Ginkgo biloba: useful properties and contraindications. Scope of the plant

Ginkgo biloba is a relict tree that belongs to the earliest plants on Earth and has a number of archaic features.
Ginkgo is called dinosaur tree”, because it witnessed the life of dinosaurs on our planet.

In my garden near Moscow, a young ginkgo tree has been growing for more than three years.
I have a perennial associated with the ginkgo biloba plant personal history. In 1979 I was in Germany and I bought a small pendant in the form of an amazing leaf-fan. At first I did not know that a tree with such leaves really exists. I thought that this intricately carved leaf was a figment of the imagination of a talented jeweler and its beautiful embodiment…

And then I accidentally stumbled upon a poem by Johann Goethe dedicated to the gingko biloba plant. In Germany, ginkgo is called " Goethe tree».

Goethe's poem "Ginkgo Biloba"

Here is a copy of the original sheet on which I. Goethe wrote his famous poem about this plant, along with two leaves of ginkgo biloba, attached to the bottom by himself.

Translated from German into Russian (translated by V.V. Levik), the poem “Ginkgo biloba” sounds like this:

This leaf was from the East
My modest one is brought into the garden,
And for the seeing eye
He reveals the secret meaning.

Is there a living being here
Split in half?
Or, on the contrary, two at once
Appear in unity to us?

And mystery and doubt
Allow my verse one;
Check out my creations
I myself am dually one.

So this poetic work by I. Goethe, who was fond of botany, helped me learn about this unique flora. Since then, ginkgo has interested and surprised me for 32 years. I collect a variety of information about this miracle of nature.

Ginkgo is a unique plant

Ginkgo biloba, or ginkgo biloba(Ginkgo biloba) is one of the 50 oldest species of trees that have survived on Earth after the Ice Age. Moreover, as a result of this cataclysm, ginkgo trees remained in nature only in the Far East.
AT natural environment habitat (on the territory of Eastern China, in the vicinity of the city of Nanjing), ginkgo is a mighty deciduous upright tree up to 40 m high, with a trunk diameter of up to 4 m, with a wide pyramidal crown. Ginkgo can live up to 2,000 years.

Ginkgo in Chinese and Japanese means " silver apricot», « silver walnut". Since ancient times, for many thousands of years, ginkgo has been carefully bred in China and Japan as a sacred and.
Ginkgo is mentioned in the most ancient oriental books; it has long been revered as a temple tree, a symbol of perseverance and longevity. The inhabitants of the East worship him and reverently collect fallen ginkgo leaves. Japanese youth use gingko biloba leaves in divination.
Ginkgo is also used as a subject.

From here, from the East, this plant was exported several centuries ago to different countries of the world.
At the beginning and middle of the 18th century, the ginkgo tree was brought to Western Europe (to the Dutch Utrecht Botanical Garden, to England, to the Milan Botanical Garden, etc.), to North America. Therefore, in these territories it has long been an ordinary ornamental leaf plant, but has a lower height (18-24 m).

Now ginkgo is cultivated in many countries with a mild climate as an ornamental tree with medicinal properties. Ginkgo also grows in Russia - on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus (at the age of 70, the trees reach a height of 30 m). Ginkgo trees live in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden; in Ukraine, these plants grow up to 20 meters.

Ginkgo is characterized by a peculiar whorled arrangement of branches; the bark is brown-gray, the wood is light and soft. The root system of the tree is branched and penetrates deep into the soil, so it is not afraid of strong winds.
Lamellar leathery ginkgo leaves about 8-10 cm wide. They are located on a long petiole and have the shape of a fan, often dissected in the upper part into two halves-lobes.

Ginkgo is a dioecious plant. At a young age, the seedling remains rather narrow and grows relatively slowly, and as it develops, it grows to the sides. There are several varieties with a narrow crown.
Ginkgo begins to bear fruit at the age of 25-30 years, and then you can accurately determine the sex of the tree. In female plants, after a hot summer, seeds are formed, surrounded by a fleshy cover. Ginkgo fruits resemble plums, about 3 cm in diameter. Inside there is a disk-shaped seed about 2 cm long, more than 1 cm thick. The seeds are fried or boiled and eaten.

The fleshy shell of the ginkgo fruit smells bad when it rots, so male and female plants are usually planted separately.
Female specimens are not planted next to a garden or park path so that fallen fruits do not choke on it (when the fleshy shell of the ginkgo fruit begins to rot, an undesirable smell spreads around). Perhaps this is the only disadvantage of this plant when it is used for landscaping.

Ginkgo is considered the progenitor of all; its distant relatives are widespread in the world and.

Buying a Ginkgo Seedling from a Nursery

I suddenly saw a ginkgo seedling once sold in a nursery near Moscow! This happened five years ago.
At first I just couldn't believe my eyes. However, it really was a ginkgo tree - because thanks to the unusual leaves, it is impossible to confuse it with another plant ...

When I read that ginkgo grows in China and Southern Japan, I was afraid that in our region with harsh winters it would not winter well. Therefore, at first I lost faith that ginkgo would grow with us, and that I would ever be able to buy it.
But two years later, it still happened!

I talked with the owner of the nursery, who sold ginkgo seedlings. He said that these plants are acclimatized to the local climate, and that the ginkgo tree is frost-resistant and unpretentious. He said that ginkgo grows normally in Moscow.
And although I have not seen growing ginkgo anywhere in Moscow, I believe the owner of the nursery. He gives a guarantee to his customers on all purchased plants, and this nursery is located very close - just two stops from my garden plot(my garden is located near Moscow, not reaching Naro-Fominsk 22 km, along the Kyiv highway).

I am a "crazy" gardener and adore people who are passionate about their work - plant lovers like me.
After a conversation with the owner of the nursery, deny yourself the purchase of a ginkgo seedling, do not buy it small miracle I couldn't anymore. Of course, I had to borrow money.
I bought a ginkgo seedling and planted it in my garden. Now this is a miracle - how, so I'm in love with him!

Growing ginkgo in the garden

Ginkgo is photophilous and prefers a sunny place in the garden, but it is advisable to protect the seedling from the burning sun.
Young ginkgo leaves are pubescent. In spring they are pale green, in summer they become medium green. Autumn coloring of leaves of a golden tone, the color of butter.

Ginkgo grows in my Spartan environment. The place where my garden is located is cold and rather damp, because it is located in a lowland (surprisingly, because the garden is located south of Moscow). Our soil is clayey.

By the way, Ginkgo is not at all picky about soils. Of course, a ginkgo seedling will grow better on fertile soils with adequate moisture. In drought, the plant suffers and needs regular watering.

Ginkgo is suitable for growing in urban areas, as it is smoke, gas and dust resistant. And it is also important that this resistant plant is not susceptible to various infections and is not affected by pests. Therefore, no special trouble with growing ginkgo no.

Plant care is reduced to the periodic removal of weeds and loosening.
I don’t fertilize ginkgo with anything, I just sprinkle Christmas tree needles on the ground that is very superficially loosened around the tree. This is useful for the plant, because. ginkgo belongs to the coniferous species.
While my tree enjoys such care, it looks good and grows little by little.

Methods of propagation and grafting ginkgo

Ginkgo is propagated by seeds (they are sown before winter), as well as cuttings and grafting.

When buying this plant, you need to consider that ginkgo seedlings are bisexual.
I think that a girl lives with me, because the branches of my seedling diverge parallel to the ground and grow low along the stem, and not at the top.

I saw the boy for sale in the nursery two years before I bought my plant. Ginkgo boy seedlings are very tall, with slender bare stems, and their branches grow at the very top, rushing up.

They say that if you want to get seeds from a single ginkgo seedling, you can graft ginkgo twigs - the cuttings taken from a boy can be grafted onto a girl, and vice versa.

wintering ginkgo

Ginkgo can successfully winter even in regions with cold winter(zones 4-9).
In the literature on the winter hardiness of ginkgo, there is evidence that this is a rather frost-resistant plant - it can withstand short-term frosts down to -25 degrees, up to a maximum of -30 degrees.

However, my experience is that, as a result of acclimatization, ginkgo can endure for long periods and much more. low temperature. In my example, this is -35 ... -40 degrees below zero, and even lower. After all, even our harsh winter turned out to be nothing to ginkgo - the tree successfully overwintered, and in the spring it started to grow.

Last winter (2009-2010) was very cold in our area. One and a half months in a row there were bitter frosts, and the temperature sometimes dropped below -40 degrees. But despite this, my ginkgo tree, and not being specially sheltered, hibernating only under a snow cap, still survived!
I really hope that my seedling survived this next winter well, and will again please me with new growth in the spring :)

I would like many plant lovers to know about this unique tree, and about the possibility of ginkgo growing in cold climate regions different countries. So that they also fell in love with ginkgo and planted a seedling in their garden, they could use its leaves for medicinal purposes. So that as many people who are passionate about gardening as possible feel the joy and happiness that I get from my tree.

Natalia Mashtakova-Voronetskaya

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Description of Ginkgo Biloba

It is a unique relic species, which is the only one preserved over many millions of years of the planet's development. It belongs to the primitive gymnosperms of the dioecious type. The reproductive cells of a plant are divided into female and male. Male trees produce pollen, while female trees produce seeds. They are pollinated by air currents. This deciduous tree has a shiny, smooth grayish-brown bark. It can live up to two thousand years.

The presented trees have branches without leaves, on which dwarf outgrowths are placed with interesting bunches of fan-shaped long-leaved leaves of a bluish-green color. These wiry, leathery leaves exhibit varying degrees of segmentation and lobation. Their reproductive structures include female buds and male microsporangia. Male cluster-shaped flowers have a yellow-green tint and numerous stamens.

While the female flowers are arranged on very long stalks with unusual branching at the ends. They always end with a seed germ. The powerful Ginkgo Biloba often blooms in May. Immediately after pollination and subsequent fertilization, small ovules turn into plum-like yellow fruits. They consist of large dihedral kernels resembling nuts and are covered with pulp. Reproduction of this plant is carried out vegetatively and with the help of seeds.

Such unusual trees can be found in Japan and France, and the species is also cultivated in South Korea.

Health Benefits of Ginkgo Biloba

To date, only the leaves of the plant are used for medicinal purposes. They are harvested in autumn during the growing season. Linalool esters and phenylpropane derivatives have been found in leaves as well as in seeds and wood. The composition contains special sesquiterpenes and tricyclic diterpenes. The roots of Ginkgo biloba contain a unique ginkgolide. In various preparations, the content of ginkgolides varies significantly.

Due to the exceptional specific substances, the plant tends to dilate blood vessels, easily increasing the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels. In addition, Ginkgo biloba is excellent at fighting all sorts of different inflammatory processes, since inhibition of the activation factor is possible. Due to this factor, drugs are indicated for myocardial infarction, and bronchial asthma.

An important component can also be noted and irreplaceable flavin glycosides, which have a surprisingly powerful antioxidant property. The strong therapeutic effect exerted by the plant on the human body includes a decrease in the level, a decrease in edema, an increase in the strength of the walls of blood vessels and the normalization of metabolic processes.

It has also been shown to be beneficial in preventing lipid peroxidation and normalizing blood pressure. It should be mentioned that numerous drugs can have a beneficial effect on human thinking and memory, improving the speed of processes in the brain. To restore the processes of blood circulation, Ginkgo biloba is used very often by many modern doctors.

Application of Ginkgo biloba

Due to the proven antioxidant and angioprotective properties of the plant, its leaves have been widely used in medicine. Various pharmaceutical preparations are primarily indicated for all kinds of manifestations of cerebral atherosclerosis. Ginkgo biloba also has a positive effect on the aging body, including behavioral and psycho-emotional disorders. They are usually accompanied by obstruction of cerebral vessels.

It should be noted the benefits of funds for serious disorders of vision and hearing. Regular intake of the prescribed drug for a long time not only improves memory and excellent concentration, but also eliminates dizziness and. Ginkgo biloba is effective in intellectual activity, vein disease and obliterating arteriosclerosis, as it improves the rheological properties of blood and reduces thrombosis.

Additional benefits in the treatment of diseases can be noted anti-inflammatory effect and vasoregulatory effects on the human body. Often, drugs are prescribed for dangerous systemic diseases, accompanied by serious circulatory disorders. These include in particular and.

Ginkgo biloba leaves

The long-leaved leaves of Ginkgo biloba contain large amounts of flavonoids, procyanidins, diterpenoids, as well as bilobalide and ginkgolides. One of the presented alkaloids is a rather powerful antioxidant that binds all substances that provoke vasoconstriction and the inevitable appearance of blood clots.

Ginkgo biloba leaf tincture. This tool is a unique pharmaceutical product, which is characterized by many useful properties. The spectrum of its therapeutic action is wide, it is due to the amazing effect on all metabolic processes occurring in the cells of any human body. When using this remedy, you can expand blood vessels, restore neuron metabolism, significantly reduce cholesterol levels and normalize arterial blood pressure.

Such a drug is often prescribed for serious diseases of the cardiovascular system, for the treatment of cerebrovascular insufficiency, for multiple sclerosis and intermittent claudication syndrome, as well as for complaints of tinnitus. It is also indicated for diabetes and hemorrhoids. Together with the main therapy, Ginkgo biloba has a positive effect on the treatment of migraines, deafness, bronchial asthma, impotence and toxic shock.

It has been proven that it can prevent the development of such extremely dangerous conditions as heart attack and stroke. Ginkgo biloba tincture can be used in any age category. After a week of regular intake, it will be possible to observe positive dynamics. This powerful stimulant of attention, memory and mental potential is striking in its effect on the human body.

To prepare the product at home, you need to take vodka and pour the leaves of the plant at the rate of: 1 part of the leaves per 10 parts of vodka. After steeping for two weeks in a very dark place, the Ginkgo biloba tincture should be carefully strained. You can use the medicine in 10-15 drops, diluted in 100 grams of water. In this case, the course of treatment should not be less than one month. Modern experts advise conducting three full courses per year. This treatment regimen gives positive results that persist for a long time.

This tincture can also be used as an excellent external remedy for facial rejuvenation.

Ginkgo biloba extract

Ginkgo biloba tree extract has long been used by ancient Chinese healers. It improves not only memory and thinking, but also has a beneficial effect on the general well-being of a person. To date, this tool is part of many pharmaceuticals that are used for effective prevention and effective treatment of a wide variety of diseases.

The extract from the presented plant is indispensable for violations of the blood supply to the brain. The steroids of the extract are directly involved in important cell growth processes, having a beneficial effect on the overexpression of the PBR type. The drug is indicated for the destruction of life-threatening cancer cells, and is also used for prophylactic purposes in the treatment of complex forms of various malignant neoplasms.

Modern doctors have proven the benefits of Ginkgo biloba extract in diseases of the lungs and heart, in bronchial asthma, due to the unique anti-spastic properties. It is often prescribed as an anthelmintic and can be used externally. In the earliest stages of Alzheimer's disease, the drug significantly slows down the decline in all mental abilities. In addition, it has a vasodilating effect, increases the elasticity of blood vessels and has an antihypoxic effect.

How to take ginkgo biloba? For use, the drug is recommended to be diluted in water and strictly follow the prescribed dosages. As a rule, the dose does not exceed 20 drops. The course of treatment is from 30 to 40 days. If necessary, after 3-4 months, the treatment can be repeated.

Ginkgo biloba seeds

Ellipsoidal seeds are no more than 3 cm long. They have a rather fleshy outer shell. Ginkgo biloba can be easily propagated using seeds. Before sowing, they must be thoroughly cleaned of the fleshy pericarp, and then sown to a depth of about 5 cm. As a rule, germination time can be about 30 days. Since the plant is considered fast-growing, already in the first year of its life, all seedlings will grow by 15 cm. They quickly form shoots and give active shoots, from the stump to the very root.

It should be mentioned that seedlings do not tolerate transplanting very well. After such a procedure, they will not grow for a very long time.

Ginkgo biloba tea

Delightful tea based on Ginkgo Biloba is famous for its incomparable medicinal value. It can also be included in special drinks along with honeysuckle. The combination of roots and leaves of the plant greatly enhances the healing effect of tea. After a 30-day course of treatment, you will be able to notice a unique increase in your immunity. In addition to a general improvement in well-being, mental reactions will intensify, and memory will become more flexible.

Ginkgo biloba tea promotes improvement in all organs and systems, it restores blood circulation in all blood vessels, increases blood flow to the brain, and also protects cells from numerous free radicals. It delays the aging of the body, preventing strokes and heart attacks. In elderly patients, there is a slowdown in platelet activation.

It is enough to replace the usual morning tea with this drink to replenish the supply of vitality and well-being.

Ginkgo biloba for kids

Various preparations based on this plant are not prescribed for children under 16 years of age, since there is no reliable information on the safety and effectiveness of the use of these medicinal products.

Ginkgo biloba oil

The incomparable oil based on Ginkgo Biloba is considered an incredibly powerful restorative agent. When applied externally, it has a beneficial effect on split ends and weakened hair. The oil perfectly strengthens the hair roots, restoring the hairline. By strengthening the functionality of the follicles, your hair will become shiny and thick. This cosmetic product has also long been used in everyday skin care. It is able to cure eczema, ulcers and other serious skin diseases.

Ginkgo biloba contraindications

The main contraindication for the use of various preparations containing Ginkgo biloba is the period of pregnancy and lactation. In case of excessive sensitivity to active substances, the treatment started should be stopped immediately.

Expert editor: Sokolova Nina Vladimirovna| Phytotherapeutist

Education: A diploma in the specialty "Medicine" and "Therapy" received at the University named after N. I. Pirogov (2005 and 2006). Advanced training at the Department of Phytotherapy at the Moscow University of Peoples' Friendship (2008).

Ginko biloba is one of the unique plants on our planet. This ancient tree species has been preserved on Earth for millions of years since the Ice Age. In their natural habitat in East China, trees grow to very large sizes(height up to 45 m, trunk diameter up to 4 m), and their life span is about 2 thousand years. At present, due to resistance to various weather conditions and undemanding to the soil of ginkgo biloba can be found in Europe and East Asia, in Russia, America, the Caucasus.

The plant is dioecious: males produce pollen, and females produce ovules. Of particular value are the leaves of trees, which have the shape of a fan. They have unique healing properties and are widely used in both folk and traditional medicine.

Medicinal properties

Ginko biloba is known as a plant that prolongs youth. His medicinal properties slow down the aging process of the body. Preparations based on it improve the condition of blood vessels, the rheological properties of blood, increase skin elasticity, stimulate blood circulation and brain activity.

More than four dozen biologically active compounds have been found in the composition of the leaves of the tree, which have a complex therapeutic effect on the human body. These include:

  • triterpene lactones (gingolides and bilobalides);
  • flavonoid glycosides (kaempferol, quercetin);
  • organic acids;
  • vitamins;
  • essential oils;
  • steroids;
  • alkaloids;
  • minerals (Se, Mn, Ti, Cu, P, Ca, Mg, Fe).

Important: Some biologically active substances in the composition of ginkgo biloba (gingcolides and bilobalides) are found only in this plant species.

Most leaves on ginkgo trees are divided into two lobes.

The therapeutic effect of the plant has a positive effect on the functioning of the brain, cardiovascular and nervous system, respiratory organs. It is as follows:

  • decrease in blood viscosity, enrichment with oxygen;
  • prevention of thrombosis;
  • increasing the elasticity of blood vessels and reducing the permeability of their walls;
  • removal of spasms and vasodilatation, improvement of blood microcirculation, especially in the brain;
  • increased oxygen supply to organs and limbs;
  • slowing down the aging process due to pronounced antioxidant activity;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • diuretic and decongestant action;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • lowering the level of cholesterol in the blood;
  • increase in mental abilities, concentration of attention and memory;
  • improvement in the transmission of nerve impulses.

Ginko biloba helps with hearing impairment, vision, eliminates headaches, dizziness, reduces the risk of strokes and heart attacks. The plant is very effective in migraine, in the complex therapy of diabetes mellitus for the prevention and treatment of vascular complications (retinopathy, neuropathy, angiopathy). Also, ginkgo biloba is used for polycystic ovaries of central origin, caused by a violation of the regulation of hormone production in the brain, and for menstrual irregularities. Means from the leaves of the tree, by improving blood circulation in the pelvic organs, are effective for hemorrhoids and impaired potency in men. In China, this plant is considered one of the effective ways to treat bronchial asthma.

Ginko biloba is a part of many cosmetic products that slow down the aging of the skin and promote its renewal. Used to fight cellulite.

Methods of using ginkgo biloba for medicinal purposes

Medicinal raw materials for the preparation of folk recipes based on ginkgo biloba are the leaves of the plant. They are harvested after full ripening, when they acquire a rich green color, then dried and used for their intended purpose. In the absence of the opportunity or skills for self-collection of raw materials, it can be purchased at stores selling medicinal herbs. As folk remedies use infusion or tincture of leaves.

Important: It is recommended to collect ginkgo biloba leaves for therapeutic use in places of their mass growth.

Pharmacies have a large selection already finished products in different dosage forms based on the extract from the leaves of the plant. These include Ginkgo Biloba, Bilobil, Tanakan, Memoplant, Ginkoum, Ginos, etc. The treatment regimen is selected by the doctor individually.

Dry extract of ginkgo biloba leaves in tablets

Ginkgo biloba leaf tincture is prepared with alcohol or vodka according to the following recipe:

  1. The leaves of the plant are crushed.
  2. The resulting raw material is transferred into a hermetically sealed container and poured with vodka or alcohol at the rate of 10 g of leaves per 100 ml of liquid.
  3. The container is placed in a dark and cool place for 14 days, shaking daily.
  4. At the end of the infusion period, the mixture is filtered and poured into a dark glass container for storage.

How to properly store ginkgo biloba leaf tincture and how to take it? It is necessary to store the received means in the refrigerator. The dosage for one dose is 20 drops. Take the tincture three times a day before meals. Before use, you can dilute the required amount of tincture in half a glass of water. The course of admission is 1 - 3 months. It is recommended to repeat the treatment three times a year.

Leaf infusion

To prepare the infusion, you can use dry or fresh leaves of ginkgo biloba. They are first ground in a mortar or with a knife. One tablespoon of vegetable raw materials is poured into a thermos, and then 300 ml of boiling water is added to it and tightly closed. Infuse for two hours, filter through gauze and drink 100 ml half an hour before each meal. The course of treatment is continued for 1-2 months, after its completion it is necessary to take a break. A tangible effect appears at the end of the first month of taking the remedy.

Dried leaves of ginkgo biloba have well-defined veins

Tip: For the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system, it is useful to use a mixture of crushed fresh leaves of ginkgo biloba and honey in a ratio of 1 to 10.

The use of ginkgo biloba in children

Ginkgo biloba products are usually not prescribed for children under 16 years of age due to the lack of sufficient information about their safety.

The exception is small patients suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder caused by immaturity of the brain. There is experience in using the medicinal properties of this ancient tree in such children, which shows good results. It has been established that the use of products based on this plant in combination with magnesium preparations can accelerate the development of the brain and improve its functions by increasing the supply of oxygen and normalizing blood circulation. After three months of continuous treatment, children showed improvement social behavior and the ability to concentrate.


Folk remedies based on ginkgo biloba have contraindications for use. These include:

  • violations of the blood coagulation process;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • the period before surgery;
  • individual intolerance;
  • epilepsy;
  • acute heart attack.

Also, people taking anticoagulants and antiplatelet drugs should not take ginkgo biloba, as the risk of bleeding increases.

Means based on the leaves of this plant are usually well tolerated, however, in some cases, there are disorders in the gastrointestinal tract and allergic reactions.

Important: Before using ginkgo biloba, both for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, a doctor's consultation is necessary.

Video about the beneficial properties of the plant:

It is difficult to even imagine how many years a unique tree called ginkgo biloba has been living on our planet. Traces of this family have been found in rocks that are 200 million years old. But the uniqueness of ginkgo biloba is not only in its longevity. The amazing giant has beneficial properties for the human body. These favorable influences were estimated even by official medicine. Instructions for use of ginkgo biloba in folk and official medicine will allow you to understand what kind of magic tree nature has given to man.

Description of the tree and its properties

The unique tree impresses with its impressive size. The thickness of its trunk can reach 4 m. And the height of ginkgo biloba sometimes reaches 45 m. This giant is considered to be an honorary centenarian of the planet, because the age of some trees is more than a thousand years old.

Sometimes the medicinal raw material of ginkgo biloba is called an herb. And despite the fact that we are talking about a tree, this formulation is just as true. In this case, it is necessary to understand what the herb ginkgo biloba is. This is the foliage of a tree.

Botanical characteristics of the giant

The relic, which has survived to this day, is an ancient gymnospermous plant belonging to the dioecious type. It means that unique plant can have both female and male colors. The former produce pollen, while the latter serve as raw materials for seeds.

Ginkgo biloba - this is what botanists call the only surviving plant species that has the following distinctive characteristics.

  • Trunk. Trees growing in Europe rarely exceed a height of 18 m, and specimens living in their homeland (in China) can reach 40 meters or more. Ginkgo biloba has a pyramidal shape. The crown of the tree depends on the floor. So, gentleman trees are slender. And the "ladies" have a spherical crown and look a little squat.
  • Leaves. The branches of the tree do not contain the usual foliage. Peculiar outgrowths grow on them, containing bunches of long-leaved leaves of a fan-like shape. The leaves have different lobes.
  • Flowers. For male species characterized by the presence of yellow-green clusters with many stamens. And female flowers bloom on long "legs" and have branching. The lady flower always contains a seed germ.
  • Fruit. After flowering, which is usually observed in May, the inflorescences are pollinated. Over time, yellow fruits are formed on the tree, a bit reminiscent of plums. Inside such a fruit there are two large nuclei.

AT chemical composition leaves found more than 40 components necessary for the human body. They have many minerals and vitamins. The leaves are rich in flavone glycosides, alkaloids, amino acids, terpenes, essential oils, organic acids.

Healing Possibilities

Chinese monks associate ginkgo biloba with power, longevity and health. And it is no coincidence. After all, the tree has a pronounced healing power. It has been used for centuries to treat many ailments. This is probably why the benefits and harms of ginkgo biloba interested scientists. After conducting many studies, leading physicians have established that the tree really has healing powers.

The medicinal properties of ginkgo biloba are due to its antioxidant effects and the positive effect of the active components of the plant on vascular tone and blood flow. The plant expands small capillaries and improves blood circulation in tissues. This explains the fact that preparations based on it are used to treat diseases such as:

  • chronic cerebral ischemia with memory disorders;
  • circulatory disorders in the extremities against the background of diabetes and atherosclerosis;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • noise in ears.

Due to the pronounced effect on the peripheral circulation, ginkgo biloba is even used to improve potency. In addition, the plant stabilizes mood, has a positive effect on pancreatic function and strengthens immune system. The latter property allows us to consider it as a promising immunomodulator in autoimmune diseases.

But it is important to remember that the application medicines containing ginkgo biloba is considered only as an adjunctive therapy. It is not able to replace the main treatment prescribed by the doctor.

When not to apply

During clinical studies of ginkgo biloba, a good tolerance of this plant by patients was revealed. Therapy rarely provoked the appearance side effects, which arose in the form of an allergy against the background of individual immunity. Sometimes people have experienced stool disorders or headaches.

However, ginkgo biloba has some contraindications:

  • pathology of the stomach (ulcers, gastritis);
  • acute period of stroke;
  • low pressure;
  • preoperative period.

It is not recommended to take medicines containing medicinal plant during pregnancy at any time. Doctors advise to refrain from therapy during lactation and not to use ginkgo biloba for the treatment of children under 12 years of age.

Plant-based preparations

On the pharmaceutical market, you can find a variety of preparations containing ginkgo biloba. Such medicines are intended mainly for the treatment of vascular pathologies and the improvement of brain functions. The most common are the following drugs and analogues.

  • "Ginkgo biloba" Evalar ". A common drug that is based on the extract of ginkgo biloba. It is produced in the form of tablets and capsules. Each pill contains 40 mg of herbal ingredients. “Ginkgo biloba “Evalar” helps to restore hearing, vision, speech, activates blood circulation, provides stimulation of the brain. The drug may be included in the treatment of autoimmune thyroiditis. Dosages are selected only by a doctor. Sometimes the patient is recommended even three or four tablets.
  • "Doppelherz Active Ginkgo Biloba + B1 + B2 + B6". This tool contains 30 mg of vegetable raw materials. The active substance is supplemented with B vitamins, flavonoids. The drug is aimed at strengthening memory, improving brain activity. Most often, the drug is prescribed as a dietary supplement to food to reduce the severity of manifestations of senile dementia, migraine, and dizziness.
  • "Tanakan". The drug is available in vials and tablets. The content of the active substance is 40 mg. The drug prevents the formation of blood clots, reduces tissue swelling, fights hypoxia and is useful in diabetes. "Tanakan" is often prescribed for atherosclerosis, Raynaud's disease, Alzheimer's. It also helps with visual impairment.
  • "Ginos". The drug contains 40 mg of the main substance and a variety of auxiliary components. It is produced in the form of tablets. Helps with low concentration.
  • "Ginkoum". This medicine is produced in capsules. Its use is indicated for sleep disorders, sudden dizziness, a feeling of fear. "Ginkoum" helps with the deterioration of attention and memory, normalizes the brain and the process of thinking.
  • Ginkgo Biloba Forte. The amount of ginkgo biloba extract per capsule has been increased to 80 mg. The drug is prescribed to restore cerebral circulation after strokes, injuries. The medication is recommended for memory deterioration, tinnitus, poor concentration, sleep disturbance. Reviews of Ginkgo Biloba Forte therapy show that the use of the drug really improves memory and enhances brain activity.

Despite such extensive positive effects, it is strictly forbidden to resort to self-treatment with ginkgo biloba preparations. Like any medication, they have contraindications. Therefore, before deciding on therapy with these drugs, be sure to consult your doctor about the choice of medication and its dosages.

Instructions for the use of ginkgo biloba in traditional medicine

For preventive purposes, you can buy ginkgo biloba tea. Preparing a delicious and healthy drink is easy. A bag of tea (or one teaspoon) is poured hot water, the temperature of which reached 70-80°C. Boiling water is not used for brewing tea. You can enjoy the drink for four weeks. Then it is recommended to take a break of 10-14 days.

But if the purpose of using ginkgo biloba is to treat diseases, then ethnoscience recommends resorting to more effective means. Of course, after consultation with your doctor.

Alcohol tincture for brain activity

Description. To improve cerebral circulation, cleanse and strengthen blood vessels, it is recommended to use alcohol tincture. This tool increases attention, restores memory. He is appointed to people engaged in mental work. But for children, it is prohibited because it contains alcohol.

  • ginkgo biloba leaves - 50 g;
  • vodka - 700 ml.

Cooking process

  1. For the preparation of alcohol tincture of ginkgo biloba, you can use the leaves, both fresh and dry. Vegetable raw materials are crushed.
  2. The plant component is poured with vodka. You can take alcohol. But in this case, alcohol is diluted to 40% before use.
  3. The container is well clogged and left to infuse for two weeks. In order for the medicine to gain healing power faster, it is recommended to shake the bottle daily.
  4. After 14 days, the liquid must be filtered.
  1. With brain disorders, it is recommended to use a teaspoon of tincture.
  2. Before taking the medicine is diluted in water. Repeat the reception three times a day before meals.
  3. Continue treatment with alcohol tincture for 30 days. Then be sure to take a break in therapy for one to two weeks. After such a “rest”, the treatment can be repeated again.
  4. To increase potency, men are prescribed 15 drops of the drug twice a day. The tincture is also diluted in water. The duration of treatment is six months.

Decoction from pathologies of the respiratory system

Description. Healing decoction is used in the treatment of infectious diseases of the respiratory system. This remedy is recommended for use in tuberculosis. The drug helps with anemia, activates the production of insulin, therefore it is recommended in the treatment of diabetes.

  • vegetable raw materials - one tablespoon;
  • water - 300 ml.

The process of preparation and treatment

  1. You can buy herbal raw materials in a pharmacy. Usually the instructions on how to brew the herb are written on the package.
  2. For the treatment of the respiratory system, it is necessary to grind raw materials.
  3. The grass is placed in a container, poured with water and boiled over low heat for five minutes. The cooled agent is filtered.
  4. For infections in the respiratory organs, it is recommended to take a decoction of 50 ml three times a day for 10-14 days.
  5. If the medication is dictated by the need to treat tuberculosis, then use 70-100 ml of decoction three times a day. The duration of such treatment can be delayed for two months.

Ginkgo honey against stroke

Description. The reviews of neurologists show that the use of ginkgo-based products can prevent the development of a stroke, protect the patient from a heart attack and resist atherosclerosis. Regular use of ginkgo honey normalizes blood pressure in hypertension.

  • leaves - half a kilogram;
  • linden honey - 500 ml.

The process of preparation and treatment

  1. Vegetable raw materials are placed in the jar.
  2. The leaves are dipped in lime honey. Generally, recipes containing ginkgo biloba can include both fresh and dried herbs. But if the drug is prepared to prevent stroke, heart attack, then it is advisable to find a fresh leaf of a dinosaur tree.
  3. Thoroughly mix the ingredients.
  4. For two days, the mixture should be infused in the refrigerator.
  5. Use a medicine to combat hypertension, cleanse blood vessels or prevent the development of atherosclerosis, stroke, one teaspoon twice a day.

Leaves from aging, anemia

Description. For some diseases, traditional healers recommend the use of ginkgo biloba leaves in powder form. This treatment slows down the aging process. Dry powder is used for anemia. This therapy is also shown for aching limbs. The powder is prescribed in case of nervous exhaustion, hypertension, depression, to increase immunity.

The process of preparation and treatment

  1. Dry powder from the leaves of ginkgo biloba is consumed once a day in a teaspoon 30 minutes before breakfast.
  2. The mixture is thoroughly chewed. Wash down the "medicine" with a glass of water.
  3. The therapy is continued for one month.
  4. It is allowed to repeat the treatment course after a two-week break.

The use of a dinosaur tree in cosmetology

Unique raw materials have found application in cosmetology. Experts, for its ability to rejuvenate the body, call the "coeval of dinosaurs" the tree of youth. Ginkgo biloba provides a complex effect:

  • promotes rejuvenation;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • reduces puffiness;
  • smoothes wrinkles;
  • strengthens hair;
  • activates the growth of strands.

Ginkgo biloba is actively used in mesotherapy. It is used to improve the condition of mature skin. The drug is in demand in the correction of rosacea and to eliminate puffiness.

Analyzing reviews about the ginkgo biloba plant, it should be emphasized that positive opinions about the dinosaur tree are more common. But sometimes therapy is less successful, and most often due to an error in application. To enhance the beneficial effects of ginkgo biloba on the body, some ladies combine mesotherapy with the internal intake of plant materials. This combination can lead to an overdose. As a result, bruises or hemorrhages will appear on the skin.

Reviews: "Ginkgo biloba is a must for students in the session"

Hard work, stress, lack of rest, all these factors significantly undermine our health. With age, many people experience memory impairment, speech impairment, decreased mental activity, a constant feeling of fatigue, and drowsiness. It turns out that all these problems can be solved with the help of preparations based on Ginkgo Biloba. There are various preparations based on this plant, the pharmacy advised me the drug Ginkgo Biloba produced by Evalar in tablets. From my own experience I will say that the tablets begin to act on about the 10th day. Brain activity greatly increases, the feeling of drowsiness disappears. I have been using the drug for the second year.

Dad takes Ginkgo biloba forte along with Thrombo ACC, he was prescribed this in the complex - for blood vessels, in order to reduce the risk of stroke. He says it makes him feel good. Ginko biloba forte gives blood vessels a tone, strengthens, so his condition is better.

For the treatment of an asthenic condition after a traumatic brain injury, I was prescribed the drug Ginkgo Biloba. I took 2 capsules 2 times a day with meals. The course of treatment is 3 months. After the treatment of Ginkgo Biloba, my cerebral circulation improved, intracranial pressure, tinnitus, and dizziness disappeared. Sleep also improved, tachycardia and increased nervous tension disappeared. I was very swollen intracranial pressure. This dietary supplement removed puffiness from the face and legs, thanks to a good, diuretic effect. All vegetative disorders disappeared for six months. I didn't notice any side effects. Throughout the course of treatment, I felt great. Unfortunately, asthenic conditions after a head injury are not completely treated. But this drug long time, relieved me of unpleasant symptoms.

It was summer. I constantly suffered from absent-mindedness, I forgot a lot, my head hurt. And my own aunt advised me these pills supposedly help a lot. I bought it in a pharmacy for a small price. I started taking one tablet a day. A month later I got the first effect:
- Headaches are gone
- improved memory;
- mental performance increased;
- attention has become more concentrated;
- improved cerebral circulation.
I really liked it. Forgetfulness has passed, I began to memorize more information. I also learned that it is very useful to use it for the prevention of stroke.
If you have memory problems, then I advise you this drug.

(udacha) Svetlana,

For all students, Ginkgo biloba is a must! I am a student, and especially during the session I feel unwell, apathy, increased fatigue, absent-mindedness and irritability, I cannot sleep at night. In the morning my head hurts and I no longer want anything, but I have to pass exams. I learned about the drug Ginkgo Biloba from the Internet, read the reviews and decided to try it, because the price is low and there are almost no side effects, everything is natural. I took two tablets a day for a month. To be honest, I was amazed at the effect. The first thing I noticed was that my mood improved. Since I sleep well, the headaches are gone. Well, another big plus of this drug is that it has become easier to perceive and remember the material.


Ginkgo biloba (Ginkgo biloba L.) is one of the representatives of relict trees that grew more than two hundred million years ago. In addition to this name, this tree is also called a dinosaur tree, tanakan and girlish braids. Tanakan grows to gigantic sizes, reaching forty-five meters in height and two meters in width in diameter. The crown of the tree is covered with fan-shaped bilobed leaves (hence another name for the tree - Ginkgo biloba) of bright green color, leathery to the touch.

The plant is bisexual, and propagates with the help of the wind through pollination of females. During the flowering period, spike-shaped inflorescences appear on male trees, which are separate stamens, the pollen from which is carried through the air to female trees, where the inflorescences contain two flat, green ovules. After pollination, after some time (more precisely, in autumn), fruits with seeds ripen on female trees, which have an external resemblance to apricot fruits, but have an unpleasant taste and smell. During autumn, the foliage of the tree changes its color to golden yellow, and then falls off.

The territory of Northeast China is considered the homeland of the dinosaur tree. At present, this unique tree has a fairly wide distribution area. Tanakan can be found in East Asia, China, Japan, Germany, the Netherlands, the UK, Western Europe, as well as in the western and southern regions of Russia. In addition, it grows in the botanical gardens of the Baltic countries, Moldova and countries Central Asia, as well as in the Crimea and the Caucasus.

Preparation and storage of ginkgo biloba

For the preparation of medicinal preparations, the leaves of the dinosaur tree are harvested. You need to pluck only green foliage, without any violation of the integrity of the surface. If you collect the leaves of Ginkgo biloba on your own, then you need to be sure that this is exactly the plant, since the leaves of another plant get into best case, does not threaten your state of health, and at worst, it can result in serious poisoning. It is best to collect foliage from these trees where they grow en masse.

After harvesting, the foliage must be air-dried so that it is not exposed to direct sunlight. For this, some kind of canopy or well-ventilated attic space. After drying, the raw material is placed in cardboard box or a linen bag for storage until the next foliage collection.

When you use this raw material for the preparation of medicinal products, be sure to make sure that there are no insects or rodents (mice) in it, which are very fond of this foliage, as well as their droppings. If any are present, then it is better to throw away dry foliage, since it can already bring harm, and not benefit to your body.

Composition and medicinal properties of ginkgo biloba

  • This plant contains unique ginkolides, which have the ability to improve the condition of the walls of the blood vessels of the brain. These substances increase their elasticity and dilate blood vessels, and this improves the supply of the human brain with oxygen and substances necessary for the normal functioning of this important organ.
  • In addition, Ginkgo biloba leaves contain proanthocyanidins and flavoglycosides, which protect blood vessels from penetration of free radicals that cause cancer.
  • In addition to the presence of biologically active substances, the foliage of the dinosaur tree is rich in micro and macro elements (magnesium, calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, selenium, manganese, copper and titanium), which are also necessary for the normal functioning of the entire human body as a whole.
  • The pharmaceutical industry produces preparations based on the leaves of Ginkgo biloba in the form of tablets, powder in capsules, tinctures or soft gels.
  • The use of Ginkgo biloba preparations is prescribed:
  1. to reduce the concentration of fat in the body;
  2. regulation of the level of cholesterol in the blood, and prevention of the development of strokes and heart attacks;
  3. with various poisonings, since the active substances are able to remove toxins from the body;
  4. with violations of brain activity, accompanied by memory impairment, dizziness and insomnia;
  5. in case of violations in the work of the circulatory system (deterioration of blood flow), and so on.
  • Research is currently underway that can confirm that Ginkgo biloba leaf extract can cure retinal macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy, which are the main causes leading to blindness in humans. In addition, it may be proved that this remedy is able to restore lost hearing.
  • Specialists may prescribe Ginkgo biloba preparations if the patient is diagnosed with: seasonal depression and other affective pathologies; multiple sclerosis; mountain sickness; migraine; cardiac ischemia; disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system.
  • Ginkgo biloba preparations are also recommended for oncological diseases to mitigate the side effects caused by chemotherapy.

The use of ginkgo biloba in folk medicine

Even ancient healers used the healing properties of tanakan leaves for diseases: bronchial asthma, diseases of the lungs, bladder, liver, and so on. However, before using Ginkgo biloba remedies on your own, be sure to get advice from a specialist by visiting your doctor.

In addition to the fact that you can buy Ginkgo biloba preparations in pharmacies, you can prepare your own remedies (if you have the leaves of this tree) at home according to traditional medicine recipes. Here is some of them.

Preparation of vodka tincture to improve blood supply to the brain

Dry or fresh dinosaur leaves, previously crushed in a mortar, in an amount of 50 g must be mixed with 700 g of vodka. Then the container is closed and left in a place inaccessible to light for 14 days, so that the liquid is infused. Periodically you need to shake the container so that the leaves evenly give their beneficial features into vodka. After two weeks, strain the tincture and take it internally, one teaspoon (maximum 20 drops at a time) diluted in water, three times a day before you eat, for thirty days. After a break (from one week to two weeks), you can, if necessary, repeat the reception of the tincture. With very serious disorders of brain activity and blood circulation, the course of taking the tincture can be increased to three months.

Preparation of a flock for the treatment of respiratory organs and tuberculosis

We grind dry or fresh leaves of Ginkgo biloba in a mortar, and then they are taken in the amount of one tablespoon, poured into a thermos and poured with three hundred grams of boiling water. Leave the liquid to infuse for two hours, after which the broth must be filtered. Take half a glass at a time thirty minutes before you start eating. During the day, you need to perform three doses of the remedy. You can drink such a decoction constantly for thirty to sixty days. After that you need to take a break. Usually the effect of taking such a decoction appears after the first month of treatment.

Preparation of "Ginkgo honey" for cleaning blood vessels and preventing heart attacks

To prepare this mixture, you will need half a kilogram of fresh tanakan leaves and a half-liter jar of fresh bee honey. The leaves should be carefully washed and chopped, and then mixed with honey. The mixture can be stored in the refrigerator. This remedy helps very well with atherosclerosis (it can simply be taken as a prophylactic for this disease that causes heart attack and stroke), as well as for any pathologies of the cardiovascular system. It is enough to use just a teaspoon of Ginkgo Honey a couple of times throughout the day.

Preparation of a remedy for motion sickness in transport, including on ships

For this unique remedy, you will need pre-ground in a mortar:

  • dinosaur tree leaves (in the amount of 5 g);
  • nettle roots (in the amount of 20 g);
  • ginger root (in the amount of 10 g);
  • licorice roots (in the amount of 20 g);
  • rose hips (in the amount of 30 g);
  • mint melissa (in the amount of 10 g);
  • angelica roots (in the amount of 5 g);
  • sweet clover (in the amount of 10 g);
  • peppermint (in the amount of 10 g);
  • Eleutherococcus roots (in the amount of 10 g);
  • caraway seeds (in the amount of 10 g).

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and, pouring one liter of water, put on fire, bring to a boil and cook for three minutes. Then remove the container from the heat and leave the broth to infuse for 10 minutes. After that, the tool is ready for use. Take it in half a glass for three weeks in between meals. The course of taking the remedy can be repeated a week after stopping the decoction.

Contraindications for use

  • It is believed that remedies made using tanakan leaves are easily tolerated by humans. But their use is prohibited if you have a personal intolerance to this plant. This can lead to disturbances in gastrointestinal tract(at best) or a severe allergic reaction (at worst).
  • Not recommended appointment for the use of this drug and children under the age of sixteen.
  • In addition, medicinal products based on the leaves of the dinosaur tree should not be used by pregnant or breastfeeding women, as well as people suffering from epilepsy.

Probably everyone has heard of ginkgo biloba at least once. But most likely, few people will be able to reflect their knowledge in more than a couple of sentences about it. After all, this tree does not grow on the territory of Russia, and we do not encounter it anywhere in everyday life. But is it? We will answer this and other questions about ginkgo biloba in our article.

  • Historical background on the ginkgo biloba tree
  • Botanical description of the ginkgo biloba plant
  • Chemical composition
  • Medicinal properties. Indications and contraindications.
  • Application in traditional and folk medicine
  • Application in cosmetology
  • Conclusion

Ginkgo biloba. A tree that gives youth. History reference

Ginkgo biloba is a relic plant with an ancient history and incredible medicinal properties. This tree is considered the same age as dinosaurs. It has survived to the present from the Mesozoic period, the era of which ended 250 million years ago. By the end of the Mesozoic era, flora began to actively develop, and gymnosperms, which include ginkgo, received enough wide use. In the leaves of ginkgo biloba, DNA fragments of ancestors - ancient seed ferns and algae - are identified. At that time, plants of the Ginkgo class were widely distributed on the territory of the Earth, presumably growing even in the wooded area of ​​modern Siberia. Unfortunately, in ice Age all of them died, with the exception of ginkgo biloba - ginkgo biloba.

This living fossil, as Charles Darwin called ginkgo biloba, is mentioned in ancient manuscripts of mountainous China of the 6th-8th centuries. And in the 16th century, the tree was mentioned in terms of its healing properties and effects on the body in the medical monograph "Great Herbs" by the famous physician and pharmacologist Li Shi-zhen. In those eras and to the present day, this Mesozoic relic was considered a precious tree. Moreover, in the territory of modern growth - in China and Japan, long-lived trees have been preserved, some of them are four centuries old. Such trees are located mainly at the foot of Buddhist temples, monasteries and tombs. They are honored and worshiped, especially during the fall of the leaves. This sacred tree is a symbol of meditation, wisdom, love and vitality.

For Europeans, this unique tree species was discovered at the end of the 17th century (in 1690) by Engelbert Kaempfer. The German traveler, scientist, botanist and doctor by profession spent about two years of his life in Japan. In his writings in 1712, he described the tree as a "silver apricot", giving it the Latin name Ginkgo Biloba. The silver-yellow seeds and amber-colored rounded fruits inspired the tree to give a similar name.

Thanks to this scientist, ginkgo biloba (biloba) began to be cultivated in other countries. To study the properties of the plant, he brought its seeds to Europe. There ginkgo biloba was planted in botanical garden Milan, where scientists conducted the very first studies.

Then, after more than half a century, the tree became an inhabitant of the squares and park areas of America. Subsequently, the plant spread to Germany, where its beauty did not leave indifferent Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, who in 1815 wrote the poem "Ginkgo Biloba" dedicating it to his beloved Marianne. He attached dry leaves of a tree to the letter, which in their shape resemble a heart.

Often, the plant is called the "tree of youth", because, in accordance with scientific studies, the antioxidant components that make up its composition inhibit the process of physiological aging of the body, have a complex effect on blood circulation, the cardiovascular system, the brain, peripheral organs, liver, etc.

And how does ginkgo biloba (biloba) work and what does it treat? What are its useful properties, and does it have contraindications? More on this later.

Ginkgo biloba: botanical description

Ginkgo Biloba or Ginkgo biloba (from Latin Ginkgo Biloba) is a gymnosperm plant, the only representative of a relict species. This is a deciduous tree. Its crown is a fan-shaped leaf-like needles on a long thin petiole. The needles are pyramid-shaped at the beginning, and become sprawling over time. The tree goes to a height of 35-40 meters. Rare specimens - at 50 meters. The trunk diameter can reach 4-4.5 meters, the wood is soft and light. The plant has a well-developed root system, which endures any bad weather, including wind and snowfalls. Even the nuclear explosion over Hiroshima in August 1945 did not destroy the trees. Being at a distance of just over a kilometer from the epicenter of the explosion, the trees survived. And their foliage turned green again after a very short amount of time.

The ginkgo biloba plant is dioecious. Ovules develop on female trees, while pollen grains develop on male trees. The flower, like other gymnosperms, is absent, and the seeds not obscured by pulp resemble fruits or berries. In appearance and size, the seeds resemble an apricot with a three-layer peel. The middle layer is distinguished by its thickness - it is 0.5 cm. The last layer of the Ginkgo biloba seed (biloba), on the contrary, is incredibly thin parchment-like. Where does this tree grow? It grows exclusively in China, but, nevertheless, is cultivated in a number of countries with a climate of temperate latitudes. He can be found in North America, East Asia and in selected European countries, where it is grown for the needs of the pharmaceutical market. You can also meet the plant in most botanical gardens, including in Russia. For example, in the Moscow Agricultural Academy. K.A. Timiryazev.

Ginkgo biloba (biloba) and its chemical composition

The unique chemical composition of the leaf-like needles of ginkgo biloba presents an extensive table of more than 100 active substances. Of particular note is that some biological substances, such as the triterpene lactones gingcolide and bilobalide, are found exclusively in this single plant species. They are contained in 6-12% of the total composition of active substances. More than 1/4 of the composition of ginkgo biloba is occupied by the content of such substances as bioflavonoids - quercetin, isorhamnetin, kaempferol and flavonoid glycosides - ginkgetin, bilobetin, myricetin. In addition to the above components, the Ginkgo biloba formula contains condensed tannins, organic and ginkgolic acids, polyprenols, nitrogenous bases, amino acids, waxes, catechins, steroids, cardanols and sugars. There is also a large number of trace elements such as: magnesium, iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus. As well as minerals: selenium, manganese, copper, titanium. A valuable enzyme, superoxide dismutase, is also isolated from the leaves, which protects the body from oxygen radicals.

Ginkgo biloba and its extract: medicinal properties. Indications and contraindications

Endowed with such an incredible composition of the components of ginkgo biloba, it combines a huge range of useful properties. They have a positive effect in the treatment of many painful conditions.

Leaves and seeds are to be collected. The wood and root of ginkgo biloba have no practical use for medicinal purposes. It is extremely important to properly prepare raw materials in order to appreciate their effectiveness later. The collection of ginkgo biloba grass - leaves, occurs during the growing season, which depends on geographical latitude and climate. To preserve all the useful properties, green leaves are chosen for harvesting without violating integrity. Dry them in the shade outdoors or in a well ventilated area.

Seeds are harvested after they fall to the ground, this happens mainly during the first frost. After harvesting, preparation for drying takes place - the seed is removed from the pulp and washed under running water. Drying takes place in the unfolded form at room temperature and in a well ventilated area.

Raw materials collected and dried according to the technology are to be stored in glass jars with tightly closed lids. Containers with raw materials must be stored away from moisture and light. The maximum storage period is no more than 2 years.

Ginkgo biloba extract is isolated from dried plant materials, namely from green leaves. This is an extract of nutrients from ginkgo biloba. There are liquid extracts and dry ones. The extract is the most expensive form of release, because. for the manufacture of 0.5 kg of useful raw materials, about 30 kg of leaves are needed.

So what are the properties of the leaves or, more precisely, the extract of the leaves of ginkgo biloba? What is their use? And are there any contraindications?

Ginkgo Biloba Extract (Biloba) has the following properties:

  • slows down the aging process of the skin and the body (antioxidant action);
  • has an immunomodulatory and antiviral effect;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • ginkgo biloba - anticoagulant (reduces the activity of the blood coagulation system, reducing the blood viscosity index);
  • has an antiplatelet effect (antithrombotic effect is achieved by stabilizing the membranes of erythrocytes and platelets);
  • expands the lumen of blood vessels, strengthens the vascular walls and the tone of the venous vessels;
  • reduces the permeability of the vascular wall, providing a decongestant effect;
  • exhibits an antihistamine effect;
  • has a diuretic effect;
  • by regulating carbohydrate metabolism, protects the pancreas and increases insulin production;
  • stimulates cellular metabolism (useful for improving cerebral circulation);
  • normalizes cholesterol levels;
  • reduces the frequency and severity of depressive states;
  • normalizes uric acid levels in the body;
  • improves the transmission of nerve signals;
  • ginkgo biloba normalizes blood pressure;
  • serves as an additional source of energy for the human body;
  • gives a neuroprotective effect (protects brain cells from damage);
  • exhibits antitoxic effect;
  • oncoprotective action (reduces the risk of skin tumors);
  • improves memory, maintains clarity of mind, increases learning ability;
  • ginkgo biloba dissolves cysts and nodes.

Preparations and medicines containing ginkgo biloba have very extensive indications for use. So the use of ginkgo biloba will give a positive effect on:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • varicose veins, including in the treatment of hemorrhoids (for blood thinning);
  • for athletes in weight loss programs;
  • migraine headaches and dizziness;
  • disorders of cerebral circulation of various origins;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • erectile dysfunction;
  • andropause and menopause;
  • in the prevention and treatment of viral infections;
  • in the treatment of encephalopathy of various origins;
  • clouding of the eye lens (cataract);
  • violations of macro- and microcirculation of blood in the auricle;
  • symptoms of depression and insomnia;
  • in the treatment of alcohol and tobacco dependence;
  • dementia syndrome;
  • asthma;
  • correction of age-related skin changes, subcortical structures of the brain, etc.

The fact that ginkgo biloba will benefit the body in curing a number of painful conditions is already clear, but can it be harmful? First of all, ginkgo biloba can have side effects. Their presence causes too high content of active substances in the composition of the plant. Therefore, in rare cases, phenomena such as: headache, diarrhea, anxiety, palpitations, nausea or vomiting. The occurrence of certain undesirable effects depends on the characteristics of the body, on the duration of use, on what concomitant diseases a person has, and, accordingly, what drugs he still takes.

There are also a number of people who should use ginkgo biloba with caution - medicines based on it:

  • if there are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • increased susceptibility to allergic reactions;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • children's age up to 12 years.

It is forbidden to use ginkgo biloba with individual intolerance, during pregnancy and lactation, during the use of drugs for blood thinning, with myocardial infarction, with violations of intracranial pressure, in preparation for surgery.

Ginkgo biloba: use in traditional and folk medicine for varicose veins

Based on the above material, it becomes clear that ginkgo biloba has a fairly wide medical purpose, due to its pharmacological action. Ginkgo biloba, which is part of any drug, has a positive effect on the body as a whole and on its systems separately.

The appointment of ginkgo biloba for varicose veins is considered one of the main methods in medical practice. It thins the blood and affects blood pressure by acting as a vasodilator. The value of ginkgo biloba for blood vessels is as high as possible. Therefore, it is used in quite a variety of forms of release. It can be a tincture, liquid extract, balm, gel, ointment, cream based on ginkgo biloba. With varicose veins, all pharmacological forms are used, but the choice depends at least on its localization.

For the treatment of varicose veins of the lower extremities, creams with ginkgo biloba are most often used. The consistency of this pharmaceutical form has advantages over ointments and gels. Creams are quickly absorbed and easily distributed over the skin. Using "NORMAVEN®" foot cream with ginkgo biloba from varicose veins veins and for its prevention, comprehensive care is provided. This tool contains in its composition carefully selected natural ingredients, so that it acts immediately in 4 directions:

  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • relieves pain syndrome;
  • tones the veins;
  • intensively cares for the skin of the feet, eliminating dryness and flaking.

Application of "NORMAVEN®" foot cream with ginkgo biloba leaf extract provides daily foot care at home. It effectively fights puffiness, improves microcirculation in the vascular bed, increases the elasticity of blood vessel walls and prevents capillary fragility. The advantage of this tool is clinically proven efficacy and safety when used during pregnancy. Against the background of individual tolerance, the effectiveness of the cream, according to the results of approbation, was assessed by experts as high. Already after the first month of use, there is an improvement in the condition of the lower extremities, the maximum effect of the cream can be assessed after three months of daily two-time use. You can get information about whether NORMAVEN® foot cream with ginkgo biloba extract from the Vertex pharmaceutical company helps in the "Reviews" section. Anyone who has used this remedy for the treatment of veins can leave their opinion there.

Dry extract of ginkgo biloba is part of various oral preparations - these can be tablets or gelatin capsules. Release form, dosage regimen, as well as the duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician. There are preparations combining grape leaf extract and ginkgo biloba. They create an effect that can be called "clean vessels", because interacting, they prevent thrombosis and the deposition of cholesterol plaques.

The ginkgo biloba tree has gained incredible popularity and use in traditional medicine. Ginkgo biloba leaf powder is mostly used. Folk recipes are quite simple to prepare. On the basis of the powder, decoctions, infusions and rubbing are made. Depending on the existing health problem, powder, water, additional ingredients (for example, honey) are used in certain proportions. The duration of the course is determined by the state of health.

Seed kernels or ginkgo biloba nuts also have applications, and not only in traditional medicine. Ginkgo biloba is also used in cooking. It is edible, but has a specific bittersweet taste, a long aftertaste and a peculiar aroma. Kernels are used as a spice, which is added to dishes during stewing, as well as soups and desserts.

Ginkgo biloba tincture is made from its leaves. It is usually prescribed for pathologies of the cardiovascular system, intermittent claudication syndrome, multiple sclerosis, complements the main treatment for hearing loss, bronchial asthma, sexual dysfunction in men, toxic shock and migraine. Ginkgo biloba has an irreplaceable therapeutic effect, is a unique plant, does not have an impressive list of contraindications and side effects, so it has earned positive feedback from patients and doctors (neurologists, phlebologists, otolaryngologists, etc.). Ginkgo biloba tincture is great for facial skin rejuvenation at home, it can be used as a lotion. Tincture can be both alcohol and water. Preparing ginkgo biloba tincture is not difficult and you can make it yourself, for this you need to know how to brew the leaves.

The powder prepared from the leaves of ginkgo biloba also has uses at home. The raw materials prepared according to the technology must be crushed as much as possible; a blender or coffee grinder is suitable for these purposes. The powder is completely ready for use, 1 tsp should be chewed before eating. composition, swallow it and drink it with a glass of cold water. It is taken as a course - 2 months with a two-week break.

Ginkgo biloba leaf extract: application in cosmetology

Ginkgo biloba extract is used not only in medicine and homeopathy, but also in cosmetology. Any active ingredient from the composition of the plant has beneficial properties. In general, ginkgo biloba has a powerful antioxidant effect, making it indispensable in anti-aging cosmetics. Cosmetics based on the extract of the leaves of the plant protect the skin from UV rays, so ginkgo biloba is especially valuable when exposed to the sun. It smoothes fine mimic wrinkles, improves blood microcirculation, cleanses the skin, restores damaged hair. The plant impresses not only with its uniqueness, but also with its breadth of application. So, it can even be used as a natural dye. List of cosmetic products that use ginkgo biloba:

  • masks, tonics and creams for tired and flabby facial skin;
  • anti-aging serums;
  • anti-couperose agents;
  • anti-cellulite tightening creams and body wraps;
  • hair cosmetics - shampoos, conditioners, sprays, balms and masks;
  • creams and lotions with UV protection;
  • creams, gels and serums for the eye contour, etc.


The abundance of drugs with ginkgo biloba raises the question, which of the many pharmacological forms of ginkgo biloba is better to choose? No one will ever give an objective answer to this and similar questions. You should always rely only on your own feelings from the use of a particular tool. But in one opinion, all experts are unanimous - ginkgo biloba is an absolutely unique long-lived medicinal plant, it is not without reason that it is worshiped in eastern countries. For thousands of years people have known him healing properties and, probably, they have not been studied to the end. But the fact that in Chinese medicine ginkgo biloba is used even to fight oncology speaks volumes.

It is difficult to even imagine how many years a unique tree called ginkgo biloba has been living on our planet. Traces of this family have been found in rocks that are 200 million years old. But the uniqueness of ginkgo biloba is not only in its longevity. The amazing giant has beneficial properties for the human body. These favorable influences were estimated even by official medicine. Instructions for the use of ginkgo biloba in folk and official medicine will allow you to understand what kind of magic tree nature has given to man.

Description of the tree and its properties

The unique tree impresses with its impressive size. The thickness of its trunk can reach 4 m. And the height of ginkgo biloba sometimes reaches 45 m. This giant is considered to be an honorary centenarian of the planet, because the age of some trees is more than a thousand years old.

Sometimes the medicinal raw material of ginkgo biloba is called an herb. And, despite the fact that we are talking about a tree, this formulation is just as true. In this case, it is necessary to understand what the herb ginkgo biloba is. This is the foliage of a tree.

Botanical characteristics of the giant

The relic, which has survived to this day, is an ancient gymnospermous plant belonging to the dioecious type. This means that a unique plant can have both female and male flowers. The former produce pollen, while the latter serve as raw materials for seeds.

Ginkgo biloba - this is what botanists call the only surviving plant species that has the following distinctive characteristics.

  • Trunk. Trees growing in Europe rarely exceed a height of 18 m, and specimens living in their homeland (in China) can reach 40 meters or more. Ginkgo biloba has a pyramidal shape. The crown of the tree depends on the floor. So, gentleman trees are slender. And the "ladies" have a spherical crown and look a little squat.
  • Leaves. The branches of the tree do not contain the usual foliage. Peculiar outgrowths grow on them, containing bunches of long-leaved leaves of a fan-like shape. The leaves have different lobes.
  • Flowers. The male species is characterized by the presence of yellow-green clusters with many stamens. And female flowers bloom on long "legs" and have branching. The lady flower always contains a seed germ.
  • Fruit. After flowering, which is usually observed in May, the inflorescences are pollinated. Over time, yellow fruits are formed on the tree, a bit reminiscent of plums. Inside such a fruit there are two large nuclei.

In the chemical composition of the leaves, more than 40 components necessary for the human body were found. They have many minerals and vitamins. The leaves are rich in flavone glycosides, alkaloids, amino acids, terpenes, essential oils, organic acids.

Healing Possibilities

Chinese monks associate ginkgo biloba with power, longevity and health. And it is no coincidence. After all, the tree has a pronounced healing power. It has been used for centuries to treat many ailments. This is probably why the benefits and harms of ginkgo biloba interested scientists. After conducting many studies, leading physicians have established that the tree really has healing powers.

The medicinal properties of ginkgo biloba are due to its antioxidant effects and the positive effect of the active components of the plant on vascular tone and blood flow. The plant expands small capillaries and improves blood circulation in tissues. This explains the fact that preparations based on it are used to treat diseases such as:

  • chronic cerebral ischemia with memory disorders;
  • circulatory disorders in the extremities against the background of diabetes and atherosclerosis;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • noise in ears.

Due to the pronounced effect on the peripheral circulation, ginkgo biloba is even used to improve potency. In addition, the plant stabilizes mood, has a positive effect on pancreatic function and strengthens the immune system. The latter property allows us to consider it as a promising immunomodulator in autoimmune diseases.

But it is important to remember that the use of drugs containing ginkgo biloba is considered only as an additional therapy. It is not able to replace the main treatment prescribed by the doctor.

When not to apply

During clinical studies of ginkgo biloba, a good tolerance of this plant by patients was revealed. Therapy rarely provoked the appearance of side effects that arose in the form of an allergy against the background of individual immunity. Sometimes people have experienced stool disorders or headaches.

However, ginkgo biloba has some contraindications:

  • pathology of the stomach (ulcers, gastritis);
  • acute period of stroke;
  • low pressure;
  • preoperative period.

It is not recommended to take medicines containing a medicinal plant during pregnancy at any time. Doctors advise to refrain from therapy during lactation and not to use ginkgo biloba for the treatment of children under 12 years of age.

Plant-based preparations

On the pharmaceutical market, you can find a variety of preparations containing ginkgo biloba. Such medicines are intended mainly for the treatment of vascular pathologies and the improvement of brain functions. The most common are the following drugs and analogues.

  • "Ginkgo biloba" Evalar ". A common drug that is based on the extract of ginkgo biloba. It is produced in the form of tablets and capsules. Each pill contains 40 mg of herbal ingredients. “Ginkgo biloba “Evalar” helps to restore hearing, vision, speech, activates blood circulation, provides stimulation of the brain. The drug may be included in the treatment of autoimmune thyroiditis. Dosages are selected only by a doctor. Sometimes the patient is recommended even three or four tablets.
  • "Doppelherz Active Ginkgo Biloba + B1 + B2 + B6". This tool contains 30 mg of vegetable raw materials. The active substance is supplemented with B vitamins, flavonoids. The drug is aimed at strengthening memory, improving brain activity. Most often, the drug is prescribed as a dietary supplement to food to reduce the severity of manifestations of senile dementia, migraine, and dizziness.
  • "Tanakan". The drug is available in vials and tablets. The content of the active substance is 40 mg. The drug prevents the formation of blood clots, reduces tissue swelling, fights hypoxia and is useful in diabetes. "Tanakan" is often prescribed for atherosclerosis, Raynaud's disease, Alzheimer's. It also helps with visual impairment.
  • "Ginos". The drug contains 40 mg of the main substance and a variety of auxiliary components. It is produced in the form of tablets. Helps with low concentration.
  • "Ginkoum". This medicine is produced in capsules. Its use is indicated for sleep disorders, sudden dizziness, a feeling of fear. "Ginkoum" helps with the deterioration of attention and memory, normalizes the brain and the process of thinking.
  • Ginkgo Biloba Forte. The amount of ginkgo biloba extract per capsule has been increased to 80 mg. The drug is prescribed to restore cerebral circulation after strokes, injuries. The medication is recommended for memory deterioration, tinnitus, poor concentration, sleep disturbance. Reviews of Ginkgo Biloba Forte therapy show that the use of the drug really improves memory and enhances brain activity.

Despite such extensive positive effects, it is strictly forbidden to resort to self-treatment with ginkgo biloba preparations. Like any medication, they have contraindications. Therefore, before deciding on therapy with these drugs, be sure to consult your doctor about the choice of medication and its dosages.

Instructions for the use of ginkgo biloba in traditional medicine

For preventive purposes, you can buy ginkgo biloba tea. Preparing a delicious and healthy drink is easy. A bag of tea (or one teaspoon) is poured with hot water, the temperature of which has reached 70-80°C. Boiling water is not used for brewing tea. You can enjoy the drink for four weeks. Then it is recommended to take a break of 10-14 days.

But if the purpose of using ginkgo biloba is to treat diseases, then traditional medicine recommends resorting to more effective means. Of course, after consultation with your doctor.

Alcohol tincture for brain activity

Description. To improve cerebral circulation, cleanse and strengthen blood vessels, it is recommended to use alcohol tincture. This tool increases attention, restores memory. He is appointed to people engaged in mental work. But for children, it is prohibited because it contains alcohol.


  • ginkgo biloba leaves - 50 g;
  • vodka - 700 ml.

Cooking process

  1. For the preparation of alcohol tincture of ginkgo biloba, you can use the leaves, both fresh and dry. Vegetable raw materials are crushed.
  2. The plant component is poured with vodka. You can take alcohol. But in this case, alcohol is diluted to 40% before use.
  3. The container is well clogged and left to infuse for two weeks. In order for the medicine to gain healing power faster, it is recommended to shake the bottle daily.
  4. After 14 days, the liquid must be filtered.
  1. With brain disorders, it is recommended to use a teaspoon of tincture.
  2. Before taking the medicine is diluted in water. Repeat the reception three times a day before meals.
  3. Continue treatment with alcohol tincture for 30 days. Then be sure to take a break in therapy for one to two weeks. After such a “rest”, the treatment can be repeated again.
  4. To increase potency, men are prescribed 15 drops of the drug twice a day. The tincture is also diluted in water. The duration of treatment is six months.

Decoction from pathologies of the respiratory system

Description. Healing decoction is used in the treatment of infectious diseases of the respiratory system. This remedy is recommended for use in tuberculosis. The drug helps with anemia, activates the production of insulin, therefore it is recommended in the treatment of diabetes.


  • vegetable raw materials - one tablespoon;
  • water - 300 ml.

The process of preparation and treatment

  1. You can buy herbal raw materials in a pharmacy. Usually the instructions on how to brew the herb are written on the package.
  2. For the treatment of the respiratory system, it is necessary to grind raw materials.
  3. The grass is placed in a container, poured with water and boiled over low heat for five minutes. The cooled agent is filtered.
  4. For infections in the respiratory organs, it is recommended to take a decoction of 50 ml three times a day for 10-14 days.
  5. If the medication is dictated by the need to treat tuberculosis, then use 70-100 ml of decoction three times a day. The duration of such treatment can be delayed for two months.

Ginkgo honey against stroke

Description. The reviews of neurologists show that the use of ginkgo-based products can prevent the development of a stroke, protect the patient from a heart attack and resist atherosclerosis. Regular use of ginkgo honey normalizes blood pressure in hypertension.


  • leaves - half a kilogram;
  • linden honey - 500 ml.

The process of preparation and treatment

  1. Vegetable raw materials are placed in the jar.
  2. The leaves are dipped in lime honey. Generally, recipes containing ginkgo biloba can include both fresh and dried herbs. But if the drug is prepared to prevent stroke, heart attack, then it is advisable to find a fresh leaf of a dinosaur tree.
  3. Thoroughly mix the ingredients.
  4. For two days, the mixture should be infused in the refrigerator.
  5. Use a medicine to combat hypertension, cleanse blood vessels or prevent the development of atherosclerosis, stroke, one teaspoon twice a day.

Leaves from aging, anemia

Description. For some diseases, traditional healers recommend the use of ginkgo biloba leaves in powder form. This treatment slows down the aging process. Dry powder is used for anemia. This therapy is also shown for aching limbs. The powder is prescribed in case of nervous exhaustion, hypertension, depression, to increase immunity.

The process of preparation and treatment

  1. Dry powder from the leaves of ginkgo biloba is consumed once a day in a teaspoon 30 minutes before breakfast.
  2. The mixture is thoroughly chewed. Wash down the "medicine" with a glass of water.
  3. The therapy is continued for one month.
  4. It is allowed to repeat the treatment course after a two-week break.

The use of a dinosaur tree in cosmetology

Unique raw materials have found application in cosmetology. Experts, for its ability to rejuvenate the body, call the "coeval of dinosaurs" the tree of youth. Ginkgo biloba provides a complex effect:

  • promotes rejuvenation;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • reduces puffiness;
  • smoothes wrinkles;
  • strengthens hair;
  • activates the growth of strands.

Ginkgo biloba is actively used in mesotherapy. It is used to improve the condition of mature skin. The drug is in demand in the correction of rosacea and to eliminate puffiness.

Analyzing reviews about the ginkgo biloba plant, it should be emphasized that positive opinions about the dinosaur tree are more common. But sometimes therapy is less successful, and most often due to an error in application. To enhance the beneficial effects of ginkgo biloba on the body, some ladies combine mesotherapy with the internal intake of plant materials. This combination can lead to an overdose. As a result, bruises or hemorrhages will appear on the skin.

Reviews: "Ginkgo biloba is a must for students in the session"

Hard work, stress, lack of rest, all these factors significantly undermine our health. With age, many people experience memory impairment, speech impairment, decreased mental activity, a constant feeling of fatigue, and drowsiness. It turns out that all these problems can be solved with the help of preparations based on Ginkgo Biloba. There are various preparations based on this plant, the pharmacy advised me the drug Ginkgo Biloba produced by Evalar in tablets. From my own experience I will say that the tablets begin to act on about the 10th day. Brain activity greatly increases, the feeling of drowsiness disappears. I have been using the drug for the second year.


Dad takes Ginkgo biloba forte along with Thrombo ACC, he was prescribed this in the complex - for blood vessels, in order to reduce the risk of stroke. He says it makes him feel good. Ginko biloba forte gives blood vessels a tone, strengthens, so his condition is better.


For the treatment of an asthenic condition after a traumatic brain injury, I was prescribed the drug Ginkgo Biloba. I took 2 capsules 2 times a day with meals. The course of treatment is 3 months. After the treatment of Ginkgo Biloba, my cerebral circulation improved, intracranial pressure, tinnitus, and dizziness disappeared. Sleep also improved, tachycardia and increased nervous tension disappeared. I was very swollen with intracranial pressure. This dietary supplement removed puffiness from the face and legs, thanks to a good, diuretic effect. All vegetative disorders disappeared for six months. I didn't notice any side effects. Throughout the course of treatment, I felt great. Unfortunately, asthenic conditions after a head injury are not completely treated. But this drug, for a long time, saved me from unpleasant symptoms.

(oksy36) Madam,

It was summer. I constantly suffered from absent-mindedness, I forgot a lot, my head hurt. And my own aunt advised me these pills supposedly help a lot. I bought it in a pharmacy for a small price. I started taking one tablet a day. A month later I got the first effect:
- Headaches are gone
- improved memory;
- mental performance increased;
- attention has become more concentrated;
- improved cerebral circulation.
I really liked it. Forgetfulness has passed, I began to memorize more information. I also learned that it is very useful to use it for the prevention of stroke.
If you have memory problems, then I advise you this drug.

(udacha) Svetlana,

For all students, Ginkgo biloba is a must! I am a student, and especially during the session I feel unwell, apathy, increased fatigue, absent-mindedness and irritability, I cannot sleep at night. In the morning my head hurts and I no longer want anything, but I have to pass exams. I learned about the drug Ginkgo Biloba from the Internet, read the reviews and decided to try it, because the price is low and there are almost no side effects, everything is natural. I took two tablets a day for a month. To be honest, I was amazed at the effect. The first thing I noticed was that my mood improved. Since I sleep well, the headaches are gone. Well, another big plus of this drug is that it has become easier to perceive and remember the material.


Nature has endowed ginkgo biloba, or as it is also called, ginkgo biloba, with unique properties that have been known since Taoist monks. They considered this tree sacred, not without reason believing that the one in whose garden there is this plant may not be afraid of old age, his body will remain young, and his memory and intellect will be amazing.

Description and features

It is difficult to say with certainty whether ginkgo biloba belongs to ferns or coniferous crops. There are different points of view on this matter, each of which is understandable. Yet most scientists argue that the plant owes its appearance to ferns.

Today in natural conditions large areas ginkgo biloba can be found in China, where there are real green giants with a stem thickness of up to two meters and a height of up to 40. In our country, it grows only on the Black Sea coast, and even then not everywhere.

The tree is incredibly beautiful, its height reaches 30 meters, and the spreading crown, especially in autumn, lights up with a palette of bright colors.

The ginkgo tree has one feature - to determine the male or female type a dioecious plant belongs, it is possible only when it is 25 or 30 years old, before distinctive signs do not appear. Representatives of the male type have earrings, it is in them that pollen is located. The female plant has rudiments, in which the process of seed setting takes place.

The main role in pollination is played by the wind, thanks to which pollen scatters over long distances. The fruits of ginkgo biloba ripen before the start of winter. The description of the tree would not be complete if we did not mention the seeds. The seeds also have features - this is an unpleasant odor and a peel that covers them in three layers.

Ginkgo biloba is a long-liver. Not every plant can boast that its age is more than 2000 years, and this is not uncommon for ginkgo biloba. The plant is unusually majestic and beautiful, and if you manage to grow it in your garden, you are guaranteed pleasant moments of pleasure from contemplating it.

Is it easy to grow such beauty, and what kind of care does the plant need?

What does correct fit mean?

Before planting any plant in the garden, and especially a tree, you need to carefully consider where it will be comfortable to grow. large trees, namely, these include ginkgo biloba, you need a lot of space, besides this, it loves sunlight. Therefore, you need to plant it in an open area, away from other plants. Remember that the plant does not tolerate transplanting well. The first three years, growth will be imperceptible, and it may seem that the tree is sick. Do not be discouraged, at this time there is an intensive growth and formation of the root system, and all the forces of the plant go into this process.

You can plant a tree as a seedling, or you can grow it from seeds that look like a white apricot pit.

In order for the seedling to take root quickly, it is important that the pit is large, and the roots are spacious in it. Care of a seedling for a long time consists in its uniform and regular watering. But do not overdo it, too abundant watering, as well as proximity groundwater can kill the plant.

Sometimes ash is brought into the pit during planting or mineral fertilizers. By the summer stock minerals dries up, so you can fertilize the seedlings complex fertilizers pouring them under a tree or spraying them on leaves.

We provide seedlings with the right care

The plant has no special preferences for the soil. Caring for them, as well as for adult plants, consists in regular watering, loosening the earth and weed control. It is generally accepted that ginkgo biloba - unpretentious plant and special care he doesn't need to. But still, something about his preferences will not be superfluous to know.

In order for a young tree to overwinter well, with the onset of cold weather it is covered with spruce branches or snow, if it has already fallen out. Do not worry if you notice that the lower branches have suffered from frost. Spring will come and leaves will bloom on them. Old specimens are not afraid of frosts down to -30C.

Winters, like fungal or viral diseases, are not afraid of ginkgo biloba. It tolerates pruning and crown formation without problems, it grows by a meter in a year, and sometimes more. The main thing is to protect it in the cold season from hares and mice, who love to feast on its bark and roots. But do not be discouraged, after damage by animals, the plant quickly recovers. Surprisingly, this giant does not even react to the deterioration of the ecological situation. Smoke, presence in the air a large number chemical elements, dust and soot in no way affect its growth and development.

How does a rare tree reproduce?

Ginkgo biloba, like most plants, propagates with the help of seeds and layering.

At the beginning of summer, cuttings are cut from middle-aged trees and rooted at room temperature, you can resort to the help of stimulants, since they take root poorly. You can use stem and root cuttings. Remove half of the leaves from the cutting. This process is not fast, so do not rush to see the result. Cuttings love moisture, it is better to spray water on the leaves. This method is especially popular among experienced gardeners, as it allows you to grow a seedling of a certain ornamental variety, which, thanks to the work of breeders, appeared in last years, a lot of.

When propagating by seeds, only seeds of the current year are used, otherwise their germination may disappoint you. Sometimes, for better seed germination, a stratification method is used. Ginkgo biloba seeds are sown in a container or box covered with foil in early spring. A month later, shoots will appear. They grow slowly, and only a year later the seedlings are planted in a permanent place.

Applications and unique properties

Unusual plant ginkgo biloba nature endowed with a whole storehouse of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Even ancient healers turned to him for help. Therefore, medicines based on it have found application both in folk and traditional medicine. Preparations based on it are used to treat diseases of the cardiovascular system, tuberculosis, senile dementia, fungal and viral diseases, strengthen immunity and prevent early aging of the body.

Landscape designers use it as decorative element in its natural compositions, and its variegated leaves, wide spreading crown and unusual fruits have long won the love and recognition of amateur gardeners.
