Handprint of a baby's hand. Adorable Baby Salt Dough Prints: Recipes and Tips

A wonderful master class on how to make prints of your baby’s arms and legs as a keepsake. To make a cast of your child’s legs and arms, dear moms and dads, grandparents, you will need patience, strong nerves and, above all, calm, and even better - sleeping baby.

In addition, you will also need:

150 g flour
- 75 g salt
- 2 spoons of vinegar
- 1 spoon vegetable oil
- 300ml water
- two shallow molds
- gypsum
- an old gypsum pot (which you don't mind throwing away)

In a Teflon bowl (so that the mass does not stick to the walls), pour flour, salt and pour water, in which the rest of the products were previously mixed. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly. After about 3 minutes, the mass will begin to stick together, continue to cook, stirring. Finally, a ball will turn out of the mass, which you continue to turn over and warm up - when the flour warms up, the mass will stop sticking to your hands. Finally, put the finished mass to cool and you can start!

1. If you are going to make two casts, divide the mass into two parts and fill the molds with it.

2. Well, now the most difficult part is to make an impression of the baby's hand or foot. It is desirable that the impression be at least 7 mm deep, it can be deeper. If it doesn’t work the first time, it’s okay, take out the mass, knead it and put it back into the mold. The print is made in the following order: first the base of the palm, then the palm, then each finger, if you start the print from the fingers, it will not work.

3. Let's leave the resulting impressions for now, but in the meantime we will mix the plaster: it should be neither thick nor liquid, it should be flowing in order to fill the impression well.

4. Do not rush to remove the impression, let it harden well, preferably until the next day. The next day, carefully remove the dried cast, remove the adhering mass and put it in the oven at 50-60 ° C on parchment (may not withstand high temperatures and crack).

5. Dry gypsum is light, you can clean the finished cast of the legs and handles with a brush so that it is even and clean. Do not forget: accuracy and patience!

6. If you want, you can paint the paws of our kids with gold or silver paint and place them in a frame.

On March 8, we decided to give our beloved grandmothers a gift in the form of casts of the arms and legs of our 4-month-old daughter. I think it turned out well! It's done like this...

Step 1. Super elastic salt dough is made. To do this, take half a glass of brewed starch for 1 glass of flour and 1 glass of salt: 1 tbsp. dilute a spoonful of starch in half a glass cold water and pour into 1 cup of boiling water. Take half a glass of this solution and knead the dough on it. Ready dough divide into portions. A cake is made somewhere 2-3 cm thick and with a long leg and / or handle. I placed the cakes in disposable plates (you can use any other container). Then we take the arm or leg of the baby and gently press.

Step 2. We buy ordinary gypsum(only not alabaster - it dries for a long time) 1kg costs approximately 12 rubles. We dilute it (like liquid sour cream) very quickly, because it quickly hardens, and pour it into our traces. After some time, when the gypsum hardens, we remove it from the mold and process the edges sandpaper or a file.

Step 3. Then we buy gouache of the desired color and paint the resulting casts. We print out a photo of our beloved child, make a passport. We buy 2 frames. We fix the photo on one frame, and on the other, on the glass, glue the casts on with transparent super-glue right places, we sign with a contour.

Step 4. We buy a decorative chain and connect two frames with it. That's it! It turns out cool. Well, if you approach this issue with imagination.

Grandma loved it!


Good article, thanks! I looked at the ready-made kits in the store - neither the design nor the price pleased me. And to do it yourself is a pleasure! In the end, we didn’t bother with plaster, but made an imprint with paint) also in a frame - it’s convenient, it doesn’t collect dust. By the way, in the States it is very fashionable to make a cast of the abdomen during pregnancy)

05/12/2012 02:31:56 PM, LolaEgg

Making molds from dough is from the category of "cheap and cheerful." The result is not so pleasing to the eye - the blinds turn out to be remotely similar to real palms. Rough, you can not see a small pattern on the hand. Buy ready-made sets for casts of children's hands and feet with modern materials. Now they are sold at an absolutely affordable price for everyone. Especially in online stores. There are foreign-made ones (they are more expensive), there are domestic ones (they are more affordable, but the quality is no worse). And take away significant difference as casts - the size, shape of the handle, all the folds and dashes on the palm are perfectly conveyed. Almost nothing needs to be corrected. It's easy and simple to do! And fantasies for creativity - no less! If already and do the memory on long years- only from quality modern materials! 21st century in the yard! :)

Me such use test - bread! - seems blasphemous. Could use something else - some plasticine, for example.

Tell me, where is the gypsum sold, in a hardware store? I liked it very much, I want to...

Comment on the article "Do-it-yourself casts of arms and legs"

Do-it-yourself casts of arms and legs. On March 8, we decided to give our beloved grandmothers a gift in the form of casts of the arms and legs of our 4-month-old daughter. To do this, take half a glass of brewed starch for 1 glass of flour and 1 glass of salt: 1 tbsp ...


Tanya, should she harden herself? How long?
So are you flying or not?
Zyzy, I found another type of nipple, avene soothie, already on the way, as they come, I will report. This device looks strange, let's see how the baby reacts to it. I think he will refuse again, but you have to try

Section: Gifts (For happy parents, the opportunity to keep the first traces of your baby's childhood). casts of arms and legs.

Casts. Do you like the idea of ​​making casts of baby's arms and legs? yes no I don't know. If you decide to make a cast of a child's hand or foot... you would turn to specialists and buy a ready-made kit for self-manufacturing made a blind...

prints. ... I find it difficult to choose a section. A child from birth to one year. Care and upbringing of a child up to a year: nutrition, illness, development. Hand prints. How can you make casts of your baby's arms and legs? It seems there is some kind of recipe for dough with salt, that's just ...

Casts of arms and legs. - get-togethers. A child from birth to one year. Care and upbringing of a child up to a year: nutrition, illness, development. Section: - gatherings (I saw an advertisement for making casts of children's paws. Did anyone do it yourself?) Casts of arms and legs.


home-made did not work the first time: (everything was done according to the instructions, but it turned out that it was necessary to put a leg (put a pen) earlier, hands don’t reach to buy a plaster a second time. how do you do it - tell me how and what happened!

we just did it with professionals and do not regret it at all.

cast of a hand and foot. - get-togethers. A child from birth to one year. Press the cast with a pen, and babies can be helped by pressing it gently with your pen. do not forget to make a hole, and make the date in the form of a cast (cut as you wish) place in the oven 100-120 C ...

Casts - prints. ... I find it difficult to choose a section. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years old: hardening and development, nutrition and illness If someone made such a gift: casts of a hand and a foot in a frame, tell me where and for how much? And then we will soon have a DR ...

Conference "Child from birth to a year" "Child from birth to a year". Section: Achievements (I want to make prints of the arms and legs of my crumbs. We already have a footprint ready. And in this set there is a frame for this cast, you can put a photo next to it ...

Handprints. Where can I buy?. A child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years old: hardening and development, nutrition and illness oh, we made at a very young age - both handles and legs in two sets - from white and red clay. then fired and glazed...


I somehow copied the story how to do it. Here it is, and I'll attach a photo of what happened to the registration.
Maybe I've heard or seen somewhere, but it doesn't matter. It somehow came to my mind and Yegor and I realized it, it turned out very nice and without special costs time, effort and money.
Salty dough roll out into a layer, mm 5-8, cut out a circle (square, rhombus, whatever you want) make an imprint of a child's hand on it, a couple of holes at the top and bottom of the product and bake in the oven (our oven broke down just at the time of making the first pancake: (I had to fry in a pan. This is two or three times longer and probably not so beautiful.) I will say right away that we added red dye to the dough (the child chose), so the palm was painted dark red, and then everything was covered with colorless varnish (for nails ;), there was no other). Ribbon on top, bottom you can attach a hook from a paper clip - a holder for small things - potholders, towels, keys, etc.
The child is now making plans for how he will make "pens" and give them to "his girls" at school;) 05.11.2001 01:35:26, bee>|

wow ... I also wanted to ask this question the other day :)

Hello! I wanted to have casts of my son's legs and arms as a keepsake. In our city such a service is provided, but in my opinion it is too expensive. After wandering around the Internet, I decided that I could do it myself. I present to you the results of my labors. I will be glad if my material is useful to someone.

So, we need:
- photo frames (size and quantity depends on your idea)
- gypsum (regular or for artwork)
- plasticine (can be old)
- paints, including "metallic"
- varnish
- cardboard
- scissors, simple pencil, ruler, PVA glue
- glue (I have: moment super gel, in small tubes)
- sponge
- accessories for decoration (in my case, in nautical style- pebbles, shells, boat, anchor, turtle).

I read about how to make casts at home here: http://www.chicco.com.ua/forum/sled-malysha-sdelaem-sami-t49618.html. The country also has such a master class
I took old plasticine from my eldest daughter, warmed it up in the microwave, made a cake (the hand or foot of the child should fit there), the height of the cake is at least three centimeters. Plasticine should be soft. We make an imprint of the part of the body that interests us)) The first time it may not work, do not despair! We crush, warm, make a cake and try again. In the end, you will achieve a result that satisfies you. When you make an imprint, the plasticine spreads on the sides, so before freezing, I carefully, so as not to spoil the shape, pressed the plasticine cake on the sides, the trace becomes a little more "slender" and deep. Then we put the plasticine in the freezer until it hardens.

In an art store, I bought this plaster for sculptural work.

When the plaster has hardened, you need to carefully remove the casts. To do this, I put the plasticine with casts from the oven to the lowest temperature so that it warms up and becomes soft, then it is easier to remove it. I dried the finished casts for another day, turning one side or the other. Otherwise, they remain damp, and we will attach them to the cardboard and it can become damp and soften from this.

While our casts harden and dry. Let's take a look at the frames. I have three of the simplest wooden frames, square, 13 cm. We disassemble, take out the back wall and glass. Behind there are metal plates that are pressed against back wall, they need to be bent, so that it turns out, as it were, the legs on which the frame is placed. So it will be more convenient to paint it.

Following my idea maritime theme, I painted the middle of the frames with white paint. I have this titanium white from the "Nevskaya Palitra". Bought at an art store. We cover with paint several times so that the tree does not shine through. Let's dry.

After the white paint had dried, I painted the inside and outside edges of the frames with blue paint now. I also painted over the sides of the frames. Painted the same several times. The blue paint I have is acrylic, all from the same art store, but was bought earlier for another job. Leave to dry (preferably overnight).

Now we need to work on deepening the framework. To do this, I used a very simple and clear master class http://bond-mary.blogspot.com/2009/11/blog-post_16.html.
Since the frames turned out to be slightly different, I numbered each frame with a pencil on the reverse side. And I made boxes for them, which I also numbered accordingly. I made the box from ordinary white cardboard for children's creativity. I deepened it by 1.5 cm. Then I painted it with white paint (the same one I used to paint the frames). Then she took a foam rubber sponge, dipped it in blue paint and began to blot it over white. The folds and corners were deliberately left white. We leave to dry.

Now we need to color our casts. I chose this silver paint.

Before painting, I slightly corrected the casts with sandpaper. I made smoother edges, removed some irregularities, but this must be done carefully. The molds can break easily. I applied the paint in several layers until I achieved the result I wanted. And again left to dry. After the silver paint had dried, I varnished the casts and frames. Tip: DO NOT take varnish on water based, the paints on the frames may mix even if they dry well. I have again a varnish from an art store)). Let the molds and frames dry.

When everything is dry, you can start decorating. We glue the mold. And around it is your flight of fancy. Glue I used - moment super-gel, in small tubes, universal. Pebbles are the substrate for the aquarium from marble chips bought at a pet store. Shells bought in different places, in the scrapbooking department, in the needlework department, gutted souvenirs from the sea))) Turtle is a pendant for the bracelet, also from the scrapbooking department.

Here's what happened with the cast of the leg. Anchor bought in the department for scrapbooking.

The middle frame, as planned, should be with a photograph of the son. I processed his photo in Photoshop in accordance with the marine theme))) The result is such a composition.

Parents try the most different ways leave a memory of your little baby, because children grow by leaps and bounds. You don’t have time to look back - the son has already entered the university, and the daughter runs on dates. One of better ways are casts of arms and legs. We will tell you how to make them from dough and plaster.

We make the basis for casts of arms and legs from dough

With the help of the test, you can create a truly warm souvenir that will remind you of your baby's little fingers and tender hands all his life. Making a mold from the test is quite simple and fast.


  • Flour - 2 cups
  • Salt - 1 cup
  • Starch - 1 tbsp. the spoon
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. the spoon
  • Water - 1 glass

Mix all the ingredients and knead them into a dough. You should get a viscous, homogeneous mass. The main thing is that it does not crumble and is not too thick. If the dough is too thin, add flour and salt to it, if thick - a little water.

Divide the dough into pieces depending on how many prints you plan to make.

At this stage, you can make a cast. It is best if the baby sleeps during the procedure. It is very important to coat the dough sunflower oil so that the handle or leg of the child does not stick, but leaves a beautiful imprint.

As a result, you will get a few of these molds from the dough, which must be baked in the oven.

Getting Started with Plaster Casts

You must first visit hardware store and buy regular plaster. A small package will suffice.

After your dough molds are ready, start kneading the gypsum mass. How to do it is written on the package. Its consistency should not be too liquid or thick.

Take the dough molds that should have cooled down and brush them with baby cream. This must be done in order for the gypsum to easily move away from the mold after solidification.

Pour the plaster and wait about 15 minutes. Check its consistency. If it is liquid, wait a little more until it cools completely.

Remove the finished casts from the molds and lay them out in a place where direct sunlight does not fall and there are no drafts. There they should lie down for several days.

As soon as your casts harden, you can start processing them. To do this, arm yourself with sandpaper and grind all the errors. You can also use a knife in this process.

Further, it all depends on your imagination. Ready-made casts of gypsum arms and legs can be painted, painted, inscribed on them. If you want to turn them into fridge magnets, buy special magnets in advance and stick them to inside. You can also place them behind the glass in the form of a picture.

Casts of dough and plaster are ready. As you can see, making them yourself is very simple and cheap. This is a memory for years to come.

Want to make your baby's childhood memories even more amazing and vivid? This will help parents kits for making children's volumetric casts and prints. Small palms and heels of newborns are so appetizing and beautiful that you want to remember them in the smallest detail.

The arms and legs of babies, we have already told you. Now let's talk about how you can design them in an original way.


Framing casts of children's hands and feet into a frame is a classic of the genre, but this does not in the least detract from the charm of the made souvenirs. There are single, double and triple frames on sale, with or without a photo - it all depends on your wishes. You can make a frame with your own hands. In addition, you can add a frame with a cast or print in a variety of ways.

Use rhinestones, flowers, butterflies and other decorative delights.

Add a pacifier, socks, booties or other memorabilia.

Color prints in any shades - pink, blue, gold, silver, bronze.


If, during the manufacture of casts or prints of the palms and heels, a small hole is made in them and a satin or lace ribbon is threaded into it, an elegant pendant can be obtained. This decor will look great in a child's room, in the living room or in the parent's office.


To make a cute figurine, you just need to install the resulting 3D plaster casts on the platform and cover with paint. It is important to let them dry thoroughly before applying a decorative coat of paint, as well as after that. You can apply paint in several layers, as well as use contrasting shades. Any ideas - the possibilities for creativity are unlimited. How to color? It all depends on your wishes - choose a golden or silver decor, semi-antique or, on the contrary, fashionable and bright shades?

How to decorate a figurine? Add some chic - rhinestones, beads, flowers or any other decorative elements.

Heart shaped

Plaster prints or heart-shaped casts look very graceful. To give more chic to such souvenirs, you can use dyes for gold and silver. And of course, do not forget about the commemorative signature with the name and age of a small child.
