Love triangle. Tarot layout "Love triangle


Questions of love and relationships are the most frequently asked questions to the tarot reader. And this is not surprising, because if there is love in your life, then you will not care about any troubles. And if there is no love, then no achievements are full of joy. The situation becomes especially acute when a rival appears in your life, in which case you cannot do without fortune-telling on the Tarot.

It is often difficult for a person to understand even their own feelings, not to mention the feelings of another person. In such cases, Tarot cards and a whole range of romantic layouts come to the rescue. Today we will analyze with you the Love Triangle Tarot layout and talk with you about the fundamental points of tarot divination for an opponent.

Choosing a deck for divination for relationships

The main advice that can be given when in doubt is to take the universal classic. No matter what question you ask the cards: about love, marriage, betrayal, a rival, fortune-telling on a classic Tarot deck will always be accurate and understandable. Decks given to the world and allow you to work with both business and romantic issues with equal accuracy. With special decks, everything is more complicated. They are worth contacting if you really understand how they work.

One of these decks is Tarot Manara, the images and interpretations of which allow you to make out all the details of relationships. But here it is worth considering that this deck is erotic, so all interpretations are biased towards physical intimacy and passion, and not spiritual intimacy and romantic love.

It is worth choosing such a deck if your question lies precisely in this area of ​​\u200b\u200brelationships. You can guess the love triangle on erotic Tarot cards, but in this case you will receive answers mainly about the sexual side of the question, you can understand whether there was a betrayal. We can say that you will get into your pants, but not into your soul.

Based on my practice, I would strongly recommend that you use the classic Tarot deck in most cases to analyze the situation from different angles, both earthly and spiritual. And only in special situations, when details and details are needed in certain areas, use narrowly focused decks.

Choosing a layout for fortune telling

When choosing a layout, first of all, we proceed from those questions that we want to get answers to. Indeed, why do we need a layout (or positions in it) that respond to something that does not bother us at all or what we already know? The choice of layout must be approached very practically, so that there is not too much and at the same time everything is enough.

A couple of times I hear such phrases: “this alignment is too big”, “and this one is too small, there will be little information”. So, there is no big or small layout for a tarot reader, there are only layouts that answer your questions more than you need or less than you need. You need to strive for the ideal so that the alignment answers all your questions and does not load with unnecessary information. This all depends on your situation. Sometimes a layout for 4 Tarot cards - the Pyramid of Lovers, can give all the necessary information. Let's get to know him.

There are only 4 cards in this layout, they are arranged in the form of a triangle or a pyramid and describe the relationship of lovers. The order and location of the cards may vary, which is not a particularly significant point.

The first card is about you. This is you in a relationship, your summing up and mood, aspirations and feelings.

The second card will describe your partner, show his condition and desires.

The third card of the layout will tell you about your relationship, what unites you or, on the contrary, hinders you. It helps to draw certain conclusions, especially comparing it with the first two Tarot cards.

The fourth card speaks of the future between you for a specified period, or it answers a specific question posed, if there was one.

As we can see, the alignment is very simple and understandable, it answers the most basic points in a relationship. To determine the current state of the situation, what is called fortune telling for today, the Tarot layout of the Pyramid of Love is best suited. And although I would not recommend using the layout daily, nevertheless, you can refer to it quite often. Let's move on to a more complex layout, which is suitable for situations involving an opponent.

The layout of the Tarot "Love Triangle"

The scheme of the layout "Love triangle"

How to read the schedule

This alignment is clearly divided into two halves: the left side corresponds to the questioner, to the one for whom the alignment is being made, and the right side to her rival.

  1. Gives general information about a man in the context of romantic divination.
  2. Feelings and emotions of a man to the questioner.
  3. Feelings and emotions towards another woman.
  4. How attractive are you to this man.
  5. How attractive another woman is to him.
  6. What he doesn't like about you.
  7. What he doesn't like about another woman.
  8. Thoughts of a serious relationship with you.
  9. Similar thoughts about the opponent.
  10. The future of the relationship with you (the questioner).
  11. The future of relationships with another woman.

It is worth noting that the alignment can be done for both women and men. You will not encounter any difficulty in rethinking positions here.

As you can see, all positions of the layout go in pairs (with the exception of the first), so they should be read the same way. In this case, you can compare yourself and your opponent. See her strengths and yours, her weaknesses and yours. Correct the negativity in yourself and use the information received. Of course, you can interpret the sides of the pyramid separately. In this case, you first learn everything about yourself, and then everything about her. From the point of view of narration, this is more convenient, but from the point of view of comparative analysis, pairwise reading of cards is more suitable.

Watch a video about divination and layouts on the Love Triangle Tarot cards

A few words about the wording of the question

All further interpretation depends on how it was before the start of the alignment. Such clearly structured layouts on the Tarot as the “Love Triangle” allow you not to think too much about the question asked, since here each position is written more than specifically, and the card has a rigid framework for interpretation. But not all schedules are like that. Also, the Pyramid of Lovers, despite its simplicity, has great variability in execution and interpretation.

You can reformulate the final position or even lay out several cards for each position to more fully disclose your questions. That is why, before starting fortune-telling, you need to carefully listen to the questioner, understand what questions he wants to get answers to, formulate the final version of the question and choose the appropriate alignment.

A small life hack for a tarot reader. If you want to consider in detail the relationship between people, but we are not talking about an opponent, then you can use the same “Pyramid of Lovers” layout, you only need to look at one of its sides.

Do you want to know the attitude of your loved one, his plans, intentions towards you? In this article, we will tell you about how to correctly guess the love triangle on Tarot cards, as well as the features of the interpretation of the values ​​that have fallen out. Enjoy reading!

Love triangle: how can cards help?

The Love Triangle Tarot layout will help you find out the plans of your loved one, the fortuneteller, the true intentions of a rival who interferes with established relationships. Fortune-telling allows you to determine ways to overcome obstacles, to find the best way out of this situation. You can learn more about divination by Tarot for an opponent by taking courses from specialists of the Russian Tarot School.

Note! When conducting this layout, pay attention to the values ​​​​of the first three cards that have fallen out - they fill in the missing information for the fortuneteller. The inverted meaning of the signs symbolizes depression, conflict, limitation, strong manifestations of an emotional nature (incompletion, dissatisfaction, etc.)

Before turning to Tarot for advice, pay attention to a number of the following rules:

  • Guessing should only be in a good mood. In no case do not sit down at the cards in a bad, depressing state - this will distort the desired results. Try to step back from existing problems during the fortune-telling period. Turn on philosophical mode and go. Purity and clarity of consciousness is the most important thing. It is advisable to drink herbal tea - this will help to correctly perceive the received card values
  • Do you want to know the truth? Then do not ask the same question several times in a row. The most correct is the first option
  • A clear formulation of the question is the first step to success. Name a specific name, recreate the image of the necessary person
  • Distrust, disregard for the cards is fraught with receiving untruthful answers. Respect the deck, it will repay you in kind

Note. Intuitive study of the inner meaning of each dropped value contributes to the correct interpretation of the Love Triangle layout

Tarot layout "Love triangle"

A detailed interpretation of the Love Triangle Tarot layout is given below.

  • Plans, feelings of a loved one in a love triangle
  • Feelings, emotions of a man in relation to a rival, plans for a fortuneteller
  • Thoughts, emotions of a rival regarding your loved one. Displays the course of the situation at this stage of the relationship
  • The consequences of the struggle for the soul mate, which they are trying to take away
  • What does a situation without competition lead to?
  • Prospects for a joint future with a young man
  • The development of a relationship between a guy and his mistress
  • Prospects for personal life in a generalized version, regardless of the person they are guessing at

A video about the Love Triangle Tarot spread will provide more detailed information about divination.

Tarot layout "Pyramid of love"

The Tarot layout "Pyramid of Love" will help you understand the following situations today:

  • Confused relationship with a loved one
  • Get answers to your questions about love relationships
  • Choose the direction in which to move on
  • Find out what you should pay attention to in the near future (the prospect of developing an alliance with a partner, etc.)

Tarot "Pyramid of Lovers" (4 cards) is interpreted as follows:

  1. Tells about the fortuneteller, his role in relationships with a loved one
  2. Characteristics of the chosen one, his behavior, feelings, emotions in relation to the operator
  3. Indicates the state of a love relationship at the current time, the ratio of "expected / actual"
  4. How will future events unfold?

Tarot layouts "On an opponent"

Do you want to know if you have a rival? Tarot cards will analyze in detail the situation of the querent with a loved one, the degree of seriousness of the existing "foreign" relationships, the desire for their further development, etc. Divination is suitable for both men and women. A detailed diagram of the alignment and its interpretation are given below.

Before starting fortune-telling, focus on the question of interest, discard all extraneous thoughts, carefully shuffle the deck. Draw randomly four Tarot cards in order, laying them out according to the diagram shown.

A detailed interpretation of the positions is given below.

  1. The presence / absence of advantages over the opponent, in what way they are expressed
  2. The main disadvantages of a mistress in relation to the querent
  3. Advantages of a rival relative to you
  4. Are there any "pitfalls" in the current situation (unexpected actions on the part of the opponent, the behavior of a loved one, etc.)

Alignment "Lenormand" (on the opponent)

This type of divination involves the use of the entire Tarot deck (Major, Minor Arcana). Cards are laid out only in a straight position. After shuffling the deck, randomly draw nine cards and place them in front of you. Visualize a loved one who will become the object of fortune telling - you can find out his desires, aspirations, needs. A detailed interpretation of the alignment is given below.

  1. Events of the recent past
  2. How is the present, the course of your relationship with a partner
  3. The near future - what to expect from the coming days
  4. How to steer your actions in the right direction
  5. The relationship between the past and the present (tracking events that affect the appearance of a rival)
  6. Events that have an external impact on the present
  7. Querent's aspirations for the near future
  8. The strength and potential of the fortuneteller
  9. The end result of your efforts

Let this information help you understand the events of the "love triangle". Stay tuned for updates and do not forget to leave comments on the site. All the best!

Life brings good and bad surprises. Any turn of events affects one of the areas of human life: love, finances, health, family. Sometimes there are hard times when there is no one to talk to, but you want to know the answer. For such cases, divination is used.

"Love Triangle" - a layout on Tarot cards that allows you to sort out personal relationships when a fortuneteller has an opponent or rival. This fortune-telling has a large percentage of coincidences, so if the cards say no, you should believe them.

Tarot divination for love

Tarot "Love Triangle" helps to find out future events, as well as to find out the relationship between its "tops". For a person who has fallen into a love triangle, fortune-telling will explain the desires of the second half, the prospects for relationships and whether it is worth fearing a rival or rival.

If we are talking about relationships with a married man, then the location of the cards will not change. In the first place they always put a fortuneteller, in 2 and 4 - a young man / girl and a rival / rival.

Meaning of each card:

It is necessary to lay out cards according to the number.

Interpretation of cards in the layout

In love layouts, it is necessary to correctly and accurately decipher the meaning. There are many varieties of Tarot cards, each of them is used for a certain divination.

There are 78 cards in a deck. There are Major Arcana and Minor Arcana, in which there are four suits: Wand, Cups, Coins, Swords. If the card lies straight, then, often, it has a positive meaning. Reversed cards represent bad news.

Major Arcana

There are 22 Major Arcana in total. Some tarologists in fortune-telling "love triangle" recommend using only them. It is believed that it is easier to read the situation by their meanings:

Minor Arcana

The Minor Arcana helps to understand the situation in more detail. There are 14 cards in each of the four suits, the values ​​of which range from two to king.

The suit of the Wand has the following meanings:

The bowls are deciphered:

Swords are interpreted as follows:

A love triangle is an online fortune-telling that helps to find out the future of relationships with a partner, the intentions of an opponent, ways to overcome obstacles and get out of this situation.

  • Before divination, focus on the request.

  • It is important to be in a calm environment.

  • You can take a couple of deep breaths and breaths.

  • It is useful to think about the time of fortune-telling in advance.

  • Do not often guess at the same situation.

  • See the answers as an opportunity for personal growth.

  • You decide how wonderful your future will be.

Have a nice session!

  • Plans and feelings of the Partner for you
  • Plans and feelings of the Partner to the rival (rival)
  • Plans and feelings of the rival (opponent) about the Partner
  • What happens if you fight for a relationship?
  • What happens if you let go?
  • Will you stay with your Partner in the end?
  • Will the opponent (opponent) stay with the Partner?
  • Postscript: Your personal love prospects.

  • Plans and feelings of the Partner to you.
  • Plans and feelings of the Partner to the rival (rival).
  • Plans and feelings of the rival (rival) about the Partner.
  • What happens if you fight for a relationship?
  • What happens if you let go?
  • Will you stay with your Partner in the end?
  • Will the opponent (opponent) stay with the Partner?
  • Postscript: Your personal love prospects.

Click on the cards to complete the layout

Click on the cards to find out the meaning


Interpretation of the alignment

Pay attention to the first three cards of the layout. They can fill in the missing information about the feelings and plans of the Partner or the rival side.

Points 4 and 5 show the results of two different choices: in the case when you let the situation take its course and will not interfere in events, or you will take an active part and fight for your feelings and a person. Positions 4, 5 - the likely consequences of the steps taken. If the answer suits you, then the very meaning of the arcana will tell you the way to proceed in the question.

Election cards can be turned upside down, with a negative connotation, which does not mean a lack of prospects, but more often indicates that the way out of the situation will be delayed in time, may be accompanied by pain and sacrifice. An inverted Tarot lasso sometimes indicates the end of suffering (or those events that a negative direct card symbolizes).

We pay the most attention to positions 6 and 7, which describe the future of all participants in the triangle in the form of an answer to the question: yes or no. Sometimes the answer to both questions is “yes” as a sign that the Partner has not yet decided or does not want to make a choice, everything suits him. Either one of the competing parties is interested in maintaining relations.

Often in layouts like the Love Triangle, Return of the Beloved, Loyalty Test, many inverted cards fall out. They should be regarded as bells for change. They suggest where conflicts, restrictions, repressed feelings, strong negative emotions, including fear, unfinished situations, unmet important needs of you or your Partner are possible.

Item 8 shows your prospects not only in the current situation, but in general. Aces dropped here and friendly Major Arcana (their names in English) are often associated with favorable opportunities, relief, forgiveness. And figure cards can be recommendations to develop specific qualities, be it the stability of pentacles, the ardor of wands, the unpredictability of swords, or the tenderness of goblets.

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Red Book of Love

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Tarot layout "Love triangle" (V.A. Sklyarova)

Tarot layout for a love triangle, when your loved one is cheating on you and you need to understand what is happening.

If a woman is guessing, then she must choose which side of Lady 1 or Lady 2 she will take in the scenario. Client cards 2, 3, 4 will describe the man's feelings for Lady 2, and cards 5, 6, 7 feelings for Lady 1.

If a man is guessing, then he himself chooses who will be Lady 1 and Lady 2.

Cards 20, 21 and 22, 23 must be opened last, they will show what surprises await each of the women, for example, a wife and a mistress in the end.

The layout of the "Love triangle"

The Love Triangle tarot spread considers connections when all participants get something from the current situation. These are relations of a kind of harmony - everyone is satisfied with the existing state of affairs. If a problem arises, it is only because “this is not accepted” - the environment does not welcome such a lifestyle. So people are forced to hide their relationship from outside eyes. In addition, the layout is good for considering issues related to a third person (for example, a husband has a mistress), when the questioner willy-nilly sees her equal in a rival. The question arises either from self-doubt, or from a subconscious understanding that you are doing something wrong.

1 card - The state of the questioner.

2 card - Subconscious desire.

3 card - Open behavior.

4 and 7 cards - The physical condition of the partners.

5 and 8 cards - The emotional state of the partners, their attitude and feelings towards the questioner.

6th and 9th map - Their thoughts in relation to the questioner.

10 and 11 cards - What they want to receive from the questioner.

12 and 13 cards - What is given or can be given to the questioner.

14, 15, 16 and 17, 18, 19 - a potential path for developing relationships with each of the partners.

20, 21, 22. The alternative is the questioner's future if he refuses both partners.

The layout of the "Three"

where S is the significator, the state of a person “stuck” between two partners at the time of laying out the alignment

1,5,9 cards - the row belongs to one partner, with whom the “torn” person communicates, feelings, thoughts, actions of this partner towards the person in question

2,6,10 cards - cards of "restless" in relation to the first partner

3,7,11 cards - cards of "restless" in relation to the second partner

4,8,12 cards - the row belongs to the second partner, with whom the “torn” person communicates, feelings, thoughts, actions of this partner towards the person in question

13 - subtotal for the specified period for a couple with the first partner, 14 - subtotal for the specified period for a couple with a second partner

Interesting video on the topic:

Tarot layout "Rival"

1. What is my advantage?

2. What is her weakness?

4. What is my weakness?

4. What is her strength?

Grooms layout

The scope of this alignment is carried out for girls and women in order to determine the status of the future groom.

The alignment is carried out on the basis of four significators-Kings, there are 4 of them in the layout and each describes a certain type of personality corresponding to it.

The kings are laid out in a row horizontally. To them, the groom's significator, and the bride's significator, and another 10 cards from the deck are taken out of the deck. Everything is mixed and laid out for each king, three cards. And we look where our bride falls and with which groom.

To diversify this alignment, you can also place the Arcana Wheel of Fortune to find out if this is your destiny.

Choice of two partners

1.6 - at what stage are the relationships

2.7 - how partners treat you

3.8 - what goals are pursued, intentions

4.9 - what feelings they experience

5.10 - the perspective of the relationship as a whole, the result.

Tarot layout "My chances in a triangle"

1. Characteristics of the personality of the person who is in the center of attention.

2. The main priorities in personal life (business), today (what thoughts are worried (concerned about) today).

3. His feelings for the questioner.

4. His feelings for a third party.

5. Why a person cannot or does not want to choose one of the parties (what is the true reason for this, what is behind this).

6. What gives a person a connection (relationship) with the questioner.

7. Also with a third party.

8. How he plans to behave towards the questioner (his intentions).

9. Also in relation to a third party.

10. The most likely development of relations between the central person and the questioner in the near future.

11. Also with a third party.

It often happens that a third person intervenes in a relationship between two people and forms a love triangle. This person can awaken your interest or even love. And you are at a crossroads. Completely surrender to a new feeling or try to forget and save the old relationship. Maybe it's just a hobby, for which you should not sacrifice old relationships.

1. What is the reason for this person in my life?

2. Is my new love for me wishful thinking?

3. Am I wishful thinking about him?

4. What will our relationship look like if we choose each other?

5. How does my new love relate to me, what do I mean to her?

6. How do I feel about it? What does he mean to me?

7. How should I behave now?

8. What happens if I sacrifice an old relationship for a new love?

9. In case I stay with my old partner. Should I tell him about this hobby?

Tarot layout "Victorian fan layout"

The Victorian fan is used when problems involve three faces and love triangles. If two people are in a great relationship, and suddenly an uninvited third intervenes.

The formation of the alignment

In this scenario, we use 44 cards.

Shuffle the deck of cards as usual, imagining all three people involved in the situation.

Then you need to remove the deck three times, while introducing each person in turn and saying at the same time:

Filming for the first time: this is for ... (while introducing this person)

Filming a second time: this is for me (while introducing yourself or the person for whom the question is being asked)

Filming for the third time: this is for ... (while introducing this person)

Return all three piles to the deck in any order. You are now ready to begin the layout.

The meaning of the cards in the layout

Map 1: what the triangle covers. The first card shows all three people. Shows the general nature of the situation.

Card 2: what crosses the triangle. The second card intersects the first and can be positive or negative in terms of aspect.

Card 3: This card represents the person at #1.

Card 4: Represents person #2

Card 5: represents the person at #3

Map 6: Human Issues #1

Map 7: Human Issues #2

Card 8: Human Issues #3

Card 9: Man #1's Next Step

Card 10: Man #2's Next Step

Card 11: Man #3's Next Step

Cards 12,13,14 - these are the intentions No. 1,2,3.

Maps 15,16,17 - that's how it all started for #1,2,3.

Cards 18,19,20 - that's what #1,2,3 is afraid of.

Cards 21,22,23 are possible choices #1,2,3.

Cards 24,25,26 - this influence surrounds #1,2,3.

Cards 27,28,29 - this represents karmic lesson #1,2.3.

Cards 30,31,32 - the result of actions No. 1,2,3.

Card 33: What covers the situation for the next 11 days.

Card 34: what crosses the situation over the next 11 days.

Cards 35-44 complete the fan.

We lay out the last ten cards in a fan and are read only by the client and only for him. They are laid out from left to right, but read from right to left. The fan also concerns the next 11 days.

Quite an interesting, but laborious alignment.

Tarot layout "Lover"

1. How do I attract my lover

2. Why is he still with me

3. What he doesn't like about me

4. How would he like to see me in bed

5. How does he see our future relationship

6. Does he consider me as a future wife

7. What can be expected from him for six months.

The layout of "Lilith"

The layout of the situation in a love triangle, when the “third force” (lover, mistress, stranger in love, etc.) is familiar with both of the couple and sets out to break this couple. It can also be applied to business relationships.

Cards 13, 14, 15, 16 are laid out at an angle, the general view of the layout should resemble a circle - the Black Moon. Cards 19, 20 are stacked in the center with a cross:

Who is real for the “third force” couple:

1. for the first partner

2. for the second partner

Who does the "third force" seem to them:

3. first partner

4. second partner

What are the intentions regarding the "third force":

5. at the first partner

6. at the second partner

What pleases them in the “third force”:

7. first partner

8. second partner

What in the "third force" scares them:

9. first partner

10. second partner

How to behave as a "third force" to achieve your plan:

11. with the first partner

12. with a second partner

What will help the "third force" in achieving its goals:

13. in a relationship with the first partner

14. in a relationship with a second partner

What will harm the "third force" in achieving what was planned:

15. in a relationship with the first partner

16. in a relationship with a second partner

The result for the "third force" from a relationship with a couple:

17. with the first partner

18. with a second partner

The result for a couple from a relationship with a "third force":

19. for the first partner

20. for the second partner

Tarot layout "Love triangle"

The left side of the triangle refers to the querent, the right side to her rival

1 - Designates a man and shows what the querent needs to know about him

2 - Feelings and emotions of a man in relation to the querent

3 - Feelings and emotions towards another woman

4 - The sexual attractiveness of the querent in the eyes of a man

5 - The sexual attractiveness of another woman in the eyes of a man.

6 - what a man does not like in a querent

7 - what a man does not like in another woman

8 - the attitude of a man towards marriage / a serious relationship with a querent

9 - how a man feels about marriage / serious relationship with another woman

10 - the future of relations with the querent

11 - the future of relationships with another woman.

Layout "Choice of 2 partners"

This alignment is intended for those who cannot decide on the choice of a partner, it shows which of the partners is preferable to choose, or maybe no one is worth your attention at all.

The value of the layout positions

1. The essence of choice

2. Psychological compatibility with a partner 1

3. Sexual compatibility with partner 1

4. Household compatibility with partner 1

5. Will the questioner achieve his goals (will he be satisfied)

6. Psychological compatibility with a partner 2

7. Sexual compatibility with partner 2

8. Domestic compatibility with partner 2 (how domestic factors will affect relationships)

9. Will the questioner achieve his goals (will he be satisfied)

Position 1: present situation

Positions 2, 3, 4 represent the past.

Position 2: Childhood experiences, what you learned about love, and how love and feelings were brought up in you from childhood.

Position 3: Love lessons from adolescence and youth. First experience of love. How did he influence you?

Position 4: Takes us to the recent past, your experience of love in the past year or two. And the impact of this experience on your life.

Positions 5, 6 represent your present.

Position 5: current influences

Position 6: Where will life take you if you follow the same path and follow the same line of behavior.

Positions 7, 8, 9, 10 represent advice.

Position 7: What the questioner needs to work on to make a difference.

Position 8: Who or what can help the questioner.

Position 9: Who or what the questioner should avoid.

Position 10: General advice.

Interesting video
