The most valuable resources of the Russian plain. Natural resources of the East European Plain

  • Using the maps of the atlas and the textbook, find the largest mineral deposits of the Russian Plain.
  • Think about which areas of the plain are most favorable for the development of agriculture.

Natural resources of the Russian Plain. The long geological history of the ancient platform underlying the plain predetermined the richness of the plain in various minerals.

The crystalline basement and sedimentary cover of the platform contain such mineral reserves that are not only important for our entire country, but also of global importance. First of all, these are the rich iron ore deposits of the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly (KMA).

The sedimentary cover of the platform is associated with deposits of hard (Vorkuta) and brown coal - the Moscow Region basin and oil - the Volga-Ural, Timapo-Pechora and Caspian basins.

Oil shale is mined in the Leningrad region and in the region of Samara on the Volga. Ore minerals are also known in sedimentary rocks: brown iron ore near Lipetsk, aluminum ores (bauxite) near Tikhvin.

Building materials: sand, gravel, clay, limestone - are distributed almost everywhere.

Deposits of apatite-nepheline ores and excellent building granites are associated with outcrops of crystalline Precambrian rocks of the Baltic Shield on the Kola Peninsula and in Karelia.

Deposits have long been known in the Volga region table salt(Lakes Elton and Baskunchak), and potash salts - in the Cis-Urals.

Relatively recently, diamonds were discovered in the Arkhangelsk region. Phosphorites, a valuable raw material for the chemical industry, are mined in the Volga and Moscow regions, and apatites are mined on the Kola Peninsula.

The northwestern and central regions of the Russian Plain are best provided with water resources. The abundance of lakes, high-water rivers is not only reserves fresh water and hydropower, but also cheap transport routes, and fisheries, and recreational facilities. The dense river network of the plain, the location of watersheds on low flat hills are favorable for the construction of canals, of which there are so many on the Russian Plain. Thanks to the system of modern canals - the Volga-Baltic, White Sea-Baltic and Volga-Don, as well as the Moscow-Volga - Moscow, located on a small river and relatively far from the seas, Moscow has become a port of five seas.

Use the atlas and textbook maps to find these water systems. Name the major ports on the White, Baltic, Azov, Black and Caspian Seas.

The agro-climatic resources of the plain are of great value. Most of the Russian Plain receives enough heat and moisture to grow many crops. In the north of the forest zone, fiber flax is grown, a crop that requires a cool, cloudy and humid summer, rye and oats. The entire middle strip of the plain and the south have fertile soil and: sod-podzolic, chernozem, gray forest and chestnut. Soil plowing is facilitated by the conditions of a calm flat relief, which makes it possible to cut fields in the form of large arrays that are easily accessible for machine processing. IN middle lane mainly grain and forage crops are cultivated, to the south - grain and industrial crops (sugar beet, including sunflower), horticulture and melon growing are developed. The famous Astrakhan watermelons are known and loved by the inhabitants of the entire Russian Plain.

The forest resources of the plain are both taiga and mixed forests, rich in valuable timber, fur-bearing game animals, mushrooms, berries, and medicinal plants.

The recreational resources of the plain are diverse, but not yet very well developed. Its picturesque landscapes are wonderful places for recreation. Rivers and lakes of Karelia, its white nights, Kizhi Museum of Wooden Architecture; powerful Solovetsky monastery; thoughtful Valaam attract tourists. Lake Ladoga and Onega, Valdai and Seliger, the legendary Ilmen, the Volga with the Zhiguli and the Astrakhan delta, ancient Russian cities included in " Golden ring Russia", - that's far from complete list developed for tourism and recreation areas of the Russian Plain.

Problems rational use natural resources. The Russian Plain is distinguished by a variety of natural resources, favorable conditions for life, therefore, it has the highest population density in Russia, the largest number of large cities with highly developed industry, and highly developed agriculture. Intensive centuries-old development of the territory of the plain has led to the fact that at present the natural landscapes of its central and southern regions have been greatly changed. The southern strip of the forest zone is heavily cut down. Forest landscapes are either replaced here by agricultural lands, or are represented by secondary aspen-birch plantations. At present, the northern regions of the taiga zone have also been significantly changed. The forests of Karelia, the Komi Republic, and the Arkhangelsk region have been heavily cut down. Reforestation is one of the most important tasks.

The landscapes of the forest-steppe and steppe zones have been changed even more. More than half of their area is plowed up and occupied by grain and industrial crops.

Therefore, a set of measures is needed - planting shelterbelts, snow retention, anti-erosion measures so as not to deplete fertile soils and preserve their potential.

The rivers of the Russian Plain have been heavily modified. The construction of a cascade of hydroelectric power stations on the Volga led to the flooding of vast areas of fertile lands - floodplain meadows and to the flooding of forests. In addition, the newly formed artificial lakes-reservoirs did not have the best effect on the microclimate.

The active exploitation of mineral deposits, such as the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly (KMA), the brown coal basin near Moscow, the extraction of various building materials, significantly worsens the environment. Giant quarries and dumps create a very bleak industrial landscape. Often such landscapes are called "lunar". It's almost impossible to use them.

Currently, more and more actively work is being carried out on land reclamation, that is, on returning the territories to their original appearance, bringing the devastated landscape into a productive state. Depressions at the site of former peat developments, quarries left after excavation of sand, building stone, coal and iron ore extraction from the surface are subject to cultivation. Soils are artificially introduced onto them, they are sodden and even afforested. Peat excavations are turned into ponds in which fish are bred. Positive experience in land reclamation has been accumulated in the Moscow, Tula and Kursk regions. In the Tula region, waste heaps and dumps are successfully planted with forest.

Alexander Evgenievich Fersman (1883-1945)

Alexander Evgenievich Fersman devoted his whole life to studying the riches of the earth's bowels of the Motherland. Alexander Fersman's childhood passed in the Crimea, where he traveled a lot and became addicted to the study of rocks and minerals. This passion led him to Moscow University. The teacher of Alexander Fersman was an outstanding scientist, academician Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky. In 1919, Alexander Evgenievich was elected a full member Russian Academy Sciences. In the 20-30s. A.E. Fersman organized a number of large expeditions and for several years explored the Khibiny Mountains on the Kola Peninsula. Large deposits of apatite were discovered here - raw materials for the production of phosphate fertilizers - which are of great importance for the country's economy. In Monchetundra of the Kola Peninsula, the scientist discovered copper and nickel ores, near Lake Imandra - iron ores.

His expeditions discovered sulfur deposits in the Karakum desert, and in the Kyzyl Kum they discovered pegmatite veins with various rare metals.

Of particular importance is the four-volume work of Academician A.E. Fersman "Geochemistry". His book "Entertaining Mineralogy" is interesting.

Near the large cities of the Russian Plain, a lot of work is being done to improve the cultural landscape. Green belts and forest parks are being created, suburban water basins - picturesque reservoirs, which are used as recreation areas.

In large industrial cities, attention is paid to measures to purify water and air from industrial emissions, to combat dust and noise. Strengthened and tightened environmental control over vehicles, including for private cars, which are becoming more and more.

Our country has joined the international cooperation for the protection environment. This will undoubtedly help preserve native nature, use its wealth wisely, direct them to the benefit of society.

Questions and tasks

  1. On the map, determine what natural resources the Russian Plain is rich in.
  2. Using the application tables, indicate which of the natural resources have been used since ancient times, which are being acquired highest value in our time.
  3. What is the great anthropogenic load on the landscapes of the Russian Plain?
  4. On a contour map, indicate the main natural resources of the Russian Plain.
  5. What measures should be taken to protect nature?

Otherwise, the East European is the second longest plain in the world, not much inferior in terms of the territory of the Amazon. From west to east, it stretches for more than 2,500 kilometers, and from north to south - about 1,000. Its western borders border on such states as Ukraine and Belarus, and then its territory stretches all the way to the Urals. The basis of the plain is an ancient platform, mainly covered with a cover of sedimentary rocks. Only in two places, in Karelia and on the Kola Peninsula, does this prehistoric platform come to the surface, forming the so-called

The climate of the Russian plain is mostly temperate, and only closer to the extreme north does it become subarctic. The continental climate line extends to the east and southeast. Precipitation is year-round, usually associated with blowing from the Atlantic. Here they fall more than in other flat areas of the Russian Federation. The sources of the largest rivers - the Northern Dvina and the Volga can be considered the most humid. And in the north-west of the plain, these are the areas of Ladoga, Onega, Chudskoye, Ilmenskoye lakes with smaller reservoirs adjacent to them, most of which are glacial in origin.

If we consider the climate of the Russian plain of the southern outskirts, then the amount of precipitation is much less there, the summer is dry and dry winds are not uncommon, causing significant damage to the national economy.

The Russian Plain is replenished due to snow and rainfall, melting of snow and ice cover, spring floods. Naturally, groundwater also plays an important role in this process. But this does not apply to the southern rivers, which are not so abundant, and food from ground water they have limited.

The climatic and relief peculiarity led to a clear division of the entire territory of the plain into natural areas. Moreover, it is here that about 40 percent of all grassland in the country and 12 percent of pastures are located. As for the population, it is on the territory of the East European Plain that almost fifty percent of the inhabitants of the Russian Federation live.

The Russian Plain is generously endowed with natural resources. Big plus in their development and use is the dense population of this territory by people.

Resource types:

  • aquatic

As already noted, a large number of large and small rivers flow through the territory of the Russian plain.

The largest water artery is the Volga. Its economic importance can hardly be overestimated, since the river connects various economic regions of the country, irrigates more than two and a half million hectares of land, and is an important shipping center. In terms of fish production, the Volga also plays an important role.

Following the Volga is the Don, also the largest. Fishing, shipping, and other economic needs met thanks to the Don, speak of the great importance of this river.

The Russian Plain is washed by the White and Black, Baltic and Caspian Seas. The extraction of seafood, oil and gas, sea resorts with recreation centers, boarding houses and sanatoriums, ports of international and regional importance - all this makes each marine resource unique in its own way and extremely important for the country.

  • minerals and natural resources of the Russian plain

These include, for example, in the Kursk region, unique deposits contain up to 50% of all their reserves in the country. Belgorod region is famous for bauxites with alumina. Phosphorites, potash and rock salts are supplied to the country by the Moscow and Bryansk regions. These chemicals are actively mined and find the widest range of applications. In the same regions, as well as in the Tula and Belgorod regions, deposits have been found and have been actively developed for many years. building materials- chalk, kaolin clay, etc.

The Russian plain provides itself and neighboring regions with energy resources - gas, oil, peat, coal. Their deposits are located in the Middle Volga region, Ivanovskaya, Kostroma regions.

  • animal and plant resources

The territory of the Western European Plain has the most favorable conditions for the development of such branches of agriculture as plant growing and animal husbandry. Forest wealth in the form of wood and hunting resources is an important source of income in the Russian economy.

Physical geography of Russia and the USSR
European part: Arctic, Russian Plain, Caucasus, Urals



  • Natural areas of Russia
  • East European (Russian) Plain
    • Natural resources


See photos of the nature of the East European Plain: Curonian Spit, Moscow Region, Kerzhensky Reserve and the Middle Volga in the Nature of the World section of our site.

Natural resources

The value of the natural resources of the Russian Plain is determined not only by their diversity and richness, but also by the fact that they are located in the most populated and developed part of Russia.

Mineral resources are presented iron ore Kursk magnetic anomaly associated with basement deposits within the Voronezh anteclise. The main ore here is magnetite, which occurs in Proterozoic quartzites, but ore deposits are now mainly exploited in the weathering crusts of the Precambrian basement enriched in iron oxides.

Among the minerals associated with the sedimentary cover, the main place is occupied by fossil fuels and chemical raw materials. Reserves of stone and brown coal are concentrated in the Pechora, Donetsk and Moscow region basins. Oil And gas produced at a number of fields within the Volga-Ural (Samara region, Tatarstan, Udmurtia, Bashkortostan) and Timan-Pechora oil and gas regions. The gas condensate fields of the Astrakhan region are confined to carbon deposits of the Caspian syneclise. Place of Birth oil shale known in Pskov and Leningrad regions, in the Middle Volga region (near Samara) and in the northern part of the Caspian syneclise (Obshchesyrtskoye field).

Large deposits potassium, magnesium salts, halite, borate confined to the powerful Permian salt-bearing strata of the Caspian lowland. with domes rock salt the largest self-landing lakes Elton and Baskunchak are also connected. industrial clusters phosphorites in the Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous deposits are found in the central and eastern regions of the Russian Plain: in the Moscow region (Egorievskoye), the Middle Volga region (Kineshmskoye, Volskoye, etc.), on the General Syrt and in other places.

Some ore deposits are also associated with the sedimentary cover: sedimentary iron ores(brown iron ore, siderites, oolitic concretions), aluminum ores represented by deposits bauxite(Tikhvin, Timan), titanium placers(Timan). The discovery of deposits was unexpected diamonds in the northern regions of the Russian Plain (Arkhangelsk region).

The high-water rivers have significant hydropower resources and are transport routes used for navigation and timber rafting.

Agro-climatic resources make it possible to grow many valuable agricultural crops - grain, industrial, vegetable and fodder. Agro-climatic resources are successfully combined with fertile soils and: chernozems, dark chestnut, gray forest and sod-podzolic. The main areas of the most fertile soils in Russia - chernozems - are located on the Russian Plain.

The forage resources of the plain are great. Water meadows of river valleys, upland meadows of forest zones are valuable hayfields and pastures for cattle, steppes, semi-deserts and deserts are pastures for sheep, tundra and forest tundra are excellent pastures for deer. Spruce and pine taiga forests have large reserves of industrial timber.

Topic: "Natural resources of the Russian Plain and

problems of their rational use”.

Goals and objectives: Deepen and expand students' knowledge of natural

resources of the Russian Plain (types and their location).

Consider the problems of rational use

natural resources.

Define environmental problems Russian plain and

ways to solve them.

Equipment: Maps - physical, tectonic, natural zones,

map of the East European Plain, atlases.

During the classes

I organizational moment.

II Repetition. Checking homework.

1.Work with contour maps-3 students.

2. Work with textbook questions.

3. Characteristics of natural complexes.

4. Characteristics of natural monuments

a) Karelia;

b) Valdai;

The Russian Plain has favorable natural conditions. Do you remember what these conditions are?

· Plain relief;

· Moderately cold winter;

· Warm summer;

· Fertile soils;

Because of favorable conditions the plain has been developed for a long time, most of the cities of Russia are located here, 60% of the population lives, railways have been laid, forming a dense transport network. The industry is highly developed, which uses a huge amount of natural resources.

Lesson topic: Natural resources of the Russian Plain (in a notebook).

What is a natural resource?

· Resources that are in the bowels of the earth and on the ground and are used by man in the economy.

What types of natural resources do you know?

Minerals (mineral);

Minerals are mineral formations of the earth's crust that a person uses in the economy.

First geography teacher


P. g. t. Kamskoye Ustye 2007

Final test in geography of Russia in the 8th grade.

Test texts are taken from the collection of tests “Geography. Tests. Authors, . Kazan, Magarif Publishing House, 2003.

I option 2 option

1.p.3 #2 1.p.4 #2

2.p.7 #1 2.p.8 #1

3.p.11 #2;3 3.p.12 #2

4.str.12 No.7 4.str.13 No.3,7

5. p.18 No. 2;4 5. p. 20 No. 2,4

6. p.19 No. 9 6. p. 21 No. 10

7.p.25 No.2;3 7.p.27 No.2,3

8.p.26 #7 8.p.28.#8

9.p.33 #2 9.p.34 #2

10.p.37. №2 10.p.38 №2

11.p.41 #1 11.p.41 #2

12.p. 45 #1 12.p.45. #2

13.p. 49 #3 13.p.50 #4

14.p.53 #2 14.p.54 #2

3 option 4 option

1. p.5 #2 1. p.6 #2

2. p.9 No. 1 2. p. 10 No. 1

3. p.14 No. 2,3 3. p. 16 No. 3

4. p.15 No. 9 4. p. 17 No. 7.9

5. p.21 No. 2 5. p. 23 No. 1,2

6. p.22 No. 3,4 6. p. 24 No. 10

7. p.29 No. 2,3 7. p. 30 No. 2

8. p.30 No. 8 8. p. 31 No. 7,8

9. p.35 No. 5 9. p. 36 No. 3

10. p.39 #2 10.p.40 #4

11. p.42 No. 1 11. p. 43 No. 1

12. p.47 No. 1 12. p. 48 No. 1

13. p.51 No. 1 13. p. 51 No. 2

14. p.55 #2 14.p.56 #2

Geography. Beginner course in geography.

Profile level

Grade 11. 102 hours


I approve:

deputy directors

Kamskoye Ustye

Kamskoustinskaya middle comprehensive school

Basics of economic theory.

Profile level

Grade 10. 102 hours

Calendar-thematic planning


I approve:

deputy directors

Kamskoye Ustye

Kamskoustinskaya secondary school

Kamsko-Ustyinsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan

Geography exam tickets for the basic school course

9th grade


I approve


Kamskoye Ustye 2008

Geography Tickets

1. The role of geographical science in solving important problems of the country's development. The need for an integrated geographical study country.

2. The national composition of the country's population. The main language families and groups, their placement.

3. Determination on the climatic map and explanation of climate differences in the areas of the cities of Sochi and Vladivostok.

1. Methods of geographical research and the main sources of geographical information.

Geographic differences in economic activity population of Russia (bring concrete examples) Determination on the map of the factors that influenced the location of ferrous metallurgy enterprises (at the choice of the teacher)

1. Russia on the world map. Geographical position, size of the territory, borders, neighboring states.

2. Cultural and historical features of the peoples of Russia. The main religions prevalent in the country.

3. Characteristics by cards geographical location one of the regions of Russia (at the choice of the teacher)

1. The concept of geographical location. Features of nature, population and economy of individual territories of Russia. (give examples)

2. Fuel and energy complex: composition, importance in the economy, development problems. Fuel and Energy Complex and Problems of Environmental Protection.

3. Definition by topographic map directions and distances.

1. Time zones in Russia. Local and standard time.

2. Fuel industry: composition, location of the main areas of fuel production, development problems. Fuel industry and problems of environmental protection.

3. Determination of the factors that influenced the placement on the map chemical enterprise(at the teacher's choice)

Theme: Glaciers.

Purpose: 1. To give an idea about glaciers, about its types.

2. Show the conditions for the formation of glaciers.

3. Talk about the practical significance of glaciers.

4. Teach to identify on the map, using conventional signs,

location of mountain and sheet glaciers.

Equipment: physical map of the hemispheres, atlases, paintings "Mountain glaciers", "Continental ice and the formation of icebergs", "Profile of the ice sheet of Antarctica", video clip "Glaciers".

During the classes


1. What shells of the Earth do we know?

2. Which of them have we already studied?

3. What is the hydrosphere?

4. What parts does the hydrosphere consist of?

5. What applies to the waters of the land?

6. In what states does water occur in nature?

7. Which water is more fresh or salty?

II Learning new material.

We continue to study the hydrosphere. Today we will talk about another type of land water, which occurs in nature in a solid state and is fresh - these are glaciers. ( on the board the topic of the lesson)

Glaciers are not the same ice that forms on rivers and lakes in winter. The ice on them is frozen water. Glaciers are formed as a result of the accumulation of ice. The snow does not have time to melt, accumulates, is pressed and thus, glaciers are formed.

Why don't glaciers always form?

What are the conditions for this?

Glaciers exist. (diagram on the board)


Mountain glaciers form high in the mountains, where the air temperature is low and the snow does not have time to melt. The line above which the fallen snow does not have time to melt is called snow line. It changes as you move from the equator to the poles.

For example, on vl. Kilimanjaro in Africa, the snow line is at an altitude of 5000 m. ( find this volcano in atlases). In the Caucasus Mountains above 3000m ( found in atlases).

Demonstration of pictures of mountain glaciers.

Mountain glaciers can be compared to a river; they have a feeding area. They are flexible and move. When moving, a large amount of destroyed rocks, which are called moraine, are transferred.

Types of moraines:

terminal moraine;

· Lateral moraine.

Types of mountain glaciers:

Like caps on tops

In depressions, on slopes

In mountain valleys

An example of the Fedchenko glacier in the Pamirs ( we find this glacier on atlases) and look at the drawing in the textbook. This is a mountain-valley glacier, 71 km long, 1700 to 3100 m wide, there is a meteorological station on this glacier.

Another large glacier in Alaska is the Sard Malaspina, up to 100 km long and 25 km wide. All mountain glaciers make up only 1.5% of all glaciers, but they are of great importance. Which we will find out later.

Sheet glaciers

Covering means covering something. Let's remember if there are territories on Earth that are completely covered with ice. Of course, this is the mainland of Antarctica and the largest island on Earth, Greenland. ( work with maps and atlases).

In Antarctica, the volume of ice reaches 24 million km2, and only the coast is free of ice (0.2-0.3%). The glacier on the mainland is dome-shaped. Its average thickness reaches 1720 m, the largest is 4300 m.

Demonstration of the painting "Ice cover of Antarctica".

The temperature on the mainland is average, the lowest is -89.20. There are no permanent residents, only research stations.

In Greenland, the volume of ice reaches 2.6 million km2, the average ice thickness is 2300 m, and the maximum is 3400 m. There is a permanent population. The climate is milder and vegetable world richer, more varied.

When ice sheets flow from the center to the periphery, they break off. Huge ice mountains up to 45 km wide and 100 km long fall into the water with a roar, icebergs are formed. 90% of the mass of icebergs is under water.

Demonstration of the painting "Continental ice and the formation of icebergs."

Excerpt: “The golden rays of the sun broke through the clouds and sparkled with blue, green and yellow sparkles on the furrowed walls of the icebergs. Waves poured over their underwater spurs, taking off with multi-colored foamy splashes. In whimsical shapes ice mountains we distinguish now fabulous castles, now high jagged towers, formidable and impregnable. It seemed we were transported into a world of fantasy and rare beauty.

Indeed, icebergs are very beautiful, but at the same time they pose a great danger to ships.

So in 1912, the passenger steamer Titanic collided with an iceberg. A huge hole formed and the steamer, breaking in half, immediately went to the bottom, only a small part of the passengers managed to escape. (you can give a message to the student). Now icebergs are easily detected even in fog using instruments on the ship.

All sheet glaciers on Earth make up 98.5% of all glaciers. They contain up to 90% of fresh water. Although they have such a large percentage of all glaciers, their importance is small.

But mountain glaciers, as we have already said, are of great practical importance. They feed rivers that start in the mountains and carry their waters to those areas where there is very little moisture. For example, the Syrdarya and Amurdarya rivers (we find them in atlases) begin in the mountains, their waters are completely taken for irrigation.

Glaciers are now being transported, such as Saudi Arabia. One large iceberg contains as much water as the annual flow of one river.

Demonstration of a fragment of the video film "Glaciers".


1. What are glaciers, how do they form?

2. What are they, give examples.

3. What is the practical significance of glaciers?

Lesson Conclusions

· Glaciers are components of land waters, an integral part of the hydrosphere.

· Mountain glaciers feed the rivers of arid regions, carrying moisture to the fields.

IV Homework read the paragraph "Glaciers", write out new terms in a notebook and explain them.

Economy of Russia" href="/text/category/yekonomika_rossii/" rel="bookmark">Economy of Russia .

2. To study the composition of the complex, finding out its significance in the country's economy.

3. Consider the main types of enterprises of the metallurgical complex, their character traits and features.

4. To acquaint students with the features of the location of enterprises of the metallurgical complex.

5. To form in students an idea of ​​the most important problems of the complex: economic, environmental, social.

Equipment: maps of Russia: economic maps, mineral maps, atlases, textbooks, collections of minerals and metals, various construction materials: brick, glass, wood, chipboard, metal-plastic.

During the classes

IOrganizing time.


1. What is an intersectoral complex?

2. What intersectoral complexes have we already studied?

3. What complex is called fuel and energy?

4. What is included in the fuel and energy complex?

5. What types of energy resources does the fuel and energy complex use?

Without electricity, coking coal, the complex that we will begin to study today cannot exist.

III Learning new material.

Lesson topic. (slide number 1)

Complexes producing structural materials and chemicals.

Structural materials are materials intended for the manufacture of finished products or structures.

·" width="18" height="98 src=">Different alloys

· Plastics


Metal plastic

The value of the complex:

1. The products of the complex are used in all sectors of the economy.

2. As a result of the production of new species construction materials products become cheaper, lighter, stronger.

The composition of the complex (structure) (slide number 2)

Complexes producing structural materials

Metallurgical complex Chemical-timber complex

What complex is called metallurgical? Paragraph 25, p. 32, we find and read the definition.

The totality of industries producing a variety of metals is called the metallurgical complex.

(slide number 3)

Metallurgical complex

Ferrous metallurgy Non-ferrous metallurgy

Are characterized common features: (slide number 4)

High monopolization of production

· High level combinations

A) in ferrous metallurgy, the basis of combination is a consistent

Processing of raw materials: iron ore steel rolled

1. Geotechnology

2. Biotechnology

90% of the metal produced is ferrous metal - steel

Raw material base of metallurgy: (slide number 6)

A) iron ore products (magnetic iron ore, brown iron ore, red iron ore) demonstration of rocks. (slide number 7)

Iron ore deposits:

1. KMA - 50%

2. European North and Karelia - 25% (Olenegorsk, Kovdar, Kostomuksha)

3. Ural - about 20% (Kachkanarskoye, Novo-Bakalskoye, Magnitnaya)

4. The rest falls on Siberian - (Korshunovskoye, Angara, Mountain Shoria)

Russia is one of the largest producers of iron ore, the country's reserves amount to 100 billion tons. tons.

B) non-metallic materials (refractories)

B) coking coal

D) scrap and waste of ferrous metals.

The following types of enterprises are distinguished in the ferrous metallurgy: (slide No. 8)

1. Metallurgical plants of a full cycle or combines

The technological chain of ferrous metallurgy production is as follows:

Iron ore mining (quarries)

Ore beneficiation (mining and processing plants)

Cast iron smelting (in blast furnaces)

Steel melting (in open-hearth and oxygen-converter furnaces)

Production of rolled products (in the rolling shop, rolling mills)

Rental types:

Crimping (blooms and slabs - blanks)

Sectional (rails, beams, channels, wire)

sheet ( a metal sheet different thicknesses)

· Pipe

Special (rolled wheel, rolled ring, rolled ball)

2. Convertible metallurgy - steelmaking and steel-rolling plants.

3. Production of ferroalloys - iron alloys (in Latin iron - ferrum) with

alloying metals - manganese, chromium, tungsten, titanium, silicon.

4.Small metallurgy - the production of steel and rolled products at machine-building plants.

5. Domain-free metallurgy - the production of iron by direct reduction from enriched ore in electric arc furnaces with continuous casting of metal. Analysis of Fig.45 on page 134.

The only electrometallurgical plant in Russia, Oskolsky, is located in the city of Oskol, Belgorod Region.

Factors of placement of enterprises of the metallurgical complex.

Geography is influenced by:

1. Raw material quality

2. Kind of energy

3. Geography of sources of raw materials and energy

Profitable to build:

1. In ore mining areas (Ural, KMA)

2. In the areas of extraction of coking coal (Kuzbass), cheap energy (Eastern Siberia)

3. At the intersection of ore and coal flows (Cherepovets)

Take into account:

· Provision of water

・ Transport routes

Under the influence of these factors, metallurgical enterprises are not located evenly, they form clusters, which are called metallurgical bases.

Textbook definition on page 137.

Three metallurgical bases are distinguished on the territory of Russia: (slide No. 9)


· Central


Placement of metallurgical bases of Russia. (working with a map and atlas, from Fig. 46 on page 137)

IVHomework paragraph 24-26, fill in the table.

Characteristics of the metallurgical bases of Russia (slide No. 10)

Base name

Steel and rolled products

Iron ore reserves

birth of ore

Where does it come from

additional ore

Where does the fuel come from




42% rental

15 billion t 22%








Lower Tagil




44% rental

Kola Peninsula



Scrap metal



Art. Oskol


13% rental

Angara region


Mountain Shoria



1. What intersectoral complex have we begun to study?

2. What does this complex include, its composition?

3. What is a metallurgical complex?

4. What factors influence the placement of enterprises in the metallurgical industry?

5. What does ferrous metallurgy produce?

6. What metallurgical bases were formed in Russia, show on the map.

VI Lesson Conclusions

In the Russian economy, the metallurgical complex plays an important role, since the modern economy cannot do without metal. Its products are used by many industries National economy: in mechanical engineering (heavy engineering, automotive, shipbuilding), construction.

Topic: Land resources. Soil formation and composition.

Goals and objectives: 1. To form knowledge about the soil. Show contribution

creation of soil science.

2. Expand knowledge about soil-forming factors.

III Learning new material.

The topic of the lesson on the board and in the students' notebooks:

Land resources. Soil formation and composition.

Our country is unusually rich in land, territory, or, as they say, land resources.

Land resources are areas with certain quality soils, climate, topography, vegetation, basis of placement economic objects, resettlement of the population.

Working with the textbook p. 116, fig. 80

Buildings - 1%

Landfills - 1%

· surface water – 4%

Swamps - 6%

Other lands - 11%

Agricultural land - 13%

Reindeer pastures - 19%

Forests - 45%

Part land resources used in agriculture and forestry is called agricultural land or soil resources.

From the structure of the land fund, we can see that there are few soil (agricultural land) resources - only 13% of the country's territory.

Even less from 6-8% is plowed up, this is the soil that has fertility.

“The soil is not a rock and not an arable layer, but a special natural-historical body, the result of the interaction of the organic and inorganic worlds” - these are the words of the great Russian scientist, founder new science- soil science. We will prove the authenticity of his words by working

in groups. Each group has its own tasks, they are in the instruction card.

Soil, soil-forming factors

Instruction card No. 1

1. Define soil?

2. Basic properties of the soil.

3. What determines soil fertility?

4. Who is this, what do you know about him?

5. How are soils formed?

6. Draw a diagram in your notebooks and complete it.

7. What are soil-forming factors? List them.

8. How long does it take for soil to form?

microorganisms" width="66" height="66"> flora animal world" width="75" height="12"> climate soil human activity" width="672" height="96">

What is soil?

Soil is a loose surface layer of land with fertility, it is a special natural body, the result of the interaction of natural components. Fertility is one of the most important and distinctive properties soil.

Organic matter - humus - humus.

Work with the textbook p.117. first paragraph:

“According to the definition of the outstanding Russian scientist V. V. Dokuchaev……”

Demonstration of a portrait.

Student's report about Dokuchaev.

Let's see how soil is formed.

Factors influencing the process of soil formation are called soil-forming factors.

Soil formation is very slow, in 100 years a soil layer is formed from only 0.5 cm (in the tundra) to 2 cm (in the steppes)

Thus, we see that the soil consists of: solid, liquid, gaseous parts and living organisms.

The mechanical composition of the soil

Instruction card number 2

1. What is the mechanical composition of the soil?

2. What are the soil textures?

3. Characteristics of soils by mechanical composition:

sand to clay ratio

their features

relation to moisture

4. How practically, in your garden, you can determine the mechanical

soil composition

5. What is the mechanical composition of soils containing 37% sand, 9%

The solid part is mineral and humic substances. The mineral part of the soil consists of: sand

Clays 90% of soil volume

Collection demonstration.

Depending on the rutting rock on which soil formation took place, soils are divided according to their mechanical composition into:

1..gif" width="14 height=38" height="38">loamy soils are poorly washed

3. heavy clay soils are easily waterlogged

more clay

How to determine what is the mechanical composition of the soil in your garden?

Roll up a tourniquet from moistened soil and make a ring out of it.

The ring fell apart - sandy

Deep cracks in the ring - sandy loam

There are shallow cracks in the ring - loamy

No cracks - clayey

We learned about the mechanical composition of soils, and now we will give the floor to group 3. They will tell us about the structure of soils.

Soil structure

Instruction card number 3

1. What is soil structure?

2. What structure can soils have?

3. What is the best soil structure?

4. What soils are called structureless?

5. What properties are characteristic of structural and structureless soil


Basic forms of structures: (demonstration of the table)

1. grainy

2. tiled

3. scaly

4. dusty

5. nutty

6. lumpy

7. prismatic

The structure determines the features of the water and air regimes of soils, therefore it is one of the main properties of the soil.

If the soil contains little humus and clay particles, such soils are called structureless.

DIV_ADBLOCK140">" height="290"> There are three main horizons. Soil horizons are indicated by alphabetic characters: A B C.

A0 - dead parts of plants and animals are collected

A1 - humus or humus accumulation horizon

Leading: What do you think these positive changes are connected with?


Leading: Our conference is coming to an end. And the last question to all participants of the conference. What do you think should be done in our district and village to solve this problem?

Development of small and medium-sized businesses, which will lead to the emergence of new jobs

There will be jobs, young people will stay in the village, which means that young families will appear

· Our region is very beautiful, there are opportunities to create tourist routes, campsites, beaches. These are additional jobs.

In order to attract young people, it is necessary to create conditions for them spiritual development and leisure

Build affordable housing

1. AiF correspondent: According to statistics, in 1993 the Russian Federation inferior in terms of the number of inhabitants to China, India, the USA, Indonesia, Brazil (the population of Russia was 148.7 million people) and ranked 6th in the world. At present, Russia is already in 7th place in terms of numbers, having lost its 6th place to Pakistan. The population in our country is 144 million people.

According to statistics, a depopulation process is underway in the country, that is, the population is declining. There are many reasons for this.

Demographer: I think there are several reasons. Firstly, this is the collapse of the USSR, secondly, the economic recession in the 90s, which led to the deterioration of the environmental situation, and thirdly, the associated decline in living standards and average life expectancy of the population.

Demographer: A tragic and catastrophic situation is developing in social sphere. Since the beginning of the 1950s, the UN began to calculate the Human Development Index (HDI), which is composed of indicators of GDP, longevity and educational level.

Russia in terms of education level - 62nd place

longevity - 91st place

in health care - 127th place

There is something to think about.

Correspondent of the newspaper "Vechernyaya Kazan": I am convinced that the population can change due to migrations.

Migration Specialist: There was an outflow of the population from the Far North region, from the CIS countries. An intensive outflow of especially young people from the village to the city continues. At the same time, the flow of external migration outside of Russia does not stop, primarily to the USA, Canada, Israel, Germany and a number of other European countries.

"Correspondent of the regional newspaper" Volzhskiye Zori "

Question for the head municipality n.g.t. Kamskoye Mouth. Please tell us about the demographic situation in our village.

"Correspondent of the regional newspaper" Volzhskiye Zori ": An interesting situation is developing in the labor market. Many have closed in the village. industrial enterprises, institutions, organizations. This led to an increase in the number of unemployed. Question to the head of the municipality: How is the problem of employment in our village solved?

At the beginning of 2000, the population of the village was Today this figure is 4443 people, of which 2525 are men and 2318 are women. There are 2712 able-bodied people, 784 pensioners and 874 children under 16 years of age.

Over the past decade, the village has experienced a decline in population as a result of negative natural growth. The number of people younger than working age has especially sharply decreased.

Head of the municipality: The Employment Service provides information about vacancies at enterprises and organizations and employs the unemployed. At present, the number of registered unemployed is only 54 people.

Head teacher: Yes, this can be seen in our school. 10 years ago, the contingent of the Kamskoy Ustyinsky secondary school was about 800 people, and today only 541 students study at the school.

Sociologist: The demographic situation in Russia is catastrophic. According to forecasts, the population in Russia in the near future, by 2015, will decrease to

134.4 million people. Number of people retirement age will exceed the number of children and adolescents, and in terms of life expectancy, Russia will lag behind many countries of the world.

Sociologist: The increase in the birth rate in recent years is primarily due to the improvement of the socio-economic situation in the country. People today begin to believe in their future. The course of the president and government is aimed at improving the quality of life and economic stability in the country.

Pediatrician: Life is a struggle, survival of the fittest. Health depends on:

50% off lifestyle

20% off social factors and the environment

20% off genetics

And only 10% of medicine

Recently, there has been a decline in the living standards of the population. The lack of caloric nutrition in many families is reflected in the younger generation. Only 16% of healthy children study in schools.

Pediatrician: (an excerpt from an article from the regional newspaper No. 92 of November 16, 2007)

Kamskoustinskaya secondary school

First geography teacher

Kamskoye Ustye 2007

Kamskoustinskaya secondary school

Kamsko-Ustyinsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan

Geography. Nature of Russia Grade 8

First geography teacher

Kamskoye Ustye 2007

Kamskoustinskaya secondary school

Kamsko-Ustyinsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan

Geography. Population and economy of Russia

First geography teacher
