Lyudmila Dmitrievna Stolyarenko Psychology of business communication. Crib

L. D. Stolyarenko

Psychology business communication. Crib


1. Communication, its structure, functions, types, means

1.1. Definition and functions of communication

Communication - a complex multifaceted process of establishing and developing contacts between people, generated by the needs of joint activities. There are three interrelated aspects in communication: communicative side communication consists in the exchange of information between people (information function); interactive side consists in organizing interaction between people, for example, it is necessary to coordinate actions, distribute functions or influence the mood, behavior, beliefs of the interlocutor (regulatory function); perceptual side communication includes the process of perception of each other by communication partners and the establishment of mutual understanding on this basis (the communicative function of mutual understanding).

Communication - process of human interaction social groups, communities in which information, experience, abilities and results of activity are exchanged. Communication is a specific form of human interaction with other people as members of society; in communication are implemented social relations of people .

There are eight functions of communication:

1) contact, the purpose of which is to establish contact with the interlocutor;

2) informational- reception and transmission of information, exchange of opinions, ideas, decisions, and so on;

3) incentive- stimulation of the partner, directing him to perform certain actions;

4) coordination- mutual orientation and coordination of actions in the organization of joint activities;

5) perceptual- adequate perception of the meaning of the message, understanding by partners of each other (their intentions, attitudes, experiences, states, etc.);

6) emotive– exchange of emotions between partners and change emotional state with the help of one's own experiences and states;

7) status- awareness and fixation of one's place in the system of role, status, business, interpersonal and other community relations;

8) transformative- a change in the state, behavior, personal and semantic formations of the partner, including his intentions, attitudes, opinions, decisions, ideas, needs, actions, activity, etc.

Thus, communication is a multifaceted human activity. This multidimensionality, as shown by V.S. Kukushin, manifests itself in the following social functions communication.

First, communication creates a Human. From time immemorial, people have understood that a person cannot exist without society. The biggest punishment was considered expulsion from the community. Separating a person from society, we destroy the person himself. Therefore, the measure of a person is the measure of his participation in public communications. Communication creates a person!

Secondly, communication develops a person, gives him the opportunity for self-realization, serves as the basis for knowing each other and self-improvement. Comparison of oneself with another is carried out from two sides: each of the partners likens himself to the other. In constructing an interaction strategy, each has to take into account not only the needs, motives, and attitudes of the other, but also how this other understands my needs, motives, and attitudes. As a result, a person improves himself.

Thirdly, communication ensures the interaction of people. Communication always involves some result - a change in the behavior and activities of other people.

Fourthly, communication provides the psychological comfort of the individual. It saves a person from loneliness and misunderstanding by others. It is for this reason that people in more adulthood they keep cats and dogs at home (which they did not do in their youth), and in communicating with them, in caring for them, they find partial satisfaction.

Fifthly, communication develops speech technique (“speech culture”).“Eloquence is something that is more difficult than it seems, and is born from a lot of knowledge and efforts,” said Mark Tullius Cicero.

Sixth, it serves as the basis of professional activity. And some professions are most directly related to communication: a psychologist, lawyer, politician, teacher, translator, manager, doctor, social worker, waiter, controller and conductor in transport, seller, actor, radio and television announcer and others. Not only our general and material well-being, but also our mood and health depend on the ability to communicate with these people, on their culture of communication.

Seventh, communication gives a person inspiration and joy. It is reliable and effective tool from depression, sadness and longing. Especially if communication is built on trust and goes beyond business issues and focuses on spiritual, interpersonal aspects.

1.2. Classification of types of communication

Depending on the content, goals and means, communication can be divided into several types.

1. Material communication (exchange of objects and products of activity). In material communication, subjects, being busy individual activity, exchange its products, which, in turn, serve as a means of satisfying their actual needs.

2. Conditional communication (exchange of mental or physiological states). In conditional communication, people exert an influence on each other, calculated to bring each other into a certain physical or mental state.

3. Motivational communication (exchange of motives, goals, interests, motives, needs) has as its content the transfer of certain motives, attitudes or readiness to act in a certain direction to each other. Motivational communication serves as a source of his additional energy.

4. Activity communication (exchange of actions, operations, skills). Active communication improves and enriches the individual's own activity.

5. Cognitive communication (knowledge exchange). An illustration of cognitive and activity communication can be communication associated with various types cognitive or learning activities. Cognitive communication acts as a factor of intellectual development.

By goals Communication is divided into the following types:

1. Biological (necessary for the maintenance, preservation and development of the body). Biological communication is associated with the satisfaction of basic biological needs.

2. Social (pursues the goals of expanding and strengthening interpersonal contacts, establishing and developing interpersonal relationships, personal growth individual).

By funds communication can be:

1. Direct (carried out with the help of natural organs given to a living being - arms, head, torso, vocal cords, etc.)

2. Indirect (associated with the use special means and guns). The forms of indirect communication include advertising, visual information, or, for example, menus in a restaurant, which carry the main informational load.

3. Direct (involves personal contacts and direct perception of each other by communicating people in the very act of communication).

4. Indirect (carried out through intermediaries, which may be other people).

1.3. Types of communication

Depending on the goals of the interlocutors and the degree of consideration of personal characteristics, the following types of communication are distinguished:

1) "Mask Contact"- formal communication, when there is no desire to understand and take into account the personality of the interlocutor, the usual masks are used (politeness, severity, indifference, modesty, sympathy, etc.) - a set of facial expressions, gestures, standard phrases that allow you to hide true emotions, attitude towards interlocutor. In the city, the contact of masks is even necessary in some situations so that people do not “hurt” each other unnecessarily in order to “isolate themselves” from the interlocutor.

2) Primitive communication when they evaluate another person as a necessary or interfering object: if necessary, they actively make contact, if it interferes, they push it away, sometimes using aggressive rude remarks. If they get what they want from the interlocutor, then they lose further interest in him and do not hide it.

3) Formal role communication when both the content and means of communication are regulated, and instead of knowing the personality of the interlocutor, knowledge of his social role is dispensed with.

4) Business conversationis a process of interconnection and interaction in which there is an exchange of activities, information and experience. In business communication take into account the characteristics of the personality, character, age, mood of the interlocutor, but the interests of the case are more significant than possible personal differences.

The textbook sets out psychological foundations business communication, interaction and management of people, taking into account their temperament, character, psycho-sociotype, position in communication. The regularities of leadership and management, conditions and criteria for the effective activity of a manager are considered. Etiquette and ethics are analyzed business relations.
The textbook highlights the methods of team management and ways to overcome conflicts, contains a psychological workshop.
Designed for college students studying the course "Psychology and Ethics of Business Relations", "Psychology of Management"; complies with the State Standard of the Russian Federation.

1.1. Types, functions of communication
Communication is a specific form of human interaction with other people as members of society; in communication social relations of people are realized.
There are three interrelated sides in communication: the communicative side of communication consists in the exchange of information between people (information function); the interactive side consists in organizing interaction between people, for example, it is necessary to coordinate actions, distribute functions or influence the mood, behavior, beliefs of the interlocutor (regulatory function); the perceptual side of communication includes the process of perception of each other by communication partners and the establishment of mutual understanding on this basis (the communicative function of mutual understanding).
Communication- the process of interaction of people, social groups, communities, in which there is an exchange of information, experience, abilities and results of activity.

There are the following types of communication:
1) "Mask Contact"- formal communication, when there is no desire to understand and take into account the personality of the interlocutor, the usual masks are used (politeness, severity, indifference, modesty, sympathy, etc.) - a set of facial expressions, gestures, standard phrases that allow you to hide true emotions, attitude towards interlocutor. In the city, the contact of masks is even necessary in some situations, so that people do not “hurt” each other unnecessarily, in order to “isolate themselves” from the interlocutor.

2) Primitive communication when they evaluate another person as a necessary or interfering object: if necessary, they actively make contact, if it interferes, they push it away, sometimes using aggressive rude remarks. If they get what they want from the interlocutor, then they lose further interest in him and do not hide it.

3) Formal role communication when both the content and means of communication are regulated, and instead of knowing the personality of the interlocutor, knowledge of his social role is dispensed with.

4)Business conversation when they take into account the characteristics of the personality, character, age, mood of the interlocutor, but the interests of the case are more significant than possible personal differences.

5) Spiritual. Interpersonal communication (confidential-informal) of friends, when you can touch on any topic and it is not necessary to resort to the help of words, a friend will understand you by facial expressions, movements, intonation. Such communication is possible when each participant has the image of an interlocutor, knows his personality, interests, beliefs, attitude to certain problems, can anticipate his reactions.

6) manipulative communication is aimed at extracting benefits from the interlocutor, using different techniques (flattery, intimidation, "splurge", deceit, demonstration of kindness) depending on the characteristics of the interlocutor's personality.

7) Secular communication. The essence of secular communication is its pointlessness, that is, people do not say what they think, but what is supposed to be said in such cases; this communication is closed, because the points of view of people on a particular issue do not matter and do not determine the nature of communications.
Secular Communication Code: 1) politeness, tact - "observe the interests of another"; 2) approval, consent - “do not blame another”, “avoid objections”; 3) sympathy - "be friendly, affable."
The code of business communication is different: 1) the principle of cooperative ™ - "your contribution should be the one required by the jointly accepted direction of the conversation"; 2) the principle of sufficiency of information - “say no more and no less than is required in this moment»; 3) the principle of information quality - "do not lie"; 4) the principle of expediency - "do not deviate from the topic, be able to find a solution";
5) "express the thought clearly and convincingly for the interlocutor";
6) “know how to listen and understand the right thought”; 7) “be able to take into account individual characteristics interlocutor for the interests of the case.
If one interlocutor is guided by the principle of politeness, and the other - by the principle of cooperativeness, they can get into an absurd, inefficient communication situation. Therefore, the rules of communication must be agreed upon and followed by both participants.
Specificity business communication due to the fact that it arises on the basis of and about a certain type of activity related to the production of a product or business effect. At the same time, the parties to business communication act in formal (official) statuses that determine the necessary norms and standards (including ethical ones) of people's behavior. Like any kind of communication, business communication has a historical character, it manifests itself in different levels social system and in various forms. His distinguishing feature- it does not have a self-contained value, is not an end in itself, but serves as a means to achieve some other goals.

In business communication, the subject of communication is case.
Interlocutor 1 / \ Interlocutor 2
Features of business communication are that
- a partner in business communication always acts as a person significant for the subject;
- communicating people are distinguished by good mutual understanding in matters of business;
- the main task of business communication is productive cooperation.
The pragmatic J. Rockefeller, well understanding the importance of communication for business activities, said: “The ability to communicate with people is the same commodity bought for money, like sugar or coffee. And I am ready to pay more for this skill than for any other product in this world.
But what does it mean to be able to communicate? This means being able to understand people and, on this basis, build your relationships with them, which implies knowledge of the psychology of communication. In the process of communication, people perceive each other, exchange information and interact.
There are two types of communication: direct (direct) and indirect (indirect) communication. The forms of indirect communication include advertising, visual information, or, for example, menus in a restaurant, which carry the main informational load.

1.2. Communication as people's perception of each other
The process of perception by one person of another acts as an obligatory component communication and constitutes what is called perception. Based outside behavior, we, according to S. L. Rubinshtein, are, as it were, “reading” another person, deciphering the meaning of his external data. The impressions that arise in this case play an important regulatory role in the process of communication. Firstly, because, knowing the other, the knowing individual himself is formed. Secondly, because the success of organizing concerted actions with him depends on the degree of accuracy of "reading" another person.
Under perception in social psychology is understood a holistic image of another person, formed on the basis of an assessment of his appearance and behaviour.
In business communication, you have to interact with people you see for the first time, and with people who are already quite familiar. Psychological studies have shown that different psychological mechanisms underlie the perception of previously unfamiliar people and people with whom they already have some experience of communication. In the first case, perception is carried out on the basis of the psychological mechanisms of intergroup communication, in the second - the mechanisms of interpersonal communication.
To the psychological mechanisms of perception in intergroup communication include the process of social stereotyping, the essence of which is that the image of another person is built on the basis of certain typical schemes. Under social stereotype usually understood as a stable idea of ​​any phenomena or people, characteristic of representatives of a particular social group. Different social groups, interacting with each other, develop certain social stereotypes. The most famous are ethnic or national stereotypes - ideas about members of some national groups from the point of view of others. For example, such are stereotypical ideas about the politeness of the British, the frivolity of the French, or the mysteriousness of the Slavic soul.
The formation of the image of another person is also carried out by stereotyping. The question of how accurate a first impression is is anything but simple.
On the one hand, almost every adult person who has experience of communication is able to accurately determine many of his socio-psychological characteristics by the appearance of a person, his clothes, manner of speaking and behavior: psychological traits, age, social stratum, exemplary profession. But this accuracy is possible, as a rule, only in neutral situations. In other situations, one or another percentage of errors is almost always present. And the less neutral the relationship, the more people are interested in each other, the greater the likelihood of errors.
This is explained by the fact that a person is never faced with the task of simply “perceiving” another. The image of a partner, which is created upon acquaintance, is a regulator of subsequent behavior, it is necessary in order to build communication correctly and effectively in this situation.
The most important characteristics in this situation are those that allow the partner to be assigned to a certain group. It is these characteristics that are perceived quite accurately. And the rest of the features and features are simply completed according to certain schemes, and this is where the probability of error appears. These perceptual errors are due, in part, to the action of certain factors - superiority, attractiveness and attitude towards us.
People entering into communication are not equal: they differ from each other in their own way. social status, life experience, intellectual potential, etc. When partners are unequal, the perception scheme is most often used, which leads to inequality errors.

In psychology, these errors are called superiority factor.
The scheme of perception is as follows. When meeting a person who is superior to us in some important parameter for us, we evaluate him somewhat more positively than we would if he were equal to us. If we are dealing with a person whom we are superior in some way, then we underestimate him. Moreover, superiority is fixed in one parameter, and overestimation (or underestimation) occurs in many parameters. This scheme of perception does not begin to work for everyone, but only for really important, significant for us inequality.
By what signs can we judge the superiority of a person, for example, in social position or in intellectual? To determine this parameter, we have two main sources of information at our disposal:
a person’s clothing, his external “decoration”, including such attributes as insignia, glasses, hairstyle, awards, jewelry, and in certain cases even such “clothes” as a car, office furnishings, etc .;
the manner of a person's behavior (how he sits, walks, talks, where he looks, etc.).
Information about superiority is usually "embedded" in one way or another in clothing and behavior, they always contain elements that indicate a person's belonging to a particular social group.
Action attraction factor when perceiving a person, it lies in the fact that under his influence some qualities of a person are overestimated or underestimated by other people. The mistake here is that if we like a person (outwardly), then at the same time we tend to consider him more intelligent, good, interesting, etc., i.e., again, overestimate many of his personal characteristics.
AT different times different ideas about attractiveness dominated; at different peoples their canons of beauty. This means that attractiveness cannot be considered only an individual impression, it is rather social in nature. Therefore, signs of attractiveness must be sought, first of all, not in one or another section of the eyes or hair color, but in social significance some characteristic of a person. After all, there are types of appearance approved and not approved by society. And attractiveness is nothing more than the degree of approximation to the type of appearance that is most approved of by the group to which we belong.
The relationship factor acts in such a way that people who treat us well are valued higher than those who treat us badly. A sign of attitude towards us, which triggers the corresponding scheme of perception, is everything that indicates the agreement or disagreement of the partner with us. The closer someone else's opinion is to one's own, the higher the assessment of the person who expressed this opinion. This rule also had a retroactive effect: the higher someone was rated, the greater the similarity of his views with his own was expected from him. The conviction in this alleged "kinship of the soul" was so great that disagreement with the position attractive face the subjects simply did not notice.
In constant communication, a deeper and more objective understanding of the partner becomes important - his current emotional state, intentions, his attitude towards us. Here the perception and understanding of the partner occur on a different basis. psychological mechanisms perception and understanding interpersonal communication are identification, empathy and reflection.
The easiest way to understand another person is provided by identification- likening yourself to him. When identifying, a person, as it were, puts himself in the place of another and determines how he would act in similar situations.
Very close to identification empathy, i.e. understanding at the level of feelings, the desire to emotionally respond to the problems of another person. The situation of another person is not so much thought out as felt. Founder of humanistic psychology C. Rogers(1902-1987) defined empathic understanding as "the ability to go inside another person's personal world of meanings and see if my understanding is correct."
Empathy is the ability to emotionally perceive another person, penetrate into his inner world, accept him with all his thoughts and feelings. The capacity for emotional reflection different people is not the same. There are three levels of development: the first level is the lowest, when, communicating with the interlocutor, a person shows a kind of blindness to the state, feelings, intentions of the interlocutor; the second level - in the course of communication, a person has fragmentary ideas about the experiences of another person; the third level - distinguishes the ability to immediately enter the state of another person, not only in individual situations, but and throughout the interaction process.
The logical form of knowing the personal characteristics of oneself and other people- reflection; it involves an attempt to logically analyze certain signs and draw a certain conclusion about another person and his actions (generalization), and then, based on this generalization, to draw private conclusions about particular specific cases of interaction, but often generalizing and particular conclusions are drawn on a small limited number of signs, are incorrect and rigid (that is, they are not adjusted to suit specific situations).
The process of understanding each other is mediated by the process of reflection. In social psychology under reflection is understood as the awareness by the acting individual of how he is perceived by the communication partner. This is no longer just knowing the other, but knowing how the other understands me, i.e. / a kind of double process specular reflection friend friend.

Psychology of business communication and management. Stolyarenko L.D.

Rostov n / D.: Phoenix, 2005 - 416 p.

The textbook outlines the psychological foundations of business communication, interaction and management of people, taking into account their temperament, character, psycho-sociotype, position in communication. The regularities of leadership and management, conditions and criteria for the effective activity of a manager are considered. The etiquette and ethics of business relations are analyzed.

The textbook highlights the methods of team management and ways to overcome conflicts, contains a psychological workshop.

Designed for college students studying the course "Psychology and Ethics of Business Relations", "Psychology of Management"; complies with the State Standard of the Russian Federation.

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Table of contents:
1.1. Types, functions of communication
1.2. Communication as people's perception of each other
1.3. Structure and means of communication
1.4. Communication process
1.5. Communication as interaction
1.6. Syntonic model of communication
Basic Communication Skills
1.7. Way of communication, interaction with people
1.8. "I-statements"
1.9. Types and techniques of listening
1.10. Our interlocutors
1.11. Stages of communication
1.12. business conversation
1.13. Business meeting
1.14. business meetings
1.15. business discussions
Rules to help you convince the interlocutor
Laws of argumentation and persuasion
test questions
2.1. Ethics of business communication
Questions for self-control
2.2. Etiquette and culture of behavior business man 128
2.2.1. Phone culture
2.2.2. Work with business correspondence
2.2.3. Six basic commandments of business etiquette
Your business communication style
3.1. Determination of behavior
3.2. Human behavior in the organization and types of employees
3.2.1. Employee types
3.3. Psychological types people and their manifestations in work, business, communication
3.3.1. Typology of temperament and character accentuations
3.3.2. Characteristics of psychosociotypes
test questions
4. Management and leadership
4.1. Manager and psychological requirements for a manager
Biological qualities of a manager
4.2. Power, managerial authority and management styles
4.3. Theories and types of leadership
The Nature of Leadership
Leadership motivation and types of leadership
4.4. Leadership thinking and decision making
4.5. Basic rules (technique) of delegation
4.6. Administrative activity
4.7. Criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of leadership
USK Questionnaire
test questions
5. Team management
5.1. Classification and group formation
5.2. Social and socio-psychological structure of the group
5.3. The main characteristics of the team, its formation and management
test questions
6. Types of conflicts and conflict management
Conflict Resolution Quick Tips
Is there a way out of the conflict?
Code of Conduct in Conflict
taboo in a conflict situation
test questions
Recommended reading

Name: Psychology of business communication and management.

The textbook outlines the psychological foundations of business communication, interaction and management of people, taking into account their temperament, character, psycho-sociotype, position in communication. The regularities of leadership and management, conditions and criteria for the effective activity of a manager are considered. The etiquette and ethics of business relations are analyzed.
The textbook highlights the methods of team management and ways to overcome conflicts, contains a psychological workshop.
Designed for college students studying the course "Psychology and Ethics of Business Relations", "Psychology of Management"; complies with the State Standard of the Russian Federation.

Communication is a specific form of human interaction with other people as members of society; in communication social relations of people are realized.
There are three interrelated sides in communication: the communicative side of communication consists in the exchange of information between people (information function); the interactive side consists in organizing interaction between people, for example, it is necessary to coordinate actions, distribute functions or influence the mood, behavior, beliefs of the interlocutor (regulatory function); the perceptual side of communication includes the process of perception of each other by communication partners and the establishment of mutual understanding on this basis (the communicative function of mutual understanding).
Communication - the process of interaction between people, social groups, communities, in which there is an exchange of information, experience, abilities and results of activities.

Table of contents:
1.1. Types, functions of communication
1.2. Communication as people's perception of each other
1.3. Structure and means of communication
1.4. Communication process
1.5. Communication as interaction
1.6. Syntonic model of communication
Basic Communication Skills
1.7. Way of communication, interaction with people
1.8. "I-statements"
1.9. Types and techniques of listening
1.10. Our interlocutors
1.11. Stages of communication
1.12. business conversation
1.13. Business meeting
1.14. business meetings
1.15. business discussions
Rules to help you convince the interlocutor
Laws of argumentation and persuasion
test questions
2.1. Ethics of business communication
Questions for self-control
2.2. Etiquette and culture of behavior of a business person 128
2.2.1. Phone culture
2.2.2. Work with business correspondence
2.2.3. Six basic commandments of business etiquette
Your business communication style
3.1. Determination of behavior
3.2. Human behavior in the organization and types of employees
3.2.1. Employee types
3.3. Psychological types of people and their manifestations in work, business, communication
3.3.1. Typology of temperament and character accentuations
3.3.2. Characteristics of psychosociotypes
test questions
4. Management and leadership
4.1. Manager and psychological requirements for a manager
Biological qualities of a manager
4.2. Power, managerial authority and management styles
4.3. Theories and types of leadership
The Nature of Leadership
Leadership motivation and types of leadership
4.4. Leadership thinking and decision making
4.5. Basic rules (technique) of delegation
4.6. Administrative activity
4.7. Criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of leadership
USK Questionnaire
test questions
5. Team management
5.1. Classification and group formation
5.2. Social and socio-psychological structure of the group
5.3. The main characteristics of the team, its formation and management
test questions
6. Types of conflicts and conflict management
Conflict Resolution Quick Tips
Is there a way out of the conflict?
Code of Conduct in Conflict
taboo in a conflict situation
test questions
Recommended reading

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Textbook Quadruple edition, supplemented, and revised

Approved by the Ministry of Education Russian Federation as a textbook for students educational institutions middle vocational education




UDC 159.9:330(075.32) LBC 88.4ya723 KTK 0968

Stolyarenko L. D. S 81

Psychology of business communication and management. Textbook / L. D. Stolyarenko. - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2005. - 416 p. - (SPO).

ISBN 5-222-07020-4

The textbook outlines the psychological foundations of business communication, interaction and management of people, taking into account their temperament, character, psycho-sociotype, position in communication. The regularities of leadership and management, conditions and criteria for the effective activity of a manager are considered. The etiquette and ethics of business relations are analyzed.

The textbook highlights the methods of team management and ways to overcome conflicts, contains a psychological workshop.

Designed for college students studying the course "Psychology and Ethics of Business Relations", "Psychology of Management"; complies with the State Standard of the Russian Federation.

UDC 159.9:330 (075.32) LBC 88.4ya723

ISBN5-222-07020-4 © Stolyarenko L. D., 2005

© Design, publishing house "Phoenix", 2005

1.1. Types, functions of communication

Communication is a specific form of human interaction with other people as members of society; in communication social relations of people are realized.

There are three interrelated sides in communication: the communicative side of communication consists in the exchange of information between people (information function); the interactive side consists in organizing interaction between people, for example, it is necessary to coordinate actions, distribute functions or influence the mood, behavior, beliefs of the interlocutor (regulatory function); the perceptual side of communication includes the process of perception of each other by communication partners and the establishment of mutual understanding on this basis (the communicative function of mutual understanding).

Communication - the process of interaction of people, social groups, communities, in which there is an exchange of information, experience, abilities and results of activity.

There are the following types of communication:

1) "Mask contact" - formal communication, when there is no desire to understand and take into account the personality of the interlocutor, the usual masks are used (politeness, severity, indifference, modesty, sympathy, etc.) - a set of facial expressions, gestures, standard phrases that allow hide true emotions, attitude towards the interlocutor. In the city, the contact of masks is even necessary in some situations, so that people do not “hurt” each other unnecessarily, in order to “isolate themselves” from the interlocutor.

2) Primitive communication, when they evaluate another person as a necessary or interfering object: if necessary, they actively make contact, if it interferes, they push away, sometimes using aggressive rude remarks. If you receive


If the interlocutor wants something, then they lose further interest in him and do not hide it.

3) Formal-role communication, when regulatedand content, and means of communication, and instead of knowing the personality of the interlocutor, they manage with knowledge of his social role.

4) Business communication, when the characteristics of the personality, character, age, mood of the interlocutor are taken into account, but the interests of the business are more significant than possible personal differences.

5) Spiritual. Interpersonal communication (confidential-informal) of friends, when you can touch on any topic and it is not necessary to resort to the help of words, a friend will understand youand facial expressions, movements, intonation. Such communication is possible when each participant has the image of an interlocutor, knows his personality, interests, beliefs, attitude to certain problems, can anticipate his reactions.

6) manipulative communication is aimed at extracting benefits from the interlocutor, using different techniques (flattery, intimidation, "splurge", deceit, demonstration of kindness) depending on the characteristics of the interlocutor's personality.

7) Secular communication. essence secular communication in its pointlessness, that is, people do not say what they think, but what is supposed to be said in such cases; this communication is closed, because the points of view of people on a particular issue do not matter and do not determine the nature of communications.

Secular communication code: 1) politeness, tact - "observe the interests of another"; 2) approval, consent - “do not blame another”, “avoid objections”; 3) sympathy - "be friendly, affable."

The code of business communication is different: 1) the principle of cooperative ™ - "your contribution should be the one required by the jointly accepted direction of the conversation"; 2) the principle of information sufficiency - "say no more and no less than what is required at the moment"; 3) the principle of information quality - "do not lie"; 4) the principle of expediency - "do not deviate from the topic, be able to find a solution";

5) "express the thought clearly and convincingly for the interlocutor";

6) “know how to listen and understand the right thought”; 7) “be able to take into account

individual characteristics of the interlocutor for the sake of the interests of the case.

If one interlocutor is guided by the principle of politeness, and the other - by the principle of cooperativeness, they can get into an absurd, inefficient communication situation. Therefore, the rules of communication must be agreed upon and followed by both participants.

Specificitybusiness communication due to the fact that it arises on the basis of and about a certain type of activity related to the production of a product or business effect. At the same time, the parties to business communication act in formal (official) statuses that determine the necessary norms and standards (including ethical ones) of people's behavior. Like any kind of communication, business communication has a historical character, it manifests itself at different levels of the social system and in various forms. Its distinguishing feature is that it does not have a self-contained meaning, is not an end in itself, but serves as a means to achieve any other goals.

In business communication, the subject of communication iscase.


Interlocutor 1/ \^ Interlocutor 2

Features of business communication are that

- a partner in business communication always acts as a person significant for the subject;

- communicating people are distinguished by good mutual understanding in matters of business;

- The main task of business communication is productive cooperation.

The pragmatic J. Rockefeller, well understanding the importance of communication for business activities, said: “The ability to communicate with people is the same commodity bought for money, like sugar or coffee. And I am ready to pay more for this skill than for any other product in this world.

But what does it mean to be able to communicate? This means being able to understand people and, on this basis, build your mutual relations.
