Irreversible verbs in Russian are examples. Reflexive and non-reflexive verbs

In the verbs of the Russian language there are morphological non-permanent and some permanent features. One of them includes reflexive and non-reflexive types of verbs. Non-reflexive verbs, as well as reflexive ones, carry the presence or absence of special reflexive derivational postfixes -s and -sya. Let's try to figure out what it is and how such verbs are used.

Reflexivity of verbs

The reflexivity of verbs is a grammatical category that will indicate the direction or non-direction of a certain state defined by this verb, or an action on some subject. Reflexive and non-reflexive verbs in Russian are conjugated forms that differ in the presence or absence of postfixes -s and -sya (reflexive).

What is recurrence in verbs can be seen in the following examples: The boy washed and got ready. The man talked with a friend (these are examples of reflexive verbs).

The puppy played with the ball and ran to the playground. It was raining in the evening (this is an irrevocable form of the verb). This is how you need to distinguish between them.

A couple of useful words

Let us briefly recall once again that it is not particularly difficult to understand how to define an irrevocable verb. It can be transitive and intransitive, it can mean some action that is aimed at the subject (assembling a puzzle, reading a book), a state, a certain position in space, a multidirectional action, and the like (dreaming, sitting, thinking). Non-reflexive verbs do not include the postfix -s and -sya.

Shades of meaning

Reflexive verbs are able to express an action that will be directed to a specific subject (to something doing, speaking, looking, and so on).

Reflexive and non-reflexive verbs in Russian seems to be possible to discuss endlessly. Here are examples of reflexive verbs with perfect different shades values:

Rejoice, be upset, sad (denotes the mental or physical state of a certain subject);

The dress is wrinkled, the dog bites, the nettle branch burns (shows a permanent quality or property of the subject);

Dress, eat, put on shoes, swim (the action of verbs is directed exclusively at oneself);

I want, I want, it gets dark (an impersonal action is shown here);

Hugging, quarreling, seeing each other (reciprocal action performed by several people in their relation to each other);

Tidy up, line up, get hold of (an action of an indirectly recurrent nature, which is performed by the subject solely in his own interests).

Unforgettable suffixes for reflexive verbs

Let's figure out what a reflexive and irrevocable verb means.

Verbs in reflexive form have suffixes:

Xia - maybe, both after consonants (taken, surrounded, and the like), and after endings (teach - learn, dries - dries, etc.));

Si will stand after vowels (dropped, drawn, blurred, and so on).

In the process of forming reflexive verbs great importance have not only suffixes, but also prefixes (read - read, drink - get drunk). In addition, among the verbs of this type there are non-derivatives. It is they who, under no circumstances, are used without the suffixes -s and -sya (laugh, fight, like).

Since pronouns in the accusative case and nouns are never used after reflexive verbs, they are all intransitive.

No suffixes

Non-reflexive verbs in Russian do not have suffixes -s and -sya. They can be both intransitive (create, breathe, play) and transitive (talk, draw).

An important point: many reflexive verbs can be formed from irrevocable ones, for example, cook - prepare.

Based on the foregoing, one must understand that in order to determine what a reflexive and irrevocable verb means and what kind of verb it belongs to, it is necessary to find a suffix that helped in education. If the suffixes -s (-sya) are present in the words, then these are reflexive verbs. If they are not, then non-reflexive verbs.

Situations noted in verbs

So, we already know that reflexive verbs with suffixes -s and -sya. They are both non-derivative (for example, laugh), and formed from transitional and intransitive verbs(to wash - to wash).

In some intransitive and reflexive verbs formed from them we are talking about the same situation, for example: something blackens in the distance and something blackens in the distance. True, in the vast majority of situations, you can understand what an irrevocable verb means and how it looks “in life” by paying attention to the fact that the verbs reflexive and irrevocable denote completely different moments.

As a good example, we can name the following: to wash - a situation in which there are two participants (mother washes her daughter) and to wash - a situation in which there is only one participant (the girl washes); Petya hit Vanya. Petya and Vanya hit on big Stone(both cases refer to two boys, but the situations in which they are directly involved are completely different).

Here we can say that the components of meaning themselves, which are introduced into the word by postfixes -s and -sya, are word-forming.

What can be found in grammars?

And the following information is noted there (we are talking about several values):

The mean-return value is to have fun, get angry, be scared, rejoice;

The meaning is active-objective - to bite, butt, swear (use;

The meaning is reciprocal - to quarrel, put up, meet, hug, kiss;

The meaning is actually recurrent - to dress, put on shoes, meet, powder;

The meaning is passive-recurrent - to be remembered, to be remembered;

The meaning is indirectly recurrent - to gather, stock up, stack, pack;

The meaning is passive-qualitative - to be introduced, to be remembered.

A reflexive verb can be formed by taking -sya to help, which will be combined with other morphemes (wink, run).

It is with the voice that reflexivity will be associated (that is, in the case in which the voice is defined at the morphemic level, reflexive verbs formed from transitive verbs will be combined into a voice, which is called reflexive-middle).

The intransitive sign is an affix. Combinations such as I'm afraid of dad, I obey my older brother, which can be found in Russian, will be few and non-normative.

Without rules - nowhere

Let's go back to what an irrevocable verb is. The rule says that having no postfix -sya. And here in return this postfix is ​​present. It so happened for a long time that the appearance of reflexive verbs was associated with the pronoun -sya. True, initially it was attached exclusively to transitive verbs (for example, bathe + sya (that is, yourself) = bathe).

The variety of Russian verbs is divided into different groups.

Irreversible verbs from which the formation of reflexives comes - build + sya; meet + xia; write - do not write, sleep - do not sleep.

Irreversible verbs - to have dinner, to answer.

Reflexive verbs - laugh, fight, balk.

From the information provided, we can conclude that the postfix -sya in Russian can perform different functions:

Prepare reflexive verbs that differ from producing non-reflexive verbs in lexical terms (forgive - say goodbye);

Form return form verbs (to turn white).

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that some verbs in -sya have a synonymous reflexive combination (to cover - to cover oneself).

The division of verbs into reflexive and irrevocable has developed in the Russian language completely irrespective of their division into transitive and intransitive, collateral and non-collateral. It does not coincide with either one or the other one hundred percent, but is in a certain connection with the categories of transitivity and voice: -sya represents the intransitiveness of the verb, but only the reflexive form can provide the voice correlation.

In conclusion

Let's talk a little more about verbs and summarize a productive conversation.

Verbs are words in which the meaning of a process is defined, that is, capable of expressing the signs indicated by them as some kind of action (say, read, write), state (sit, jump) or becoming (get old).

In addition to syntactic conjugation forms, verbs have non-syntactic reflexive and non-reflexive forms and aspect form. By the way they express non-syntactic formal meanings, verbs can be divided into grammatical ranks which are in some relation to each other.

The dependence of the subdivision of verbs into irrevocable and reflexive lies in the extent to which the grammatically intransitive meaning of the process is expressed or, conversely, not expressed in them.

Reflexive - verbs in which there is a grammatically expressed intransitive. In other words, they perfectly show that the process expressed by them can be turned to a direct object, which is represented by a noun in the accusative case without a preposition. An example is the words - get angry, meet, wash, knock, dress.

Irreversible verbs have some difference: they do not have any indication of the intransitive process. That is why they can be transitive: dress (daughter), annoy (parents), meet (guests), and intransitive: clobber, knock.

Reflexive verbs

Postfix verbs sya (-s), which express the inverse action are called inverse: be proud, fall in love, meet.

Suffix sya (s) can be used with most verbs in all forms except participles. It stands after the infinitive suffix - ti (t) or endings in personal forms of the verb. For example: wash - wash, wash, wash.

Modern verbal suffix sya (s) - is an ancient short form of the reverse pronoun myself in the accusative singular.

With a suffix sya (s) verbs are formed:

Attention! Is written -ss spelled Xia

We swim in the sea - we swim in the lake; Shaved yesterday - shave twice.

Verbal state category

The category of state expresses the relation of action to subject and object. Subject-object relations appear in the sentence. The verb is the main link in the implementation of grammatical relations between the subject and the object of the action. Yes, in the proposal The brigade executes the plan subject of action (or carrier dynamic signs) stands out the word brigade; action performed by the subject as an active agent directed at the object (plan), which is a direct object in the sentence.

The logical relations of the subject and object in this sentence coincide with the grammatical ones; the verb expresses the meaning of an active action aimed at independent object.

However, these logical relations can be conveyed in a different grammatical arrangement, for example The plan is carried out by the team. In such a sentence structure, the verb acts with the meaning of a passive action. Verb performed, derived from a transitive verb fulfill using postfix -sya, lost its transitivity. In this case, the logical subject is expressed in the dependent form of the noun - the creative subject, the logical object appears in the form of the nominative case.

Compare also: Everyone welcomes a friend and Friends are welcome. In the first case, the verb expresses an active action aimed at an independent object, in the second case, the action is distributed among the subjects, being at the same time objects.

The meaning of the verbal state is closely related to the semantics of the verb and turns out to be in its syntactic connections with other words.

The category of state finds its expression in the ways of verbal control, being closely associated with the category of transitivity / intransitivity. Thus, all transitive verbs can express the meaning of active action, while intransitive ones never express it. Transitive and intransitive verbs formed from transitive with a postfix -sya, express double subject-object relations, and intransient ones do not correspond with transitive verbs (for example, go, grow, bloom) express a one-sided, subjective relationship. Compare, for example:

Subject-object relationship Subject relationship

The student completes the task. Everything around is asleep.

The task is completed by the student. Vasilko goes to school.

Alenka dresses her sister. Lena laughs.

Lena is getting dressed (Alyonushka is dressing herself).

Morphological and derivational means of expressing individual values ​​of the state is the postfix sya. With the help of this derivational affix, the meaning of the reverse and passive action is expressed.

Correlate transitive and intransitive verbs with postfixes Xia differ not only in the meaning of the state, but also in semantic shades, compare, for example fight ~ fight, love - love, fight - climb, carry, carry. Only when creating verbs with the meaning of the passive state, the semantic shades of comparable verbs are almost imperceptible, for example the plant builds workshops, workshops are built by the plant; the choir performs the cantata, the cantata is performed by the choir.

In the modern Ukrainian literary language, the following states of verbs are distinguished: active (or real), passive and vice versa.

In addition, there is a group of intransitive verbs that do not express dual, subject-object relations, these are verbs of a state zero in terms of the object.

Attention! In linguistics, since the time of M. V. Lomonosov, the traditional system of states of verbs has been defined. M. V. Lomonosov in "Russian Grammar" named six states: real (or transitional), reverse, mutual, middle, passive (or suffering) and general.

In the works of A. A. Shakhmatov, three states are named: real, passive and inverse, and within the limits of the inverse state, various meanings its: actually inverse, indirectly recurrent, mutually inverse, etc.

In academic grammar Ukrainian language only two states are considered: active and passive, it is emphasized that the category of state is inherent only in transitive verbs; it is based on two interrelated correlative grammatical meanings - active and passive. The active value is expressed morphological forms, passive - morphological and syntactic. In considering the verbal state, there is a different approach of scientists to this category: some take into account the semantic-grammatical shades of subject-object relations expressed in verbs; others identify the state with the category of transitivity / intransitivity; some scholars rely only on the grammatically manifested correlation of subject-object relations, ignoring the subject relationship with the null object.

1. Active state. Verbs of the active (or actual) state express the active action of the subject, aimed at an independent object. Only transitive verbs that control the form of the accusative case without a preposition have this meaning.

For example: A mower in a meadow scythe sonorously kleple(M. Rylsky) The girls peered at the viburnum bush in the meadow(I. Nechuy-Levitsky).

The formal expression of a direct object by a dependent noun (or a pronoun or other substantiated word) is a grammatical indicator of the active state of the verb. In the structure of a sentence with an active state verb, grammatical subject-object relations correspond to a logical subject-object relation.

2. Passive state. The verbs of the passive state are opposed to the verbs of the active state by the relationship of the subject to the object and by the direction of action. The logical subject with the verb of the passive state has the form of the instrumental case without a preposition and acts as an indirect object, thereby expressing the relationship of the passive subject and passive action. The object of action with the verb of the passive state is expressed in the form of the nominative case (pronoun or substantiated word), which acts as a subject, for example: The song is performed by all participants of the concert.

Passive state verbs arise from active state verbs with a postfix -sya. The states of the verb that are relative in meaning act respectively in active or passive turns of speech, for example: The singer sings an aria. - The aria is performed by the singer.

The forms of inflection of verbs of the passive state are somewhat limited in use: with a creative subject, the verb is more often put in the 3rd person, less often in the 1st or 2nd person or in the past tense. The meaning of the passive state can also be expressed in the form of a passive participle, for example: Did you think I'm all about you? - And, choking, you fall into the grass ... I affirm, I affirm, I live(P. Tychina) Enesm abandoned I'm poor(I. Kotlyarevsky).

The absence of a creative subject with the verb neutralizes the meaning of the passivity of the action, and the verb acquires the meaning of a reciprocal-middle state. For comparison: The film is viewed by the commission And The film is being watched for the second time.

3. Back average condition. The verbs of the reciprocating-middle state express the action of the subject, do not turn into an independent object, but are directed back to the actor himself or additionally characterize him through an unnamed object, for example: child puts on shoes(shoes himself) workshops compete(compete with each other) dog bites(may bite someone).

Reflexive verbs can have different shades of the reciprocal-middle state, characterize the relationship between the subject and the object of the action in different ways.

a) proper reflexive verbs express an action, the subject and object of which is the same person. These include the verbs: wash, dress, put on shoes, take off shoes, bathe, wash, powder, shave, dress up. For example: With obscene help, the boy was not slow to wash, clean up(Panas Mirny)

b) reciprocal verbs express an action performed by several subjects, each of which acts simultaneously as the object of the action. These include the verbs: meet, compete, greet, hug, kiss, correspond, chat, consult. For example: It was then ... in the village, in the evening, when I met Gabriel, I saw you. And now you see where they met, - Longshanks recalled.(S. Sklyarenko)

c) indirectly reflexive verbs express an action carried out for the subject himself. With verbs with the meaning of an indirect-inverse state, it can stand indirect addition or circumstance, for example prepare for exams, get ready for a trip, get ready for the road. These verbs differ from the actual inverse ones in that the logical direct object is not expressed with them. For comparison: Girl washing her face(girl washes herself) and girl going on the road(girl packs things for the road) Father took up his cap: - Get ready, son, let's go(Panas Mirny) (means "pack your things")

d) in-reflexive verbs express the action, is concentrated in the acting person itself, or express the internal state of the subject. This includes verbs with the meaning of the relationship of the performer of the action to the object to admire, to worry, to be surprised, to be angry, to be angry, to calm down, to lament, to shake, to suffer and under. For example: There three willows bow down, how they lament(L. Glebov)

d) active-objectless verbs express the property of the subject without its connection with the object. This includes verbs with the meaning of dynamic signs of beings: bite, fight, scratch, whip (the dog bites, the cow fights, the cat scratches, the horse whips) or inanimate objects: sting, prick (nettle sting, thistle pricks) ",

e) passive-qualitative verbs express a static attribute of an object, the influential actions of another object fall under. These include verbs like tear, bend, beat, break, crumble, prick, g. laugh, drown(melt, become liquid) melt etc. Compare in phrases: iron bends, chintz crumples, wax melts, tin melts, ice breaks, bread crumbles, glass breaks,

f) reflexively passive verbs express an action attributed to a passive subject. Reflexive passive verbs govern the dative form (the dative of the subject), which acts as an indirect application. The logical object with verbs of the reflexively passive state is expressed in the form of the nominative case and acts as the subject in the sentence. For example: And I remember Ulyanzi grandfather's fairy tale(A. Donchenko).

If the direct object is not expressed in the form of the nominative case, then the verb turns into an impersonal with a zero state value for the object, for example I shouldn't eat bread - I shouldn't eat.

Verbs of the reflexive-passive state arise from transitive verbs with the help of a postfix -sya, in which the meaning of the reverse pronoun has been preserved to a certain extent, especially in the group of proper reflexive verbs.

All intransitive verbs without a postfix have a zero state according to the expression of the object -sya (fly, ring, posters, become, run etc.), as well as impersonal verbs with a postfix sya (does not sleep, does not sit, but does not lie down).

Intransitive verbs without postfix Xia mean an action closed in the subject itself, that is, they express only the subjective relation (the relation of the action to the subject), for example: Summer passed like a day, and a blue-eyed, golden-eyed September came out of the loose fog.(M. Stelmakh).

Impersonal verbs with postfix Xia also express one-way relations of action to a logical subject in the form of the dative case (dative subject). Action expressed by an impersonal verb with postfixes Xia, attributed to the subject as an internal state independent of it (I couldn’t sleep; the girl can’t sit in the house; he didn’t lie down).

  • Shakhmatov A. Ya. The syntax of the Russian language. - L., 1041. - S. 476-481. Modern Ukrainian literary language: Morphology / Under the general. ed. I. K. Bipolida. - M., 1969.

Schoolchildren and linguistic students need to be able to correctly determine the recurrence of verbs. This is required to complete morphological analysis, competent presentation of ideas. There are a number of nuances that should be taken into account when determining the reflexivity of the verb. It is not enough just to remember that a reflexive verb ends in -sya or -ss: this kind of analysis is the cause of regular errors. It is important to understand the originality of this morphological category of the verb.

Reflexivity as a category of a verb
To correctly determine the recurrence of the verb, you need to know exactly the features of the category under study.

Reflexive verbs are a specific type of intransitive verbs. They denote an action directed by the subject on himself, have a postfix –sya. Postfix -sya is part of the word, reflecting the historical changes in the Russian language. IN Old Church Slavonic the postfix denoted the word "self", performing the functions of a pronoun.

Be sure to know that the reflexivity of the verb is directly related to morphological category transitivity. First, find out if the verb is transitive. You need to remember: the definition of the recurrence of the verb takes time and should be based on the analysis of the word. The presence of the -sya postfix does not guarantee that you have a reflexive verb in front of you.

Algorithm for determining the recurrence of the verb
It is desirable to determine the reflexivity of the verb according to a specific scheme, then the probability of errors will noticeably decrease. You will need to be familiar with the basic terms used in the Russian language course.

  1. First determine the category of transitivity of the verb. Remember the signs of transitivity and intransitivity of the verb:
    • A transitive verb denotes an action directed at oneself (subject). It freely combines with a noun that is in the accusative case, without a preposition. For example, to do (what?) a task. To do is a transitive verb because it goes with a noun without a preposition, and the noun is in the accusative case. To determine transitivity, simply model a phrase where there is a noun dependent on the analyzed verb in the accusative case.
    • Intransitive verbs denote actions that do not transfer to an object. Nouns cannot be combined with such verbs in the accusative case without a preposition.
  2. If the verb is transitive, it is not reflexive. Return category for him on this stage already defined.
  3. If the verb is intransitive, you need to continue its analysis.
  4. Notice the postfix. The postfix -sya is an obligatory sign of a reflexive verb.
  5. All reflexive verbs are divided into 5 types.
    • Reflexive verbs are needed to express changes emotional state subject, his physical actions. For example, rejoice, hurry.
    • Verbs from the group of proper reflexives denote an action directed at the subject. Thus, one person becomes object and subject. For example, to dress up - dress up yourself.
    • Reciprocal verbs denote actions performed between several subjects. Each subject is simultaneously the object of the action, that is, the action is transferred to each other. For example, to meet - to meet each other.
    • Verbs from the group of non-objective reflexives denote actions that are permanently inherent in the subject. For example, metal melts.
    • Indirectly reflexive verbs imply actions performed by the subject in their own interests, for themselves. For example, stocking up.
    Try to determine what type the verb is. The reflexive verb must be included in one of the groups.
  6. Please note: the postfix -sya is not always a sign of a reflexive verb. Check if the verb belongs to one of the groups:
    • Transitive verbs reflecting the intensity of the action. For example, knock. The postfix increases the intensity.
    • Verbs with impersonal meaning. For example, do not sleep.
If the verb is included in one of the groups, it is not reflexive.

If the verb does not fit into any type from point 6, but clearly belongs to one of the groups of point 5, it has the category of reflexivity.

The main postfix values ​​\u200b\u200b-sya

IN depending on the presence or absence of the return postfix -sya- verbs are divided into returnable and non-refundable.

Refundable are verbs with a postfix -sya- (-s-).

For example:

swim, smile, hope

Non-refundable are verbs without a postfix -sya- (-s-).

Some verbs in the modern Russian language have correlative pairs according to the category of reflexivity - irrevocability.

The task:


dress - dress, bathe - swim, see - see

Other verbs do not have such correlative pairs.

The task:


smile, hope, somersault;

go, sit down, freeze

Return postfix -sya- (-s-) can give the verb form different semantic meanings :

1) self-return value when the subject and the object to which the action is directed coincide in one person ( wash, bathe, dress).

For example:

I wash my face

2) Reciprocal value when each of the two actors acts both as a subject and as an object.

For example:

1. Friends met and fraternally embraced.

2. And new friends, well, hugging, well, kissing

3) Return value when the action does not pass on to anyone, but closes in the subject himself.

For example:

He got angry.

We were offended

Such verbs, as a rule, express the internal mental state of a person.

4) Objectless return value e, when the action referred to is a property of the subject.

For example:

The dog bites.

The cow butts.

The cat scratches.

Nettle stings

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The category of transitivity-intransitivity is a constant grammatical category of the verb. It expresses the relation of the action denoted by the verb to the object. Everything

Mood category of the verb
Unlike the verbal categories we have considered, the mood category is a non-permanent grammatical category of the verb, i.e. according to moods verb in Russian ism

Category of the person of the verb. Impersonal verbs
The category of the person of the verb expresses the relation of the action performed by the subject to speaking person. Only present and future tense verbs change according to faces. Past verbs

Conjugation of verbs
Changing present and future tense verbs according to persons in singular and plural is called conjugation. Past tense verbs in s

In addition to the infinitive, participles and gerunds are special non-conjugated forms of the verb. Participle

The concept of the verb as a part of speech
Exercise 1 Explain why it is necessary to consider that skillful is an adjective (short form), and skillful is a verb. Compare:

Infinitive as the initial form of the verb
Exercise 5 Read the fairy tale-joke "Infinitive". He looks at the Infinitive, how the verbs are conjugated, and says: - Oh, you, is it really necessary to conjugate? - A to

Reflexive and non-reflexive verbs.
The main values ​​​​of the postfix - Xia Exercise 10 Revolutions with instrumental character are sometimes stylistically inappropriate

Transitive and intransitive verbs
Exercise 21 Read the text. From hunting stories It happened on the bank of the river. My dog ​​ran into a hare. The coast was rough

Verb aspect category
Exercise 25 grammatical meaning type will become clearer if it is associated with the phenomena of reality. The student (student) will understand what the meaning of the perfect form is, if it is clear to him

Verb tense category
Exercise 99 Compare the formation of the past tense form with different groups verbs. From what basis do they form? With what affixes? What verbs have the past tense

Conjugation of verbs
Exercise 109 The verbs want, run most of the endings of II conjugation. What endings violate this order for the verbs want and run?

Participle as a non-conjugated form of the verb
Exercise 115 Find participles in the text. Choose one of them and prove that it has the features of a verb and an adjective. Think of a sentence with this participle so as to change

The participle as a non-conjugated form of the verb
Exercise 150 Two sentences are given for each participle with explanatory words. Choose which of these sentences can be associated with a gerund. Make a proposal and write it down.

The verb is the largest part of speech in the grammatical system of the modern Russian language. This is a significant part of speech denoting an action or state to

The concept of an adverb as a part of speech
An adverb is a part of speech that expresses the grammatical general categorical meaning of a sign of an action, state or other sign (write quickly and beautifully,

Lexico-grammatical categories of adverbs
When classifying adverbs, two features are taken into account: - function in a sentence; - the type of meaning of the adverb.

Degrees of comparison of adverbs
As with adjectives, the category of degrees of comparison of adverbs is formed by contrasting three forms: positive, comparative and superlatives. Forms of degrees of comparison

Exercises for independent work
Note: exercises are performed at the choice of the teacher, can be used on practical exercises and recommended for homework. Pack

An adverb is a part of speech that expresses the grammatical general categorical meaning of a sign of an action, state or other sign (to write quickly and beautifully, the child is very

Features of the category of state as a part of speech
The category of state (impersonally predicative words) is a part of speech expressing the general categorical meaning of the state of living beings, nature, environment in grammar

Status categories
Qualitative impersonal predicative words denote the state of living beings and the environment: the emotional and mental state of a person (sad,

Invariable parts of speech
In modern Russian, along with the previously considered seven changeable independent parts of speech, which have a more or less developed inflectional paradigm (including


Particles are usually called the service part of speech, which conveys shades of lexical and syntactic meanings, clarifying and concretizing the meaning of lexical and

Exercise 1 Think about why the words but, or cannot be considered prepositions. Exercise 2 Prepositions are used with the dative case:

Exercise 14 Read. Highlight the particles that serve: a) to form word forms; b) to transfer various shades the meaning of the whole sentence or its member

A preposition is a service part of speech used as a means of syntactic subordination of nouns (as well as pronouns) to other words in a sentence and phrase

Unproductive part of speech
Interjections are called a relatively unproductive part of speech, which in itself constitutes, like modal words, a special structural-semantic type of words and expresses (n

Modal words- this is a special part of speech, the general categorical meaning of which is reduced to the transfer of various subjective-modal relations of the speaker to what and how

The final form of control of knowledge, skills and abilities in the discipline "Modern Russian: Morphology" is an exam. The exam is conducted orally, the student is offered two

Fund of control tasks by discipline
"Modern Russian Language: Morphology" (for students of the specialty "Journalism") control tasks designed to control

List of conditional abbreviations
Abr. - F. Abramov Azh. – V. Azhaev Aks. – S.T. Aksakov A.K.T. – A.K. Tolstoy Andr. – L. Andreev A.N.S. – A.N. So

Information about the researchers of the Russian language
BUSLAEV Fedor Ivanovich (13 (2514.1818, Kerensk, now the village of Vadinsk, Penza region, - 31.7 (12.8). 1897, the village of Lyulino, Moscow province, now within the boundaries of Moscow) - Russian philologist, academician of St. Petersburg. Academy of Sciences

The main stages of the study of morphology
In the study of the morphological structure of the Russian language, four periods can be conventionally distinguished. The first period (mid-18th - mid-19th century) is associated with the name

V. V. Vinogradov
"Russian language (Grammatical doctrine of the word)" (excerpt) 1. It is necessary to pay attention to the subordination of some parts of speech to others, which in school

Parts of speech problem
(From the book by P.S. Kuznetsov “On the Principles of Studying Grammar”) 1. An essential issue in morphology is the question of parts of speech,

I. In modern Russian short forms quality adjectives used only in the nominal part of the compound nominal predicate and are belonging

Yuri Dolin
The “insidious” part of speech in the speech of TV journalists First, it should be said that in recent decades the very problem of “Russian on the air” has become one of the most urgent

The problem of pronouns as a special part of speech
Given the obvious grammatical heterogeneity of pronouns, F.F. Fortunatov, A.M. Peshkovsky, L.V. Shcherba and many other scholars came to the conclusion that pronouns did not form at all.

How many categories of persons in modern Russian
1. In the system grammatical categories, in their content and structure, in the ways and forms of their expression, the essence and specificity of grammatical structure language.

Yu.T. Dolin
On the question of the grammatical nature of forms such as "clap" in modern Russian Forms such as clap, grab, bam, both in Russian and in other Slavic languages, etc.

Some tips on how to improve your
literacy Both jokingly and seriously 1. Check your literacy according to the talkative slavarian. 2. Between us speaking, case of place

REVERSE FORM OF VERBS . Verb form formed with an ending -ss or -sya. Verbs with this ending can be divided into 1. verbs in which there are no correlative forms without -sya: to be afraid, to laugh, etc.; however, some of them have verbs without -sya from the same bases, but with other prefixes: ridicule, etc .; 2. verbs with correlative verbs without -sya, but with such a difference in meaning that it cannot be attributed to the ending -sya, eg. fight, cf. tear; 3. verbs with forms without -sya with such a difference in meaning that can be considered solely due to the presence or absence of this ending. The first 2 cases do not allow us to find out the functions of formations with -sya, because the intransitive meaning that unites all of them is usually also for many verbs without -sya. In the latter case, we can talk about the difference in collateral, which can be called repayable and non-refundable (see Pledges and Refundable Pledge). The main meanings (functions) of V. F. for verbs that have both irrevocable and V. F. are as follows: 1. own returnable: actor does to itself what, in the irrevocable form, it does to the person or object designated VIN. pad. noun: wash, rejoice, etc.; 2. mutual: several actors do with each other what irrevocable form the protagonist does with other persons or objects designated vinit. pad. noun: fight, meet, etc.; 3. passive: the object of the action of the verb in an irrevocable form here (with VF with a passive meaning) becomes the subject of speech, although its real (non-grammatical) relation to the action of the verb remains the same, i.e. is denoted by the noun in name, pad., and the subject of the action is either not denoted, or denoted as an instrument of action, creates, by the case of the noun: the house is being built by a carpenter; more often without creativity. pad., denoting the manufacturer of the action: the floors in the house are washed weekly; while VF with a passive meaning is used mainly with names, pad. nouns that do not denote persons; 4. indirect return: the actor does something for himself, in his own interests; VF has such a meaning relatively rarely and, moreover, mainly from intransitive verbs: to knock, i.e. to knock for oneself, to make oneself known, to make promises, i.e. promise for yourself, etc.; five. intransitive: the action is considered regardless of the object of the action, sometimes as an ability, property: to scold, bite, etc .; 6. amplification or concentration of an intransitive value(from verbs that have an irrevocable form with an intransitive meaning): to blush, cf. blush, smoke - "to blow smoke around oneself", cf. smoke; 7. impersonal(from verbs that have an intransitive meaning in an irrevocable form): the action is considered without regard not only to the object (which is not present even in the irrevocable form), but also to the subject of the action, as happening by itself: sleeping, breathing, believing, wanting, etc .; at the same time, the person who is the subject of the action in the irrevocable form of these verbs is denoted by a noun in dat. pad.: he does not sit. See pledges and titles. there is an article by Fortunatov.

  • - 1. The spelling of personal endings of verbs in the present and future simple tense differs: a) in conjugation I: -eat, -et, -eat, -et, -ut or -yut ...

    A guide to spelling and style

  • - 1...

    A guide to spelling and style

  • - 1...

    A guide to spelling and style

  • - see reflexive verb...
  • - Classification of verbs on a semantic basis. Verbs differ: 1) specific action. Write, cut, build; 2) physical condition. Lie down, sit, sleep, stand...

    Dictionary of linguistic terms

  • - Subdivisions of verbs depending on the different ratios of the stem of the infinitive to the stem of the present tense...

    Dictionary of linguistic terms

  • - see verb classes...

    Dictionary of linguistic terms

  • - see verb classes...

    Dictionary of linguistic terms

  • - 1) is included in the structure of proper-impersonal verbs, which are not used without it: it gets dark; 2) is included in the structure of a personal verb, which is used in an impersonal sense: left ...

    Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

  • - Groupings of verbs based on the ratio of the stem of the infinitive and the stem of the present or future simple tense, endings 3 l. plural There are five types of productive and seventeen unproductive classes...

    Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

  • - Synthesis of the stem and affix, forming the word form of a particular lexeme: write-y, love-y, ...

    Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

  • - The function of perfective verbs, aimed at conveying dynamics, makes it possible to express the change of situations in time, to determine their sequence ...

    Syntax: Dictionary

  • - The function of verbs, aimed at denoting an action or state in the process of its implementation ...

    Syntax: Dictionary

  • - There are three accent types: 1) fixed stress on the base; 2) fixed stress on the ending; 3) moving accent...

    Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

"Reflexive form of verbs" in books

1.5. Verb suffixation

From the book The Language of the Russian Emigrant Press (1919-1939) author Zelenin Alexander

1.5. Suffixation of verbs The suffix is ​​irova(t). The growth of foreign borrowings in the middle of the XIX century. in the sphere of verbal vocabulary, it was associated with a significant increase in the repertoire of foreign verbs to - irovat (and its variant - izizirovat) [Sorokin 1965: 296; Essays 1964b: 130–140;

Economics of verbs

From the book Selling Wine Without Bottles: The Economy of Consciousness on the Global Web author Barlow John Perry

Economics of verbs What forms will become in the future intellectual property and ways to protect them, hidden by a thick fog standing at the entrance to the Virtual Age. However, I can make (or repeat) a few simple statements, with the sincere belief that

§ 65. Reverse reciprocal correlation of phenomenology with itself

From the book of Ideas to pure phenomenology and phenomenological philosophy. Book 1 author Husserl Edmund

§ 65. Reverse reciprocity of phenomenology with itself. Further, one might see an obstacle in the following: in the phenomenological attitude, we direct our gaze to pure experiences in order to investigate them, but the experiences of this very

Return duty

From the book Encyclopedia of a Lawyer author author unknown

Refundable duty REFUNDABLE DUTY (tax) - 1) the amount of import duties, taxes, subject to return to the payer when exporting goods from the Russian Federation: placed under the customs warehouse regime (provided that they are actually exported within 3 months from the date of placement under this regime);

XII. Spelling of verbs

author Rosenthal Ditmar Elyashevich

XII. Spelling of verbs § 48. Personal endings of verbs 1. The spelling of personal endings of verbs in the present and future simple tense differs: a) in conjugation I: -eat, -et, -em, -et, -ut or -yut; b) in II conjugation: -ish, -it, -im, -ite, -at or -yat. II conjugation includes (from among

§ 50. Suffixes of verbs

From the book Spelling and Style Guide author Rosenthal Ditmar Elyashevich

§ 50. Suffixes of verbs 1. Suffixes -ova-, -eva- are written in the indefinite form and in the past tense, if in the 1st person singular of the present or future simple tense the verb ends in -th, -yu, and suffixes -yva -, -iva-, if in the indicated forms the verb ends


author Rosenthal Ditmar Elyashevich

XII. SPELLING OF VERBS § 48. Personal endings of verbs The spelling of personal endings of verbs in the present or future simple tense differs: a) in I conjugation: - eat, - et, -em, - ete-, -ut or - yut; b) in II conjugation : - ish, - it, -im, - ite, - at or - yat. Verbs with

§ 50. Suffixes of verbs

From the book A Guide to Spelling, Pronunciation, Literary Editing author Rosenthal Ditmar Elyashevich

§ 50. Suffixes of verbs 1. In the indefinite form and in the past tense, suffixes are written - ova-, -eva-, if in the 1st person singular of the present or future simple tense the verb ends in - th, - yu, and suffixes - yva , - willow-, if in the indicated forms the verb

return sequence

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (VO) of the author TSB

6.59. I and II verb conjugations

author Guseva Tamara Ivanovna

6.59. I and II conjugations of verbs Changing verbs in the present and future simple tense according to persons and numbers is called conjugation. Two types of conjugation - the first and second - differ in the personal endings of the present and future simple tense: -u (-u), -eat, -et, -em, ete, -ut (-yut)

6.60. Word formation of verbs

From the book Modern Russian. Practical guide author Guseva Tamara Ivanovna

6.60. Word formation of verbs In the modern Russian language, verbs are formed in a morphological way: its types are used, such as prefixal, suffixal, postfixal, prefixal-suffixal, prefix-postfixal, suffixal-postfixal,

6.64. Spelling of verbs

From the book Modern Russian. Practical guide author Guseva Tamara Ivanovna

6.64. Spelling of verbs 6.64.1. Personal endings of I and II conjugations of verbs 1. Verbs of II conjugation (with personal endings -ish, -it, -im, -ite, -at (-yat) in the present and future simple tense include (from among those with unstressed endings) verbs on -it in the infinitive: to build

47 "beneficial" verbs

From the book Effective Commercial Proposal. Comprehensive guide author Kaplunov Denis Alexandrovich

back mutation

From the book Literaturnaya Gazeta 6411 (No. 15 2013) author Literary Newspaper

Reverse Mutation First I read L. Byzov's article "Asiatization", and then I heard about the amazing statement of the head of the Federal Migration Service, Mr. Romodanovsky. And he said that his wonderful service with an avalanche of illegal migration alone is already


From the book Without distorting the Word of God ... by John Beekman

VERB TENSES The present tense of a verb is often used to convey past or future action. In the first case, when an event from the past is spoken of as if it were happening at the present moment, the intention of the author is usually to give the narrative
