Iron chelate: features and methods of preparation. Chelated iron

Material prepared by: Yuri Zelikovich, teacher of the Department of Geoecology and Nature Management

Iron chelate is a modern highly effective microfertilizer. Its action is specific, i.e. iron chelate contains only one microelement, but it is very important - ions of 2-valent iron Fe (II). Chelated iron treatment allows:

  • Quickly and without fear of an overdose, treat non-infectious chlorosis (yellowing of the leaves), even in a very advanced form. Plants, seemingly already dead, literally turn green again in the morning.
  • Carry out preventive measures against chlorosis and the most inexperienced gardeners, see below.
  • Without fear of overfeeding with the main nutrients, intensify plant photosynthesis in unfavorable cultivation conditions - poor soil, lack or excess of light, cold, heat, dryness.

The micro-fertilizer with iron chelate is especially effective in combination with boron for demanding and highly depleting crops such as strawberries, radishes, etc. In this case, the reclamation of the soil after them is also simplified. Regularly treated with iron chelate along with boric acid strawberries, for example, give stable yields on the same plot for up to 8 years in a row (!). Who knows what is marketable and just good strawberry for 3-4 years after planting, you need to rejuvenate and transplant to another place, it is unlikely that you will believe it so easily, but try it, at least on a dozen bushes to start with. How iron chelate is used with boron for strawberries, see the video below:

Video: using iron and boron chelate for a good strawberry harvest

And why?

Iron chelate is especially good in small areas, 6-40 acres. Here, in capable hands, it can be a truly miraculous remedy. Why is that? What is this panacea?

Iron chelate for plants is an ideal supplier of Fe(II) necessary for the synthesis of chlorophyll. In fact, iron in the soil is always in abundance, or even in excess, but - 3-valent Fe (III), which forms the well-known hydroxide - rust. Fe(III) is of little use to plants and can even be harmful; Fe(II) is needed to produce chlorophyll. This is explained by the fact that iron ions Fe++ are much more active and migrate faster in plants. But 2-valent iron very readily turns into 3-valent iron, especially in the presence of oxygen and hydroxyl ions OH–. In the chelate form, Fe(II) can, in principle, exist indefinitely; really - until the chelate complex itself disintegrates, see below. And what is especially important for crop production, in vivo chelates decompose approximately at the rate of Fe(II) assimilation by plants. That is, the iron chelate feeds the plants with Fe(II) just in moderation, “according to their appetite”. This is common property all chelated fertilizers, see also at the end.

Note: the disintegrated chelate complex does not give ballast, tk. in its composition, in addition to iron - carbon, oxygen, hydrogen; sometimes nitrogen. The decay products of the chelate shell are carbon dioxide and water, which are by no means harmful to plants and do not clog the soil.

What are chelates

Chelated iron is an Fe++ ion “packed” into a ligand shell of weak organic acid residues, on the left in Fig. For Fe++ chelation, citric acid is predominantly used. There is no covalent bond between Fe++ and the elements of the ligand, so the iron ion in the chelate cell retains its valence until the ligant decomposes: the chelate shell does not allow negative ions and active molecules that can convert iron into the Fe+++ form. But the positive charge of Fe++ is enough to neutralize the weak acidic properties of the ligand, so it is difficult to achieve a chemical burn of plants with an overdose of chelates: you literally need to pour the plants with a working solution. Then the negatively charged residues of the decomposing ligands will have time to burn the plants before they decompose completely, but if the processing conditions (see below) are observed, this is impossible.

Forms of release and workers

In the form of a powder and in other pure solid forms, iron chelate is unstable in air and light; therefore, it goes on sale either in the form of tablets with binders and stabilizers, or in vials with a concentrated mother liquor, in the center in Fig. Both can be stored in their original packaging for up to a year. Opening the package does not reduce the shelf life if it was immediately corked after taking the portion. The iron chelate stock solution (which you can make yourself, see below) is a dark brown liquid (on the right in the figure); worker - light brown or orange. The mother liquor in a covered (not hermetically sealed) or incompletely filled large container, e.g., plastic bottle, stored for 2 weeks; working solution should be used immediately.

Chelate or sulfate?

An alternative supplier of Fe(II) to plants is iron(II) sulfate FeSO4. Its advantage is considered cheap, but in reality it is not:

  1. Iron (II) sulfate is often confused by ignorant buyers (and sellers) with ferrous sulfate (III) (Fe) 2 (SO4) 3 - ferrous sulfate. It is iron (III) sulfate that is several times cheaper than chelate, but it is also much less useful for plants than danger: during the decay (very slow) of (Fe)2(SO4)3 ions, Fe++ is formed in an insignificant amount, even by the standards for microfertilizers, and highly active SO4 ++ ions are very capable of harming plants. As for FeSO4, it is much more expensive than iron (III) sulfate;
  2. The rate of release of Fe++ during the decomposition of FeSO4 does not correspond to the rate of assimilation of 2-valent iron by plants, therefore, most of the active substance from FeSO4 is lost;
  3. FeSO4 as a fertilizer gives a lot of sulfur ballast - much more than sulfur is needed for plants, therefore, with an increase in the dose of iron (II) sulfate as a fertilizer, plants are poisoned with sulfur, and in combination with item 1, a chemical burn also occurs;
  4. Iron (II) sulfate, unlike iron chelate for plant nutrition, is ineffective on poor soils, in summer and in difficult weather conditions.

In the end, it turns out that, if converted to the amount of active substance absorbed by plants, then when manually processing small areas, iron chelate turns out to be cheaper iron(II) sulfate. Especially if a homemade working solution is used, see below. The only possible exception is the treatment of an adult who has reached a stable fruiting garden with an area of ​​10-12 acres by an experienced gardener who knows how to spray tree crowns in hot weather. Processing gardens up to 12 acres and greenhouse crops with iron chelate is definitely more profitable than with iron (II) sulfate.


The use of iron chelate in horticulture and horticulture is not difficult due to its low danger to plants. and is carried out simply according to the schedule: vegetables are sprayed with a 0.5% solution (5 g per 10 liters of water) at the rate of 1 liter per 10 square meters. m of green area in the phase of 3-4 true leaves and after 2 weeks or, for flowering during the growing season, at the very beginning of budding. Fruit trees are watered with the same solution, 2 liters per 1 sq. m of the near-stem circle at the beginning of leaf blooming and also at the beginning of budding, because. arboreal canopy treatment with iron chelate is less effective due to their different physiology compared to herbaceous ones. Emergency treatment for the treatment of vegetable and fruit chlorosis is carried out by spraying with a 1% solution at a double rate.

Note: other dosages can be found in the instructions for use of tableted and liquid branded iron chelate. This is explained by the presence of ballast substances in tablets or a solvent. If counted to active substance, the concentration will be the same.

Iron chelate is a substance of the 3rd hazard class for people, so they need to be processed using PPE. The rules for spraying and top dressing under the roots are common for micronutrient fertilizers:

  • Spraying and watering are done in the evening; preferably in warm cloudy weather.
  • The sprayer should give a misty drizzle without clearly visible splashes.
  • The processing of the next section is stopped when the smallest dew settles on the leaves; the appearance of rolling drops is unacceptable.
  • Fertilizing watering with iron chelate is carried out on well-moistened soil in advance.

Do-it-yourself iron chelate

You can prepare a working solution of iron chelate yourself from a cheap iron sulphate. In this case, the circumstance is used that during the dissociation of ferrous sulfate in an aqueous solution, Fe ++ ions are partially formed, which are immediately captured by the chelating agent; it is not greedy for Fe+++ ions. The working solution is as effective as from purchased reagents, but contains quite a lot of ballast, so it must be processed exactly according to the norm, and it is unsuitable for urgent treatment of chlorosis, but it is quite applicable for preventive top dressing. A home-made working solution of iron chelate is being prepared next. way:

  1. In 2 l warm clean water(preferably distilled) dissolve 8 g of ferrous sulfate;
  2. AT separate dishes 5 g of citric acid are dissolved in the same amount of water;
  3. A solution of ferrous sulfate is poured into a solution of citric acid in a thin stream with stirring;
  4. Also, while stirring, pour in another 1 liter of pure water with a stream.

It turns out 5 liters of a 0.5% solution, which must be used immediately. An indicator of the suitability of the working solution for use is transparency (there should be no sediment and turbidity) and Orange color. Dilute ready solution it is forbidden; if you need more, increase the initial amount of water and reagents.

Note: if the plants have signs of copper starvation, copper chelate will help to quickly correct the matter. It is prepared in the same way, you need 20 dry ingredients blue vitriol and 40 g of ascorbic acid.

More about chelates

More or less experienced growers know that summer top dressing is a rather complicated matter - due to weather conditions Plants are easy to overfeed or burn. Therefore, leading manufacturers of agricultural chemicals for small farms produce special summer fertilizers in chelated forms, see for example. track. video.

Video: about chelated fertilizers

The lack of trace elements in depleted soils has a detrimental effect on the development of plants. Particularly affected by the lack nutrients crops growing on alkaline soil in arid climates. For better assimilation trace elements use chelation. What is iron chelate, and how is it useful for seedlings? Let's consider the issue in detail.

Chelates and their importance in horticulture

Cultivated plants require trace elements for proper development, which form the basis of their growth. Trace elements are involved in biochemical processes, regulate metabolism, activate enzymes. Trace elements increase plant immunity, resistance to adverse external factors.

For example, iron deficiency in the soil affects the quality of seedling development: the leaves turn yellow, the shoots dry out, the inflorescences do not gain strength, the fruits are poorly tied. Iron and other minerals are necessary for plants throughout the growing season in order for the leaf apparatus to actively produce chlorophyll.

Minerals are found in the soil, but over time their amount decreases. Experienced gardeners regularly contribute micro and macro elements, organic fertilizers and agrochemicals to replenish the missing substances.

Chelates are called fertilizers, in which inorganic substances enclosed in a nutritious organic shell. Thanks to this, seedlings can easily absorb the necessary trace elements. Chelates act as conductors that deliver trace elements to cultivated plants.

Important! Iron chelate provides the synthesis of chlorophyll.

Inorganic elements do not always manage to penetrate the leaf surface, and organic coating provides them with access to plant tissues. The chelated shell reliably protects the microelements contained in it, at the same time allowing them to be easily absorbed by plants.

However, not every trace element is able to form chelate compounds. Therefore, chelated fertilizers can be created based on:

  • gland;
  • calcium;
  • manganese;
  • molybdenum;
  • copper;
  • magnesium;
  • cobalt;
  • zinc;
  • boron.

Note! Potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen do not form a chelate form.

Chelated fertilizers are absorbed by plants by almost 90%, unlike conventional agrochemicals, because they do not interact with the soil. Chelating elements keep metal ions in a soluble form that is easily absorbed by plants. They combine well with pesticides, insecticides and other mineral fertilizers. However, farmers recommend pre-checking the preparations for compatibility.

Note! In nature, vitamin B12 and chlorophyll act as chelates.

Chelated fertilizers are used for seed dressing, and for, and for spraying seedlings. However, before buying the drug, it is necessary to clarify what type of chelates it contains, and for what type of soil it is used: the acidity index pH matters.

iron chelate

Iron chelate is produced either in tablet form with stabilizers, or in the form of a dark-colored ready-made solution. The working solution must be used on the day of preparation.

Chelating drugs are complex, and there are single ones. For example, Fe-DTPA or Fe-EDTA. Iron chelate for plants contains water-soluble ferrous ions Fe (II), with which you can:

  • save the plant from yellowing leaves;
  • prevent chlorosis (yellowing of the leaves);
  • strengthen the resistance of plants to adverse conditions;
  • enhance photosynthesis.

Chelated microfertilizers are especially needed for radishes and strawberries, which draw many micronutrients from the soil. Farmers use iron chelate together with boron. The soil nourished with boron and iron allows you to harvest a rich strawberry crop from the same site for 7-8 years.

The soil contains iron oxide (rust) in excess, but this compound is not useful for plants. The formation of chlorophyll requires the divalent compound Fe(II), which is more actively absorbed by plant tissues. The chelate shell quickly breaks down into its constituents - water and carbon. These are safe compounds that do not clog the soil.

Sandstones are the poorest in iron; vegetation on such soils always becomes ill with chlorosis. Clay soils and chernozem suffer less from a lack of iron compounds, so fertilizer is used less often - once every 3 or 5 years.

Benefits of iron chelate:

  • dissolves well in water;
  • non-toxic to plants;
  • quickly absorbed by plant tissues;
  • mixes well with other fertilizers and pesticides;
  • used for foliar and root feeding.

Note! Rusty water cannot serve as a source of iron, since it is in a form that is difficult for plants to access.

Effect of fertilizer on plants:

  • strengthens resistance to adverse weather conditions;
  • increases resistance to diseases;
  • activates the growth and development of seedlings;
  • corrects metabolic processes;
  • promotes the production of chlorophyll.

Fruit trees are especially affected by iron deficiency. Apples, pears and plums do not set fruit well, give a meager, tasteless harvest. Vegetable crops often get sick, seedlings do not take root well in the ground and bear little fruit.

However, an excess of iron in the soil is just as dangerous as a deficiency. Signs of an excess of a microelement are:

  • stopping the plant in growth;
  • the color of the leaves becomes saturated;
  • leaf cover crumbles;
  • dark spots appear on the surface of the leaves.

It is important not to overdo it with feeding seedlings with microelements. Carefully follow the dosage of drugs indicated in the instructions.

Application norms

Vegetable crops - take 5 g per bucket of water, a liter of working solution is consumed per 10 square meters. The liquid is applied when the first four leaves appear on the seedlings. Then spraying is carried out after 2 weeks. Processing is carried out before the formation of buds.

Fruit plants are fed with the same working solution in a volume of 2 liters per square meter. Water fruit trees around the trunk when the first leaves appear. Then top dressing is carried out during budding.

Note! The dosage of the drug may vary, depending on the presence of additional substances in the solution.

Mode of application:

  • processing of plants is carried out in the morning / evening in warm weather;
  • the solution is used in sprayers, creating a cloud of spray;
  • do not allow drops of the solution to roll off the leaves;
  • Root top dressing is carried out on pre-moistened soil.

Spraying is usually used to prevent iron deficiency in plants. To do this, use either conventional spray guns or special sprayers. Healthy plants can be treated twice a season, sick ones require more frequent spraying - 4 times.

Primary processing is carried out immediately after the unfolding of the first leaves, secondary - after 2-3 weeks. For vegetables and berry crops a 4% solution is suitable, for fruit trees - 8%. For vineyards and ornamental plants use a 4% solution.

For root feeding, an 8% solution is used. Plants are watered with a solution under the root on previously irrigated soil. 1-2 buckets are spent on one fruit tree, a couple of liters on a berry bush, for feeding vegetable crops- 4 liters per 10 m2.

Can an overdose of iron chelate burn plant roots? A chemical burn is possible only if large doses of the drug are used.

However, the available form of chelated iron can become useless if there is a lot of chalk in the soil or a working solution. long time was in the open state.

Self-preparation of fertilizer

To prepare a working solution of iron chelate yourself, use a simple iron sulfate. Such a solution is no different from the purchased substrate, with the exception of the content of ballast substances. Therefore, it should be used strictly in the norm. The disadvantage of a self-made solution is the limitation in use: it is suitable only for preventive purposes.

Cooking method number 1

  • 8 grams of vitriol is dissolved in two liters of warm water;
  • 5 grams of citric acid are dissolved in the same volume of liquid, but in a different container;
  • then you need to pour the vitriol solution into the citric acid solution in a thin stream with continuous stirring;
  • at the end, one liter of water should be poured into the finished mixture, without ceasing to stir.

The result is 5 liters of working solution for plant treatment. It is impossible to store the finished liquid, it must be used up immediately. Make sure that the solution is clean, without any sediment. The color of the liquid should be orange.

Cooking method number 2

To do this, instead of citric acid, you should take pharmacy ascorbic acid. However, when buying, specify that the powder does not contain glucose additive.

  • prepare a solution of ferrous sulfate - take 2 tsp of substrate per liter of water;
  • add 20 g of ascorbic acid to the finished solution;
  • pour 3 liters of clean water, pre-boiled and cooled, into a container with a solution.

You will end up with a chelated iron solution ready to be sprayed. Keep in mind that the solution quickly forms a precipitate: use it immediately.

Characteristics of drugs

Ferovit is a universal photosynthesis stimulant. This fertilizer contains urea, nitrogen and chelated iron. The drug is intended for the treatment of all horticultural crops and ornamental plants all year round. Indoor flowers often suffer from hard water, which alkalizes the earth and creates obstacles for the free absorption of iron from the soil.

The use of Ferovit eliminates iron deficiency in the soil, promotes the rapid absorption of ions by plants, and nourishes seedlings. After applying the drug, the seedlings give friendly shoots, the ovary is actively formed on the fruit trees. Ferovit protects plants from rot damage, powdery mildew and brown rust.

Note! The chelated form of fertilizer is most suitable for summer plant nutrition: the substrate does not burn the roots and leaves.

For preventive treatment, spraying is carried out. The solution is prepared from a liter of water and 1.5 ml of the drug. Fruit trees, berry bushes, vegetable and ornamental crops are sprayed at least three times per season (break between treatments - 2 weeks). With a pronounced iron deficiency, the plants are treated every week until the green color is restored.

Processing of indoor flowers and seedlings is carried out weekly - 1.5 mg of the drug is taken per 2 liters of water. Ground vegetables are treated every two weeks for prevention. Strawberry beds are sprayed with a solution of 1.5 mg per liter, the treatment area is 5 m2. Processing of bushes is carried out once with the growth of leaves.

The composition of the preparation Mikrovit K-1 contains sulfur, nitrogen and iron. This is very effective remedy to combat plant chlorosis. Microvit is used for foliar / root treatment of seedlings during the vegetative period. From a concentrated solution, you can prepare any required volume of working fluid. Citric acid is used as a chelating agent, which protects iron ions from oxidation.

Fertika preparation is a water-soluble granules and an aqueous solution. The granules are pre-dissolved in water, and then the seedlings are watered. Also, the granules can be scattered over the area and dug up. To fertilize seedlings, before transplanting into the ground, granules mixed with the ground are poured into each hole. When using granules, sufficient irrigation of the earth is necessary, since they release active substances only when moistened.\


FeSO4 sulfate can be used instead of iron chelate. This substrate is much cheaper than chelate, but there is little benefit from it for plants. During the decay of ions, most useful substances disappears. In addition, the use of ferrous sulfate can lead to an overdose of sulfur and a chemical burn of plants.

Ferrous sulfate is ineffective on depleted soil and under adverse conditions. climatic conditions. It is also not effective to use this fertilizer in small areas (up to 12 acres and in greenhouses).

iron chelate received wide use due to its easily digestible form. These versatile and environmentally friendly fertilizers bring great benefit plants. Inorganic salts are poorly absorbed by the roots and leaves of seedlings, so the effectiveness of conventional agrochemicals is very low. Chelates are highly active, since trace element ions are in a biological shell.

Iron chelate eliminates such a common pathology as premature yellowing and wilting of plant leaves. However, the richest harvest from the site can be obtained by correctly combining mineral supplements with organic. Trace elements nourish plants with essential substances, and organic matter structures the soil and saturates it with humus.

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Far few people pay attention to the fact that in various vitamin and mineral complexes the composition contains different forms macronutrients. Rarely enough, but still sometimes there is such a form as a chelate. Also called chelate is the type of connection in which the intestine is able to absorb individual minerals only if they combine with their amino acids. This process is completely natural and occurs daily. It is this process that makes minerals more available to the body. What is the chelated form of elements and how does it affect the absorption of other macronutrients by the body?

Chelates belong to organometallic complexes. And chelate compounds are characterized by the combination of amino acids with minerals. For example, there is a zinc, magnesium, calcium or iron chelate. We are talking about the chelated form of iron. If we talk more simply about the chelate form, then we can say that this is a certain form of macro and microelements that are easily absorbed in the human body. To better understand the essence of this form, we can give an example that hemoglobin known to everyone is a chelated form of iron, the mineral of which is iron.

Before the assimilation of a mineral occurs, it must necessarily combine with transporting substances, which are precisely amino acids. It is a daily exercise of a natural process that occurs in both humans and animals. The chelation process determines the bioavailability of the mineral. Distinctive feature chelated iron preparations is the fact that they do not require additional conversion, but are already completely ready for use and movement for absorption.

Solgar Chelated Iron

Is it possible for life processes to take place without such a valuable and important trace element as iron? Certainly not. Iron takes an active part in a huge variety of processes, such as respiration, blood formation and regenerative activity. Deficiency of this essential micronutrient can lead to serious consequences which will be difficult to eliminate. There are a number of drugs that are designed to prevent the development of such a phenomenon as iron deficiency.

Chelated iron Solgar, which is also called mild iron, contains iron bisglycinate in its composition. Chelated iron preparations for humans are of great utility, since they are more bioavailable than mineral iron salts. This drug is absorbed absolutely as much as possible, while ferrous sulfate can only be absorbed in the intestines by 20%. Solgar also has another number of advantages that distinguish it from the rest - this is, first of all, the absence side effects like disordered stool.

Chelated Solgar is able to quickly increase the level of one of the main trace elements human body- iron. As long-term experience of using this drug by customers shows, taking Solgar is not accompanied by discomfort, and also, which is very important, does not affect the work in any way. gastrointestinal tract. The manufacturer of this iron-containing product offers consumers some variety of this line:

  1. Solgar Iron 25 mg 180 Veg Capsules. It has a mild effect and has a positive effect on the digestive tract.
  2. Solgar 90 capsules 25mg. These are vegetarian capsules.
  3. Solgar 100 capsules 25mg. Used to prevent the development of anemia.

Solgar's readily available iron is well suited to vegetarians who have critically low hemoglobin levels. The drug with 180 capsules is enough for half a year of use, and during this time it completely solves the problem of low iron content in the body. A well-deserved vocation on the part of buyers is shown in the fact that there are large volumes of sales. Any supplements are completely natural.

Instructions for use

Despite the large size of the capsules, they are easy to take. During the treatment course and the use of chelated iron Solgar, you should pay attention to your diet in order to exclude foods that interfere with the absorption of iron in the intestines: coffee drinks, tea and dairy products. It is also important to remember that calcium and vitamin E significantly reduce the absorption of the drug, and therefore they are taken separately. The drug has some contraindications that you should pay attention to, especially in patients with hemolytic anemia.

Instructions for the use of Solgar iron will help you figure out how to take this drug correctly so that it has only a positive effect, and does not bring harm. After all, if a person does not know how to take iron Solgar, an overdose is possible. Capsules are taken immediately before meals or during meals. The best time taking the drug is in the evening, before dinner. It has been proven that iron is well absorbed in the evening. One capsule contains daily rate iron for adults. Therefore, often only one capsule per day is enough.

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Physical and chemical characteristics

Iron chelate is a coordination compound of an iron ion with two or more donor ligand atoms (neutral molecules).

Iron chelate (fertilizer) has the following properties:

  • Not toxic.
  • Stable over the entire pH range of soils and nutrient solutions (2
  • Let's combine with mineral fertilizers.
  • Completely soluble in water and easily absorbed by plants.
  • Resistant to microorganisms.
  • In sparingly soluble compounds soil binds slightly.
  • Differs in high transport activity and permeability through leaves of plants.
  • Compatible with pesticides.

When a concentrated chelate solution is introduced into highly concentrated solutions mineral fertilizers(usually such solutions are used in hydroponic cultivation), precipitation of the chelate is observed.

The stability of the iron chelate depends on the acidity (pH) of the medium. At pH< 2 (кислые растворы) он может разрушаться и переходить в растворимые неорганические соли. При pH>9 (alkaline solutions) is also destroyed with the transition of cations to practically insoluble hydroxides.

Iron chelate reduces concentration when exposed to light and when exposed to ultraviolet radiation.

Behavior in soil

Iron chelate, as a complex organic compound, when applied to the soil, it remains in a mobile (assimilable) state for a long time.

Through root system and leaves, the chelate can enter the stem and leaves without changes, but after 1-3 days it is destroyed with the transition of the metal cation into plant tissue metabolites.

In the soil, separation of iron chelates before absorption can also be observed, which accelerates the reduction of Fe 3+ to Fe 2+ on the surface of the roots, which usually absorb the Fe 2+ cation.

Application methods

Treatment of plants with iron chelate is carried out during root and foliar treatment of plants. Maximum efficiency, especially when treating plants with chlorosis, is observed with foliar treatment.

Application on various types of soil

Iron chelate is effective in various soil and climatic conditions.

On carbonate soils, this is the only highly effective form of micronutrient.

Iron chelate, like all complexonates, surpasses other forms of microelements by 2-10 times in terms of the effectiveness of its impact on all soils.

Iron chelate is used for root and foliar top dressing in the fight against chlorosis.

Impact on crops

Iron chelate increases crop yields and improves product quality at the same time, regardless of soil type.

Optimization of the nutrition process is accompanied by an increase in the intake of plants and, providing an increase in productivity as a whole with an increase in economically valuable substances (proteins, sugars, vitamins).

Feeding with iron chelate helps prevent or eliminate chlorosis (glandular deficiency).


Iron chelate is obtained by interaction in an aqueous medium of an iron salt with a complexing agent: N,N,N",N"-ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid and citric acid. Acids are administered simultaneously or sequentially at a temperature of 70-90 °C.

Simultaneously with the complexing agent or after it, an aqueous solution of ammonia or ammonium citrate is added in order to achieve pH2.0-2.3. The complexing agent can be supplemented succinic acid. This method allows you to get the product in the form of a concentrated solution containing up to 100 g/l of iron.
