Global environmental problems of the air environment. Air pollution

The release of toxic substances is especially strong in large cities and industrial centers. On average, a person inhales up to 20 thousand liters of air per day. However, together with the pure oxygen necessary for the body, we carry poisonous vapors, particles of soot and ash through the lungs. They settle in our lungs, poisoning a person. Long-term exposure to smog leads to general poor health, later to headaches and nausea, irritation of the mucous membranes, and diseases of the lungs and cardiovascular system develop. If no action is taken, substances deposited in the body will lead to death.

The destruction of the ozone layer leads to a strong irradiation of the entire planet. Ultraviolet rays begin to act more strongly on the body of animals and humans. The harmful effects of radiation cause a general weakening of the immune system, the development of terrible diseases: cancer of the skin and mucous membranes, cataracts.

Greenhouse effect

In order for industrial enterprises to emit less toxic substances into the atmosphere, several methods are proposed:

  • Absorption (absorption): involves the installation of filters made of activated carbon, limestone and its alkaline solutions, ammonia. These substances perfectly absorb harmful gases. The advantages of this method include good cleaning quality and simplicity. However, devices with filters take up a lot of space, as well as periodically change the cleaning fluid;
  • The oxidizing method is good because it burns combustible harmful impurities into the air. The disadvantage of this method include the release of carbon dioxide;
  • Catalytic: toxic vapors and gases are passed through solid catalysts, which accelerate the separation of harmful substances and impurities. The method, although effective, requires huge funds and spends a lot of energy;
  • The mechanical method is used quite rarely. Gas is driven into special turbines, where toxic particles are collected by screws that create vortices. In addition to high energy costs and the need for constant maintenance of the apparatus (removal of collected particles from the propellers), this method is ineffective, poorly cleans the air;
  • The electric fire method is the newest and most effective of all existing gas purification methods. What is necessary for purification is driven into vessels, and after that it is passed through an electrified flame. Unfortunately, this method is very difficult to implement and therefore rarely used.

Sometimes it is better to combine several methods of air purification from toxic substances at once.
To protect the atmosphere from emissions of exhaust gases from industrial and exhaust pipes, filters, special additives that do not include lead, and catalytic converters are installed in them. It is very important to monitor the quality of the fuel being poured: cheap oil and gasoline emit too many harmful substances. New models of cars began to be produced, emitting much less toxic gases into the atmosphere. In many countries, public transport has become completely powered by electricity or biofuels. Some vehicles are fitted with LPG equipment. Engines are being developed that do not need to switch to other modes.

The organization of large cities also requires changes. Factories, enterprises, highways and airports must be separated from residential areas by a dense green wall of trees and shrubs, acting as a natural filter and oxygen generator. It is desirable to build industrial organizations outside the city.

Waste management needs to be reformed to reduce the size of landfills that emit methane and other ozone-depleting substances as they decompose. You can introduce the reuse of materials, use other methods of getting rid of garbage, except for incineration.

In agriculture, it is recommended to suggest the gradual elimination of chemicals that poison both the soil and the air. Manure and other organic residues can be used as natural fertilizers that are safe for nature.

Preservation of forests is one of the most important tasks of our time. It is trees that gradually reduce the greenhouse effect, filter the air and release oxygen.

On the part of the state, it is necessary to issue a number of laws providing for the introduction of liability for air pollution. Creation of a special service, which, as part of the commission, will inspect industrial enterprises and monitor the organization of cities.

Swamps are considered to be the best filters of our planet. Harmful substances settling in them are processed into harmless ones. Thanks to the conservation of swamps in Russia, our country boasts one of the best state of the atmosphere.

It is necessary to disseminate knowledge about air pollution among the entire population. Then people will begin to comply with a number of measures to reduce the amount of emissions of toxic substances into the air.

There is already a plant that processes radioactive waste from nuclear power plants and enterprises that produce jet fuel. If this direction is developed, then there will be much less heavy metals in the atmosphere.

The problem of air pollution is the most relevant today. It is necessary to solve it as soon as possible, otherwise inaction will lead to terrible consequences.

Atmospheric pollution, sources, consequences, solutions ecological crisis is very actively studied by modern scientists. At the intrastate and intergovernmental levels, various normative acts are adopted aimed at improving the situation in the world. Consider further what effect it has on the planet air pollution. Sources, consequences, ways of solving problems will also be described in the article.

Relevance of the issue

The economic activity of people over the past century has caused serious air pollution. There are various solutions today. In the air basin, water, soil in many areas there are toxic substances, the content of which significantly exceeds the MPC (permissible norm). This, in turn, negatively affects the health of the population, the state of ecosystems.

Ecological crisis

This concept has become very common in the last few decades. The ecological crisis can be local or global. The first is expressed in an increase in the level of electromagnetic, thermal, noise, chemical pollution due to the functioning of one or more sources located close to each other. A local crisis can be overcome relatively easily through the adoption of economic or administrative measures. For example, a decision is made on the need to improve the technological process, re-profiling the enterprise or closing it. The big danger is the global crisis. This phenomenon is a consequence of the cumulative activity of all mankind. The global crisis is manifested by a change in the characteristics of the natural environment on the entire planet. Accordingly, it is dangerous for the entire population. It is much more difficult to deal with a global crisis than with a local one. The problem can be considered solved by minimizing pollution to a level that the natural environment will be able to cope with on its own. For this, international summits are held. The last one, in particular, took place in 2016 in Paris.

Negative factors

Considering air pollution, causes and ways solutions to the ecological crisis, scientists analyze various objects, types of human activities. The analysis allows you to identify the most dangerous of them and develop methods that reduce or eliminate their negative impact on nature. All sources of pollution are divided into two major categories. The first includes natural objects and phenomena:

  1. Volcanic eruptions.
  2. Peat, forest fires that occur without the participation of people.
  3. Emission of methane during the decomposition of organic residues.
  4. Sand, dust storms.
  5. natural radiation.
  6. weathering processes.
  7. Distribution of plant pollen.

More detrimental impact on the environment have:

  1. Nuclear weapons testing.
  2. Operation of thermal power plants.
  3. Emissions of toxic gases from enterprises.
  4. Boiler work.
  5. Decomposition of garbage and waste in landfills.
  6. Fires caused by people.
  7. Vehicle exhaust gases.
  8. Flights of jet aircraft.

Negative Impact Results

As a result of thoughtless economic activity, a colossal amount of toxic compounds, soot and heat are thrown into the upper layers of the air shell. This leads to the depletion of the ozone layer and the appearance of holes in it. Radiation passes through them. The temperature on the planet is constantly rising. This leads to the melting of glaciers, an increase in the volume of water in the oceans. Due to rising temperatures, the habitats of many animals are beginning to disappear.

Negative impact on health

Recently, there has been a particularly active industrial and urban air pollution. Solutions environmental crisis of a local nature must be actively sought in the framework of interdepartmental cooperation. Delay in this matter is unacceptable, since we are talking about the state of health of people and their environment. According to statistics, on average, a person inhales up to 20 thousand liters of air per day. At the same time, particles of ash and soot, as well as toxic fumes, enter the body along with oxygen. All this settles in the lungs, gradually poisoning the person. Prolonged exposure to smog worsens well-being, leads to headaches, nausea, and irritation of the mucous membranes. People develop cardiovascular diseases, pathologies of other internal organs. In the absence of adequate measures, the active action of toxic substances can lead to death. The depletion of the ozone layer creates the conditions for irradiation of the planet. Ultraviolet begins to act more strongly on humans and animals. Negative radiation exposure reduces immunity, provokes the development of serious diseases, including cancer of the mucous membranes and skin, cataracts, etc.

Greenhouse effect

It is a consequence of deforestation and the destruction of the ozone layer. The holes present in the upper air layers begin to let in more radiation, the lower layers of the atmosphere warm up, and then the surface of the Earth. The heat emanating from the planet does not rise. The reason it doesn't come back is because it builds up in the lower layers, making them too dense. The greenhouse effect leads to another serious problem - warming. Due to the delay in radiation, the temperature on the Earth's surface begins to rise. This, as mentioned above, provokes the melting of glaciers and other problems. Scientists are already observing the flooding of a number of coastal zones. If the greenhouse effect is not stopped, many animals, plants and people may die.

acid rain

This phenomenon is a consequence of harmful compounds in large volumes. Acid in the air is formed by oxides of hydrogen chloride, sulfur, nitrogen, interacting with water vapor. Precipitation containing it leads to serious negative consequences. In particular, brick and concrete structures, pipes, external finishing of facades, roofs are exposed to destruction. For several decades, many cultural and historical monuments have been damaged. Such precipitation destroys metal, glass, rubber. Cars exposed to acid rain tend to become unusable. The soil cover is severely affected. The acidity of the soil increases, fertility decreases. Acid rain is devastating green spaces, causing huge losses to the agricultural sector. The selected crop dies, the trees begin to rot. Poisoned grass gets into the feed of animals, as a result of which they develop serious diseases, often leading to death. Acid rain causes the death of ecosystems.


They usually refer to severe air pollution in large metropolitan areas. In calm weather, the upper layers heat up more. Because of this, the gases rising from the ground cannot go into the upper layers and settle, forming a caustic veil. Under the influence of light, unstable, but very toxic compounds begin to form in the smog.

Photochemical fog

It is presented as a multicomponent mixture of primary and secondary aerosol particles and gases. The composition of the photochemical fog contains oxides of nitrogen and sulfur, various organic substances of a peroxide nature. Collectively, they are referred to as photooxidants. Such fog appears due to chemical reactions under a number of conditions. The determining factors are the high concentration of hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxide, and other substances in the air, intense radiation, calm or weak air exchange within the surface layer with a powerful inversion during the day.

Atmospheric pollution: ways to solve the problem

As can be seen from the above, the environmental crisis requires immediate action. At the same time, it must be said that each person should be included in the implementation of measures to reduce the harmful effects of human activities. Search is the business of absolutely all people. A special role, of course, belongs to scientists. They, analyzing the situation, find the most rational and effective options to reduce the negative impact of emissions. At present, the following main ways to solve the problem of air pollution:

Ways air pollution solutions, briefly in other words, measures aimed at reducing hazardous emissions. When developing certain measures, it is necessary to take into account the economic component. Pollution control methods should be as efficient and as cost-effective as possible.

Comprehensive measures

Currently, scientists propose to combine. So, for example, many enterprises operate filtration plants of various types. Some are equipped with filters, others use special lead-free additives, catalytic converters. As a result, the gases go through several stages of purification. Considering the main ways to solve air pollution, one cannot but mention new developments in the automotive industry. As you know, transport is considered one of the main suppliers of toxic substances into the air. Today, new models are being produced equipped with exhaust filtration systems. In a number of countries, public transport runs exclusively on electricity and biofuels.

Organizational events

Recently, at the government level, the issue of the arrangement of large cities has been raised. Measures aimed at separating airports, highways, enterprises, factories from residential development are being discussed. A forest belt will act as a boundary between these zones. It will become a natural filter, and while developing, scientists and officials pay attention to the garbage processing system. The majority is in favor of the need to reform it. Options are being discussed in which the area of ​​landfills could be reduced. This requires a production that carries out the secondary processing of raw materials.


Offering, scientists recommend abandoning the use of chemicals in agricultural activities. They poison not only the soil directly, but also the air. One of the key tasks of modern mankind is the conservation of the forest. In this regard, laws have been adopted at the government level that regulate the felling and use of natural landscapes by the population. These are the main ones for today.

The problem of air pollution is one of the most serious global problems faced by mankind. The danger of atmospheric pollution is not only in the fact that harmful substances that are harmful to living organisms get into clean air, but also in the change in the Earth's climate caused by pollution. There are three points of view on this. 1. The global warming observed in the current century is due to an increase in the concentration of CO 2 in the atmosphere, and by the middle of the next century there will be a catastrophic climate warming, accompanied by a strong increase in the height of the World Ocean. 2. Atmospheric pollution reduces the level of solar radiation, increases the number of condensation nuclei in the clouds, as a result, the Earth's surface cools, which in turn can cause new glaciation in the northern and southern latitudes (there are few supporters of this point of view). 3. According to supporters of the third point of view, both of these processes will balance and the Earth's climate will not change significantly.

The main sources of air pollution are enterprises of the fuel and energy complex, manufacturing industry and transport. More than 80% of all atmospheric emissions are emissions of carbon oxides, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen, hydrocarbons, and solids. Of the gaseous pollutants, carbon oxides, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, which are formed mainly during the combustion of fuel, are emitted in the largest quantities. Sulfur oxides are also emitted into the atmosphere in large quantities: sulfur dioxide, sulfur dioxide, carbon disulfide, hydrogen sulfide, etc. The most numerous class of substances polluting the air of large cities are hydrocarbons. Free chlorine, its compounds, etc. are also among the constant ingredients of gas pollution of the atmosphere.

In addition to gaseous pollutants, tens of millions of tons of particulate matter enter the atmosphere. These are dust, soot, soot, which in the form of small particles freely penetrate the respiratory tract and settle in the bronchi and lungs. However, that's not all - "along the way" they are enriched with sulfates, lead, arsenic, selenium, cadmium, zinc and other elements and substances, many of which are carcinogenic. From this point of view, asbestos dust is especially dangerous for human health. Cadmium, arsenic, mercury and vanadium also belong to the first hazard class. (The results of a comparative analysis performed by American scientists are curious. The content of lead in the bones of the skeleton of a native of Peru, who lived 1600 years ago, is 1000 times less than in the bones of modern US citizens.)

Such a specific phenomenon as acid rain is also associated with atmospheric pollution.

The earth's atmosphere transmits relatively well short-wave solar radiation, which is almost completely absorbed by the earth's surface. Heating up due to the absorption of solar radiation, the earth's surface becomes a source of terrestrial, mainly long-wave, radiation, some of which goes into outer space.
Research scientists continue to argue about the composition of the so-called greenhouse gases (58). Of greatest interest in this regard is the effect of increasing concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) on the greenhouse effect of the atmosphere. An opinion is expressed that the well-known scheme: “an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide enhances the greenhouse effect, which leads to a warming of the global climate” is extremely simplified and very far from reality, since the most important “greenhouse gas” is not carbon dioxide (and not nitrous oxide). , not methane or chlorofluorocarbons), but water vapor. At the same time, reservations that the concentration of water vapor in the atmosphere is determined only by the parameters of the climate system itself no longer hold water, since the anthropogenic impact on the global water cycle has been convincingly proven.

As scientific hypotheses, we point out the following consequences of the coming greenhouse effect. First, according to the most common estimates, by the end of the XXI century. the content of atmospheric CO 2 will double, which will inevitably lead to an increase in the average global surface temperature by 3-5 °C. At the same time, warming is expected to be stronger in high latitudes and, accordingly, summers will become drier in temperate latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere.

Secondly, it is assumed that such an increase in the average global surface temperature will lead to an increase in the level of the World Ocean by 20-165 cm due to the thermal expansion of water. (As for the ice sheet of Antarctica, its destruction is not inevitable, since higher temperatures are needed for melting. In any case, the process of melting Antarctic ice will take a very long time.)

Thirdly, the concentration of atmospheric CO 2 can have a very beneficial effect on crop yields. The results of the experiments performed suggest that under conditions of a progressive increase in the CO2 content in the air, natural and cultivated vegetation will reach an optimal state: the leaf surface of plants will increase, the specific gravity of the dry matter of the leaves will increase, the average size of fruits and the number of seeds will increase, the ripening of cereals will accelerate, and their productivity will increase.

Fourth, at high latitudes, natural forests, especially boreal forests, can be very sensitive to temperature changes. Warming can lead to a sharp reduction in the area of ​​boreal forests, as well as to the movement of their borders to the north. Tropical and subtropical forests are likely to be more sensitive to changes in precipitation than in temperature. However, forecasts of upcoming changes in precipitation are very uncertain.

In general, the greenhouse effect of the atmosphere is an equation with many unknowns. Most scientists believe that warming will actually manifest itself. Moreover, many argue that global warming (by about 1°C in the 20th century) has already occurred (at least its first phase), but it was, as it were, masked by natural climatic changes. However, there are scientists who believe that, paradoxically, the accelerating accumulation of CO 2 can lead not to warming, but to cooling. Such an opinion is based on the fact that the forecast of the Earth's "overheating" when the concentration of CO 2 in the air doubles is made on the basis of an erroneous assessment of the greenhouse effect of this gas. It is believed that supporters of "overheating" do not take into account the colossal role of the ocean waters in the absorption of anthropogenic CO 2 and underestimate the importance of terrestrial biota, and, consequently, soils as powerful assimilators of "excess" atmospheric carbon dioxide.


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6. Federal Law "On the Protection of Atmospheric Air" dated August 22, 2004 No. 122-FZ, dated May 9, 2005 No. 45-FZ.

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If we consider environmental problems, one of the most pressing is air pollution. Environmentalists are sounding the alarm and urging mankind to reconsider their attitude to life and the consumption of natural resources, because only protection from air pollution will improve the situation and prevent serious consequences. Find out how to solve such an acute issue, influence the ecological situation and save the atmosphere.

Natural sources of clogging

What is air pollution? This concept includes the introduction and entry into the atmosphere and all its layers of uncharacteristic elements of a physical, biological or chemical nature, as well as a change in their concentrations.

What pollutes our air? Air pollution is due to many reasons, and all sources can be conditionally divided into natural or natural, as well as artificial, that is, anthropogenic.

It’s worth starting with the first group, which includes pollutants generated by nature itself:

  1. The first source is volcanoes. Erupting, they throw out huge amounts of tiny particles of various rocks, ash, poisonous gases, sulfur oxides and other no less harmful substances. And although eruptions occur quite rarely, according to statistics, as a result of volcanic activity, the level of air pollution increases significantly, because up to 40 million tons of dangerous compounds are released into the atmosphere every year.
  2. If we consider the natural causes of air pollution, then it is worth noting such as peat or forest fires. Most often, fires occur due to unintentional arson by a person who is negligent about the rules of safety and behavior in the forest. Even a small spark from an incompletely extinguished fire can cause a fire to spread. Less commonly, fires are caused by very high solar activity, which is why the peak of danger falls on the hot summer time.
  3. Considering the main types of natural pollutants, one cannot fail to mention dust storms that occur due to strong gusts of wind and mixing of air flows. During a hurricane or other natural event, tons of dust rise, which provoke air pollution.

artificial sources

Air pollution in Russia and other developed countries is often caused by the influence of anthropogenic factors caused by the activities carried out by people.

We list the main artificial sources that cause air pollution:

  • The rapid development of industry. It is worth starting with chemical air pollution caused by the activities of chemical plants. Toxic substances released into the air poison it. Also, metallurgical plants cause air pollution with harmful substances: metal processing is a complex process, involving huge emissions as a result of heating and combustion. In addition, they pollute the air and small solid particles formed during the manufacture of building or finishing materials.
  • The problem of air pollution by motor vehicles is especially urgent. Although other types also provoke emissions into the atmosphere, it is cars that have the most significant negative impact on it, since there are much more of them than any other vehicles. Exhausts emitted by motor vehicles and arising during engine operation contain a lot of substances, including hazardous ones. It is sad that every year the number of emissions increases. An increasing number of people are acquiring an "iron horse", which, of course, has a detrimental effect on the environment.
  • Operation of thermal and nuclear power plants, boiler plants. The vital activity of mankind at this stage is impossible without the use of such installations. They supply us with vital resources: heat, electricity, hot water supply. But when burning any kind of fuel, the atmosphere changes.
  • Household waste. Every year, the purchasing power of people is growing, as a result, the amount of waste generated is also increasing. Their disposal is not given due attention, and some types of garbage are extremely dangerous, have a long decomposition period and emit vapors that have an extremely adverse effect on the atmosphere. Each person pollutes the air every day, but industrial waste is much more dangerous, which is taken to landfills and not disposed of in any way.

What are the most common air pollutants?

There are an incredible number of air pollutants, and environmentalists are constantly discovering new ones, which is associated with the rapid pace of industrial development and the introduction of new production and processing technologies. But the most common compounds found in the atmosphere are:

  • Carbon monoxide, also called carbon monoxide. It is colorless and odorless and is formed during incomplete combustion of fuel at low oxygen volumes and low temperatures. This compound is dangerous and causes death due to lack of oxygen.
  • Carbon dioxide is found in the atmosphere and has a slightly sour smell.
  • Sulfur dioxide is released during the combustion of some sulfur-containing fuels. This compound provokes acid rain and depresses human breathing.
  • Dioxides and oxides of nitrogen characterize air pollution by industrial enterprises, since they are most often formed during their activities, especially in the production of certain fertilizers, dyes and acids. Also, these substances can be released as a result of fuel combustion or during operation of the machine, especially if it malfunctions.
  • Hydrocarbons are one of the most common substances and can be found in solvents, detergents, and petroleum products.
  • Lead is also harmful and is used to make batteries and accumulators, cartridges and ammunition.
  • Ozone is extremely toxic and is formed during photochemical processes or during the operation of vehicles and factories.

Now you know what substances pollute the air pool most often. But this is only a small part of them, the atmosphere contains a lot of various compounds, and some of them are even unknown to scientists.

Sad consequences

The scale of the impact of atmospheric air pollution on human health and the entire ecosystem as a whole is simply enormous, and many underestimate them. Let's start with ecology.

  1. Firstly, due to polluted air, a greenhouse effect has developed, which gradually, but globally, changes the climate, leads to warming and melting of glaciers, and provokes natural disasters. It can be said that it leads to irreversible consequences in the state of the environment.
  2. Secondly, acid rains are becoming more and more frequent, having a negative impact on all life on Earth. Through their fault, entire populations of fish are dying, unable to live in such an acidic environment. A negative impact is observed when examining historical monuments and architectural monuments.
  3. Thirdly, fauna and flora suffer, as dangerous vapors are inhaled by animals, they also enter plants and gradually destroy them.

Polluted atmosphere has a very negative impact on human health. Emissions enter the lungs and cause malfunctions of the respiratory system, severe allergic reactions. Together with the blood, dangerous compounds are carried throughout the body and wear it out greatly. And some elements are capable of provoking mutation and degeneration of cells.

How to solve the problem and save the environment

The problem of atmospheric air pollution is very relevant, especially considering that the environment has deteriorated greatly over the past few decades. And it needs to be solved comprehensively and in several ways.

Consider several effective measures to prevent air pollution:

  1. To combat air pollution at individual enterprises, it is mandatory to install treatment and filtering facilities and systems. And at especially large industrial plants, it is necessary to begin the introduction of stationary monitoring posts for atmospheric air pollution.
  2. Switching to alternative and less harmful energy sources, such as solar panels or electricity, should be used to avoid air pollution from vehicles.
  3. The replacement of combustible fuels with more affordable and less dangerous ones, such as water, wind, sunlight and others that do not require combustion, will help protect the atmospheric air from pollution.
  4. The protection of atmospheric air from pollution should be supported at the state level, and there are already laws aimed at protecting it. But it is also necessary to act and exercise control in individual subjects of the Russian Federation.
  5. One of the effective ways, which should include the protection of air from pollution, is to establish a system for the disposal of all waste or their processing.
  6. Plants should be used to solve the problem of air pollution. Widespread landscaping will improve the atmosphere and increase the amount of oxygen in it.

How to protect atmospheric air from pollution? If all of humanity is struggling with it, then there are chances for an improvement in the environment. Knowing the essence of the problem of air pollution, its relevance and the main solutions, we need to work together and comprehensively to combat pollution.

Global environmental problems (Air pollution) Full name of the author: Bedinov Timofey Name of the educational institution: GBPOU VO "Vladimir Industrial College" Department: machine tool adjuster in machining, 2nd year, group N-141 Head: Spit N.P. teacher of history and social studies

Air is a natural mixture of gases, mainly nitrogen and oxygen, that makes up the earth's atmosphere. In accordance with the Federal Law "On the Protection of Atmospheric Air", atmospheric air is understood as "a vital component of the environment, which is a natural mixture of atmospheric gases located outside residential, industrial and other premises."

Air pollution - any undesirable change in the composition of the earth's atmosphere as a result of the entry into it of various gases, water vapor and solid particles (under the influence of natural processes or as a result of human activity). Approximately 10% of pollutants enter the atmosphere due to natural processes, such as volcanic eruptions, which are accompanied by emissions of ash, pulverized acids, including sulfuric acid, and many poisonous gases into the atmosphere. The remaining 90% of pollutants are of anthropogenic origin.

Main sources of air pollution

Pollutants Substances emitted directly into the atmosphere Photochemical oxidants and acids contained in the atmosphere Secondary pollutants Primary pollutants

Smog Photochemical fog (smog) is a multicomponent mixture of gases and aerosol particles of primary and secondary origin. The composition of the main components of smog includes ozone, nitrogen and sulfur oxides, numerous organic peroxide compounds, collectively called photooxidants. Photochemical smog occurs as a result of photochemical reactions under certain conditions: the presence of a high concentration of nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons and other pollutants in the atmosphere, intense solar radiation and calm or very weak air exchange in the surface layer with a powerful and increased inversion for at least a day. Sustained calm weather, usually accompanied by inversions, is necessary to create a high concentration of reactants.

Global problems Abnormally high values ​​of solar ultraviolet radiation coming to the earth's surface, due to a decrease in the ozone content in the stratosphere; climate change (global warming), caused by the entry into the atmosphere of a large number of so-called. greenhouse gases.

Global warming is the process of a gradual increase in the average annual temperature of the Earth's atmosphere and the World Ocean. The scientific opinion, expressed by the UN Interstate Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and directly supported by the national academies of sciences of the G8 countries, is that the average temperature on the Earth has risen by 0.7 °C since the beginning of the industrial revolution (since the second half of the 18th century) and that "a large proportion of the warming observed in the last 50 years is caused by human activity", primarily the emission of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4). Greenhouse effect (greenhouse effect) of the atmosphere, the property of the atmosphere to transmit solar radiation, but retain terrestrial radiation and thereby contribute to the accumulation of heat by the Earth

Ozone hole The ozone hole is a local drop in the concentration of ozone in the ozone layer of the Earth. According to the theory generally accepted in the scientific community, in the second half of the 20th century, the ever-increasing impact of the anthropogenic factor in the form of the release of chlorine- and bromine-containing freons led to a significant thinning of the ozone layer.

Hazardous Effects Air pollution has harmful effects on living organisms in several ways: by delivering aerosol particles and toxic gases to the respiratory system of humans and animals and to plant leaves; increasing the acidity of precipitation, which, in turn, affects the change in the chemical composition of soils and water; by stimulating such chemical reactions in the atmosphere that lead to an increase in the duration of exposure of living organisms to harmful solar rays; changing the composition and temperature of the atmosphere on a global scale and thus creating conditions unfavorable for the survival of organisms.

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