How to cook condensed milk in a jar so that it does not explode. How to cook condensed milk from milk at home

Each person has delicacies, loved since childhood. Maybe they no longer deliver such pleasure as many years ago, but every time they remind you of happy years. Boiled condensed milk is the apotheosis of delight for little gourmets. They prefer to eat it with spoons. Well, adults use it more as a cream, dessert. Today, this delicacy can be bought at any store, but the taste is not at all the same. Or maybe it’s better to make boiled condensed milk with your own hands? By the way, in previous years they did not sell ready-made boiled condensed milk, her mother did it. Why don't we try the delicacy prepared in our own kitchen? Moreover, the recipes are quite enough.

Classic way
Keep in mind - this is the most familiar, but also the most dangerous recipe. The slightest oversight - and a can of condensed milk will explode. So be vigilant.
This option will require a can of factory milk. We put it in a saucepan, pour water so that the jar drowns in it. We bring the water to a boil, reduce the heat and cook for 3-4 hours. The water level must be monitored, periodically adding as it boils. Time is up, take the jar out of the pan, let the milk cool down, open it - and enjoy the tender brown fudge!

Do-it-yourself boiled condensed milk
Be prepared for the fact that this method will take a lot of time and work, and will require special care. However, the result is that you will not regret your decision to make boiled condensed milk at home. Indeed, having opened another jar of our favorite treat at home, we sigh: the taste is not the same, and it is not known what additives are there. So we will do everything ourselves.

We take two liters of 3% fresh milk (in extreme cases, in bags or bottles). You will also need 0.5 kg of sugar, a little vanillin (if you like it) and one teaspoon of soda. It is advisable to cook in a basin made of copper, if there is none, you can use a pan with a thick bottom. Pour milk into a bowl, add vanilla. We put the milk on the fire, bring it to a boil and pour sugar and soda into it, mixed with a small amount of water.

The milk continues to boil, and our task is to stir it intensively. It will take a long time to cook - at least two hours. When you notice that the milk thickens and changes color, the fire should be reduced. As soon as the cooking time has passed, the dishes with milk should be placed in a large container filled with cold water and kept there for about ten minutes, stirring constantly.

That's all. Cool the boiled condensed milk completely, and you can take a sample from a fragrant unique treat that you can’t buy in a store! Those with a sweet tooth will probably want to eat it in its pure form, but homemade confectioners will definitely use it as a cream for waffle cake or pastries.

Cooking condensed milk in the oven
Also a very common way. Pour a jar of store-bought condensed milk into a heat-resistant pan. Next, take a tall baking sheet or just a large form, fill it with water and place a container of milk in it. The water should come up to about half the level of the condensed milk.
We cover the pan with foil and put the whole structure in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees. We are waiting for 2-3 hours. The time depends on how dark you want the finished treat to be. Check periodically to see if the water has boiled away. If necessary, you need to pour it. The timer signaled the end of the process - we take out the baking sheet with the pan from the oven, remove the foil and mix the milk mass. As soon as it cools down, the feast can begin.

Microwave boiled condensed milk
Particularly impatient can make boiled condensed milk at home much faster. But this requires a microwave oven.
Open a can of condensed milk and pour it into a microwave safe bowl. We put the pan in the oven and cook for 15 minutes using the medium power mode. I must say that store-bought condensed milk can be of different quality, so the cooking time of the “varenka” may not be the same, you may have to add a few minutes. You need to navigate by the color of boiled condensed milk. Further, as in other recipes, we cool and enjoy yummy.

We use a pressure cooker
This method will appeal to those who do not want to constantly monitor the cooking process.
We fill the pressure cooker with cold water, lower the jar of condensed milk there. The water should cover it completely. We close the pressure cooker and put it on a strong fire. 12 minutes should elapse from the moment the water boils. Turn off the unit. Let the water cool down. After that, we take out the jar, open it - and eat it together.

You can cook condensed milk in a slow cooker
To do this, you need to take a can of store-bought milk, best marked "GOST". Open it, pour the contents into a glass jar and close the lid. Line the bottom of the pot with a damp cloth to avoid scratching the bottom. We put a jar in a slow cooker, pour water to about half the level of milk. Close the lid and select the program "Extinguishing" or "Milk porridge", setting the time to 4 hours. We press "Start". The process went, however, not fast, but this is a property of this household appliance. There is no need to open the lid and add water - it does not evaporate from the multicooker. The readiness signal sounded - carefully remove the jar, cool, and then, as in previous recipes.

If the result disappoints you
Rarely, but it happens that it is not possible to make good quality boiled condensed milk at home. And this happens for one of two reasons. You bought not very high-quality condensed milk, which included too many impurities. A good one should consist of milk with a fat content of at least 8 percent and sugar, or you simply didn’t cook the condensed milk, you gave too little time for the process. There is such a pattern: the longer the condensed milk is cooked, the thicker, darker and, accordingly, tastier it is.

Not only children love sweets, but also adults. Sweets, cakes, gingerbread, pastries cheer up, bring pleasure. And the real taste from childhood is boiled condensed milk. Yes, supermarkets already sell boiled condensed milk - toffee. But, much tastier gets a delicacy cooked by yourself. Of course, many housewives are well aware of how this process goes. It is important to follow all steps. Otherwise, it will take hours to clean the kitchen. Indeed, with improper cooking, a jar of raw sweetness can simply burst. So, how to cook condensed milk in a jar yourself?

The choice of condensed milk in a jar for cooking

If you decide to make your own boiled condensed milk in a can, you need to pay special attention to the choice of this product. Otherwise, all your efforts will be in vain. Thanks to this popularity, many manufacturers are trying to save on raw materials, reduce the cost of sweets. In the process of cooking such products, it turns into an incomprehensible mass, which is very harmful to human health.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, you need to pay attention to some factors:

  • Bank marking. A quality product necessarily has an embossed marking, and not just printed or written. At the same time, it is knocked out on the lid or bottom of the jar from the inside. First, the letter "M" is stuffed, and the numbers. If the last two characters are "76", then the condensed milk is of high quality.
  • Standard marking. The highest quality and most delicious condensed milk prepared according to GOST. TU marking is allowed. In this case, plant components are used in the manufacture in large quantities. This worsens the taste characteristics of the product.
  • Name. To cook delicious condensed milk, or to eat it raw, choose the name on the jar "Condensed milk with sugar". Some manufacturers write "Whole Milk". This option is also acceptable. Other products are not manufactured to the standard, and may be harmful.
  • Storage period. Real, properly made condensed milk cannot be stored for more than one year. If the packaging indicates a longer shelf life, it means that preservatives were added during production. With heat treatment, they can turn into a real time bomb.

Pay attention to the quality of the packaging itself. Both for cooking and for consumption in its natural form, a treat in a plastic container is not suitable. Real condensed milk is packed only in cans. Only such packaging allows products to be stored for such a long time without the use of preservatives. On a tin can, cracks and dents are unacceptable.

How to cook condensed milk in a jar in a saucepan?

To cook delicious sweets in a jar, you need to consider some points. First of all, the cooking time of the product is taken into account. How much to cook condensed milk in a jar? If you want a delicate, beige shade, the cooking time will be only 1 hour. To get a dark brown color, you will have to cook the sweetness for about 3.5-4 hours.

Cooking time also affects the taste characteristics, the consistency of condensed milk. The longer it cooks, the thicker it will get. As a rule, such masses are used not for direct consumption, but for the manufacture of a filling or cream for a confectionery product. During the cooking process, the water in the pan will evaporate. It must be added. But, so that there is no explosion, and condensed milk does not end up on the walls of the kitchen, only hot water is added.

Follow these cooking steps:

  • Clear the jar from the label;
  • Place the jar sideways in the pan;
  • Fill the condensed milk with cold liquid;
  • Bring the condensed milk to a boil at maximum heat;
  • Reduce the fire to the minimum mark;
  • Boil the condensed milk for the set time.

If you notice that milk has begun to flow out of the jar, you should stop cooking. Otherwise, the bank will definitely explode. Do not immediately open the condensed milk when cooked. Wait until the product has completely cooled down. So, condensed milk will be tasty, and the container will not burst. Examine the composition of condensed milk before cooking. The required consistency will be obtained only when the milk fat content does not exceed 8%.

We cook condensed milk in a jar in a slow cooker

Today, a multicooker is found in almost every kitchen. With this device, you can also cook delicious condensed milk. As in the previous version, the iron can must be removed from the label and wiped with a damp washcloth. The multicooker bowl must be covered with a napkin (fabric) so that it is not scratched from the tin.

The jar of condensed milk itself can be either laid on its side or placed evenly. You need enough water to cover a little above the jar. But, you can not exceed the maximum mark in the multicooker bowl. If the device has a valve for steam, it should be closed. Thus, the liquid will not evaporate, and it will not have to be topped up.

In the "Frying" mode, the liquid with the jar must be brought to a boil. After that, close the multicooker with a lid, and set the "Extinguishing" mode. As a rule, the temperature mode is set automatically. It should be kept within 100-110 degrees. Cooking condensed milk quickly even in a slow cooker will not work. To obtain a thick, brown mass, at least 2.5-3 hours should pass.

How to make condensed milk yourself?

You can cook condensed milk yourself. There is a universal, classic recipe. To prepare it, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Fat milk - 1.3 l;
  • Sugar - 0.6 kg;
  • Baking soda - 3 g;
  • Water - 0.1 l;
  • Vanillin - 20 g.

You can cook condensed milk on your own only in a saucepan with a special coating (non-stick), thick-walled. The combination of milk and sugar will foam at first and then start to stick to the bottom of the dish. Too thin bottom will spoil the taste of the dish. If there is no suitable pan, the mass must be constantly stirred.

So, at the first stage, a mixture of vanillin, sugar, water is prepared. Everything is mixed with a wooden spatula. The fire is set to below medium on the stove. The mass is stirred with a whisk until the sugar is completely dissolved. After the syrup is ready, you can slowly pour the fat milk into the mass. As always, stirring, the mixture is brought to a boil. It is important to pour milk not cold, but at room temperature.

The fire is reduced to the minimum mark as soon as multiple bubbles begin to appear. At this stage, soda is added to the product. Since a sharp hissing, seething will begin, the condensed milk must be intensively stirred. Now the condensed milk is covered with a lid and simmered on a minimum heat for one hour. The milk is stirred every 10 minutes.

After about an hour, the milk will turn a delicate beige color. Right now, condensed milk can be removed from the fire, if there is a desire to get a liquid consistency. For thick, boiled condensed milk, you will have to simmer the product for another 40 minutes. After removing the product from the stove, the pan is covered with a lid, and the condensed milk cools down. The already cooled sweetness is poured into a jar, food container, tightly closed with a lid.

Other recipes for making goodies

It turns out very tasty condensed milk with cream. In this case, the composition of the ingredients is slightly different:

  • Sugar - 1.2 kg;
  • Powdered milk - 370 g;
  • Cream (33% fat) - 1 l;
  • Milk infant formula (dry) - 210 g;
  • Water - 120 g;
  • Vanilla sugar - 10 g.

The cooking pot should be the same as in the previous case. A mixture of their vanilla and simple sugar, water is prepared in a saucepan. The mixture is simmered over low heat until it boils. At this stage, the sugar has not yet completely dissolved. Once the mixture is homogeneous, it is removed from the gas. Now you can add cream, milk powder, infant formula to the pan. The dishes are placed on a minimum fire, and the condensed milk is constantly stirred. This will avoid the formation of lumps.

The product should languish for 1.5 hours. During the cooking process, the product is constantly stirred, and the foam that has settled on the walls is again sent to the pan. You need to turn off the fire when the mass becomes thick and viscous. Cools the treat at room temperature. Such sweetness will turn out to be very tasty, moderately sweet. In a container with a tight-fitting lid (preferably glass), the product can be stored in the refrigerator for a long period of time.

Many housewives are well aware that home-cooked condensed milk will have a fundamentally different taste than that sold ready-made in stores. But many consider the process of cooking condensed milk to be a very long and troublesome business. Those who once boiled condensed milk in a jar, decide on repeated experiments not immediately.

However, the result and taste properties of boiled condensed milk will largely be determined by the quality of the original product. Today there are a huge number of different manufacturers of condensed milk. And the cost of such a product also has wide limits with a relatively identical mass. Most housewives, choosing food, certainly try to save money.

Therefore, as a result, the cheapest of the products are in the consumer basket. This can also apply to condensed milk. It is reasonable to conclude that the lower the price, the quality will suffer significantly. Manufacturers of this product, in most cases, supply the composition of condensed milk with substances that either do not boil at all, or it takes too long. It may turn out that after a few hours of holding the jar of condensed milk on fire, its main amount will remain liquid.

Therefore, if you choose condensed milk just for the purposes of home cooking, then initially try to buy the highest quality of these products. Only when cooking high-quality condensed milk will you get a really good result. And this circumstance does not at all require that the price of condensed milk be very expensive.

You just need to learn how to buy only those products whose manufacturers have already acquired an impeccable reputation. The quality of condensed milk does not in itself guarantee that as a result of cooking it will turn out to be perfectly tasty. Here, of course, a lot will depend on the hostess too. For this reason, you need to follow the rules on how and how much time to cook condensed milk. The direct cooking process involves the following steps. First, the label on the can should be removed. Rinse it well under tap water.

Condensed milk needs to find a suitable container. Please note that it will take a very long time to cook the product. And water, as we know, will inevitably boil away. Therefore, immediately find a pot with a fairly large volume, so as not to stand all the time at the stove, making sure that the water does not exhaust itself. Put a jar of condensed milk on the bottom of the container. Fill the pot with cold water. Pour water up to the maximum possible level. So in the process of cooking condensed milk, you will need to add it infrequently. Wait for the water to boil. When this happens, the stove fire must be reduced. Be sure to keep time. The question is how much boil condensed milk, perhaps, will be the main one in this process.

This should take at least an hour and a half. As a result, condensed milk will turn out not too thick in consistency. In this form, it is optimal to use it to create cream for a cake or filling for cookies. If you cook condensed milk a little longer, say two or three hours, then it will turn out thicker. Its shade will also appear an order of magnitude darker. Just such condensed milk is most often used to create a filling for such a dessert as nuts with condensed milk. For three to four hours, condensed milk is boiled by those who prefer its very thick appearance and dark color.

Check the water level in a pot with a jar every twenty to thirty minutes. And remember that the water level must necessarily cover the jar. If you begin to add water, then by all means use its hot form. If there is a sharp temperature drop, then a jar of condensed milk can simply burst. And if there is a lack of water, then this can lead to such a sad outcome as an explosion of a can. It's pretty dangerous. The condensed milk that spreads during the explosion of the can will be hot. It can severely burn you.

But even if you yourself do not suffer from this in any way, you will still need to scrape off the remnants of condensed milk from the walls or ceiling, which is not very easy. Therefore, from the very beginning, it is wiser to show a sufficient degree of vigilance to the process of boiling condensed milk. After cooking, the jar of condensed milk must be cooled.

Many people do it simply out of habit, that is, to cool down, they lower the jar into a container of cold water. But this cannot be done so as not to create a sharp temperature drop and prevent the jar from bursting. This is the correct method of cooling.

Just leave the jar in the water where it was boiled until the water has cooled completely. At the same time, condensed milk will also cool down, after which it can already be used for its intended purpose. With the help of a device such as a pressure cooker, it is much easier to cook condensed milk. If you want to use a pressure cooker, just put a jar in it and fill it with water.

The level of the latter should, as with the usual cooking method, be slightly higher. Turn on the fire on the stove and wait for the water to boil. Next, note fifteen minutes, during which the water should boil. Then turn off the fire and, without removing the lid from the pressure cooker, wait for the water to cool. Using a pressure cooker will not save time.

After all, the water in this device with the lid closed will cool down for a long time, namely two to three hours. But the advantage of a pressure cooker over a regular saucepan is that you don't have to worry about the water boiled out of the pot.

Does not threaten the cooking process and the explosion of the can. While the pressure cooker filled with water will cool down, you can go about your business and even leave the house. Knowing these secrets, you can arrange a little holiday for yourself and enjoy the delicious taste of self-cooked condensed milk.

All housewives are well aware that the best quality sweets are those that are made with their own hands at home. Therefore, the question: how much to cook condensed milk in a jar is always very relevant; the store-bought analogue of the boiled product, alas, loses in many respects to home-made products.

That is why cooking delicacies at home is the best cooking option that allows you to make the treat the right one in terms of texture, color and taste.

How to cook condensed milk in a tin: recipe "Classic"

Cooking condensed milk is quite simple if you know the basic secrets of cooking and the features of the product itself. When deciding on the cooking time, remember that the fat content of milk will be decisive.

If condensed milk has a fat content of 8%, then it takes 1.5-2 hours to cook it in an iron can, if the percentage of fat content in milk is higher, then the time should be increased to 2-2.5 hours.

Classic rules for cooking condensed milk in a jar:

  1. Pour water into the pan, put the container on the fire.
  2. We lower the jar into water, but so that the liquid completely covers it.
  3. Bring water to a boil over medium to high heat. As soon as the water boils, we reduce the flame, almost to a minimum, and continue to cook the condensed milk further. The water in the pot should not boil too much.
  4. During the cooking process, make sure that the water does not completely evaporate, otherwise the jar with the sweet contents will “explode”. As the liquid evaporates, it is necessary to gradually add a new portion of water to the pan.

Immediately after preparation, we do not take out a jar of condensed milk from hot water. It is necessary that the milk cools down right in the pan. Don't put it in cold water. On average, it can take from 1 to 2 hours to cool, but it is this method that will save the jar from damage.

During the cooking process, only hot water should be added to the pan. Sudden changes in temperature can cause the jar to burst.
Therefore, in parallel with the container for boiling condensed milk, put a container with clean water on the stove, heating which you will gradually add to the pan where a can of condensed milk is boiled.

In order to correctly answer the question: how long does it take to boil condensed milk, you must first answer yourself - what kind of condensed milk do you want to get and for what purpose do you plan to use it.

If you like a sweetness that is not too thick, or if you want to use it as the basis for making chocolate sausages, cakes, pastries, etc., then you need to prepare semi-liquid milk.

  • To do this, boil condensed milk in an iron can for no more than 1 hour over moderate heat.
  • Planning to get a moderately thick consistency, with a pleasant milky tinge, it will be necessary to boil condensed milk for about 2-3 hours.
  • To obtain a very thick mass, the color of fresh coffee with milk, the brewing time will have to be increased to 4 hours.

Not always condensed delicacy is sold in cans, sometimes you can find it on store shelves in glass containers.

How to cook condensed milk in this case, and is it worth it to cook in glassware? Of course, it is worth it, moreover, this cooking option has more advantages than cooking boiled meat in an iron can.

Metal containers during the boiling process form oxides that are unsafe for human health.

In addition, under the influence of hot temperatures, the tin coating of the can is destroyed and harmful substances are released from it, directly into the condensed milk.

That is why it is preferable to cook your favorite delicacy not in a tin can, but in glassware, or without a can at all - in some kind of enameled pan or bowl.

How and how much to cook condensed milk in a glass jar

  1. In an empty saucepan we put a glass container with condensed milk.
  2. Cover the container loosely with a lid. It is desirable that the lid be larger in diameter than the diameter of the glassware itself. If you close the container tightly, then during the cooking process it may burst.
  3. Pour so much cold water into the pan so that it reaches the level of condensed milk in the jar.
  4. We put the pan on the fire, wait until the water boils.
  5. As soon as boiling bubbles appear on the water, the flame is reduced to a minimum.
  6. In this mode, cook the product for 3.5 hours. It is not necessary to stir the condensed milk during the cooking process.

Keep an eye on the liquid in the pan and do not forget to add hot water to it approximately every 20-30 minutes. When the delicacy is ready, leave it to cool in the pan.

According to the above principle, it is convenient to cook draft condensed milk. But what if the draft product was sold to you not in a glass jar, but, for example, in a plastic bottle.

Is it possible to cook condensed milk in such a container?

It is possible, but it is highly discouraged to do so. There is a rather high risk that the plastic will melt during cooking, and harmful substances will begin to be released from it, which can be hazardous to health.

That is why it is better to boil purchased draft condensed milk in glassware, or even cook it without a jar, for example, in a microwave.

One of the easiest and fastest ways to make condensed milk is to cook milk in the microwave. It takes 15-30 minutes, no more, everything will depend on how thick the product you want to achieve. After all, the longer you cook, the thicker it turns out.

How to make boiled condensed milk from simple condensed milk

  1. To prepare the dish, first of all, you need to pour the milk into a bowl or into any other dish that is suitable for cooking in the microwave.

    In no case do not use metal containers, they are not suitable for this.

  2. After you pour the condensed milk into a bowl, cover it with a lid (not tightly) and put it inside the microwave for 15-20 minutes.

    Cook on medium power and do not forget to stir the product from time to time. It is important that the dessert is cooked evenly, and nothing burns in the process.

All the time you can follow the result of cooking and determine by color whether the condensed milk is cooked or not. By controlling the result, you yourself will decide how long to cook condensed milk - 10-15 minutes or about half an hour.

You can quickly cook condensed milk at home using a modern pressure cooker. This will take 10 minutes of time, a can of condensed milk that meets all GOST standards, and the pressure cooker itself.

Cooking steps

  1. We put the jar in a pressure cooker, fill it with water so that the container with sweetness “drowns” in water.
  2. Bring the liquid to a boil and boil the milk for 10-12 minutes.
  3. Immediately after cooking, do not open the lid of the pressure cooker, wait until the jar has completely cooled in the water.

Carefully monitor the temperature of the water in the pot while cooking. The liquid must not be allowed to overheat too much, this can cause the condensed milk to coagulate or the can to deform.

Alternative ways to cook condensed milk at home

How to boil milk in a water bath

A less popular, but quite effective, method of preparing boiled condensed milk is a water bath. This method is not so popular due to the fact that it will take at least 5 hours to cook according to it. This is long and rather tedious, given that you have to keep an eye on the water in the pan all the time so that it does not completely evaporate.

But if you still decide to use steam cooking, then you will need to pour the condensed milk into an enameled pan, and then place it in a container of boiling water.

A pot of water should boil over medium heat, at this pace the condensed milk will cook for 5-7 hours. The exact time depends on the speed of preparation of the product.

Condensed milk cooked in a slow cooker

You can also cook sweetness in a slow cooker or in a slow cooker-pressure cooker. The cooking technology in a multi-unit is very similar to classic cooking in a conventional saucepan.

For more information about cooking condensed milk in a slow cooker, read the articles on the site.

As you can see, getting a finished boiled product at home is very simple. Now you know how and how much to cook condensed milk in a jar and without it. The simple cooking recipes we have given will allow you to cook the favorite dessert of adults and children with high quality.

Cook with pleasure and enjoy every spoonful of homemade treats.

Bon Appetit!

About how to cook condensed milk in a jar is not necessary, my mother told me as a child. The scale of the “destruction” that an ordinary can of condensed milk, inadvertently left without close supervision, can cause to the hostel kitchen is truly impressive. It is better to take a word than to check it in practice. Now she recalls this with a slight nostalgic grin. But then, several decades ago, it was not funny for her to wipe the sweet-sticky brown stains from things and furniture that fell into the epicenter of a condensed explosion. It is better to spend a few minutes reading tips on how to brew condensed milk than to spend the whole day in the company of a rag and a bowl of water.

How to cook condensed milk so that the jar does not explode

Choose the right pot. A jar of condensed milk should fit freely there “standing” or “lying down”. It is better to remove the label from the jar immediately. Indeed, in the process of cooking, it will surely fall off and will float in boiling water with unappetizing and unnecessary ballast. If it is not possible to peel off, then soak the glue with a damp cloth or sponge. Put the jar of condensed milk in a saucepan. Or do not put, but put on its side. Pour in some water. Bank must be fully covered. Putting on the stove, turn on medium heat. Did the water boil? Reduce the intensity of the fire.

How much to cook canned condensed milk in a saucepan

The time spent on boiling condensed milk directly depends on your culinary goals. For a light caramel color of a treat and a liquid, viscous consistency, you need to boil condensed milk with a constant light boil of water for about an hour. Such boiled condensed milk is suitable for making Potato cakes, dessert sausages from cookies, for pouring pancakes, pancakes and other goodies.

But to prepare a thick cream for a biscuit cake or a filling for shortbread nuts from such milk will not work. How much to cook condensed milk in a can in this case? In order for the sweetness to become like toffee and become thick, it needs to be cooked for at least 2.5-3 hours.

And the most thick and dark condensed milk is obtained after 4 hours of cooking.

And, most importantly, constantly monitor the level of liquid in the pan so that the condensed milk in the jar does not explode. And top up as needed. A jar peeking out of the water is a transparent hint at the possibility of an explosion. Delicious explosion, but from this no less unpleasant. Moreover, in this case you are unlikely to succeed in trying a treat.

Remove the jar of finished condensed milk from the pan. To avoid burning yourself, pull out with tongs. Cool and use as directed.

How to cook condensed milk in a slow cooker

As in the first method of cooking condensed milk, it is better to remove the etiquette from the jar immediately. Wipe the tin with a damp sponge. Place a clean cloth on the bottom of the multicooker bowl to prevent scratching the non-stick coating. Put the condensed milk in the jar at the bottom. Better yet, put it on a barrel. Fill with clean water so that the tin is completely covered. But not higher than the maximum mark on the bowl. So the probability of detonation of the "sweet bomb" will be much less. Although in a slow cooker, water practically does not boil away. Especially if your device has the ability to close the steam outlet valve. On the "Frying" or "Boiling" mode, bring the water to a boil. Then close the lid of the device. Select the "Extinguishing" or "Multi-cook" mode (temperature - 100-105 degrees). Cooking time - 2-3 hours, depending on the desired result.

How to cook open condensed milk in a glass jar

Do you want to cook condensed milk, but the jar was imprudently opened? Or the bungler husband bought condensed milk not in a tin, but in a bag? Dont be upset. Boil condensed milk in a glass jar. Moreover, you can cook it in this way both in a saucepan and in a slow cooker. But here there are some important nuances that will help you avoid trouble. Under the bottom of the jar, be sure to put a clean cloth folded in several layers. Or a special metal stand. So the heating will be as uniform as possible, and the condensed milk at the bottom of the jar will not burn. The liquid level must be constantly above the level of the condensed milk in the jar so that it does not explode. Accordingly, the glass container should not be filled to capacity. It is impossible to close the jar tightly. Cover it with a larger lid. Or simply turn the lid upside down and place it on the neck. Bring the water to a boil. Reduce the fire. Cook condensed milk in a glass jar for 2-4 hours. The longer you cook, the thicker and darker the delicacy will turn out.

Cooking condensed milk in a pressure cooker

I suggest using a pressure cooker with benefit. The described method does not reduce the cooking time of the treat. But you will be completely sure that you will not have to spend the rest of the day washing off sweet smudges from walls, floors, tables, dishes, ceilings. The advantages of cooking condensed milk in a pressure cooker are very clear. Let's move on to the procedure itself. Put the condensed milk in a jar on the bottom of the appliance. Pour in clean water. Not higher than the maximum division, but not lower than the level of a can of condensed milk. Lower the lid. Start the pressure cooker. Did the water boil? Boil condensed milk for 10-15 minutes. Then wait until the water in the appliance cools down with the lid closed. And this is the same 2-3 hours.

How to quickly cook condensed milk (in the microwave)

The fastest way. But it needs constant attention. It is impossible to cook condensed milk in the microwave directly in a tin. Therefore, open it and pour it into a microwave-safe dish. Boil milk at 400 W for half an hour. But every 2-3 minutes, stop the appliance and stir the treat so that it does not burn.

Everything, condensed milk is cooked. Set off to conquer the culinary heights. Or snuggle up in a chair with a cup of hot tea and a spoon.

The sweetest appetite!
