Proposals with separate agreed and inconsistent definitions. Separated and non-isolated inconsistent definitions

Inconsistent definitions associated with the word being defined in a way
control or adjunction, that is, the coincidence of the forms of the determined
words and definitions are not expected; when changing forms
of the word being defined, the inconsistent definition does not change.

Isolation inconsistent definitions depends on several

a) from the part of speech of the defined (main) word;
b) from the position of the definition in relation to the defined (main)
word - before the main word, after the main word;
c) from the presence of additional shades of meaning in the definition
(circumstantial, explanatory);
d) on the degree of distribution and the way of expressing the definition.

However, in general, the isolation of inconsistent definitions is less
categorically, rather than isolating agreed definitions. It
occurs if in this context it is required to highlight
any sign, to strengthen the meaning expressed by it.

We list the conditions for separating inconsistent definitions:

BUT) Definition expressed by indirect cases of nouns(more often
with suggestions)

1. Definitions-nouns are isolated if they refer to
personal pronoun:
Here's an example:
Yesterday he, in an old red jacket, was especially young and imposing.

2. Definitions-nouns stand apart if separated from
the word being defined by other members of the sentence:
Here's an example:
After dinner everyone went into the yard, where, in a white dress, with a red
with a ribbon on her head, Angelina walked.

3. Definitions-nouns stand apart if they form a series
homogeneous members with a previous or subsequent separate
agreed definition:
Here's an example:
This young man, provocatively dressed, with a white face and blue
eyes, made a strange impression.

4. Noun definitions are usually isolated if they refer to
proper name, since they complement, clarify the idea of
person or object.
Here's an example:
Vera Starolubova, in a cotton dress, in a cap on the back of her head and in a shawl,
was sitting on a chair.

5. Noun definitions are usually isolated if they refer to
noun that characterizes a person according to the degree of kinship,
position, profession, etc. definition-noun
in this case gives an additional characteristic to the person. Such
definition is more common, that is, contains
dependent words. Quite often there are several such definitions.
Here's an example:
Father came out majestically, in a red jacket, in lace, with
silver bracelet on the arm.

B) Definition expressed by turnover with a form of comparative degree

1. Inconsistent definitions expressed in turnover with the form
the comparative degree of the adjective, are usually isolated,
since in value they approach a weakened, secondary
predicate. Therefore, such definitions can be replaced by a clause
an offer or an independent offer. Such turns are usually
come after the defined word and have dependent words:
Here's an example:
Love, stronger than his mind, pushed him to her.
This love was stronger than his mind. This love pushed him to

Separation of definitions.

Often there is another definition before the noun being defined,
agreed. In this case, the definitions have a tinge of explanation.
(meaning "namely"):
Here's an example:
A long beard, slightly lighter than the hair, slightly set off the chin and
The rest of the older guys looked at him in amazement.

2. Definition with the form of the comparative degree of the adjective is not
is isolated if it is closely related to the noun being defined:

But at another time there was no person more active than him (Turgenev).

C) Definition expressed by the indefinite form of the verb

1. Definition expressed by the indefinite form of the verb
(infinitive), is isolated (with a dash) if it has
explanatory meaning and before it you can put the words viz. AT
oral speech such infinitive definitions are preceded by a pause:
Here's an example:
But this choice is insane - to love and die.

2. Definition expressed by the indefinite form of the verb
(infinitive), is not isolated if it forms together with the name
noun is a single phrase. Usually these definitions
stand in the middle of a sentence and are pronounced without pauses:
Here's an example:
The idea of ​​marrying Oleg came to my mind less and less.

Separate agreed definitions

1. As a rule, common definitions are isolated, expressed by a participle or an adjective with words dependent on them and standing after the noun being defined, for example: A cloud hanging over high peaks poplars, it was already raining (Kor.); Sciences alien to music were disgusting to me (P.).

Definitions of this type are not isolated if the defined noun in itself in this sentence does not express the lexically necessary concept and needs to be defined, for example: I have not seen a person more exquisitely calm, self-confident and autocratic (T.).

Common post-positive definitions are also not isolated if, in meaning, they are connected not only with the subject, but also with the predicate, for example: I sat immersed in deep thought (P.); Taiga stood silent and full of mystery (Kor.). This usually happens with verbs of motion and state that can act as a significant connective.

2. Two or more postpositive ones are isolated single definitions, explaining the noun, for example: In the air, sultry and dusty, a thousand-voiced dialect (M. G.).

However, the separation of two uncommon definitions obligatory only when the noun being defined is preceded by another definition. Wed: I want to know the secrets of a wise and simple life (Bruce). - Spring spirit, cheerful and dissolute, went everywhere (Bagr.).

3. A single post-positive definition is isolated if it has an additional circumstantial meaning, for example: People, amazed, became like stones (M. G.).

4. The definition is isolated if it is torn off from the noun being defined by other members of the sentence; in these cases, the definition in meaning is also connected with the predicate and has an additional adverbial connotation. For example: Here, alarmed by a whirlwind, a corncrake flew out of the grass (Ch.); Sun-drenched, buckwheat and wheat fields lay behind the river (Shol.).

5. The definition immediately before the noun being defined is isolated if, in addition to the attributive, it also has a circumstantial meaning (causal, conditional, concessive), for example: Growing up in poverty and hunger, Paul was hostile to those who were rich in his understanding (I. Ostr.); Cut off from the whole world, the Urals withstood the Cossack siege with honor (Furm.).

6. Definitions related to the personal pronoun are always isolated; such definitions are attributive-predicative in nature and have an additional circumstantial value. For example: Exhausted, dirty, wet, we finally reached the shore (T.); How, poor thing, should I not grieve? (Cr.).

Separate inconsistent definitions

1. Inconsistent definitions, expressed by indirect cases of nouns, are isolated if it is necessary to emphasize the meaning they express, for example: The headman, in boots and an Armenian coat, with cloaks in his hand, noticing the priest from afar, took off his bright hat (L. T.).

Most often, inconsistent definitions are isolated with a proper name, since it, being the bearer of an individual name, in itself quite specifically designates a person or object, and an indication of a sign in this case has the character of an additional message clarifying the indication, for example: Shabashkin, with a cap on his head , stood akimbo and proudly looked around him (P.).

The same is observed with personal pronouns that indicate an object or person already known from the context, for example: He, with his mind and experience, could already notice that she distinguished him (P.).

Often the isolation of an inconsistent definition serves as a means of deliberately separating it from one member of the sentence (usually the predicate), to which it could be related in meaning and syntactically, and referring to another (usually the subject), for example: Baba, with a long rake in their hands, wander in the field (T.).

2. Usually, inconsistent postpositive definitions expressed comparative degree adjective; in these cases, the commonly defined noun is preceded by an agreed definition. For example: Another room, almost twice as large, was called the hall ... (Ch.).

Standalone Applications

Separate applications in some cases have a purely attributive meaning, in others adverbial shades of meaning are attached to it, which is associated with the degree of prevalence of a separate construction, its place in relation to the word being defined, and the morphological nature of the latter.

1. A common application is isolated, expressed by a common noun with dependent words and related to a common noun; such applications are usually postpositive, less often they occur in the prepositive position. For example: a) On the trash, always with a pipe in his teeth, lies a hospital watchman, an old retired soldier (Ch.); b) Unfortunately faithful sister, hope in a gloomy dungeon will awaken cheerfulness and fun (P.);

2. A single application related to a common noun is isolated if the noun being defined has explanatory words with it, for example: One girl, a polka, took care of me (M. G.).

Less commonly, an uncommon application is isolated with a single definable noun, for example: And the enemies, fools, think that we are afraid of death (Fad.).

3. An application related to a proper name is isolated if it is in a postposition; a prepositive application is isolated if it has an additional adverbial value. For example: a) Lying under a mound overgrown with weeds, sailor Zheleznyak, partisan (Utk.); b) An admirer of Bach and Handel, an expert in his field, ...Lemme with time - who knows? - would become one of the great composers of his homeland (T.).

4. A person's own name can act as a separate application if it serves to clarify or clarify common noun(before such an application, you can put the words viz. without changing the meaning). For example: The rest of the brothers, Martyn and Prokhor, are similar to Alexei (Shol.) to the smallest detail.

5. The application is always isolated with a personal pronoun, for example: It's a shame for me, an old man, to listen to such speeches (M. G.).

6. A separate application may refer to a word missing in this sentence, but clear from the context or situation, for example: The child herself, did not want to play and jump in a crowd of children (P.).

7. A separate application can be joined by a union like (with a causal meaning), words by name, surname, nickname, family, etc. For example: The commandant friendly advised me to leave poetry, as it is contrary to the service and does not lead to anything good (P.); At the gatehouse there was a huge black dog of an unknown breed, named Arapka (Ch.).

| next lecture ==>
criteria (from 1 to 6), and if a granuloma is detected, another relative criterion (from 1 to 6) |

If the main members of the sentence are the basis, then the secondary ones are accuracy, beauty and imagery. Particular attention should be paid to definitions.

Definition as a member of a sentence

A definition refers to a word with an objective meaning and characterizes a sign, quality, property of an object that names the word being defined, answers the questions: "what?", "what?", "what?", "what?" and them case forms. There is an agreed and inconsistent definition in Russian.

For example, "I loved watching the big beautiful bird white color".

The defined word is "bird". From him the question is raised: "what?"

Bird (what?) Large, beautiful, white.

Definitions characterize the object in this sentence according to the following criteria: by size, by appearance, by color.

Definitions "big, beautiful"- agreed, and " white"- inconsistent. What is the difference between agreed definitions and non-agreed definitions?

Definitions " big, beautiful" - agreed, they change when the word being defined changes, that is, they agree with it in gender, number, case:

  • bird (what?) big, beautiful;
  • bird (what?) big, beautiful;
  • a bird (what?) big, beautiful.

Definition "white color"- inconsistent. It will not change if you change the main word:

  • bird (what?) white;
  • birds (what?) white;
  • a bird (what?) of white color;
  • a bird (what?) of white color;
  • about a bird (what?) of white color.

Thus, it can be concluded that this is an inconsistent definition. So, we found out how agreed definitions differ from inconsistent ones. The first ones change when the main word changes, and the second ones do not change.

Inconsistent definitions with the meaning of the material from which the object is made

Inconsistent ones are never expressed by adjectives, participles, agreed pronouns. They are most often expressed by nouns with and without prepositions and have various meanings object attribute. One of these meanings is "the material from which the object is made."

Inconsistent definitions with the meaning of the purpose of the subject

Very often it is necessary to indicate what the object exists for, then inconsistent definitions are used that have the meaning “the purpose of the object”.

Inconsistent definitions with the meaning of the accompanying subject attribute

If it is said that something is present or something is missing from the subject of speech, then inconsistent definitions are usually used with the meaning “an accompanying subject feature”.

Inconsistent definitions with the value of belonging to the subject

Inconsistent definitions are widely used in the language, expressing the belonging of an object or, more precisely, the relation of an object to another object.

Separation of inconsistent definitions and additions

Since inconsistent definitions are expressed by nouns, the problem of distinguishing between definitions and additions arises. Additions are also expressed by nouns in and do not formally differ from inconsistent definitions. Distinguish these minor members only possible in terms of syntax. Therefore, it is necessary to consider ways to distinguish between inconsistent definitions and additions.

  1. Additions refer to verbs, gerunds, participles, and definitions - to nouns, pronouns that indicate the subject.
  2. We put cases to additions, and to definitions - questions "what?", "Whose?"

Inconsistent definitions - pronouns

In the role of inconsistent definitions can act. In such cases, questions are posed: "whose?", "Whose?", "Whose?", "Whose?" and their case forms. Let us give examples of inconsistent definitions expressed by possessive pronouns.

AT her the light came on in the window (in whose window?).

His girlfriend did not come (whose girlfriend?).

AT them garden were the most delicious apples(in whose garden?).

Inconsistent definitions - adjectives in the simple comparative degree

If the sentence contains an adjective in a simple one, then it is an inconsistent definition. It denotes a sign of an object that is expressed to a greater or lesser extent than in some other object. Let us give examples of inconsistent definitions expressed by the adjective in a simple comparative degree.

Grandpa built himself a house better ours.

Society is divided into people cleverer me and those who are not interested in me.

Everyone wants to grab a piece more than others.

Inconsistent definitions - adverbs

Often adverbs act as inconsistent definitions, in such cases they have the meaning of a feature in terms of quality, direction, place, mode of action. We look at sentences with inconsistent definitions, examples with adverbs.

Let's listen to the opinion of your neighbor (which one?) left.

The closet was small with a door (what?) outside.

The upper room was bright with a window (what?) against.

Inconsistent definitions - infinitives

The infinitive can be an inconsistent definition for nouns that have abstract concepts: desire, joy, need and the like. We look at sentences with inconsistent definitions, examples with infinitives.

Everyone would understand my desire (what?) capture these magical pictures.

Necessity lives indestructibly in the heart (what kind?) be in love someone.

The division will come up with a task (what?) take height on the right bank of the Dnieper.

Everyone should experience joy (what?) feel yourself as a human.

She had a habit (what?) talk with someone invisible.

Separation of inconsistent definitions in Russian

The selection of inconsistent definitions in writing with commas depends on the position taken and on their prevalence. Inconsistent definitions that stand directly behind the defined word - a common noun - are not inclined to isolate.

At the back of the garden stood a long barn (what?) from boards.

The old woman served sour cream in a bowl (what?) with broken edge.

girl (what?) in a blue dress stood at the entrance to the park, waiting for someone.

In the park (what?) with cleanly swept alleys it was empty and boring.

Desire (What?) survive at all costs owned it all the time.

Inconsistent definitions after the main word - a common noun, are isolated only if it is necessary to give it a special semantic significance. Consider isolated inconsistent definitions (examples).

In the same sweater , from gray wool, she left the room as if there had not been a whole year of separation.

This vase , with broken neck, I remember from childhood.

If inconsistent definitions are before the word being defined, then they are most often isolated. Such definitions acquire an additional circumstantial connotation of meaning.

In long elegant dress , sister seemed taller and more mature.

Long skirt and bare arms, the girl stands on the stage and sings something in a thin voice.

Inconsistent definitions are always isolated if they refer to and to a proper name. Consider isolated inconsistent definitions (examples).

She is, with braids to the waist, went to the middle of the room and looked for me with her eyes.

Maria Ivanovna , in a white starched blouse, loudly called the servants and ordered the girl who came to clean up the scattered things.

It (the sun) with red-orange trim hung very low from the horizon.

Practical task in the OGE format

Among examination tasks there is one that requires knowledge of inconsistent definitions. To complete this task, you need to find a sentence that has an inconsistent definition. The following is a text with numbered sentences, among which you need to find the right one.

Example 1: Find a sentence with an inconsistent common definition.

1) The room was quiet and for a long time neither the boy nor the man broke the silence.

2) After a while, the father suddenly said:

3) Listen, Timur! 4) Do you want me to buy you a dog? 5) Sheepdog with a black stripe on the back.

Example 2: Find a sentence with an inconsistent standalone definition.

1) Mother stood very close to Nadezhda.

2) She came in from the street.

3) Wearing a raincoat and a white coat, she seemed to Nadia different than she was two months ago.

4) And Nadezhda, not yet coming to her senses, looked at her mother for three seconds, not recognizing.

5) She saw several new wrinkles, diverging from the wings of the nose to the corners of the lips.

6) Only the look of the mother remained the same, the same as Nadezhda carried in her heart.

Example 3: Find a sentence with an inconsistent non-isolated definition.

1) She beamed with joy.

2) She was called mother today.

3) Didn’t all the neighbors hear how this girl with dark hair shouted:

5) The girl understood why her aunt was happy.

6) Only she herself did not yet understand whether she called her.

Answers: 1(5), 2(3), 3(3).

Inconsistent definitions are expressed by the forms of indirect cases of nouns, with or without prepositions, the form of the comparative degree of the adjective, the infinitive. The conditions for isolating such definitions are created by the context. These conditions include the way of expressing the word being defined, the degree of prevalence of the definition and its location, the presence of other, contact-located definitions and attributive turns, special shades of meaning associated with the statement of signs perceived as temporary, inherent in the subject in this moment; cf .: The harmonist twirled his mustache thoughtfully, and the man in the jacket went to the window and stood there, leaning against the wall and ridiculously stretching his head towards the singers (M. G.). - A tall man is standing on the cart, in a white shirt, in a black fur hat, from under which, cutting his forehead, a strand of bright red hair hung down (M. G.).

1. Inconsistent definitions expressed by nouns in the form of oblique cases are separated if necessary to indicate signs that are quite specific or highlight the subject at a given moment in time. Such definitions are located after the word being defined: Crumbs, the size of a hemp seed, must be carefully selected and again equally divided into twelve parts (Sparrow); The headman, in boots and an overcoat, with tags in his hands, noticing dad from afar, took off his bright hat (L.T.).

As a rule, definitions relating to names already sufficiently characterized, known, i.e. having prepositive definitions with them: The door opens, and a small, dry old man enters the room, with a sharp, gray beard, wearing heavy glasses on a red, cartilaginous nose, in a white, long apron and with a lamp in his hand (M. G.); There was a large photograph in the album: the inside of some empty chapel, with vaults, with shiny walls made of smooth stone (Bun.).

2. Inconsistent definitions, if they refer to common names, often take on an additional clarifying meaning: He had a whole collection of bells, from very small to already quite large (Tsv.); Strong manifestations are needed, with a wide scope (Sol.). Definitions related to proper names are also separated, since given name in itself characterizes the person as the only and quite specific, therefore, the definitions indicate the signs attributed to the person at the moment: A minute later, Ivan Markovich and Sasha, in coats and hats, go down the stairs (Ch.).

Note. Forms of indirect cases of nouns can have a clarifying meaning, referring to the distributor of the predicate: Alexei Yegorych walked as he was, in a tailcoat and without a hat, illuminating the path three steps forward with a flashlight (Vant.) - "walked as he was, i.e. in a tailcoat and no hat."

3. The inconsistent definitions before the defined name are separated in order to avoid its merging with the predicate: black bindings).

4. As a rule, inconsistent definitions are included in homogeneous rows along with agreed definitions: The artist, short in stature, youthfully light despite his age, in a beret and velvet jacket, walked from corner to corner (Bun.); Out of the dusty carriage, slightly picking up her traveling dress, Maria Shcherbatova - tall, thin, with a bronze sheen in her hair (Paust.); Motka, barefoot, in a long shirt, stood in the sun (Ch.); Grandmother, bony, humpbacked, with short gray hair, which fluttered in the wind, drove geese from the garden with a long stick (Ch.); On a sunny day, already almost spring, but rather piercing, with a pale blue, in some places smeared sky, I went out into the street and went down to the nearest metro station (Bun.); It was seen how the steamer came from Feodosia, illuminated by the morning dawn, already without lights (Ch.).

5. Inconsistent definitions are necessarily isolated if they refer to combinations of nouns and non-isolated definitions that spread them: But then a gentleman in pince-nez, with astonished eyes, drove up to the porch, in a black velvet beret, from under which greenish curls fell, and in a long dokha of a shiny chestnut fur (Bun.) - the combination of a gentleman in a pince-nez is determined; Next to the school, I built a hostel for twenty people, with a room for an uncle, a comfortable dining room and bright kitchen so that the students could, taking turns on duty in it, themselves monitor the good quality of the provisions (Sol.) - the phrase hostel for twenty people is defined.

Note 1. Prepositional-case forms as inconsistent definitions may or may not be isolated under the influence of the context; cf .: Sitting in the pavilion at Vernet, he [Gurov] saw a young lady, a short blonde, in a beret, walk along the embankment; a white Spitz (Ch.) ran after her; And then one day, in the evening, he was having dinner in the garden, and the lady in the beret came up slowly to take the next table (Ch.) - in the first case, the word form in the beret, being isolated, reveals a double syntactic connection with the predicate passed and the phrase young lady ; without highlighting, the beret-wearing blonde would have made contact; in the second case, in the combination lady in beret, the word form in beret is perceived as a stable, characterological sign of the name and therefore is not isolated. Thus, the path of definition is traced - from the designation of the attributed attribute (a separate definition with a predicate meaning) to a constant attribute, characteristic of the object in this situation ( non-separated definition). Wed similar definitions, the isolation or non-isolation of which is determined by the context: the Consul, with a briefcase under his arm, jumped out of the car and ran along the gangway, an officer quickly followed him in yellow leggings and in a short wolf coat with fur outside, deliberately rude and warlike, and immediately the winch rattled, and a loop of rope began to descend to the car ... Two sentries, two blue soldiers in iron helmets, stood with carbines on their shoulders near the gangway. Suddenly, from somewhere, a furiously out of breath gentleman appeared in front of them in a beaver hat, in a long coat with a beaver collar (Bun.).

Note 2. The non-isolation of the inconsistent definition can be caused by the nature of the word being defined, for example, its semantic insufficiency for the given context: winter, very crumpled hat, came not alone, but with an accompanying person, in whose hands were rather thick folders, and the one in glasses and a hat immediately approached Kornilov, extended his hand to him (Hall.) - the word is a man from due to excessive generalization and, therefore, the uncertainty of its meaning in this context, it requires specification by indicating features faces (a man with glasses and a strange hat).

6. Definitions related to distantly located defined words are isolated: Immediately, all in the transparent summer sun, Maria Shcherbatova (Paust.) bowed over him; In her long dress, with a hat on her head, a green veil and loose curls, she entered the hall (T.).

7. Inconsistent definitions related to personal pronouns are separated. Such definitions reveal an additional connection with the predicate and have a circumstantial shade of meaning.

Additional condition for isolation here, as in the case of the use of agreed definitions, is the lack of lexical compatibility with a personal pronoun: Today, in a new blue hood, she was especially young and impressively beautiful (M. G.) - "especially young and beautiful in a new blue hood "; I looked out the window through the branches of ash trees and I see: the river is all blue from the moon, and he, in a white shirt and in a wide sash with the ends loose on the side, is standing with one foot in the boat and the other on the shore (M. G.) - " standing in a white shirt ... "

8. Inconsistent definitions expressed by the comparative degree of adjectives are separated. Such definitions have a complicated meaning of predicate, which is manifested in their semantic proximity to subordinate clauses: I looked where the old woman pointed with her trembling hand with crooked fingers, and saw: shadows floated there, there were many of them, and one of them, darker and thicker than the others, swam faster and lower than the sisters (M. G.) - cf. .: which was darker and thicker than the others; Sometimes, in the general harmony of the splash, a more elevated and playful note is heard - this is one of the waves, bolder, crawled up to us (M. G.) - cf .: which was bolder.

9. Inconsistent definitions expressed by the infinitive are usually not isolated, they form a single phrase together with a noun: a desire to learn, an order to leave, an idea to create a charity society, a dream to do art, an order to complete a task; I gave the command to lie down and begin to study the defensive system of the enemy (Ev.); The general refused the offer to pull out a bad tooth (Ch.); One must have the courage to admit one's failure (Kopt.); She completely went into the economy, greedily surrendering to the charm of novelty to have her own, dispose of her own (Ser.); Kirill Ivanovich felt a desire to repeat each word several times, but for some reason he was afraid to do it (M. G.); The point is that Leningrad still has its own face, its own pronounced individuality. It makes sense to travel from other cities: from Budapest, Paris, Cologne, Tbilisi, Samarkand, Venice or Rome, it makes sense to travel from these cities to the banks of the Neva... (Sol.); Senya's face invariably expressed readiness for action, but if someone entered into a conversation with him, Senya immediately had the urge to interrupt this conversation and run somewhere, on some business (Hall.).

10. An infinitive as a definition is separated by a dash if the name being defined has a prepositive definition. In this case, the infinitive definition acquires the meaning of an additional clarification (an insertion of words is possible, namely): Vikhrov's old dream came true - once again to touch his cheek to the dryish breast that nursed him (Leon.). Separate infinitive definitions are located at the end of the sentence: I will impose one duty on everyone - to create (M. G.).

When located inside the sentence, infinitive definitions, even if there are additional definitions with the name being defined, are not distinguished: And although there is no pleasure in making a conclusion and speaking it out loud, the conclusion still suggests itself (Hall.); But, perhaps, my ability to comprehend the surrounding world was given to me in order to someday transfer me to another space? (Hall.). If it is possible to locate inside the sentence, infinitive definitions can take on the character of plug-in structures with a clarifying and explanatory meaning: These two completely different events in themselves - to leave their native land and set foot on the land of France - each of which should be an independent grandiose event, merge into two - three common words of the telegraph text: "Flew safely" (Sol.).

The inconsistent definition often causes punctuation difficulties. The difficulty lies in the fact that it is not always easy to distinguish it from the agreed one, which will be separated by a comma. hard to find good text, in which there are no these members of the sentence, because their use enriches speech. However, agreed and inconsistent definitions, examples of which are presented below, are an attribute only of written speech.

Secondary members of the sentence explain the main ones, but can also refer to the same minor ones. If they complement the grammatical basis, they will be called secondary members of the subject or predicate group.

For example:

The high, cloudless sky completely occupied the horizon.

The subject is the sky. Its group: the definitions are high, cloudless. The predicate - occupied. His group: addition horizon, circumstance completely.

Definition, addition, circumstance - these are the three minor members of the sentence. To determine which of them is used in a sentence, you need to ask a question and determine the part of speech. So, additions are most often nouns or pronouns in indirect cases. Definitions - adjectives and parts of speech close to them (pronouns, participles, ordinal numbers, also nouns). Circumstances are adverbs or participles, as well as nouns.

Sometimes there is a polysemy of the secondary term: it answers two questions at the same time. As an example, consider the sentence:

The train to Omsk left without delay.

The secondary member to Omsk can act as a circumstance (train (where?) to Omsk) or as a definition (train (what?) to Omsk).

Another example:

Snow lies on spruce paws.

The secondary member on the paws is both a circumstance (lies (where?) on the paws) and an addition (lies (on what?) on the paws).

What is definition

Definition - such a secondary member of the sentence, to which you can ask questions: “What?”, “What?”, “What?”, “What?”, “Whose?”

Distinguish agreed and inconsistent definitions. Gradation depends on how this member of the sentence is expressed.

A definition can be an adjective, a noun, a numeral, a pronoun, a participle, and even an infinitive. They extend the subject, object, and circumstance.

For example:

The last leaves hung from the frozen branches.

The definition of the latter refers to the subject leaflets; the definition of frozen refers to the addition-circumstance on the branches.

Sometimes these minor members of the sentence can carry the main semantic load of the subject and be included in its composition.

For example:

A villager does not like to get out into a stuffy city.

Here the role of the definition village is very interesting, without which the subject inhabitant would not make sense. That is why it will be part of the main member of the proposal. Thus, in this example subject - village dweller.

Semantic functions of definitions

Both agreed and non-agreed definitions can express the following meanings:

  1. The quality of the item (beautiful dress, interesting book).
  2. Quality of action (opened door, thinking student).
  3. Place (forest fire - fire in the forest).
  4. Time (December holidays - holidays in December).
  5. Attitude to another object (clay vase - clay vase).
  6. Belonging (mother's heart - mother's heart).

Agreed Definition

Definitions agreed can act as the following parts of speech:

  • Adjective name (children's toy, deep lake).
  • Pronoun (your car, a certain amount).
  • Communion (meowing kitten, waving flag).
  • Numerals (eighteenth fighter, first student).

Between this definition and the word to which it refers, there is an agreement in gender, number and case.

Our majestic history spans twenty centuries.

Here are the following agreed definitions:

History (whose?) Ours - pronoun;

History (what?) majestic - adjective;

Centuries (how many?) Twenty - numeral.

As a rule, the agreed definition in the sentence is before the word to which it refers.

Definition inconsistent

Another, more expressive kind is the inconsistent definition. They can be the following parts of speech:

1. Nouns with or without a preposition.

2. Adjectives in the comparative degree.

3. Verb-infinitive.

Let's analyze a sentence with an inconsistent definition:

The meeting with classmates will take place on Friday.

Meeting (what?) With classmates. An inconsistent definition with classmates is expressed by a noun with a preposition.

Next example:

I have never met a friendlier person than you.

The inconsistent definition is expressed by the comparative degree of the adjective: a person (which one?) Is more friendly.

Let's analyze the sentence, where the definition is expressed by the infinitive:

I had a great opportunity to come to the seashore every morning.

There was an opportunity (what?) to come - this is an inconsistent definition.

The examples of sentences discussed above allow us to conclude that this type of definition is most often found after the word to which it refers.

How to distinguish an agreed definition from a non-agreed one

In order not to get confused about which definition is in the sentence, you can follow the algorithm:

  1. Find out what part of speech the definition is.
  2. Look at the type of connection between the definition and the word to which it refers (agreement - an agreed definition, control and adjacency - an inconsistent definition). Examples: meowing kitten - connection agreement, definition meowing - agreed; a box made of wood - communication control, the definition of wood is inconsistent.
  3. Pay attention to where the definition is in relation to the main word. Most often, the main word is preceded by an agreed definition, and after it, an inconsistent definition. Examples: a meeting (what?) with investors - the definition is inconsistent, it is after the main word; deep ravine - the definition is agreed, it stands after the main word.
  4. If the definition is expressed by a stable combination or phraseological phrase, it will certainly be inconsistent: it was (what?) Neither fish nor meat. Phraseologism neither fish nor meat acts as an inconsistent definition.

A table will help distinguish between agreed and inconsistent definitions.




What is expressed

1. Adjective.

2. Pronoun.

3. Communion.

4. Numerals.

1. Noun with or without a preposition.

2. Infinitive.

3. Adverb.

4. Comparative adjective.

5. Pronoun.

6. Indivisible combination, phraseological unit.

Communication type

Agreement in gender, number and case

1. Management.

2. Connection.


Before main word

After the main word

The concept of isolation

Situations often arise when in a sentence there are separate agreed and inconsistent definitions that require selection by appropriate punctuation marks (commas or dashes). Separation always implies two identical punctuation marks, it should not be confused, for example, with commas when homogeneous members where single commas are used. In addition, the use of two different characters in isolation is a gross mistake, which indicates a misunderstanding of this linguistic phenomenon.

Separating agreed definitions with commas is a more frequent phenomenon than separating inconsistent ones. To determine whether a comma is necessary, you need to pay attention to two aspects:

  • The position of a separate definition in relation to the word being defined.
  • How are the members of the sentence participating in the isolation expressed (the definition itself and the word being defined): history (what?) majestic - adjective; centuries (how many?) twenty - numeral.

Separation of agreed definitions

If the agreed definition is after the word being defined, it must be separated by commas if:

  1. It is a participle. For example: A basket of mushrooms, collected the day before, stood in the cellar. Here the isolated definition collected the day before is participle turnover, which is located after the defined word basket.
  2. It is an adjective with dependent words. For example: Through the glass, crystal clear, you could see everything that was happening in the yard. Here, the definition of crystal clear is an adjective (pure) and its dependent word (crystal). It is required to put commas, because this revolution is located after the word glass, which is being defined.
  3. Definitions are necessarily separated if there is another definition before the word being defined. For example: Autumn days, bright and sunny, soon faded away. The definition of autumn is in front of the defined word days, respectively, the definition of bright and sunny must be separated by commas.
  4. Definitions are not common, they are in the sentence after the word being defined. For example: The southern night, black and warm, was full of mysterious sounds. The definition black and warm are two uncommon adjectives connected by the union and. There may be such an option: the southern night, black, warm, was full of mysterious sounds. In this example, the union is absent, but the definition is still isolated.

In the latter case, you need to be more careful, because there are situations when the definition is closely related in meaning to the word to which it refers, so it is not required to separate it with commas. For example:

In a country far from home, loneliness is somehow felt in a special way.

The definition far from home should not be separated by commas, because without it the meaning of the sentence is not clear.

Separation of the agreed definition, which is before the word being defined, is necessary if it has the meaning of cause or concession. For example:

Exhausted by the difficult transition, the tourists were glad to set up camp.

In this case, the definition exhausted by a long transition is isolated, because it is used in the sense of a reason: since the tourists were exhausted by a difficult transition, they were glad to set up camp. Another example:

Not yet greened, the trees are elegant and festive.

Here the definition has a concession that has not yet been planted with greenery: despite the fact that the trees have not yet been planted with greenery, they are elegant and festive.

Separation of inconsistent definitions

Separate inconsistent definitions are a rather rare phenomenon. Usually they are paired with matched ones. Thus, isolated inconsistent definitions are usually used after the word being defined and are associated with the agreed connection by agreement.

For example:

This coat, new, ribbed, suited Natasha very well.

In this example, the inconsistent ribbed definition is related to the agreed new definition, so it needs to be isolated.

Here is another sentence with a separate, inconsistent definition:

Quite by accident we met Andrey, in the dust, tired.

In this case, the inconsistent definition in the dust is related to the consistent definition of tired, so commas are required.

It is not necessary to separate with commas the cases when there are isolated inconsistent definitions before the agreed one. Examples:

From a distance we saw sailors in pressed uniforms, happy and contented.

In this case, it is possible not to isolate the inconsistent definition in a smoothed form, because after it there are agreed: happy, satisfied.

AT classical literature one can meet both non-isolated and isolated inconsistent definitions. Examples:

Two stearin candles, in travel silver chandeliers, burned in front of him. (Turgenev I.S.) and Three soldiers in overcoats, with guns on their shoulders, walked in step to replace the company box (Tolstoy L.N.).

In a sentence from Turgenev's work, the inconsistent definition in travel silver chandeliers is isolated, but Tolstoy's sentence of the same construction is not. In the latter there are no punctuation marks in the definitions in overcoats, with guns.

As a rule, inconsistent definitions related to the predicate group are not isolated. Let's look at the last example: they walked (how? in what?) with guns, in overcoats.

Application as a special kind of definition

A special kind of definition is an application. It is always expressed by a noun. Applications and inconsistent definitions should be distinguished. The latter are associated with the word being defined by means of control, while between the application and the main word there is an agreement.

For example, let's compare two sentences:

1. You like Chief Engineer should oversee this project.

2. This woman in a white coat made the guys grumble.

In the first case, we have an application engineer. Let us prove this by declining the main and the definition of the word. You are an engineer - you are an engineer - you are an engineer - you are an engineer, etc. The connection between the words is clearly visible agreement, respectively, we have an application. Let's try to do the same with the definition from the second sentence. A woman in a white coat - a woman in a white coat - a woman in a white coat. Communication is control, so here we observe an inconsistent definition.

In addition, the application simply names the subject differently, while the inconsistent definition is some kind of its sign.

Application isolation

A single application, as a rule, is written with a hyphen: hostess sister, lord commander. In certain cases, the application will stand apart. Let's sort them out.

The application that refers to the personal pronoun is separated. Examples:

1. Does she, an excellent student, take care of the control.

Here the application of an excellent student refers to the pronoun to her.

2. Here it is, the reason.

We isolate the application reason, because it refers to the pronoun she.

A common application is isolated if it is located after the word being defined. Examples:

1. A brave captain, a thunderstorm of the seas, easily passed any reefs.

The thunderstorm application is a common one (thunderstorm (what?) of the seas), so you need to separate it with commas.

2. The girl, everyone's favorite, received the best gift.

The application universal favorite is used after the word girl being defined.

Applications are separated with the meaning of reason, concession, clarification (with it there is a union like). Example:

You, as an investor, can control the work of employees. - You can control the work of subordinates because you are an investor (reason value).

Here you need to be careful, because the application with the union as in the meaning of "as" is not isolated. For example:

How school discipline mathematics develops well logical thinking. - As a school discipline, mathematics develops logical thinking well. Separation is not needed.

If a separate application is at the end of a sentence, it can be distinguished with a dash. For example:

The rest of the sisters are similar to each other - Elizabeth and Sophia.

The application Elizabeth and Sophia is at the end of the sentence, so a dash is separated.
