The meaning of suffixes in Russian is a table. Verb suffixes in Russian

-al- (-ate-), -en- (-yang-), -ast- (-at-), -ev- (-ov-, -[j]-), -evat- (-ovate-), -en-, -enn- (-he N-), -ensk- (-insk-), -willows- (-Liv-, -chiv-), -in-, -ist-, -it- (-ovit-), -to-, -l-, -n- (-sh-), -Teln-, -uch- (-yuch-, -cell-), -chat-.

1. Suffix - al- (-ate such as one becomes under the influence of action ( stale, tanned, outdated).

2. Suffix - en- (-yang-) forms adjectives with the meaning:

1. made of this or that material or relating to something ( leather, clay, wood, earthen);

2. designed to place something ( wood, wardrobe);

3. working on what is called the original word ( wind, oil, peat).

3. Suffix - ast- (-at-) forms adjectives that name parts of the body of a person or animal, external qualities person, accessories of his appearance ( hairy, shaggy, lipped, bespectacled, horned, cheeky). An exception [?]: striped, married.

4. Suffix - ev (-ov), [-j-] forms adjectives with the meaning:

1. belonging of an object to a person or animal ( grandfathers, slesarev, wolf, dog);

2. made of something, referring to someone, something ( pear, garden).

5. Suffix - enn-, -he N- form adjectives with the meaning:

1. sign or property ( cranberry, oath, morning, traditional);

2. susceptibility to action, result of action or characterization by action ( slow, intensified, in love).

6. Suffix - ensk- (-insk-) forms adjectives denoting geographical names (Cuban, Penza).

7. Suffix - willows 1) a constant property, quality, inclination towards something; 2) possessing some quality to a large extent ( lazy, deceitful, beautiful, playful).

8. Suffix - in- forms adjectives denoting people and animals: ( goose, uncle).

9. Suffix - ist- forms adjectives with the meaning:

1. similar to something ( silver, velvety);

2. having something in in large numbers (vociferous, branchy);

3. having a penchant for some action ( cocky, jerky, jerky).

10. Suffix - it- (-ovit-) forms adjectives with the meaning: possessing to a greater extent something ( eminent, venomous, angry).

11. Suffix - to- forms adjectives with the meaning: 1) prone to some action; 2) such that often does something; 3) or one with which something is often done ( brittle, sticky, sticky, malleable, tenacious).

12. Suffix - l- forms adjectives with the meaning:

1. being in a state that arose as a result of an action called by the original word ( rotten, skillful, tired);

2. possession of the attribute named in the original word ( light coloured).

13. Suffix - Liv- forms adjectives denoting 1) state, action, property; 2) an inclination towards something; 3) or the possession of some quality ( silent, happy, noisy).

14. Compound suffix - l-n- forms: adjectives with the meaning of intended to perform an action ( knitting, maternity, drying).

15. Suffix - n (-sh) forms adjectives with the meaning:

1. a sign or property related to an object, phenomenon, action, place, time or number named by the original word ( spring, distant, yesterday, home, thousandth);

2. exposure to some action or the result of some action, which is called the original word ( verbal adjectives torn, read, called, tattered).

16. Suffix - ovate- (-evat-) forms adjectives with the meaning:

1. somewhat reminiscent of someone or having some property of something ( manly, roguish, youthful);

2. shade of weakened (somewhat, slightly) quality ( bluish, whitish, sweetish).

17. Compound suffix - tel-n- forms adjectives with the meaning:

1. producing or capable of producing an action ( observant, satisfactory);

2. being the object of action or capable of becoming one ( desirable, desirable);

3. designed to perform an action ( swimming, flying);

4. indicating a certain connection with the action ( selective. preparatory).

18. Suffix - uch- (-yuch-, -cell-) forms adjectives with the meaning: prone to some action ( melodious, smelly, hanging).

19. Suffix - chat- forms adjectives with the meaning:

1. possessing something, having something in large quantities or to a large extent ( patterned, log, knobby);

2. filling with some quality, property what is indicated by the original word ( smoky, fistulous, bulbous).

20. Suffix - chiv- forms adjectives with the meaning: capable, inclined to do something, to show some property ( resourceful, accommodating, persistent).

The source of enrichment of our speech is the continuous process of word formation. In Russian, it occurs in several ways. One of the most common is suffixal: a small particle - a suffix, joining the root, gives rise to a word with a different semantic or emotional connotation. In some words, notes of affection, tenderness are introduced, in others - neglect and criticism. The sound of joyful motives is replaced by bitter irony. The ability to modify and transform words makes the suffix their significant part.

There are derivational and formative suffixes responsible for grammatical form. The first category is the most numerous and widespread. The derivational suffix -ost, for example, can turn one part of speech into another.

The meaning and functions of the suffix awn

The suffix -ost in Russian word formation has been known since ancient times. Its activity is shown in our days, when the process of vocabulary replenishment is gaining momentum. This word-forming suffix was and remains the most productive. There are more than four thousand words ending in it.

Semantic shades mainly refer to such semantic groups as:

From the examples given, it can be seen that words with this suffix do not have an ending, and nouns are derived from adjectives with the same stem and always belong to the feminine gender of the 3rd declension.

Often words with the suffix -ost form pairs of antonyms:

The zero ending in nouns with -ost in some cases makes it difficult to distinguish between words. Nouns such as: awn, cane, dirty trick, volost, honeysuckle, fortress (only in the meaning of a structure!) - do not have a suffix in their composition, and the particle of the same name is a separate morpheme that belongs to the base of the word. This also includes the "guest" - a masculine noun, 2 declensions.

Rules for writing and declension

The suffix awn refers to constants. He is always in a weak unstressed position, therefore, it easily forms nouns from derived adjectives with a fixed accent based on:

This feature suggests the rule of its spelling: regardless of the pronunciation [Ast], in all derived nouns, the letter “O” should be written:

We hear: "tricky" - we write "tricky"

When declensing nouns female on the awn, changes occur only at the visual level. "b" disappears in spelling, while the sound [Ast] also remains unchanged:

  • Them. n. - ripeness [sp’elast’]
  • Rod.p. - ripeness [sp'elast'i]
  • Data p. - ripeness [sp'elast'i]
  • Win.p. - ripeness [sp'elast'i]
  • Tv.p. - ripeness [sp'elast'y'u]
  • P.p - about ripeness [sp'elast'i]

Suffix - significant part words to form new words.

1. In grammar, a suffix is ​​a morpheme between the root and the ending. The suffix can be derivational (for example, chit-a-yu, arrow-to-a, thunder-to-th) and inflectional (formative) (for example, chita-l-a, reading-yush-th, fast-her).

2. Suffix - (lat. suffixus - attached), a kind of affix, a morpheme following the root (in Russian "dom-ik") or stem (in Russian "latitude-n-th") and preceding the ending



Suffix values.

an-(-yan-), -anin(-yanin), -ach, -eni, -et-, -est-(-stv-), -is, -ets, -ism, -izn-, -ik( -nick), -in, -ist, -itel (-tel), -their -its-(-nits-), -k-, -l-, -lk, -flax, -shchik (-liar-), -no, -from-, -ost, un, -chik (-chits-, -shchik);

Adjective suffixes.

Al-(-el-), -an-(-yan-), -ast-(-at-), -ev-(-ov-, -[j]-), -evat-(-ovat-), -en-, -enn-(-onn-), -ensk-(-insk-), -iv-(-liv-,-chiv-), -in-ist-, -it- (-ovit-), -k-, -l-, -n-(-shn-), -teln-, -uch-(-yuch-, -yach-), -chat-;

Verb suffixes.

A (t) (-i (t), -ka (t)), -e (t), -eva (t) -ova (t)), -i (t), -nicha (t), -well (t), -stova(t), -sya;

Adverb suffixes.

Ah, -e, -and, -wait, -either, something, -oh, -then, -learn (-yuchi).

Pronoun suffixes.

Or, something, something.

Alphabetical index

A - -a (t), -al-, -an-, -anin, -ast-, -at-, -ach

E - e (t), -ev-, -eva (t), -evat-, -el-, -en, -eni, -enn-, -ensk-, -et-, -estv-, -is , -ets

And - -iv-, ism, -izn-, -ik, -in-, -insk-, -ist, -it-, -itel, -i (t), -ih-, -its-


To -, -ka (t) L-, -or, -liv-, -lk-, -lnik, -shchik, -liar-

N-, -something, -no, -nick, -nits-, -nicha (t), -well (t)

About ov-, -ova (t), -ovat-, -ovit-, -o, -onn-, -ot-, -ost

With -stv-, -stvova (t), -sya

T-tel, -teln-, -to

U-un, -uch-, -learn

H -chat-, -chiv-, -chik, -chits-



Yu-yuch-, -yuchi

I am (th), -yan-, -yanin, -yach-


Suffixes of nouns.

The suffix -an- (-yan-) forms nouns with the meaning:

Parts of the body characterized by intense outward sign(pot-bellied, striped mullet, wrasse);

A person prone to what is called the original word (schemer, politician, critic, rude);

Names of the animal (eagle);

A phenomenon characterized by an attitude to what is called the original word (blizzard)

The suffix -anin (-yanin) forms nouns with the meaning of a person at the place of residence (citizen, villager).

The suffix -ach forms nouns with the meaning:

Persons according to the predominant feature (strongman, barbel, trumpeter);

An object that serves to perform an action (tractor, scarecrow).

The suffix -eni (-ni) forms nouns with the meaning of action (bloom, formation, salvation).

The suffix -et-(-from-) forms nouns with the meaning:

1) an abstract sign (quickness, kindness, poverty);

2) aggregates of persons (the poor, the infantry);

3) actions with general meaning noise (rumble, clatter).

The suffix -estv-(-stv-) forms nouns with the meaning:

Union, associations of persons who are named in the original word (brotherhood, bosses, youth, community);

With the meaning of the institution (embassy, ​​representative office);

An abstract sign (cunning, wealth, grace, matrimony);

A person endowed with a sign named by the original word (deity, insignificance, highness).

The suffix -is (-ost) forms nouns with the meaning of an abstract attribute or state (freshness, pallor, pity, courage).

The suffix -ets forms nouns with the meaning:

Persons by belonging to the country, territory, city where he lives or where he comes from (Spaniard, Novgorodian, Highlander);

A person characterized by some property (wise man, fool, stubborn);

An object or phenomenon characterized by a sign or action named by the words from which they are formed (chisel, scar, jelly).

The suffix -ets can act as a suffix of subjective evaluation.

The suffix -ism forms nouns denoting states, qualities, names of teachings and social movements (realism, fanaticism, romanticism, heroism).

The suffix -izn- forms nouns with the meaning:

1) an abstract sign (whiteness, yellowness, novelty);

2) a verb with the meaning of action (reproach).

The suffix -ik (-nik) forms nouns denoting:

A person by property or sign that determines his attitude to the subject, occupation (virgin lands, chemist, full-time)

An object intended for something (kettle, receiver, wallet);

An object denoting a book or essay (task book, reference book);

Space or territory covered with something or containing something (spruce forest, raspberry forest).

The suffix -ik can act as a suffix of subjective evaluation.

The suffix -in- forms nouns with the meaning:

Types of fish and meat (sturgeon, lamb);

One item from a number of identical ones (pea, straw);

Abstract signs (depth, gray hair);

The result or instrument of action (crossbar, mark, scratch);

A person who is a representative of any nation, a citizen of any state, a resident or native of any country (Georgian, Tatar, Mordvin).

The suffix -in- can act as a suffix of objective evaluation.

The suffix -ist forms nouns with the meaning of a person by belonging to an institution, a profession, a certain social direction (a signalman, an accordionist, a Marxist).

The suffix -its- (-nits-) forms nouns with the meaning:

Subject - a container of something, a place (sugar bowl, hospital);

Names of female animals (wolf, lioness).

The suffix -its- can act as a suffix of an objective assessment.

The suffix -ih- forms nouns - the names of female animals (hare, elephant, rabbit).

This is interesting! There are formations of nouns like: a cat - a cat, a peacock - a peahen, a goat - a goat, words of different roots: a ram - a sheep, a rooster - a chicken, a bull - a cow.

The suffix -k- is formed by nouns denoting:

Female persons from the corresponding male nouns (sportswoman, student);

An object (machine, device, tool, room) intended for the implementation of an action (valve, grater, partition);

Subject - the result of an action (note, tincture);

Action (flash, attempt).

The suffix -k- can act as a suffix of subjective evaluation.

The suffix -l- forms nouns with the meaning:

A person who constantly or usually performs an action (scribbler, thug, bouncer);

An object intended to carry out an action (soap, blower);

An object or phenomenon characterized by an action named by the original word (reality, profit, growth).

The suffix -lk- forms nouns with the meaning:

An item intended to perform an action (seeder, heating pad, piggy bank);

Premises intended for the implementation of the action (steam room, locker room);

Names of persons performing actions (fortune teller, nurse).

The suffix -ln- forms:

Nouns with the meaning of the place of the action (ironing room, bath, bedroom);

Adjectives with the meaning of purpose for performing an action (knitting, maternity, drying).

The suffix -lnik forms nouns with the meaning of an object intended to perform an action (refrigerator, washbasin).

The suffix -schik (-lier-) forms nouns with the meaning of a person by occupation, occupation or action (driller, grinder, cleaner);

The suffix -tel (-itel) forms nouns with the meaning:

A person belonging to a particular profession, engaged in a particular activity (teacher, seeker, educator, rescuer);

An object (tool, fixture, machine) that performs an action (engine, switch, muffler).

The suffix -un forms nouns with the meaning:

Persons according to the action characteristic of him (runner, screamer);

Animals according to their characteristic feature (rodent, horse).

The suffix -chik (-schik, -chits-) forms nouns with the meaning:

Persons by occupation (concrete worker, translator, tinsmith, barman);

An object (machine, mechanism, device) that performs actions (forklift, towing vehicle).

Adjective suffixes

The suffix -al- (-el-) forms adjectives with the meaning:

such as one becomes under the influence of action (stale, tanned, outdated).

The suffix -an- (-yan-) forms adjectives with the meaning:

Made of this or that material or related to something (leather, clay, wood, earthen);

Intended for placing something (wood, wardrobe);

Working on what is called the original word (wind, oil, peat);

The suffix -ast- (-at-) forms adjectives that name parts of the body of a person or animal, external qualities of a person, accessories of his appearance (hairy, shaggy, lipped, bespectacled, horned, high cheekbones).

Exception: striped, married.

The suffix -ev (s), [-j-] forms adjectives with the meaning:

Accessories of the item to a person or animal (grandfathers, locksmiths, wolf, dogs);

Made from something, relating to someone, something (pear, garden)

The suffix -enn-, -onn- form adjectives with the meaning:

Sign or property (cranberry, oath, morning, traditional);

Exposure to action, result of action, or characterizability by action (slow, intensified, in love).

The suffix -ensk- (-insk-) forms adjectives denoting geographical names (Cuban, Penza).

The suffix -iv- forms adjectives with the meaning: constant property, quality, inclination towards something, possession of some quality to a large extent (lazy, deceitful, beautiful, playful).

The suffix -in- forms adjectives denoting people and animals: (goose, uncle).

The suffix -ist- forms adjectives with the meaning:

Similar to something (silver, velvety);

Possessing something in large quantities (vociferous, branched);

Having a tendency to some kind of action (cocky, jerky, impetuous).

The suffix -it- (-ovit-) forms adjectives with the meaning:

possessing to a greater extent something (eminent, poisonous, angry).

The suffix -to- forms adjectives with the meaning: prone to some kind of action, one that often does something, or one with which something is often done.

(brittle, sticky, sticky, malleable, tenacious).

The suffix -l- forms adjectives with the meaning:

Being in a state that arose as a result of the action named by the original word (rotten, skillful, tired);

Possessing the sign named in the original word (light).

The suffix -liv- forms adjectives denoting a state, action, property, inclination towards something or the possession of some quality (silent, happy, noisy).

The suffix -n (-shn) forms adjectives with the meaning:

A sign or property related to an object, phenomenon, action, place, time or number named by the original word (spring, distant, yesterday, home, thousandth);

Exposure to some action or the result of any action that is called the original word (verbal adjectives) (torn, read, called, tattered).

The suffix -ovat- (-evat-) forms adjectives with the meaning:

Partly reminiscent of someone or having some property of something (masculine, roguish, dashing);

Hue of reduced quality (somewhat, slightly) (bluish, whitish, sweetish).

The suffix -teln- forms adjectives with the meaning:

Producing or capable of producing an action (observant, satisfactory);

Being the object of action or capable of becoming it (desirable, tangible);

Designed to perform an action (swimming, flying);

Indicating a certain connection with the action (selective, preparatory).

The suffix -uch- (-yuch-, -yach-) forms adjectives with the meaning: prone to some kind of action (melodious, smelly, hanging)

The suffix -chat- forms adjectives with the meaning:

Possessing something, having something in large quantities or to a large extent (patterned, log, lumpy)

Filling with some quality, property that is indicated by the original word (smoky, fistulate, onion).

The suffix -chiv- forms adjectives with the meaning: capable, inclined to do something, to show some property (resourceful, accommodating, stable).

Verb suffixes.

The suffix -a(t), -i(t) forms verbs from nouns with the general meaning of the action (to have breakfast, to trump).

The suffix -a(t) -ka(t) forms verbs from interjections, onomatopoeic words(groan, giggle, meow).

The suffix -e (t) forms verbs with the meaning: to become someone, something, to be what the original word calls (to grow old, become brutal, darken, grow rich, become prettier).

The suffix -i (t) forms verbs with the meaning:

Perform an action characteristic of what is named in the original word (labor, fish);

To turn into someone, to make someone (maim);

Act with the help of an object (harrow, drill);

To take place, to occur (about natural phenomena) (freeze, drizzle, powder);

Endowment with the quality named in the original word (blush, blacken);

Bringing to the state named in the original word (to amuse, anger, sad);

Removing something called the original word from the surface or from the inside (gut, peel);

The action or feature named in the original word (cunning, springing);

The suffix -nicha (t) forms verbs with the meaning:

engage in activities, show a tendency to any activity (beg, monkey, garden)

The suffix -nu (t) forms verbs with the meaning of instantaneousness, instantaneity (blind, gasp, click).

The suffix -ova(t), -eva(t), -stova(t) forms verbs with the meaning:

do something, be in some state or indulge in some activity (trade, yearn, grieve, steal, bliss, act outrageously, be silent).

The suffix -sya (-s) forms verbs with the meaning:

A person performing an action directed at himself (washing, dressing);

The internal state of the subject, mood, experience (to rejoice, to be interested);

Movement made by the subject (rolling, fighting);

Actions that are constantly characteristic of the subject (burns (nettle), pecks (rooster);

Actions performed by several persons (meet, quarrel);

Actions performed by the subject for himself, in his own interests (stock up, pack);

Fullness, exhaustion, manifestations of the action, satisfaction, exhaustion of the subject by the action, the intensity of the capture of the subject by the action (to lie down, sleep, roam).

Adverb suffixes.

The suffix -a, -o, -e forms adverbs with the meaning of the evaluation of the action (singingly, strongly, swiftly, again, imploringly, touched, softeningly, excitedly).

The suffix -i forms adverbs from the bases of adjectives with the suffix -sk- (friendly, logically, systematically);

The suffix -zhdy forms adverbs from cardinal numbers (once, twice);

The suffix -uchi (-yuchi) forms adverbs from the stems of verbs (playfully, stealthily);

Suffixes -something, -either, -something

It forms adverbs in which, with the most generalized indication of the place, time, mode of action, they remain unclear (somewhere, somewhere, somewhere, sometime, somehow);

These suffixes also form pronouns, in which, with the most generalized indication of an object or its quality, the property remains unclear, the object itself or its attribute in a series of objects similar to it (or attributes (someone, something, some, something ).

Suffixes of subjective assessment.

In the Russian language there are suffixes of subjective evaluation, which form not new words, but their forms, often differing from those words on the basis of which they arose, only in emotional and expressive coloring.

Noun suffixes: enk-(path), -onk-(birch tree), -onk-(book), -enk-(horse), -ts-(mirror), -ashk-(old man), -in-(domino) , -seek- (voice), -ets (brother, frost), -ik (ticket, bouquet), -chik (motor, pocket), -ok (friend, snowball), -its- (vodica, puddle), - k-(head, night), -ink-(mote, dewdrop), -points-(asterisk, muzzle), -ushk-(grandfather), -yushk-(volushko), -yshk-(sun), -ishk- (house), -ochek (leaflet), -echko (seed), -ears (sparrow), -yshek (peg).

Adjective suffixes: -enk- (kind), -onk- (light), -ehonk- (quiet), -ohank- (bitter), -eshenk- (quick), -oshenk- (light)

Adverb suffixes: -onko (lightly), -enko (long time ago), -enechko (good), -onechko (quietly), etc.

Pioneers, builders, sculptors,

Prospectors, fuses, searchers, rescuers,

Healers, feeders, warriors, teachers

And law enforcement officers - we are all earthly inhabitants

And community servants.

It is not enough for a person to be just a person, he definitely needs to do some business, to be someone by profession. There are a lot of words in the language with the meaning "a person by profession or occupation." This value is expressed various suffixes, one of them is "tel".

With the value of a person by profession

The names of people's professions are usually formed from verbs that denote what the person who earns money does. -t (sya) is separated from, the generating stem remains, the suffix -tel is attached to it. Examples:

  • drive - driver;
  • educate - educator;
  • sculpt - sculptor;
  • inquire - interrogator;
  • test - tester;
  • oversee - overseer;
  • build - builder;
  • save - rescuer;
  • follow - investigator;
  • teach - teacher;
  • write - writer;
  • teach - teacher;

  • tame - tamer.

With the meaning of the person who performed a certain action

It is more convenient to form these words from the past tense verb, since they denote a person who has done something in the past. At the same time, the past tense suffix is ​​not included in the generating stem. Here you can see such words with the suffix -tel-:

  • deer paper - paper scraper;
  • wished for the good - well-wisher;
  • owned - owner;
  • sighed - admirer;
  • revolted - revolter;
  • extorted - extortionist;
  • robbed - a robber;
  • donated - donor;
  • lived - a resident;
  • bequeathed - testator;
  • gave laws - the legislator;
  • conjured - caster;
  • looking for gold - a gold digger;
  • zril—viewer;
  • published - publisher;
  • invented - inventor;
  • researched - researcher;
  • healed - healer;
  • conquered - conqueror;
  • replaced - deputy;
  • declared - the applicant;
  • baptized - baptizer;
  • loved - amateur;
  • metal - thrower;
  • thought - thinker;
  • won - winner;
  • dissolve - solvent;
  • dilute - diluent;
  • gave birth - parent;
  • ruined - a destroyer;
  • leads by hand - leader;
  • dug - digger;
  • dwelt - inhabitant;
  • possessed - the owner;
  • accused - accuser;
  • landscaped - landscaper;
  • informed - informant;
  • freed - liberator;
  • founded - founder;
  • denigrated - denigrator;
  • poisoned - poisoner;
  • defiled - defiler;
  • designed - designer;
  • denied - negative;
  • set on fire - arsonist;
  • devoured - devourer;
  • conquered - conqueror;
  • bought - the buyer;
  • received - recipient;
  • used - user;
  • imitated - imitator;
  • violated the right - the offender;
  • visited - visitor;
  • kidnapped - kidnapper;
  • rules - ruler;
  • betrayed - traitor;
  • pursued - pursuer;
  • enlightened - enlightener;
  • work was given by the employer;
  • destroyed - destroyer;
  • advertising gave - advertiser;
  • the first discovered - the discoverer;
  • wished well - well-wisher;
  • puffed evil - spiteful critic;
  • performed - performer;
  • elected - voter;
  • uprooted - eradicator;
  • tempted - the tempter;
  • ruined - destroyer;
  • asked - petitioner;
  • served - a servant;
  • listened - listener;
  • created - the creator;
  • blasphemer - detractor;
  • kept - the keeper;

  • read - reader.

With the meaning of an object intended for a specific purpose

The suffix -tel- also forms words denoting inanimate objects. Such things are usually created by man and used by him for some purpose. These words come from a verb that has the meaning of the action for which the object is intended. The indefinite form of the verb without -t is used, the suffix -tel is attached to it. Examples:

With the meaning of place

Words with the suffix -tel- can have a spatial meaning.

This may be the name of the place where children left without parental care are taken for further distribution to orphanages - a reception center.

There is a place where they can sober up - a sobering-up station.

It happens that you need to delimit some place into sectors, then draw a line, the name of which is the delimiter strip.

With the meaning of mathematical concepts

In mathematics, words with the suffix -tel- denote numbers with which mathematical operations are performed: division, multiplication, crushing.

  • divider;
  • factor;
  • denominator;
  • numerator.

Words with the suffix -tel- in the singular

Nouns with the suffix -tel- refer to masculine to the second declension, change in cases and numbers. Any word with the suffix -tel- and zero ending standing in shape singular in the nominative case, in the genitive and accusative cases it has the ending -я, in the dative - ю, in the instrumental - it, in the prepositional - e. For example, the word with the suffix -tel- and the zero ending in the nominative case changes like this:

R. n. - caretaker;

d.p. - to the caretaker;

in. n. - caretaker;

tv. n. - caretaker;

etc. - about the caretaker;

Such forms have a word that has the suffix -tel- and in the initial form.

Words with the suffix -tel- in the plural

In the plural, words with the suffix -tel- and the ending -i are in the nominative case. Only one word can be an exception - teachers, teachers. It has two forms plural that require distinction:

  • teachers are people who do their professional duties on teaching children at school;
  • teachers are people standing at the primary sources of new directions and teachings.

Words that have the suffix -tel-, ending -i: teachers, dividers, switches.

In the genitive and these words have an ending - to her, in the dative - yam, in the creative - -yami, in the prepositional - -yah. For example:

R. n. - caretakers;

d.p. - caretakers;

in. n. - caretakers;

tv. n. - caretakers;

etc. - about caretakers.

This is how words with the suffix -tel and the ending -i change in the initial form.

Suffixes -teln-

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the suffix -tel- stands out only for nouns. If you have an adjective in front of you, then it has the morpheme -teln-. This suffix forms adjectives with meanings:

  • "capable of a certain activity", for example: able to observe - observant, able to try - old-fashioned, capable of performing - executive, capable of approving - approving, capable of refreshing - refreshing teln-th, capable of satisfying - satisfactory;
  • "having an objective meaning", for example: they desire it - desirable, they touch it - tangible;
  • "intended to perform an action", for example: intended for smoking - smoking, intended for swimming - swimming, intended for flying - flying;
  • "indicating a connection with some action", for example: where they will elect - selective, what can prepare - preparatory, where they can clean - cleansing .

Words in -tel

It is necessary to distinguish between words with the suffix -tel- and ending in -tel, in which:

  • suffix is ​​not highlighted. Such words are usually foreign in origin: hotel, artel, tunic, motel, strap, dumbbell, cartel, pastel, bed, fortel, spatula, gimp, capital, spatula;
  • words in which the suffix -el stands out: snowstorm, abode.

Interpretation of some words in -tel:

artel - an association of people into a group for joint business;

gimp - a thin metal thread;

capital - top part columns or pillars;

cartel - association industrial enterprises to control prices;

karotel - a round sweet carrot;

corncrake - quickly living in the grass;

mittel - font in typography, equal to 14 points;

monastery - a place where monks live;

fortel - an unexpected trick;

These words change in the same way as words that have the suffix -tel-, the ending is zero.
