The most advanced magical and technical Mods for MineCraftNow it's even easier to find and download the right mod! The best mods for Minecraft.

All the best mods you can download for Minecraft.

Right here you will find our selection of the best mods for Minecraft. Mods with which you will take everything from Minecaraft, no matter which one you download. They can simply improve the lighting or slightly increase the frames, or they can create completely new worlds and other ways to play.

But be warned: not all mods are compatible with the latest version of Minecraft, and some require an older version of Forge to run. Luckily, installing old mods isn't difficult. Most mods come with instructions, but if they don't, here's a mini-guide on how to make them work.

Each mod is, of course, great in its own way, but it's worth noting that they can conflict with each other if you try to install some of them at the same time. If you're struggling with this or other issues, consider installing the prebuilt modpacks provided by Feed the Beast and Technic Platform. This is one of the easiest ways to quickly and easily play modified Minecraft.



How many times have you been met with nothing but emptiness while exploring new territory? The Millnaire mod fixes this by introducing a lot of new content in a place where there was nothing before. Village swamps are replaced by villages populated by men, women and children. Even the villages themselves have been remodeled and there is now a Norman, North Indian and 11th century Maya village.

Fossil and Archeology revival mod


If the only thing you're missing from Minecraft is dinosaurs. Who wouldn't want to ditch creepers for tyrannosaurs? A huge number of these creatures can not only be created in Creative mode, the player will be able to hunt for the remains in order to bring the forgotten creatures back to life. In addition to a major texture change, for those who want to put their prehistoric skills to the test, Anu's boss has also been added.

Instant Massive Structures


Okay, okay, this mod might be a bit of a cheat. We've all seen huge buildings that make our 5×5 house look like a bucket. But what if you want to change the course of the game? What if you want a huge city in seconds? This is where the Instant Structures mod comes into play. Simply enter the menu, select a block, right-click on it, and the building will magically appear. You will be able to create a huge number of structures from castles to houses, up to tram stops. Yes, it's technically cheating, but we won't tell anyone.

The Lost Cities


Something ended life as we knew it. The buildings are in disrepair, all gone, or so it seems. The Lost Cities, as the name suggests, takes you to a time-forgotten city. For what purpose? See how long you can survive in this post-apocalyptic wasteland without succumbing to thoughts of death. But if that's not enough for you, this mod is linked to the Biomes O Plenty mod, which means you'll have a lot of new territories to explore besides the empty cities.


Creating a decent sized biosphere takes about 8 hours. I know this because I spent 8 hours meticulously creating one. At the end, I wanted to throw Minecraft into the mouth of the nearest volcano. Creating something spherical rather than a jagged diamond is not easy. Luckily, the Biosphere mod removes all the annoying obstacles and sends you into a world where the sky is overflowing with various floating biomes. Just don't fall, right?

The Aether


The Aether (pronounced "ee-ther") is the opposite of the Nether. While the Nether looks like hell, the Aether is a kind of heavenly realm. After moving through the portal, you will find yourself above the clouds, surrounded by magnificent newly developed floating islands. It also has new mobs including flying cows and pigs, some new bosses, and new types of loot blocks.



Minecraft is not well optimized for fast and slow computers. The game runs remarkably poorly on low-end laptops, and high-performance machines can't make it that much more appealing. Use Optifine, a mod that not only increases performance but also makes the game look better. It supports HD textures, smooth lighting and more, thanks to the not infrequent frame rate doubling. This is one of the first mods I add when I install Minecraft.

Twilight Forest


Do you love adventure? This mod adds a new, densely forested dimension shrouded in perpetual twilight that hides both valuable treasures and dangerous monsters. Throw a diamond into a pool of water surrounded by flowers to create a portal there, then wait a bit for it to load. Here you'll find hedge mazes, empty hills, enchanted groves, glaciers, Lich's Castle and more, as well as rewards for those who venture deeper.

Biomes O'Plenty


Since Update That Changed The World at the end of 2013, there has been more variety in Minecraft worlds. But Biomes O'Plenty adds even more - 75 to be exact - from bush fields, coral reefs, lavender fields and sinister forests to tundra and wastelands. You will need to create a new world to use this mod (make sure you select the Biomes O'Plenty option), but it's worth it to see corners of Minecraft you haven't seen before.


Some mods add powerful magic items. Others add complex technique. Botania just adds flowers, not simple ones. Flowers that heal you. Flowers that feed animals. Flowers that direct hostile mobs at each other. Flowers that eat cake. Oh, and did I mention that you can also use flowers to create a magical portal to the land of the elves? If you want to try something completely different from other mods, this is Botania.

Inventory Tweaks, NotEnoughItems & Waila

This trio of mods will improve your life, especially when you have a lot of mods installed at the same time. Inventory Tweaks will let you sort chests with a single click and automatically replace tools when they break. NotEnoughItems provides you with a list of all the blocks in the game and recipes for crafting them, while Waila lets you hover over an unknown block to find out what it is.



Being a mage is cool, and the best way to become a mage in Minecraft is Thaumcraft. This is a huge mod that allows you to extract magical energy from physical objects in Minecraft and transform it into new forms. In the process, you'll create altars, wands, golems, and fill dozens of jars with colored slime. There is also a puzzle game that you must complete in order to learn new spells.

Eyephone Mod


Friends can now call you in-game to spoil the latest episode of Game of Thrones. Hooray? Just like a regular phone, Eyephone is equipped with a set of applications (which are opened for diamonds). The best feature is the ability to send your friends an email to play a prank on them, and why not? The only drawback is that you will have to create a charger in the game to keep the phone in working order. Just like in real life, right?

A mod that will make creepers even deadlier


Creepers don't give you enough trouble? We can fix it. The Chameleon Creepers mod makes it so that the creepers, passing by the blocks, change color in accordance with the environment. In short, this makes creepers even more deadly because you won't see them until they hiss from behind you. Why we want to use this mod is not clear, but for masochists it will come in handy.

"Hunted by the hunters"


Sometimes the simplest mods can breathe new life into Minecraft. The Medieval Mobs mod does just that, replacing the current mob lineup with bloodthirsty hunters. The Rogue replaces the skeleton, while the Bandit and Savage play the role of the zombie. But be careful, these new mobs don't act like their coded counterparts. They are smarter, faster and do not burn in the sun. But if they're too complex for you, there's a config file to balance those fiends.

Ultimate Apocalypse


The world will soon come to an end. In five days, the sun will explode, which means all life: plants, trees, mobs, animals, villagers, will burn. And yes, you too. Can you gather enough supplies to go underground and start a new life? Can you survive without the gifts of nature? These are the questions the Ultimate Apocalypse mod asks. Surviving this harsh, ash-covered landscape will require every trick you've ever learned.



Another great mod to improve the world is Natura. It adds a huge number of new types of trees, and therefore wood colors, which will make your home more attractive. The mod also adds a few extra crops to produce food and resources at the start of the game, as well as making the Nether a bit more dangerous. Natura is a great first step in Minecraft mods because it's close to a regular game.



The default maps in Minecraft are complete nonsense. They don't draw details, you have to pull them out to view them, and they don't show anything other than where you are. JourneyMap fixes this - the map displays the world in real time as you explore, can be positioned in the corner of the screen, and even allows you to set waypoints that you can return to later. If you have a habit of getting lost in the desert, JourneyMap will get you home safe and sound.

Tinker's Construct


Tools are the foundation of everything you do in Minecraft, and Tinker's Construct lets you create the best tools out of a wide variety of materials. They can be improved, modified and repaired if they are broken. Yes, the mod also adds a smelter to create high quality tools and increase the efficiency of ore processing. If you want the best equipment for the job, download Tinker's Construct.



If you enjoy the agricultural aspects of Minecraft, you'll love Forestry. This is a huge mod that adds a bunch of new items, machines and blocks but is best known for its bees. You can become a beekeeper by capturing wild bees and breeding them, using genetic principles to create various useful resources. If I were teaching biology, I would use this in class.



Since we are studying biology, let's study programming! ComputerCraft adds programmable computers and robots (turtles) to Minecraft that you can control by writing code. It's all based on the easy-to-learn Lua programming language, and with it, you'll be able to make password-protected doors, private chats, automated mining robots, and even play video games. The possibilities are endless.

Thermal Expansion 4 & Minefactory Reloaded


These titans are one of the most important tech mods in the game. Thermal Expansion focuses on the production and storage of energy, as well as the addition of new metals that have become standard components in several other mods. Minefactory Reloaded is where you will use this energy - in agricultural automation, animal husbandry, mining, magic, potion making and so on. Download both mods and a couple of additional ones here.

Big Reactors


After a while, with a large number of tech mods installed, you will find that your energy needs are growing faster than the generator capacity allows. Then the Big Reactors mod comes to the rescue. It will allow you to build customizable nuclear reactors that produce massive amounts of energy that won't disappear if something goes wrong. The mod even interacts with ComputerCraft so you can create a program to control your reactors. Novice nuclear scientists can download the mod.

Chisel & Carpenter's Blocks

Making your base beautiful is a secondary task for some players, but for others it is a vital part of the game. These two mods give you the tools you need to customize almost every aspect of your base design. Chisel allows you to load new texture options for most of the most common blocks in the game, while Carpenter's Blocks adds lifts and loads aesthetic options for doors, switches, torches, stairs, fences and more.

RailCraft & Steve's Carts 2

You can probably guess what these mods do. That's right - they both significantly increase the capabilities of minecarts in Minecraft. RailCraft adds a bunch of new types of rails, including complex red ore-controlled road junctions and signals, while Steve's Carts increases the capabilities of the carts themselves - adding brakes, drills, and so on. You can even install a nozzle that sets off fireworks.



Getting materials to where they are needed is a constant problem in Minecraft. EnderIO solves it with impressive elegance by adding compact conduits that carry liquids, items, energy, and redstone signals. The mod also adds several machines that increase your ore processing abilities. When your base gets complicated, EnderIO is one of the best ways to deal with it.

Applied Energistics 2


Storage can also become an issue when you start mining more and more resources automatically in Minecraft. Applied Energistics solves this problem by turning the stuff in your chests into energy, which is then stored on disks that can be accessed wirelessly from anywhere in your base. You can even use a mod to automatically create what you need by interacting directly with your machines. It doesn't sound magical, it is. Of course, this requires a huge amount of energy, but after proper tuning, wooden chests will seem to you like primitive relics from the past.

JABBA and Iron Chests 2


A couple more storage mods, but this time for the initial stage of the game. JABBA adds easy-to-craft, upgradable barrels that can store hundreds of stacks of a single item, while Iron Chests lets you upgrade wooden chests to hold more items. Ultimately, you may want to use the Applied Energistics system, but these mods will make the early game much more enjoyable.

Extra Utilities & OpenBlocks

This pair of mods is a set of very useful utilities without a specific theme. Extra Utilities adds a golden lasso to transport friendly mobs, blackout curtains to darken places, conveyor belts to move mobs around, and noise dampeners to make your stables quieter. And OpenBlocks adds sleeping bags, gliders, elevators, tombstones, rope ladders, and buildings. Both mods have importance.



It's always interesting to see mods trying to change something different from others. PneumaticCraft is a tech mod but uses air pressure instead of energy. You will need to build compression chambers, pipes and valves to make sure you balance the airflow because if anything goes wrong, an explosion is inevitable. However, if you do it right, the fancy gadgets that PneumaticCraft will bring, such as air cannons and customizable helmets, are well worth the time.

Hunger Overhaul, The Spice of Life & Pam's HarvestCraft

Are you not hungry? After installing Hunger Overhaul, you will definitely be. The mod makes hunger a challenge rather than a slight irritant by reducing the feeling of hunger depending on the type of food eaten. The Spice of Life will allow you to get less and less from eating the same foods every time. What can you do to diversify your diet? Of course, install Pam's HarvestCraft. The mod adds 58 new crops, 35 fruit trees, 12 bushes and 16 types of fish, including, to the delight of vegetarians, the ability to use tofu instead of fish for any recipes. This is a real culinary explosion and your mouth will thank you.



BiblioCraft started out as a way to store books in bookcases, but has since grown into a bunch of blocks and items that are both useful and aesthetically pleasing to your base. There are weapon stands, potion shelves, cookie jars, clocks, lanterns, display cases, dainty multi-piece chairs, even tables and tablecloths. Once you use BiblioCraft, your base will look like a home.

Project Red


Those of you who often work with redstone know how much pain it can sometimes cause. Project Red changes that, allowing you to greatly improve the control over what you do and make the circuits more comfortable. The mod also adds integrated logic elements that make optimization tasks easier. Worth installing if you ever want to work with redstone.

Steve's Factory Manager


Another incredibly useful automation tool is Steve's Factory Manager. Just like ComputerCraft, the mod is not very user-friendly and requires knowledge of the basics of programming to get started with it. However, once you have the drag and drop interface, you'll be amazed at the possibilities. There is no better solution for factory automation.



Are you tired of your world but don't want to lose your progress? Create a new dimension with Mystcraft. The mod will allow you to create "Linking Books" with which you can travel through the multiverse - the contents of the book will determine which world you open. You can discover snow-covered floating islands or an endless ocean with giant trees sprouting from the water. But be careful, some of the new dimensions can be extremely unstable and fall apart. Download Mystcraft to explore - I hope you get back from there.

Minecraft has become the new LEGO for millions of kids, teens and adult geeks around the world. The ability to create your own and explore other people's worlds unleashes the player's creativity and allows you to have a great time with other people. These Minecraft mods will give you or your child even more fun to play.

OptiFine makes the game smoother and more beautiful. After installing the mod, new options will appear in the graphics settings with detailed prompts in Russian. With their help, you can increase the draw distance and detail of the world, as well as adjust animation, improve textures, lighting, and other visual effects.

This mod adds a lot of animals and monsters to Minecraft. Among them are wyverns, monitor lizards, jellyfish, scorpions, ogres, mammoths, wild boars and many other creatures. This bestiary will significantly diversify your game world. Some creatures can be tamed and used as mounts.

3 Biomes O' Plenty

Biomes O' Plenty adds to the list of biomes (game locations). You will be able to see bamboo forests, mangroves, frozen wastelands, dry steppes and many other very different natural and climatic zones. With this mod, exploring the generated worlds is much more interesting.

With Just Enough Items, you can quickly get almost any information you need for crafting. This mod will always tell you what material is needed to create a particular item. It will also tell you what items the found material is useful for.

The Twilight Forest adds a whole dimension to the game - a huge forest with new artifacts, creatures and a gloomy atmosphere. In addition, a unique game mechanic awaits you in this location: in order to progress, you need to go through biomes and fight bosses in a certain order.

After installing JourneyMap in Minecraft, an interactive map appears, which displays terrain details, creatures and others in real time. You can switch with the J key between two view modes: a mini-map of the current location in the corner of the display and a full-screen world map.

BuildCraft adds new mechanisms to the game like engines, drilling rigs and workbenches. These devices can be used for resource extraction and crafting. Pipes for transporting liquids, objects and energy also appear in the game.

This Minecraft mod contains dragon ore, which serves as a raw material for crafting items. You can get new types of armor, tools and mechanisms. Some items available after installing Draconic Evolution allow you to teleport, control the weather and time.

Inventory Tweaks improves the player's inventory. This Minecraft mod adds a quick item sorting mode and automatically replaces broken tools. That is, you can spend less time on the same type of actions and focus on creativity.

We have compiled a list of twenty of the most useful mods that will not only make your life easier, but also make the game more fun!

Different modes require different mods. In order to properly install and run the mod, carefully read the description for it, and loaders such as Modloader or Magic Launcher will help simplify the launch process. Now let's start the review!

The best minecraft mods

1. Unbelievable Shaders Mod

This mod adds a little "soul" to the static world: the grass sways and the trees rustle under the gusts of wind, a softer rendering is involved and the lighting system is improved. Also, the authors of the mod added shadows and a greater depth of rendering of the world, which makes the game much more pleasant for all graphics lovers. Graphics settings will also appear in the game menu, which you can tweak manually.

2.Water Shader

This mod is suitable for all those who can tolerate cubism, but are not able to look at the same type of water surfaces. By installing the Water Shader, the surface of the water will come to life and the waves will sway over the mirror surface. The mod will require more performance from your PC than the previous one.


Another mod that takes the graphics component to a new level. The mod has several current versions, but any of them will help you add richness to the picture. The mod is very flexible and will suit both casual players with weak machines and hardcore players with powerful computers.

4. Crafting Table 3

Minecraft lacks a user-friendly graphical interface. For example, crafting items is a dark art that requires excellent memory: otherwise you simply won't collect the desired item. The Crafting Table 3 mod simplifies this process: you will immediately be shown what kind of ingredients you have, what can be obtained from them, what recipe for preparing this or that item. The mod also automates the process of creating items: just prepare all the data and press one button.

5. Inventory Tweaks

Another weak part of Minecraft is its inventory. It is not designed to store something, it is more like a women's handbag, in which even Manhattan can get lost. The first thing Inventory Tweaks is intended for is automatic sorting of all items and elements into groups, according to generally accepted rules. The second thing the mod can do is put items into slots, change them when necessary and put the contents into a backpack on the chest.

6. REI's minimap

The original Minecraft doesn't have a minimap displayed on the screen for one simple reason: it's an exploration game. However, by installing the REI's minimap mod, you can not only look at the territory around you, but also put marks in multiplayer modes. The mod also automatically saves your location in case of death and you can easily return to where you were killed.

7. Death Chest

This mod removes one of the main commandments: when you die, all the contents of the inventory disappear. Yes, perhaps you will have time until the honestly stolen property disappears, but this is unlikely. The Death Chest mod will create a special box near the place of your death, into which all your things (well, or most of them) will fall, so everything will be completely safe. It should also be remembered that this box cannot accommodate thousands of items.

8. Too Many Items

This mod will put all game items and elements in your inventory, so you don't have to spend your youth playing, trying to find some rare copy. In addition, you will have the opportunity to change day and night, control the weather, change the difficulty level.

9. More Creatures

This mod diversifies the inner world of the game with the help of sheep, kittens, dogs, turtles and so on and so on, including the inhabitants of the air and underwater depths. Of course, each creature will act according to its instincts: the wolf will want to kill you, and the ostrich will immediately run away.

10 More Villages

Before the advent of trade in Minecraft, villages were not of particular interest to the player. Now their number is too small for you to be able to calmly spit on the ceiling by selling gaming rubbish to a huge number of people. By applying the More Villages mod, you will increase the number of villages by several times, thereby sending a stable income of the game currency into your pocket.

11. Matmos Sound Mod

System sounds prepared by Mojang? in general, quite good. However, if you are going to improve it graphically, why not improve its audio part? The Matmos Sound Mod will add a bunch of atmospheric sounds: bird songs during the day and creepy screams at night, weapon sounds (like pulling a string or clanging a sword), and underwater sounds will become more authentic. When you are left alone with the game, a magical transformation will take place and it will sound in a new way.

12. The X-Ray mod

This mod is somewhat reminiscent of the famous "X-Ray vision" of Superman. Using it, you will be able to see through walls, in the dark, and also calculate the location of ore deposits. Worth a try, don't you think?

13.Single Player Commands

Many people find it strange that online players have much more control over their worlds than single player ones. This mod corrects this misunderstanding, although it is more suitable for novice players, because in fact, this mod allows you to cheat. For example, you can change time or stop it, turn damage on or off, teleport, and even kill everyone in the area with one button.

14. Compress Anything

Experienced players know an easy way to get rid of tons of various cheap ores (sand, coal, gravel, etc.). For this, the Compress Anything mod is used. You make nine blocks of what you need to compress and place it on your crafting table. Then, the mod creates one "compressed" block. In total, there can be 574 such compressed blocks in one slot. Not bad, right?

15. Natural Disasters

Do you want to increase the degree of adrenaline? Then feel free to install the Natural Disasters mod, thanks to which, at a random time and in a random place, a natural disaster will befall your world! Mod adds such troubles as: earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, meteor bombardment and monsters. Just remember that the elements can rage and cause serious damage to the newly built world.

16. Dragon Mounts

Riding a boomer dragon has always been an interesting pastime. By installing this mod, you will get dragon eggs. Place one of them on the ground and right-click on it to summon a dragon. If you have a saddle, then you will automatically find yourself on a dragon. Learn to manage it yourself, but remember that it may well burn a village or two. And the villagers, when they see you on the dragon, will be shocked.

17. Weather and Tornadoes

This mod adds devastating tornadoes and strong winds to your game world. Probably not worth using them in where you spent hundreds of hours creating: the consequences of using this mod are terrible. What can I say, take a look at the video below:

18. Somnia

It takes a very long time to produce metal ingots and grow crops. Mod Somnia significantly speeds up all production processes. That is, if in the evening you only planted wheat or mined ore, then in the morning you will receive wheat grains or pure ore ingots.

19. MCMap

Screenshots that can be obtained in the usual way do not allow you to convey all the splendor. The MCMap mod allows you to capture images of your game world that you could only dream of. It consumes quite a lot of computer resources, but rest assured: it's worth it!


Building in has always been taken for granted. But using the Buildcraft mod, you will get such a set of new industrial "bricks" that you will spend more than one week studying it. In particular, the mod adds an oil resource, and since there is oil, then we will extract and process it. But not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance: building a production cycle will take more than one day.

What Minecraft mods do you use?

Here is a great collection of mods that are suitable for any version of 0.12.x and beyond. They not only decorate the game by adding new items, but also help you in the normal survival mode. In this list, we have collected the most popular modifications for the game for versions , and , as well as , and .
All of them have been tested for performance and passed antivirus checks. Just download them to your Android smartphone and enjoy the whole new world of Steve.

To start viewing this article, we will remind you that absolutely everything works only thanks to and are installed accordingly through it. For some mods, the presence in the addon or earlier versions is also required.
Once you install the above programs, you should read.

Now you know how to install mods and what you need for this. Let's move on to our list of the best modifications:

Excellent and easiest to play. It provides the ability to switch game modes on the fly, change the time of day and add any item by its ID.

A simple mod that adds 11 new types of furniture. Ideal for creative mode to decorate your home with missing furniture.

In addition to the previous fashion, a few more types of new furniture that are suitable for both home and exterior decoration.

After many hours of work in creative mode, you absolutely do not want someone to break your miraculous structure. Therefore, there is this power protection mod, and it looks beautiful and protects against illegal attacks.

If you get lost in the MCPE world, it doesn't matter. There is this wonderful minimap mod. With it, you will never get lost and will always be able to find out where you are. A very useful mod.

Do you already know everything about the game and have you already been everywhere and seen everything? Try to kill the dragon in the Ender world.

And to make it easier to kill evil mobs, there is a wonderful weapon mod for you. 40 types of weapons will not leave anyone alone. Even the aforementioned dragon from the Ener world.

If you are tired of being in the form of Steve, try flying around the world in the skin of a flying mouse. Or run around the lawns in the form of a pig. Yes, this mod can turn you into anyone from the Minecraft World. Very funny mod.

Few features in the mobile version of Minecraft and not enough trading mode with residents? So here is the solution - this wonderful mod that opens up the possibility of trading.

Tired of waving a pickaxe for hours in search of diamonds? Try to do this with a drill or a jackhammer. The process will be much faster and more fun.

Fantastic weapon mod from the game Portal. Also available are 12 new types of items for the game. Dedicated to Portal fans.

Have you ever flown in a military aircraft? What about a real UFO? Try this wonderful mod for MCPE. It adds 11 different vehicles to the game with which you can move very fast. Well, bomb everything.

The Lord of the Rings mod turns Minecraft PE into the world of Middle-earth straight from the Tolkien trilogy. Ents, mountain trolls, real hobbits - this is just a small list of what you can meet on your way in the new world.

Pocket Creatures Mod - adds 53 new animals to the world of Minecraft PE. Absolutely everything is new, from riding horses, ostriches and elephants, ending with marine inhabitants such as the white shark.

We present you a new version of the Factorization 4.6.1 mod for Minecraft PE, which includes mods from the PC version of Industrial craft 2 and Buildcraft, as well as elements from Forestry and Greg tech. Thanks to this mod, the whole gameplay becomes completely new, as the modification is very extensive and includes more than 40 mechanisms, beekeeping, 5 new ores and much more.

Although redstone is already in, the PocketPower mod for Minecraft PE 0.12.1 will allow you to add red dust to the game, with which you can transfer energy over a distance and create quite complex mechanisms. Thanks to red dust, you will have much more opportunities to create interesting and complex mechanisms that will perform various functions in the game.

This mod adds 13 new types of golems. They can be made from almost anything you have in your inventory - gold, earth, glass, obsidian, and even TNT. Bring a little variety to the game with new golems.

That's probably all. The rest are on the site, but in this article we have chosen the best in our opinion. You can also add your opinion in the comments of this article.

What are the best mods in Minecraft? We have collected Top 10 modifications for the game. Download for android for free.

Minecraft Pocket Edition mods make the game much more fun. Whether you're playing on iOS or Android, this list of improvements and exploits will make you dig deeper, explore further, and make money faster.

But one of the things people look for when they play Minecraft or is a mod. They make the digital world go round when we've either exhausted our gaming options or just want to experience the game in a different way.

If you haven't used yet then we highly recommend to go to the appropriate section and download whatever you like and enjoy playing Bedrock Edition. We also found the coolest Minecraft mods for Android, so choose the most interesting one for yourself and download. And if you still have questions, then especially for you at the bottom of the article heading answers to questions.

creative mode

Allows players to create more items in creative mode. And of course, more items always means more fun. Whether you need another ax or a golden apple, this cool mod is a must for most gamers.

Harry Potter Magic

Harry Potter is standing to the right of the Minecraft PE logo, holding a magic wand. Will allow you to spawn 64 diamonds by simply pressing a stick against any block. It needs support for ModPE scripts like .
The creator of this top mod says that if you type /wand you will get a stick and God will communicate with you in messages. Available for MCPE version 1.1.X.


This XYZ mod allows you to find your coordinates at any time. This allows you to know exactly where you are in relation to everyone else. This is a cool Minecraft mod to have at your disposal when playing with bunches of players on the same server. You can download the file for MCPE 1.1.5.

Creates a user interface from which you can select any element, even mod elements. in fact, it is one of the most popular mods in the world. You simply press a button and a list of items available in the game appears. Download for MCPE 1.1.X.

God mod

Minecraft is great for making you feel like a god at times! This cool mod allows users to turn a block into a completely random one by touching it with a stick. Download and play on MCPE 1.1.5.

New Items

Mod Netherversion adds new creative mode items such as gold nuggets, flaming rods and powder and magma cream. It also adds a new crafting recipe for gold. Start playing by downloading the file for MCPE 1.1.X.


This cute Minecraft mod allows you to spawn a maid of adventure and keep you company when your friends abandon you. A simple but fun mod that I like to use to have fun. Download and play on MCPE 1.1.5.


Adds specific sounds for horses that they make when you ride, hit, feed, tame, or kill them. Download the file and play with horses on MCPE 1.1.5.


Have you ever wanted to add achievements to Minecraft PE? Then look no further. This top mod allows you to add achievements to the mobile version of the game. Not only does this mod make the game more appealing, it can make it more challenging - forcing you to go after elusive feats you can never try! Minecraft 1.2 support.


Allows users to explode TNT by touching it with a torch. I wonder what the creator was thinking when he made this cool mod? I use it to blow up TNT nephews and other things players are sitting on. Minecraft 1.7.0 support.

If none of the mods on this list caught your fancy, there are thousands of player mods available on the site.
However, the Top 10 Minecraft mods described in this article are among the best in the world.

Answers to basic questions about mods

We have prepared answers to frequently asked questions for beginners. You can also leave your questions in the comments.

How to update mods?

To update you need to: download it again and reinstall.

How many mods can you use at the same time?

You can use any number of mods as long as none of them conflict with the others. It will also depend on how much RAM your device has and how powerful the processor is.

What are mods for?

Most mods in Minecraft add content to the game to change the gameplay, change the creative atmosphere, or give the player more options in how they interact with the Minecraft world.

How to install?

  1. Open the file (.mcpack) using Minecraft PE.
  2. Addon activation (world or game settings).
  3. Or use .