DIY doll houses for barbie. How to make a house for a doll with your own hands? Big house with furniture for Barbie dolls

Experienced parents know that buying a doll is not all that a child needs. For your beloved Barbie, you need girlfriends, a “husband”, a “baby”, a special set of doll dishes, a special doll car, a separate wardrobe ... this list is endless, and marketers are constantly coming up with more and more new attributes for playing with Barbie. The main one is, of course, Dollhouse. Not only does this design occupy half of the children's room, it collects dust, and the parts from it are lying around the house, it also stands like a wing from jet aircraft. But after all, playing with him brings so much joy to children, so it is very difficult (and not necessary) for a child to refuse a request for a dollhouse. It's just not necessary to buy it in a store, you can make this toy yourself literally from improvised materials. In this article, we will show you how to make a dollhouse that is perfect for Barbie.

What materials can be used to make a Barbie dollhouse?

For the manufacture of dollhouse you can use the most different materials, depending on what tools you have available and what your skills are with them. Of course, the most simple option is a house for Barbie from cardboard boxes. You can use unnecessary shoe packaging, but even better big boxes from household appliances- not only because of their size, but also because they are made of a denser material. It is not necessary to make the dollhouse one-story and one-room, because each box can be divided by additional partitions into separate rooms of any layout, and the number of floors is also easily regulated by connecting several boxes right size together.

The second popular option is a plywood house. This design looks more thorough, and with high-quality performance, such a house will not even look like a home-made one. Of its advantages - durability, and ease of decorating both external and inside walls. Of the minuses, the fact that not everyone knows how to handle a jigsaw, and chipboard sheets are still not in every apartment, and you may have to buy them on purpose. To make it more convenient to play, one of the walls of the house is usually left empty or designed in the form of drop-down doors.

The third option is a house from an old chest of drawers. It is the most bulky, but at the same time the most durable. Make a house out of old furniture it is recommended only if the apartment really has a lot of space, because it will be difficult to move it from place to place.

How to decorate a house for Barbie outside:

1) The roof of the house can be decorated with corrugated cardboard, which will look like tiles. To give a beautiful red or orange color it can be painted with your own hands with spray paint.

2) Regardless of whether the house is made of cardboard or plywood, you should not leave the walls outside undecorated. They must be painted "under the putty" or simply pasted over with colored paper. For beauty, you can stick bamboo slats between floors (you can take them from a sushi rug).

3) You can cut out rectangular "bricks" from thick cardboard and stick them on the bottom of the house.

4) Balcony and window frames cut out of cardboard. Railings can be made from toothpicks, painted in White color.

5) A lawn made from old dish sponges (of course, they should be green) will look great around the house. It can be "planted" with artificial flowers.

How to decorate a house for Barbie from the inside:

1) It is most convenient to paste over the walls of the house from the inside with colored paper, you can even print it - it will be wallpaper. Ceilings must be painted with whitewash or pasted over with white paper.

2) To depict a door, you can simply cut out a picture of a suitable size from a magazine and stick it on a cardboard base. The handle for the door can be molded from plasticine.

3) Instead of carpet, you can stick velvet paper, and cut rugs from microfiber cloths.

4) Do not forget to hang curtains from tiny rags on the windows. Instead of cornices, it is convenient to use pieces of wooden meat skewers.

It's no secret that many parents are reluctant to buy dollhouses because they take up too much space in the apartment. If you make a house yourself, you can cheat a little: make a house of a small area, but with large quantity floors. This design will be a little more compact.

If even this option does not fit into the apartment, it does not matter. Instead of a full-fledged house with a roof and walls, you can simply make cruciform partitions that visually separate the “rooms”. Such a design can be installed each time in a new place and arrange furniture inside in a new way. Below in the photo you can see how it looks.

Video on the topic of the article

To learn how to make a dollhouse, we suggest watching the following videos. Experienced craftsmen They will tell you about all the intricacies of making these crafts.

Shops offer customers a wide range of all kinds of toys, including doll houses. Every girl dreams of getting one of them, while parents can easily make a beautiful and durable doll house in just a few days. Moreover, the child will be able to take an active part in the process and express all his wishes about the size and design. To make a do-it-yourself dollhouse out of plywood, you will need a diagram that you can draw yourself or find a ready-made one on the Internet.

We make a drawing of a plywood dollhouse with the dimensions of all structural elements

A toy house and plywood cannot be built without a detailed drawing, on which the dimensions of all its parts will be applied. To do this, you must first determine the approximate dimensions of the future house, and imagine what shape it will be.

When reducing or increasing the design, it should be remembered that all dimensions should also be proportionally changed.

The house consists of the following parts:

  1. Back wall: has the shape of a pentagon. Its sides are 76 cm, and the base is 106 cm. The upper side is an uneven triangle, the top of which is at a height of 91 cm.
  2. Floor: Rectangular. Its dimensions are 106x38 cm.
  3. Overlapping of the second floor: a rectangle with dimensions of 104x36 cm.
  4. Side wall (2 parts): is a rectangle 36x76 cm.
  5. Inner wall with right side: rectangle 25x50 cm.
  6. Inner wall on the left side: rectangle 25x43 cm.
  7. Left side of the roof: rectangle measuring 76x39 cm.
  8. The right side of the roof: a rectangle with parameters 45x39 cm.

How to make a house for a doll with your own hands from plywood: a step by step guide

After cutting out the parts with a jigsaw or hacksaw, you need to carefully process them sandpaper with a fine spray, and then proceed with the assembly. At this stage, windows of arbitrary sizes are cut out and also carefully processed with sandpaper.

Making a house step by step:

  1. The side walls are attached to the base with the help of self-tapping screws and building glue, and then the ceiling of the second floor and internal partitions.
  2. The roof is being installed.
  3. Decorative tiles made of cardboard, colored paper or other materials are glued onto the roof.
  4. Next, the house is painted with paints (acrylic, gouache, watercolor);
  5. The rooms are pasted over with wallpaper, fabric, film.
  6. The floors are covered with pieces of linoleum, laminate, carpet, felt.
  7. Furniture and interior items are arranged.

Near the house, you can make a small garden, placed in a box, in which trees cut out of cardboard will grow.

If the parts were not cut too evenly and a gap formed between them, then it can be covered with wood putty and then painted over.

How to assemble a plywood house for children with your own hands easily and quickly

A small plywood house designed for games will appeal to any child. After all, he will have his own space there. It is not difficult to assemble such a structure yourself if you first make drawings and cut out the details.

What you need for work:

  • Sheets of plywood, the thickness of which is not less than ten millimeters. The required quantity is easy to determine by adding up all the areas of future parts.
  • Beam for the frame size 40x40 or 50x50 mm.
  • Plexiglas or plastic for windows.
  • Canopies for doors.
  • Finishing materials (wallpaper, non-toxic paint, putty).

Blanks are made from timber and plywood and sanded with sandpaper until completely smooth. The frame is assembled from a bar, and plywood blanks are attached to it. Next, windows and doors are installed. Then the house can be painted inside and out or wallpapered. Furniture is being brought in. From the remnants of plywood, you can make decorations and install them around the house. Children's play house ready.

Fasteners must be hidden so that the child cannot be injured.

We make a plywood castle with our own hands: drawings and recommendations

Plywood is one of the easiest materials to process, so it can be used to make not only simple houses, but also beautiful castles for princesses and knights. To do this, you need to be patient and carefully draw every detail of the future castle. The drawings are made by analogy with the drawings of a dollhouse, but towers, balconies and terraces are added to the details. There are a lot of interesting models on thematic sites that are easy to build yourself.

Tools needed for work:

  • Simple pencil;
  • Ruler (simple and curly);
  • Electric jigsaw;
  • Screwdrivers or screwdriver;
  • A hammer;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Tassels;
  • Fasteners.

Ice cream sticks can be used to fence balconies.

Beautiful plywood doll furniture: drawings and manufacturing methods

Plywood can be used to make almost any piece of furniture. toy house: beds, tables, chairs, cabinets, sofas, shelves. The furniture made according to the drawings turns out to be quite large, so it is suitable for both Barbie dolls and baby dolls.

Furniture parts can be glued or connected with self-tapping screws and furniture studs. Basically, plywood is taken, about 4 mm thick.

What you need to make furniture:

  • Pencil and paper;
  • Jigsaw manual;
  • Fine sandpaper;
  • Liquid nails or wood glue;
  • Paints and varnish.

When assembling small furniture, it is better to use glue, because fasteners can damage parts.

For all furniture details, you first need to draw and cut out a template. Then circle it on plywood and cut out structural elements with a jigsaw. Edges are frayed. The parts must be connected together, and then painted and varnished or upholstered with a cloth using a stapler.

We make a plywood house for a doll with our own hands (video instruction)

From plywood, you can make durable and beautiful toys that will please the child for a long time. With drawings, free time and a modicum of patience, this will not be difficult even for those who do not have any skills in this matter. And by showing imagination, you can create real masterpieces that will cause surprise and delight not only in the child, but also in others.

Such a craft will not take much time and materials, and for a child this activity will be very useful.

nym. When working with paper and three-dimensional figures, spatial thinking develops, fantasy and ingenuity work. Among other things, this is just an exciting activity for both adults and children.

Every girl dreams that her favorite doll lives in a house. Is it worth it to spend huge sums of money to purchase a doll house, if you can easily make it with your own hands. In addition, the child will treat the toy more carefully when he himself takes part in its creation.

To do beautiful house from cardboard boxes, you need very few materials and most importantly - fantasy!

You'll need:

  • Boxes of durable cardboard different sizes;
  • Paints;
  • colored paper;
  • Knife and scissors;
  • Glue gun;
  • Scotch;
  • Pencils or markers.

You can make any house - large or small, with a removable roof or a stationary one, with separate rooms or one large one. To get an idea of ​​how the house will look like, look at the approximate diagrams and sketches on the Internet (instructions are attached to each). Based on them, you can draw own plan doll house.

DIY large cardboard house for children

Getting a kid interested is pretty easy. Build him a house! If you live in an apartment, making drywall housing at home will be very difficult - due to lack of free space. But there is a way out, because for sure each of you at home on the mezzanine or in the garage has large boxes of household appliances - a TV, a refrigerator or gas stove. Unless you're planning a massive move, these boxes are unlikely to be of any use to you. But from them you can make a great house-teremok for your child. It will be interesting for the kid to play in such a spacious house.

To do children's house with your own hands, you need:

  • A large cardboard box or two medium ones;
  • Glue;
  • Scotch;
  • Colored paper or wallpaper;
  • Ruler;
  • Stationery knife.

Place the box in such a way that the opening parts are at the top. Cut out a piece of cardboard from an unnecessary box to make a quadrangular roof. Fasten all bends with tape.

You can leave the top of the roof empty - so that air flows better.

Think about where the door will be located. The hole should be large enough for the baby to crawl inside the house. Draw a door and cut it out with a utility knife. We do the same with windows. Finished holes can be decorated with old tulle, this will make the home cozy.

You can lay a warm blanket on the floor, so the baby will not freeze, even if he sits inside the house for hours.

Homemade house is ready and waiting for its owner!

Do-it-yourself cardboard houses: schemes and nuances of construction

To create a house, first of all, you need to draw a sketch. Finished drawing at home, you can download it on the Internet or try to draw it yourself, based on the requests of the child. If desired, you can make a house layout from plain paper.

House project:

  1. Cut out according to the drawing cardboard box sketches of the future toy house.
  2. Cut windows and doors. Remove unnecessary pieces of cardboard.
  3. Joints must be sealed with tape.
  4. If you glue the bends correctly, the house can fold, and in this form it will take up very little space.
  5. The roof of the house is made from the end parts of the box. They are fastened together with adhesive tape, on top of the roof can be pasted over with colored paper.
  6. To make the second floor, you need to install an interior partition. Put a sheet of cardboard on top and firmly fix it along the edges with the walls of the house.
  7. The stairs between floors are also cut out of cardboard.

Now the house can be decorated doll furniture Or make your own out of cardboard.

Helpful tips for making:

  • The door of the house should open outward;
  • In order for the house to be stable, cardboard pipes must be installed in the corners;
  • For safety reasons, only adults should cut cardboard.

How to make a cardboard house with your own hands: step by step with pictures

A beautiful and original house for Barbie can be made not only from boxes, but also from ordinary colored sheets of cardboard. Let your daughter help you create the house, make the layout and think through the decor.

For work, you will need sheets of thick cardboard, colored tape, felt-tip pens and a stationery knife.

Let's get to work:

  1. Our house will not have a front wall - so it is more convenient for a child to play with a doll if the dwelling is supposed to have several tiers.
  2. The basis of the house are four standard sheet cardboard, which are fastened together with colored tape.
  3. Before connecting the sheets, you need to cut out the window of the future house.
  4. Having fastened the sheets, we make the second floor. To do this, you need to connect 3-4 sheets together so that the overlap is more durable.
  5. Glue the sheets to the walls of the house around the entire perimeter with adhesive tape.
  6. The walls of the house can be pasted over with wrapping paper, imitating wallpaper, and thin felt can be laid on the floor - like a warm carpet.

It will be very interesting for the child to play with the new acquisition, to equip the house. These skills will definitely be useful in adult life.

If the child is already going to school, he can take his creation to an exhibition or just brag to his classmates.

Do-it-yourself cardboard house: how to decorate a doll house

Dollhouse like ordinary apartment, requires comfort. To make your home more comfortable, you need to stick wallpaper on the walls - from colored paper, packaging wrappers or simple glossy magazines. You can hang curtains on the windows, for sure you will find a piece of unnecessary fabric. To attach them, use pushpins or a stapler.

Like any apartment, the house should not be empty. Favorite doll also needs furniture. From the boxes you can build a voluminous sofa, wardrobe or bookcase, table and chairs. They can be painted with watercolors or pasted over with appliqués.

The floor can be covered with felt, which is attached to the box with glue gun. Now the Barbie doll will be able to walk barefoot on the floor.

To make the house light and cozy, you can hang an LED garland along the walls.

Around the house, you can arrange decorative flowers in pots and build a fence of plastic bottles. However, this option is acceptable if space in the nursery allows.

Let the child design the house himself, because your tastes may differ. Entrust this work to the kid, let him develop his imagination!

Step-by-step master class: how to make a cardboard house for a cat

If you have a tailed whiskered animal at home, you know how cats love to hide - they jump into a stroller, climb into boxes or on a rack. You can make a house out of the box and your pet will have a personal apartment that no one will claim.

Cardboard box for a cat - original and interesting idea, but, alas, such a house will quickly become unusable. Cardboard is afraid of water, so it cannot be washed. If your pet confuses the house with the tray, the cat's apartment will have to be thrown away.

In addition, cats like to sharpen their claws, and this will also harm the house.

Despite the disadvantages, this option is the cheapest and fastest to perform.

Building a cat house

  1. You need to choose a box in which your cat will not be cramped. Cats love space and love visibility, so don't put the box in the farthest corner of the room.
  2. Place a rug or pillow on the floor.
  3. You can paste over the outside of the house with old wallpaper so that the cat's home does not violate the interior of the "human" room.

When the house is ready, invite the cat to examine it. Let him get used to the new thing, study it. It is not necessary to force the cat to immediately climb inside, this can only scare him away.

How to make a cardboard house (video)

If you have a fantasy and love to craft, you can make a toy house out of cardboard. Such a gift will appeal to both toddlers and older children. Even an adult girl will appreciate such a gift, because very often you want to return to a carefree childhood and play with Barbie dolls again.

It is quite possible to assemble and make an original and unique plywood house with your own hands Shops offer customers a wide range of all kinds of toys, including doll houses. Every girl dreams of getting one of them, while parents can easily make a beautiful and durable doll house in just a few days. Moreover, the child will be able to take an active part in the process and express all his wishes about the size and design. To make a do-it-yourself dollhouse out of plywood, you will need a diagram that you can draw yourself or find a ready-made one on the Internet.

We make a drawing of a plywood dollhouse with the dimensions of all structural elements

A toy house and plywood cannot be built without a detailed drawing, on which the dimensions of all its parts will be applied. To do this, you must first determine the approximate dimensions of the future house, and imagine what shape it will be.

When reducing or increasing the design, it should be remembered that all dimensions should also be proportionally changed.

Before you start making a house, you must first correctly draw up its drawing

The house consists of the following parts:

  1. Back wall: has the shape of a pentagon. Its sides are 76 cm, and the base is 106 cm. The upper side is an uneven triangle, the top of which is at a height of 91 cm.
  2. Floor: Rectangular. Its dimensions are 106x38 cm.
  3. Overlapping of the second floor: a rectangle with dimensions of 104x36 cm.
  4. Side wall (2 parts): is a rectangle 36x76 cm.
  5. Inner wall on the right side: rectangle 25x50 cm.
  6. Inner wall on the left side: rectangle 25x43 cm.
  7. Left side of the roof: rectangle measuring 76x39 cm.
  8. The right side of the roof: a rectangle with parameters 45x39 cm.

How to make a house for a doll with your own hands from plywood: a step by step guide

After cutting out the parts with a jigsaw or a hacksaw, you need to carefully process them with fine-grained sandpaper, and then proceed to assembly. At this stage, windows of arbitrary sizes are cut out and also carefully processed with sandpaper.

In order to make a quality house, it is better to prepare the tools for work in advance and familiarize yourself with all the nuances

Making a house step by step:

  1. The side walls are attached to the base with the help of self-tapping screws and building glue, and then the ceiling of the second floor and internal partitions.
  2. The roof is being installed.
  3. Decorative tiles made of cardboard, colored paper or other materials are glued onto the roof.
  4. Next, the house is painted with paints (acrylic, gouache, watercolor);
  5. The rooms are pasted over with wallpaper, fabric, film.
  6. The floors are covered with pieces of linoleum, laminate, carpet, felt.
  7. Furniture and interior items are arranged.

Near the house, you can make a small garden, placed in a box, in which trees cut out of cardboard will grow.

If the parts were not cut too evenly and a gap formed between them, then it can be covered with wood putty and then painted over.

How to assemble a plywood house for children with your own hands easily and quickly

A small plywood house designed for games will appeal to any child. After all, he will have his own space there. It is not difficult to assemble such a structure yourself if you first make drawings and cut out the details.

Assembling a plywood dollhouse is quite easy and simple, which even a beginner can do just fine

What you need for work:

  • Sheets of plywood, the thickness of which is not less than ten millimeters. The required quantity is easy to determine by adding up all the areas of future parts.
  • Beam for the frame size 40x40 or 50x50 mm.
  • Plexiglas or plastic for windows.
  • Canopies for doors.
  • Finishing materials (wallpaper, non-toxic paint, putty).

Blanks are made from timber and plywood and sanded with sandpaper until completely smooth. The frame is assembled from a bar, and plywood blanks are attached to it. Next, windows and doors are installed. Then the house can be painted inside and out or wallpapered. Furniture is being brought in. From the remnants of plywood, you can make decorations and install them around the house. The children's play house is ready.

Fasteners must be hidden so that the child cannot be injured.

We make a plywood castle with our own hands: drawings and recommendations

Plywood is one of the easiest materials to process, so it can be used to make not only simple houses, but also beautiful castles for princesses and knights. To do this, you need to be patient and carefully draw every detail of the future castle. The drawings are made by analogy with the drawings of a dollhouse, but towers, balconies and terraces are added to the details. There are a lot of interesting models on thematic sites that are easy to build yourself.

A very beautiful and unusual plywood castle will turn out, which every child will definitely like.

Tools needed for work:

  • Simple pencil;
  • Ruler (simple and curly);
  • Electric jigsaw;
  • Screwdrivers or screwdriver;
  • A hammer;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Tassels;
  • Fasteners.

Ice cream sticks can be used to fence balconies.

Beautiful plywood doll furniture: drawings and manufacturing methods

From plywood, you can make almost any furniture in a toy house: beds, tables, chairs, cabinets, sofas, shelves. The furniture made according to the drawings turns out to be quite large, so it is suitable for both Barbie dolls and baby dolls.

Any girl in childhood dreams of having her own house for dolls. Previously, children built these houses from improvised means: boxes, old boxes, built them in bedside tables. Now there are a lot of toys in the toy stores. finished houses for every taste, but mostly they are quite expensive and similar to each other.

If desired, parents can make a unique house for a doll with their own hands, which will be unlike the others and any child will really like it. In this case, you can take into account all the wishes of the child and bring them to life. This is a great opportunity to do something with the whole family and have a great time.

There are several options building material for a classy doll house. It can be made from styrofoam, wood, cardboard, old boxes, drywall, fabric, or plywood.

Usually the front wall of the house does not close, so that it is convenient to play. If you still want to make the facade of the building, then it is made in the form of a door and open only for the duration of the game.

This option is considered the most popular, since such a house will be quite durable and relatively light. Such a structure is easily repainted and decorated.. But there is no way to do without the help of dad or grandfather. Since it requires the use of power tools.

It is best to create a do-it-yourself plywood dollhouse scheme with your child and take into account where and what kind of room he wants to see, as well as what size they should be. On the Internet, you can find a lot of different drawings of doll houses.

To finished house some parents attach wheels so that, if necessary, the child can independently rearrange it to another place.

To make a plywood barbie dollhouse with your own hands, you will need:

  1. plywood 8 mm thick;
  2. electric jigsaw for cutting the walls of the house;
  3. PVA glue;
  4. paint, wallpaper or self-adhesive film for decorating walls;
  5. construction pencil for marking;
  6. tape measure or ruler.

The execution process is quite simple:

  • First you need to draw up a drawing indicating the dimensions of the walls and rooms. Be sure to take into account the size of the doll that will live in this house, and equip the rooms accordingly according to her height and build.
  • From a sheet of plywood with a jigsaw, cut the walls according to the dimensions indicated in the drawing.
  • Then you need to cut windows and doors.
  • Finished walls need to be glued with PVA glue. To make the design more reliable, you can knock it down with small carnations.
  • The roof can be made flat or gable. To make it textured, you can glue it with paper or pieces of cardboard in the form of tiles.
  • Ready house for stability can be glued on big leaf plywood. Or set it on wheels for easy movement around the room.
  • Now you can start decorating your home. Wallpaper or paint floors and walls. Now we paste over the walls in the rooms with wallpaper, the floors with film.
  • Next, the most interesting thing is the arrangement of furniture. Here you can completely rely on the child or create an interior with him.
  • Sofas, beds and more upholstered furniture can be made of foam rubber or a regular sponge for washing dishes with a fabric sheathed on top. The table can be cut out of plywood.
  • You can decorate the rooms with curtains, tablecloths and carpets of your own making.

Gypsum board dollhouse

After repair, there are always pieces of different building materials. So that the good does not disappear, you can use it in order to build a beautiful housing for dolls.

Making a drywall house is quite simple. The only disadvantage of this material is its fragility. If you hit or press down on such a structure, it can easily crumble.

For greater strength of the drywall house, only the internal partitions of the rooms can be made, and the main structure can be made of wood or plywood.

The process of creating such a house is similar to the previous one, only for gluing you need to use an adhesive mixture.

Styrofoam house

For the construction of foam required:

  • Styrofoam.
  • Toothpicks or skewers for fastening.
  • Hot glue gun.
  • Wallpaper for wall decoration.
  • Pieces of linoleum.

First you need to draw a drawing of the building.

Cut the styrofoam into the necessary pieces. To prevent the foam from crumbling, you need to cut it with a heated knife.

Cut windows and doors.

To assemble, you will need toothpicks. Connect the foam sheets with toothpicks lubricated with hot glue.

The roof must be cut out of cardboard and pasted over with corrugated paper.

In one of the rooms, you can make a balcony with foam plastic. The railings can be bamboo sticks.

It is convenient to paint the house with a foam sponge dipped in acrylic paint.

Inside, decorate the rooms with wallpaper and pieces of linoleum.

Arrange the furniture in the house and decorate the windows with curtains.

Dollhouse from an old nightstand

If suddenly an old bedside table is lying around in the garage, which has long been asked to be thrown away, you can breathe a second life into it and thereby make great gift to his daughter.

This option is quite simple, since the foundation of the house is already there. Plywood sheets can be used to separate rooms and floors. You can decorate the house with wallpaper or self-adhesive film.

Girls are happy to join this exciting activity. Children have a rather rich imagination, which you can rely on when decorating rooms in a doll house.

The cheapest option for a dollhouse will be cardboard. Surely, every house has accumulated old boxes from equipment or shoes, which are perfectly used to build new housing for dolls.

This will require:

You can start making a house for dolls.

You need to cut the box so that the base consists of a whole sheet of cardboard, and the corners only need to be cut to bend. Or cut each piece separately, and then glue it together.

In order for corrugated cardboard to bend easily, you need to draw a small line at the place of the fold with a ruler and it will bend perfectly.

The cardboard house must have interior partitions that will hold the structure.

The walls of the rooms need to be pasted over with wrapping paper or wallpaper. Outside, the house can be painted or glued with a cloth. The decoration of the interior will be rhinestones, artificial flowers or curtains.

House of boxes

An even simpler option could be shoe boxes. Everything is simple here. You need to find boxes that are suitable in size and connect them together. Each box will be a separate room. To make several rooms, you need to divide it in half with an interior partition.

There are several ways to fasten boxes together:

There are many options for how to make a house for dolls with your own hands. For this, any improvised materials are suitable, and a bright children's imagination will help in its design. If dad can still make light in every room, this house will be just the ultimate dream of any child.

Houses are needed not only for girls. In the same way, you can build garages for cars, castles and fortresses.

Create a house with the whole family and the child will appreciate the time spent with the whole family, doing such an exciting activity.

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