What does transitive verb mean. How to identify transitive and intransitive verbs in Russian

Verbs in can be divided into 2 large semantic types:

1) denoting an action that passes to an object and changes it;

2) denoting an action that is closed in itself and does not transfer to an object.

The first type includes the verbs of creation, destruction, many verbs of speech and thought, for example: build, grow, educate; break, break, destroy; say, think, feel.

The second type combines verbs expressing a certain state. Examples: lie, sit, sleep, feel.

Similar semantics of verbs in the field of form with the help of the category of transitivity.

Verbs denoting an action that passes to an object, and combined with the case form without, are called transitive.

Verbs that are not capable of denoting an action that passes to an object, and cannot be combined with without a preposition, are intransitive.

Examples: Tatyana wrote a letter to Onegin. The verb "wrote" is transitive.

He writes and translates well. The verbs “writes”, “translates”, denoting the ability to do something, are intransitive.

Transitivity is a lexical and grammatical category, therefore the category is determined strictly by formal features, and not by context.

The central part of transitive verbs includes verbs with negation, combined with the genitive, for example: do not like literature.

Indirect transitive verbs

Indirect transitive verbs are also distinguished, which can be combined with an object not

The Russian language is difficult, but logical. Many things in it can be calculated on the basis of classical reflections on the structure of the world. The transitivity of a verb is also easily determined, based on both the name of its category (transitive means denoting an action that passes to some object), and a number of inherent only to it grammatical features. Let's try to figure out how to quickly and easily see its transitivity in a verb?

First of all, we must understand that the transitive verb is connected not only with the subject (I sleep), but also with the object (I wake the child) of the action. Accordingly, the category of transitivity can already be seen at the semantic level: if the verb requires an addition, if without it it is incomplete in meaning, then most likely it will be transitive.

The object of action for transitive verbs is a noun or a pronoun in the accusative case without a preposition: for example, I meet (who?) His brother (V.p.), I write (what?) a letter (V.p.) .

Transitive verbs that contain negation or indicate part of the subject can be combined with nouns and pronouns in the genitive case without a preposition: for example, I didn’t buy (what?) Milk (R.p.), I cut (what?) Bread (R. P.).

Unlike transitive, intransitive verbs are not able to form semantic grammatical pairs with the above nouns and pronouns: for example, speaking about a dream itself, one cannot say “I sleep” of whom? what?, as the subject sleeps by itself.

Most often, transitive verbs express the idea of ​​a direct physical effect of the subject on the object (I wash the dishes) or a sensory interaction directed from the subject to the object (I love my mother). Intransitive verbs are usually associated with the semantics of movement or movement in space: for example, "I'm going" (you can say where I'm going or how I'm going, but you can't say that "I'm going" and thereby affect someone or something what -some influence) or “I am sailing” (you can say where I am sailing or on what, etc.).

Passive (the house was built by builders) and reflexive (I need money) verbs are never transitive.

In some cases, transitive verbs can be used without their "objective" object or not have it at all in a particular context. In the first variant, we are dealing with a reasonable omission of a word that is easily recovered from the general meaning of the text and can be contained in previous or subsequent sentences (for example, in oral speech it is quite acceptable to say “I am eating” without mentioning what exactly “I am eating”, since everyone who is with the speaker at that moment can already see this); in the second, we are talking about the so-called labile verbs that acquire the category of transitivity or lose it in a certain context (for example, “I write” does not necessarily require an addition, since it can mean not so much an action aimed at a specific object as a timeless occupation of a person, constantly writing different things).

Labile verbs are not recognized by all philologists. By default, it is generally accepted that in Russian there are only transitive and intransitive verbs. Accordingly, meeting in the text or colloquial speech a verb that looks like a transitive, but does not have an object, it is necessary to decide on the degree of its transitivity, based on its grammatical capabilities, to be combined with nouns and pronouns in the accusative or genitive case without a preposition.

This lesson will focus on transitive verbs. Of course, the verbs themselves don't go anywhere. But the actions that they designate can go directly to the object to which this action is directed. Learn how to distinguish between transitive and intransitive verbs in this lesson.

Subject: Verb

Lesson: Transitive and intransitive verbs

1. The concept of transitive verbs

Actions that denote verbs can go directly to the subject to which this action is directed. Such verbs are called transitional.

From transitive verbs you can always ask a question whom? or what?(questions of the accusative case without a preposition):

Write ( what?) letter

see ( whom?) boy

With intransitive verbs, the action does not go directly to the subject.

From intransitive verbs, you can ask any questions, except for questions of the accusative case without a preposition:

Study ( how?) sports

understand ( in what?) to the muses ke

Refuse ( from what?) from help

It is important to correctly find the word to which the action denoted by the verb is directed. A transitive verb always has a noun or a pronoun without a preposition, which is not just in the accusative case, but is the object of the action that the verb names:

See boy

See them

There are cases when, despite the fact that the nouns are in the accusative case, the verbs are intransitive. Because these nouns are not the object of action, which is called verbs.

stand up hour

Wait week

Transitivity / intransitivity the verb is closely related to its lexical meaning. A verb can be transitive in one sense and intransitive in another:

Teach at school.

The verb "teach" in the meaning of "teach" is intransitive.

Teach children.

The verb "teach" in the meaning of "teach" is transitive.

Editor governs manuscript.

The verb "rules" in the meaning of "corrects" is transitive.

Peace governs the man himself.

The verb "rules" in the sense of "governs" is intransitive.

3. Sentences with transitive verbs

Sentences with transitive verbs can be both affirmative and negative. True, in case of negation, the accusative case of a noun can be replaced by a genitive.

He fly will kill .

In this case, with a transitive verb will kill noun fly is in the accusative case.

Compare the same sentence, albeit with a negative meaning.

He flies won't kill .

The accusative case of the noun is replaced by the genitive.

However, remember: despite this, the verb does not lose its transitivity.

Often in the store we can hear such phrases:

Weigh me some sugar, please.

Cut off that cheese over there.

Form R.p. with transitive verbs it is used in order for us to understand that we are talking about only a part of the subject, and not about the subject as a whole.

In a similar situation, if we are talking about an object that is not divided into parts, V.p. is used:

Weigh me, please, a pear.

Cut off that piece.

And if we are talking about an object that is divided into parts, we can use the form R.p.


  1. Russian language. Grade 6: Baranov M.T. and others - M .: Education, 2008.
  2. Russian language. Theory. 5-9 cells: V.V. Babaitseva, L.D. Chesnokova - M.: Bustard, 2008.
  3. Russian language. 6th grade: ed. MM. Razumovskaya, P.A. Lekanta - M.: Bustard, 2010.
  1. Definition of transitivity of the verb ().


1. Exercise 1.

Mark transitive verbs, underline the subject and predicate.

Autumn has come. The trees in the forest turned yellow. The leaves cover the bare ground in a variegated carpet. Many birds have flown away. The rest are busy, preparing for the winter. Animals are also looking for warm housing, stocking up on food for a long winter: a hedgehog made a mink in dry leaves, a squirrel brought nuts, cones, a bear prepares its lair.

2. Exercise 2.

From this text, write out phrases with transitive and intransitive verbs in two columns, determine the case of the noun.

1. Young birch leaves have always delighted me with their delicate greenery. The guys planted these birch trees when they were at school.

2. Penetrating dampness is no longer felt in the air.

3. In open window the noise of the street broke in.

4. I returned the book as soon as I read it.

5. He stood at the fence and kept the dog on a leash.

3. Exercise 3.

Mark the transitivity and intransitivity of verbs in the text.

1. Monkeys are very afraid of snakes. Even cobras terrify them, although cobras feed on lizards, mice and do not hunt monkeys. Here a little monkey saw a boa constrictor. She climbs the tree with lightning speed, grabs the branches and, petrified with horror, cannot take her eyes off the predator.

2. Find Sakhalin Island on the map, draw a straight line to the south, and when you exit the bay you will see a tiny dot, and above it the inscription "Island of seals." This is a famous island. A whole herd of fur seals, valuable fur-bearing animals, sails there every spring..

Russian verbs are transitional And intransitive. General value transitivity/intransitivity characterized relation of action to object (SV - O).

transitional are called verbs that are capable of carrying a direct object as an object (i.e., they denote an action aimed at an object). indicator transitivity serves direct object accusative or genitive with specific meanings.

Meaning transitivity- an internal property of the verb, it is included in it semantics(implicitly presented). Wed: pour, meet, chop etc. (whom? or what?). This action necessarily assumes the presence of a direct object.

Genitive direct object appears in two meanings:

  • 1) how part of the whole: drink (what?) waterat(V. p.) - drink (what?) waters(R. p.) (= "drink only part of the water, not all the water");
  • 2) when negative verbs: does not read (neither) newspapers, (nor) books(R. p.), etc. (cf. reads (what?) books, newspapers(V. p.) - does not read (what?) - not - negative particles. + neither- enhance, particles, with negation (and without neither)).

intransitive verbs denote an action that closes in the subject and does not go directly to the object: growing, sitting etc. indicator intransitivity is an no direct object with a verb (i.e. if the verb does not allow questions of the accusative case (whom? what?), then it is intransitive).

Phenomenon transitivity/intransitivity– reflection lexical (semantic) verb specifics. intransitive verbs denote actions sufficient to inform so they can be used absolutely, out of connection with some other word, without a propagating complement. transitional verbs call actions that do not exhaust the information, for example: the child asks... (what?), the student listens... (what?). Therefore, transitive verbs cannot be used absolutively, but need distributors, direct objects: the child asks for ... (what?) a toy, a pencil(compare with the infinitive - eat, drink etc.), etc.; student listens to ... (what?) lecture, message, report and etc.

Transitivity/intransitivity is not marked (cf. verbs to read- transitional and sleep- intransitive). but meaning of intransitivity can be marked with postfix -sya(intransitive formant). If you add a postfix to any verb -sya, it will be intransitive returnable.

Transitive verbs are not marked in any way, while intransitive verbs are either marked or not marked. Wed: took, read(not marked) - transitional; tookXia(marked) slept(not marked) - intransitive.

Usually formal indicators there is no transitivity/intransitivity, but there is a group of verbs whose transitivity/intransitivity is distinguished by suffix:

  • - verbs with suffixes -icha- or -nicha-, -stvova-, -well- (carpenternothingth, buoystemsth, sensewellth, morguewellbe etc.) are intransitive;
  • - verbs with suffix -And- may be transitional prosAndbe, rankAndt) ,
  • - verbs with suffix -but- can be both transitional wholebutbe, startbutt), and intransitive ( chromiumbutbe, moanbutbe and etc.).

Compare verbs with suffixes -e-/-and-: verbs with meaning states always intransitive (blackebe, whiteebe(= "oneself")), and verbs with the meaning "to perform an action on someone" are transitional (synAndbe... (what?linen), whiteAndth... (what! walls)). Same with suffixes. -e-/-and- there are verbs formed in the prefix-suffix way: obeskrovAndbe(+ V. p.) - obeskrovebe(= "oneself"). Similarly: to weaken - to weaken the squad(I. p.) - exhaustedel(intrans.) – exhaustedAndbe the enemy(V. p. - transition.).

There are the following ways to determine verbs by the property of transitivity / intransitivity, indicating the bases of the definition:

  • 1) transition, since there is an accusative case of a direct object;
  • 2) transition, since there is a genitive hope of the direct object in negation;
  • 3) transition, since there is a genitive case of a part of the whole;
  • 4) transition, since with a verb there is an infinitive, replaced by an accusative or genitive of a direct object;
  • 5) transition, since the verb has a dative with a preposition on, replaced by accusative direct object;
  • 6) transition, since with the verb there is an invariable nominal form (or an invariable quantitative combination), replaced by the accusative of the direct object.

Grammar The differences between transitive and intransitive verbs are as follows.

  • 1. All returnable verbs are intransitive (quarrel, meet and etc.). Reflexive verbs can be formed from transitional And intransitive. It is very important to learn how to define the postfix function -sya :
    • a) he can change grammatical form words, i.e. be a means of forming pledge values;
    • b) joining the verb, he forms a word with a new lexical meaning;
    • c) can give the verb meaning of impersonality(for example: twilight);
    • d) without postfix -sya verb not used(verbose).

Wed pleaseXia(shaping value - please

  • (trans.) + -sya(intransitive)), agreeXia(word-forming meaning - without -sya not used). Similarly: stopXia(form.), inclineXia(form.), bring closerXia(form.), likeXia(words), turn whiteXia(form.), meetXia(form.), uniteXia(form.), be proudXia(words).
  • 2. Only from transitional verbs can be formed passive participles (to readchitannoh, readeatth; solvereshennth etc.).

There is no sharp boundary between transitive and intransitive verbs. Many transitional verbs can be used in not a transitional meaning. Wed: He singssong(transitive, since there is a direct object in the form of the accusative case without a preposition) - He's great sings(the verb is used in an intransitive sense, since there is no direct object in the utterance sentence). Similarly: Boy reading a bookThe boy is reading. But if intransitive verbs are formed from transitive verbs ( to meet - meetXiawash - washXia etc.), then intransitive verbs cannot become transitive.

  • Historically postfix -sya was an indicator of the transitivity of the corresponding verb, but, having joined the verb, he excluded the setting of the accusative case with this verb. With some verbs, the accusative case is possible (as a rule, instead of the genitive), but this does not make the verb transitive.

Transitivity/intransitivity is a category on the basis of which it is possible to single out the relationship between the subject and the object of the action. The meaning of this category is that the subject performs a certain action, and its result may “appear” (transfer) or not “appear” (not pass) to the subject. Therefore, verbs in Russian are divided into transitive and intransitive.

Transitive and intransitive verbs. Lexical meaning

To determine transitivity, it is necessary to identify a key feature that acts as an object with a verb and has a certain case marking.

A transitive verb is a verb that has the meaning of an action that is directed at an object and changes or produces it (check work, dig a hole).

Intransitive verb - denotes movement or position in space, or moral state, or physical.

There are also so-called labile verbs. They can act as both transitive and intransitive (the editor rules the manuscript - the world is ruled by the person himself).

Syntactic difference

The syntactic difference between transitive and intransitive verbs is related to the lexical meaning. Transitive and intransitive verbs usually combine:

In addition, the object of action with transitive verbs can also be expressed in the genitive case, but only in such cases:

  • when designating a part of an object: buy water, drink tea;
  • if there is a negation with the verb: I have no right, I have not read the book.

Transitive and intransitive verbs (table) have such basic differences.

Morphological features

As a rule, these verbs do not have special ones. But still, certain types of word formation act as indicators of the transitivity or intransitivity of the verb. So a transitive verb is:

  • all verbs with the affix -sya (make sure);
  • denominative verbs in which the suffix -e- or -nicha- (-icha-) stands out: picky, exhaust, greedy.

Transitive verbs can be attributed, which were formed from adjectives with the help of the suffix -i-: green, blacken.

There are some cases when, by adding a prefix to intransitive non-prefixed verbs, they form transitive verbs. Examples: harm and neutralize.

If there is no object in the sentence, then the transitive verb performs the function of an intransitive one: The student writes well (the property inherent in this person is indicated).

Intransitive verbs contain a special group of reflexive verbs, their formal feature is the suffix -sya (wash, return).

Reflexive verbs. Peculiarities

Reflexive verbs are studied in school curriculum, just like transitive verbs (Grade 6).

A reflexive verb denotes an action directed at oneself. It is formed with the help of a particle (postfix) -sya (-s).

We can distinguish the following main features of these verbs:

  • Firstly, they can come from both transitive verbs (put on - dress up) and intransitive ones (knock - knock). But still, reflexive (transitive verbs after adding the postfix -s (-sya)) in any case become intransitive (dress - dress).
  • Secondly, these postfixes are added: -sya - after consonants (wash, wash, wash), -s - after vowels (dressed, dressed). It is worth noting that participles are always written with the postfix -sya (dressing, washing).
  • Thirdly, reflexive verbs are formed in three ways: suffix-postfix - by adding a suffix and a postfix to the base (rez + vi (t) sya), prefixed-postfix (on + drink_sya), postfix (wash + sya).

Formation of derivatives in -sya and passive participles

Since the main morphological properties of transitive verbs are the formation of derivatives into -sya and which is not typical for intransitive verbs, let's get acquainted with this process in more detail.

In most cases, a transitive verb is one that forms a passive participle or derivatives with the ending -sya, which can have a reflexive (hurry up), passive meaning (to be created), decausative (break).

The exceptions are the verbs add (in weight), cost, weigh, and most semelfactives in -nu (pick). In addition, these verbs do not form passive and reflexive derivatives.

But still, there are intransitive verbs that can form passive constructions. For example, the verb expect. It forms a passive from an intransitive construction with the addition of I expect Vasily to come - Vasily is expected to come.

Verb transitivity correlation

Despite the fact that transitivity does not have a single formal expression, there are still tendencies that associate the category of transitivity with the formal properties of the verb, for example, with verb prefixes:

  • overwhelming majority irrevocable verbs, having the prefix raz-, are transitive (blur, push). The exceptions are: verbs denoting movement with the suffix -va- / -iva- / -a- (waving, driving around); verbs expressing spontaneous changes in the properties of an object, in particular containing the suffix -nu-, formed from intransitive verbs (get wet, melt, swell); verbs containing thematic vowels -e-, which denote a change in properties (get rich, get rich); including - call, think.
  • Almost all containing the prefix from- are transitive (exceptions: get wet, dry out, please, and others).

Semantic properties of transitive verbs

The Russian language has a large class. In addition to those that are significantly affected by the situation, the verb can have a direct object that plays a different semantic role (for example, see, have, create - with these transitive verbs, nothing happens to the object, it is not destroyed, does not change).

So it turns out that the opposition in terms of transitivity should not be rigidly connected with the semantic class of the verb. This means that a transitive verb does not have to denote an agent-patient situation. However, some trends can still be noted.

So a transitive verb is:

Semantic properties of intransitive verbs

Having singled out the semantic properties of transitive verbs, we can determine the properties of all the others, that is, intransitive ones:

  • Single-place verbs that do not have additions, that is, they characterize a change in the state of the patient (direct object, significantly affected by the situation), which was not caused by the agent. Or a case is possible when the agent plays an insignificant role: die, rot, fall, get wet.
  • Double rooms with indirect addition. That is, the verbs of help (with the exception of support): promote, help, indulge, help.
  • Verbs that are used with an object acting integral part agentive participant of the verb (move, move, wave).
  • Verbs of perception of a fictitious situation (count on, expect (what), hope for, hope for).

Non-canonical direct object types

It has been said more than once that the key property of transitive verbs is the ability to interact with a direct object in the accusative case. But there are such classes of verbs that are used not only with nouns and pronouns in the accusative case, but also with a word or expression of another part of speech, semantically identical to it to one degree or another. It can be:

  • prepositional phrase (I scratched behind his ear);
  • genitive group (grandfather did not read this newspaper);
  • adverbial group (he drinks a lot, I decided so);
  • sentential actant (infinitive turnover - I like to go to the theater; subordinate clause used together with the union -to or -that - I understand that he will go to the sea; subordinate clause together with the union -when - I don't like it when it rains).

Some of the constructions listed can not only replace the direct object used with transitive verbs, but can also be used to express a similar function with intransitive verbs. Namely:

Analogues of the above additions in the accusative case have in varying degrees prototype properties of direct complements.

Summing up

Despite the fact that this topic is one of the difficult ones, we were able to determine what a transitive verb means. They also learned to distinguish it from the intransitive and to single out the recurrent ones among the latter. And to prove this, let's give an example of phrases with transitive verbs, with intransitive and reflexive:

  • transitional: paint walls, treat a patient, read a book, sew a suit, expand a sleeve, buy tea, drink water, has no right, pump a child;
  • intransitive: walking the streets, believing in good, walking in the park, exhausted from fatigue;
  • recursive: achieve a goal, disagree, get closer to each other, obey the boss, think about being, vouch for a brother, touch on an issue.