Trial tests in the Ukrainian language. Preparation for EIT (EIT) in the Ukrainian language


We ask you to pass online tests in Ukrainian language for schoolchildren, students, teachers, children and grown-ups. Tsіkavі nutrition with vіdpovіdyami. Spend a welcome, tsikavo and z coristu your free time. Go through the tests, learn how well you know the Ukrainian language and find out new facts on this topic.

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Tests from the Ukrainian language will be correct both for a simple re-verification of knowledge and the shortest education of native language, and for preparing for an advanced independent assessment. For the structure of the stench, they are similar to the tests of ZNO from the Ukrainian language and are suitable for all the necessary drugs. On the site "Ukrainian erudite" there are also placements of tests of ZNO from past years. The skin test of the ZNO from the Ukrainian language is divided into dekilka parts of 10-12 power supply, for those who do not have the patience to pass through all the dozens of tests of the new test of the ZNO. Vіdpovіdі іt kіlkіst scoring bіv pokazuyuyutsya after passing the test. In the skin zavdannі you can marvel at the explanation to the point.

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  • The sub-war and the sub-voice of the voices. Testing ukr for vminnya correctly podzhuvat and podvoyuvat prigolosni
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  • Written m "which sign. Ukrainian test for correct spelling m" which sign
  • Parts of the movie and parts of the speech. Tests online in Ukrainian language for children of primary classes to know parts of the language and members of the language
  • Writing unvoiced voices. Test z movi on vіnnya correctly recognize unvoiced voices in words
  • Screenshot of phraseological units. Tests from Ukrainian language for knowledge of phraseology
  • Philological mix. Testuvannya ukr, scho povnistyu vіdpovidaє vymogam zno
  • ZNO from Ukrainian movie 2018. Questions 1-10.
  • ZNO from Ukrainian movie 2018. Inquiry 11-23
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  • Trial ZNO 2018 Power supply 1-10
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Ukrainian Erudit

For careless students, the situation is further complicated by the fact that last years it is quite possible to “fill up” ZNO. If earlier the certificate with minimum points issued to schoolchildren in any case, then in 2018, in order to get your hands on the coveted document, you will have to score at least 24 primary points. Particularly important in this regard is one of the compulsory subjects submitted for final control - the Ukrainian language and literature.

On the one hand, the language exam is considered a simple ZNO - students who cannot cope with this subject are extremely rare. On the other hand, a high score can be obtained only if the student understands the language norms and rules, has an excellent vocabulary and enthusiastically reads the recommended literature. And in order to simplify the process of preparing for this subject, we will tell you what the EIT will be like in Ukrainian language and literature in 2018, and how you can pass it with the highest score.

Demo version of ZNO

Date ZNO-2018 in Ukrainian

What will the ZNO look like in 2018?

The maximum primary points that can be obtained for the exam in Ukrainian language and literature is 104. The work is written for 180 minutes. Examination in this subject does not involve the use of additional items or reference materials. Below we will describe the requirements for students, as well as list the sections, the knowledge of which will provide you with a high score for the exam paper.

ZNO program in the part of the Ukrainian language

Each student will have to show how successfully he mastered the sections on phonetics, orthoepy and spelling, mastered vocabulary and phraseology, understands the structure of words and the features of their formation, mastered morphology and syntax. In addition, in order to receive high scores, a graduate must have developed speech and understand the style of the literary Ukrainian language. When checking the work, the commission will evaluate the following parameters:

  • knowledge of the alphabet, as well as the rules for pronunciation and alternation of sounds;
  • the ability to apply orthoepic norms when placing stresses, recognize spellings and apply the rules;
  • the ability to explain the lexical norms of the Ukrainian language, to select words of a synonymous and antonymic nature, as well as to correctly apply phraseological units;
  • understanding the structure of words, the ability to identify words with the same root;
  • ability to differentiate nouns, adjectives, verbs, particles, prepositions, numerals, participles, participles and exclamations as parts of speech;
  • mastering the skills of conjugation of verbs, declension of nouns, adjectives and numerals, as well as correct use parts of speech in language constructions and understanding the classification of parts of speech;
  • skills in constructing sentences with different emotional coloring and grammatical structure, the ability to distinguish between sentences and phrases, the ability to parse a sentence into its component parts;
  • mastering the skills of converting direct speech into indirect speech;
  • ability to recognize various styles speech, as well as use the means of speech to achieve certain goals;
  • the ability to memorize and relay the meaning of what is read, separating the main idea from secondary expressions, as well as skills critical thinking, analysis and retelling.

ZNO program in terms of literature

Take the time to prepare! At ZNO you have to solve 58 tasks in 180 minutes, which is impossible without careful preliminary work!

In this part of the ZNO, students will have to show that they are familiar with oral folk art, as well as Ukrainian literary works of the 18th, 19th, 20th centuries, the work of émigré writers and the works created by postmodern authors. By checking this part of the work, the commission will evaluate:

  • the ability to analyze literary works in terms of their main idea, characters and their motives, as well as the artistic means used by the author;
  • knowledge works of art various genres;
  • understanding of the following literary concepts: romanticism, realism, epic, drama, lyrics, satire, grotesque;
  • the ability to find epithets, comparisons, metaphors, allegories, hyperbole in the work;
  • the ability to navigate in the modernist and postmodernist directions of Ukrainian literature;
  • skills in the use of rhetorical questions and poetic syntax, including inversion, tautology, parallelism.

Features of the examination work

Graduates will have to solve 58 tasks, divided into three parts:

  • the first part - 33 tasks in the Ukrainian language;
  • the second part - 24 tasks for Ukrainian literature;
  • the third part - 1 task in the form of an essay.

All tasks from the first and second parts have different complexity:

  • in tasks numbered 1-23, 29-33 and 34-53, it is enough to choose one correct answer from the list of suggested ones;
  • in tasks with numbers 24-28 and 54-57, you should establish correspondence between the two columns by creating "logical pairs";
  • task number 58 assumes that the student will write a short essay on a discussion topic, writing down his thoughts on a separate form.

By what criteria is the essay evaluated?

An essay is a piece of work that can bring up to 20 points, so it has special requirements. Students will be assessed according to several criteria:

  • The first group of criteria covers the content and compositional design of thoughts. Members of the commission will check how well the student is able to formulate a thesis (this skill is estimated at 2 points), give arguments (2 points), use literary examples (2 points) and examples of historical or vital character(2 points), follows the logic and sequence of work (2 points), knows how to draw conclusions (2 points);
  • The second group of criteria concerns the speech design of the text. A spell check can bring a student 4 points if he made no more than 1 mistake, 3 points if there were from 2 to 6 mistakes, 2 points if there were 7-11 mistakes, 1 point if the student made 12-16 mistakes. Greater number errors means that this part of the work will be rated 0 points. The lexical, grammatical and stylistic components are evaluated separately. If the student managed to make no more than 1 mistake, then he will earn 4 points, from 2 to 4 mistakes - 3 points, from 5 to 7 mistakes - 2 points, from 8 to 10 mistakes - 1 point. If the number of errors exceeded 11, this part of the work is estimated at 0 points.

Separately, it should be said that the student will need to write a paper with a volume of at least 100 words - essays of a smaller volume will not be evaluated.

How is the ZNO assessed in the Ukrainian language?

A high score for ZNO will be able to correct a low grade for a subject in the certificate

Based on the results of the ZNO, students are given a final mark, which directly affects school certificate. This does not take into account the results of all tasks of the ticket, but only the points received for tasks No. 1–23, 29–33 and 58. The transfer of points to a 12-point scale is as follows:

  • 0-5 points correspond to 1 point in the school system;
  • 6–10 - 2 points;
  • 11–15 - 3 points;
  • 16–20 - 4 points;
  • 21–26 - 5 points;
  • 27–32 - 6 points;
  • 33–38 - 7 points;
  • 39–43 - 8 points;
  • 44–49 - 9 points;
  • 50–55 - 10 points;
  • 56–61 - 11 points;
  • 62–68 - 12 points.

If a student fails to score at least 24 primary points, his work is evaluated at 0 points, which means that the certificate is not issued. Modern system receipts is arranged in such a way that it is difficult to understand in advance what the passing score for the budget will be. The final distribution of places depends on the current competition in the university for the specialty you have chosen, what points other applicants can boast of, and how they have distributed their priorities.

Of course, students with high scores are unlikely to "fly" past the budget places (excluding those cases when the university is given only 1-2 budget places). Thus, for guaranteed admission to the budget, it is worth scoring at least 92 primary points out of 104 for the ZNO in Ukrainian language and literature.

How to prepare for the exam?

Download past years tickets and use them to prepare for the exam!

The combination of the linguistic and literary parts in one ticket means that you will have to take many days to prepare for this ZNO. Success in passing the EIT largely depends on whether you follow our recommendations.

  • Take textbooks for all the years of learning the Ukrainian language or methodological developments to prepare for the ZNO, carefully repeat all the rules and exceptions;
  • Stock up on books on literature to comprehend the terminology and learn to recognize artistic techniques;
  • Download and solve last year's tickets (see links at the beginning of the article). This way you will be able to understand the assessment criteria, as well as the structure and content of the EIT;
  • Hone your skills in using language norms - write dictations regularly, trying to perceive by ear not only pronunciation, but also syntactic and punctuation points. This exercise will help you develop a sense of language;
  • Write a dozen essays on the topics that were offered to students in tickets from previous years. At the same time, strictly adhere to the criteria on the basis of which the commission will evaluate the essay in a real exam. So you will bring the observance of these norms to automatism;
  • Make a plan for the study of literary works submitted to ZNO. Authors whose works may appear in tickets: G. Skovoroda, I. Kotlyarevsky, T. Shevchenko, P. Kulish, I. Nechuy-Levitsky, P. Mirny, I. Karpenko-Kary, I. Franko, M. Kotsyubinsky, O Kobylyanska, L. Ukrainka, P. Tychyna, M. Rylsky, V. Sosyura, O. Cherry, A. Dovzhenko, V. Simonenko, O. Gonchar, V. Stus, L. Kostenko. In addition, the exam program includes oral folk art, postmodern writers and ancient works such as "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" and "Tales of Past Years". Such an impressive list suggests that the works will have to be read from the very beginning of the year;
  • It would not be superfluous to read the criticism of the works included in the ZNO program - this way you can better understand the works of a philosophical orientation and isolate main idea, embedded in them by the author;
  • Do not forget to take tests on online ZNO simulators - this will help you consolidate the terminology and teach you how to make decisions quickly.

Greetings, dear reader!

Since you have landed on this page, you are probably interested in the question: how can you prepare for the UPE (ZNO - Ukr.)? I will not delay the retreat for a long time, I will only say that all the recommendations described below are my ways of preparing for the UPE, which helped me successfully pass it. I passed 3 exams: Ukrainian language and literature, history of Ukraine and English language. Therefore, I will give some tips on how to prepare specifically for these subjects.

Let's start with the very first and main subject, which was mandatory in 2016 - Ukrainian language and literature. Without passing this subject, you will not be allowed to take the rest and, accordingly, will not be able to enter the university. Therefore, it is worth taking seriously its preparation.

I must say right away that my level of knowledge of the Ukrainian language was quite enough to pass it, so I was not very worried about passing it. The very first thing you should do is define your weak spots”, that is, to find those topics in which you understand the least or where you allow the most a large number of errors. This is the first. Second - be sure to repeat even those topics that you think you know perfectly! And, please, remember, you don’t need to “cram”, it’s better to just read more, thereby repeating this or that rule, but also, of course, practice. Listen, read, write to better absorb the material.

For those who wish to repeat the material covered or have a weak “baggage” of knowledge of the Ukrainian language, I recommend using the Mova service. Nation's DNA. With it, you can repeat stresses, phraseological units, anti-surzhik, synonyms, paronyms, as well as test your knowledge of spelling. At the Mova service. DNA of the Nation has an application for Android devices that you can download from Google Play link . It is very convenient if there is no printout with the rules near you or you are far from home.

So, my scheme of training in the Ukrainian language: we find topics that we are poorly versed in - we repeat the material covered - we consolidate knowledge with practice (it is possible and even necessary to pass the UPE tests of previous years).

For me personally, preparation for the second part of the exam - Ukrainian literature - was somewhat more difficult (I knew almost nothing in Ukrainian lit.). But even in 2 weeks I was able to learn the authors of the works, their genres, read the brief content (the main thing is to understand the logic and meaning that the author is trying to convey). Fortunately, it’s the 21st century in the yard and it’s very easy to find information, the main thing is to search. Here are some links to help you prepare for the Ukr. lit.: Real names and pseudonyms , Authors and works , Works and to whom it is dedicated , Literary genres . Oh yes, and it’s not worth learning / repeating anything, the Ministry of Education and Science annually makes changes to the list of literature that you need to know to pass the UPE. Here is last year's bibliography.

So, the training scheme for Ukrainian literature: download the pictures, links to which I left, if possible, print them on sheets to repeat from time to time - we find a list of literature - every day we try to read at least a few essays (it can be abbreviated, the main thing is to understand) .

Testi from Ukrainian movie

1. All the words of the row are not considered ...

A. Zhuri, vikno, metro. V. Dash, vapno, coat.

B. Taxi, atelier, bureau. G. Tournai, graphite, wheel.

2.Synonyms put in a row...

A. Addressee - addressee. B. Bring - bring.

B. Dobry - garniy. G. Garniy - filth.

3. Phraseological twist is in a row ...

A. A gloomy spit, like a stream drive the Dnipro.

V. Vіn bachiv yoga through and through.

B. Human zazdrіst gіrsha, like weakness.

G. Win and become like a mountain.

4. Folding the word...

A. Started speaking, who were appointed to the old, bright sports car.

B. Life - does not mean only brothers ...

V. An old virazka, pierced by unclean hands, pinched in Chipchin’s heart.

G. The sun stood overhead, like a frying pan, hotter than it was with fire.

Read the text and hit the task 5-7 before the new

(1) Folk costume is not just a story. (2) Tse beauty and soul, and life. (3) At this barista exhibition, I thought - how can we work so that beauty shines anew on our lads and girls? (4) Without a doubt, here is its own positive impact on the mother of the creation of the Museum of People's Choice of Ukraine and the performance of student teams of amateur art at the beginning of the foundations of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy. (5) And I think that it would be possible to hold competitions at the initial mortgages for a hand-made suit, a shirt, a thin blouse. (6) Then not only mother's, but the girl's shirt will be embroidered and sweet to the soul ...(For T. Datsenko).

5. Insert the word є in ...

And tell the other.

B Fourth speech.

In P "yatomu speech.

Mr. Shostoy rechenni.

6. Spelling pardon allowed in words ...

A. Creation.

B. Prepared.

V. Vlasnoruch.

G. Ministry of Agrarian Policy.

7. Punctuation pardon allowed in...

A. To another rechenni.

V. Fourth speech.

B. Third word.

G. P "to this speech.

8. All words are written correctly in a row...

A. Rozkutiy, bezakhisny, pіvmіsta, do not lie.

B. Viddati, bezzhurny, pivevropi, ineffective.

V. Anіhto, deaky, pivnap "yatu, vegetable harvesting.

G. Expansion, synergetic-usefulness, lіsostep.

9. Literuh on the place of the pass, you need to write in the usual words of the row ...

A. Rozgubleni, be..teeth, ..chepiti, ..hopiti.

B. Ro..bity, bezakhisny, ..robiti, ..little.

V. Ro..kutiy, be..intelligent, ..nourish, ..cunning.

G. Ro..mitiy, be..gluzdiy, ..miti, ..prostuvati.

10. A sub-war letter appears in the words of a row ...

A. Svіzhіs..tyu, radis..tyu, subwar, baroque..o.

B. Gordis..ty, zadris..ty, youth..ty, intermets..o.

V. Zhovch..yu, wise..tu, Kerch..yu, bon..a.

G. Latat..i, l..etsya, navman..i, tone..a.

11. The apostrophe is written in the words of the row ...

A. Mavp..yachiy, m..yatny, sv..yato, darkness..yany.

B.Duhm..yany, honey..yany, ob..yava, rose..yatriti.

AT.Peat..yany, Luk..yan, Uzgir..I, I see..zhzhayu.

G. Rutv..yany, without..language,tsv..yah,willow..i.

12. It is correct to use the numeral with the name of the rechenni.

A. Three hectares.AT.Pіtora kilos.

B.Twenty zoshitiv. G. Twenty olives.

13. Form the steps of the prikmetniks correctly arranged in a row ...

A. Yaskravishy, ​​the best, the least, the lightest.

B.Prelagіdny, the kindest, the least, the least fresh.

AT.It is not easy, the lowest, the most prestigious, the prettiest.

G. The most quiet, the most wonderful, the most intelligent, the most wonderful.

14. Correctly done all the names of the fathers in a row ..

A. Savich, Mikolayovich, Stepanovna, Igorovna.

B.Savovich, Kostyantinovna, Valerievich, Valentinivna.

AT.Illich, Kuzmich, Viktorovich, Khomich, Oleksandrivna.

G. Illivna, Arsenivna, Svyatoslav &ovich, V "yacheslavivna.

15. Properly set up the evil forms in a row...

A. To win, to pierce, to prick, to know.

B.Prick, pinch, evaluate, vibrate.

AT.To harden, to hasten,festerlove.

D. Sleep, rock, roam, conspire.

16. Grammatically correct wording ...

A. According to the plan, after the turn, for the mind, to sleep.

B.Do not take strength, in Ukrainian, through ailments, in food.

AT.For help, for prayer, for a change, for the entrance

G. At the end, for marriage, at the right, at least.

17. For great letters, it is required to write only the first word in a row ..

A. (Oh, organization (Oh, about "one of them (H, n) acy.

B.(B, c) fir tree (B, c) medicine (suzir "ya).AT.(B, c) upper (C, c) ud (Ukraine). G. (M, ministry (K, k) of culture (Ukraine).

18.Usі words need to be written with a hyphen in a row ...

A. On / mountain, still / come, for / wash, vikonai / but.

B. Priyshov / still, piv / Europe, be / scho / be, in / Latin.

V. According to / our, de / not / de, to / mountain, to / home. ,

G. By / our / field, please/ about / plіch, yak / not / yak, hvilion/in/hvilina.

19. Wash your partner in words...

A. When the evening comes, the stench will rise home.

B. The day was sleepy, and the sky seemed even bigger.

V. If you are relativistic, then everything is correct.

D. However, we didn’t get home until the very morning, because we were guilty of taking somi.

20. Coma should not be put in the speech (divided omitted signs) ...

A. The sun has set and the black water has risen to the shadows in the rods.

B. There the grass is blue in golden dew and Aphrodite's maiden mustache.

B. Keep our word alive and our truth, keep alive.

D. Let's marvel and start to fly, and in the red dziobi of the frog.

21. Indicate a row, for which one can have a dash (separate omission marks).

A. Odtsvіli thoughtful chestnuts left the fluff of light poplars.

B. Bagato be a little wise.

B. Nadvechir famously formed a terrible storm immediately roared.

G. Troyanda was not rozkvitne її burned by the sun.

22. Foldable word of mouthFrom the pride of the son, I say about those... turn...

A. What mother is me - Ukraine

V. Ale Ukraine at the Heart of the Quiet.

B. I will guess my native Ukraine.

G. Because I am a citizen of Ukraine!

    The word is written phonetically correctly in a row (it is seen as a bold voice-over voice) ...

A. [m'is "yats"].

V. [Zalieshayets": a] - and closer to e.

B. [g ° ol ° package].

G. [joke].

    Z "explain, what part of the move is the sight of the word in speech (the number indicates the next word): On the sleepy hillock,(I) nearby already (2) a long time ago run-down old-fashioned maєtka, there is a school, (3) Murovana z chervonoi (4) fire which cegli.


B. Dieprikmetnik.


G. Priymennik.


25. Get to phraseological synonyms.



Khoch vovkom viy.

Sell ​​windows.

Peck your nose.

Want to beat your head against the wall.

Like geese water.

Soma water on jelly.

Mov church bear.

Mov Christ in the bosom.

Yak poppy for four.

Live with food.

Catch gav.

Mov Pilip z hemp.

Gostry on the tongue.






Take the shavings.

Show up.

Get welded.


Kartati (sharply criticize).


26Make grammatically correct word formation by combining words marked with numbers, and forming words marked with letters.

    Take it. A. For sickness.

    Look out. B. Khvorogo

    Get over it. B. Until the girl

    Accept. G. As a gift

D. Destiny

27. Z "explain, as a member of the speech, I saw the word.

Member of the council

    Designated. A. Materialunderstand.

    Addendum.B.Miwith my sister sat.

    Submet.AT.stink yishlito the store.

4. Prize.G.Lighting the steppe is dreaming more with the sun.

D. Marichka loveapple.

28. Z "explain the type of contract speeches at the pointing butts.

Type of contracting butt

    Hour. A. If there is a p "yata, turn around

    Wash away. B. If you feel at once, give birth to you clearly

    Originally.AT.I know when you turn around

    Z "yasuvalne.G.They didn’t come, because they got tired

D. I remember the day when we went on an excursion ahead.


1 - B15 - BUT

2 - B16 - AT

3 - AT17 - G

4 - BUT18 - B

5 - B19 - AT

6 - B20 - B

7 - B21 - B

8 - BUT22 - AT

9 - B23 - AT

10 - G24 - 1-B; 2-B; 3-B; 4-A;

11 - AT25 - 1-B; 2-B; 3-A; 4-G;

12 - B26 - 1-D; 2-B; 3-B; 4-G;

13 - BUT27 - 1-G; 2-D; 3-B; 4-A;

14 - G28 - 1-A; 2-B; 3-D; 4-B.
