Men's tie is a modern symbol of a slave. Red or blue? Why the color of your tie matters

Tie - from the German word "Halstuch" - a scarf around the neck, or simply simply - a strip of fabric tied around the neck. Many years ago, with the increasing popularity of the tie, this accessory began to be given such serious importance that some gentlemen consulted with astrologers what color to wear a tie so that today it would bring good luck or victory in whatever business.

Modern men know that for any event there should be many different ties and that when choosing a tie, you need to focus on its color.

Our article tells you what kind of tie you need to choose for work or a date, and in general, what does the color of the tie that your loved one put on today mean.

Going to work, it is better to give up bright ties and cheerful colors. A dark-colored tie with a small pattern that does not attract much attention is appropriate here, but still the majority depends on what kind of profession you have and who you work for. You should not experiment by putting on a tie in a motley flower or green polka dots under a checkered suit. It is also obvious that a dark tie will look advantageous under a light shirt.

But choosing a tie is one thing, but knowing what color means, and even learning more about the owner of a fashion accessory, is the pinnacle of understanding a fashion accessory.

Meaning of white tie- chooses mainly a person who is not simple, most likely, selfish or narcissistic. A man often pretends to be inaccessible, too good, clean, tidy. His quality is pedantry in everything, but not always. It is worth paying attention to a white tie, this is a signal that a man is fixated only on himself. However, at the same time, do not forget that white is the color of innocence and purity.

Meaning of an orange tie- very active men choose. They are mobile, energetic and not devoid of a sense of humor. They are open and love to laugh. Orange is the perfect companion for pleasant conversations. Such men are good workers, because in these people a stream of new and creative ideas seems to boil. Men in orange ties hope that this color will support them with its seething energy. The owners of orange ties are full of enthusiasm, always ready to defend their point of view, to prove that they are doing the right and right thing.

The meaning of red tie- choose men filled with energy, enthusiasm and desire for power, which characterizes his strong qualities: purposefulness, assertiveness, stubbornness. Such men love order in everything. The business acumen of a man “all the best to me, and I am smarter than everyone” is about him. However, red can also indicate a desire for ruthless power, stubbornness. Usually red ties are loved by people who are always ready to help, support someone. If you are a red tie wearer, it may mean that you are a born leader, wanting to express your passion or passion for your business or hobby. Usually those men who love action and hate to admit their mistakes go in red ties. The red color also indicates high sexuality. Wearers of bright red ties are often overwhelmed with emotions that get in the way. But those who choose the darkest of all shades of red usually have a complex character, love order in everything and do not tolerate objections.

The meaning of a burgundy tie- Prefer delicate serious people. But if in work the owner of a burgundy tie is demanding, then in love, on the contrary, he will be an unfaithful man. Passionate love is not for him, rather a stormy and very beautiful romance that real womanizers can spin, even if he is over sixty. Burgundy color is preferred by kind people. The owner of a burgundy tie is outwardly restrained, passionate, ardent love is for him, and do not forget that, in fact, burgundy is the same red only darker, which means that the owner of a burgundy tie is very sexy. Moreover, wearing a good red wine color tie indicates that its owner wants to declare his sexuality, openly demonstrate it. Of course, he could do it by other means, but only his innate delicacy stops him.

Meaning of green tie
- a calm, benevolent person is always ready to rush to help, give the right advice, or praise for a good job. Likes silence and tranquility. Nature, and weekends alone with your soulmate, the best vacation for him. The owner of a green tie knows how to quickly create a favorable atmosphere around him, he is open for communication. He is full of harmony, self-confident, but at the same time very demanding of himself. Men who prefer green ties tend to be very conservative and respectful of tradition. They are not aggressive, friendly, value friends and partners. Most often they value and protect nature and animals.

Meaning of the blue tie
- As a rule, a successful, energetic and highly intelligent man. In people he appreciates honesty, straightforwardness and decency. The preference for blue can speak of inner peace, silence and - sometimes - loneliness. Office workers often make good bosses or directors. Blue tie lovers are alien to aggression, they appreciate honesty and justice in people, they adore children. For them, the recognition of others is important, they love to travel. Most often, the owners of blue ties are artistic people, calculation and planning are given to them with difficulty, but not always.

The meaning of brown tie- a serious, responsible, reliable man. Competent worker and true friend. His qualities: honesty, seriousness, self-confidence. Brown ties are worn by men who work hard, take care of their family and friends. These people are practical, they do not like to throw words to the wind. If you have a man in a brown tie in front of you, know that this person is self-confident, it is not easy to convince him of something, especially if you cannot back up your words with facts. He knows how to achieve goals easily and quickly.

The meaning of black tie- chosen by influential, and very conservative men, with the exception of soldiers, pupils and students who are forced to wear a black tie. The owner of a black tie rarely shows emotions in public, his smile is a rarity. Role - imperiousness and seriousness. It is also the color of closeness, and protecting oneself from the surrounding society. In our society, black color usually speaks of something sad - pain, death. Sometimes men choose black ties in order to express their protest to society. The owner of a black tie does not want to draw attention to himself. Often black ties are worn by respected and conservative people, as well as politicians who want to demonstrate their authority and power, clergymen. Traditionally, black is considered the color of secrets, but a black tie also speaks of an addiction to sex and erotica.

Meaning of a turquoise tie- turquoise ties are very elegant; they are preferred by people who are cheerful, optimistic, easy-going, lovers of entertainment. Men are very sociable, having many friends, they are not averse to having an affair with a pretty secretary, they love to give and receive gifts. The turquoise color of the tie is so conducive to itself that others can knock themselves off their feet, just to help the owner of the turquoise tie with something. At the same time, the owners of turquoise ties usually think soberly and do not give in to feelings. A man in a turquoise tie seems younger and makes a good impression on others.

In the high stakes of politics and business, there are only two colors that eloquently maintain connections with the outside world. It's red and blue. Of course, when going to the office, you can wear a combination tie, or take some liberties in the form of yellow or purple. If you are dealing with important partners, formalities can cause some alienation and misunderstanding. Take a look at the world leaders holding another summit meeting. It is unlikely that you will find a motley inconsistency in their costumes. And only ties will certainly be red or blue. What is the reason for the preference of influential people?

Why does the color of a tie matter?

Psychologically, red is associated with love, power and nobility. Modern experts add another characteristic touch to the portrait of a lover of a bright tie - love for details. Blue is considered ideal if people want to boost their creativity.

For his inauguration, current US President Donald Trump opted for a dark suit and red tie, while his predecessor, Barack Obama, opted for a blue accessory. Their wives in choosing the color scheme of the costume did exactly the opposite. Michelle Obama appeared before the public in a red dress, and Melania Trump picked up a pale blue ensemble for the solemn procedure.

During the first presidential debate in the fall of 2016, then-Republican nominee Donald Trump wore a blue tie. His opponent Hillary Clinton chose a bright red suit. The Democrats probably decided to bet on the color of love and nobility. Their VP candidate Tim Kaine wore a red tie in his part of the debate on October 4th. You'd be surprised, but the current president's running mate, then-Indiana Governor Mike Pence, sported a blue tie to voters.

From the life of the previous administration

And here are some more interesting facts. During his first 11 days in office, Barack Obama alternated between red and blue ties. This politician is famous for his democratic character and completely informal look at the dress code. However, even he did not dare to destroy the political formalities that had been developing for decades. Wendell Brown, editor-in-chief of Esquire fashion magazine, says: “Washington, DC is a strange place when it comes to style. All accents are placed in such a way that a person can fit in perfectly and pass for his own.

In Tie and People in Ties

Some consider it a symbol of masculinity.

In their opinion, it looks solid, official, "cool", etc.

People are willing to buy lots of ties and wear them.

Meanwhile, few people know that for understanding people; of people, a tie is a "dog collar", a noose and a noose.

A necessary sign of a "subordinate" and a slave.

Thus, a low level of "understanding" of a person who wears a tie is determined.

In addition, the tie itself on a subconscious level symbolizes "phallus". Therefore, it is not customary among literate people to buy "phalluses" and gird their necks with them.

For people who understand, this is a sign that a person is "under the condition", that he himself does not decide anything, but fulfills someone else's will and obeys the one who "understands more than him." For in this life, everyone, to the extent of his understanding, works for himself; and to the extent of his misunderstanding, he works for someone who understands more ...

Therefore, if one person gives another a tie, then he, as it were, “defines” him as his subordinate. And literate people refuse such "gifts". That's why they say: "meeting without ties." A meeting of people who decide their own issues and do not depend on anyone.

A tie is not an ornament. Or rather, a very dubious decoration for a man. If you look into the depths of centuries, it turns out that the tie is also a symbol and element of the so-called. "Judeo-Masonic" ritual.

After all, during the initiation into the Freemasons, the next candidate was presented to the members of the Secret Society precisely - with a noose around his neck. The noose was a symbol of his death, if he suddenly dared to reveal Masonic secrets. Among knowledgeable people, the tie is still called the “Jewish noose” to this day. Now Freemasons try not to wear ties, leaving this attribute for the "uninitiated".

Also, for example, according to the old thieves' laws, a person who wore a pioneer tie could not become a "thief in law." After all, in fact, the triangle is the symbol of the "demon", and the red color is the color of the "demon". The pioneer tie just had the shape of a red triangle. Therefore, among the crooks, there was an unwritten rule that wearing a pioneer tie was "zapadlo". All this once again proves their level of "understanding" of the situation.

The fact is that the cosmos is based on symbols. Both the shape and the color of the symbol radiate and receive energy waves with strictly defined characteristics, and also attract "entities" with strictly defined wave characteristics into their zone of action.

And, if a person radiates demonic energy waves for a long enough time, then over time he himself turns into a "demon". He has demonic habits, thoughts, manners and inclinations. It is then that the true meaning and purpose of the "zombie" rhymes from childhood becomes clear: "When you tie a tie, take care of it, because it is with a red banner of the same color."

Therefore, if you see a person in a tie, you can be sure that he works for someone or is a blind conductor of some other idea. The level of "understanding" of a man in a tie cannot be high. Even if it is some "big" politician.

For example, Joseph Stalin never wore ties after coming to power in the USSR. He knew and understood such moments, unlike some modern politicians. Nikita Khrushchev, for all his minuses, also did not recognize ties and walked in a kosovorotka.

Therefore, if you want to give the impression of an understanding and independent person, a person who decides his own issues, never wear a tie. Don't wear everything.

Tie as a symbol of slavery. Someone sits in the office for 10 hours and does not even have the right to smoke, boasts of his fictitious status, social package and his pseudo-significance, proudly calling himself “Office worker” or, in common people, office plankton. All this is not to annoy someone, but so that you think about the true state of things and do not think “I live much better than a robotic mason”, but in reality, everything is exactly the opposite. It's just that the system is built in such a way that intellectually developed people are often slaves of their own intellectual baggage. Everyone who is capable of thinking has already been enslaved by the system. She just hadn't gotten to the hard-working mason yet. A tie - is that the remnants of primitive slavery? Women decorate themselves with stones and tons of multi-colored makeup, and men wear a tie - in fact, a leash, and even with a tightening knot, if you pull on it. Do you realize that the tie is a modern symbol of slavery? One of the versions of the origin of the tie is from the ancient Egyptian "tie". The slaves were put on a collar with a piece of chain around their neck, which was impossible to remove on their own. This eliminated the need to chain the slave (which would interfere with his physical work). After all, if a slave runs away with a tie, then everyone will see that he is a slave, not a free one. Only in late Egypt, ancient Rome and China did the tie turn into a piece of matter of a regular geometric shape, thrown over the shoulders. According to the second version, it is believed that the tie among the Jews is the highest sign of spiritual power. Then from the Jews only one person walked with such a collar, noose, kagan. And do you know how it was done? The one who was supposed to be a kagan was a specially trained person, he strangled him with a noose, brought him into a state of clinical death, and then, after a while, let go of the noose, the man returned to life. The exit from the body and the entrance of the essence, and he said that when I went out there, I saw what needs to be done, I will rule there for 10 years or 7 years, etc. And after that he walked around his country with this noose and it was a symbol of supreme power. When the term that he saw himself was ending, the same person pressed him. And then the next one. This is the past of the tie. Today's ties have the same nature. It's parroting, because only the Jews wore it. Someone saw, yeah, I also want to be important, and also put on myself. And you, putting on a tie, without realizing it, subconsciously work for whom? "...Furthermore, in the Swedish, Scottish, and all American systems, the candidate for Mason is brought in with a rope around his neck. Then he must appear all his life only in a TIE - a symbol of the same eternal loop around his neck, which will immediately tighten if the Mason dares to have his own judgment. All the goyim have already been accustomed to wearing this noose around the neck. As well as they were accustomed to another Masonic garment - to a round hat, symbolizing, according to the Gadike Masonic Dictionary, "freedom before the law." So gradually, imperceptibly, Masonic attributes are introduced into our everyday life. "And when, already knowing this, it is already ridiculous to look at these people who, knowingly or unknowingly, give themselves away and you already understand who they really are. Modern slaves with more often than others, they have bank accounts, use loans more actively, enriching the "masters of money" and giving them power over themselves.A modern slave, as in ancient Egypt, does not need to be chained - he is quite well controlled by artificially creating the necessary desires and other methods The modern slave in a tie usually works from morning till night, with only enough money for food, housing and monthly payments. state of slavery and additionally finances slave owners.Especially "successful" slaves pay expensive useless (and even outright o harmful) things and services. Some smart slaves themselves hire other slaves and eventually buy expensive housing and cars, while at the same time maintaining and aggravating their slavish position of dependence and further enriching the "masters of money". A modern slave in a tie does not even realize that he voluntarily chains himself, wanting what is imposed on him and beneficial to the slave owners. Of course, it is not the form that is more important, but the essence, but a significant part of the slaves still voluntarily hang symbols of slavery on themselves. In Rome, slaves were required to walk with a piece of rope around their necks. The noose around his neck showed that the owner could strangle him with one movement. Then they started painting it. It turned out a tie - a symbol of slavery. In fact, every state the organization wears these nooses and without them access to some places is simply closed. A tie is a symbol of slavery, power, alienation. Many people have to wear it, and some even like it and are proud of it, buying themselves different ropes for thousands of dollars. Many feel in him a certain psychological protection and confidence without realizing it (protection from the authorities) and unity with a blind society. A man with a tie radiates the energy of not emancipation, not emotionality, strictness, imperiousness, in a word, NOT freedom. The only use of a tie is that you can come home and take it off and get the feeling that we are free from something without knowing what.
