Read the plot for candy. fruit salad love

Among the various magical rituals used to attract the attention of another person, there is such as a love spell on candy. It is much easier to implement it than many others, because giving sweets is good tradition, which means that the charmed object will not arouse suspicion in the chosen one.

What is the magic of candy

Chocolate or candy don't seem magical symbols, but they can become them, like any other food, if they are spoken in the right way before giving to the chosen one. Chocolate can cause food addiction, so with its help it is easy to induce love thirst in a man or woman. Love spells for sweets work well even for novice magicians, and in most cases the result is not long in coming.

Preparing for the ceremony, choosing a place and time

With the help of sweets, you can not only bewitch a woman, but also try to perform love magic in relation to a man. It is best to perform the ritual in daylight - artificial lighting in this case can only interfere. It is important to choose a place for presenting sweets where no one can scare away the recipient of the gift. It is necessary that during the presentation of the charmed object, no one distracts either the donor or the recipient.

It’s good if the gifted person eats the candy right away - this way it will be possible to exclude the possibility that the candy will be transferred to someone else. This is dangerous, because in this way you can accidentally attach an unnecessary person to yourself. But this does not mean that you must persistently offer your chosen one or chosen one to eat the sweetness right away. This can alert the object of the love spell, and this is unacceptable.

It is important that the one they want to bewitch during the ceremony is completely calm and trusts the donor - suspicion or distrust can destroy the magic spell. To relax your chosen one, you can start with a casual conversation, and when the conversation starts, casually offer a charmed treat. As for the premises for the ritual, only the bedroom will be an unfortunate place. The rest of the options are allowed.

Features of a love spell for a guy on candy

To bewitch a man for sweets, you need to choose them correctly. Dark chocolate candies are best suited - these are most often liked by men. In addition, bitter chocolate represents male energy and has the ability to inflame passion, so this gift would be appropriate. The rite should not be taken lightly - magic is appropriate only when it comes to true love on one side, and not about momentary impulses, jealousy or resentment at refusal.

If the feelings are strong and time-tested, you can try to cast a love spell on a candy for a guy. As magical object choose good chocolate High Quality. It's better if he handmade- such an item absorbs and transmits spell energy in the best way. Before handing the sweetness to your chosen one, the following words are imperceptibly pronounced over it:

"Sweet, sweet candy. Sweet, sweet chocolate. And I, the servant of God (my name), is sweet, sweet for the servant of God (the name of the beloved). Amen".

In a similar way, you can bewitch your lover for cookies, a piece of cake and other delicacies. It is important to ensure that the conspiracy is pronounced unnoticed by the speaker.

Are there any differences in the ritual for a girl and a man

There are practically no differences in the ritual performed to attract a man and a woman, but there is evidence that it is necessary to speak sweets for a girl at night, and for a guy during the day. This is due to the fact that a woman, according to adherents of esoteric teachings, is patronized by the Moon, and a man by the Sun. Therefore, sweets intended for a man must be kept on sunshine, and those intended for a woman should be illuminated by moonlight during the ceremony.

Divination options

There are many rituals that attract love, in which, as magic item food comes out. Each of them has power, but a love spell on a candy or other sweet will give positive result only if the fortune teller has sincere feelings for his chosen one.

In addition to sweets, you can also other sweets, as in the video below:

With loose sweets

Sweets industrial production are considered not the most suitable for magical rituals, but if there are no handmade sweets, you can use purchased ones. They give a whole bag of purchased sweets to their chosen one or chosen one. After he or she opens the bag, you must stealthily take 3 candies from there. The first two must be presented (one to a child, the other to the first person you meet), and the third to be used for a conspiracy. The love spell goes like this:

“Three days will pass and you will fall in love passionately (your name). Our happiness will be indestructible and forever.

All three days the candy is kept under the pillow. The plot can be repeated 3 nights in a row.

love candy

It is good if the candy is not made in a pastry shop, but with your own hands. Such an object has a special love spell, since the bewitcher himself puts his soul into its creation. While making sweets, you must constantly think about your chosen one, imagine yourself with him, come up with a common leisure. It is important to create in your imagination the image of a happy relationship that you would like to translate into reality.

This practice brings a positive result, because the thought is material. Combined with a conspiracy, it becomes even stronger. A love spell for a girl according to this scheme is also possible. A man, making sweetness, must imagine how he conquers the heart of the chosen one in reality. Soon after she eats the enchanted food, her plan will come true.

With a box of chocolates

You can also plot on a box of purchased sweets. To do this, choose beautifully packaged sweets. At home, they put their photo on the box. The following requirements are imposed on it: the performer of the ritual on it must be depicted in full height, and the image in the photo should radiate confidence and attractiveness. The photo is kept on the box for 24 hours. Then the following words are spoken:

“Let the sweet be on the tongue, and (they call given name) let him live forever in the heart (they call the name of the chosen one or chosen one).

After that, the box is given to the speaker.

Since it is important that the chosen one eat the charmed sweets himself, and not share with someone, good option will arrange a tea party for him or her. You can invite a girl for tea or come to visit a man with a gift. It happens that a person refuses to eat sweets. Forcing, persuading, and even more so forcing him to eat should not be. This will arouse suspicions, a person may have a prejudice against the fortune-teller, because of this, magic will not work.

It is better to try to awaken natural curiosity in your chosen one or chosen one. For example, offer to play with the description of the taste nuances of the offered confectionery products or say that they are able to fulfill wishes. Even if a person does not fully believe in such a promise, this will arouse his interest, and with a high degree of probability he will not refuse the offer. This version of the love spell can also be used in bed if one of the partners shows coldness or is prone to betrayal.

When will it work

Like all variants of love spells that are not related to black magic, a sinless love spell on sweets is considered mild and acts gradually. In addition, its action does not last long. The result can most often be expected not earlier than in 2-3 days, and the effect of the ceremony lasts for 3-4 months. Due to the fact that the rite has a short-term effect, fortune tellers are often tempted to repeat it several times in a row. This should not be done.

The magic ritual works best when it is possible to infect the chosen one with the power of one's own feelings. If the conspiracy was made 3 times and the beloved did not respond to the spell, then you must refuse to repeat the rite. Repeatedly performing the same rituals reduces their strength and threatens with negative consequences, among which is disgust from the beloved and a complete rejection of the relationship.

From any love spell, even not related to black magic, there are unpleasant consequences. They can come both for the magician himself and for his victim. The troubles that befall magicians who use rituals with food:

  • sudden aggressiveness and irritability;
  • financial difficulties;
  • deterioration of health;
  • loss of taste in food
  • depressive and suicidal thoughts;
  • lack of joy in achieving goals.

Troubles that can befall the bewitched:

  • bad dream and nightmares;
  • deterioration of health;
  • loss of interest in achievements;
  • weakness and apathy;
  • depression.

Among the consequences for men is also called erectile dysfunction. Considering possible consequences, you should think carefully before resorting to magical rituals. Most of the warnings concern black natural magic, which is still practiced in some cases.

How to determine such a love spell

You can find out that a love spell on a candy was made in relation to a person by indirect signs. For example, suspicions should be caused by a state of increased arousal that appeared immediately after eating a charmed sweet. Weakness and dizziness, combined with a sudden attraction to the one who treated the candy, are sure signs of a love spell.

In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the behavior of the treated. The magician often begins to fuss, behave insecurely, even intrusively. Increased attention on his part, attempts to find out the details of the well-being of the person who received the treat, repeated questions about the mood of the victim, her thoughts and dreams should arouse suspicion. If there is such a person in the environment, you should try to get rid of close contact with him as soon as possible, and if possible, completely remove him from your life.

How to remove a love spell on candy

If a love spell is found, you should try to remove it as soon as possible. To do this, you can contact a magician with a good reputation or try to remove the spell yourself. One of effective ways prayer counts. It is necessary to go to the temple at least once a day and diligently pray for deliverance from the induced passion. If this condition is met without interruption for 7 days, the spell is dispelled in most cases.

You can resort to replacing one spell with another. This ritual can be done at home. To carry it out, you need to buy a box of chocolates identical to the one that was presented to the charmed. They put their own photo on it and repeat three times:

“Let love return to the heart and leave it only of its own free will. Amen".

Such a conspiracy helps the victim regain power over himself and self-confidence.

Sometimes get rid of negative impact, induced by other people, also helps such modern way problem solving, like going to a psychologist. In a conversation with him, words are also used that can both take away and return strength to a person, that is, they have some magical effect. Consultation of a competent psychotherapist helps to return life to the right track, and the resulting effect has practically no negative consequences.

The saying that the way to the heart of the chosen one lies through food has the most definite meaning. And it’s not at all that every man loves to eat deliciously. Of course, delicious food attracts any person, but not everyone is ready to give their heart for it. Even in ancient times, women used a love spell on food to get the desired man as a husband.

This proverb has a deeper meaning, rooted in ancient magic. Observant people noticed that some men, having tasted food, simply lost their heads with love and gave their hearts even to ugly women. What is the secret of their success? They used it for food or drink, as well as a love spell for candy.

Let's take a look at some of these magic tools.

love wine

It can only be if the drink is prepared correctly. Many women think that a simple slander of alcohol will be enough to make a love spell. And what a disappointment they feel when all efforts do not lead to the desired result. The secret of love wine is kept in deep secrecy from the ignorant. But let's try to make a real love wine using ancient witchcraft technologies.

For a love spell, it is advisable to take the wine that you have prepared yourself from the grapes plucked by your hands. Your feelings and emotions transmitted to them when touched will remain on the berries. And if you pluck grape bunches with the intention of making a love spell on wine, then even better! Next, you must prepare and infuse wine yourself, putting your feelings and emotions into the manufacturing process again. Now that the wine is ready, you can speak it for love - cast a love spell.

by the most best time for there will be a dark moon, that is, a new moon or the first day of your period. If it turns out that both dark moons coincide, then your potion will not be equal - its strength will increase significantly! If a man is drunk with wine prepared during a dark moon, he will be completely at the mercy of the woman who made him. This is the secret of magic, which few people know about. A man completely loses his will and lives with one desire to see his beloved.

The process of making love wine:

  1. Prepare a vessel for storing love wine. It should be a dark glass jar with a tight lid.
  2. Now we need to prepare the ingredients. It can be a variety of love herbs, powders, roots and berries. But each ingredient must be prepared in separate dishes. It is very important!
  3. We take the first ingredient and pour it into a bowl with no big amount wine (about 3 pinches of herbs per glass of wine). We heat on fire without boiling (you can not boil at all!).
  4. As soon as the first steam from wine with grass appears, it must be “caught” in a vessel and immediately closed with a lid. Leave the ingredient to cool in a bowl. Do this with every ingredient.
  5. When all the ingredients have cooled, they should be filtered through a strainer or gauze scalded with boiling water.
  6. Then pour the cooled and filtered ingredients into a vessel and rotate it 3 times in the direction of the sun (clockwise) and three times against the course of the sun (counterclockwise)
  7. After that, we tightly close the vessel and put it in a secret place, not forgetting to sign the time and purpose of manufacture

Below is a list of love ingredients. You can choose any odd number of herbs or powders from it. Having prepared love wine, you can pour it into a glass of wine for your desired man.

Love herbs and powders for wine:

  • cinnamon
  • lovage
  • oregano
  • saffron
  • jasmine
  • basil
  • Melissa

fruit salad love

This strong love spell on food is not difficult to do. Salad preparation time is any day of the growing moon or full moon. But it's better to choose Friday.

As you chop the ingredients, you must hum a spell that will empower each food and make it work to fulfill your desires for love through food.

It is known that it is women who are most often interested in magic and its rites. After all, it is harder for the weak half of humanity to survive a break with a loved one, to recover after that, to start life anew. And many want by all means, by all means, to return their chosen one.

Well, if you think that he is exactly the one you need, that the breakup was a mistake, then you can try turning to magic. Men are less likely to suffer from unrequited love or termination of relationships, but they experience it differently.

Which spell to choose

If you have already decided for yourself that you will turn to magic, then you should decide on a love spell. There are a lot of them, but they all require some training, concentration, attention. If you are referring to otherworldly forces for help, you must be confident in your decision, hope only for a positive result.

Love spells can be, for example, such: for candy, for sugar, for water, for clothes, from a photograph, for the Sun, for the Moon, for a wedding ... It’s not worth listing everything. In this article, we will analyze specific view love spell - for candy.

Love spell on candy

Many girls, and men, love sweets. What kind of person would refuse a candy or a cake? Yes, almost no one. That is why a love spell on candy can be called universal, very effective and safe. In addition, this rite is not difficult to carry out. The main thing is to know what to do and what not to do!

A love spell on a candy does not depend on such parameters as a person's gender, height, weight, age, education. He doesn't care about the phase of the moon. After all, it is known that most of the rituals should be performed only during the waxing moon, some love spells require a waning moon. But a love spell with the help of candy, if you are going to spend it, does not depend on the time of day. Although the magic is designed for nighttime activities at sunset, this ritual does not require anything like that.

In order to correctly and correctly perform a love spell, you need to buy sweets. More precisely, you need only one thing. Buy as much as you want, but for a slander you need one, well, two sweets. One, it seems, is not given. Then we take two. So, take it in your hands, you can put it on the surface, pronounce the words of the conspiracy.

They will be like this - “Like a dove cannot live without a dove, like a mother without a child, like a starling without a starling, so you are a servant of God (name of the goal), you cannot live a day without me. You will rush about in the morning, you will suffer in the evening, you will not see sleep at night, you will think about me, you will not fall asleep, you will not fall asleep. I will be dearer than all my friends, dearer than my mother, closer, dearer than my sister and brother. Only you love me, only you will be with me. Amen, Amen, Amen."

You can perform such a love spell on a box of chocolates. Then the effect will increase. The validity of this rite is not limited. It usually works in a couple of days, but how long it will last - they promise that it will last a lifetime. But you should not rely too much only on magic and its "miracles", you also need to take care of yourself. After all, how horses will live, with whom and for how long depends on people.

You need to make sure that your loved one (or beloved) ate at least one candy from the box, or one thing that you spoke (better if it happens in front of you). Then you can already start waiting for the result.

Possible consequences of a love spell on candy

They usually don't exist. But it should be borne in mind that in some couples, after using this love spell, the children stuttered. This happens, though rarely. This is probably the only "rollback" after this ritual. Remember also that you can’t do a love spell during menstruation (this is for girls).

A love spell on a candy cannot be attributed to the rituals of black magic, but a ceremony with food at home should be carried out with caution, because. there is a risk of negative consequences for both the magician and the customer.

It is not difficult to bewitch a woman with the help of charmed chocolate for a number of reasons:

  1. Sweets have a magical effect on the fair sex, especially if girls are used to seizing stress with sweets. In a state of excessive nervous tension products containing chocolate icing cause a feeling of euphoria and soothe. Therefore, on a subconscious level, sweets are perceived by a woman as a means of psychotherapy.
  2. If a girl prefers exquisite products, then expensive trade marks candy will enjoy more great effect, so do not skimp on a gift if you want to attract the attention of an inaccessible girl.
  3. Don't forget the aftertaste. A box of chocolates does not always lead to the delight of the one to whom it is given. But properly selected sweets will make a person remember the sensations experienced while eating for a long time.
  4. Often women do not allow themselves to buy sweets due to adherence to the principles of dietary nutrition or due to lack of Money, therefore, chocolate promotes relaxation against the background of barriers built in thoughts, which will only help awaken the sympathy of the chosen one.

Men, for the most part, have had a sweet tooth since childhood, but donated sweets can cause tension from the opposite sex.

Try to treat the object of desire with sweetness, and then he will not even have thoughts about the intentions of the donor to bewitch him. He will gladly eat candy, because. cannot resist such temptation.

Preparing the choice of time and place

It is advisable to carry out a love spell for sweets during the day, because. The energy of the sun charges with light and love the sweets chosen for the ritual.

If you do not have the opportunity to focus on the ceremony in daytime then cast a spell over sweets after sunset.

It is important to follow these rules when choosing a place for a magical action:

  1. No one should disturb and distract from the love spell procedure. It is advisable to stay completely alone, turning off your mobile phone.
  2. In the chosen place, the person conducting the ritual should feel comfortable and at ease. If a person is afraid to be alone, then it is better to postpone the love ceremony.
  3. It is not recommended to perform the ceremony in the bedroom.

Features of a love spell for a guy on candy

Love spell on candy includes the following:

  1. Use dark natural chocolate, because. it symbolizes male power. A man subconsciously associates himself with a powerful dark-skinned knight, from whom the most inaccessible beauties lose their heads. Therefore, the beloved is unlikely to refuse to eat the charmed candy.
  2. Do not perform a ritual for the purpose of revenge young man for dislike, because in most cases, the girl falls in love even more, and the guy still remains indifferent.
  3. It is important to be sure that the young man to whom it was intended will eat the donated candy. Often, guys treat a friend with sweets, which can lead to love feelings in an outsider.
  4. They only bewitch the man they are in love with. You need to be confident in your feelings.

Features of a love spell for a girl on sweets

The love spell of a girl implies the following actions:

  1. Meditation is needed to set the mood for holding magical ritual. Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and then create in your mind the image of the object of desire. It is important to think about good events associated with a loved one. In this way, an energetic connection is created with the one you love.
  2. It is advisable to wear the candy close to your heart for 3 days. It is allowed to put sweetness under the pillow at night on the eve of the ritual.
  3. You should periodically kiss the candy, saying affectionate words.

Divination methods

A love spell on a candy is carried out in various ways, but the main rule is the sincerity of the feelings experienced.

love candy

You need to perform the steps in the following sequence:

  1. Buy 2 candies that the object of desire likes and choose 1 of them. You should be guided by your own intuition.
  2. Never put chocolate candy in the refrigerator. In the hot season, such sweets melt, but artificial cold leads to the loss of the magical properties of the charmed product. It is enough to store the candy in a dark and cool place.
  3. Light the wax candle.
  4. Write your loved one's name on a piece of paper and then eat the piece of paper along with another piece of candy with plenty of water. Say the following words:

    “How sweet is the taste of chocolate, so may the taste of love be pleasant to you.”

  5. Do 3 circular motion candy around a burning candle, and then extinguish the flame.
  6. Be sure to treat your loved one with sweets the next day.

You can give a cake along with chocolate products so that the object of desire does not have any suspicions. And another version of the video:

With sweets by weight

You need to do the following:

  1. Buy 2 kg of candy. You can give the girl sweets under New Year as a bag of gifts from Santa Claus. Often young people come up with a joke pretext. The giver should look joyful and carefree in order to attract the attention of his beloved.
  2. When the girl accepts the gift, you should quietly take 3 sweets from her, then give the first of them to the first person you meet, and the second to the child, 3 should be put under the pillow at home.
  3. The love conspiracy is as follows: after 3 days you will fall in love passionately (say your name). We will be happy together forever.
  4. It is necessary to keep the candy under the pillow for the period specified in the conspiracy.

It is allowed to use sweets prepared on your own at home for a love spell if you have good culinary skills.

With a box of chocolates

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Buy expensive candies in the store 3 days before a date with a girl. It is important to choose beautifully packaged sweets to win over your sweetheart.
  2. 1 of your photos where you like yourself, put on a box of chocolate. It is necessary that you be in full growth in the photo, because. a portrait image is not suitable for a love spell.
  3. The photo must be on the box for at least 24 hours.
  4. Read this spell:

    “Let the sweet be on the tongue, and let the name (name your own) live forever in the heart of your beloved.”

  5. Give a box of chocolates to your loved one.

If the woman you love refuses to eat sweets, then it is important to do the following:

  1. Don't insist to avoid suspicion.
  2. Invite the girl to take sweets with her.
  3. Say that this chocolate grants wishes.
  4. Come up with some funny excuse to try what sweets taste like.
  5. You can play a game in which each of you has to describe in detail taste qualities product.
  6. If you have a relationship without obligations, and you want to make your partner fall in love with you, then it is recommended to use sweets during sex.

When will it work and for how long?

A sinless love spell on candy will begin to act in a few days. But such magical rituals do not bring long-term results.

Candies themselves have magical properties, so persistent courtship and charmed sweet gifts will work flawlessly if you love the object of desire very much.

You should not repeat the ceremony more than 3 times. If a loved one does not reciprocate, then you need to come to terms with his (her) choice.

The victim of the ritual may face such troubles:

  1. Deterioration in health. It's about about the exacerbation of chronic diseases of various etiologies, allergic reactions and frequent exposure to colds. Weakness and apathy will haunt a loved one. Against the background of pain, a guy or a girl will not pay enough attention to you, which will lead to disappointment, heartache and resentment.
  2. The negative consequences for men are erectile dysfunction, which is accompanied by mental disorders. A young man will automatically consider a close woman guilty of developing such a problem, because of which the relationship will gradually weaken.
  3. It is not uncommon for those who have been bewitched to have nightmares.
  4. Suppression of the will of strong personalities becomes the cause of their despair. Such people suffer greatly and suffer from a lack of understanding of what is happening to them, because. We are used to being in control of everything in our lives. They may develop severe depression.

The consequences for the magician can be as follows:

  1. A person experiences excessive irritation and aggression.
  2. Girls often cry. Prolonged depression can lead to suicidal thoughts.
  3. Financial problems appear.
  4. Achieved goals are not encouraging.
  5. Over time, the one who was bewitched also ceases to be an important person in life.
  6. Health problems arise.

You should try to fall in love with the object of desire without attracting higher powers. Before performing the ceremony, it is important to be aware of the degree of responsibility for causing harm to another person.

If the victim of a love spell finds out what was done to her, then there is a high risk of strong hatred. In this scenario, it will be difficult to win love again and achieve forgiveness.

How to determine such a love spell

A love spell on a candy can be recognized as follows:

  1. A person who has bewitched someone will always be interested in the mood of his victim after treating him with a charmed sweetness.
  2. If, after eating sweets, a person feels weak and dizzy, and after a few days feels an inexplicable attraction to the one who treated him to sweetness, then we can safely talk about a love spell.
  3. Excessive arousal after delicious dessert may also indicate the intention of the donor to suppress the will of another person.

How to remove a love spell on candy

To neutralize a love spell, you need to do the following:

  1. In no case do not resort to physical violence against those who harmed their rites.
  2. Contact an experienced magician who will help neutralize the magical power of a love spell.
  3. Pray earnestly, crying out for the mercy of God. Ask to save you from mental anguish, they will return inner harmony and self-confidence.
  4. Buy such chocolate products as were presented to you. Put your photo on them. And then say this spell:

    “Let love return to the heart of its mistress and leave it only at her will.”

    Then eat sweets, washing down with water consecrated in the church.

  5. Most The best way get rid of a love spell in visiting a psychologist who will help to realize internal conflicts and fears. No love spell works on a self-confident person.

It is necessary to weigh the pros and cons before starting the ceremony in order to avoid negative consequences for yourself and the one you love. A love spell can bring misfortune and suffering both to the one on whom it is done and to the performer of the conspiracy, because. associated with higher powers, and it is impossible to predict the consequences that may arise after the ritual.

Most Full description in every detail - love spell on a candy with a sufficiently strong and safe magical effect.

Faced with unhappy love, we often turn to the help of Higher powers. It is possible to bewitch a lover on your own, without resorting to the help of outsiders, but for this you need to know proven means. Then a love spell at home will work out, and you will not harm anyone.

Unfortunately, many effective love spells cannot be done by yourself. You have to turn to hereditary magicians or grandmothers to get what you want. Often this turns into a waste of time, money and nerves, since not everyone, even the most powerful sorcerer, can guarantee the result. And some even turn out to be charlatans.

Many women tried to bewitch their beloved on their own, using black magic. Such rituals can be very dangerous, because if you do something wrong, you can do a lot of harm, especially to yourself. Authoritative experts in this field do not tire of warning about returns after love spells.

There is a simple but effective love spell that you can do yourself without causing a negative influx of energy either on yourself or on your loved one. This method does not apply to black magic and is simple enough to figure it out, even without the experience of magical rituals.

Love spell on a guy

For a love spell, you will need any sweetness, such as candy, cookies or waffles. You need to pick up one candy and whisper: “ Sweet, sweet candy. Sweet, sweet chocolate. And I am a servant of God. (his name) is sweet, sweet for the servant of God. (lover's name). Amen».

After that, you need to treat the guy you want to bewitch with a charmed treat. After a while, you will see that he is not indifferent to him and that he likes communication with you. This means that the ritual has begun to act.

Features of the ritual

Despite the simplicity of such a love spell, it contains great power. By saying words to candy, you thereby enclose your desire in a certain matter (in this case, sweetness acts as matter). And when your soulmate eats the offered treat, the love spell begins its action from the inside.

However, you should be very careful: if the candy goes to the wrong person, you risk bewitching a completely outsider to yourself. The most ideal option is a candy eaten in front of you. This will exclude the possibility of gifting the charmed sweets to someone else.

Such a love spell can be used during the holiday and speak, for example, a piece of cake, passing it to the chosen one. Then you can easily control how it will be eaten by the right person.

Since a love spell on food is considered very strong, before you carry it out, approach this process with all responsibility. And if you are not sure of your feelings, you do not need to use his jokes for the sake of it.

Remember: when making a love spell at home, then you should not sit in the corner with your beloved with a gray mouse or lock yourself up in the hope that your beloved will understand everything without words. In order for the love spell to work, show the Universe that you want to be close to your beloved. Pay attention to yourself, be cheerful and sociable. And don't forget to press the buttons and

How to read a love spell on candy, how to remove it and the consequences for a man

The essence of the ceremony is that you speak a sweet present, and give it to your soulmate or treat it at home. When a person receives a sweet surprise as a gift, he immediately experiences positive emotions for you, which is why sweets are the most best material for spells.

Love spell on candy

so with me would you (name)

Consequences of rituals

For the customer

For the victim

How a love spell works on candy, consequences for men


An old love spell on sugar and bread (or honey) has proven itself well, only practicing magicians know about the stronger ones. In the tradition of Russian love witchcraft a huge number of rituals with food and drink, many ways for independent performance. Some work for submission, others for the harmonization of relations. There are also love spells. About the action of popular working love spells on sweets, and about the negative consequences of this way to bewitch a man with the help of food, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will talk today.

Self-love spell through sugar - an old ritual for subjugation of a guy and friendship

On the growing moon, buy sugar, do not take change. Do at midnight, 3 midnights in a row read for sugar love plot:

Scatter the charmed sugar at the door of your beloved man. It can be at home, it can be at work. Contact with the carrier of the magic program is important. But with the greatest power home love spell made by herself, unwinds if the charmed sugar is eaten by a guy. It is better to pour it into a sugar bowl, or put it in tea or coffee, and serve it to the victim. Practitioners who did this particular version of the love spell on sugar note the quick reaction of the husband, noticeable changes in behavior and relationships, while there are no extremes and excesses.

The result of this simple and effective love spell for sweets manifests itself in accordance with the text of the conspiracy - the husband becomes complaisant, attentive, caring, seeks to talk, consult. The rite is working, it perfectly removes blocks, drives out “cockroaches”.

Another independent way to love a guy for sweets is to eat for sugar

This magical ritual, like the previous one, can be used to self-love a guy, and if necessary, you can bewitch on charmed sugar married man. Ideal for harmonizing relationships at home.

  • To do after sunset, closer to midnight, with the growing moon.
  • Sit at a table facing west.
  • Cover the table with an altar cloth or black natural cloth, arrange 5 candles in the shape of an inverted pentagram.
  • Place a saucer with sugar in the middle.

Right hand drive clockwise over the saucer, read the words of the love spell of a loved one through sugar 9 times:

Do not touch the sugar until the candles burn out. And how they burn out, for sugar 9 times, read the words of the spell on the guy’s love:

  • While the moon is growing, add sugar to your loved one's drink and food.
  • A love spell on sugar does not have negative consequences, provided that everything is done correctly.
  • Pay off at the crossroads, pay off with coins and vodka. Attribute at dead midnight (from 00.00 to 03.00 hours).
  • It makes sense before the love ceremony to make an invocation of the dark Forces.
  • Do not forget to thank the Forces at the crossroads and let go. If the connection with demons is good, then even without a call, the man’s magic love spell works wonderfully.

What are the consequences of a sweet love spell for the victim and the customer

Witchcraft love spells on a man with the help of food and drink have their own expiration date. So, sugar and salt hold information for a long time, if you speak repeatedly and not just one, but several days. Sometimes an independent love spell lining with salt for years emits the necessary energy, but is easily detected by a candle or a pendulum. It is also useful to know that metal holds information even longer and works even more reliably. That is why love rites are so popular, and so often and successfully practiced, as well as witchcraft rituals for damage, where needles are stuck in the enemy's house.

Use in an independent love spell for drinking, with water everything is different. It evaporates quickly, and retains its magical characteristics only in liquid form. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, advise that it is always better and more reliable to get your loved one drunk than to spray his clothes. This is information of a general nature, useful in the course of magical practice. Back to the ritual strong conspiracy you can read on a man not only for sugar, with the same success you can do a love spell on honey yourself. There are a lot of black book and white recipes for honey love spells for a guy's love. You can easily choose a ritual for a magical effect that suits your situation.

What can be Negative consequences have an independent love spell on a candy, and can there be at all, I say whenever it comes to simple lungs dryers. The very essence of such things is determined by the need to harmonize relations, attract, arouse the interest of a beloved guy, stir up partners. There is nothing of coercion, suppression and submission, there is no need to destroy established ties. Such love spells made at home are full of positive energy, they are light, and therefore fly off quickly, but with frequent repetition, they allow you to control the behavior of a lover. Relationships in marriage and family need to be able to build correctly, and love magic helps in this.

But, if a much more complex binding was made on sweets or sweets, say, a real love spell on blood and sugar, if, in addition, menstrual blood was taken, then such effects may well involve the danger of complications in various aspects of life. And what exactly will hit - health, money, career, relationships with others, or will affect other aspects of the being of the individual, depends on how, what and by whom the love spell was made with sugar and blood.

Magical love spells with the help of drink or food can be done both by the power of demons and through the inhabitants of the cemetery. Such real acting love spells at independent application no longer have anything to do with the harmonization of relations, there is a clear theme of subordinating a man to the will of the magician - the performer. Black magic is not for beginners, it is for experienced sorcerers. Black man's love spells for sweets can have highly undesirable effects and negative side effects.

A simple love spell for a girl with sweets - read a plot on the full moon

There are various magical ways to cast a love spell on a guy for candy, chocolate or other sweets. They are all related to food or drink for the victim. The actions are quite simple, these are magical rituals for harmonizing relationships, they work on the strength of the intention of the magician of the performer.

In this way, you can attract the girl you like on your own. Although, for married woman love spell will work right places just needs to be tweaked a bit.

  • This strong love spell with the help of sweets should be read on the full moon, at midnight.
  • Say the words 9 times so that the breath touches the subject being spoken.
  • Then leave the sweets on the windowsill until the morning, so that the light of the moon falls on them.
  • Give a day.

Strong love spell of a guy on honey and wheat bread for independent use

With the help of a magic ritual for love, you can harmonize and strengthen the bond between spouses or lovers, if there is a discord in the relationship, do it on full moon. For love love spell on honey you will need 2 more simple wax candles and white bread. Before noon to buy a white round! bread. This home love spell for a guy should be done in the evening, closer to sunset.

First, summon the Dark Spirits. Then lay a white cloth on the table, break the bread, put it on a wide dish. Pour salt around the dish, and make a love spell for your husband on honey. Over the entire area of ​​​​the fault, generously spread the bread with honey, and connect the halves of the bread. Then sign the candles with the names of the bewitched people, stick them into each of the pieces of bread. Light and read the words of the conspiracy 9 times:

Let the wax candles burn out. At night, take the bread under the birch. And shake out the salt wrapped in a cloth at the crossroads on foot. Leave a ransom there, since demons were called, and it will be done by demonic power.

Good love spell on honey and photos of a man

Honey is a very strong energy material. If there is a connection with assistants, you can read the call before the love spell for honey and photo. However, even without the Dark Forces, it works great on the strength of the operator. In this case, the proven love spell lays down gently, harmonizes the relationship between a man and a woman. To enhance and consolidate the love effect, it is necessary to do it in a complex.

Do it with red candles. You can take simple wax! candles, but good quality with a strong honey scent. For a love spell on honey and a photo, you need 2 photos - yours and your loved one, in full growth.

Lubricate the photo with honey and read the words of the love plot 9 times:

Photos of lovers or husband and wife, put together, wrapped in red cloth and hidden. Add the remains of honey to a man in food or drink - this is how you strengthen your home love spell on honey and photos. If before love ritual did the call of the Dark Ones, paying off with coins at the crossroads is obligatory.

Reading before an independent love spell through honey

I would like to note that in the modern interpretation, honey love spells for men work less well than in the old days. Previously, this energy-intensive product itself had great magical power, because they planted bees in a hive and pumped honey from old conspiracies. Now this is gone, the original traditions are gradually dying off. Yes, and pure honey is almost impossible to find. Because honey magic works, but much weaker than it should.

Try to read "Help of honey in business, so that everything will work out", then your love spell on honey and the photo will fit better. Before you start doing love witchcraft on your own, take a spoonful of honey, and, holding it in your left hand, read on honey: “Honey-honey, help me, give me strength, drive evil away, let everything that is planned turn out for my luck and happiness”. Eat honey. After that, do honey magic at home.

How a love spell works on candy, consequences for men

Everyone is very fond of various sweets, so making a love spell on a candy will not be special work, and most importantly, it will not arouse suspicion.

Before conducting the ceremony, you should familiarize yourself with the following information:

  • love spell on sweets - what is it;
  • how to perform the ritual;
  • when it will work;
  • what consequences may arise after the ceremony;
  • how to neutralize magic.

The essence of the ritual

The essence of the ceremony is that you speak a sweet present, and give it to your soulmate or treat it at home. When a person receives a sweet surprise as a gift, he immediately experiences positive emotions for you, which is why sweets are the best material for love spells.

Love spell on candy

For the ceremony you will need the following things:

  • sweets;
  • photo of a man;
  • your photo;
  • two ordinary red candles;
  • one red wax candle;
  • red silk thread;
  • red fabric;
  • needle.

The ritual is carried out in two approaches, first the candy is spoken, and after that you can treat your beloved with a sweet surprise.

You need to speak candy on the new moon.

Take ordinary candles and write your names and dates of birth on them. Now put the candles together and wind them around wax candle. After that, light those candles on which the names are written. Open the candy box and put it next to it. Fold the photo, images to each other, and start stitching, reading these words:

Like a thread behind a needle, so (name) behind me (your name).

Do not interrupt my affairs, do not break the connection. Amen!".

“How sweet is (name) candy to you,

so let me (your name) be sweet and pleasant to you.

How I want to eat more sweets,

so with me would you (name)

I would like to communicate every day

more and more.

How bees love sweets

so you (name) love me. Amen!".

The candles must burn out completely. After the end of the ceremony, wrap everything that is left along with the sweets in a red cloth and hide it. When your man comes to visit, treat him to a charmed product.

When does the magic binding work?

How quickly does a love spell work on a candy? The love spell on the candy begins to act in two or four days. It all depends on what willpower the victim of magic has. Weak people succumb to other people's influence more quickly, and strong people after a longer period of time.

Consequences of rituals

Love spells on sweets belong to white magic, but nevertheless, after them, various consequences can arise for both the customer and the victim.

For the customer

After the ritual, health begins to deteriorate, various unpleasant life situations, money problems. All this will disrupt the usual course of life and can lead to prolonged depression.

For the victim

The consequences for men are that he will also begin to have health problems in relation to loved ones. Suppressing his will can spoil his attitude towards you and this will lead to a break in relations.

How to remove a love spell on candy in a church

When you resort to using magic, you need to know how to disable it.

Before going to church, you need to fast for three to seven days. It is also desirable to defend the entire service in the church, light candles and put them at the memorial icon. After that, read the following words before the icon:

“Take with you, people of God, the bonded passion from which the slave (the name of the bewitched) toils. For you - peace from earthly anxieties, and for him - from sinful passion. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit."

You need to go to the temple until you are sure that the love spell has been removed.

Now you have learned about how to attract the attention of a lover with the help of sweets, as well as about the consequences of a love spell on sweets. We hope you understand that this is just a temporary attachment and will eventually disappear.

Love spell on a loved one with candy

Two effective rituals for the love spell of a beloved man or woman. They are easy to perform, do not contain any rare ingredients, and do not require additional personal protection of the performer of the ritual. Although, of course, as for any magical act, in order to perform such rituals, some restructuring of thinking is necessary, work on oneself in terms of cleaning and correcting one's thoughts and emotions.

There are situations in life when a love spell is justified. This is in cases where a rival or rival breaks a family with the help of magic or other tricks, and bewitches your loved one to herself. In this case, the opponent must first of all be turned away, your loved one should be cleansed of magical influences, and then, with the help of a love spell, return the husband or wife, returning his or her lost feelings, and restore the family.

However, if you yourself act as a rival or rival, and want to destroy someone's relationship or family through magical intervention, especially if there are children in it, then magicians do not recommend using rituals. A happy relationship cannot develop on the fragments of someone else's family.

However, if the love spell is justified in your case, you can proceed directly to the ritual.

Love spell of a man with candy:

Instead of sweets, you can use a cake, a cake - any sweet that you can treat your loved one to. Sweet delicacies have been used since ancient times for love magic, for rituals to please a person. There are even special rituals for the location of the authorities, where honey and sugar are used.

Love spell on sweets is performed in two stages. The first stage is the ritual charging of sweets with the necessary energy, the second stage is to feed a loved one with charmed sweets. The first stage is carried out necessarily on the new moon. Preferably if that day falls on a Friday. For charging, you will need sweets (or what you will treat), a photograph of a loved one, your photo, two ordinary red candles, and one red wax candle (they are usually sold at Easter, or in esoteric stores); red silk thread. Take candles, write with a needle on one your full full name and date of birth, on the second candle - full name and date of the bewitched. Put the candles together, and wrap them with a wax candle, uniting them. Then light two candles (no need to light the wax candle). Let the sweets lie nearby unpacked (not from candy wrappers, but from a box or bag). Then take a piece of silk thread, lay your photos facing each other, and start stitching around the edges. When sewing, say:

“Like a thread behind a needle, so (name) behind me (your name).

I connect (name) and (name) with the same fate,

I bind each other with strong love.

Do not interrupt my affairs, do not break the connection. Amen!".

Repeat this until you sew along the entire contour. Then put the stitched photos in front of the candle, put sweets on top (their number is not important, you can even have one). Cover the sweets with your right hand, and read the plot three times:

“How sweet is (name) candy to you,

so let me (your name) be sweet and pleasant to you.

How I want to eat more sweets,

so with me would you (name)

I would like to communicate every day

more and more.

How bees love sweets

so you (name) love me. Amen!".

Wait until the candles burn out completely. Then fold the photos, leftover candles, and candy into the red cloth. Not necessarily a bag, you can just wrap it in red cloth. Expand only when the opportunity presents itself to treat a loved one with sweets. So you can return your loved one with the help of sweets.

Love spell of a woman with candy:

You need to give the charmed sweets to your beloved girl and make sure that she eats them.

This conspiracy must be read on a box of chocolates, which subsequently needs to be presented to a lover. It is very important that it is she who eats the sweets, otherwise there will be no effect. So, we buy an expensive box of good chocolates. We put it on the windowsill, and next to it are two church candles. We set fire to candles at midnight and read the words of the conspiracy:

“Like a dove cannot live without a dove,

like a mother without a child

like a starling without a starling,

so are you a servant of God (name of the target),

you can't live a day without me.

In the morning you will run

in the evening you will suffer

at night you will not see sleep,

you will think of me

you won't sleep, you won't sleep.

I will be sweeter than all my friends

closer, relatives of sister and brother.

Only you love me

you will only be with me. Amen, Amen, Amen."

After that, you need to extinguish the candles with a quick movement of your fingers, and leave the box on the windowsill all night. Ideally, the candies should be exposed to moonlight. After that, the gift must be presented within a week after the ritual. Best of all, invite the girl for tea so that you can see what exactly she will eat sweets.

“Old New Year's ritual for good luck and wealth”

“New Year's old technique to attract good luck in business”

“A magical technique for fulfilling New Year's wishes”

Light love spell on candy

Sweets are one of the most joyful childhood memories. They are always associated with the most pleasant moments of the first years of a person's life. As adults, we still love the things that brought us so much happiness years ago.

How to make a love spell on candy?

The person who received a sweet gift from you subconsciously switches to your side. That is why love spells on candy act very quickly. Our ancestors often used this method. Children rarely received sweets from their parents. Even buying inexpensive lollipops became a real event. From a sweet gift, usually no one refused. Sweets designed to hold love ritual often made at home.

For those who have decided to try the old method of bewitching a loved one or beloved today, the question involuntarily arises of which sweets should be preferred.

Better homemade or store bought:

  • Shop. Such confectionery products look more respectable. They can be sold at beautiful packaging, which allows you to present sweets as a gift. But sweets created in a factory are not able to perceive the energy of a love spell as well as handmade sweets;
  • Made at home. Homemade sweets usually don't have the same appeal as factory-made confections. Handmade sweets can make some people feel disgusted. However, it is these sweets that are best suited for a love spell.

Choose the most suitable option. Now you just have to use one of the rituals below.

Love spell of a guy for candy

If you have not yet had time to get to know your beloved man close enough, you will have to put the charmed candy on him secretly. Your lining should not arouse suspicion. Discreetly take one of those sweets that the guy already has, and then also discreetly return it to its place after the ceremony. If you have a friendly relationship, you can simply offer your loved one a treat. In order not to offend the girl, he will not refuse you. You need to treat the guy regularly. Once, in most cases, is not enough to achieve your goal.

It is permissible to give a loved one a box of chocolates. But it is appropriate to do this only on any holiday. Giving such a gift too often would seem too strange. One of the options for a love spell on sweets for a guy can be like this.

Take the candy that you are going to bewitch your loved one with and put it to your heart. It is desirable that pastry touched your body. That is why you should put it not in the inner pocket of the clothes, but in the bra. With candy you need to go all day. Make sure it doesn't warp or melt. Carry food with you throughout the day.

Before you treat a guy, say mentally:

Then the treat must be pulled out and kissed. Carry out all the actions so that no one sees it. However, at the same time, a loved one should be somewhere nearby (a few meters from you, in next room etc.).

Love spell of a girl on sweets

Girls love sweets much more than boys. Having received a sweet gift, they experience pleasure. Resistance in these minutes is significantly reduced, and the girl becomes more vulnerable to a love spell. You can simply treat a well-known friend in a friendly way with candy. The one that ignores you, the treasured sweets need to be placed. If you have already started dating, give your favorite box of charmed candies more often. Such a gift for a girl looks quite innocent and natural.

With a box of chocolates

Buy a box of chocolates. Do not save, choose more beautiful and more expensive. This should be done shortly before a date with your beloved. Put your photo on the box at home. In the picture you should be alone and, preferably, in full growth. The photo should not contain animals and large objects. No one should know about your actions. Perform the ceremony so that the relatives with whom you live in the same apartment do not notice anything.

The photo should lie on the box for several hours. If it is possible to leave it there for more long term, for example, for a day, this must be done.

Then cast the spell:

After that, the box can be presented.

With weight candies

To perform this rite, you need to buy a large number of weight candy. The box does not fit in this case. 2-3 kg will be enough. Present these sweets to the girl. You can turn your actions into a joke. Tell me that you thought for a long time what to give such a sweet tooth, and came to the conclusion that the best gift there will be a lot of sweets.

When a loved one receives a gift, 3 sweets must be discreetly removed from the package. Leave one of them in the cemetery on the grave with the name of the girl. The second must be given to a child, a friend or a stranger. Bring the third home and put it where you sleep: under the bed, under the sofa, under the chair bed, etc.

Before putting down, say:

The candy should lie under your bed for at least three months.

The consequences of a love spell on candy

None of the above spells apply to black magic. However, even white spells can bring tangible harm to those who practice them. People who have done love spells often note that after the ceremony, their life has changed dramatically not in better side: diseases appeared, unpleasant situations arose, failures and financial losses pursued. The subjugation of the will of another person does not find support from higher powers. As a result, an experienced or novice magician may suffer.

Because the candy love spells above are not permanent, your loved one's feelings for you can fade quickly. Sweet can cause the strongest romantic attraction. However, soon the spell begins to dissipate. If the guy or girl you have chosen starts to realize that you have nothing in common and wants to break up, sweets will not be able to help. Moreover, for people with strong energy, as well as those protected by a talisman, such a love spell will not work at all, or it will not work effectively enough. An unexpected break in relations will be the most unpleasant consequence for someone who decides to tie a loved one to himself with the help of sweets.

Sweets in themselves cause positive emotions. It is likely that you will not need any conspiracies. A loved one has been waiting for a sign of attention from you for a long time. You consider yourself unworthy of his love, you are afraid to make contact. Take the first step, and your sweet gift can open the way for the beautiful without any magic.
