms. If there is no heating, and the batteries are cold and do not support the temperature regime - must be contacted by the responsible organization.

Reasons for the lack of heat in the house

There are several reasons why batteries do not heat up or provide insufficient heat.

  • One of the good reasons is accident on the main line or in the CHP plant itself. Equipment may fail, a pipe with a hot coolant may break. In such cases, the whole house or even several buildings, the whole microdistrict is usually turned off. Such problems are detected immediately and, as a rule, the responsible authorities quickly take measures to eliminate the accident. Heating problems last for some time, it depends on the complexity of the damage to the network.
  • Even if the cause is an emergency, still need to complain and to the management company, and the state housing inspection.
  • Call GGI it is also necessary if the heating was turned off in the house ahead of schedule.
  • In the case when the batteries are very hot in some apartments, and slightly warm in others, we can talk about incorrectly drawn up design of the thermal system.
  • If the battery is cold only from below, it may be clogged with scale and rust, in which case you need to rinse it several times under pressure.

Low temperature in a separate room or in the entire apartment may be associated with the appearance air locks throughout the system. Such problems arise after the start-up of the coolant in the heating pipeline.

To correct the situation, sometimes it is enough to drain some water on the upper floors using the Mayevsky crane, then normal traffic is restored hot water through the pipes.

Poor heating can also be associated with the reconstruction of the pipeline in separate apartments. Capital repairs housing are often associated with redevelopment, reinstallation of radiators, a separate pipe, builders can perform these works with violation of the heating system design.

To whom to complain about poor heating, and how to draw up an application correctly?

Residents of the building should know who is responsible for heating, water supply or other utilities. In this case, they can quickly find out who to file a complaint about the poor quality of engineering systems.

  • A complaint to the management company about poor heating or its absence is submitted in writing. If the problem is common for the house - a cold riser and batteries in apartments - the complaint must be on behalf of all tenants and with their signatures.
  • The application must clearly indicate the problem, the time of its occurrence, and other circumstances.
  • You should not only write an application in two copies, but also register his. One copy remains in the hands of the tenants.
  • Written and registered complaints will become one of the main documents if you have to go to court to resolve the issue.

IMPORTANT! An application made in writing and on behalf of a collective of tenants must be considered within a short period of time.

The house is still cold, missing normal heating and after contacting the management company? This indicates that the utility ignores his duties, works unprofessionally.

In this case, you need to contact local government supervising housing and communal services enterprises. It is also recommended to file a complaint in writing.

Another serious instance - Rospotrebnadzor, referring to it is often enough to resolve the issue. The application must contain all the information on the problem - the address of the house where the heating is turned off or the batteries are too cold, the name management company that heats the house.

In the future, Rospotrebnadzor sends its inspectors to the Criminal Code to find out why the violations arose.

Consumers faced with poor performance of the management company responsible for supplying heat to apartment house, have the right to apply to the prosecutor's office. You can simply threaten the administration of the Criminal Code with such an appeal (if it is completely inactive in solving the heating problem), often such a threat is enough.

The company's management is unlikely to want to deal with the prosecutor's office, realizing their guilt in violating obligations to the residents of the house.

Payment for heating and recalculation rules in its absence

How to pay for heat if it is not available in an apartment building or in a single apartment due to the fault of the supplier?

Payment for utilities should be counted only when they are real provision. This is the right of consumers, based on the clauses of the contract signed with the management company.

If tenants live in poor living conditions, in residential premises cold or barely warm batteries, they have the right to recalculate payment for heating.

  • First of all, you need to call management company engineer so that he draws up an act indicating the actual temperature in the house.
  • An application, confirmed by an act, about the lack of heating, is sent to Unified information and settlement center.
  • Already next month, this center should recalculate utility bills for heating.

IMPORTANT! Not all consumers know that they are also entitled to compensation for insufficient heat in the house. If the temperature did not meet the standards, 3% of the payment per month should be calculated for each day of cold in the apartment.

Residents of an apartment building can count on a quick solution to the issue of lack of heat. If the problem is connected with an accident, with a pipe leak, then the responsible authorities try to eliminate the accident as soon as possible.

When there is no heat in only one apartment or it is not enough to maintain a comfortable temperature regime, the problem can drag on for a longer time.

How to act in case of cold temperature in the apartment or in the house as a whole?

Primarily, call the dispatcher indicating the problem. He registers a written application, writes down the data, sends a plumber to the place of the problem.

It is especially necessary to react quickly if a heating system pipe breaks in the house, the basement or entrance is flooded. When a specialist arrives at the apartment, it is important to ensure that he measures the actual temperature in the room and indicates it in the act.

ATTENTION! Irresponsible employees of the management company may not come when called. In this case, you need to invite the neighbors into the apartment, they will testify to the low temperature, cold batteries, and sign an arbitrarily drawn up act.

In any case, you should straightaway contact the management company, call an engineer, fix the situation.

Useful video

This video shows several causes of cold batteries and possible options resolution of the situation.

Poor heating in an apartment is the most common complaint of residents about heating networks. But not everyone knows what to do in such a situation and where to complain if the batteries (radiator) at home do not heat well. Unfortunately, many have been inactive for years, continuing to freeze and pay for what they do not receive simply because of their low legal awareness. This category of the population usually starts doing something only when the heating in their apartment does not work at all. This is absolutely wrong.

On the other hand, before looking for where to complain if there is no heating, it is important to determine probable cause low temperatures. They are not always the fault of the heating system. For example, airlocks or rust blockages can form in pipes, preventing heat from passing through properly. If the apartment is angular, long without repair, heat can escape through the cracks between the balcony, window openings.

If the apartment is cold due to the fact that the water temperature and pressure in the batteries are lower established norms, in this case, you really should think about where to complain, since this is the fault of heating networks. But for such measurements of heating in the house you need a specialist. In what sequence to act if there is no heat, when and where to turn - we will consider further.

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Temperature standards for apartments

Before filing a complaint about the heating in your apartment, you need to pay attention to the government-approved standards and measure the temperature in your apartment for verification.

Temperature norms in rooms during the cold season (heated season):

In addition to these norms, it is also worth referring to common sense. It is not always necessary to rush to find where to complain if the heat is bad, that is, below the numbers in the table above. Each person perceives this or that temperature in his own way, not everyone is equally comfortable at 22 ° C in the bedroom. In the same bathroom great importance has moisture due to high humidity there is a feeling of dampness.

When it's too cold at home, all the temperatures in the apartment need to be documented, wherever you decide to complain. Without official measurements, you will not have evidence of a violation, which means that it will be impossible to hold anyone accountable and achieve anything.

Whether it is an apartment in a multi-storey building or other housing, everyone should know what to do if your rights are infringed. When there is no heating in the living room, it is fraught with negative consequences affecting the health of citizens, especially young children.

If you have problems with heating, it is important to clearly understand who is responsible for the heat in your home.

Who is responsible for the warm batteries in the apartment

To understand where to call and what to do when the heating is gone, pay attention to the following. The second section of the Rules and Regulations for the Technical Operation of Housing Facilities states that management companies are responsible for the provision of public services. Accordingly, if your apartment building is on the balance sheet of such an organization, it is she who is responsible for the communication systems. Each homeowner has the right to demand that his management company provide services in accordance with the standards approved in Russia. Therefore, the Criminal Code is the first structure where you need to contact if there is no heating in the apartment.

The competence of the management companies also controls the temperature in the premises and checks technical equipment which should be done every time before the opening of the heating season. A weak heating season, a complete lack of heating gives you the right to demand acts of inspection of technical communications and apply to higher authorities, where official complaints are sent.

When you contacted the Criminal Code, if cold batteries, in writing, a specialist should be sent to you to verify the information from your application. If deficiencies are found, appropriate repair work. If the Criminal Code is inactive or completely denies its responsibility, it is worth considering other options where to go, but all copies of documents on communication with the management company must be kept.

Where to complain about the lack of heating

Complaints about the lack of heating, like any complaint about poor heating, can be sent to more than one state structure. But this does not mean that you can start right away with the most stringent one - you must adhere to a certain algorithm. To begin with, clearly establish on whose balance sheet your apartment building is located, in order to understand where to call about heating in the first place and who to call about checking the operation of utilities.

When analyzing who to complain to, if your management company does not take proper action, as well as heating in the apartment, pay attention to the following sequence of your steps:

  • Call the Department of Housing Inspection - the emergency dispatch service of your city;
  • Write a complaint to the local housing inspectorate;
  • File a formal complaint with your heat and power organization;
  • Demand protection of rights in Rospotrebnadzor;
  • Call and write to the local administration;
  • Submit an appeal to the territorial Antimonopoly Service;
  • Give the situation publicity in the media, if necessary;
  • Contact the prosecutor's office, the court.

Wherever you submit an official application regarding heating, cold pipes, radiators, you are required to give the same official, written answer. It is desirable that complaints are received collectively, from several residents of your house at once.

If you have a cold radiator, but at the same time a hot riser, then there is a problem, most likely not with your neighbors, but only with you, first of all, a local check will be required here. Where to go with such a heating issue, as mentioned above, is to the management company.

Application to the management company of housing and communal services

The current legislation does not contain any rules regarding how an application should be made to a management company, HOA, housing and communal services or other similar organization. The requirements for this document are the same as for other official business papers. The application is written on a white sheet of A4 format blue ink, strikethroughs, corrections, emotional expressions in the text are not allowed. The structure is as follows:

Such a statement is drawn up in two copies. One remains with you, but an employee of the management company is obliged to put on it the date of acceptance and registration number. In the event that documents are not accepted at your place, which may also be, they must be sent by registered mail with an inventory and return notification. This is important nuance- you must have evidence that you really applied to the management company.

How to complain to the housing inspectorate

When the management company does not accept your application, ignores, is inactive and disclaims responsibility, you can send a claim for poor-quality heat supply to the address of the territorial housing inspection. The application is admissible only in writing and with confirmation of the fact that you have already applied with the intention to complain about the lack of heating of your management company. Where exactly did you go, when and with what requirements - you must confirm the relevant documents you have saved, their copies.

The procedure for submitting a request to the housing inspectorate is the same, two copies of the application are submitted, all documents available from previous appeals to the Criminal Code (measurement reports, your letters and answers to them, etc.) are attached, the problem is described in the same way. It is important to indicate exactly when there was no heating in your apartment, what are the indicators now, what are the norms Russian legislation were violated.

Having decided to complain collectively that there is no heating, and indicating where you have already visited in vain, make sure that each of the indicated applicants put his signature on the document.

You can contact local authorities

Where else is it possible to turn if it is too cold in the apartment, so this is the district or city administration at the location of your property. This is the main government agency who is competent to independently resolve issues in the territory entrusted to him. But this does not mean that the administration cannot be complained about if your statements, heating complaints and requests were unlawfully ignored by it.

An absolutely similar application is submitted here, with the only difference that paragraphs are added about all the structures where you have previously applied. Be sure to attach evidence of your communication with these structures, which can be sent by registered mail with a notification and a description of the attachments.

How to write a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor

Rospotrebnadzor is taking measures to protect the rights of the population, so it makes sense to apply here if all previous attempts to solve the heating problem have not yielded the desired result. An application with which you can complain to Rospotrebnadzor must contain:

Many do not even think about the possibility of complaining that there is no heating, namely to Rospotrebnadzor. It is a mistake to believe that this body deals only with the rights of consumers in matters of selling, buying something - it affects almost all areas where human rights can be violated in general.

Federal Antimonopoly Service

Another structure where you can complain if there is no heat in your housing is the Federal Antitrust Service(FAS). First of all, it should be taken into account that the FAS does not resolve civil legal disputes, it only exercises control over compliance with the law, as well as the activities of non-commercial, commercial organizations and individuals(entrepreneurs).

The Antimonopoly Service, where you can also complain about the heating network, controls the activities and state entities, executive power. It conducts scheduled and unscheduled inspections, as a result of which violators of the law are brought to administrative responsibility.

In other words, if you have a significant claim to the authorities where you complained about the lack of heating earlier, it makes sense to complain to the FAS in order to stir up the inactive ones.

How to file a complaint with the local prosecutor's office

Having unsuccessfully beat the thresholds of those who are responsible for heat in apartments, the city administration and other state structures, the owners, residents of these apartments have the right to apply to the prosecutor's office. This step is taken only after all other stages have been completed and they did not give the desired result.

A standard application is submitted describing what you have already done to resolve your issue. All accompanying documents are attached, indicating that you have already visited many government agencies, where you can only complain that the apartment has cold batteries.

The prosecutor's office will not accept your application if:

  • The text is emotionally colored, contains obscene, offensive language, threats officials and members of their families;
  • The test is typed in capital letters or Latin;
  • The presentation of the problem is unreadable, with incomprehensible abbreviations;
  • Invalid, incomplete addresses are indicated;
  • The appeal was addressed to the wrong address.


A complaint against the management company is filed with the court last, if the management company refuses to bear full responsibility for the lack of heating, recalculate tariffs, check thermal systems. Your requirements are most effectively implemented by a lawsuit in court.

As a result of the judicial review, all the circumstances that are set out in the claim are checked. If the claim is filed correctly, with the application of the most complete documentary base, the court takes the side of the plaintiff, obliging the defendant to fulfill the requirements of the injured party.

Residents can also apply to the court if the operating management company started heating in the apartment later than the heating season began. In some cases, if the communication does not work as it should, it can even be claimed for damages suffered by the plaintiff, including legal costs.

Is it possible to get a recalculation of the payment for heating

Residents whose rights have been violated have the right to submit to the management company, housing and communal services, HOA statement with the requirement to recalculate the amount of payment for heat for the period when it was not available or it was supplied below the established norms. The basis for such a recalculation at the legal level is a utility service provided in inadequate quality or a violation of the terms of the contract.

This violation is confirmed by a special act, which must be drawn up by the management company itself, where residents had previously come to complain. Each tenant who does not turn on heating (on time, for other reasons, of poor quality) has the legal right to independently demand such an act. If the management company refuses, you must contact the housing inspectorate.

What is important to consider is that they will be recalculated only for the period when the violation was officially recorded. That is, if you notice that your batteries are barely warm in November, and filed a complaint in January, they will recalculate not from November, but from January.

The procedure for recalculation for services of inadequate quality is enshrined in the Rules for the provision of public services to residents of multi-apartment and private houses. Those were approved on May 6, 2011
