How and why yellow turpentine baths are used. Turpentine baths: instructions, indications, reviews

Description and instruction: to " SKIPAR, mixed turpentine emulsion for bath 200ml"

Dosage form.



The emulsion contains: Gum turpentine, Demineralized water, Castor oil, Salicylic acid, Camphor, Burgundy extract, Sage extract, Chamomile extract.

Pharmachologic effect.

Mixed turpentine baths are obtained by mixing a yellow solution and a white emulsion. They have the advantages of both yellow and white baths, and allow adapting capillary therapy to the condition of each sick person. Mixed baths have an additional effect: they cause the release of various amino acids, including histamine, into the blood through the opening capillaries. It is known that injections of histamine and histamine ointment give a good effect. But during the treatment with mixed baths, the physiological formation of histamine occurs, controlled by the mechanisms of autoregulation and accompanied by prolonged analgesia (pain relief) of tissues. In addition to the analgesic effect, internal histamine circulating in the newly opened capillaries of the skin causes the expansion of still closed capillaries of the muscles and capillaries of the arteries of the extremities, penetrates into the arteries of various organs of the abdominal and thoracic cavities, into the brain and spinal cord, into the cerebrospinal fluid (cerebrospinal fluid). All this, in the end, leads to the restoration of normal blood flow in the vessels, normal nutrition, oxidation and elimination (excretion) of metabolites. The normal physiological and mental state is restored. There is an improvement of the whole organism as a whole.


The use of turpentine baths allows you to relieve stress, relax, increase the tone and resistance of the body to diseases. Turpentine emulsion for white baths (for preparing a white turpentine bath) Effective in diseases of the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis, arthritis, arthrosis), metabolic disorders (overweight), varicose veins of the lower extremities, thrombophlebitis.


Active forms of open pulmonary tuberculosis.

Psychoses in the acute period.

Severe heart failure.

Individual intolerance to turpentine baths or hypersensitivity of the skin to turpentine.

Method of application and dose.

Shake the contents of the vial (yellow solution or white emulsion, or mixed emulsion).

Prepare a solution: stir the amount corresponding to the bath number in 3 liters of hot water 50-60 ° C.

Fill the bath with 150-170 liters of water at the desired temperature and add the prepared solution.

Thoroughly mix the prepared solution in the bath until completely dissolved in water. The amount of solution, the temperature of the water and the duration of the procedure are changed according to the schemes indicated in the tables for the use of each type of bath.

Special instructions.

You should know that white baths can only be used by people with low or normal (not higher than 140-150/90 mm Hg) arterial blood pressure. People who have this level higher are shown only yellow baths. If in the process of using white baths arterial pressure becomes higher than the norm, it is necessary to immediately switch to mixed.

In order to avoid irritation on sensitive areas of the skin, before taking baths, it is recommended to lubricate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe armpits, inguinal folds, perineum, and places of accidental scratches with petroleum jelly.

Strictly observe the temperature regime and dosage of the solution. Don't go headlong into the bath. Avoid contact with eyes.

  • - Description and photos in the product cards may differ from what is presented in the pharmacy. Please check with the operators before placing an order.
  • - This product is not subject to exchange and return on the basis of Decree 55 of 01/19/1998.

Turpentine baths at home have been used for many years to improve the body. Moreover, taking baths with turpentine will help get rid of extra pounds and "orange peel", and your skin will become smooth and velvety without the use of creams and body lotions. Bath with turpentine - it sounds a little dangerous and not in vain. Using turpentine for baths, you need to be careful and strictly follow all the recommendations specified in the instructions for the product, so as not to harm the body instead of the expected benefit.

More about bath turpentine

Turpentine oil, and the common name for us "turpentine" is an essential oil obtained from pine resin. It's completely natural product. You can buy it at a pharmacy or specialized stores, but it is important to choose a natural product, and not a chemical mixture with the aroma of pine needles, which can often be found on sale. The price of a bottle of 100 ml is from 150 rubles, but the cost can reach 500 rubles for a bottle of this volume, depending on the manufacturer and packaging. This product looks like a liquid substance of white or yellow color with a characteristic pine odour.

Healing properties coniferous plants known to people for many years. Turpentine oil is widely used in traditional medicine. For therapeutic purposes, ointments, rubbing and baths with turpentine are used. In cosmetology, turpentine is used for wraps and baths, which get rid of cellulite and improve the appearance of the skin.

How to choose turpentine for home use

When choosing turpentine, it is important to consider that it can be of two types, and the effectiveness and safety of using this tool depends, first of all, on the correct choice of product. Yellow or white - the choice depends on your blood pressure.

White turpentine is recommended for people with low blood pressure, yellow - with high blood pressure. Turpentine white baths are not accompanied by strong sweating, but yellow ones are vice versa. Even after taking a bath, there is still a lot of sweating for several hours. If you have unstable blood pressure, you can do mixed turpentine baths. The white emulsion is completely soluble in water, it is easier to use for practical purposes, since it does not stain the bath. The composition of the yellow emulsion includes, in addition to turpentine oil, castor oil and oleic acid. And in the composition of white - baby soap, salicylic acid and camphor.

The effectiveness of the use of turpentine oil and indications for use

This method of healing the body is used to combat many ailments. You may be offered a course of such procedures by doctors in sanatoriums in order to improve your health or cosmetologists to achieve an aesthetic effect. But recently, due to the availability of this product, girls have increasingly begun to take turpentine baths at home. The effectiveness of this method is as follows:

  • Bath with turpentine warms the body, so it is used for prevention colds during the autumn-spring period.
  • This method is used to combat muscle pain. For example, after exhausting workouts in the gym or just a hard day's work, it is very pleasant to lie in such a bath.
  • Turpentine bath emulsion is also aromatherapy. If you like coniferous aroma, this healing method can become a real relaxation for you.
  • The procedure is used to reduce joint pain.
  • The thermal effect of baths promotes the opening of capillaries. This contributes to the restoration of the vital activity of the cells of the body.
  • The alternation of white and yellow baths contributes to the correction of blood pressure.

Already after the first use of baths with turpentine, you will notice an improvement in the condition of the skin, lightness of the body, and your sleep will be incredibly strong.

Turpentine baths Zalmanov

The substance from turpentine, which was dissolved in water, was brought out by Dr. A.S. Zalmanov. He developed a separate direction in medicine based on the treatment of patients with the purest type of turpentine diluted in water. This technique is called capillary therapy. It allows you to treat many diseases, including obesity. After that, turpentine bath emulsion was widely used.

In the process of taking baths, the main substance of turpentine, terpene, penetrates the skin and promotes the opening of capillaries. It is necessary to take Zalmanov's turpentine baths according to special schemes, observe desired temperature water and the dosage of the emulsion.

yellow emulsion

Turpentine yellow baths reduce high blood pressure, cause an increase in body temperature, and contribute to the removal of toxins through the skin. To make your first yellow emulsion bath yourself, arm yourself with a water thermometer, a watch, and follow the step-by-step diagram:

  1. Take half a bath of warm water at a temperature of 37 degrees.
  2. Add 1 tablespoon of yellow emulsion to it and stir. There may be lumps and a film on the surface of the water.
  3. After 3 minutes of being in the water, its temperature must be increased by 1 degree.
  4. The maximum water temperature that can be obtained at the end of the procedure is 42 degrees, and the total time spent in water is 15 minutes.
  5. At the end of the procedure, the body does not need to be wiped, put on a terry dressing gown and lie in bed for an hour or two.

The second and subsequent turpentine yellow baths will be carried out with an increase in the amount of emulsion by half a tablespoon each time. The maximum amount of yellow emulsion in the bath is 8 tablespoons, the course may include up to 20 procedures daily or every other day.

white emulsion

Turpentine white baths improve tissue nutrition, stabilize pressure. During the procedure, you may feel tingling and burning of the skin. White emulsion does not cause excessive sweating. It is necessary to carry out the procedure in water of 37-39 degrees, adding hot water as it cools down. The first procedure is best done within 5-7 minutes, gradually increasing the time to 20 minutes. At the end of the time, as in the case of using a yellow emulsion, do not dry your body, but wrap yourself in a terry dressing gown and rest for about 2 hours.

You can alternate the white and yellow emulsions step by step, or use them together to make mixed turpentine baths. To correct blood pressure, Dr. Zalmanov developed a scheme for alternating emulsions, but you should not self-medicate without consulting a doctor.

The benefits of the technique for the figure

If you want to lose extra pounds and defeat cellulite, try turpentine baths for weight loss. Efficiency does not depend on the color of the emulsion. The fight against extra centimeters occurs by improving blood circulation and burning fat in the tissues, and then removing them through the open pores of the skin. Turpentine baths for weight loss have visible results, this is confirmed by the numerous reviews of girls who carried out the procedure at home with their own hands. In a month, you can lose up to 8 kilograms of excess weight. You can independently choose an emulsion for yourself and use this method using the recommendations described in the article.

Precautions and contraindications

Knowing how to take turpentine baths, you will get the desired effect and will not encounter side effects. Take precautions:

Some girls, to accelerate the effect of losing weight, exceed the prescribed dosage. The result of this may not be a slender body without an “orange peel”, but a burn of the skin, so you must strictly follow the instructions.

Now many people are interested in natural methods recovery. It is in this way that Zalmanov's therapeutic turpentine baths are used. They are able to cleanse the human body at the level of the smallest and thinnest capillaries.

Solutions for turpentine baths Zalmanova

Only two have been developed medicinal composition for baths - white emulsion and yellow turpentine. They are used both separately and together.
1. Yellow turpentine. This solution consists of three components: oleic acid, castor oil and turpentine itself. If you take baths with yellow turpentine, then the reactions of reduction and oxidation will gradually return to normal, the aging processes of the body will slow down, the capillaries will be cleansed. Also, excess fluid will be removed from the body. As a result, high blood pressure will return to normal.
2. White emulsion. Its action is directed directly to the capillaries. She helps them open up and then restores their normal functioning. If you go through the procedure of taking baths with a white emulsion, then the quality of collateral circulation will increase, and low blood pressure will return to normal.
3. A mixture of white emulsion and yellow turpentine. Such baths provide a very wide range of effects on the patient's body. They also have an amazing analgesic effect. Zalmanov's turpentine baths also have many medicinal properties.
Stages of taking Zalmanov's turpentine baths
Stage one:
Water is poured into the bath at a temperature of 36 degrees. It is necessary to calculate so that there is room in the bath for adding water, which will be added during the procedure. The selected solution is poured into a separate container, the amount of which is previously measured using a beaker. Then it is diluted with hot water and thoroughly stirred with a spoon. The finished mixture is poured into a bath of water. Stir.
Stage two:
The patient is immersed in the prepared bath so that the water rises no higher than chest level. Be sure to note the start time of the procedure. Next, the nurse gradually opens the hot water faucet to gradually increase the temperature of the treatment solution in the bath. In two minutes, you can only raise the temperature by one degree. If yellow turpentine was added to Zalmanov's turpentine baths, then the maximum temperature of the solution should be 40.5-42 degrees. And if in therapeutic baths a white emulsion was poured, the temperature threshold is a maximum of 40 degrees. The duration of the procedure is from 10 to 20 minutes. If the patient began to sweat, then this indicates that his body has already begun to cleanse, which means that the procedure can be completed. The patient comes out of the bathroom, a towel is thrown over him and sent to bed. No need to wipe.
Stage three:
This is rest after the procedure. The patient must be in bed for 2 hours.

Indications for the procedure
Everything healing procedures have their indications and contraindications. And Zalmanov's turpentine baths were no exception.
1. Infectious diseases;
2. Cardiovascular diseases;
3. Eye diseases;
4. All diseases in which the digestive and respiratory organs are affected;
5. Diseases of the joints, skin, musculoskeletal system, and connective tissue;
6. Diseases of the kidneys and genital organs;
7. Venereal diseases;
8. Obesity;
9. Oncological diseases;
10. Diseases of the endocrine system;
11. Diseases of the central nervous system;
12. Children's diseases.
Zalmanov's turpentine baths help strengthen immune system, prolong life, push back the biological aging of the body. And at the same time, they are healing for everyone! You can treat both adults and children.
1. Heart failure;
2. Active pulmonary tuberculosis;
3. Acute periods of psychosis;
4. Terminal states;
5. Agonal states.
Turpentine baths are used for various diseases
Turpentine baths are a very useful procedure that improves metabolic processes in the body, warms up the body, relaxes muscles, and causes increased sweating. In balneology (the science of studying mineral waters) turpentine baths are prescribed for various diseases of the skin and internal organs.
The use of turpentine baths has an active effect on the body, but it cannot be used in its pure form, it has a strong irritating effect. For baths, special mixtures are prepared: “yellow solution” and “white emulsion”. By adding baby soap, salicylic acid, distilled water and other ingredients to turpentine.
Turpentine baths are used for various diseases, but hot baths themselves are a potent procedure, and even more so with the addition of turpentine compounds, so several rules must be observed.
1. It is necessary to take a bath with turpentine mixture for no more than 10-15 minutes.
2. The water temperature should be within 36 - 37 ° C, respectively warm.
3. Use ready-made turpentine emulsions in the autumn-winter period, which will be a good prevention of colds.
4. Turpentine emulsion or solution is first diluted in three liters of hot water and then added to the bath (more than detailed description for a certain composition).
5. After a turpentine bath, you need to rest for at least an hour.
6. To avoid burns, a skin test should be performed. Even if everything is in order, sensitive areas should be lubricated with petroleum jelly (especially intimate places).
7. Strictly observe the dosage of the solution and the temperature regime.
Best time to take such a bath - evening, but the last meal should be at least two hours in advance. After the first intake of a turpentine bath, you should monitor your well-being, if the tingling of the skin continues for more than an hour - in next time dosage should be reduced. Tingling and tingling of the skin in the first half hour after the bath is considered normal.
Turpentine baths are used for various diseases, at a young age, with a normal state of health, “white” baths can be used daily for five days in a row, a break and the next course, which consists of ten baths, alternating with one day of rest. After two courses of treatment, the turpentine bath can be used twice a week. Two special baths per week will suffice for older people.
Indications for use water procedures:
Diseases of the cardiovascular system (except heart failure).
Vascular problems, including Raynaud's disease, thrombophlebitis.
Diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
Kidney disease: urolithiasis disease glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis.
Liver diseases: cholelithiasis, chronic hepatitis.
Respiratory diseases: chronic pneumonia and bronchitis, bronchial asthma.
Gynecological diseases: infertility, chronic oophoritis, chronic adnexitis. In men - prostatitis, impotence.
Baths with white turpentine emulsion have a positive effect on the work of the hematopoietic organs. The blood flow becomes more enhanced, the peripheral blood supply improves. Such baths are shown for various diseases of the joints, they contribute to the rapid healing of fractures, the condition improves with violations in the genitourinary system, hypotension.
Yellow turpentine solution is taken for hypertension, salt deposits, angina pectoris, edema, and for resorption of scars. Drink after bath herbal tea, wrap up and lie down.
Mixed baths with turpentine solution have a mild effect on the body, they do not affect blood pressure and contribute to the normalization of water-salt metabolism in body tissues.
These baths are contraindicated in pulmonary and cerebral edema, liver cirrhosis, tuberculosis in open form, cancer, skin diseases. The use of turpentine baths has a number of contraindications, given this, you should consult your doctor.
Instructions for use of turpentine baths
To use turpentine baths, you will need turpentine mixtures, the manufacture of which is a complex and unsafe process, since this requires certain knowledge, skills and experience. Self-made mixtures are of poor quality, which can affect the result of treatment and your health. Unfortunately, not everyone can purchase ready-made mixtures and this publication will consider instructions for the use of turpentine baths, as well as the composition and recipe for home-made turpentine mixtures.
The recipe for the turpentine mixture:
1. White turpentine mixture. To prepare 1 liter of the mixture, you will need: distilled water 550 ml, salicylic acid 3 g, camphor alcohol 20 ml, gum turpentine 500 ml and baby soap 30 g, which must be finely chopped. Preparation method: pour into enamelware, distilled water and put on fire. After boiling water, add salicylic acid and planed baby soap. Stirring with a glass rod, cook for about 15 minutes, over low heat - until the soap dissolves. Remove the dishes from the fire and pour in the gum turpentine. Then, mix and add camphor alcohol. The resulting mixture, pour into a glass dish made of tinted glass. The finished mixture looks like curdled milk. During storage, it may separate into 2-3 layers - therefore, it must be shaken before use. Store the mixture in a dark place and at room temperature - so it can be stored for up to 1 year.
2. Yellow turpentine solution. To prepare 1 liter of solution, you will need: castor oil 200 ml, oleic acid 150 ml, sodium hydroxide granules 13.3 g, distilled water 133 ml and gum turpentine 500 ml. Method of preparation: pour castor oil into an enamel bowl and place on a steam bath. Steam bath, put on fire and leaving the water to boil, prepare a solution of caustic soda. Caustic soda is an alkali, so you need to prepare the solution with caution, wearing rubber gloves. To prepare a sodium solution, take a thin glass flask, and pouring distilled water into it, rotate and pour in caustic soda. Caustic soda should completely dissolve, while being careful - the flask may burst from heating. Next, put the flask until it cools completely. When in the steam bath, the water boils, reduce the heat and after 5 minutes, pour the prepared solution of caustic soda into castor oil, then mix thoroughly. When the lye and oil thicken, mix well again and paste in the oleic acid. Stir with a glass rod until the mixture becomes a liquid mass - after that, stop heating and remove the pan from the steam bath. Pour turpentine into the mixture and stir well. yellow solution in ready-made, has transparency and a yellowish color, while it resembles vegetable oil. Store in a tightly sealed dark glass container at room temperature for up to 1 year.
Instructions for using turpentine baths:
When using turpentine baths, strict individual approach to select the type of procedure, its duration, environmental conditions and temperature. It is necessary to attach great importance to the state of health and well-being of the patient in need of the use of turpentine baths. They should not irritate, frighten or disturb a sick person, but on the contrary, cause a feeling of comfort and pleasant sensations. Instructions for use of turpentine baths warn you that at the beginning of the course of treatment chronic diseases, it is necessary to take a series of hot and warm procedures, and only in the intervals between them or at the end of the course of treatment, it is necessary to take a complex of cold (hardening) procedures.
The result of taking turpentine baths directly depends on the accuracy of your compliance with the technique of their application. Best Option, will seek the help of a specialist in the field. It will cost a lot of money, but the result will be the best and most effective. If you do not have such an opportunity, seek the help of a doctor, you can take turpentine baths on your own - for this, below are instructions for using turpentine baths at home.
Instructions: you will need a hot and cold water, a bath, a thermometer with a 50C scale, a beaker with divisions, a stethoscope, a tonometer, a mirror (to control perspiration on the face), a watch, white turpentine mixture or yellow turpentine solution, which were given above, it is better to use both. The type of turpentine mixture is selected based on the diagnosis. The frequency of using turpentine baths depends on the patient's condition, the body's reaction to the procedure, the age and diagnosis of the sick person. The dose of any mixture should start with a minimum dose - 20 ml of solution, for an adult. Gradually, it increases individually. The reaction of the body to this procedure may also depend on weather conditions.

What are turpentine baths, what benefits do they have on the human body. Types of turpentine baths: white, yellow and mixed. How to take cook and how to procedure. Contraindications for turpentine baths.

Formally, turpentine baths also belong to hydrotherapy procedures, but they have a special status. In ordinary hydrotherapy, the main thing is that a person is in contact with water, and when taking turpentine baths, the main thing is that turpentine is dissolved in this water.

Chemically, it is a complex mixture of hydrocarbons, mainly terpenes. Its second name is turpentine oil. It is usually obtained from resin. Solvent for varnishes and paints, raw material for the production of camphor and terpineol. In a word, typical example hated by naturopaths "chemistry". But...

Doctors from different countries have proven that:

  • turpentine solution when washing hands has a high disinfectant effect, without causing side effects;
  • turpentine vapors - at least in the experiment - sharply delay the reproduction of tubercle bacillus in laboratory culture;
  • intravenous and intramuscular injections a solution of turpentine in olive oil helps well against septicemia, skin and some diseases similar to them, in addition, back in the last century, skin was smeared with turpentine to remove acne and acne;
  • a weak solution of turpentine is a good hemostatic agent.
Finally, turpentine, used in the form of baths, is a "blood purifier" that restores and enhances blood flow in the capillary networks.

The history of turpentine baths, of course, did not begin with Zalmanov, and not even with medicine of the last century, and in general it did not begin with turpentine. Many centuries ago, coniferous baths were very popular in Russia. They knew for sure about their general tonic effect, they guessed about the anti-inflammatory effect, they attributed a lot of other effects. Later they thought of extracting from resin coniferous trees active ingredient and use only it for baths. It is difficult to say how much turpentine is preferable to the complex product from which it is isolated. Still, it is better to eat whole fruits than to take the vitamins that they contain. On the other hand, in the acute form of a dangerous disease, a substance with desired properties much more radical and helps faster than the natural composition, where it is included as a component.

One way or another, Zalmanov and his followers prescribe to the sick for treatment and "still healthy" for rejuvenation and general prevention namely turpentine baths, not coniferous ones.

By pushing the endothelial cells apart, the solution of turpentine in water resumes capillary irrigation of tissues and frees the way nutrients, oxygen, hormones, etc. from blood to tissue fluid and then to lymph. The mention of rejuvenation is not accidental: as already mentioned, the aging process itself is largely due to the slow "drying" of the body, the lack of capillary drainage of tissues and organs.

What diseases can be cured with turpentine baths

It can be considered quite reliable data on the healing effect of turpentine baths in the following diseases: obliterating endarteritis; other local and general arteritis; angina; hypertonic disease; consequences of myocardial infarction; osteochondrosis, deforming spondylosis, and according to some reports - even Bechterew's disease; sciatica; rheumatism; neuritis and polyneuritis; consequences of poliomyelitis; consequences of injury.
In addition, turpentine baths accelerate the healing of postoperative scars and scars.

Types of turpentine baths: how to prepare and take

Turpentine baths were often used in Russian zemstvo medicine. The methods of their preparation and the form of serving turpentine were developed not so much theoretically (there is no detailed theory of this issue, for that matter, to this day), but empirically. In today's practice, three types of baths are used - white, yellow and mixed. The former increase blood pressure, the latter lower it, and the third affect it in different ways.

Prepared with the so-called white turpentine emulsion. They are considered a kind of "gymnastics" for capillaries, especially skin ones, because they stimulate their pulsation, restore their ability to adequately respond to external and interior environment- expand and contract as needed.

A white emulsion is prepared as follows. Pour half a liter of water into an enameled pan and put on fire. Boiled - pour 3 g of salicylic acid into the water (please do not scare her with acetylsalicylic acid, that is, with aspirin - this different substances, and they have different effects) and 30 g of grated baby soap. Boil this mixture over low heat, stirring frequently, until the soap has dissolved. Dissolved - extinguish the fire, In a liter container - a jar or a bottle with a wide neck - first pour half a liter of turpentine, then the contents of the pan (only in this order, and not vice versa). Stir the resulting mixture properly and close the lid tightly: the emulsion is ready. It should look something like curdled milk, and in consistency resemble raw protein. chicken egg. It can be stored at room temperature more than a year, do not put in the refrigerator. The emulsion separates during storage, so shake it vigorously before each use.

Now about that how to take the procedure. First, pour moderately hot water into the bath - with a temperature of 36 "C. Quickly dilute the desired dose of the emulsion (how much - see below) in very hot water, pour it all into the bath and stir carefully. Then lubricate the genitals with petroleum jelly or vegetable oil, perineum and anus - and lie down in the bath.

The procedure takes exactly 15 minutes. In the first five minutes, add a little hot water, bringing the temperature of the bath to 38 ° C, and for the next 10 minutes just lie down and, as Alan Chumak likes to say, listen to what is happening inside you. As a rule, nothing interesting happens, but listen anyway. Sometimes during the procedure or within 15 - 45 minutes after it slightly pinches, tingles or burns the skin. In principle, you should not pay attention to this, but if the burning or tingling is too strong and causes an unpleasant feeling, reduce the dose of the emulsion and do not increase it until the skin gets used to it.

After 15 minutes, get out of the bath and do not dry yourself - put on some old underwear that you don’t mind smearing in turpentine, and go to bed.

About doses. They, as the reader probably already guessed, are increased from procedure to procedure. The order of dialing the doses is as follows (in milliliters of the emulsion): 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 - in short, in 5 ml increments, until you reach 120. Do not increase the dosage further and continue taking baths until you get a clear therapeutic effect (and you will definitely get it, just don't expect too fast results). The final temperature of the water must also be dialed - always starting from 36 ° C, bringing it at first to 38 ° C, and from the 12th procedure - up to 39.5 ° C. From the 7th-10th session, you can extend your stay in the bath for a minute or two, but no more.

Bath schedule: the first 5 - every other day, in the future - in order to avoid irritation of the renal parenchyma - after two to three days, but at least twice a week. On days free from baths, you need to do hot chest wraps and cool leg wraps for bedtime.

Contraindication of white turpentine baths. White baths are contraindicated for high blood pressure - because they increase it even more. If the upper (systolic, i.e. in the phase of contraction of the heart) pressure is not higher than 140 mm, white baths are indicated for any arteritis, myocardial infarction, sciatica, bone fractures with muscle atrophy, deforming rheumatism with osteoporosis (i.e. with fragility bones), the consequences of polio, rickets.

They lower blood pressure, so they are prescribed for hypertensive patients (systolic pressure of 180 and above). Indications: the same arteritis, hemiplegia, hypertension, diabetes, myocardial infarction (we hope the reader understands that when the same disease appears in both lists - for white and yellow baths, you need to measure blood pressure and, based on this, decide "what color" baths to take), sciatica, glaucoma, bone fractures with ankylosis, progressive muscle atrophy (in these cases, you should start with a series of 10-12 yellow baths, and then, when the pressure drops, switch to mixed ones), rheumatism, salpingitis , adnexitis, spondylarthrosis, thrombosis of the central retinal artery (under the supervision of an ophthalmologist).

Older people suffering from high blood pressure are recommended to start with 10-12 yellow baths for rejuvenation, and then after every two yellow baths, take one white or mixed bath.

Chemical base yellow baths - yellow turpentine solution. It does not contribute to the pulsation of capillaries - it simply “seriously and for a long time” expands them. Due to this, huge masses of blood, “driven” into large and not very large vessels, rush into the capillaries, and the pressure drops. Along the way, salt deposits and rheumatic exostoses dissolve, tissue nutrition is restored, excess cholesterol and sugar are removed from the blood, urination increases.

Preparation of the yellow solution: Pour 300 ml of castor oil into an enamel pan and place in a water bath (i.e. in a wider pan or basin where the water is already boiling over low heat). While the castor oil is heated, dissolve 40 g of caustic soda in a glass of cold water. After the water in the water bath has boiled for 5-7 minutes, pour the lye into the castor oil and mix thoroughly. Soon the mixture enamel saucepan will thicken. Once again, mix it well and slowly pour in 250 ml of oleic acid (you can use it in its pure form, or you can use 350 g of olive oil - it just contains the right amount of oleic acid), stirring constantly so that the mixture does not run away - it usually foams a lot. Gradually, the contents of the pan will liquefy to the consistency of vegetable oil, and only a light white foam will remain on its surface. Now you need to put out the fire, remove the pan from the bath and add 750 ml of turpentine to it. The resulting product should be properly mixed, poured into containers (bottles or jars) and closed with lids. It is stored, like a white emulsion, for up to a year at room temperature.

Yellow baths should be taken every two or three days. The set of dosages, as with white baths, is carried out from 20 to 120 ml, but in increments of 10 ml, so that a dose of 120 ml of yellow solution per bath is reached by the 11th procedure. After it, the dosage is not increased and treatment is continued until the desired effect. The duration of the sessions: the first two or three - 15 minutes, the next four - 16, the next five - 17 - 18, and in the future you can bring the stay in the bath up to 20 minutes. Temperature regime the first four procedures: the starting temperature of the water is 36°C, in the first 5 minutes of the procedure it is brought to 39°C. The next three baths: 36°C, after 5 minutes - 39°C, the last 4 minutes - up to 40°C; starting from the 8th bath - 36 - 39 - 41 ° C, respectively, and after the 12th, when the dosage of the yellow solution has already "reached a plateau", you can last 4 minutes of the session - but not a second longer! - "boil" in 42-degree water. Due to this, huge masses of blood, “driven” into large and not very large vessels, rush into the capillaries, and the pressure drops. Along the way, salt deposits and rheumatic exostoses dissolve, tissue nutrition is restored, excess cholesterol and sugar are removed from the blood, urination increases.

These are combinations of a white emulsion and a yellow solution in various quantitative ratios. Having an idea of ​​​​what each of the two forms of turpentine does with the capillaries and with the body in general, you can do independent creativity - select the dosages of the white emulsion and the yellow solution based on what you need, what result you want to achieve. But keep in mind that it is very important not to overdo it, so the ideal option is to find a good, competent naturopath who can control your "exercises" with dosages and give reasonable advice if you, as they say, go to the wrong steppe.

Mixed baths, according to experts, provide the release of large amounts of amino acids into the blood - among them histamine, which, like the turpentine baths themselves, has a capillary expanding effect. But in baths, this effect is rather superficial - in the literal sense, they "get" only those capillary networks that are not too far from the surface of the body. But histamine, released into the blood, penetrates everywhere with its current, expanding the capillaries that get in the way of its molecules. Thus, the capillary networks of all organs and tissues, including those deeply hidden in the body, are covered.

Warning, it is strictly forbidden to combine turpentine baths with intramuscular and intravenous injections medications, taking antibiotics in any form, taking hormonal drugs, as well as ultrasound therapy, radiotherapy, chemotherapy - in short, with any potent procedures. We'll have to make a choice - either baths or the rest. Of course, no one imposes anything on anyone, but how many patients have been cured of the same obliterating endarteritis with medicines? According to official statistics - not a single ...

And to finish the conversation about turpentine baths - a few words about one more of their actions. Of all the most important physiological functions, blood circulation is most closely associated with excretion and respiration. And in the processes of respiration - which, oddly enough, is forgotten not only healthy people, but also patients and even doctors - the diaphragm plays a very important role. And not only in the processes of breathing.

We have already mentioned that the lymphatic system does not have its own pump. But in a certain sense this statement is inaccurate. True, her participation is indirect: by squeezing and releasing all the lymphatic vessels of the abdominal cavity, she maintains the lymph flow, preventing it from slowing down. A stable rate of lymphatic circulation is one of the guarantors of blood purity. In addition, the diaphragm is an indispensable assistant to the heart, as it pushes venous blood to it, compressing the numerous veins in the abdominal cavity.

It follows that a person who wishes to keep his blood as healthy and pure as possible at the present time should take care of the diaphragm gently and carefully. What does it mean to care? This means - do not let her shirk from work. In fact, the respiratory function can be somehow carried out without the participation of the diaphragm - just like you can, for example, breathe with one lung, play drums with one hand, arrange revolutions with one half of the brain ...

Yes, you can do without a diaphragm, but why? It is one thing for a woman - they have chest breathing, and the diaphragm, even normally, is rather weakly loaded with work. Therefore, by the way, the current beautiful, but the weaker sex suffers almost without exception varicose veins veins: medicine puts all the blame on the insufficiency of the venous valvular apparatus, but where would this insufficiency come from so many people?! After all, this is a very serious and deep pathology, not one of the “regular” ones. Much more common cause disease" - venous congestion caused by chronic idleness of the diaphragm.

In men, breathing is of the abdominal type - it would seem that the diaphragm is supposed to work, not knowing sleep and rest. But how can she work if she is reliably fenced off from the abdominal muscles by whole kilograms of fat? At the end of the twentieth century, the planet was inhabited mainly by people with overweight. Our world is the world of the fat, And therefore, the world of diaphragmatic insufficiency.

There are two ways to get rid of it: firstly, breathing exercises, which trains the diaphragm itself, and secondly - the same turpentine baths. The fact is that, in addition to their main purpose, they easily melt fat from a person - and extra pounds are dropped much faster and safer than when sitting on starvation diets. The diaphragm is freed from fatty blockade and again begins to actively participate in respiration, in the circulation of venous blood, in maintaining the flow of lymph.

Baths of any of the three described types contribute to weight loss - white, yellow, mixed. So find out what your blood pressure is and choose the type of bath you need: top pressure more than 180 - yellow, from 140 to 180 - mixed, below 140 - white. And in order to get rid of the world's ballast with a guarantee and forever, combine mixed baths with well-organized nutrition, procedures for cleaning the digestive tract, kidneys and liver.

Supporters of the American naturopath Norbert Walker also advise taking Glauber's salt half an hour before lunch for three days in a row in each month: on the first day - a teaspoon, on the second and third - a quarter of a teaspoon. It is believed that this helps to cleanse the intestines, blood from lymph.

Turpentine baths are a unique invention in terms of its useful properties, which simply cannot be ignored. We suggest you familiarize yourself with the recipes for their preparation and the principle of action.

Turpentine is a resin secreted by pine trees to heal damage to the bark. The second name - turpentine oil - turpentine received for the high content of terpenes that form the basis essential oils. The benefits of turpentine baths have been known since the beginning of the 20th century.

It was also used by our grandmothers to treat joints, bronchitis and many other diseases. They are famous for their healing effect, and are also recommended for caring for your body.

Turpentine baths according to Zalmanov

The healing properties of gum turpentine have been known for a long time. The discovery of the doctor Abram Zalmanov at the beginning of the 20th century made it possible to use it in the form of baths. He found a way to dissolve turpentine oil in water.

The action of turpentine baths is aimed at almost all body systems, so they have a wide range of applications - from treatment a large number diseases to general rejuvenation, are also used in cosmetology.

Turpentine bath emulsion

Many are frightened by the association of turpentine with the technical and construction direction. Don't worry - technical turpentine and gum turpentine are completely different concepts.

A.S. Zalmanov invented a method for distilling gum turpentine with water vapor, thanks to which the emulsion became widespread in the hydrotherapy direction. Zalmanov provided 2 types of liquid, which differ in their properties.

White turpentine baths

White baths open the capillaries, allowing toxins and slags to leave the body, which is extremely important for the normal functioning of the vital systems of the body.

Yellow turpentine baths

After the procedure, your temperature may rise slightly, and you will begin to sweat profusely. The presence of castor oil compensates for the effect of turpentine, so you will not feel a burning sensation.

Mixed turpentine baths

Mixed baths are of two types:

  • Mixture of white emulsion and yellow solution
  • Alternating white and yellow baths

The dosages of such baths depend on your health, blood pressure level, goals that you are pursuing. So, for example, when high blood pressure increase the dosage of the yellow solution.

Important: In the case of treatment of the disease, do not adjust the dosage yourself, so as not to aggravate the situation.

How to make turpentine baths?

  • Suitable room temperature is 25-30°C
  • Fill the tub halfway with 37°C water
  • Pour the turpentine mixture (start with 20 ml per 200 l of water, adding 5-10 ml at each procedure) into a container, add a little water and mix well
  • Pour the diluted turpentine into the prepared bath, stir
  • Gradually add hot water. When using a white bath, bring the temperature to 37-38°C, when taking a yellow bath - up to 40-42°C

How to take turpentine baths? Instruction

  • Dilute a small amount of emulsion in warm water and hold your hand in it for 10-15 minutes, then observe the reaction for 20-30 minutes. If you see redness or feel itchy, stop the procedure.
  • Before taking a bath, cover all sensitive parts of the body (you can smear Vaseline, for example)
  • Hot water should be added no earlier than after 3 minutes
  • The procedure time is 10-20 minutes. Start with 10, gradually increasing the time by 1-2 minutes with each dose

Important: If you feel an increasing burning sensation, immediately stop taking a bath! Reduce the amount of turpentine or treatment time next time.

  • Be careful - the bottom of the bath can be slippery
  • After the end of the procedure, put on a bathrobe and lie down for about an hour; you do not need to wash and wipe your body after bathing. It is advisable to drink hot tea
  • It will take 5-10 procedures to achieve the result.

The benefits and harms of turpentine baths

Turpentine baths are widely known as a means for losing weight, but they also have a lot of useful properties:

  • Improve metabolism
  • Normalize blood pressure
  • Break down and remove fat from the body
  • Clears out waste and toxins
  • Restore and improve blood flow
  • Unclogs pores while being gentle on the skin
  • Improve emotional state

If the rules of application are observed, the amount of turpentine oil is correctly calculated and the time frame is observed, the baths do not do any harm.

Turpentine baths: indications and contraindications

Turpentine baths cover a wide range of medical and cosmetic problems. Doctors recommend this procedure for the following indications:

  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Damage to the digestive system
  • Diseases of the circulatory system
  • Gynecological and urological problems
  • Diseases of the endocrine system
  • Joint diseases
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Although a turpentine bath is a universal medical and cosmetic remedy, there are a number of contraindications:

  • Tuberculosis
  • Skin diseases with open skin lesions
  • Pregnancy and lactation
  • Component intolerance or allergy
  • Alcohol intoxication

Recipes for homemade turpentine baths

To take a turpentine bath, you will need to prepare a white emulsion or yellow solution yourself:

  • To prepare a white emulsion, you will need: 0.5 l of purified (distilled or boiled) water, 30 g of baby soap, 3 g of salicylic acid, 0.5 l of gum balm and 20 ml of camphor alcohol
  • Boil water and put acid and grated soap into it, boil for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. After removing the pan, add camphor alcohol and gum balm
  • Shake well before use

Important: Use enamelware for cooking.

  • In order to make a solution you will need: 750 ml of gum balm, 40 g of caustic soda, 300 ml of castor oil, 250 ml of oleic acid.
    Boil castor oil in a water bath for 5-10 minutes.
  • Dilute caustic soda with water and add to the pan. When the mixture thickens a little, pour in oleic acid (you can replace 350 ml of olive oil) and mix
  • Stir until the contents of the pot become liquid (butter consistency). Then remove the pan and add turpentine

Turpentine baths for osteochondrosis

  • In the treatment of osteochondrosis, yellow baths are prescribed. Due to their ability to remove salts from intervertebral discs and influence phosphorus metabolism, they practically help to restore cartilage tissue.
  • Harmful substances are excreted through sweat skin covering and muscle relaxation provides pain relief
  • A.S. Zalmanov in diseases of the spine prescribed to take mixed baths, alternating 2 white and one yellow. To stop the pain syndrome, take baths with a course of 15-20 procedures every day or alternate every other day

Important: Stop taking mixed baths if your blood pressure rises above 150 mm Hg.

Turpentine baths for joints

Turpentine baths improve metabolism in bone, cartilage and muscle tissues, which allows you to quickly restore the mobility of the damaged joint and relieve pain.

Turpentine baths for weight loss

  • Due to its healing and cleansing properties, turpentine baths actively promote weight loss and get rid of cellulite.
  • Do not abuse the reception of procedures - more is not better. In addition, turpentine requires careful handling, because it is a rather active chemical element.
  • The optimal course for weight loss is 20-25 baths, alternating every other day. Then take a break for at least 2 months

Turpentine baths for varicose veins

Before using turpentine baths for varicose veins, be sure to consult your doctor. In the later stages of the disease, hot baths are contraindicated.

You can try rubbing with turpentine. Take 1 tsp. turpentine, 1 tsp apple cider vinegar, 1 egg yolk. Mix the ingredients well. Rub daily for 3-4 months.

Turpentine foot bath

Turpentine baths can be used locally - for the legs or for the hands. The action of such baths is similar to full-fledged, but less pronounced. Remarkably helps with the appearance of heel spurs, varicose veins.

For the legs, use the yellow solution if you don't suffer from high blood pressure.

Turpentine baths for colds

If you have a cold, take yellow baths, as they increase body temperature, which helps to remove harmful substances from the body.

For the treatment of colds, go through the procedure of taking baths daily, the duration of the course is 3-6 days.

Turpentine baths for myoma

The use of turpentine baths for the treatment of fibroids is a controversial issue.

Important: With uterine myoma large sizes(8 weeks or more) this procedure is contraindicated.

For smaller fibroids, do not raise the temperature above 36 ° C, otherwise you can provoke complications. Alternate yellow and white baths every other day, general course- 10-15 days.

Dry turpentine bath

Dry turpentine baths are used to rub the problem areas to which the treatment is directed. You can use them in between Zalmanov baths or as an independent procedure. Ideal for travel or vacation.

You can buy a dry turpentine bath in pharmacies. It is very convenient: leaves no residue and does not require rinsing.
