Wooden shutters on windows in Russian huts. wooden shutters

window shutters- panels made of wood, metal or other material, partially or completely covering the window. There are folding shutters, hinged, leaning (removable), as well as roller shutters. When installing swing shutters, a hook on the shutters and a loop on the wall are provided to fix the shutters in the open position.

In cold regions, solid shutters are common, which are closed to protect window glass from damage, as well as to reduce heat loss through windows in cold weather. Such shutters do not let in sunlight.

In warmer regions, louvered shutters (ranch shutters) are used to protect the window from rain, while partially letting in sunlight and not preventing ventilation of the room.

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Excerpt characterizing window shutters

Everyone was silent. Tushin appeared on the threshold, timidly making his way from behind the generals. Bypassing the generals in a cramped hut, embarrassed, as always, at the sight of his superiors, Tushin did not see the flagpole and stumbled on it. Several voices laughed.
How was the weapon left? Bagration asked, frowning not so much at the captain as at those laughing, among whom Zherkov's voice was the loudest.
Tushin now only, at the sight of the formidable authorities, in all horror imagined his guilt and shame in the fact that he, having remained alive, had lost two guns. He was so excited that until now he had no time to think about it. The laughter of the officers confused him even more. He stood in front of Bagration with a trembling lower jaw and barely said:
“I don’t know… Your Excellency… There were no people, Your Excellency.”
- You could take it from cover!
That there was no cover, Tushin did not say this, although it was the absolute truth. He was afraid to let the other boss down by this and silently, with fixed eyes, looked straight into Bagration's face, just as a student who has gone astray looks into the examiner's eyes.

wooden shutters windows in Russian huts and houses have been installed since time immemorial. They served at the same time to protect against dashing people and to decorate the appearance of the house. As a material for the manufacture of wooden shutters, wood available in the area was used in the manufacture of wooden shutters. Most often it was pine or spruce, less often larch and other, more noble species of wood. Carved shutters were made to decorate the house.

shutters served protective screen from the scorching rays of the sun, creating coolness and silence in the house, in addition, on winter days they were a good barrier from the cold, wind and rain. Shutters appeared before the widespread introduction of window glass.

Upholstered from the inside with felt or other insulation, they protected from the weather, primarily from the cold, both in the castles of the nobility and in the homes of the poor.

Back in the nineteenth century, many window frames did not swing open, in the warm season they were simply completely taken out of the openings. The shutters became the only protection of the dwelling at night and in the absence of tenants. As a material for the manufacture of wooden shutters, wood available in the area was used.

Most often it was pine or spruce, less often larch and other, more noble species of wood. Carved shutters were made to decorate the house. Wooden carved shutters consist of the main sheet, which serves as protection, and carved decorations made of more soft wood, usually linden, fixed on the canvas with nails or self-tapping screws. For additional decoration and protection from external environment shutters must be painted.

The most popular were white shutters or a combination of white and blue. White color has always been associated with cleanliness and health, and therefore gives the home an eye-pleasing color scheme. Traditional wooden shutters are used in the construction of houses in our time.

Carved wooden shutters consist of a cloth that serves as protection and various carved decorations, which are made of soft wood (linden), fixed with self-tapping screws and nails.

Shutters made of wood are constructed from sheet pile boards, slats and clapboards. The shield, which turned out, is tightened in width with clamps and cut off. On the outside hinges are fixed on the shutters, and the inner one is reinforced with wooden slats. Window shutters can be completed in the most different options: a wooden box that covers the slopes of the window opening, carved figured architraves decorating patterned shutters, various locking mechanisms, anti-burglary shutters, shutters-blinds.

In the era of blinds, bars and curtains, shutters were no longer used and installed. But recently it has become fashionable to put them on the windows for an unusual appearance of the house and unique interior. Many people install shutters to protect their dacha from thieves, in winter time of the year. For a beautiful appearance, they paint them in different colors, decorated with unusual ornaments and patterns.

Thanks to this, the cottage is well protected from uninvited guests and differs from other buildings. Shutters are also used as curtains and thanks to environmentally friendly clean materials they will not harm your health.

A bit of history about window shutters

In the distant past, when transparent glass did not yet exist, they performed an exclusively protective function. In warm countries, they kept the house cool and protected from sandstorms. In cold countries, window shutters were used to protect the house from snow and cold. For additional thermal insulation, they were sometimes sheathed with felt.

The appearance of this design indicated social status owner. Very often shutters on windows were installed inside the house. Why? Firstly, due to the fact that the walls at that time were thick, which made it possible to install them from the inside. Secondly, it was more convenient, since you did not have to go outside to open or close the shutters. And thirdly, the design was more reliable, as it was strengthened by horizontal bars.

Types of shutters for windows

If you want to install shutters in your home, then you first need to understand what purpose they will serve. For example, some people install them to protect their home from thieves, others to protect them from the sun in the summer, others for a unique and unusual look. Let's look at what materials you can purchase or make window shutters from.

In addition, shutters for windows are external and internal. For the external type, materials made of wood and metal are more suitable, as they tolerate loads well and are strong and reliable. Internal, more suitable for decorative functions. They are usually quite light and should not only keep sunlight out, but should also not interfere with the circulation of fresh air. Often, materials such as plastic, paper or various decorative woods are used for interior window shutters.

Making wooden shutters for windows with your own hands

If you want to make wooden window shutters with your own hands, the easiest and most inexpensive method is to make a structure out of wood.

When making wooden shutters, pay attention to the following points:

  • window openings should be measured along the slopes, after which it is necessary to draw a drawing of the window to scale;
  • one of the most simple options is to make a tongue and groove connection. To do this, you can use boards that have spikes and grooves that are parallel to each other;
  • after that, you need to strengthen the sash with ties and jibs;
  • for an attractive appearance, you need to connect the screed boards in a secret way. Threaded studs are ideal for this. At the ends of the boards, drill small holes, which we ream to the size of the studs. In order to avoid cracks on the product, it is necessary to coat the end parts with carpentry glue.

Installing shutters on windows: step by step instructions

  1. Before starting work, you need to dry the boards well and soak them with special water-repellent agents. For this, drying oil is perfect. Thanks to this treatment, the service life will last for many years.
  2. Shields must be connected with steel or wooden tires. It is important to ensure that there are no gaps between the boards, because then moisture and sunlight will pass inside. In order to hide the fasteners, you can use wooden plugs, or paint over such places with a suitable paint.
  3. Before painting the product with varnish, you need everything wooden details handle sandpaper. Before assembling window shutters, all metal parts must be primed and painted.
  4. To check how evenly you have assembled the sashes, lay them on a flat surface and inspect them beforehand. You can attach the hinges with screws. After that, you can install canopies on the sashes observing symmetry.
  5. We fix the structure according to the level.

Making carved platbands for windows with your own hands

Sometimes, the beauty of carved platbands for windows strikes with its uniqueness and beauty. If you want to somehow highlight windows from the gray masses, and are not afraid to work with your own hands, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with how this can be done:

  1. We make a stencil for carved platbands. This problem can be solved with the help of a graphical editor, photocopying or manually - scaling by cells.
  2. We make a template from cardboard of natural sizes for each element or pattern.
  3. We lay the finished template on the part and trace the contours with a pencil.
  4. Let's start cutting.

Thanks to such a simple work, you can make our wooden shutters really unique!

Making metal shutters for windows with your own hands

Metal shutters are ideal for protection country house or cottage from the penetration of thieves. Shutters made of metal are heavier than, for example, wooden or plastic products, but they have excellent strength and reliability.

Metal shutters for windows are deaf and in the form of blinds. Blinds are suitable for people who want light or Fresh air. Deaf - suitable for more reliable protection against vandalism and easier to install. This design is difficult to crack, since the locking mechanism is located inside the room. Metal shutters for windows can be made with your own hands. If you know how to use welding machine and a grinder - then you can safely get to work! For this you need:

  1. A sheet of metal about 2-3 mm thick.
  2. Corner with a diameter of 50x50.
  3. Channel for strengthening the shutters.

We install the shutters in the following order:

  • we carry out the necessary measurements of the window sill, slopes, diagonals and other details;
  • we weld the frame from the already prepared corner 50x50;
  • using self-tapping screws or welding seams, we fasten the sheets to the frame;
  • after fixing the sheet, all joints must be treated with sealant;
  • we fix the stiffening ribs on the structure sashes. This can be done horizontally or diagonally;
  • drill holes for installing hinges;
  • we fix the sashes to the slopes with the help of anchors.

Shutters for windows in the form of blinds

Often people buy this design for summer cottages or cottages, as it has a neat appearance and a strong foundation. Window shutters are difficult to crack, firstly because it requires a special tool, and secondly, because it will cause a lot of noise. The most sold are shutters with hinged fasteners. Thanks to this, the design will acquire more traditional look. Shutters for windows are closed most often from the inside, although if desired, it can be done with external locks. Most products have hinges with which we open them.

Making shutters with your own hands

One of the most simple ways for the design of the shutters - this is painting to match the color of the windows. The chosen color will emphasize the interior of your house or cottage. One of the most beautiful decoration methods for your windows is the installation of fresh flowers. Also, forged elements can be used as decoration. If you do not want to spend a lot of money, then you can buy forged parts in construction stores, and carefully weld them yourself. Or you can order professional forging from specialists. Either way, it will give a beautiful look to your windows. If your shutters are made from wood, then a good option would be to paint the structure with varnish, so that it will look natural and fit into almost any interior of the house.

What are window shutters made of? The role of shutters for windows is great. And not only from an aesthetic point of view. They protect the windows from bright sunlight, help to save heat and partially absorb noise.

Now they are installed not only in private houses, but also on windows in ordinary apartment buildings. Shutters are internal and external. As a rule, in high-rise buildings they choose internal type. They protect from the sun and perform an aesthetic function. They decorate the room in Mediterranean, classical and rustic styles.

Outdoor shutters are more common in country houses. They can be both removable and stationary. Metal stationary shutters are placed in order to protect the house from the entry of unauthorized persons.

It is important that the shutters fit the overall interior of the room. For example, wooden panel boards will decorate a country-style house. And wooden shutters-blinds will give the house the look of a villa on the coast. Classic style the house will be given metal shutters.

What are window shutters made of?

  • - from wood

Such shutters look aesthetically attractive and are most suitable for window decoration outside. They are assembled from lining, slats or grooved boards. The shield from the boards is pulled together with clamps along the width. Then it is cut to size. The inner side can be reinforced with additional rails, and decorative loops can be attached to the outer side. Installed shutters are treated with stain, varnish. If they are decorated with carved platbands or metal ornaments, then the “clothing for windows” will take on a unique look.

  • - made of plastic

They look like blinds. Plastic panels such shutters are arranged horizontally. The box is attached inside the window opening to the side walls. Thus, the outer part fits snugly against the walls of the house and is fastened with metal platbands in order to enhance security. "Clothes for the window" made of plastic can be attached to any base: concrete, metal, wood.

  • - from metal

Their function is to protect from uninvited guests and from the penetration of direct sunlight. They make such window protection from galvanized iron and stainless steel. Usually metal shutters are installed on windows country houses. They are in demand for industrial buildings, warehouses. Steel shutters (roller shutters) are assembled from planks-lamellas. They are wound on the shaft in the process of moving along the guides. The canvas itself is made of aluminum, so the roller shutters are quite durable. Office rooms, outlets equipped with roller shutters. They are also installed on windows in residential premises. The control system is carried out by means of an electric drive or manual control. There are combined mechanisms.

SHUTTER SHUTTER. In the cold season, window shutters serve to insulate the house, significantly reducing heat loss through the windows, and in hot weather, especially in areas with a warm climate, they prevent the room from heating up too much. Folding shutters (on hinges) are more common, less often - leaning (removable) shutters. Folding shutters are usually arranged with outer side windows leaning more often from the inside.
The panels (sashes) of wooden shutters are made solid paneled or louvered. Protecting the window from sunlight and rain, (see) do not interfere with the ventilation of the room with open windows. In the closed position, the shutters are fixed with a simple wooden or metal bar (bolt), which is laid in metal brackets driven into both sides of the window. Sometimes a bar is hung on a loop on one side, and an iron king pin with a hole at the end is attached to it on the other side. When locking the shutters, they are pressed with a bar, and the kingpin is pushed through the hole in the wall into the room, where a pin is inserted into the hole in the kingpin. To prevent the shutters (in the open position) from flapping, hooks are usually screwed to them, and hinges to the wall.

Concise Encyclopedia of the Household. - M.: Great Soviet Encyclopedia. Ed. A. F. Akhabadze, A. L. Grekulova. 1976 .


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