Watch how to become a werewolf in real life. How to turn into a bird

Reading 3 min. Views 578 Posted April 26, 2014

How to become a wolf man

Wolfman is a werewolf. He can turn into a predator, and vice versa. Of course, a person can turn into a tiger and a cheetah. But most often he turns into a very seasoned wolf of enormous size.

How to become a wolf man.

It used to be that some spirit, demon, deity could become a wolf-man. It turned out that quite an ordinary person can become this monster. How to become a wolf man? In general, it is necessary to understand that changes can be arbitrary (that is, at will), as well as involuntary (this depends on the phase of the moon).

With all this, werewolves do not get sick at all, do not age. They are constantly renewing tissues. We can, in principle, say that these creatures are immortal. You can still kill a wolf man. To do this, you need to damage the brain. This can be done through hanging, strangulation. It is also known that the werewolf can be killed with the help of silver bullets. They are deadly for a wolf man.

In principle, wolf people are divided into imaginary and real. In the first case, we will talk about the disease "lycanthropy". This is an ancient disease. People pretend to be animals, put on wolf skins, eat raw meat. They are also capable of any violence, murder.

But many are still interested in how to become a wolf man. There are several ways and explanations for how to become a wolfman. Let's consider them in more detail.

How to become a wolf man in real life.

Thus, a wolf man in real life can be become through magic. This is a very popular way. During the full moon, it is possible to turn into a wolf man, even against your will. There are also people who voluntarily wish to become a werewolf. They are very much interested in the question of how to become a wolf man in real life. This article reveals all these features.

It should be noted that some Russian legends say that in order to become a wolf man, you need to jump over a tree that has fallen in the forest, and then split it with a small copper knife, read a special spell.

There is another magical way that explains how to become a wolf man in real life. To become a wolf man, you need to prepare a special witch's ointment on the night of the full moon. This ointment consists of opium, grass, fox fur, bat blood, the fat of a murdered child. All these ingredients are very carefully mixed, boiled in a special cauldron. When everything is ready, the sorcerer takes off his clothes, rubs the ointment into the body. You need to rub the ointment with a piece of wolf skin. At the same time, a special spell, a conspiracy, is pronounced. The spirit of the wolf helps to turn into a human wolf. After that, a person really becomes a supernatural being.

Werewolves are non-existent mythical creatures about which legends circulate to this day. These creatures could transform from a human form into an animal resembling a wolf, and from a wolf form into a human. Most myths assure that this can only happen on a full moon (by the way, it is on these days that mentally ill people notice a sharp exacerbation of psychosis). There is a term in medicine that explains why some people consider themselves werewolves. This disease is called lycanthropy.

Patients believe that they have already turned, are turning or will turn into an animal and behave as aggressively as wild hungry animals. An incredible power appears when a person can easily tear another person apart, eat raw meat and truly become brutalized. So many mentally ill people who became and recognized as murderers could become a werewolf. Such people either themselves admitted that they become werewolves, or behaved like wild animals.

Of course, myths are stories that are embellished with something, a little far-fetched, etc. But they take their source from completely real stories. So patients with lycanthropy believed that they were becoming beasts, threw on the skin of an animal and attacked people. This is where the myths about werewolves came from.

There is one ancient mythological opinion about where werewolves came from. They say that Adam had 2 wives, and Eve - the second! According to legend, his first wife was a woman named Lilith, but she was expelled from paradise alone when she was pregnant. Lilith gave birth to 4 children and gave each of them to be raised by different animals. The wolf pack got a girl named Enoya, who became the first werewolf.

The legend of werewolves.

For those who are interested in how to become a werewolf, it is very interesting to hear different legends about werewolves. There are many of them, especially of French origin. Do not be surprised, the French are really very fond of stories, legends, fairy tales and films about werewolves. Here is one such legend that was found and translated from a medieval manuscript.

In one village there lived a brave hunter who went out into the forest quite often, but never hunted late at night, because. I wanted to spend the night in bed with my beloved wife. In addition, hunting during the day was more productive and for this it was necessary to get enough sleep. But one day he stayed on the hunt and returned home late at night. Suddenly, he felt like he was being hunted. The hunter decided that it seemed to him, but it was necessary to make sure of this. Before he even blinked an eye, he fell to the ground under the pressure of a terrible, unseen before beast. In the eyes of the half-wolf, as he himself described it, he saw hunger and rage, and even got scared, but the instinct of the hunter showed itself. The animal was rebuffed, the hunter managed to get a knife and even cut off the paw of the beast. From the unexpectedness of such resistance, the beast ran back into the forest. After some time, the hunter caught his breath, put the prey in a bag in order to tell his beloved wife about this at home and brag to his friends. When the hunter came home, he took out the prey from the bag, but was terrified. Instead of the paw of the beast, he saw a thin female hand with a beautiful ring .... which he had once presented to his beloved wife. The hunter immediately ran into the room to make sure that his wife was in order and saw a terrible sight. His wife lay on the bed, covered in wounds, bleeding from the most terrible thing - from a severed hand.

It turns out that only a sick person, mentally unhealthy, can become a werewolf. For example, it is clear what happened to the werewolf legend described above. Most likely, the hunter's wife suffered from lycanthropy, but to a fairly mild degree; turned into a beast only on certain days or at night, when the husband believed that his wife was sleeping. But then he was not lucky enough to be in her way when she was not aware of it. Most likely, the woman threw on the skins of animals, which was not difficult to find in the hunter's house. But something else is also possible: something happened to the man’s psyche, he decided that he was in the forest and an animal attacked him, he cut off the hand of the “beast”, but in fact it was a loving wife who wanted to hug her husband. Psychosis is something that can manifest itself completely unexpectedly.

According to mythical ideas about werewolves, you can become a werewolf like this:

1. Be born from a werewolf,

2. Survive after being bitten or injured by a werewolf,

3. Being cursed by someone who will magically turn you into a werewolf.

There are many films from which you can learn how to become a wolf, according to the directors. One of the favorite plots of many was the serial film ", where we are talking not only about werewolves, but also about ghosts and.

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Transformation into animals

Transformation into animals

Many practitioners actively experiment with their bodily appearance in the phase, since its space allows it to take on any form. Such activity in the phase, despite a certain complexity, is one of the most popular and interesting. Sooner or later, any advanced practitioner will experiment with this.

Curious fact!

A person is in a phase in the form and feeling of a person only because he is used to it in everyday life. In fact, in the phase, you can feel yourself in the smallest details by anyone and anything, because there is simply no body as such.

The main feature of experiments with changing physical perception is the incredible detail of sensations. If the practitioner takes the form of a lizard in the phase, then he feels not only the tail, but also the forked tongue. If the practitioner in the phase has taken the form of a wolf, then he feels the claws on his furry paws, teeth and has an incredibly sharpened sense of smell. And this applies to all possible sensations, the degree of reliability of which depends on the skill of reincarnation.

One gets the feeling that a person temporarily has areas in the brain that are responsible for the perception of what is not there. And then he not only feels, but also controls this state. For example, if a practitioner has become a bird in the phase, then he not only feels the wings, but also uses them as if he always had them. Such a restructuring of perceptions is possible with respect to all human sensations and applies not only to animate objects, but also to inanimate ones, be it stones, trees, furniture, etc.

So, the techniques for transforming bodily perception are as follows.

Separation transformation

Immediately upon separation, you need to focus on the fact that the practitioner already has the desired look. It is necessary not only to imagine, but also immediately try to feel it. For example, if a phaser wants to turn into a snake, then when rolling out, he should immediately try by all means to feel himself in the long body of a snake, and not a person. If this fails, one must then use other transformation techniques, since this one is applied only at the beginning of entering the phase. If the effect is obtained, then one must immediately begin to deepen the phase in the new body obtained, as in the usual separation.

dynamic transformation

Being in the phase in the form of a man, you need to imitate the fast movements of the animal, the appearance of which you want to accept. During this process, it is important not only to imitate movements, but also to try to feel yourself as this animal. Gradually, the practitioner accepts all the anatomical sensations and appearance that he aspired to. For example, if a practitioner decides to become a tiger, then he should try to run on four limbs, feel the whole body of a big cat and its general dynamics, starting from the contact of the paw pads and claws with the ground and ending with the tip of the tail.

Transform when moving

With the technique of moving by teleportation with closed eyes, you need to focus not so much on the target, but on your appearance and internal sensations. When the movement is over, the phaser will fall into the right place in the right way. For example, if a practitioner has decided to become a sphere without bodily perception, then he must close his eyes in the phase and focus on the thought form of the place where he wants to be and his feeling. Immediately there will be a feeling of flight and a gradual transformation of bodily perception. Depending on the degree of concentration, after a few seconds, the flight will end at the right place, where the practitioner will immediately have spherical vision and the corresponding bodily sensation.

Turning intent

Experienced practitioners, or those who can easily focus their attention on desire, often succeed in assuming the desired form without any special technique. It is often enough for them to just want very strongly to take this or that form, as it suddenly or gradually comes to them. Ultimately, this is what all phasers should strive for. For example, if a practitioner decides to become a dragon, then he focuses his intention on his desire and his bodily perception begins to blur, and then stabilizes again in an altered form. Or it begins to quickly and tangibly mutate into a fire-breathing creature. Elixirs, pills, potions, which are pre-programmed for the appropriate result when used in the phase, can serve as a good helper during the implementation of this technique.

In all such techniques, as in the entire practice of the phase, the power of intention, confidence, desire, and purposefulness are of great importance. Often, it is not necessary to know specific techniques at all if you confidently want to achieve the goal at any cost. It is precisely the problems with intention and confidence that always underlie the failures with reincarnation in the phase. Often, the phaser is simply unable to believe in his own strengths and abilities, which is reflected in failed attempts to take on a different bodily appearance.

Any uncertainty during the execution of transformation techniques in the phase is always reflected in the final result. On the other hand, the presence of uncertainty signals a certain degree of introspection, which, in turn, indicates a lack of concentration on technology. Therefore, if there is a complete concentration on the technique, an element of getting used to it, then the result is practically guaranteed.

From the point of view of deepening and holding, it is important to transform the appearance quickly or with constant vivid sensations and actions. Otherwise, for example, with a protracted and slow transformation, a foul is inevitable.

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Thus, an amateur magician (if a magician can be an amateur!) is unlikely to be able to become, for example, a bird, that is, significantly reduce the size of his body, acquire down and feathers, spread his wings and fly. However, each magician has the ability to partially transform into animals and birds at the mental level.

This is how the sorcerers from Central America carry out their mental transformations. First of all, the sorcerer takes off his clothes, since birds do not have clothes, then he stands in the center of the magic circle outlined on the earth, since birds live in the center of the world ring. Next, the sorcerer applies magical signs to his body in a certain sequence. One of the important components of the ritual is a magical potion that the sorcerer takes orally. According to the chemical composition, the drug is a very strong psychostimulant.

In general, American sorcerers are very reluctant to reveal their secrets. According to the descriptions of Europeans who experienced the effect of this ritual, a person really experiences extraordinary sensations. His vision changes, he begins to see the environment, like a bird, he is able to “turn his head” in a circle that greatly exceeds human capabilities. The body becomes small, light, almost weightless. With a strong movement of the hands, the “bird” soars into the sky. The most interesting thing about the transformation ritual is that, according to documentary data, the neophytes of Indian occultism made long “journeys” and described real people, objects, details of landscapes that were at a great distance from their physical body. Thus, the transformation ritual has not only initiatory, but also practical significance: with its help, the magician is able to learn about events that take place very far away, while remaining completely invisible to people.

Our ancestors practiced transformation into animals and birds. Evidence of this can be folk tales of the Slavs. Sorcerers were able to easily turn into a wolf, a falcon or a hawk, a hare, etc. The use of magical potions was also mandatory.

It is impossible to say with certainty whether modern magicians practice the ritual of transformation, since this is their "professional" secret. But independent practice in this vein can hardly be recommended to an amateur, since psychostimulants used during the ritual, depending on their chemical composition, can be persistently addictive, and their overdose can lead to death.

Skeptic scientists believe that the whole essence of the transformation ritual lies in the action of psychostimulants that allow a person to “see” a lot of unusual things. However, the sorcerers of the so-called "archaic" peoples adhered to their ancient traditions extremely steadfastly, which allows us to assume some transphysical value of the transformation ritual.

First, decide what kind of bird, beast or fish you want to become. Think carefully, figure out what properties of this creature attract you the most. Maybe his grace? ? Agility? Visual acuity or hearing? Ability to move in water or in air? Connection with the Other World? Having decided this for yourself, find the image of the selected creature or, if you have such an opportunity, go and look at it. Avoid zoos with their absolutely inhospitable atmosphere. If you can get to places where this animal lives, go there, hide and wait. If you are going to work from home, choose a location and ensure that you are undisturbed for at least thirty minutes.

Now start. If you are outdoors, immediately go to concentration, and try to feel the chosen animal from all sides. How does it use its organs? What does it feel? What sounds and smells does it feel?

If you are indoors, first imagine the habitat of your being: a forest, a river, a mountain top, etc. Then feel that you are there, but not in your usual form, but in the form of the creature you have chosen. To do this, it may be useful to take the characteristic posture of this animal. If it's a bird, squat down, roll your arms and shoulders, tilt your head, imagine you're about to take off. If you chose a fish, lie down on the floor, put your feet together, stretch your arms at your sides and try to move forward as if through water. Now again explore your new environment with all your senses.

After working on this for a while, sing a song to summon the animal you are interested in. For example:

Deer, be mine
deer, be mine
Deer strength, be mine
Deer endurance, be mine.

Foxes be mine
Fox trick, be mine
Fox agility, be mine
Fox power, be mine.

Orla, be mine
Grace of an eagle, be mine
Eagle vision, be mine
The power of the eagle, be mine.

Repeat this song over and over again, keeping the image of the animal in mind and paying special attention to the qualities you are trying to acquire (if you have a partner, have him beat the rhythm corresponding to the animal you have chosen).

Soon you should feel that you are merging with the chosen being, that it comes to life in you. Devote some time to this exercise and let the power of the animal flow through you for as long as you see fit. Repeat the exercise more often until you gradually, perhaps after a few weeks, acquire the ability to summon the animal in one moment. New powers and abilities will come to you, and you will experience a new understanding of the world, which will be useful in many situations and circumstances of your life.
