Ancient Russian amulets. Slavic amulets and their significance in modern times

At all times, the Slavs tried to protect themselves and their loved ones from evil, problems, slander, illness and mental anxiety with the help of amulets. If we touch on history, then the ancient Slavs worshiped the cult of the Sun, therefore Slavic amulets were always with solar signs, the main task of which is to protect the person wearing them.

You should not think that any amulet can protect a person, because there are no universal options, as, for example, in Christianity. In order for the amulet to serve as reliable protection, it must be properly selected. One of the clearest examples of Slavic amulets (individual) can be considered the solar sign of the Valkyrie, which was worn only by Slavic women who cared about protecting their kind and family. The charms of the Slavs have long been intended to create a kind of protective screen for a person, home, family from all sorts of troubles, illnesses and troubles.

Each Slavic amulet is individual, so it is important to select it not only for its beauty, but also for its value. Choosing a talisman is a complex process, requiring not only the definition of beauty criteria, but also basic knowledge about a particular type that will become a real helper, and not just another fashion accessory.

Each culture is characterized not only by its own epic and traditions, but also by its own system of esoteric images, in which, on the basis of the most elementary geometric figures, the foundations of being and worldview of representatives of a particular nationality are laid. We can safely say that symbols and emblems are an obligatory component of all religious denominations, communities and cultures.

Our Slavic ancestors had enough knowledge to compose their own

model of the device of the surrounding world. the brightest

the same shape as DNA. If we turn to the Sumerian epic Enuma Elish, then it clearly shows the connection between the Vedas of Ancient India, the basis of which can be safely considered Slavic traditions. This epic describes in sufficient detail the processes of the emergence of the solar system. Don't forget about
Mahabharata, which is written on the basis of the Perun Vedas. The history of the Slavs is full of secrets and mysteries, and anyone who wants to comprehend them should not just look at the pictures with Perun or Dazhbog, but really study the records and testimonies that have survived to our times in the epics of various countries. Unfortunately, some people, having seen and bought Slavic amulets, consider themselves descendants of the great Aryans, but this is not entirely true, because for them they are nothing more than a trinket, and such people have nothing to do with Slavic history.

These are far from all examples of the fact that the ancient Slavs had knowledge that modern mankind does not yet have. To maximize the preservation of the knowledge gained over the centuries, symbols were used - simple images that are much more understandable to a knowledgeable person than numerous volumes of libraries. By the way, paper media can be easily destroyed (just remember the Library of Alexandria), and a symbol applied to a talisman or just a stone will not be distorted by a certain vision and will retain its original meaning. Every descendant of the Slavs is simply obliged to know and understand the meaning of the foundations of ancient Slavic mythology, runes and amulets, because this is our history, no matter how hard they try to hide it behind Christian canons, it will remain a real story.

How to choose the right Slavic amulet

Slavic amulets and their meanings are a whole section of history, despite all simplicity and clarity at first glance. Everyone who decides to buy a Slavic amulet should know that it only benefits if it is charged on time and according to all the rules. In ancient times, this mission was undertaken by the Magi, who specialized in concentrating energy in the amulet. Today it is almost impossible to meet them, but this is not a reason to be upset - the amulet can be charged on its own if you follow a simple set of actions. You should not think that the process of loading the amulet resembles some kind of satanic actions with obligatory sacrifices, in most cases the forces of nature are used, unity with which for the Slavs has always been the most important magical ritual. In order for Slavic amulets to work to protect their owner, it is important to choose them correctly. Below are the main tips for choosing and using Slavic symbols in everyday life:

  1. ➡ It is necessary to choose a talisman rationally. It is not enough just to read about the amulet and its possible protection. It is worth spending more than one hour for a thorough study of each amulet, its properties, purpose, wearing rules and many other important points. It is important to initially determine the properties that the amulet should have. An important point is the metal from which it will be made - the most common is silver, as it combines the unique properties of purification, ionization, oxidation resistance and low cost, which is affordable for many
  2. ➡ If you are confident in your intuition before purchasing a talisman, then you can try to choose it, relying solely on it. But it is worth using intuition only if you have already carefully studied all the properties and effects of Slavic amulets. It is worth remembering that relying on “luck” does not always make sense, since the amulet is bought not to wear it for a couple of days, but for life. If you have any doubts about the purchase of a particular amulet, then it is better to consult with a specialist who will tell you everything in detail and help you choose the best option. It is important to understand that it is worth buying Slavic amulets from trusted manufacturers, not relying on merchants in the passages who offer symbols of the ancient Slavs of unknown origin and, at the same time, often with distorted runes and ancient signs;
  3. ➡ Slavic symbols on amulets are more than a beautiful and original decoration. This is a personal assistant, so after buying a charm, pay attention to changes in life, starting from the moment of its constant wearing. Such actions are necessary in order to understand that the main task of the amulet is your protection, and if the amulet does not protect its owner, then you may have chosen it incorrectly or used it incorrectly. All Slavic amulets protect their owners, but evil thoughts at the stage of charging the amulet or its incorrect use can nullify the positive impact. The amulet is only a symbol of protection, it is an assistant in righteous deeds, but a person himself is the blacksmith of his own happiness. Your fate directly depends on the decisions you make and subsequent actions. If you want the amulet to truly protect from adversity and disaster, constantly work on yourself, improve yourself, comprehend the physical and spiritual components of Being. Only in this way the amulet will become an assistant in achieving the goals set for itself.

Male and female amulets

All Slavic amulets are divided into two main categories - for men and for women. The basis of any amulet is the symbol depicted on it, associated with certain forces of nature. Despite the fact that faith in higher powers and gods today is not as great as it was before, amulets are closely connected with higher powers that constantly affect a person. That is why it is important not only to choose the right amulet, but also to charge it with pure thoughts, constantly wear it and believe in its magical power. It just so happened that in the beliefs of the ancient Slavs there was a clear division into male and female patrons, therefore, amulets should be chosen in accordance not only with the month of birth, but also with gender. Silver is considered a traditional material for the manufacture of Slavic amulets, since this metal has unique properties of purification and durability.

For many centuries, our ancestors widely used various items as protection. Perhaps, one cannot find such a Slavic house in which there would not be a single magical talisman. Slavic peoples have always been distinguished by their belief in the magical power of various household items, plants, minerals, metals, trees, and they also created them with their own hands.

Russian dolls-amulets with their own hands

To this day, Russian amulets are very popular and are used in various spheres of human life.

Russian folk amulets draw their strength and energy from nature. Their magical effect is as varied as their number. Each talisman or amulet carries its own energy, in its own way affects a person and his life.

Categories of Russian amulets

To date, amulets can be divided into the following categories:

  • Magical items that were created by one's own hands, bought or donated.
  • Symbolic amulets - various drawings and images on household items, clothing and weapons.
  • Magical conspiracies, prayers - that is, those that need to be spoken or read.
  • The most common magical amulet for each baptized person is his cross.

Each magical item, each conspiracy or prayer affects a person in different ways.

How to choose a charm for yourself

For the correct choice of one or another magic item, you need to clearly define your goals and the end result from its use. If your main desire is to achieve material well-being, success and good luck, you need to choose a talisman from this category. If you need protection against evil spirits, use a protective talisman. If you need to recover from a serious illness, use healing amulets.

When your goal is clearly set, proceed to the choice of the talisman you need. You can buy it in specialized stores or do it yourself. It depends on your capabilities and desires.

Russian folk amulets-bags

Buying a charm is not so difficult. Carefully study the characteristics and description of the item you have chosen, study its photo on the Internet or in a specialized book. You need to choose a charm according to your taste. Listen to your heart - it will definitely tell you the right choice. If you feel cold from a thing or it repels you with something, you should not take such a thing.

Making a charm with your own hands is the best option. With this method, you put your soul and energy into the subject. Thus, you charge it for yourself, and it gains the greatest power.

Russian amulets for the home

In ancient times, it was very problematic to find a house in which there would not be a single magical thing. In such houses, one could often find herbal brooms, pendants, amulets, magical embroideries, and a lot of other interesting things. Herbs such as wormwood, nettle, juniper branches, and so on were considered the most common herbal amulets.

The Russian amulet, which was intended to protect the home, was most often placed near the front door. Brooms were often harvested from herbs, bags were stuffed, rooms were fumigated and special decoctions were made. Healers recommend that travelers take a bag of wormwood on a long journey. It will protect its owner from injuries, troubles and make the trip more successful.

Horseshoes are one of the many amulets that bring good luck. To protect the dwelling from unclean forces, it was recommended to hang it so that its ends were directed downwards. To attract prosperity, success and good luck - it was hung upside down. To enhance the magical effect of the horseshoe, it was decorated with small branches of wormwood.

Horseshoe for the home and its meaning

Handmade bells have long been considered a symbol of well-being and good news. This magical item is able to bring good luck, success and prosperity to the house. The ringing of bells scares away all evil spirits from the house and cleanses the home of negative energy.

Bell in every house

How to protect your child with a Slavic amulet

For young children, the Slavs made various dolls, pendants and embroidery on clothes. Pregnant Slavic women made various amulets for their future babies. Sometimes women used such amulets for their own protection in order to protect themselves from premature birth.

Unbaptized children are very susceptible to evil eye and spoilage. Therefore, protective amulets are especially necessary for them. At baptism, the child must wear a cross. He will protect him throughout his life.

Next to the baby's crib, Slavic mothers put specially made hand-made protected dolls. Such dolls accompanied babies from the very first days of their life.

Another equally important protective item for babies is a pin. For girls, it was attached to the wrong side of the clothes, and for boys - in the side pocket.

How to protect newlyweds from evil spells

The family for the Slavic peoples has been revered and valued since ancient times. That is why many protective amulets and spells were invented for wedding ceremonies. Such items were supposed to protect the young family from disintegration, misfortune and omissions, and also contributed to the creation of a strong family union.

The mother of the future bride made special dolls - Lovebirds. This was one of the most important gifts for a young family. The main difference between such a talisman and a simple doll is one hand for two. She was a symbol of family happiness, prosperity, harmony and joy. At the end of the wedding ceremony, this amulet must be securely hidden and not shown to anyone.

Lovebird dolls for a wedding for young people

On the day of the wedding, the newlyweds were required to attach a needle without an eyelet to their clothes. The bride was attached to the hem, and the groom - on the belt. Then for forty days in a row you need to wear this amulet on your clothes.

How a brownie helps your home

Modern people still believe in the existence of a brownie to this day. In order to appease a resident of your house, you need to feed him. Put the brownie in a small plate or saucer and pour milk into it. If this is not done, the brownie may get angry with you and harm you.

Brownie can be made by hand. For this process, it is not recommended to use knives, scissors and various piercing objects. It is made from natural materials, without the use of synthetics. You can take burlap or linen fabrics, buttons for the eyes, ribbons for decoration.

Russian Amulet Domovenok, its meaning

Make your brownie cute so that he will surely please your family and household. The finished brownie can be placed in the kitchen or planted on the bedside table. The presence of such a talisman in your home helps to attract well-being, prosperity, happiness and good luck to it.

Whisk for home

The Slavs considered a broom to be a very good amulet for their home. Such an object may well become a symbol of the family hearth. Traditionally, it was hung in the kitchen. It must have twelve components in its composition. It is in this case that he brings happiness and prosperity to the house.

If you hang this item with a whisk down, it will protect your home from quarrels and all sorts of disagreements. A panicle facing upward is able to attract material well-being into the house.

If you use not one, but several magic items at once in your home, you can enhance the magical effect.

What is the meaning of magic items

  • A horseshoe brings good luck and luck to the house.
  • Material wealth and financial well-being - a spoon.
  • Calm, quiet and measured life, as well as health - a scallop.
  • The male power is carried by the horse.
  • The bird has female power.
  • Productivity and fertility - plants.
  • The moon protects from magical influences.
  • The sun is a solar symbol.
  • Fertile lands - a rhombus.

The meaning and effect of magic items can vary. It all depends on the presence of the required symbol or its absence. An example would be a doll. If you put a spoon in her hand, it will become a symbol of prosperity and prosperity. And if a diamond is depicted on her clothes, she will help a woman give birth to a child.

Our ancestors quite often used various amulets in magical acts and rituals. Handmade amulets were of great importance. It is very important to properly make your amulet in accordance with all requirements and rules. And then he will serve you well.

The most famous Slavic amulets and their meaning

Fern flowers. They are fiery symbols and represent spiritual purity. The Slavs considered such a talisman to be strong enough. He has a special magical power and is able to reveal all his potentials in a person, makes him happy and successful in life.

Russian will pick the color of a fern

Such a talisman as the Valkyrie will preserve and increase in a person a sense of justice, honor, wisdom and dignity. It is a symbol of all warriors, protects from various troubles and misfortunes.

Odolen-grass has been used since ancient times to protect itself from all sorts of misfortunes and ailments. This fiery sign is able to scare away any ailments, it cleanses the body and soul of a person.

The cross of the frets of the Virgin or Ladinets has long been a talisman for family happiness and prosperity. It preserves harmony and happiness in the house, protects from the evil eye. Such a charm is recommended to be worn by girls who want to successfully marry.

How to make the right choice

A very important aspect when choosing a talisman for yourself is your own intuition. You should have the feeling that this magical thing is yours.

If you do not have this sensation, apply tactile sensations. The thing should not come from cold. It should radiate a feeling of warmth. You should not choose a mascot only by its external parameters or newfangled trends. Such a thing is unlikely to bring you good luck.

Amulet Lunnitsa, to protect women

There is an opinion: "A real amulet should be made only of gold." But this is by no means the case. Yes, gold, like a precious metal, very well absorbs the energy of its owner, his thoughts and feelings. But this metal is not suitable for everyone.

Healers do not recommend using jewelry that has already been worn before you as a talisman. They can carry a fairly strong charge of negative energy. It is best to choose a new decoration as a protective talisman.

A fairly large number of people do not perceive gold as a talisman. It just doesn't suit them. Such people are advised to wear jewelry made of other metals. These include silver, platinum, titanium and other jewelry.

Since ancient times, silver has been used to purify and protect against negative energy. This metal has a rather beneficial effect on the entire body.

Amulets are made not only from metals. They are wooden, made of minerals and stones, made of bone, rag and so on.

Russian amulet Svarog

An important aspect when choosing your talisman is the master. It is very important that he has sufficient knowledge in the manufacture of a magical item.

Spirituality also plays a significant role. When making the amulet, it is necessary to arrive in a good mood, there should be no negative thoughts. Otherwise, your amulet can absorb all this negativity.

Wooden and stone amulets require much more attention than those made from other materials. They require special skills and considerable experience from the master. The choice of a tree as a talisman must be determined by the date of your birth.

Stones are selected based on their life positions, goals and principles. When choosing such materials, it is best to entrust your choice to professionals.

How to clean and charge your amulet

It is not recommended to use a new amulet without first cleaning it. This ritual should not be neglected. The easiest way to clean the amulet with your own hands is to keep it in running water for two hours. This type of cleaning cannot fully make your talisman suitable for its subsequent use.

Slavic symbol Kolovrat - the sun

The amulet must be charged. If your amulet is made of gold, it already has a certain strength and power in itself. But to enhance it, you can put the product on a white tablecloth so that the sun's rays touch it. Say the following words over the talisman:

"Sun-Yar, fill this Amulet and protect me!"

There are several levels for charging amulets:

Rites performed by priests in specially designated places, in compliance with the necessary rules.

Self charging. It is done by hand. This level of charging a magic item does not require special skills. They can be performed after watching video clips on the Internet or from a photo.

If you decide to clean the amulet yourself, the choice of a conspiracy is of great importance. It must be carefully selected. Any thoughts can materialize. Therefore, great importance must be given to your thoughts and feelings. It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions and perform the necessary actions.

The power of a protective amulet and its significance for a person

From the first days of using the amulet, it is quite difficult to understand its strength and the extent of its impact on the human body. Its power can be felt only after regular use. Some amulets can develop various feelings in a person from nausea to diarrhea.

Such processes occurring in the body indicate that the cleansing of the body begins. And they can last for varying amounts of time. It all depends on the contamination of the body and the energy of the person. The more the body is clogged, the longer the cleaning process will last.

Charms for home and family

Quite often at our grandmothers we could meet various tablecloths, scarves and towels. On them they embroidered all sorts of patterns and ornaments. To an ignorant person, they would seem like simple drawings. Actually it is not. These embroideries were a kind of protection from the unclean and the power and influence of magic. Made by hand, they had a very powerful force.

Embroideries on various products were very popular in those days. The thing is that in ancient times there were no TVs, no Internet, no other gadgets, and the only entertainment for women was embroidery. Absolutely all Slavic clothes and household items were embroidered with special patterns.

Embroidery on towels - cockerel

But not only the clothes of the Slavs had protective functions. Housing also has this function. His most vulnerable places were necessarily decorated with special protective amulets. Very often one could find amulets above the front door. Horseshoes and all sorts of magical objects were often used for this function.

To protect the house from evil spirits, not only charms were used inside the house, but also outside. For this purpose, various figurines were placed in the courtyard, plants were planted that repel evil spirits. Magic symbols could also be found on the fences. They protected the house from the evil spirit. “Secret” amulets were also made, which were hidden somewhere in the attic or in the basement.

Sometimes one might think that the Slavs simply decorated their homes with their patterns. But this is far from true. They carried in themselves exclusively protective functions.

Bells and bells also have very good protective properties. Since ancient times, the ringing of bells has been scaring away evil spirits from the home. It is not for nothing that bells are an indispensable attribute in temples and churches.

It was a very symbolic action if a person put on red clothes. This color, as our ancestors believed, repels the evil spirit, evil eye and damage. White clothes were considered pure and innocent, and green was considered a male symbol and symbolized protection.

Russian folk amulets - clothes

Combs for combing hair were indispensable for many magical rites. They were used to comb the hair of a sick person during his healing. A very good sign is the seven rays on the ridge. They symbolized the sacred number seven. Such a comb gave its owner protection from many diseases, protected from the evil eye and did not allow to grow old.

Most often, amulets for women were made of solar metals. Such magical items could not be allowed in every Slavic family. Therefore, the poor seven often used copper amulets.

Slavic men also had their own special amulets. Most often they were made in the form of various cufflinks, plaques, crosses, rhombuses and swastika elements. They wore special pendants made from animal bone or the fang of a predatory beast. Such pendants served their owner and protected him from all sorts of dangers.

Bracelets made of various materials were used as amulets. Both women and men could wear them. They were made from glass beads, animal bones, metal wire, ropes and threads. The richer a person was, the more complex and expensive his bracelet was. Sometimes entire scenarios were depicted in such bracelets.

Since ancient times, fingers have been decorated with rings and rings. The most significant ring in life is a wedding ring. It signifies family union and fidelity.

Modern Slavic amulets

Quite often we use amulets in the modern world without even suspecting it. We intuitively choose for ourselves various little things in the form of pebbles, figurines, pendants or coins. We ourselves, without knowing it, choose a talisman for ourselves. We acquire items that we like not because we want to. When we go on a trip, we bring magnets and decorations with us.

We do not choose subjects that we do not like. From this follows the conclusion: "The thing itself chooses us as the owner."

You can have in your arsenal not one, but several amulets at once. For these purposes, you can choose amulets for protection, for health, for purification, for success and well-being. That is, those that are necessary for you or your family.

And remember: Any protective amulet requires special attention. Therefore, it is necessary to pay due attention to your amulet. You need to love, appreciate and believe in your magical amulet.

Slavic amulets have not lost their relevance today. Many use various attributes of culture to help in everyday life. A variety of talismans makes it possible to choose a magical attribute according to its appearance, ease of use and value.

What amulets are

Unlike the Orthodox cross, amulets are selected individually, they differ in meaning, strength and gender:

  • men's,
  • women,
  • baby,
  • good luck
  • to achieve a certain goal
  • for protection from the evil eye, from damage,
  • from evil spirits
  • from trouble
  • to attract luck.

There are also amulets that allow you to achieve harmony with the inner world of a person, for healing, for balancing overly pronounced character traits.

How to choose the right Slavic amulet

Slavic amulets were created to protect their owner. The choice of an assistant is primarily due to the energy contained in the symbol. Before purchasing or making a talisman, it is necessary to carefully select the signs corresponding to the desired result.
Having studied the meaning of the symbols, pay attention to the convenience of wearing the Slavic talisman and its external design. Selected symbols can be used on rings, bracelets, necklaces, belts and clothing without cutouts.
Each ancient amulet has its own patron. Considering that in ancient Slavic culture the patrons of men, women, children, wealth, good luck, hunting, wars, households are different, the amulet is chosen taking into account not only the purpose, but also gender.

Important. Ancient Slavic symbols bring happiness only to those people whose thoughts and desires are pure. If a person does evil or thinks constantly about bad things, the action may turn out to be the opposite.

Women's Slavic amulets

Pagan amulets were made by the main woman of the family, wise with experience and possessing strong energy, a mother or wife. The most widespread were embroidered signs, present everywhere: on clothes, towels, blankets.
In addition to clothing and women's jewelry, Slavic symbols were applied to household items used in everyday life.

The main purpose of women's amulets is to protect the successor of the family from evil and contribute to the birth of healthy children.

Women's symbols play an important role, each at its own stage. Change of age (girl, girl, woman) and position (marriable, wife, mother) have their own symbols and signs that help in a given situation.


Contributes to the creation of a family, the bearing and birth of a strong and healthy child.

In addition to procreation, a sign of happiness and love protects against diseases and the evil eye. In modern times, it is popular with girls who want to meet their love and successfully marry.

Yaryvik Scorcher

The Firebringer is represented by a two-sided amulet. The combination of these symbols helps a woman to more easily survive the bearing and birth of a child, has a powerful protective energy from the evil eye, damage and disease, attracts good luck and helps to increase wealth.


Ognevitsa is a female amulet intended for women who have given birth to children. It has protective energy and is designed to protect the mistress of the house from evil. The use of the amulet by young girls who have not become mothers is not permissible.

Amulets of Lada-Virgin Mary

The symbols of the goddess of love contribute to the preservation of women's health, beauty and longevity. They protect the owner from human malice and contribute to the creation of a happy family.
(cross frets) contributes to the preservation of women's health, fret star allows you to successfully marry and give birth to healthy children. At the same time, both symbols are strong amulets protecting the mistress of the house from the evil eye, damage and evil spirits.


The choice in favor of a woman in labor should be made by girls who want to have a baby. The amulet helps conception, gestation and relieves labor pains. Wearing the symbol of a woman in labor helps a woman cope with birth depression and protects the unborn baby from the evil eye and damage.


Created for mature women, it helps to find the strength to preserve the family hearth and protects from evil.

Men's Slavic amulets

Men's amulets were made by a woman (wife or mother) or magi, it was not recommended to make talismans on your own in those days. Ancient Slavic symbols of gods or good spirits of nature were used in the manufacture of amulets to protect in battle or strengthen male power.
Amulets forgotten:
Fibulae were fasteners or buckles with the image of the selected symbol.
Magical grass or cuts of the family worn in a purse on the belt.
Claws or teeth of animals (birds).
Forms of amulets used today:
embroidery on clothes or household items;

What to look for when choosing a talisman

Before choosing your symbol of good luck, you should familiarize yourself with the power of the amulet. What does the sign mean and how to use it for good. An important difference between a male amulet and a female one can be its prostate. Women's are more richly decorated.
Slavic gods giving strength to men through symbols:
And ;

Sword in the star of England.

Each ancient Slavic symbol has its own strength and meaning, often the choice depends on the type of activity, personal qualities and preferences. In addition to male and female elements, the amulets of the Slavs are represented by a wide variety of unique talismans that do not depend on gender. These can be images of totem animals, good spirits or signs of the Gods.

Universal Slavic amulets suitable for men and women

Slavic amulets suitable for both women and men are made of silver in the form of pendants or rings, of wood in the form of bracelets or pendants, or of leather, and the symbol also has power when embroidered on clothes.

List of universal amulets suitable for everyone:
promotes spiritual cleansing. Not recommended for single girls and boys before starting a family.
more related to a male sign that gives strength, but it will also help a woman in household chores and needlework. The most common variant of such a talisman is the image of the sun, especially in children's clothing and interiors.
is a symbol of a young family, helps to maintain love and respect in the family and give birth to a healthy child. From the moment of the conclusion of the union and until the appearance of the first-born, it is worn by both spouses, after the birth of the baby it is removed and removed from prying eyes, after which the power of the amulet extends to the whole family.
(fern color) protects from the evil eye and damage.

Amulet (symbol) of God Veles helps to discover and develop hidden potentials, shows the way. Strengthens the connection with the other world during the ritual, helps to comprehend the wisdom of the ancestors. Represents an inverted A.
helps in spiritual development.
helps to maintain health and promotes procreation. The sign represents the movement of the sun.
balances the character, helps to achieve harmony, clean the house.
protects from the evil eye and spoilage, gives strength in daily affairs, can be found in modern patterns depicted on clothes and bed linen.
Source interprets the essence of man. Helps to find harmony between mental and physical development, guides the owner on the path of life.
Rubezhnik helps to overcome obstacles and achieve harmony between mind and soul. Refers to amulets helping to know the world.
helps to gain self-confidence and optimism, allows you to capture the essence in small things.
helps women to preserve their youth, and men to defend their point of view.
helps to believe in oneself and overcome difficulties.
more suitable for men, but in a difficult life situation it will not hurt a woman either.

Genus symbol helps honest and kind people. When parents are disrespected or a dishonest life, punishment awaits. The amulet is universal.
Flower of Life helps to tune in to a positive mood and increases good energy, which contributes to obtaining the desired result, you need to wear it constantly.

Slavic amulets for children

Slavic amulets for children have always been made by the mother. They were hung over the cradle or applied to clothes and kept the baby from the evil eye and spoilage, protected from diseases, influenced the character and fate of the child.
Up to 3 years, the main amulet of the baby was considered parental clothing, where the boy was wrapped in clothes
father, and for the girl - maternal. No other amulets were worn as a wearable symbol so as not to prevent the child from growing on his own. Upon reaching the age of 3, wearable talismans were also used.

From 0 to 3 years

Amulets for a child under 3 years old can be depicted on towels, a blanket, a carpet, curtains, a crib and other household items.
The main protective amulet of children was, the main sign of the family.
The amulets of the child were also: rattles (knockers), bells that scared away evil spirits.
The following possessed protective properties: the sun, the bird and the bunny.

From 3 to 7 years old

By the age of 3, children began to use body amulets made of wood, flax, birch bark, and silver. In addition to the sign of the clan (alatyr), children were given a charm with the symbol of the Slavic goddess Lada (Ladin). Until the age of 7, there were no differences based on gender.
The main symbols of the Slavs for children's amulets of this age were used in the manufacture of rings, bracelets, pendants: Ladin, Molvinets, torch, genus.
Additionally, toys protected children: mallets, a wheelchair horse, bells, bells, rattles.

From 7 to 14 years old

After 7 years, symbols reflecting the profession and totem animals, suitable for the character of the child, became amulets. For boys, images: anvils, swords, shields, a plow, for girls - a spindle.
The protective symbols of girls are also ornaments of the plant world.

From 11-14 years old

The age of 11-14 years assumed the passage of the rite of initiation (naming) where the child was given a name and a talisman was determined according to his inner qualities. From this age, children received the right to wear
symbols of Slavic gods, spirits or totem animals patronizing each tribe. The child became an adult and it was believed that from that time on he himself was responsible for his actions.

Slavic amulets for the home

Amulets of the house were applied to windows and doors. Hang from the ceiling or opposite the door. They have protective properties from evil spirits and can attract good luck, wealth to the house. The protection of the house remained with the keeper of the hearth.

dunia an amulet with great power, applied to windows or an altar inside the house, served to preserve the foundations of the Family. It can be used as a wearable amulet regardless of gender and age. Gives the wisdom of the family and helps to learn the traditions.
Rodovik is aimed at preserving the peace and harmony of the family, work and wisdom are 2 components of this sign. All his actions are aimed at improving the good of the clan (family). As wearable
could be applied to household items and was intended to serve as protection against evil spirits and ailments.
- this is the most powerful Slavic amulet at home from the evil eye, damage, squabbles and rubbish. Keeps peace, tranquility and health in the house, has inexhaustible energy.
An important role among the amulets of the house was occupied by various dolls attracting prosperity and happiness, protecting from evil spirits and helping to keep harmony in the family. Charm dolls are used to this day.

Slavic amulet dolls

Old Russian dolls accompanied a person all his life. Each had its own meaning and performed certain “duties”: a woman in labor protected a pregnant woman and helped in childbirth, a large woman provided a harvest, and a rich man provided prosperity, they were made for health to help in recovery, there were dolls for every occasion, each had its own peculiarity.

Dolls were made for the holidays, made for various events (wedding, harvesting, the onset of spring), and were given to loved ones as a wish for health, happiness, and a strong family.
Each family had up to a hundred dolls, where some were put on display, while others were hidden from prying eyes. Some dolls were kept all their lives and moved with a woman to her husband's house, and some were burned during certain ceremonies.

What were Slavic amulets and talismans made of?

The material for the manufacture of protective talismans were natural materials: flax, wood, straw, animal bones, beaten out in stone, embroidered on clothes, handbrakes, blankets.
Nowadays, amulets are made from animal bones, wood and leather. There are also amulets in gold execution.

Slavic tattoo amulets and their meaning

The application of a protective symbol on the body ensures the constant wearing of the sign, however, the choice of a tattoo must be approached consciously. Any Slavic sign has a certain power and influences the events and character of the owner; therefore, it must be applied to the body until psychological maturity is reached (about 30 years).

The Slavs believed that a tattoo provides protection from evil forces, heals the spirit and body, and indicates the qualities of a person. At the same time, animal symbols were more often used by warriors to show their strength and enlist support during the battle.
Can be applied to the body:
images of epics;
Pagan gods (Veles - the patron of medicine and land works, Perun - strength, Svarog - the keeper of wisdom and knowledge accumulated over the centuries, Yarilo - the sun god);
good spirits (brownie - the keeper of the house);
images of animals (bear, wolf, lynx, lion, eagle);
Slavic runes (magic writing);
plexus of foliage, branches and trees;
symbols of the gods (swastika).

Tree of Life

A tree was often depicted, symbolizing the connection of 3 worlds (the world of gods, people and the dungeon), was a symbol of fertility and life. Also, the tree of life was a symbol of the connection between generations past, present and future.


Tattoo Ladinets is considered a symbol of female happiness, helps to find harmony and maintain love and fidelity in the family, protects from squabbles and betrayals.


The Valkyrie symbol symbolizes wisdom, justice, honor and nobility. In ancient times, this symbol was applied by warriors to form the listed qualities of character.
The main strength of this amulet is the protection of the homeland, the amulet refers to the solar (solar) symbol reflecting longevity and eternal life.

Suitable for strong men and women of dangerous professions (police, military, fireman), helps in new endeavors.

fern flower

The fern symbol has healing power, symbolizes the frequency of the spirit.

Slavic runes

Runes are a special script of the Slavs (like Chinese characters) that has magical powers. Each sign has a certain power. Runes can be applied to the body in the form of a tattoo or on amulets made of wood, leather, silver.

Nauzy - protective knots

Knots are designed to protect from evil people, diseases and the evil eye. Woven from nettle and flax. Everyone can wear such amulets, regardless of age and gender. Nowadays, nodular magic also has power. How to make a thread amulet for a child. It is necessary to tie a knot on a red thread and put it on the baby's wrist.

Good day to all. My readers are so interested in amulets that I will continue to write new information about them. The article - "Slavic amulets and their meaning" will help you choose your amulet.

Amulets from antiquity

To protect the house, give themselves courage, fearlessness, the ancient Slavs used various magical symbols. They were placed on clothes, weapons, household items.

The Slavs used 16 signs of the zodiac, each zodiac had its own symbol. A nominal amulet was made. Before putting on an amulet to which it was intended, it was loaded on oneself or on a person.

A charged thing endowed a person with those qualities that could help him in life. Name amulets protected a person throughout his life, endowing him with those qualities that he lacked.

How to choose a charm

Today, your favorite hand-made thing can become a talisman, or you can look at a ready-made symbol.

When choosing ready-made jewelry, you should pay attention to important nuances:

  • Immediately decide who the amulet is chosen for - a woman, a man, young or old.
  • For daily wear, it is necessary to take into account the purpose of the amulet.
  • What form should it be in?
  • Carefully study the interpretation of the sign you have chosen.

The most revered Slavic amulets and their meaning

There are many variants of symbols that were revered by the Slavic peoples, but all of them are defenders from all evil. It is possible to distinguish a special group of signs that were used in the manufacture of jewelry, embroideries, even for buildings, premises, and interior items.

The oldest woman in the family was usually engaged in the manufacture of amulets. When creating strong amulets, thoughts should be kind, clear, so complete silence was established in the house. Traditionally, a man was allowed to wear one amulet, and a woman several.

Among the large group of defenders, one can name Makosh. This is a female talisman. He keeps the warmest qualities necessary for good family relationships. It was worn by mature women who maintained traditions, family ties, respected their family.

Makosh- a symbol of happiness, prosperity, abundance in the house. This sign is considered the protector of the family from dark forces, capable of endowing the health of all family members, bringing peace and abundance to the house.

Ladinets is an 8-pointed star with curved ends. It is believed that for a woman it is very useful, as it relieves pain, protects against female diseases, and helps to lose weight.

Our forefathers wore it as protection from damage, the evil eye, curses, evil thoughts.

The Slavs wore Molvinets to protect them from evil thoughts, words, and slander. They believed that he would protect the whole family. It is worth noting that Molvinets often showed off on clothes for children. Also, this sign was found on the bodies of the Magi in the form of tattoos.

And in our time, the Molvinets tattoo is becoming more and more popular. It is worth noting that any mistake in a tattoo can completely turn your life around, and it is not known in what direction.

Valkyrie is a male sign. He endowed a man with strength, wisdom, especially in resolving conflicts. Usually it was presented to warriors.

A universal amulet that has the power of the Sun itself. For those who honor their kind, this sign brought wisdom, understanding, warmth to the hearth. To charge this talisman, you need to put it under the rays of the sun and hold it for at least three hours.

The Lada Star or Lada Mother of God is a symbol of love. He is considered the protector of the house from dark otherworldly forces, and the family - from various kinds of adversity. The star was often applied to the wall of the dwelling so that the Goddess would take the whole family under her protection.

In order for the amulet to help, the wearer must have pure thoughts, sincerity, an open soul to his family, relatives and friends.

Silver amulets

Slavic amulets for the strong half kept health, gave protection during the hunt, brought good luck in everything. Most often, male talismans were cast from silver, sometimes from copper. Men did not wear them as pendants, wives and mothers embroidered their image on their shirts.

The most popular male silver sign is the Hammer of Svarog. It can be presented to relatives and close men. He will become a real assistant in the development of a new profession, a defender from various life hardships. It will help you gain peace of mind and self-confidence. For family people it will help to create a strong family, a warm family hearth.

The description of the next amulet suggests that the representative of the stronger sex, who will get the Znich symbol, will feel nourished from the Cosmos, have protection in dangerous or difficult situations.

The wearer of this amulet will strive for knowledge, will be able to find true love, also Znich will help to flare up old feelings. In a difficult situation, it will help to strengthen the strength of the spirit, to become an energy accumulator. The main thing is to ask him for help!

The ax of Perun will give the male half physical and spiritual strength, help protect the main human values ​​\u200b\u200b- faith, family, love. God Perun is ready to punish enemies, and to support the bearer of this amulet in battle, to give him strength.

There is also the Shield of Perun, which will protect against the evil eye, cleanse a person’s thoughts, and give strength to cope with difficult life problems.

The seal of Veles Bear Paw is the patron and protector of a man, but on condition that he should not part with this sign all his life. God Veles will help to achieve great success in work, bestow wealth, diligence, but one must sincerely believe in this.

For the house, to protect it from fire, applied to the walls.

General charms for men and women

The main part of the amulets was cast, since the ancient Slavs believed that this metal was endowed with magical powers. Often there were amulets made of gold, as you like. Among the talismans especially revered by the ancestors was Kolard.

Symbol Kolrad helps everyone who wears it. On modern jewelry, you can often see this particular symbol, which can be done after charging.

An ideal gift can be bracelets, pendants with this sign. So that the symbol does not negatively affect fate, girls and boys who have not married do not need to wear such jewelry.

The main amulet of the Slavs

Slavic amulet Cross does not apply to Christianity. This one of the main symbols of the Slavs denotes the four cardinal directions, that is, its owner is protected from adversity and misfortune from all four sides. It is believed that its owner has a powerful support of the ancestors.

The cross has several varieties that have their own power:

  • Perunov sign- a strong male amulet. He endows its owner with wealth, courage, courage, and his kind with power, a large number of children.

  • amulet star of the cross used by merchants. He gave good luck, movement in business.

Crosses were made of gold, silver, copper, bone, leather, stone, wood. It was often embroidered on clothes.

Sun symbol

Kolovrat is a sign of the sun, on which everything in this life depends. He brought people

  • the power of solar fire, fertility;
  • victory over enemies, the forces of darkness;
  • fortitude, health;
  • faith in the future;
  • protection from the evil eye, damage.

Do not be surprised if a person who has this amulet suddenly starts to get lucky in everything! This solar energy gives the power of creation in good deeds. But in evil deeds, the opposite can happen.

Any amulet should be cleaned and charged. Kolovrat also needs it. Hold it in running water for two hours, you can in the water of the stream. After cleansing, pass the wax over the flame three times. After that, carry Kolovrat with you for 3 days so that it is recharged with your energy. Just remember to clean it every six months.

Alatyr - a charm with miraculous power

People firmly believed in the power Alatyr- heavenly stone. It was worn as a charm, embroidered on shirts, painted on household items. The powerful Alatyr gave protection to everyone. Even small children wore it.

The talisman drove away evil evil spirits from the threshold, sheltered from diseases.

Magic Talismans

amulet Fern flower our ancestors attributed magical properties, believing that he was endowed with unprecedented healing capabilities even from deadly diseases. In order for the amulet not to lose its magical qualities, it must be regularly carried over the flame of a candle.

We have already written about what bring happiness, protect from evil people, help on long journeys. Many of my readers have already learned how to make such amulets.

It is not bad to learn how to embroider ancient Slavic symbols. Embroidery is also a protector from various troubles. No wonder ancient women embroidered shirts for warriors when they sent them on a campaign.

It turns out that in order to protect themselves from the evil eye, the house from unkind people, evil spirits, they embroidered "Chur" - the god of protection. This is a very reliable protection for the home. Even in childhood, everyone said: “Chur, me!”, Protecting himself from an attack. Here is an effective zachuralochka from the negative.

Svarog circle

The ancient Slavs did not use a horoscope, but a circle called Svarozhy. It includes 16 halls, which are given their own name, have their patrons and talismans. Often, the characteristics of a person converge with the characteristics of the Zodiac.

Many people are interested is it possible to wear a charm with a cross. Christianity is against having another symbol next to an Orthodox cross.

Dear readers, the amulets of the Slavic peoples are not decoration, but a return to their origins, observance of traditions, knowledge of their culture. This must be remembered and understood!

Meaning and types of amulets. Construction principles

At the moment, there is no consensus on the term "amulet". The reason for this is its heterogeneity (heterogeneity is the degree of difference between members of a certain population among themselves.). A word, a conspiracy, a song, a rite, an action, a gesture, an object / complex of objects, music / sound - this is not a complete list of what can act as a talisman. If we take a very general classification, then guard it: sound (word), object, action. As for official definitions:

Amulet: an item that, according to superstitious ideas, has the magical ability to protect from various disasters.

Apotropey (from the Greek apotropaios - averting misfortune), an amulet, a "guard", in archeology and ethnography, the name of objects and images that were credited with the magical ability to ward off evil spirits. To A. include, in particular, images of awesome deities

An amulet (from lat. amuletum), an item that was credited with the miraculous ability to protect the owner from disasters, illness and "evil spells." Belief in the power of A. arose in connection with primitive magic and fetishism, but has survived to this day.

Those. official sources firmly link the very concept of amulet-amulet only with an object, despite the fact that the three positions already listed can be and are such.

The actual process of separating non-physical amulets from groups (sound, action) and their subsequent classification should imply that the researcher has a serious base. Also, it is necessary to establish criteria for distinguishing a talisman from other types of the general class, i.e., for example, which song or part of a song can be called a talisman and which is not.

There are several meanings in which the amulet can be used. Firstly - the so-called. "small folklore genre" - short phrases, idioms aimed at protecting a person from the evil eye, evil spirits, etc., for example, the famous "pah-pah-pah, so as not to jinx" when they simultaneously spit over the left shoulder here we see a complex, verbally active amulet).

Secondly, a “full-functional” text, which is protective, even regardless of the structure - its apotropaic properties are put at the forefront. under the concept of "magic", i.e. correct ritual and everyday behavior already protected from possible evil.

Thirdly, the whole so-called amulet falls under the term amulet. “apotropaic” semantics, at the same time, the corresponding image can be only a part of a text or an object – let’s recall the typesetting pendants, where, along with keys, spoons – symbols of prosperity, there were knives, axes or animal jaws – objects with a pronounced “apotropaic” semantics.

From a functional point of view, an amulet is a prescription text that contains a verified sequence of magical actions aimed at:

Creating a "desired" state of affairs, i.e. changing the world “for oneself” (“so that livestock is born”, “so that a child is born healthy”).

Preservation/preservation of the current state of affairs (“so that the witch does not take milk from the cow”, “the unclean person did not touch”). Moreover, the magical action is of a preventive nature - a protective conspiracy and actions are performed BEFORE the onset of undesirable events.

Terminating unwanted actions (so that “the sick person recovers”, “spoiled cattle begins to breed again”, etc.

The methods of magical influence in the amulet include:

1) Creation of a magical barrier (in the Slavic tradition, as a rule: to close, notch, close, tie (knots), christen, speak; this should also include the Christian remake “to aminate”)

2) In prayer amulets, an appeal in the form of an imperative (for example, “God give me”) or a performative (“Lord, I ask you”)

3) Fixing the request / action (“and my word is strong, it will never pass away”, etc.)

Methodically, the amulet describes specific forms of preventing dangerous events. For example, to prevent a witch from spoiling a cow, you can do the following:

Surround the barn with a magic circle (in the extended version, on the Gromnitsa, the whole village was plowed, the environment with a magic circle was still used to bypass the pestilence)

Block the witch's path by locking the door with a charmed lock

Drive away the witch by making her collect scattered poppy seeds (or millet)

Injure a witch by sticking a knife into the lintel, putting a scythe or an apotropaic plant (i.e. thistle, nettle) into the slot of the barn

Ritually destroy the witch by burning her effigy at the stake (including Kupala)

Perform a ritual cleansing of a cow (washing) in order to make it insensitive to charms

Ritual to make a cow "unfit" - smear it with excrement or mud

Structurally, the amulet contains:

Description of the carrier of danger / harm, or the preventable event against which the amulet is directed

Protected object in need of protection

Guardian performer

Carriers of danger are diversified by types of amulets - for example, peasant magic has almost no amulets against "injuries at work", but there are multiple healing conspiracies. Those. the focus is on correction, not prevention. Correct ritual and everyday behavior (see above) works as a prevention. But there are multiple amulets against mythologized and demonized characters - mermaids, leshaks, navy, as well as animals related to the other world - wolves, snakes, crows, mice; natural disasters "against hail and storms". To a separate species, in my opinion, should be attributed amulets-rules of conduct in "border" places - baths, cemeteries, abandoned houses.

Protected objects are, first of all, the person himself and everything that is valuable to him. Significant moments are especially highlighted, such as birth, wedding, funeral. A frequent pest character is a certain "evil sorcerer" who was forgotten to be called. Those. violation of the correct everyday behavior entails a dangerous situation.

The birth of a child - the arrival of a child from the "other" world into the human world, is dangerous both for him and for the woman in labor. The danger is represented by certain mythologized characters who can replace the baby within 6 weeks, inflict damage on the mother and child, and send illnesses. From this was born the church superstition about the alleged "impurity" of the mother after childbirth.

A wedding is the second transitional stage in a person’s life after birth. A person is preparing to continue the race. At this moment, young people are in danger of illness, infertility, death. The southern Slavs had a belief that a sorcerer could turn young people into werewolves. Special responsibility was assigned to the best man or groom's friend. The path to from home to the crown and back was considered especially dangerous (read, BEFORE and immediately AFTER the magical rite of connecting two destinies).

The funeral - seeing off a person to the “other” world, contained two dangers at once. Firstly, there is a danger to the living that the dead person will “drag” or take someone to the grave (hence the custom - not to put anything living, such as flowers, into the coffin and grave). No less dangerous is that the deceased could be buried "incorrectly" and risked turning into a so-called. mortgaged dead man, Navi, ghoul, i.e. unspecified essence.

As a rule, most amulets did not require special "professional" skills to use them, because. belonged to different types of household, everyday magic. As for the above significant points, we find references to various docks, healers, sorcerers who were invited to perform the ritual part. In festive ceremonies associated with the points of the agrarian cycle, the ceremony was “led”, as a rule, by the eldest family (during a family ceremony), or the most respected person from the elderly members of the community (for example, ploughing at the sea).

A separate category includes rituals and related incantations and amulets used by highly specialized categories - shepherds, blacksmiths. In particular, the shepherd was obliged to know special conspiracies, the so-called. "Vacations" so that the cattle do not get lost, do not get sick, so that the beast does not spend. These conspiracies were unknown to ordinary people. At the same time, the shepherd could turn to the witch / witch for additional help, especially if the shepherd was young or inexperienced. By the way, people of three professions - a shepherd, a blacksmith and a miller, have always been notorious in the village, including because of their "special" knowledge. It was believed that they are known with evil spirits.

It is possible to single out situations in which a conspiracy-amulet was used. The first situation is when protective actions are designed to prevent negative actions and their consequences in the foreseeable future - for example, they read conspiracies from rodents and snakes when harvesting, and from a bear and a wolf when pasturing livestock. Those. protective magic is done "for the future", being a kind of prevention. The second situation, let's call it relevant, when the amulet is created upon meeting with the beast, evil spirits, upon the onset of adverse weather conditions (hail, storm, frost). The circumstances accompanying the use of the amulet, or provoking such, with apparent diversity, are determined by the general canons. The set of circumstances is finite. An interesting fact is that some ceremonies (for example, ploughing) can be performed both out of necessity (pestilence, loss of livestock), and for “preventive” purposes - as part of calendar rituals.

"Preventive" actions are always timed to one or another point of the calendar. Thus, the burning of dolls on Maslenitsa and Kupala is part of a general rite, which has not only a protective orientation. A feature of the preventive rite is that in it the physical presence of the object of danger, and often the protected object, is not mandatory.

"Actual" rite, i.e. which is accomplished due to the onset of a negative event, conditionally, can be divided into two categories, let's call them "full-time" and "correspondence". The full-time category should include the removal of the evil eye, damage from people or animals, actions to protect the territory and property (conspiracies in the apiary, in the barn, in the barn, etc.). By correspondence - conspiracies-petitions about those on the road, about soldiers (the term of service in the army before the revolution of 1917 varied and could reach 25 years). By the way, such pagan rituals were adopted in a pure form by Christians and led to the creation of many special prayers "on occasion" addressed to various Christian saints.

An interesting variety of the actual amulet is the so-called. "self-conspiracy", when the bearer of danger himself is the executor of the amulet. Among Belarusians, a sorcerer or just a person with an “evil” eye, entering a house where there is a newborn, had to say “I am choking on the pazuras” (i.e., “I am looking at my feet”). Among the Balkan Slavs, in a similar case, the guest greeted the household, after which he “silently” or in a whisper added “and I leave everything with me.”


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