Nolina bottle tree growing from seeds photo. All the subtleties of growing nolina at home

It is grown by lovers of indoor floriculture because of the decorativeness of the leaves, although it is not often found due to little fame. Nolina is interesting for its ability to withstand adverse conditions, since in the process of evolution it has adapted to economically consume moisture from reserve reserves stored in a "bottle" - a thickening in the lower part of the trunk.

Nolina feels good in a wide temperature range, from 15 to 30 ° C. During the winter dormancy, it is necessary to reduce the temperature to 10 ° C. Lighting for nolina requires strong, the plant is not afraid of direct sunlight. AT winter period the plant is not watered.

Growing from seed

You can grow nolina from biological seeds, of course, if you are not afraid of difficulties and there is a supply of free time. Nolina seeds are sometimes found on the shelves of flower shops; they can also be ordered online.

Nolina seeds develop unevenly, therefore, before sowing, it is advisable to calibrate them in order to separate substandard ones, from which there will still be no sense. Seed calibration can be carried out in a weak saline solution, you can also use a solution of potassium permanganate. Seeds are poured into a container and poured with a solution in which they are kept for a day. Swollen full-weight seeds will sink to the bottom, substandard ones will float. Drowned seeds are used for sowing.

For sowing nolina, a peat-sand substrate is used, which is prepared by mixing the ingredients in an equally proportional volume ratio. Before filling the containers, it is better to disinfect the soil in a "steam bath" for half an hour. When processed with superheated steam, the eggs of aphids, thrips and spider mites, which are nolina pests, will be destroyed. Seedlings are very sensitive to substrate moisture and tolerate short-term drying more easily than moisture stagnation. To stabilize the humidity regime, it is recommended to add vermiculite or perlite to the seed substrate (1/4 of the total volume). In the containers for germination, it is imperative to provide drainage holes for the outflow of excess irrigation water.

Nolina seeds germinate in the light, and the duration of the "day" should be at least 12 hours (optimally 14 - 16 hours). In order to save on the costs of organizing additional illumination, it is better to sow in late February - early March, when the length of daylight hours increases. For illumination, you can use "daylight" devices, but it is better to use special phytolamps, the radiation of which in terms of spectral composition approaches sunlight.

Sowing seeds of nolina is carried out superficially, followed by "rolling" (pressing down with a flat wooden board). Seed containers must be covered with a lid made of a translucent material, preferably polyethylene or plexiglass, since silicate glass does not transmit the ultraviolet part of the spectrum. After the emergence of shoots, the cover must be removed.

Germination of seeds of nolina lasts for 2 - 3 weeks (the temperature is maintained at 22 - 27 ° C). With the development of 3 true leaves, seedlings are recommended to be picked into individual containers filled with nutrient soil. For its preparation, sand, peat, humus, leafy and soddy soil are used (sand - 2 parts, other ingredients - 1 part each). Containers for nolina are chosen shallow, since the plant root system located in top layer soil. Drainage is a must!

"Elephant leg" - such a popular name was given to a houseplant, which, according to the world classification, is known as nolina or bokarnea. It's all about the massive trunk, which, with its power, big size and resistance to drought, it reminded me of an elephant, since this animal is associated with strength and beauty.

This beautiful, evergreen indoor plant is so common that after carefully describing it, everyone can recognize in it the same tree that stands in their office, decorating any room with a huge green mass. mature plant can easily reach about two meters, and the foliage - 160-180 cm. Nolina leaves, although they have a narrow surface, but a high degree of flexibility, since the rather long leaves are collected in a rosette, which forms a kind of "fountain" of greenery, which in an adult form can reach huge size in diameter, for which we are so loved among the common population.

It is very rare to find nolina blooming, since this state is not typical for this plant with a clear, cyclical regularity. But even this flower has miracle moments. If you notice white-lilac small inflorescences in the summer that look like a “panicle” - your bokarney receives maximum care and attention from you, which evergreen I decided to thank you in full by giving you a rare flowering.

Nolina is considered an absolutely unpretentious indoor plant, which can easily adapt to any conditions, survive a temporary drought, as the plant stores an abundance of moisture in its trunk for a rainy day. Sun or shade - it also doesn’t matter to her, and rare and not very plentiful watering, on the contrary, is considered for her the best criterion care. That is why many people not only admire this plant, but also strive to decorate their homes with such a green “miracle”. Of course, you can easily buy a ready-made young plant in a flower shop and just take care of it, or you can go the more difficult way and be proud of the fact that with minimal cost to buy seeds, you could without outside help grow a large and beautiful houseplant. How to implement this plan, where to start - read about this and much more below.

Buying nolina seeds and the preparatory stage

It is believed that seeds can not only be bought, but also collected independently. You should not hide it - this is a thankless and very troublesome task, especially since the flower seed market is so diverse that you can easily find absolutely everything. That is why we recommend growing a plant from purchased seeds. Once you have purchased the seeds, don't expect too much a large number of, since they are not very small, soak them for several hours in warm water. This procedure will help prepare the surface of the seed as much as possible for the following steps. For faster germination, any solution to promote growth can be used, in which the seeds often need to be dipped for half an hour, but be sure to follow the instructions.

Capacity selection

The capacity for germination and the emergence of the first shoots should not be very large, but remember that you will plant several seeds at a moderate distance at the same time. As soon as the seeds hatch well and have several leaves, it is worth diving them into a separate, not large bowl. It is believed that at this stage, ordinary half-liter disposable cups will do. And only then the young plant can be placed in a separate pot.

Soil for planting nolina

It is a common practice when the opinion of flower growers differs regarding the composition of the soil. Some confidently argue that the standard universal substrate for indoor plants is an excellent soil option. Others insist that the land must be heather. But most of all supporters of the substrate for cacti, since it is he who is most balanced with all the substances that nolina needs so much. It doesn’t matter what you choose for yourself, remember that the presence of pebbles or, as it is commonly called, fine gravel, will provide not only an attractive appearance, but it will also help the root system to develop correctly and fully, especially since it is located superficially and so that there is no “temptation” to go outside, pebbles will become an excellent “press”, and not just an aesthetic addition.

Planting nolina seeds

The selected capacity must be ensured drainage system, so from excessive moisture, young buds and sprouts simply rot or become moldy. The planting process also has several versions, because each grower confidently defends his own version. One way is to lightly press the seed into the surface of the earth. When organizing high temperature and diffused light, you can count on full and fast shoots. Another version is to lightly sprinkle the seeds with the substrate so that the entire surface of the seed is covered. Any chosen sowing method needs to organize the greenhouse effect. A film, glass or cover may be suitable for this. Next, provide a full-fledged habitat, which should be both warm and light. The temperature should not fall below 20 degrees. Regular airing and, if necessary, moistening with a spray, should ensure the successful germination and formation young plant. Be prepared for the fact that the seeds from the package may not be very good quality, so drop the entire contents of the package, and then hope for luck and follow clear care recommendations.

Nolina location

It's believed that the best place for growth Ivory it will be diffused light, since direct direct rays can burn the surface of the foliage. The main thing is to choose the "golden mean" about the location. Indeed, if there is too much sun, then the leaves acquire a reddish tint, but if there is a shortage of it, the growth process slows down greatly. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully choose permanent place for this flower, especially as in adulthood it is quite spread out.

Temperature regime

It should be recalled that the elephant foot comes from the tropics, so it steadily endures all the “trials” of the weather. That is why the strongest summer heat will not become detrimental, because with an elementary spraying of foliage, you will not only control the level of humidity, but you can also protect the tips from drying out. In winter, nolina also grows well, given that it also does not require much heat, if the room is at least 10 degrees, it will safely continue to grow. The main thing to remember is that if the room is cool, then you should not water it too often, it will only hurt.

How often to water nolina?

As already mentioned, nolina perfectly tolerates drought, since its trunk has the ability to accumulate moisture inside and use it evenly, as needed. The procedure itself can take place in a way convenient for you, since both the foliage and the root system react positively to moisture. Water for irrigation should not be from the tap, settled water is suitable for this. room temperature. The next watering can be done if the surface is completely dry. On average, in the warm season, you need to water the elephant foot every week, but in winter or autumn, once every two weeks is enough. This amount will be more than enough for the full and successful development of the plant.

If you notice that the leaves are starting to dry out, this is the first sign of low humidity. You should spray the foliage more often or pour water into the pot tray. If drying has appeared, then the damaged area should be carefully removed by trimming, but so as not to hurt the “healthy”, green surface tissues. If the room is with low humidity and dry air. It is likely that the appearance of a spider mite cannot be avoided, so regular spraying will protect the plant from pests.

top dressing

Like any indoor plant, the elephant foot responds well to fertilizing with fertilizers, and significantly slows down growth, almost 2 times if this procedure is neglected. As a top dressing, a standard liquid fertilizer for indoor plants, which is diluted according to the instructions, but with a reduced concentration by half. This will help the plant get beneficial features and do not burn the root, especially since the root system is superficial. Once a month will be more than enough to strengthen and "support" the plant.


Choose the frequency of transplanting nolina yourself, because it directly depends on the growth rate and diameter of the plant. Remember that the root does not grow deep, but forms a superficial overgrowth, so new containers should not be deep, but wide in order to large diameter allowed to feel "freedom" and not to constrain growth processes. As soon as you noticed dull color foliage, shredding and wilting - transplanting into a large container is essential.

Growing an elephant foot or nolina at home from seeds is quite possible, especially since in the future this plant will give you a very massive and lush rosette of greenery that does not require excessive attention and care.

An unusual plant that has a second name Bokarney. It adapts very easily to life in dry climates, and most often grows in rocky areas of mountains and plains. Nolins have the unique ability to go without water for a very long period of time. This situation is made possible by the fact that the flower can use the liquid that is stored at the bottom of the base of the stem.

The texture of nolina, which has a cork structure of the bark, is quite similar to the skin of elephants. At the same time, it is highly resistant to moisture.

This plant was popularly nicknamed "elephant's foot", and as they prove it to us characteristics, the plant received such an unusual nickname for a reason.

nolina may long time retain water also due to the presence of leaves, which almost never evaporate moisture. The foliage has a long shape and a rigid structure. Quite often, the edges of the leaves are cut and injured. Therefore, when in close contact with the plant, you need to be as careful as possible.

Leaves are considered the main advantage and decoration of nolina. In Mexico, this plant is often used to create various products that can be used in everyday life.

Breeding such a plant is a rather complicated and painstaking process. However, if you decide on this courageous act, it is very important to know a few simple recommendations about how to properly care for nolina at home.


Before planting a plant, it is very important to take care of the availability of a special pot, soil, as well as drainage.

The first and most important element of planting is the soil. It can be purchased at a specialized store or, if desired, prepared independently. To do this, you need to mix peat, sand and leaf earth. All components are taken in the same proportion.

Before pouring the soil into the pot, a dense layer of drainage is laid out on the bottom. It may consist of expanded clay, pebbles, crushed bricks or charcoal. Typically, the thickness of the drainage ranges from 3 to 5 centimeters.

Only after this procedure, nolina is planted in the prepared soil.

Upon completion of planting, the flower can not be watered for another 3 whole days. Such unusual condition necessary for the plant to get used to the new growth conditions.

Location and lighting

The best place in the house may be the window, which is located on south side. Nolins are naturally adapted to a hot climate, which is why the direct rays of the sun will not have any negative impact on them.

If the plant is placed on the west or east side, its growth will continue, but not very quickly.

An adult nolina, due to its size, cannot be placed on the windowsill. But it is strictly forbidden to put the plant in a corner.

With the onset of spring or summer, nolina must be taken out to Fresh air. For this, a balcony, loggia or veranda is suitable. At the same time, it will not be superfluous to receive natural bright light on its leaves.

In the presence of shade, the plant slows down or stops its development.

In winter, for the active growth of nolina, the use of fitolamps or fluorescent lamps will be required. Illumination throughout the day should be 8-10 hours.

pot size

When planting, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the root system of the plant develops superficially. It is for this reason that it is recommended to give preference to deep and wide flower pots. For orientation, the size of the new pot from the old one should differ by 3 centimeters. However, no need to get excited and buy a pot even more. This can only go to the detriment of the flower.

Drainage is necessarily lined at the bottom of any pot. This allows you to prevent the accumulation of excess fluid during irrigation, and also reduces the risk of developing the process of rotting the root system.

The soil

Of particular importance for nolina is the soil in which it will have to develop.

Most often, the soil can be purchased at a flower shop. In the case when there is no soil for breeding agave plants, then you can buy land for cacti. In this case, you will need to add 20% sand to it.

If there is an opportunity and time, then the ground for nolina can be prepared by one's own efforts. This will require turf land, peat, humus and sand. All components must be well mixed in the same amount.


Nolina transplantation should be carried out every year if possible. Young plants are recommended to be transplanted every 12 months, and adults - once every 2-3 years. Unfortunately, the procedure is not always possible due to the large size of the flower. At such moments, it is necessary to ensure that the root system does not grow into the drainage holes, and does not appear on the top of the soil. This will indicate that the plant needs to urgently change the pot to a larger one.

When transplanting, a drainage layer of 3 centimeters is necessarily laid out at the bottom of the pot. This protects the plant from excess accumulation of fluid, and also protects the roots from rotting. When the drainage is laid out, you can proceed to the direct transplantation of nolina.

Be especially careful with its roots. They are very long and intertwine well. To facilitate the growth of the plant, it is recommended to carefully unravel them.

Watering nolina at the end of the transplant can be carried out only for 3-5 days!

top dressing

Due to the fact that nolina adapts very well to various conditions of existence, the use of top dressing for it is not a mandatory procedure.

But, if such a need arises, then it is recommended to carry out the procedure during the growing season of the flower. For this, fertilizers of mineral and organic origin can be used. In order not to harm the plant, they must be used in a diluted form. With a strong concentration of fertilizers, the plant can be severely damaged.

Before you carry out top dressing, nolina is necessarily watered. Fertilizers themselves are used every 20 days.


Watering nolina in summer and spring occurs abundantly, but not too often. This procedure is recommended as follows: a flower pot with a plant is lowered into the water for a few seconds and then removed. This method allows complete impregnation of the soil. Even in the presence of excess moisture, after half an hour, all the liquid is removed through the drainage holes. After that, nolina will need to be watered when the soil dries well. Frequent watering can cause damage to the root system.

With the onset of winter and the drop in temperature, given plant watered much less frequently. And if the temperature in the room drops below 15 degrees, then watering is carried out with extreme caution. At a mark of 10 degrees, experts recommend completely stopping watering the flower. If the plant is watered very often and a lot in winter, then nolina may die.

Temperature regime

In summer and spring, no special temperature conditions for the growth of nolina at home is not created. The usual room temperature, which is kept in the room, will be considered optimal.

If possible, in winter, the most suitable temperature for nolina will be a mark of 10-12 degrees. Closer to the month of September, you can slowly reduce it. This allows you to prepare the flower for a dormant period.

If indoors, throughout the year, a temperature of 18 degrees is observed, then the dormant period for nolina will not come, and the flower will actively grow for all 12 months.

It is important to protect the plant from drafts and wind!

Air humidity

Humidity for growing nolina should not be too high. Therefore, frequent spraying is contraindicated. After all, the use of this method will wet the soil, which is not always appropriate for nolina. Spraying is relevant only if the earth is well dried. You can also use a damp cloth to occasionally wipe the leaves and rid them of accumulated dust.

In this case, you need to use only soft water (boiled, best) without the addition of mineral salts!


Nolina, unlike most indoor flowers, does not need regular pruning. Although according to individual decision florist, nevertheless, it is sometimes carried out. If several years pass between the pruning procedure, then each time nolina will be presented in a completely different and more unusual form.

Dangerous diseases and pests

Most often, the owners of nolina have to deal with such flower pests as scale insects, spider mite and thrips. They mainly affect only the foliage on both sides. At the same time, the leaves begin to quickly turn yellow and die.

At the initial stages of the lesion, it is recommended to use a soapy solution, which must be used to wipe the leaves. After that, it is possible to use insecticidal agents. For example, Aktellik 0.15% and Karbofos have proven themselves quite well. In case of severe damage, the treatment is repeated after 7-10 days.

Other possible problems:

  • It is also possible the appearance of brown formations on the edges of the foliage. This suggests that the flower needs to maintain a temperature of about 20 degrees and spraying.
  • With severe lethargy and darkening of the leaves, it is necessary to resume the normal lighting process for the plant.
  • When only the lower leaves dry out (while the upper ones are absolutely healthy), no measures need to be taken. It's considered normal natural phenomenon for a flower.
  • The stem becomes softer and begins to bend. This symptom indicates too frequent and abundant watering.
  • The trunk begins to wrinkle and shrivel. This happens very often after winter. To solve the problem, simply restore the regularity of watering nolina.
  • If no new leaves form on the flower, then it is possible that nolina needs to be fed.


When breeding nolina in a home environment, its flowering is practically not observed. Nolina can bloom in natural conditions only when the plant is more than 15 years old.


Most often, nolina can be propagated by using seeds, although it is also possible to reproduce by lateral offspring. With this method of reproduction, the plant grows very slowly and reaches a certain size only after many years.

For propagation, the seeds are pre-soaked for a couple of days in a solution of potassium permanganate (it should be weak). For sowing, you can use absolutely any kind of earth or ordinary sand.

When planting, the seeds deepen by 1 centimeter, after which the container in which they are located is covered with glass. In order for rapid emergence to occur, it is very important to maintain warm temperature at 20-25 degrees, as well as in the absence natural light the use of phyto-lamps is required.

Subject to all requirements, the first small processes can be seen after 2-3 weeks.

When leaves appear, the glass must be removed. It is strictly forbidden to get rid of the seed shell on your own. Over time, it disappears on its own!

rest period

Nolinas growing at home are not very often at rest. When maintaining the optimum temperature, they actively grow throughout the entire 12 months.

In order to induce a dormant period, it is necessary to reduce the air temperature to 10 degrees and refuse to water and feed the plant.

Plant toxicity and beneficial properties

Nolina is considered an excellent indoor air purifier. Due to its features, it enriches oxygen with ozone and air ions.

If you place nolina in a working room or office, then a favorable atmosphere will be established in the team, as well as quarrels and scandals will largely stop.

Nolina has a beneficial effect on the condition nervous system. Therefore, when you come home after a hard day's work, with this plant you will be able to have a very good rest and gain a lot of strength!

Nolina is a succulent native to the southern United States. In our area it has received wide use as a houseplant. Its popularity was facilitated by unpretentious care and attractive appearance. Nolina care at home is quite simple. The main thing is to pay due attention to the plant from the very beginning.

A feature of plants of this species is the "inflated" base of the trunk, where water accumulates. AT natural conditions it is this feature that allows the succulent to survive during the drought period. The bark is similar to the skin of an elephant, in addition, it does not let moisture out. Narrow and strong leaves during the period of drought are collected in a bunch, reducing the evaporating surface.

There are many types of nolina, or bokarney, but as ornamental plant single varieties are grown.

The most common types:

  • Bent. It has a straight woody stem with little branching. The leathery leaves form a dense rosette. In nature, it blooms in panicles of a creamy pink hue.
  • Long-leaved. In its homeland, this tree grows up to 3 - 4 m. The bark is thick, corky. Old leaves form a so-called "skirt" that hides the base of the trunk.
  • Lindemeira. undersized view without a pronounced stem. It has strong long leaves.
  • Standard. It is a small tree with a short trunk resembling a bottle. The foliage is collected in dense rosettes.
  • Matapskaya. The maximum height is 1.7 m. Old, obsolete leaves do not fall off, but remain hanging, also forming a “skirt”.

As houseplant most often grown bokarney bent.

Nolina: the nuances of growing

This plant is good because during prolonged absence hosts, it will not dry out and will not shed its leaves. Therefore, for busy people, there is no better gardener to be found.

Of the nuances of cultivation, the following points should be mentioned:

  • Drying is required between waterings. Too much moisture can kill the plant. It's better to dry out than to flood.
  • The ideal container for growing is a low ceramic bowl. The root system is branched, but superficial, so the plant will feel good in such a pot.

At home, the succulent blooms very rarely.

But it well enriches the air with useful substances.

Therefore, it is often grown not only in private homes, but also in kindergartens, offices, and hospitals.

Home Care

Nolina flower feels best in a well-lit place, but without direct exposure to midday rays. In the cold season, the plant may suffer from a lack of light, so it needs additional illumination with lamps. You can not keep the flower in a draft or near an open window from which cold air blows.

The optimum temperature in summer is from 21 to 25 °C.

In the warm season, the flower can be taken outside to a bright and quiet place without drafts. The main thing is that rain does not fall on the plant. In winter, the temperature must be gradually lowered to 10 ° C, so that the flower enters a dormant period.

For a city apartment, this plant is the best fit, as it will not suffer from dry air. Succulents are not at all demanding on this parameter, so it is enough to wipe their leaves once every 3-4 weeks with a damp cloth from dust.

  • It is important to know that excess moisture is detrimental to wood. Therefore, watering is carried out within reasonable limits.
  • It is best to simply fill the pan with water - then the plant will take as much moisture as it needs.
  • Water only when the soil is completely dry.
  • During the dormant period, the flower can not be watered at all. In nature mature tree able to withstand drought for 10 - 11 months, gradually consuming the water stored in the trunk.

Top dressing is needed only in the warm season. Every three weeks, the plant is fed with a weak solution of mineral and organic fertilizers.

Nolin flower transplant

Young trees are transplanted every year, as they grow quickly. For 6 - 7 years they turn into large outdoor plants.

Adult nolins are transplanted every 3 years. Understanding that a succulent needs a transplant is simple: it slows down growth, and roots begin to climb from the drainage hole. Since the root system of the plant is superficial, wide containers are most suitable for it. The diameter of the new pot should be 3-4 cm larger than the old one. Be sure to make a drain hole and lay out a decent drainage layer to avoid stagnant water and rotting of the roots.

The soil mixture should be loose, so be sure to add peat and sand.

You can buy a special ready-made substrate for nolin or use any soil mixture for succulents. When transplanting, you need to make sure that the thickening at the bottom of the trunk is not covered by the ground. Only the roots are carefully sprinkled with soil.

Flower propagation methods

Propagating the plant is fairly easy. Most often it is propagated by seeds or lateral offspring. In any case, a flower grown in this way grows very slowly.

  • Before sowing, disinfection should be carried out by soaking the seeds in a warm solution of potassium permanganate for 48 hours.
  • Then they are sown in prepared boxes to a depth of 1 cm, watered, covered with foil and placed in a warm place.
  • Seedlings germinate in 15 to 20 days.
  • Slightly grown seedlings are seated in separate pots.

Sometimes dormant buds are activated under the thickness of the cortex, which give side shoots. It is important not to miss this moment and cut off the process as close to the base as possible. The offspring must be dried, then its base should be dipped in the phytohormone and placed in the substrate in an inclined position. It is advisable to cover the process with a transparent container.

To prevent the appearance of pests, you need to keep the plant clean and wipe the leaves regularly.

Problems that growers may face

  • If the leaves grow very slowly, this indicates a lack of nutrients. The plant needs to be transplanted or fertilized.
  • For the same reason, the leaves may turn pale and shrink. This is easy to eliminate by creating more suitable conditions for the plant.
  • Sluggish and drooping leaves indicate insufficient lighting. The pot should be moved to a brighter place.

If the trunk has become soft, it bad sign. On the face, rotting of the stem from excess moisture. Most likely the plant will die.

You can try to save the flower before the rot has spread to the entire plant. To do this, you need to cut off all the rotten parts, process the sections activated carbon and transplant the plant into a container with dry soil. After that, it is forbidden to water the succulent for 1 - 1.5 weeks.

Do not worry if the lower leaves begin to dry and fall off. This is a natural process, it is enough to remove them in a timely manner. If the trunk has shrunk or become too wrinkled, this is not a problem, just the moisture reserves have come to an end and the succulent needs to be watered.

There is nothing complicated in growing nolina. This unpretentious flower looks great in the interior and feels good in a city apartment. It is best suited for landscaping apartments in modern styles.
