Everything about Casco Rosgosstrakh: an overview of programs with a description of the conditions, insurance rules and tips on how to calculate the cost. Casco insurance in Rosgosstrakh Casco economy Rosgosstrakh

What does Rosgosstrakh offer under the Mini CASCO insurance program? Consider the features of such a policy, the advantages and disadvantages of the insurance product, and the rules for issuing it in 2020.

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We list the risks against which protection is provided, what conditions must be met in order to insure the car. Let us describe the main features that characterize insurance.

Thanks to motor transport insurance, you can protect yourself from unnecessary expenses and legal disagreements with the legislative norms of Russia.

When buying a car, a citizen must figure out what an OSAGO and CASCO policy is, as well as choose an insurance company where the contract will be concluded.

What are the features of Mini CASCO insurance in Rosgosstrakh? To protect yourself from the financial expenses that await the driver in the event of an unforeseen situation, it is worth insuring your car.

Therefore, it is advisable to purchase a policy that will provide protection against a number of risks. Rosgosstrakh has a lot of clients who insure their cars, and let's find out why.

The company is a leader in the state insurance industry. The firm has many branches that offer many insurance services (more than 55 insurance products).

Thanks to this diversity, the products have become available and in demand in any region of the Russian Federation.

The main directions of Rosgosstrakh:

  • OSAGO;
  • CASCO;
  • DSAGO;
  • accident insurance;
  • life insurance;
  • medical policy, etc.

The company has been operating in the insurance market for a long time, and has good experience, colossal assets and insurance reserves.

Such excellent indicators arose due to the fact that the company is the direct successor of Gosstrakh.

Important Points

If OSAGO is a mandatory type of vehicle insurance, then CASCO is voluntary insurance against damage, theft and theft.

What it is

Mini CASCO is a new term that has been used since 2006. It provides insurance only for the risk of damage, and the cost of such a policy is lower than CASCO.

What exactly are the features of such insurance, we will consider further using the example of a program that is offered by Rosgosstrakh.

Pros and cons

Advantages of Mini CASCO:

  • you can insure the car against theft, accident, other force majeure event;
  • it is possible to receive partial payment for tow trucks;
  • the depreciation (wear and tear) period is not taken into account when money is transferred under insurance;
    indicators of the sum insured are static;
  • up to 75% of the transport price can be reimbursed;
  • there are no difficulties in obtaining an insurance policy;
  • do not take into account the age and experience of the driver, as well as the performance of the car;
  • it is possible to choose additional insurance;
  • requirements regarding the storage of the vehicle are not established;
    the insurance premium can be paid to;
  • Rosgosstrakh has a wide network of dealer service stations throughout the Russian Federation.

Policy Disadvantages:

Regulatory regulation

CASCO insurance rules are prescribed in the legislative, which was adopted by the authorities of the Russian Federation on 11/27/1992. But each insurance company makes its own additions and changes.

Auto CASCO protection in Rosgosstrakh

Insurers offer clients the following insurance options:

  • compensation is paid in case of theft or in the event that the death of the car is recorded;
  • insurance in case of accidents in which the owner of the car is guilty;
  • it is proposed to repair the body of the car or replace certain parts;
  • other cases.

It is worth knowing about such features of the policy in Rosgosstrakh:

  1. You can receive a compensation payment for a separate risk - or for the risk of damage to the car, or insurance is provided for specific car components.
  2. There is a choice of 1 of 3 program options.
This is "anti-crisis" In which only transport is insured, which is not collateral and is not issued on credit. Compensation will be paid if the culprit of the accident is not a client of the company
The second option is "Mini" The essence of the program is that the person who issued the policy pays the sum insured in the amount of 50%. If an insured event does not occur within the period specified in the agreement, the second part of the sum insured is not paid. Otherwise, the condition for receiving a risk payout is that it is worth paying the remaining part of the sum insured
The "Protection" program is presented in 3 options Only foreign cars that are no more than 7 years old, as well as domestic cars up to 5 years old, are insured; insure vehicles of foreign and domestic production, the age of which is from 3 to 12 years; insure the same cars, but offering different conditions under the contract

Let's figure out what exactly attracts Mini CASCO insurance in Rosgosstrakh. The essence of the insurance program is that with minimal waste, motorists can get a policy.

The peculiarity is that insurance is provided only for some risks, which we will talk about later.

Innovation - the company pays for insurance if the car is damaged due to the fault of the person with whom the contract is drawn up.

List of required documents

To purchase Mini CASCO, a citizen must prepare some documents. It:

  • the passport;
  • vehicle registration certificate;
  • documentation for the car, which includes a vehicle passport, a contract for the purchase of a car, certificates from customs, etc.;
  • old sample policy, if any;
  • registration documentation (if relevant);
  • documentation for the anti-theft system.

It is also necessary to carry out, the specialist will draw up the necessary act, on the basis of which the sum insured will be determined.

Registration procedure

The insurance contract must be drawn up in writing. It must contain a number of information:

  • information about the insurance company;
  • information about the person who wishes to purchase the policy;
  • information about the owner of the transport;
  • data of beneficiaries;
  • indicate which transport is insured (describe all characteristics);
  • prescribe within which territorial district the policy is valid;
  • describe each insurance risk;
  • reflect the cost and period during which the insurance will be valid;
  • information about each driver who has the right to drive a car;
  • other conditions to be agreed upon by the insurer and the insured.

The second part of the agreement should reflect the rights and obligations of the parties, the requirements for the object of insurance, the rules that the parties must adhere to when terminating the contract.

Video: CASCO Rosgosstrakh

Describes the actions in the event of an insured event. The contract must be drawn up on a form that is developed and approved by the insurance organization.

What risks does it protect against?

We list the risks that you can insure against:

  • from theft;
  • from the risk of getting into an accident involving 2 or more cars;
  • from fire;
  • from natural force majeure;
  • from falling through the ice;
  • from rollovers of vehicles;
  • from damage to the machine by a dropped object;
  • from intentional damage to transport by third parties.

But the insurance premium will not be paid in such a case:

  • it was recorded that the driver was drunk during the accident;
  • the damage to the vehicle was intentional;
  • if it is found that the machine was faulty;
  • the car was driven by a person who was not included in the insurance;
  • The vehicle was used to teach a third person how to drive, or participated in an auto race;
  • occurred in the territory where the policy was not valid;
  • a part of the car failed that had a factory defect, or it is worn out;
  • The vehicle is used in a situation that is illegal;
  • the car was stolen due to the fault of the driver;
  • if there is a small scratch, damage or theft, which is not specified.

CASCO is a type of car insurance. It implies compensation for damage not only in the event of an accident, but also as a result of the theft of the car, its damage by third parties, etc.

Since the cost of this type of insurance is quite high and, in comparison with, it is not mandatory, not every car owner resorts to buying such a policy. However, when purchasing transport on credit, it is most likely impossible to do without CASCO registration.

Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to solve legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:


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Now most insurance companies offer their services in obtaining insurance under the CASCO program. Moreover, each of them has several different types of this product.

So, in Rosgosstrakh there are 5 types of such insurance:

  • "Protection from accidents";
  • "RGS-auto protection";
  • "Nothing extra".

general review

The CASCO program Nothing superfluous from Rosgosstrakh has some features.

They are:

  • Only domestic and foreign car models aged up to 7 years.
  • Possibility to choose the level of the sum insured according to the proposed list.
  • Possibility to choose the type of sum insured: aggregate or non-aggregate. If you prefer the first of them, the cost of the CASCO policy will decrease. Of course, more economical insurance will attract more customers of the insurer. But, it is important to note that the aggregate sum insured is not at all profitable in the event of several insured events.
  • The admissibility of an unlimited number of calls.
  • in the event of a complete loss of the car or as a result of its theft, taking into account GAP - guaranteed preservation of the value of property. That is, if one of the above insured events occurs, the insurer will pay the full cost of the insured car without taking into account its wear and tear.
  • Conditional in size 65% on the risk of "damage" for cases of total or constructive loss.

All CASCO offers from Rosgosstrakh have their own distinctive features, advantages and disadvantages

CASCO price Nothing superfluous from Rosgosstrakh

The program under consideration is not just a CASCO that is familiar to many motorists at a favorable price, but also an opportunity to choose the most optimal insurance coverage in combination with its price.

Moreover, “Nothing in excess” will protect the owners of the vehicle not only in the event of major risks, but also at the time of minor damage.

The benefit for the insured under the CASCO program Nothing superfluous is as follows:

  • saving money when buying a policy;
  • the possibility of purchasing insurance by representatives of various segments;
  • no need to provide various certificates;
  • protection against large risks at a low cost;
  • ordinary CASCO at the lowest price.

In order for a potential insurer of Rosgosstrakh to have at least some idea of ​​the cost of CASCO under the “Nothing Extra” program, its approximate cost for cars of various classes should be presented:

Set tariff

It would not hurt the policyholders to know the amount of compensation payments in case of insured events. For convenience, they are summarized in a table.

Here are some other features of the product:


The offer of Rosgosstrakh Nothing superfluous is well in demand among car owners. And this is not surprising! After all, this product has a lot of advantages. One of the main things for most buyers is its cost.

So, this policy will cost almost one and a half times cheaper than the offers of other insurers. In other words, this is the best insurance for those who do not want to spend a lot of money on CASCO, but also do not want to give up such protection.

The next "plus" Nothing superfluous - compensation for damage in all types of insured events.


Also, the positive aspects of the product from Rosgosstrakh include the availability of an unlimited number of applications as a result of the occurrence of insured events. But with all this, there is a payout limit: 30,000-150,000 rubles.

In addition, it is noteworthy in Rosgosstrakh that they themselves do not determine the amount of compensation payments. The cost of damage is estimated here by contacting the insured in the service station. That is, it proves the purity of the activities of the insurance company. No less attractive is the permissible age of vehicles: CASCO can be issued. Nothing more is possible for domestic and foreign vehicles under the age of 7 years.

Some car owners in car insurance are not satisfied with the need to collect various certificates from the traffic police, which takes a lot of time, but this problem is also solved in the product Nothing superfluous, because here you can simply do without them

But only in such cases:

  • It is required to eliminate only the flaws in the paintwork of one body part at a car cost of up to a million rubles. Valid only for the first event occurring within the year of insurance.
  • It is necessary to put in order the paintwork of two adjacent body parts at a vehicle cost of more than a million rubles. It is also valid only for the first case.
  • It is necessary to restore one element of the glazing of the vehicle body (with the exception of the glass roof), a standard reflector or a standard lighting device.

Such a huge number of advantages of the product and its low cost should certainly encourage car owners to choose this particular CASCO policy.

These include such well-known insurers as Alfa Insurance, VSK, Rosgosstrakh, Ingosstrakh and RESO-Garantia.

Where is it better to insure for CASCO in 2020, analyzed in detail.

We suggest using the quick navigation on the page:

CASCO for everyone

You can buy the following policies online without first inspecting the car:

We also offer several CAR CASCO insurance programs available at our offices:

What documents are needed for registration of CASCO
  1. Passport or military ID (for military personnel);
  2. Vehicle Passport (PTS);
  3. Vehicle registration certificate;
  4. Driver's licenses of persons admitted to driving the vehicle;
  5. If the vehicle is a loan/mortgage - the relevant documents;
  6. Purchase and sale agreement (if any).

To change CASCO conditions, it is enough to draw up an additional agreement to the contract with our company.

How to save on CASCO

How to meet the budget

Take advantage of the installment plan! You can insure a car already today, and pay for it within six months.

Payments are made strictly according to the schedule, even if an insured event occurs.
If you have delayed the next payment for AVTOKASKO, you will need to re-submit a clean car for inspection. Insurance will be renewed after the next installment and inspection of the car.

What does the CASCO policy of Rosgosstrakh protect from?

Examples of insured events against which CASCO protects:
  1. Road traffic accident (RTA).
  2. Collision (impact) on stationary or moving objects (structures, obstacles, animals, birds).
  3. Falling on the car of any objects (trees, snow, ice, etc.).
  4. Ejection of gravel, stones and other objects from under the wheels of vehicles and subsequent damage.
  5. Fall of the car into the water.
  6. Disaster.
  7. Fire (including as a result of an accident).
  8. Explosion.
  9. Illegal actions of third parties.

The CASCO policy of PJSC IC Rosgosstrakh also protects against the risk of losing a car and additional equipment as a result of theft, robbery or robbery.

For more information on all insurance risks and insurance payments, see.

CASCO insurance payments

Insured events, depending on the terms of the concluded contract, may be partial damage, theft, complete destruction, and so on.

Ways to compensate for damage under CASCO

There are two ways to compensate for damage under CASCO after an accident:

  • repair of a damaged vehicle at a service station;
  • cash payment to the owner of the damaged vehicle.
Proper registration of an insured event

In order to receive insurance payments for CASCO in case of an accident, you must comply with all the rules for registering an insured event.

At the scene. Immediately after the accident, you need to call law enforcement officers in those cases for which payment without certificates from the police is not provided for by the insurance contract. Under no circumstances should the vehicle be moved. It is also undesirable to touch it after an accident, so as not to accidentally remove characteristic damage. Do not try to negotiate with your opponent on your own. Please read the protocol carefully before signing it. If the section of the road on which the accident occurred falls into the field of view of surveillance cameras, this should be noted in the report indicating the model and number of the camera.

After the incident. After completing all the documents, contact the representative of your insurance company and report the occurrence of the insured event. Then collect a package of documents about this incident and send it to the insurer. You will also need to bring the car for inspection and fixing damage by a representative of the insurance company. When you hand over all the documents to the insurer, specify the registration date, number and terms in which your case will be considered.

What is the amount of insurance payments for CASCO formed from?

Insurance option. There is partial (against damage) and full (against damage and theft) insurance. CASCO against damage will cost much less - the cost of a policy under such a program can be 20-40% lower than the price of a full insurance policy.

Sum insured. Reducing (aggregate) and non-reducing (non-aggregate). When choosing an aggregate amount, you should take into account that each subsequent insurance payment will reduce the size of the entire insurance amount. The irreducible sum insured will not change after the repair of the car.

Wear. Payments can be made with or without this factor. If the contract states that the amount of the payment will be calculated taking into account wear and tear, then the motorist needs to remember that the greater the wear, the lower the amount of insurance payment will be in the end.

What determines the price of a CASCO policy

Experience and age of the driver. The younger the driver and the less his experience, the more expensive the CASCO insurance policy will cost him.

Term of insurance. The shorter the term of the insurance policy, the more expensive it will be each month, if recalculated. Therefore, for many motorists it is more profitable to take out insurance for a long period of time.

Installment payment. An installment plan can increase the cost of a CASCO policy. This is a sought-after service, but because it involves certain risks, installment policies will be more expensive than those that provide for a lump sum payment of the insurance premium.

insurance history. If the owner of the vehicle has a break-even insurance history under CASCO or OSAGO, then the price of the policy will be less.

The presence of an anti-theft system. When signing the contract, it is required to indicate whether the anti-theft system is installed on the car. If yes, then it is necessary to register the name of the model and the manufacturer's company. The more reliable the system, the cheaper the policy will cost you.

Contractual coverage. If you want to protect your car to the maximum, and when you purchase the policy, you indicate that you need the maximum coverage (theft, damage in all cases, etc.), then insurance will cost more. But at the same time, the CASCO reimbursement will fully cover your costs.

Franchise availability. If you choose to include a deductible when purchasing your policy, it will cost you less in the end. But if an accident occurs, then the final payment will be equal to the amount of damage minus the deductible.

If the insurance company refuses to apply for CASCO, then there are several reasons for this. Perhaps the policyholders misunderstood the terms of the contract, began to act independently with the best of intentions - all this often leads to a negative result. Why can an insurance company refuse to pay out?

Reasons for refusal to pay CASCO

Violation of traffic rules. In a number of insurance contracts, it may be indicated that an accident that occurred due to the fault of the insured person is not an insured event. Such accidents may include those that occur due to significant speeding, driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, running a stop light, crossing a double lane, and driving into oncoming traffic. According to the traffic rules, drivers are allowed to drive on the road only in a serviceable car.

Wrong actions in the event of an insured event. It often happens that people lose the opportunity to receive CASCO insurance payments due to a number of mistakes. Below are the most common.

  • Independent full or partial repair of the vehicle. Many motorists prefer to repair their car on their own rather than driving a wrecked car. Then they provide the insurance company with receipts or photographs of the repaired damage and believe that such measures are sufficient. But this is not so: when inspecting a car, an expert will not be able to assess the degree of damage. As a result, the payment will be denied. Therefore, do not repair the car yourself before the appraisal examination by the representative of the insurance company is carried out.
  • Late contact with the police. You may not receive compensation for damage under CASCO if you do not report damage to the car immediately after they are discovered. If you left the scene of the accident, the police will not be able to reconstruct the course of events and the process of damage. Therefore, the protocol will not reflect the reason for their occurrence. As a result, the insurance payment will most likely be denied. That is why it is necessary to call law enforcement representatives immediately after an accident or damage to the car.

Questions and answers about CASCO

We have collected answers to frequently asked questions about CASCO car insurance for you.

Conclusion of an agreement

Is there a CASCO discount for a satellite anti-theft system, do you need a garage, secure parking?

According to the terms of insurance, you can choose any place for overnight storage of the car in our company. We do not require paid guarded parking, and our company does not provide discounts for the installation of a satellite anti-theft system. However, we have some mandatory conditions at the time of acceptance for insurance for certain car models. You can find out more by making a correct calculation on our website or at the sales office.

If the car is not yet registered, is the Theft risk active?

Yes, it works. However, by law, you must register the car with the traffic police within 10 business days after purchase.

Is it possible to conclude a contract for an electric car or a right-hand drive car?

There are no general restrictions on eligibility for insurance by engine type, but your region may have specific restrictions.

Do I have to provide 2 sets of keys and key rings?

You submit for inspection as much as you have, this is recorded in the inspection report.

What about exterior body parts?
  • Bumpers (front and rear, including lining),
  • bumper grille,
  • radiator grille,
  • front fenders,
  • thresholds of the left / right sidewalls,
  • rear fenders,
  • saloon/cabin doors (including opening handles),
  • engine hood,
  • lid/tailgate,
  • roof (including a metal hatch),
  • plugs on body parts,
  • headlight covers (if included as standard equipment or insured as optional equipment).
When do I need to submit a car for inspection under CASCO insurance? An inspection is not required if you renew your CASCO insurance contract with us under the same conditions as in that year, and you did not have any insured events in the past year. Is it possible to issue CASCO for six months for a loan car?

No, you can only insure a car for 1 year.

Is it possible to insure CASCO if there is some damage to the car?

Yes, we can accept such a car for insurance, but damaged parts will not be insured until you repair them and bring the car in for inspection, where we will record that they are now all right.

Can I be an insured when only my father is allowed to manage? Yes, you can be an insured, but the insured event applies only to people who are insured under a CASCO agreement, that is, they are included in this policy (or the agreement is concluded with the condition “without restrictions on persons admitted to driving the vehicle”).

Cost calculation

Why did the cost of CASCO increase, but I was not the culprit of the accident? Under the CASCO insurance contract, your car is insured, and not the driver’s liability to the victim in an accident, so we compensate for the damage, regardless of whether you are the culprit or the victim, respectively, when calculating the cost of the CASCO policy for the next year, each insured event that occurred during the terms of the previous agreement. Why has my car become cheaper, and CASCO has become more expensive?

Every year the car loses a certain percentage of its value, so the sum insured under the contract decreases every year. But, if you want depreciation not to be taken into account, it is possible to issue a GAP (non-indexed sum insured).

On the site, my car was valued at 1 million rubles, can I increase the cost to 1.5 million rubles?

The average market value of the vehicle can either be increased or reduced by only 5%.

Do you have discounts for marital status, disability? No, such discounts are not provided, but we provide discounts for age, driver experience, accident-free driving under OSAGO or CASCO in our company.

Insurance case

If the driver is not included in the CASCO policy, will there be compensation in the event of an insured event?

Only those drivers who are included in the CASCO policy are insured. But you can always make a policy without restrictions on the number of drivers.

Does PJSC IC Rosgosstrakh reimburse the costs associated with car rental during the repair of my car?

In accordance with the rules of voluntary vehicle insurance, PJSC IC Rosgosstrakh compensates the Insured's expenses for car rental for a limited period while the insured vehicle is being repaired. The procedure, conditions and terms for providing a car are established by the insurance contract.

What is the % depreciation per year?

The insurance contract establishes an unconditional deductible for the risks "Theft" and "Damage", for cases of complete actual and constructive loss of the vehicle, in the following amounts, in % of the sum insured: in relation to a vehicle of 1 year of operation - 20% per year; in relation to vehicles of the 2nd and subsequent years of operation - 12% per year.

What is total and how much is it?

Complete loss of a car - causing such damage to the vehicle, in which its repair is not economically feasible. This means that the cost of restoration repairs is equal to or exceeds 65% of the actual value of the insured vehicle on the date of conclusion of the insurance contract, unless otherwise provided by the contract.

If the vehicle is a credit vehicle and the policy is issued for the balance of the loan, in what amount will payments be made upon the occurrence of an insured event?

Payments will be made in proportion to the sum insured.

Is it possible to pay in cash, not in repairs?

The priority form of compensation is the repair of the vehicle. At the same time, the form of insurance indemnity (payment in cash or repair at a service station) may depend on the terms of the concluded insurance contract, the risk for which the treatment is carried out, and other features of the settlement process provided for by the Insurance Rules.

Do I need to show a car repaired after an insured event if the policy is still valid?

Not necessary if the policyholder repaired the car in our direction. If a payment in cash was received as compensation, then in accordance with the Rules: “After the restoration (repair) of the Vehicle, the insured is obliged to provide the Vehicle for inspection to the insurer. If the Vehicle is not presented for inspection upon the occurrence of the next insured event under the "Damage" risk (in case of damage to the Vehicle), the damage is not compensated if the same parts, assemblies, assemblies of the Vehicle are damaged, but under the risk "Theft" and the risk "Damage" in case of complete of actual or constructive death, the amount of insurance payment determined in the manner prescribed by the Rules is reduced by the amount of insurance payment made by the insurer for an earlier event.

24/7 telephone customer support

In the event of an insured event, we will consult you by phone at any time of the day or night without breaks and weekends. Remember our free short number (for calls from mobile phones) or call 8-800-200-99-77 . Rosgosstrakh specialists will tell you how to insure a car under CASCO and answer all your questions.

Today we offer an article on the topic: "conditions of the hull program of nothing more from rosgosstrakh", written in a simple and accessible language. Ask all questions in the comments after the article or our duty lawyer.

  • Rosgosstrakh offers flexible and understandable hull insurance programs for your car. Choose an insurance program and calculate the cost of your policy:

    Franchise - part of the damage that the insurer does not compensate.

    It is measured in rubles or as a percentage of the sum insured (car value). For example, if a car costs 120 thousand rubles, then a 10% deductible will be 12 thousand rubles.

    As a rule, the inclusion of a deductible in the hull conditions, as well as its size, is your choice.

    Inclusion in franchise insurance significantly reduces cost Casco.

    There are several types of franchises that can be used in our Casco programs.

    It is used in some programs of Rosgosstrakh. In case of complete or constructive loss of the car, full compensation for damage is made in accordance with the Casco insurance contract.

    This is the most popular option: in the event of an insured event, Rosgosstrakh pays for the damage minus the deductible specified in your hull insurance agreement. The deductible is set as a percentage of the sum insured or in a fixed amount in rubles.

    This is a flexible deductible: for the first insured event you receive a full payment, and for subsequent insured events - a payment minus the deductible amount established by the contract.

    No video

    It is used in the program "Economy". The insurer makes hull insurance payments only on the condition that the total amount of losses for the insured events that have occurred exceeded the amount of the aggregate deductible.

    What is the difference between aggregate and non-aggregate sum insured

    In some Casco programs, you can choose an aggregate or non-aggregate sum insured. Aggregate can reduce cost policy, but not profitable for multiple applications. Non-aggregate does not change throughout the insurance period.

    GAP is used in some Rosgosstrakh programs.

    gap ( Guaranteed Asset Protection) can be translated as "guaranteed preservation of the value of the property." GAP is the provision of coverage in the amount of the sum insured for the entire duration of the agreement. GAP applies only in case of total loss and theft of the vehicle.

    Example: You have issued a hull insurance policy for a car, the terms of which imply an insured amount of 500 thousand rubles. By the time of the theft, it has decreased due to depreciation, that is, the payment will be less than at the original cost of the car. The difference between the original and the current sum insured is reimbursed by the GAP payment, that is, for a stolen car, you will receive the same 500 thousand rubles as a result.

    Contact without reference

    Appeal without certificates is a service available in most hull insurance programs of Rosgosstrakh. The amount of damage is limited to the sum insured under the contract. Handling without certificates is possible if the following elements of the car are damaged:

    You can add a variety of options to your car insurance policy, which depend on the allocated budget and personal needs. The main thing to understand is that the larger the set, the higher the price will be.

    Possible risks include insurance:

    1. damage. Restoration work is paid for damage up to 75%. If a higher percentage is determined, the cost of the car is reimbursed within the sum insured.
    2. Total doom
    3. From theft, theft
    4. Additional equipment
    5. Civil Liability
    6. full cost
    7. From an accident

    Some risks are created for convenience in an unforeseen situation. This applies to the departure of the emergency commissioner to the scene, calling a tow truck, taxi, technical assistance on the road. It is also possible to fulfill the desire of many insurers to carry out repairs without the need to collect certificates of the incident, including from the traffic police, which primarily concerns glazing.

    RGS insurance company offers several interesting programs:

    1. Accident protection. This type of protection includes reimbursement of possible expenses and provides for several conditions: the cost of the policy does not depend on the length of service and the number of drivers; the registration procedure takes only 15 minutes; unlimited number of insured claims; car repairs are carried out faster than with OSAGO.
    2. "Anti-crisis CASCO". This offer is an additional agreement to the OSAGO policy, which guarantees mandatory reimbursement of expenses associated with major risks, such as theft of a vehicle or the “death” of a car.
    3. 50/50. The peculiarity of this offer is that the client pays 50% of the cost of the policy only upon the occurrence of an insured event.
    4. " Nothing extra ". This view is a completely customized product. The client himself chooses the conditions, risks, amount of coverage, etc.
    5. "RGS-Auto Protection". This is a comprehensive insurance policy that includes all possible risks: complete destruction of the vehicle; theft; possible damage in a traffic accident.

    Anything can happen to an insured car. To date, the insurance company takes responsibility and makes payments in the following cases:

    • Collision with vehicles (due to the fault of the owner of the insured car or the fault of another driver).
    • Hitting various objects in case of loss of vehicle control due to technical problems or due to bad weather conditions.
    • Rollover of the car in an accident.
    • Falling objects on the vehicle. It can be branches, trees, snow, ice, various loads.
    • Ejection of objects from under the wheels of other cars: stones, fragments, debris, etc.
    • Fires and explosions. The uncontrolled combustion process has a destructive effect, incapacitating the vehicle. An exception is a fire that occurred due to a technical malfunction of the vehicle or the transportation of explosive substances, if this is not provided for by the contract.
    • Intentional or unintentional actions of unauthorized persons: kidnapping, theft.
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