Is the induction hob getting hot? How does an induction cooker work and what is its feature

The heating of the induction electric hob is provided by a high-frequency magnetic field. In this case, you can choose a desktop or built-in surface.

Living conditions of modern man are improving every year, which is associated with the introduction of the latest advances in technology. Any dish is now prepared very easily, because in the arsenal of any hostess there is a large set of various accessories and devices that greatly facilitate her daily existence. Steamers, multicookers, toasters, smokehouses, ovens - and this is not the whole list of modern equipment. An important and decisive step in the development of such technology are induction cookers. First tested in public catering establishments, they gradually penetrated into the life of a modern person, providing new opportunities for use.

Introduction to life

As soon as the induction cooker appeared in the kitchen, the room acquired greater functionality, became more convenient and economical. Such equipment has simplified the life of even non-professional cooks. The first induction hobs had a high price, so they did not receive mass distribution. Consumers were especially wary of their innovative qualities.

Now the housewives, who have experienced the effect of such a technique in reality, appreciated its convenience and practicality. However, there are still people who are skeptical about such innovations. Most of them are trying to find out if the induction cooker is really harmful or if it is the prejudices of the old generation.

Features of the operation of induction cookers

Induction is an electrical device that operates from vortex flows created by a high-frequency magnetic field. Their oscillations reach 20–100 kHz. Previously, a similar action was applied in metallurgical industry helping to melt the metal. induction heating, being modernized, received further distribution in everyday life.

A mandatory moment when using such a device is the presence of metal dishes, the bottom of which has a cast-iron or steel coating. These metals provide the best level of resistance, which is reflected in high rates heat release.

Force magnetic field transfers energy to the installed cookware, while the burner remains cold at the edges. Induction heating is provided by the action of a high frequency electric current and a copper coil.

For reference:

  1. A feature of such surfaces is their safety. If there are no dishes on the stove, heating of its coating is excluded. Induction cooker starts to work if the pan covers more than 70% of the surface of the burner.
  2. Most Models modern type have a function that regulates the power of the burner. Thus, the intensity of the action of one element is provided by the weakening of the strength of another.
  3. The products placed in the pan are heated evenly on the electric induction cooker.

Important Equipment Features

Induction cookers have a number of positive properties:

  1. Small indicators of electricity consumption are explained by automatic regulation of the power of the burner and an increase in temperature only at a given point.
  2. Induction heating of the burner ensures high cooking speed.
  3. Safe use is due to the absence of fire and hot surfaces.
  4. Turning on the stove only at the time of installing the dishes.
  5. Modern induction hobs are equipped with an on timer, they are not afraid of power surges and overheating of the surface. A feature of the operation of the equipment is the absence of smoke and fumes.
  6. The induction cooker has an almost cold surface, therefore, it does not heat the air. The need for constant ventilation immediately disappears.
  7. Any stains can be easily removed with a damp cloth.
  8. A convenient digital display, touch buttons, a smooth controller create the best conditions for controlling the device.
  9. Ability to set precise temperatures.

For your information, an interesting option is a tabletop stove with induction. Its miniature dimensions make it easy to transport the device and install it anywhere.


In addition to the positive properties, the device also has weaknesses:

  1. The fragile glass-ceramic surface must be handled with care.
  2. Installation of a stove near refrigerators, microwave ovens is prohibited. Electromagnetic waves detrimental effect on the operation of metal devices.
  3. Such a plate requires the use of special containers with ferromagnetic characteristics.
  4. High price.

The induction cooker is quite noisy, which causes discomfort to users. Many consumers are concerned about the harmfulness of such a plate. It is safe to say that in this case, any negative impact per person is excluded. The level of electromagnetic radiation is so low that it does not pose any danger. Induction heating is comparable to the action of laptops, phones, and computers that are familiar to everyone.

Important! You should not purchase such household equipment for people with a pacemaker, due to possible malfunctions of the medical device.

Despite the imperfections of this heating device and the many prejudices that have arisen around it, the harmfulness of induction cookers is very doubtful, and hesitations with the choice are associated only with insufficient information about the new equipment.

Difficulties and contradictions of choice

Many consumers are looking for an answer to the question "How to choose an induction cooker?" refer to different sources. Some study impressive catalogs, others ask friends and acquaintances for advice. Each of them dreams of getting a high-quality and durable device that is easy to use. It is noteworthy that the surface of such plates is absolutely flat, without elevations and coasters for dishes.

When choosing a particular model for personal use, it is important to study its functionality.

  • Induction heating of the surface, the ability to adjust the power of the plate are important components of the normal functioning of the device. This technique usually has up to 20 operating modes, more of them make it easier to check the quality of the prepared dishes.
  • Induction heating is necessary to increase the power of the stove with an increase in the temperature of the burner. This makes it possible to speed up the cooking process. Cookware with a spherical bottom requires the purchase of a stove whose burners are concave.
  • An induction cooker with infrared sensors does not need the constant presence of the hostess at the stove, and overheating of the dishes is also excluded.
  • Reinforced inner surface, the possibility of removing the door, the presence of a three-level heating mode will simplify cleaning and increase ease of use.

The mode hold function helps to leave their kitchens for a while, and for families with small children it is better to purchase models without corners.

Tableware Requirements

The answer to the question of how to choose an induction cooker can be removed if you take a closer look at its functions and external characteristics. The primary role that ensures its normal functioning belongs to the dishes. There is nothing special here: as suitable options pans to which a magnet sticks are suitable. Perfect option - cast iron pans and stainless steel containers.

Advice! If the magnet sticks to it, then the cookware is suitable for use on an induction hob.

  • Induction heating requires the use of cookware with a diameter greater than 12 cm.
  • When guided by special icons.
  • The thickness of the bottom of the container is not less than 6 mm.

For your information, the best high quality dishes are produced by German Finnish manufacturers. France, the Czech Republic provide cheaper analogues.

Compact induction cookers

Induction type desktop stoves are often purchased for country houses. These devices for a short time prepare any dishes, which saves energy and time. Table options with two burners easily change the power by transferring it to an adjacent element. Such plates are profitable and safe: they will not turn on when there is plastic utensils on the surface.

  • The desktop device will not let you get burned.
  • The stove will turn off if the burner is less than 70% covered.
  • The desktop device provides fast warming up of a dish.
  • Different power indicators allow you to perform any kind of cooking.
  • The tabletop does not require much maintenance.
  • Weightlessness, compactness, ease of transportation allow you to take it with you.
  • Tabletop induction allows you to cook dishes only in special dishes.

The choice of a hob for the kitchen is a responsible event, on which the efficiency of the cooking process and ease of use of the stove depend. Today, modern stoves are presented in several versions, which differ in the principle of operation, functionality, appearance and price. When deciding which is better: induction or electric hob, it is important to study the strengths and weaknesses of each option.

To date, two types of th are most popular: induction and electric

To understand the question of how an induction cooker differs from an electric one, it is necessary to start by studying the principle of operation of each device. electrical device immediately heats the burner to the desired temperature. The heat is then transferred to the cookware placed in the work area. Heat is generated as a result of the passage of electric current through a conductor.

The latter is a resistive heating element, which is characterized by a high resistivity value. The conductor is represented by a spiral, which can be located in open form or be hidden under the burner.

Among distinctive advantages electric stoves can be distinguished as follows:

  • silent operation of the device;
  • the ability to use any utensils;
  • acceptable cost;
  • the burners heat up for a long time and cool down slowly, so that the finished dish can be left on the surface so that it “reaches”;
  • a wide range of color and design variations, which allows you to choose a model for any style of interior space;
  • the surface does not need special care, it is easy and simple to clean using a conventional detergent.

The disadvantages of the plate include:

  • significant energy costs;
  • the panel has a limit on the mass that it can withstand;
  • a high degree of fire hazard increases the likelihood of traumatic burns.

How an induction cooker works: characteristics and distinctive features of the panel

What does an induction cooker mean, it will become clear when studying the principle of its operation. It is based on the phenomenon electromagnetic induction. At the moment of high-frequency current flowing through an induction coil with a winding of a copper conductor, it is transformed with the formation of an alternating electromagnetic field. At the time of installation on the working area of ​​dishes that have ferromagnetic properties, the physical phenomenon that has arisen contributes to the movement of electrons located on the surface of the bottom of the product.

Thus, there is a process of heat release, which is spent exclusively on heating the dishes. The surface of the plate in this case remains cold. Thanks to the unique principle of operation, the induction hob is characterized by a number of advantages:

  • low cost of electricity, which is spent solely on the creation of an electromagnetic field in the closed conductor of the induction coil;
  • maximum efficiency, which increases the efficiency of the device, as a result of which a minimum amount of time is spent on cooking;
  • a high level of safety, which is ensured by the feature of the stove to start working at the moment the dishes are installed on it and complete the process when there is no element on the burner;
  • the ability of the plate surface to remain cold, which at the same time contributes to low energy costs and eliminates the possibility of burns;
  • the ability to set the required heating temperature with an accuracy of 1 degree;
  • automatic selection of settings that allow you to recognize the diameter of the dishes;
  • equipment large quantity functions and programs;
  • light and simple care that do not require the use of special tools.

The disadvantages of the product include the following characteristics:

  • the occurrence of specific noise during the operation of the surface, which is associated with the operation of fans cooling the coils;
  • high surface cost compared to other types of panels;
  • for an induction cooker it is necessary to use special dishes;
  • this device adversely affects the operation of other household appliances that are located very close to the surface of the device.

Important! When cooking on an induction hob, remove all jewelry and watches. The former, when heated, can burn the skin, the latter are magnetized.

Which hob to choose: induction or electric

To decide which hob is best, you need to consider specifications each. The induction hob consists of an induction coil, a glass-ceramic surface, insulation, a control unit and a frequency converter. At the electric stove as heating elements cast-iron pancakes, rapid, halogen or Hi-Light burners can act. The first option is located on steel or enameled surfaces. The rest are hidden under the glass-ceramic panel.

Halogen heating elements provide the greatest efficiency. The ideal tandem of rapid coil and halogen bulb contributes to the rapid heating of the burner within a few seconds, which ensures maximum energy savings.

Induction hobs are equipped with a glass-ceramic surface, which is strong and durable. However, it is not able to withstand impact or strong mechanical stress. The surface of the electric stove can be made of glass-ceramic, stainless steel or enamelled. The last option is the cheapest. The surface withstands various mechanical loads and high temperatures, does not require special care, but can be damaged by abrasive materials or cleaning compounds.

The stainless steel panel has good technical and operational properties. However, it requires special care, which ensures an attractive appearance for a long period.

The glass-ceramic surface is the most popular option. It can be white or black. Panels with a pattern look original and stylish.

Which is better: induction or electric hob, options overview

Before choosing an electric stove, you should decide on the parameters of the product. Induction and electric panels can have standard or non-standard sizes, which allows you to integrate the product into any kitchen set. The minimum width of the products is 30 cm for the first version of the plate and 26 cm for the second. The shape of induction cookers is presented in the form of a rectangle or square, and electric ones can also be made in the form of an oval, circle or semicircle.

Electric and induction cookers are dependent and independent. The first option is associated with an oven, which should be located in close proximity to the surface. In electric models, the panel control unit is located directly on the cabinet.

When choosing an induction or electric hob, you should pay attention to the number of burners of the device. The first type of surface can have from 1 to 6 burners of different diameters, which allows the use of various containers. The number of burners for electric models is 2-5 pcs. On stoves with a glass-ceramic surface, the burners can be arranged in one row in the form of a rhombus, square, triangle or semicircle.

The total power of the induction hob is in the range of 3-12 kW, electric - 3-10 kW. The operation of both types of plates can be controlled by touch or mechanical. The first option is more convenient. In addition, each burner can have an individual set of touch buttons.

What is the difference between an induction panel and an electric panel: comparison of characteristics

To understand the question of which stove is better: induction or electric, a comparison of the main parameters of devices will help, such as:

  • speed and degree of heating;
  • requirements for the utensils used;
  • efficiency;
  • consumption of electrical energy;
  • work safety;
  • noise level;
  • surface characteristics;
  • functionality;
  • influence on other elements of household appliances.

One of the main differences between an induction cooker and a glass-ceramic electric surface is the minimum power consumption. The first type of surface instantly heats up and cools down quickly. Electric current is spent solely on the generation of magnetic current in the induction coil. When adjusting the temperature, it changes instantly. There is no need for a long wait until the burner heats up or cools down.

Important! Induction models consume 1.5 times less electricity compared to electrical counterparts.

The induction cooker is characterized by the highest level of efficiency, which is 90%. For comparison, it can be noted that this indicator for a glass-ceramic electric panel is 55%, for a gas panel - 60%.

Considering the main differences between induction and electric stoves, one cannot fail to mention high speed cooking on an induction surface, which greatly exceeds the capabilities of electric models. The generated heat is not spent on heating the burner and the surface. It immediately heats up the dishes.

It will take 2-3 minutes to heat 1 liter of water on an induction hob. The burner in this case will reach a temperature of no more than 60 ° C. Electro magnetic currents are aimed exclusively at food, which in this case is cooked several times faster. It takes about 5 minutes for an electric stove to heat up the burner, and another 10-13 minutes for the water in the pot to boil. In this case, the temperature of the heating element can reach 400 °C.

Important! The electric stove heats food unevenly, causing it to burn.

The difference between an induction hob and an electric hob in terms of safety

Answering the question, what is the difference between induction hob from electric, it is impossible not to note the high level of security of the first. The stove begins to work only at the moment of installation of dishes on its working area, the diameter of which must occupy at least 70% of the burner area. After removing the element from the stove, it turns off. At the same time, the surface remains cold, which eliminates the possibility of getting burned at the moment of accidental contact with the panel.

The burner of the electric stove begins to heat up immediately after it is turned on to a high temperature and then cools down for a long time after the end of the work process. In this case, the risk of getting burned during involuntary contact with the surface increases several times.

Important! The induction hob will not work if a foreign object is placed on it. This nuance is very relevant for families with small children.

Studying the difference between induction and electric panels in terms of safety, it is impossible not to mention that the first type of stove is equipped with the option automatic shutdown. This happens, for example, if the water in the pan boils and hits the surface. It will also turn off if the water in the pot boils away, as the hob recognizes an empty pot. This feature will prevent damage to dishes.

On the other hand, only on the electric surface can one set minimum temperature, thanks to which the dish can languish without the participation of the user.

Which hobs are better: induction or electric

Considering the question of how the electric hob differs from the induction hob, you should pay attention to the silent operation of the first. The second type of model during operation produces a specific noise. It occurs as a result of the operation of fans that are located near the induction hobs and are aimed at cooling them. This feature may not appeal to particularly sensitive people.

Related article:

The difference between dependent and independent panels. Electric stove control options. Additional features and manufacturers of hobs.

Studying the difference between electric and induction hobs, it is necessary to mention that the first type of plate does not need to be used special dishes. The main condition is the use of containers suitable for the stove. The induction hob requires special cookware whose bottom is made of ferromagnetic material. These are cast iron and stainless steel. Do not use ceramic or glass objects.

Helpful advice!For an induction cooker, you can use ordinary dishes, the bottom of which is sealed with a special magnetic sticker. It can be purchased at the store.

A feature of the induction cooker is the ability to recognize the bottom of dishes with a diameter of at least 12 cm. Smaller containers, such as Turks, can be used with a special adapter.

What is the difference between an induction panel and an electric one: performance properties

Before choosing a hob, it is necessary to study its performance characteristics. The induction hob is more durable. Since its surface does not heat up during operation, accidentally dropped food or greasy splashes can be easily and quickly cleaned with a damp sponge. The electric stove is afraid of particles of salt, burnt sugar and pieces of burnt food, which leave marks on the surface, damaging the protective film.

The induction hob is equipped with a large number of automatic programs which makes the cooking process simpler and easier. The surface is able to instantly respond to a change in the program and temperature mode.

Considering the question of which cooker is better: induction or electric, one cannot but say about the influence of devices on other household appliances located nearby. The electrical panel must not be installed next to the refrigerator. By heating up during cooking, the stove will contribute to the heating of nearby objects. Induction surfaces should be located at some distance from household appliances, since the effect of a magnetic field has Negative influence to their work.

Helpful advice! If there are difficulties when choosing the type of product, you can give preference to a combined induction and electric hob, which combines the features of both options.

What is the difference between an induction cooker and an electric one: functions and product options

When choosing an induction or electric stove, due attention should be paid to the functionality of the devices. The first type of surface has the ability to smoothly adjust the power level of the device, which ensures that the required temperature regime. They can be from 5 to 17. The electric hob is also equipped with an option that allows you to adjust the power. However, there are a limited number of such modes - up to 4 pcs.

All induction hobs and some models electrical appliances equipped with an auto-shutoff function, due to which the device turns off at the moment liquid enters its surface. Both versions of the plates without fail have a timer with sound signal, which contributes to the timely shutdown of the burners. For induction hobs, you can also set the start time for cooking.

A unique feature of induction hobs is the Power Boost option, thanks to which you can borrow power from an adjacent burner to get the maximum value in a particular heating zone. Also given type The hob has a built-in energy monitoring sensor, thanks to which the appliance can be configured to work with a minimum resource consumption.

The induction hob will not work if there is no cookware on it. The electric stove can also be equipped with the option that disables the panel from which the container is removed. Induction surfaces can be equipped with a 3 minute short break function. They are equipped with a residual heat and temperature maintenance program.

Important! Both versions of the plates without fail have a child lock function.

Choice of hobs: manufacturer rating

When choosing a hob, it is very important to pay attention to the manufacturer of the equipment. All manufacturers that produce induction and electric hobs can be divided into three categories depending on the quality of the products:

  • professional models of the elite class are produced by Miele, AEG, Gaggenau, Kuppersbusch;
  • products of the middle category, which are characterized by an ideal price-quality ratio, belong to Bosch, Siemens, Whirlpool, Gorenje, Zanussi, Electrolux;
  • a budget series of good quality is offered by manufacturers Hansa, Ariston, Ardo.

Models of the elite class are most often purchased for cafes and restaurants. They are characterized by the maximum number of heating zones, high power and advanced functionality. Main Feature such models is a high cost, which is not justified for the use of products in modern kitchens.

Based on numerous reviews, medium sized hobs price category global manufacturers are in greatest demand. This is due to the wide range of reliable products that the average family can afford. Models are distinguished by decent workmanship, an expanded set of necessary functions and programs used in everyday life, and original design, thanks to which the products fit perfectly into modern interior kitchens.

Which hob to choose: distinctive features of world brand models

Judging by the numerous reviews, Bosch and Siemens hobs are the most popular. This is due to a wide range of induction and electric models, which are characterized by high quality workmanship, attractive appearance and extended product functionality.

Bosch produces models with a High Speed ​​​​glass-ceramic surface, which is characterized by high strength, wear resistance and durability. Both companies offer several varieties of models for 2 burners. Hobs from these manufacturers have one common drawback - the high cost of the product. An electric stove can be purchased for 25-30 thousand rubles, and an induction stove for 35-70 thousand rubles.

Multifunctional devices with a convenient control mode, nice design and relatively affordable cost are produced famous companies Gorenje and Electrolux. Gorenie electric hobs have the proprietary Super Power technical option, thanks to which you can increase the heat level on all burners at the same time. This helps to reduce the time spent on the cooking process.

Some Electrolux induction hobs have a burner with a special wok recess in the glass-ceramic surface for the location of the frying pan. The company specializes in the production of combined panels with gas burners and induction hobs. The price of induction-type hobs from Gorenje and Electrolux is in the range of 25-30 thousand rubles, and electric - 15-20 thousand rubles.

Among budget models, Ariston and Hansa hobs are the most popular. The cost of induction surfaces is 15-18 thousand rubles, and electric - 10-12 thousand rubles. Plates are equipped necessary set functions and have an original design.

When choosing an induction or electric panel, it is important to study the features of each option, which differ in the principle of operation, functionality and price. An induction hob provides more efficient operation with less energy. However, such a surface requires special care, the use of special dishes and is characterized by high cost.

It is impossible to say unequivocally which plate is better. If you still can’t decide on a choice, you can give preference combined option hob with electric and induction hobs.

Should I buy an induction cooktop?? Maybe it is harmful and even dangerous? And the kids are at home! How will it affect them electromagnetic radiation? When will it show up and how? To be honest, just six months ago, I didn’t even know what induction cooker. Somehow I never thought about it. The situation was changed in an instant by His Majesty the case. You know how it is. Everything was just fine and suddenly... After the pan fell on the good old Siemens stove with a glass-ceramic surface and the last crack appeared in the last crack, I had to think about replacing the entire device. It was then that newfangled induction hobs came into my field of vision. I decided to buy such a contraption and test for myself all the wonderful properties that are attributed to them. Six months have passed since then. It's time to draw conclusions.

What and for whom is this article written?

In general, in this article I would not like to somehow emphasize the description of a particular model. Over time, it will still be discontinued, if not already discontinued. Yet six months have passed :).

I'm going to talk about what is an induction hob what are the principles of its work, what is it good for, and what are its weaknesses.

Most likely, the article will be useful for those who, like me, have never thought about replacing their good old stove. But situations are different. Someone will drop something heavy on the glass ceramics. Someone will buy a new headset and will need an embedded device. Someone's stove will burn out corny.

It is at this moment that a person usually begins to look for a replacement on the Internet and suddenly comes across a previously unfamiliar combination " induction hob" or " panel". Maybe you have never come across such stoves. Maybe you heard opinions from friends, but didn’t pay much attention to them. Simply because your old stove coped well with their duties. Why do you need extra information. And suddenly you are faced with a choice: which panel to buy?

This "suddenly" happened to me in a store where I went to look for a new stove instead of a broken one. At first I did not suspect anything and just walked between the rows, examining the exhibited samples.

They were very different. From the simplest three-burner electric stove "Lysva" (I wonder who guessed to give it such a "sounding" name) to ... Here I had my first acquaintance with induction cookers. I never imagined that an ordinary-looking hob, and even built into the surface kitchen table(that is, without an oven) can cost about sixty thousand rubles.

To my ironic question, "what was stuffed there," the seller "without batting a glance" replied that it was, they say, a premium class induction hob. Further, at my request, he explained what an "induction panel" is and how it differs from a heating element.

I confess that all his arguments at first had no effect. So what, which is faster? We have nowhere to hurry. So what if you spend less energy? Well, there will be a bill for a hundred rubles a month cheaper. So what?

What exactly did the seller tell me?

How is an induction hob different from a regular hob?

Do you have small children? - asked the seller.

Yes, I have a 5-year-old son - I answered.

Has he ever burned himself on a hot stove?

I remembered: about a year ago, my baby really got burned on the stove. He just passed by and grabbed the surface with his hand. The stove was already off, but the place where the pot stood was still very hot.

Yes, it was - I had to admit.

If you had an induction hob, this wouldn't happen. She doesn't heat up.

From that moment on, we began a "scientific" conversation. I really wondered how it could be: with the stove turned on and working "to its fullest," the surface remains cold, and only the pan itself heats up.

It turned out that for heating dishes in an induction cooker, the same principle is used as in electrical transformer. Do you know how a transformer works? Let me tell you quickly just in case.

Surely you know that a transformer is such a heavy thing. There are 4 wires coming out of it. One pair is plugged into an ordinary outlet, the voltage in which, as you know, is 220 volts. On the other pair of wires, the voltage, oddly enough, is 12 volts. Or 9. Or even 4.5.

We won't go into details of the rest of the electrical circuit power adapter, but it turns out that through it you can plug in a mobile phone to recharge which requires only, say, 3.6 volts.

How does such a significant decrease in voltage occur? Let's look at the picture:

We supply 220 volts from the socket (U1) to one pair of contacts. As a result, a magnetic field is formed in the metal core of the transformer. In the other winding of the transformer, which is not directly connected to the first, oddly enough, an electric current with voltage also arises ... but this already depends on the number of turns of wire around the core.

Thus, due to the ratio of the number of turns in the primary and secondary windings, the desired output voltage is achieved.

In an induction cooker, the primary winding (roughly speaking, a coil of wire) is located under the glass-ceramic surface. A very high frequency current of 50-60 kilohertz flows through the coil. The so-called eddy currents create around the coil, so to speak, a cloud of electromagnetic radiation.

The bottom of the pan, which we put on the surface of the stove, falls into this "cloud". In it, under the action of an electromagnetic field, processes begin that lead to heating. In fact, the bottom of the pan becomes the second winding of the transformer.

The most surprising thing is that the glass-ceramic surface of the stove itself remains cold. Of course, it heats up from the heated bottom of the pot or pan, but this heating is nothing compared to the fiery "pancake" of the usual "Lysva" stove or red, even scary to look at, glass ceramics.

In other words, if you turn on the burner of the induction panel, but do not put anything on it, it will simply turn off after a few seconds under the action of automation, without heating up a single degree.

If you put your hand on the surface of an induction cooker, you will feel absolutely nothing, even if you turn on the corresponding burner to the maximum.

But if you put on such a stove the right pan(we will talk about which dishes are suitable for induction panels a little later), then its bottom will literally immediately begin to noticeably heat up. Literally a few seconds and you will no longer be able to hold on to the bottom of the dish - it's hot!

What is there to say. Look at how quickly cold water boils on an induction hob.

How does an induction cooker work. Video

A 2-liter pot was filled with water at a temperature of +14 degrees. Then she was put on the stove. In the background, I deliberately placed the clock. Usually they are not there, of course. They were needed in the frame to show that the video was not edited. No gimmick - all for real. And why should I cheat? I don't sell cooking surfaces :). I'm just doing an experiment.

Then the stove was turned on to the maximum. In ordinary life, we never do this, but even I myself was interested to know how long it would take these two liters to boil. Almost immediately after switching on, air bubbles appeared at the bottom of the pan, and the water that was at the bottom of the outside almost immediately evaporated (remember, a suspicious hiss was heard at first).

The induction panel worked at maximum speed. Soon the built-in fan turned on - apparently, the induction coil was significantly heated. Then you saw everything yourself. I have to admit, at the very end, when I had to turn off the stove, I hesitated a bit, so some of the water spilled onto the surface.

Just don’t think that I crumble into beads with delight and try in every possible way to put it on a pedestal new technology and lower traditional slabs to the level of the plinth. Not at all. It's just a fact - if you need to boil water very urgently, then "induction" will cope with this faster.

In ordinary life, we never use this explosive warm-up mode. Normal power is 4-7 units out of ten, depending on the situation. However, my wife quite definitely states that the initial heat up time is faster on the new stove.

What else is good induction hob

Another pleasant discovery that was made when using the device is that the food that "escaped" from the pan does not stick to the surface. How about on a regular stove? If the milk "ran away", then you must either immediately wash it or then you will have to scrape the stove with a special scraper.

I remember from my own experience. If you do not immediately clean the surface properly, then over time, nasty circles form from the remnants of burnt food.

For half a year of using the induction panel, something “ran away” from us repeatedly. But the surface still looks like it's brand new. This happens because the surface itself does not heat up. I already wrote that if you turn on the stove and put your hand on the burner, you will feel absolutely nothing. No heating. And the heat that comes from the heated dishes is not enough to form a burnt crust on the glass-ceramic surface.

My wife was a bit wary at first. And when she found out that the old dishes might not work with the new stove, she was completely sad. But literally in a couple of days, decadent moods were replaced by enthusiasm. To this day she thinks induction hob a better choice, despite its significant cost.

An additional plus of induction is that it is more economical in terms of electricity consumption. I didn’t check it myself, but I read on the Internet that the efficiency of stoves with heating elements is about 60%. In the induction panel - 90 - 95%. There is some difference, right? Even if it is not as significant as it is written on the Internet, all the same, even a small regular energy saving over the years is knocked out into significant amounts that remain in the family.

I think that over time, the stove will fully pay for itself and begin to give "profit".

What cookware is needed for an induction cooker

I must say right away: the problem with dishes is purely illusory. It's just that fear has big eyes. You can easily use an induction hob without buying new cookware, even if none of your pans work directly with induction.

You can easily determine how your dishes are suitable for a future purchase.

Everything is very simple. Take an ordinary magnet and try to lean it against all the pots and pans that you have in the kitchen. Those pots that do not respond to the magnet will not work with the induction hob.

It will look like this: you put a pot of water and turn on the stove. For the first few seconds, everything will be as usual, but then the indicator light of the corresponding burner will flash and the stove will turn off, as if you just turned on the stove, but did not put anything on it.

Many people say that ordinary enameled saucepans can be safely thrown away, but dishes with a thick metal bottom are what you need.

All this is prejudice. Here's a good old enamel pot that works great with an induction hob:

At the same time, the Zepter dishes I have with a thick metal bottom categorically refuse to serve. The induction panel simply "does not see" it. Or rather, "does not feel." My wife discovered this and came to tell me that "there is something strange with our stove." I approached and for a long time could not understand why the Zepter pan with such a thick bottom, made of stainless steel, stubbornly "is not determined" by the induction cooker.

Then he brought a magnet - and for sure! The bottom of Zepter cookware is not magnetic. That was the number! Searching the internet, I found out that new dishes this company has already been adapted. I have a 15 year old set. At that time, they didn’t even know what an induction hob was.

I had to get a tile from the mezzanine and cook on it. But a new question arose: what to do next? Can't you use tiles all the time?

The most successful way out of this situation is to buy an adapter for an induction cooker. This is such a metal pan that you put on the surface of the stove, and already put a pan on it, which by itself cannot work with induction. When you turn on the stove, the adapter heats up and transfers heat to the pan.

Of course, all this looks a little strange, but it is much cheaper to buy an adapter than to change the entire Zepter cookware set.

Many people are not aware of the existence of adapters. They throw away or give away excellent cookware to friends just because it does not work with the induction hob. The adapter costs from 1000 to 2000 rubles. It is much easier to buy it and use the good old and such familiar dishes than to lament and scold your husband for what it is worth because he brought home this "induction nonsense".

In a word, you don't have to worry about dishes. The main thing is to buy one or two adapters with the stove and "keep on living".

What is dangerous induction hob

The time has come for the tar. Still, you must know what to prepare for if you are going to deal with induction.

The thing is that such a plate creates around itself a rather strong electromagnetic field, read radiation. Some people, as soon as they hear the word "radiation", immediately begin to itch :). I remember that in the store one customer immediately refused to buy an induction panel, she only heard about strong electromagnetic fields.

It would be interesting to offer her, for that matter, to stop using the microwave, the TV, mobile phone... After all, all these and many other household appliances also emit, and how!

The induction hob is indeed a source of a powerful electromagnetic field. You can't argue with that. But it disappears at a distance of 30-40 centimeters from the coil. Let's think logically. If the field were stronger and extended for a meter or more, then, logically, all the metal objects around would also have to heat up. For example, pans on adjacent burners, metal knives and forks, the refrigerator wall - all this would be warm. But that's not what happens.

If you are not going to put your head on the burner and keep it there until the dish is completely cooked, then there is no particular danger for you.

However, doctors warn against the use of the induction panel for those people who use pacemakers. Probably, these are very sensitive devices and even a slight fluctuation of the electromagnetic background will be sensitive for them.

As for the rest...

In our kitchen, an induction hob appeared about six months ago. In appearance, it is no different from a conventional hob.

This is a flat device that is mounted directly into the surface of the kitchen countertop. Right under it, you can, oddly enough, do drawer for all kitchen utensils.

On the underside there is a fan to cool the coils:

induction hob- a fairly powerful consumer of energy, therefore, to connect it, it is worth using a separate cable route from the electric meter with its own machine. If you plug the panel into the same outlet as the refrigerator and microwave, then the wiring may not withstand while the appliances are operating at the same time. AT best case blows the fuse in the fuse box. At worst, you will have to chisel the wall and look for a place, electrical wiring fires and short circuits.

It is desirable that the edges of the hole in the countertop be lined with foil:

The cost of an induction hob is, of course, higher than that of a stove with heating elements of a similar class. The minimum price that I saw in the store was 28,000 rubles. (everything tends to get cheaper over time). But, taking into account the efficiency of the device, you will very soon - literally in a year and a half - return the cost of the "overpayment" by saving electricity.

It's like co. First we buy an expensive light bulb, and then we save on energy bills for many years.


Siemens induction hob seemed to us good decision. For all the time of use, there were no complaints about it. Even my wife, who is a skeptic about all sorts of technical innovations, even appreciated the convenience of operation and, most importantly, maintenance of the device. Remember, I wrote that "escaped" food does not burn. Then it is easily erased from the surface with a regular cloth.

Despite the seeming high cost, the induction hob is an excellent choice. We recommend!

Despite the abundance of information, home appliance buyers still have a lot of misconceptions and prejudices that sometimes prevent them from making right choice and enjoy all the features and capabilities that modern technology provides.

First of all, the experts decided to dispel doubts about buying induction (induction hobs). This technology has already conquered Europe, but still remains unpopular in Russia.

Myth #1: Induction is not healthy.

During induction, it is not the glass-ceramic that is heated, but the dishes, which then transfer heat to the surface. In conventional stoves there is a Hi Light tape heating element, and in induction stoves, its place is occupied by an electromagnetic coil, which generates heat in the cookware itself due to the action of an electromagnetic field. However, it disappears as soon as the dishes are raised at least a centimeter from the surface.

To confirm the safety of the stove, an experiment was conducted comparing the voltage level of the magnetic field of induction and a conventional hair dryer. According to the results of testing for a hair dryer, this figure was 2000 μT, and for the hob - only 22 μT (91 times less!). Such a magnetic field cannot harm human health.

Myth number 2: when buying induction, you will have to change all the dishes.

This myth is exactly as old as there are induction hobs on the home appliances market in Russia. Many of those who have purchased an induction hob and had no idea that, for example, their old enamelware, which is 15-20 years old, has ferromagnetic properties and is suitable for an induction hob. Why not remember the story of aluminum cookware and the hostess who threw it away without thinking that the bottom of such dishes could be from a different ferromagnetic material and could it fit the conditions for cooking on an induction hob?

This myth is very easy to disprove. In order not to throw out all old crockery on which you are used to cooking, you need to check its bottom for ferromagnetic properties. This is done very simply: remove the magnet from the refrigerator and attach it to the bottom of the dish from the outside. If the magnet sticks, then the pot or pan is suitable for induction cooking.

Myth #3: Induction heats up like a regular glass-ceramic stove.

One of the most common myths, although the induction hob was created so that the glass ceramics do not heat up to high temperatures, but the dish is still cooked. When the first myth was destroyed, it was found that during the operation of induction, the dishes are heated, and not the surface. To make sure that induction is much colder than glass-ceramic, you can use ice: just put it on the surface. The ice will melt much more slowly than on a conventional stove. And this means that culinary masterpieces are no longer in danger of burning.

Myth No. 4: Any metal object that gets on a working induction will get very hot.

Some induction cooktops have a minimum diameter requirement of 8 cm. If the diameter is lower, or the total heating area is smaller, the hob will not turn on. It is also worth noting that if the dishes are not suitable for use, then they will not heat up. And some induction hobs have a sensor: without dishes, they do not turn on - as, indeed, in children, if they decide to press the buttons of the new "machine".

Myth #5: Induction should not be installed above ovens, dishwashers, washing machines, and other appliances with metal surfaces.

Indeed, the electromagnetic coils are parallel to the table top. And theoretically, the magnetic field should act both on objects located above the hob and below it. But there are cooktop manufacturers who have taken care of this. When creating them, the developers used a special insulating magnetic "heat sink". Thus, technology standing near induction is not in danger.

Myth #6: Induction cookers are expensive.

This myth is easy to disprove, one has only to study the market. According to statistics, in 2012, 42% of consumers in Europe chose induction heating technology. On the Russian market you can find induction hobs from 11 thousand rubles. As a result, the difference with traditional glass-ceramic panels is small.


Studies only confirm the harm of magnetic fields (in microwave ovens, from induction cookers, etc.) “After irradiation, radiation signals of different shapes, different amplitudes appear in the samples at the same radiation dose and are “superimposed” on the original signal in different ways. Based on this, it can be assumed that the starting materials initially contained a small amount of free radicals. Under the influence of electromagnetic irradiation, the number of such paramagnetic centers in the samples increases or new ones are formed. The concentration of paramagnetic centers or free radicals is directly proportional to the time and (or) power of exposure. English: The accumulation of free radicals in the body with food altered by magnetic waves causes cancerous tumors.

12/14/2018 09:50:19, Pro

induction rocks! you just get used to it a little - and it's a thrill, you don't like the usual stove at all. They gave us induction indesit for a wedding, I thought I would never get used to it, but no, I adapted very quickly, and now I get only pleasure.

We also use a hotpoint, I can say that our electricity bill hasn’t changed much either, and the fact that we need special dishes, so we are already used to it, we bought a sufficient number of necessary containers and now we use our panel calmly)

What I like about my Indesit induction is that now neither porridge nor scrambled eggs burn even in not the most successful dishes! while the water boils, on the contrary, faster

we have been using induction for almost two years, according to the bills for electricity, I didn’t notice at all that it “eats” a lot, as you say, maybe it depends on the model and manufacturer? I have a hotpoint model, by the way, which I am very pleased with, very convenient to use and no problems with cleaning

06/24/2017 12:23:19 pm Mare

Hello! I want to say a few words about saving induction cookers. I myself have a Maxwell cooker. The fact is that such plates on different modes work differently. In this case, it works for me as follows - at temperatures of 180 and 220 degrees it works constantly without turning off, and at temperatures of 120, 140 and 160 it works interrupted for a small amount of time and the lower the temperature, the greater the interruption in time. Thus, switching on and off saves energy. And the lower the temperature, the greater this savings. The maximum consumption of such stoves is 2,000 watts per hour, but due to the fact that there is a periodic shutdown, there is a saving of at least 2 times. Turning off and on itself does not negatively affect the operation of the stove, but there are a lot of positives from this. For example, you will never run out of milk, because during the shutdown, and the cycle lasts from 5 seconds or more, the foam will have time to cool and settle. There is one more plus, due to the fact that there is no contact with a hot surface and open fire, the dishes do not burn on the outside and therefore do not require much maintenance and remain like new. Highly recommend. I've been using it for over two years now and have no complaints.

02/17/2016 12:33:42 PM, KAE1972

A friend told me about the induction cooker, but this article does not say anything about saving electricity. He proved to me about saving, and I read on the net how much she "eats". I don’t remember the name anymore, but there are small types of single-burner Sencor and First 2000 W and above. It's 2 kilowatts. I now have a gas 2-burner, but the gas is Bologna 50l. Bolon lasts for a long time. I will still look for articles about these miracle plates. In terms of price, they are not expensive with us, from 30 euros and more, depending on the “navarots”. For that electricity in Latvia is not very cheap. I also have an 80 liter boiler hanging in my kitchen, it also "eats" to heat water.

Comment on the article "Induction cooker: 6 myths - and the whole truth"

cooker electric or induction. Which stove is better to buy electric or Now there is an electric hob, but it is living its last days. The principle of operation is magnetic coils that heat the dishes, or rather, its magnetic bottom.


Here, just do not believe the stories about "changing all the dishes." I have ancient Yugoslav enameled pans, bought in the 80s, they fit! Not to mention modern dishes.

Definitely an induction! I decided to save money and bought an electric one for the dacha. Now I cry bitterly: (Heaven and earth: (

Recommend a hob. Cookers and ovens. Household and computer equipment. Advise what should be taken or what exactly should not be taken. I timidly think in the direction of induction + conventional burners - do I need it?


Read" theoretical basis" work of induction cookers. In inexpensive models, the "power" of the stove is achieved solely by the on-off relay operation. That is, at minimum power, the stove works for a full 10 seconds, then turns off for 30 seconds. This makes it impossible to cook some dishes for which strong boiling (sauces, stews, Turkish coffee, mentioned below, etc.).In expensive models (above 25 for 4 burners, approximately), the power itself is regulated.It is their owners who write rave reviews.My option is half glass, half induction Moreover, 1 + 1 + multicooker is enough for me for five households.

Take 4 inductions, my first stove was 2 + 2, in the end I cooked only on induction.
Ikeevka pots and pans plow perfectly in my country house, then gradually buy more
Only samsung do not take it horror))

Section: Housekeeping (hazel for induction cooker). Induction cooker and Soviet type hazelnut. From childhood part New Year's table in our family - nuts stuffed with boiled condensed milk and walnuts. We used such a hazelnut, the stove was gas.

Electrolux induction cooker with touch buttons on the hob. Beautiful, only cut down from the slightest drop of water, with a wet hand does not turn on, does not turn off, and so on. I wouldn't buy this now.


As for the connection - the pipe is cut off and muffled by the forces of Moscow Gas, if you are in Moscow. It is necessary to coordinate as a reorganization in the mzhi. Previously, it was the two-burner induction that was coordinated without problems, that is, they did not require additional power for it. Now I don't know if it's the same.

officially turned off the gas
rejoice induction

Electrolux induction cooker with touch buttons on the hob. Why do people praise induction so much? Section: Cookers and ovens (IKEA whirlpool induction hobs reviews). I have a Teka and a hob and an oven.

Induction hob. Cookers and ovens. Household and computer equipment. dishes are special, for induction cookers - in stores they advise. When I moved, I threw away all my old one with pleasure, using this pretext :) And ...

The principle of operation is with the help of an electromagnetic field. Compare this with ceramic. Many models of glass-ceramic hobs have the function of "automatic boiling" ... Section: Cookers and ovens (automatic boiling principle of operation).

Electric stove with induction heating principle. Where can I find information about the principle of heating a glass-ceramic electric stove? They have different operating principles. Electrolux induction cooker with touch buttons on the hob.


The heat from the heaters enters the working area of ​​​​the stove (to the burners) quite quickly, since the glass-ceramic transfers heat almost without inertia. But this property is not in demand if the most advanced heaters are used - induction. The operation of heaters of this type is based on the use of electromagnetic field energy. It is created by an inductor located under the glass-ceramic surface. The electromagnetic field passes freely through the glass ceramics and generates eddy currents in the bottom of the metal dish. As a result, the dishes heat up quickly, but there is practically no heat loss, because. currents do not pass through the glass-ceramic surface. However, this does not mean that it is recommended to touch it with your hands, it still heats up - from hot dishes.

The induction hotplate, free from dishes, remains cold even when it is turned on, because it is not it that heats up, but the metal objects on it. However, if you forget your fork or spoon on the stove, don't be afraid to burn yourself - they will stay cold. Heating of any objects with a diameter of less than 12 cm blocks a special detector.

Induction burners have the widest range of heating power (from 50 to 2800 W), which can be smoothly changed due to the maximum possible number of adjustments (there are 12-14, while for other types of burners this number usually does not exceed 6-9). On induction burners, you can not only cook and boil, but also produce the so-called languishing (cooking over very low heat). long time) by setting the minimum power level. On the contrary, at the maximum power level, the temperature rises so quickly that the water boils twice as fast as on a gas stove.

So are you interested in glass ceramics or induction cooker?

Every housewife dreams of a convenient and multifunctional assistant in daily cooking for the whole family, of course, so that she also has a stylish, modern design. If your house is not connected to the city gas pipeline, an induction stove, or an electric one, will suit you.

Which one is better and more economical, because they are both powered by the mains. To answer this question and find out all the positive and negative sides of each model, we advise you to read our article.

The main difference is the principle of heating original devices in their own way.

The electric stove first heats the burners to the temperature set by the user, and then transfers heat to the dishes installed on them.

With the induction model, everything is diametrically opposite: specially assembled coils create an induction eddy current that heats the bottom of the dish, and then the contents. At the same time, the hob remains cold and heats up during cooking only from the dishes.

The heating system is the main difference between these electric models, not to mention the internal arrangement and individual details. An electric burner cannot be installed separately from the entire body of the product, and induction panels, with some modifications, are freely located on the countertop of the kitchen table and function perfectly.

Comparison of electric stove and induction hob

Each of the presented options has pros and cons, which we will discuss separately. There are also individual, characteristic features only to them, users need to pay attention to them even before purchase.

induction hob

  1. The cost is quite high, but due to the high savings in energy consumption, all costs are paid off, according to experts, on average during the first year of operation.
  2. It takes no time to heat up the burners.
  3. Automation turns off the power supply if there is no cookware on the surface of the panel.
  4. Users can set the temperature with an accuracy of 1 degree and set the cooking time.
  5. Simple operation - no special care is required, because there is no sticking on the surface.
  6. For proper cooking, you need special dishes with a perfectly flat bottom, made of cast iron or steel.
  7. When in contact with the induction model, you must remove the watch so that it does not become magnetized, as well as all jewelry so that when heated, they do not burn your skin.

Electric stoves

  1. They are much cheaper and work silently.
  2. You can use almost any utensil without restrictions.
  3. The burners warm up for a long time, but also cool down slowly, which is very much appreciated by many experienced professional chefs: you can leave the dish to “reach” on the already switched off stove.
  4. They have a high degree of fire hazard and traumatic burns.
  5. The power consumption is much higher than that of the induction model.

Each model has individual advantages, as well as disadvantages, so when choosing, you need to compare all the nuances.

Pros and cons of the electric model

We have already discussed the principle of heating the burners, so we will immediately move on to what is better for electric stoves:

  1. There are no combustion products, as in the gas analogue.
  2. Quiet operation.
  3. Convenient and easy to use.
  4. A wide range allows you to required choice heating elements, number of burners, type of control.
  5. Acceptable cost for consumers.

There are also a number of disadvantages:

  • the power consumption is quite significant, because the burners warm up to the maximum temperature for a long time;
  • strong heat can be a source of accidental burns;
  • the full warm-up time is quite long - 4-5 minutes;
  • water boils after 10-15 minutes of active heating;
  • long cooling contributes to the creation of a greenhouse effect in the kitchen in the summer.

If there are small children in the family, then it is necessary to close the doors to the kitchen during cooking and in the process of cooling the burners after a long work.

Advantages and disadvantages of the induction panel

This modification of the hob has the following positive qualities:

  1. Low consumption of electrical energy.
  2. The surfaces of the burners are heated from dishes no higher than 50-60 degrees.
  3. The entire surface remains cold during the cooking process.
  4. Unique safety - when small objects from the cutlery set hit the stove, the burners do not turn on.
  5. There are several operating modes in the arsenal.
  6. Water boils in 5 minutes, while the energy consumption is not higher than 0.35 kW / h.
  7. Quick heating of dishes within a minute due to the use of eddy magnetic currents.
  8. If there is no water in the dish or in the pan, the automation switches off the power supply.

As with any technique, there are some negative aspects:

  • coils during operation may emit a slight buzz;
  • high price;
  • you need special dishes made of cast iron or ferromagnetic alloys;
  • the surface of the panel is afraid of point impacts - it instantly splits and becomes unsuitable for further use.

In new developments of models, noise practically does not occur, but special dishes should be used, with rather thick walls - just thin-walled products create noise, and not the stove itself.

Which stove is more economical

Everything is simple here: induction models are distinguished by instant heating and similar cooling - if the current is turned off, then the induction coils do not produce magnetic flux, and there is no bottom heating. When the temperature is adjusted by the user, its change occurs instantly - there is no need to wait until the burner warms up or cools down, because the dishes are heated, and not the surface of the burner, which is limited on the panel in red.

Therefore, the conclusion is quite simple: electric energy is consumed by induction panels more rationally, so the payment of bills is much less. These models are considered much more economical, for comparison - electric ones use 1.5 times more energy.

Benefits of an induction cooker

We have already dealt with the positive qualities and disadvantages of these stoves, now we list their advantages compared to electric models:

  1. Induction panels are safe for children and pets, because without the presence of special and non-empty dishes on its surface, heating does not occur. The equipment left unattended is incapable of getting burned or provoking a fire, and the automation completely disconnects it from the network in half an hour if the user does not show any activity.
  2. Compared to conventional electric stoves, they do not require certain time for heating - 2 liters of water boils in 5.5 minutes, which is not available to other analogues.
  3. Another important advantage is simple cleaning, since the hob never heats up, it is impossible for food to burn on it. Therefore, it can be wiped regularly with a damp sponge and a dry soft cloth - a huge difference from cleaning electric models.
  4. These models consume much less energy, so the savings in utility bills are quite noticeable.

Induction hobs have one unique feature - the "booster" mode, which allows you to briefly direct the entire power of the product to one burner, greatly increasing its performance for efficient use.

The nuances of the right choice

The range of modern stoves for domestic use is quite wide, so make right choice the consumer is not easy. We present to your attention the main differences between electric and induction models:

  1. The main difference is the principle of operation of both options. The electric stove first heats the burners, and then the dishes installed on them. The second option uses the principle of electromagnetic induction: copper coils located under the panel activate eddy magnetic currents that heat the bottom of special dishes. The food is cooked, and the surface of the stove remains at the same temperature.
  2. For cooking on an electric oven, any utensils are used, and on an induction panel - only with ferromagnetic properties, kitchen utensils made of non-ferrous metal are not suitable.
  3. Until the cookware fills 70% of the burner area, the induction model does not start working, and there will be no effect if it is empty. On the small items kitchen utensils smart technology does not pay attention, which has a very positive effect on overall safety, especially when there is a younger generation in the family that is distinguished by great curiosity.
  4. The speed of cooking any dishes on an electric model is much lower than that of an induction hob - this is due to the difference in the technological process.
  5. The induction option has some negative nuances: they are not recommended to be installed close to other household appliances ( washing machine, refrigerator or oven), because the specifics of the product may not adequately affect their functionality.

If your kitchen is already dominated by dishes with ferromagnetic properties, you have a financial opportunity without much damage to family budget purchase new appliances for the kitchen, then you can safely choose an induction hob and enjoy the benefits of innovative technologies.


The induction hob is an improved technological version of the electric stove familiar to users, only the heating here does not occur in the spiral, but directly in the bottom of the cookware. Their difference is that the first is considered more economical, practically safe and easy to operate. But it requires special utensils.
