Lucky numbers of the zodiac sign Aquarius. How to find Aquarius lucky numbers

How about we discuss the numerological horoscope for Aquarius? What numerology says about this, the Horoscope will tell. Guru!

Numerological horoscope for Aquarius - four

The number of Aquarius in numerology is "four". Yes, yes, exactly four, the number of communication. With all the Aquarius extravagance and originality, he will not be able to do anything either original or extravagant if he does not feel that there are people next to him. More people! More! .. No audience - no Aquarius. And what's the point of acting for your own sake? It's going nowhere. No point, no point.

One might assume that since Aquarians are born in January and February, their numbers would be one and two. Alas, nothing close to the truth! The unit is the concentration personally on oneself. Aquarians, of course, are a little selfish, but how can you just take it like that - and refuse to communicate with people ?! Do not need it as an emergency?! A deuce is a little better, it's passion, an explosion of emotions. Aquarius also has enough of it. In general, they have “passed” the first three numbers, including the three - the seven. But what are we talking about, how can Aquarius be limited only by passion, if he needs crowds, more crowds ?! Not just to seduce, but to conduct full-fledged negotiations! ..

Aquarius is the eleventh sign in the zodiac. From this "eleven" does not become his number at all. In order to reach the ability of the “elevenths” to teach people, you need to go over the “fourths” with the ability to love life, logic, connection with higher worlds, career, spiritual path, and the ability to teach yourself all this. And Aquarius is still only at the level of "communicating with people" - between "love family" and "love life." Learn to love people! So let him study, there is no need for him to bet on the number "eleven".

In vain, Aquarians were afraid of change - the events of January 2019 will show that everything is going according to the best scenario and the chosen course is correct. Keep it up!
Your strength is creativity. Use it to the fullest when you find yourself stuck in a routine. An unexpected idea will save the day.

Favorable days for Aquarius in January 2019 – 10, 17, 19, 25, 27, 30
Bad days for Aquarius in January 2019 - 1, 5, 13, 14, 21

Aquarius career and finances in January 2019
After the New Year holidays, you will return to your native team with a lot of original ideas and immediately try to find like-minded people. But you will soon realize that it is not so easy. Firstly, after the holidays, many are not yet ready for labor exploits. And secondly, your proposals to some may seem somewhat out of touch with life. Perhaps that is the way it is. Your ideas are wonderful, but not fully thought out. And it is not entirely clear how to translate them into reality. Therefore, try to think through the entire line to the end. In a word, focus, draw up a clear plan of action, and then everything will work out for you.
With money in January 2019, Aquarius has order. Your acquaintances may not yet be able to repay your debt, but this will not affect your budget, so there is nothing to worry about.

Aquarius personal life in January 2019
In January 2019, Aquarians strive to achieve excellence in everything, and family relationships are one of the top priorities. You really want harmony to reign in everything. Maybe you shouldn't build castles in the air. Firstly, because now you are too worried about mere trifles, and secondly, the spouse does not understand what you want from him. In his opinion, everything is in perfect order in the family. Calm down! The husband does not hide anything from you, he is just not very inclined to dull conversations, but if you offer him a pleasant time together, he will take it with great enthusiasm. You can go to visit friends, visit the cinema, theater, restaurant. And, of course, do not forget about romantic tete-a-tete evenings. That's when you really get closer.
Free Aquarius in the middle of the month waiting for a romantic acquaintance, and possibly more than one. Do not rush to make a final decision, take a closer look at potential candidates for the hand and heart. If you make the right choice, there will be a chance to create a harmonious union.

Aquarius health in January 2019
In January 2019, Aquarius will not have to complain about health. Of course, the possibility of a cold, as well as digestive problems, cannot be completely ruled out. But, if you adhere to the principles of reasonableness in relation to health, you will be in great shape. Drink freshly squeezed juices, try to keep your feet warm, and avoid junk food. If you find that you have gained a few extra pounds during the holidays, do not be discouraged. You can easily lose weight if you do not torture yourself with diets. You need complete nutrition. Eliminate sweet, starchy, fatty and salty foods from your diet. Physical activity should also be moderate. Swimming, cardio training are ideal. Only without fanaticism! After a workout, you should feel a little tired - no more.

An astrologer will help determine the lucky numbers of the zodiac sign by compiling your natal chart. Photo from the site:

The planets are spinning

For Aquarians, important years in life, such transitional moments when it becomes possible to turn their lives around 180 degrees, are the periods when they turn 8, 12.16 years old, 22, 24 and 32 years old. In the same way, 40 years and 42 years, 48, 50 years and 52 years, 56, 60 years are important. And also 64 and 72 years old - at this age, for example, you can noticeably improve your health.

A billion is a lucky number for Aquarius

In the New Year on NTV Aquarius, luck will definitely await

Of course, you have already heard that on New Year's Eve you can take part in the drawing of more than one billion rubles. Festive lottery drawings Gosloto 5 out of 36 special edition, Gosloto 6 out of 45 special edition, Russian Lotto and Gosloto 4 out of 20 will be broadcast live on December 31, at 20.00, on NTV channel. And on January 1 at 12.00, watch the New Year draws of Gosloto 7 out of 49, 6 out of 36, the Housing Lottery and the Golden Horseshoe there.

And now let's see how this variety of dates and times of the day correlates with the lucky numbers for Aquarius that we talked about. So, firstly, December 31: if you add up the numbers that make up this two-digit number, then we get a lucky four for Aquarius! Great, so December 31 is a good day not only for celebrating the New Year, but also for participating in lotteries! Further, the time at which NTV will start broadcasting the draws - 20.00 - is again divided by four, which means that this is also our lucky number!

Continuing to follow the same logic, let's see in which particular holiday lotteries Aquarius can be especially lucky. This, of course, is “Gosloto“ 5 out of 36 ”- 36 is a multiple of 4; "6 out of 36" - 36 is a multiple of 4; “Gosloto“ 7 out of 49 ”- all the numbers that you see in the name of the lottery (7 + 4 + 9) add up to a multiple of four number 20!

In addition, we pay special attention to the premiere of the year! In Gosloto 4 out of 20, not only Aquarius can be lucky, but also everyone who purchases the corresponding lottery ticket on the website, through the Stoloto mobile application or at retail points of sale. After all, this is a completely new lottery, and everyone who plays it for the first time should definitely be lucky. Remember the old rule that beginners are lucky?!

Winning combinations are those where at least 2 numbers match in one of the fields. If you matched 4 numbers in the first field and 4 numbers in the second, you get a super prize - 1,000,000,000 rubles.
Get tickets for the New Year's draws, and be lucky for you!

Like every zodiac sign, Aquarius also has its own lucky numbers, and they actually work.

Aquarius Lucky Numbers

According to statistics, it is on those days on which the numbers of luck fall that the most pleasant events occur. These days, there are more chances to receive a gift, a promotion, hear kind and good words and understand that everything is not as bad as it might seem at some point.

Even a car number that contains a lucky number can in some way insure it and, accordingly, its owner from traffic accidents.

People who use book predictions know that a randomly opened page gives a more accurate prediction, especially if you count down or up the number of lines corresponding to your lucky number.

Let's list the lucky numbers for the zodiac sign Aquarius: these are 2, 4, 8 and all numbers divisible by four. Lucky numbers also include 9, 11, 13. In the lottery, 9, 14, 19 are considered lucky for Aquarius, as well as their combinations 91419, etc.

Every person who believes in lucky numbers or days is waiting for happy coincidences. Many try to simulate these coincidences by scheduling important meetings on these dates, and so on. But in general, you can either believe in lucky numbers or not.

They can play a key role in life. Like every zodiac sign, Aquarius has a lucky number that will have a huge impact on him. People rise to the next, highest level of their own development through overcoming themselves.

When a person develops, the likelihood of building a personal destiny most successfully increases. And this can help both intuition and various assistants in the form of talismans, lucky numbers and planets - patrons that play an important role in the fate of a person.

So, the planets Saturn and Uranus endowed Aquarius with incredulity, eccentricity, depression, confusion of thinking, imperiousness, superstition, fanaticism, blind faith in unrealistic actions, phobias, conservatism, a predisposition to denunciations of other people, irascibility, illusory thoughts, repeated exaggeration of their misfortunes, inability to control oneself, a predisposition to work against one's will, a passion to destroy everything around oneself.

But, despite all this, Aquarians are very easy to communicate with and love to be among people. The people around seem to feel openness to the communication of Aquarius and begin to reach out to them, like moths to the light. If you want to attract the attention of Aquarius, you need to tell him about something new, this will obviously attract and interest him. Aquarians hate monotony, and something new will surely excite and interest them.

Let's talk a little about lucky numbers and their effect on Aquarius. The lucky numbers for Aquarius are 4 and 8. They have a huge vibrating effect on this zodiac symbol. Aquarius should not forget about these numbers, because the composition of these numbers favorably has a great influence both on Aquarius himself and on all his affairs.

As you might guess, in order for Aquarius to succeed in work, it is necessary to conclude all important contracts on the 4th or 8th. Then the work begun will end favorably for Aquarius. On the fourth and eighth, Aquarius will always be lucky, although Aquarius himself may not notice this.

Lucky Years for Aquarius

People born under the sign of Aquarius can be very different in characteristics depending on which day they were born and under the influence of which planet.

Aquarians, who were born from January 21 to February 1, are under the influence of Venus and, as a rule, such people are delicate and shy, refined in love and melancholy. For them, happy talismans are such stones as: amethyst, aventurine, serpentine, rock crystal and jade, pearls and obsidian, sapphire, jasper and hawk's eye.

Important numbers for Aquarius born these days are 12, 22, also 32, 42 and 52.

Aquarians who are born February 2 - 11 are under the influence of Mercury. They are smart, gentle, a little conceited, very moral, and also have a good sense of humor.

Lucky talismans for them are stones: ametrine (amethyst, citrus), turquoise and onyx, lapis lazuli, sardonyx and chrysoprase, charoite, citrine and amber. Important life events for such Aquarius occur in the next 42, 50 60 years.

And Aquarius, who were born on February 12 - 20, are under the influence of the Moon. These are such natures that are easily disappointed, they are pleasant, modest, restrained, truthful, sensitive and adamant.

Lucky talismans for such Aquarians are stones: alexandrite, aquamarine and hyacinth, sapphire, garnet and tourmaline, zircon, chrysoprase and black star. The most important events in their lives occur at the age of 8, 16 and 24, the numbers 32, 40, 42, 48 and 56, 64, 72 are also favorable.

What are the principles of Aquarius happiness. Characteristics of the zodiac sign Aquarius.

Aquarius Secrets of Happiness

You are characterized by isolation and an excessive desire for a deep study of the surrounding reality; it does little to help you develop long-term attachments. Your feelings are more emotional than sexual. You also have a love for everything strange and unusual, and this tendency can become an obstacle in your desire to give happiness to the person you have chosen. It's not that you can't love deeply and sincerely... you just need a change, and that's the root of the problem.

It is for this reason that marriage is not your top priority, because the bonds and fetters of family life are not made for people like you. You can cool off to family life, which has become a serious test for you. You yearn for freedom, strive to follow your chosen path, finally you are willing to do what you want, and you will be outraged by the demands of another person and his interference in your affairs - you rebel against any bonds. However, you are not at all against interaction, the free play of feelings and thoughts, and you will be happy with the flexible union of two souls while maintaining complete freedom and mutual understanding. It's hard work, but maybe you'll get lucky!

Astrological Characteristics of Aquarius

Symbol: a person holding a jug.

Ruling Planet of Aquarius: Uranus.

Sign: air-fixed-positive.

Sign of the inventor, the seeker of truth.

The nature of the true "Aquarius": honest, loved by people, friendly, seeking the truth, hesitant, impractical; this person is kind, but suspicious, undisciplined, has a developed intuition, is tolerant of other opinions, impartial.

Positive qualities of Aquarius: honesty and pursuit of truth, kindness and attention to people, considerable creativity and intuition, tolerance, attractiveness and friendliness.

Negative Qualities of Aquarius: strangeness and eccentricity, impracticality, absent-mindedness, instability, intractability and indiscipline, a tendency to hesitate.

Your Aquarius Personality

All astrological schools agree that Aquarius is a sign of giftedness and creativity, and everyone sees this sign as a sign of failure and suffering. Your character is marked by extremes. You are the extreme individualist of the Zodiac. Despite your undoubted intelligence, you have a feeling of great indecision. On the one hand, you are very strong and very independent, you are a born humanist, on the other hand, you have a wonderful sense of humor, good-natured and impartial, which gives you the ability to laugh at yourself.

Your symbol - the water carrier - indicates your ability to enrich the world with new inspiring thoughts and ideals. You give more than you receive from the world, sincerely striving for the well-being of society and any individual.

Your sign - the eleventh in a row, "air" sign of the Zodiac - serves as a symbol of intelligence and creativity, and also a sign of help, friendly support and sincere camaraderie. All this brings you good luck and gives you a penchant for doing strange, unusual things.
