How to remove scratches on a plastic window sill. How to get rid of scratches on windows at home

Especially if it is in the most prominent place, it can bring you a lot of trouble. Most the best way, of course, change the window sill to a new one. But if the scratch is small and shallow, then you can try to remove it yourself. The method of window sill restoration depends on the type of PVC window sill and the depth of the scratch.

Rice. one.

  1. If you have a matte window sill and a shallow scratch, take a very fine sandpaper with a grit of at least 500-600 and carefully (preferably longitudinal) sand the scratch, but do not wipe the film to the dark base of the window sill.
  2. If you have a glossy window sill and a shallow scratch, do the same and finish with a cleaner PVC profiles"COSMOFEN 5" - this will add gloss to your window sill.
  3. If you have a deep scratch, I can advise you to do everything as in the first tip. Then treat the scratch with "COSMOFEN 10" and then polish with "COSMOFEN 5".

We must warn you that with "COSMOFEN 5" you need to be very careful - a highly toxic and deep-acting agent - can greatly dissolve the surface. Cosmofen is designed to correct plastic defects, but it is a very strong solvent, and without experience with it, you can leave a lot of stains on the windowsill, and then you will definitely have to change the window sill. Therefore, it is better to try its action on a piece of the windowsill or invite a specialist.

Rice. 2. Means COSMOFEN

First, test somewhere in an invisible place on the windowsill. Use a lint-free cloth, otherwise the lint will melt into the surface of the window sill.

Wipe the scratch in one direction, without fanaticism. Don't overdo it!

For a shallow scratch, 1-3 times is sufficient.

This will clean the scratch of dust and slightly dissolve-smooth the scratch, relative to the surface of the window sill.

If your window sill is covered with a film from the beginning, then only gluing a new film, preferably acrylic, is suitable here.

Acrylic film is the most durable, though it is more expensive.

You can try to level the scratches with Farecla Liquid Polishing Wax, a substance absolutely harmless to plastic. Small scratches can be polished with it immediately, and deep ones, together with the adjacent area, after processing with fine-grained sandpaper. Moisten a cotton cloth with wax and rub in a circular motion with gentle pressure on the damaged surface. Dry - polish with a special cloth, preferably from the same company that produces wax. The wax coating does not evaporate, does not react to direct sunlight, is not wetted by water, and repels dirt.

High-quality plastic windows are made of PVC, which, in addition to its protective properties, is also highly resistant to mechanical and other damage. But even this does not help to completely avoid damage to the plastic profile and the window sill. It also happens that the plastic is damaged even during transportation or unsuccessful installation, and you did not immediately notice this problem.

Quite often, scratches on the profile and window sill appear during operation, due to the negligence of the owners, the activity and curiosity of young children, and also because of pets. Shallow scratches on the white plastic surface are not very noticeable, but still cause an unpleasant sensation and a desire to remove them. There are several proven ways to deal with scratches.

Scratch Repair Methods

Experts claim that most effective method removing deep scratches from the plastic surface of the profile is the use of a solvent and further grinding of the surface. The essence of the method is that the profile is treated with a solvent that “corrodes” the plastic and removes the scratch groove. Then, with a damp cloth, the solvent is removed and the profile is polished.

Another effective method removing scratches on the plastic profile- the use of liquid plastic, which literally creates a new surface. The use of liquid plastic is complicated by the fact that it is necessary to accurately select the required consistency and very carefully apply the composition to the surface of the plastic profile.

In especially severe cases of damage, a primer is used. with further coloring.
Cracks and chips on plastic window need urgent removal measures, because such defects can increase over time and it will become impossible to eliminate them. "Liquid plastic" is suitable for removing cracks and chips.

Methods for repairing a plastic window sill

The above methods for eliminating scratches can also be used for a plastic window sill. But if there is a lot of damage, then the surface area of ​​the window sill allows you to use other ways to make your window sill beautiful again.

Repair with special overlays. This method is an alternative to replacing the old window sill with a new one. This is very convenient, because after dismantling the old and installing a new window sill, it is necessary to repair the slopes and partially glue the wallpaper around the window, and in the case of using overlays, these activities will not be necessary. Using window sill overlays is a fairly cheap option.

Special overlays will make the window design unique, and a wide range of color solution will allow you to choose the perfect option for you. The surface of the pads is resistant to ultraviolet radiation, easy to clean and durable. The overlay is attached to the window sill using a special mounting adhesive, which is applied to the entire surface of the window sill in an even layer. After the glue dries, the lining and the window sill are one.

Restoration of a window sill with the help of a laminated film. The range of laminating films is very large, there is a wide range of colors: plain, various colors, imitation of wood texture or natural stone. Before applying the laminating film, it is necessary to carefully prepare the surface. All scratches and grooves must be sealed with putty, and the bulges must be sanded. The surface must be perfectly flat. It is also necessary to degrease the window sill for better adhesion of the film. Most affordable way degreasing a window sill is the use of a conventional detergent.
Cutting out the film required size, be sure to make allowances of 3cm around the edges. in the corners and hard-to-reach places use a hair dryer to heat the film, it becomes more elastic and you can apply it without much effort. If bubbles form after gluing, it is necessary to pierce them with a needle and release all the air.

Window sill repair with special putty

To date, there are special putties for sale for sealing various cracks, chips and scratches from the surface of a plastic window sill. Putty is produced in the idea of ​​a solvent or powdered filler, that is, it requires additional preparation at the place of work. As a rule, putty is sold complete with a measuring cup and a special wooden spoon, which allows you to follow the dosage indicated in the instructions as accurately as possible.

Before starting work, the surface of the window sill is prepared: dirt is removed, degreased and allowed to dry. It is very important to strictly follow all the recommendations that are indicated in the instructions. The applied layer dries quickly enough, after 15 minutes the window sill is ready.

Restoring scratched glass is as easy as shelling pears, if you apply toothpaste and put in some effort. The only question is whether it should be restored or better replaced. Not only does glass restorer create a rainbow effect on the glass, but scratches reduce the strength of the window, making it vulnerable to cracking with just a light touch. Right place.

And without that, it is upsetting that you can feel for a scratch on the glass with your fingernail, it is probably also so deep that it will be impossible to fix it without a trace. Polishing kits can leave an indentation with bubbles that refract light when the sun shines through the window. Depending on where the window is located, this may be a problem for you. If the scratch is right in the center of your front bay window, it will usually need to be replaced.

Working with small scratches

For scratches that can be seen in the sun but cannot be felt with a fingernail, toothpaste The best decision Problems.

Toothpaste is the best solution for glass scratches

A paste or cream works much better than a gel in this case. Clean the glass thoroughly. It is best to clean the surface with a lint-free cloth. Smear enough toothpaste along the entire length of the scratch and wipe off any excess.

If you use a razor blade to scrape off excess toothpaste, you're doing yourself (and your window) a favor.

Move in only one direction. Scraping the glass back and forth, across the glass can cause irreparable damage!

After the window is dry, take a piece soft tissue and polish your window. The scratch will immediately disappear, along with the toothpaste. Sometimes, you get scratches that are barely noticeable, but still they bother you. Don't rush to use the paste. First, try polishing the glass with furniture polish. Just be careful to avoid scratchy materials such as newspaper while polishing. The best choice for you it is a soft, dry fabric.

Medium scratches

Most window cleaning professionals will tell you that scratches on your window do not need to be repaired at all. But if you run your finger over the scratch and your nail falls into the groove, that means the window is too damaged to repair. And yet, for those persistent jack-of-all-trades, there Possible Solution. A second treatment with a toothpaste containing equal parts dry mustard and vinegar, and this mixture can fix scratches that are a little deeper. Apply toothpaste and polish with a clean cloth. If your scratch is still visible after sanding, it's time to move on to the next step - a professional scratch removal system.

professional methods

Some scratch removal kits are sold both in the online store and in regular store. Auto glass restoration kits usually include everything you need to get the job done. Unfortunately, they can be quite expensive, and without professional knowledge, you may not be able to put them to good use. Look for products that do not contain abrasive ingredients. Cerium oxide and those that only scrape out scratches. The end effect is a reduction in the strength of your window. Homeowners and their insurers will agree that it is better to replace a window right away than to wait until it breaks.

Scratch Prevention

Undoubtedly the most easy way to take care of a scratch is, first of all, to hide its presence.

Not all scratches can be repaired, but some common causes of window scratches can be avoided, as listed below:

  • Traces of construction - building mixture, putty and plaster, adhere to the surface of a new window and, when they are scraped off, form scratches. Some new products protect the surface of the window. They can be applied or sprayed onto the glass at the factory, such films can be removed after construction is completed, and then the window simply needs to be washed.
  • Newspaper, hard towels and intensive cleaning can scratch the surface of the glass. Surprisingly, the same can be done with a diamond ring. Clean the window with a soft, clean cloth. If fibers or streaks remain on the surface, use a lint-free towel and avoid wiping windows when the sun is shining on them.
  • Dirt or construction dust can very easily scratch the window when you wash it. If possible, rinse first, or use a hose to wash the dust off the window before washing it.

Windows create the overall impression by which your home is judged. Stained, cloudy, dirty or scratched windows give the wrong impression. Correct the feeling of abandonment and upgrade your home by restoring or replacing damaged glass windows.

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Plastic in modern world surrounds us everywhere, whether it be car panels, window sills, Sunglasses or mobile phone. Distribution is due to the fact that it is light in weight and easy to handle. Nevertheless, it is prone to damage, so sooner or later the question arises of how to remove scratches from plastic on one thing or another.

Most often, damage can appear on car parts, for example, a dashboard or doors, this may be due to the careless location of keys, phones and other items on it. In addition, it is quite easy to scratch glasses that have a plastic base when they are casually placed on a table or in a bag.

How to remove scratches from glossy plastic at home

To remove scratches on plastic, use one of the following quick methods:

  • Apply a few drops of machine oil to the damaged surface, then carefully polish it with a flannel cloth. It is worth noting that the plastic should not be painted, otherwise this type of polishing is unlikely to give meaningful results.
  • An indispensable tool in every household is GOI paste, it can also help in solving this problem. It is enough to apply it to the fabric and carefully rub the substance and the plastic base.

GOI paste copes with almost all scratches on plastic surfaces.

  • Good results are obtained by using special felt-tip pens that can mask a scratch on a painted surface; in addition, textile paint can be used for this purpose. In conclusion, treatment of the damaged area with a paste containing wax is required.
  • There is a special dye in hardware stores that removes scratches on a glossy surface. It is applied to the right place with a thin brush or toothpick, and after drying, polished with a cloth dipped in machine oil.

If it was not possible to remove the scratch, apply other methods:

Heating with a hair dryer. A fairly simple solution to the problem, hot air quickly levels the plastic surface and eliminates the smallest defects. Removing scratches is as follows:

  • remove debris and dirt from the processed part of the plastic;
  • clean up with sandpaper with a not too large cell;
  • remove dust with a damp cloth and degrease the surface;
  • then heat the plastic by pointing the included hair dryer at it to a temperature of 300 degrees;
  • it is important to move the device in the direction of the scratch, not lingering in one place, in order to prevent streaks from appearing;
  • when the surface is hot, leave it alone for 15-20 minutes;
  • in conclusion, a primer and painting of the plastic element is required.

Polishing with a special product that can be purchased at an auto supply store.

  • First, clean the areas where the scratch is located with a soapy solution.
  • Dry the element.
  • Apply the paste with a sponge and leave to act for the period indicated in the attached instructions.
  • After waiting for the paste to acquire a light shade, proceed directly to polishing. It is allowed to use both a special device and ordinary sandpaper;
  • Shake off the dust from the surface, evaluate the result of the work.

Pencils used to paint over scratches on a plastic surface are able to fill in the damage and make it invisible to the eye:

  • first, carefully select the shade of the pencil so that the scratch becomes truly invisible;
  • then wash the plastic and dry it;
  • now shade the scratch with a pencil, and after drying, remove its excess and polish the surface.

How to remove deep scratches on plastic

To remove deep scratches on plastic that completely spoil appearance any thing:

  • melt a small piece of plastic that will be exactly the same as the area being repaired;
  • dissolve it in White Spirit;
  • now that the substance has taken a liquid form, rub it into the crack;
  • finally polish the surface.

Special tools hide deep scratches.

Large plastic-based damage can be removed by applying special remedy Displex, which is sold in hardware stores, packaged in tubes. It is worth noting that this substance contains microparticles of a plastic nature, so they fill deep scratches in the most accurate way and make them invisible to others.

You need to use this tool as follows:

  • apply the paste to the scratch using a cotton pad, flannel or other cloth;
  • you need to rub the remedy, making circular motions, within 2 minutes;
  • in the case when the scratch has not disappeared after one procedure, repeat the manipulations several more times.

As a rule, Displex does an excellent job with deep damage, but in the case when all the effects were ineffective, it makes sense to turn to specialists. For example, if the scratch is in the interior of a car, take advantage of the special damage removal service that most car washes offer.

How to remove scratches on a plastic window sill

COSMOFEN 10 perfectly restores the gloss of a glossy plastic surface.

A plastic window sill, of course, is superior in many ways to its wooden counterparts, but scratching it is easy. It is not uncommon for damage to be left awkwardly moved flower pot or the hostess who cleans it with a stiff-bristled brush. It is worth noting that scratches can become a source of additional dirt that will get into them, and removing it will not be too easy.

Of course, the ideal option would be to completely replace the window sill with a new one. But if this method does not work, try to repair the damage yourself:

Using sandpaper, you can remove all the bumps from the windowsill.

  • if it is supposed to treat small scratches, then this remedy can be applied immediately to them;
  • in the case when removal is required for deep damage, their surface must first be cleaned with sandpaper.

It is worth noting that waxing gives excellent results, because it tolerates sunlight and water perfectly. And also has the ability to repel dirt, protecting the surface of the window sill.

How to remove scratches from transparent plastic

Transparent plastic is prone to scratches no less than matte or colored. As a rule, there may be many objects in the house that have a surface made of such plastic. Quite often scratched plastic glass glasses, mostly sunglasses. It should be noted that such damage can impair vision, and simply make their use uncomfortable.

Small scratches on transparent plastic are removed using improvised means:

  • polish for jewelry. Apply to glass, then buff with a microfiber cloth.
  • If you mix petroleum jelly and a wood polish, you can remove scratches on a transparent surface. It is important to continue polishing until all traces of Vaseline are completely gone.
  • A mass that removes scratches from computer disks works well, it is applied to the surface of the glasses with a microfiber cloth.
  • Glass cleaner and abrasive for them do a good job with this kind of damage. In addition, they are great to help solve the problem of fogging.

Removing scratches from plastic surfaces is a task that every person faces sooner or later, because objects made of this material fill every home and surrounding space. It is worth emphasizing that the removal of minor damage is quite realistic at home, and deeper ones are best removed using professional tools or expert help.

How can scratches be removed from the surface of the double-glazed window? And can it be done at all? Expert advice.

It is not uncommon for people, after installing plastic windows, to be surprised that they require regular maintenance. Metal-plastic structures need maintenance, adjustment, lubrication, repair, and so on. All these questions. You can call a specialist right now through the online form.

But what if there are scratches on the windows? This is what our today's article will be about. How to remove scratches on a window?

Scratched window: what to do?

So, you have found that your double-glazed windows have scratches. How to be? First you need to figure out, maybe they were left during installation. In this case, you need to contact the company that performed the installation, and let it decide this problem.

If the installation was several years ago, and scratches on PVC windows left you, then you have to cope on your own. The options you have:

  • Polishing the surface of the window with paste and a toothbrush. With a small probability will help to eliminate minor scratches.
  • Contact a company that specializes in glass polishing. The probability that it will help is greater, but the question is the price.
  • Forget. Just forgetting about it is a perfectly acceptable option.
  • Glass polishing with grinder. Not recommended. There is a high probability of achieving the "lens" effect. It will get worse.
  • Replace glass pane. If the scratches on the glass are deep and really interfere with the view, the best option is.

And now, for each item in more detail.

Put away toothbrush with toothpaste theoretically, of course, it is possible, but only very small scratches, which, in principle, are unlikely to interfere with anyone. That is why this option should not be taken seriously.

Contact the company, which is engaged in this type of activity is possible. Some firms are engaged in polishing of automobile glasses. You can find out if they are ready to take on the repair of your double-glazed window. But, most likely, you will not be satisfied with the cost of the work.

If the plastic windows are often washed, then the scratches will not be so conspicuous. The main thing is that dust and dirt do not clog in them. To achieve the goal, you can use colorless varnish. If you don't want to spend money, this is the best option.

Why it is not recommended to polish double-glazed windows on your own using a grinder and a felt wheel? Most likely, you will not be able to remove so much thin layer glass, so as not to make a lens out of it. It is better to have scratches on the surface than depressions.

How to remove scratches on window glass? Replace double glazing. Why is this the most acceptable option? So you 100% get rid of scratches. No headache. Everything is fast and simple. Specialists will come, replace, and you will forget about it forever.

By the way, for the replacement of double-glazed windows, you can contact the Teplo Doma company. Our masters will quality repair in the shortest possible time.

How to remove scratches from a plastic window should now be clear. If not, please contact our specialists.

Window repair in Moscow

The Teplo Doma company does not polish glass, but we can replace the double-glazed window. Thus, the removal of scratches from the window will be successful in 100% of cases. We also carry out other repair work associated with metal-plastic structures. Not looking for ways to remove scratches on a plastic window? If this is possible, it is simply not economically viable.
