Ancient short spells. Ancient conspiracies

This plot must be known to the shepherd by heart and read before leaving for the pasture. Working on the street in the rain, in the field under the wind often takes away the health of a person. Anyone who knows this conspiracy will be able to protect himself from a sudden illness.
I will rise, blessing the east, the east side. On me is the cross of the holy Jesus Christ everywhere with me Heaven is my castle, earth, I am the keys, and you are in trouble, don’t knock on me. I step on a stone - blood is ore, it doesn’t drop, it doesn’t ache anywhere in the body, it doesn’t hurt. Angels in front, angels behind. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen On the ocean sea, the church stands on a rock. She is strong, she is strong, she does not get sick, pains, ruts, does not know. So I, the servant of God (name), would not be sick, pain, rut, did not know. Around me stone mountain, she protects me, does not allow illnesses. Iron, tyn, Bogoroditsyn castle. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Gain strength quickly

There are all sorts of circumstances: a person loses strength after illness, childbirth, stress, etc. Go outside, raise your hands above your head, look at the stars and say:
The stars are not counted, the sky is not measured. Lord, my God, the powers of heaven are with me. I praise the Mother of God of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Conspiracy from forty deadly diseases

The conspiracy will help even with those diseases that no doctor can cure. They read it aloud, without stammering or being distracted by anything.
Angels, heavenly, angels, saints. Take and take to the Lord God, Jesus Christ, all my words, all my request. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. People get sick, people suffer, people die. Who these diseases, thought, who these diseases, on people, caught up, Get up, twigs, shake yourself, go and sink into hell. Roll down, fall off the servant of God (name), so that his soul soars, and the body stops hurting. Bless, Lord, all my words, all my healing deeds. And what I missed, what I missed, the Lord will command and the Angel will say all the words for me. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

When you feel unwell

With your ring finger, touch the icon of Christ the Savior, then to your forehead and say: The ring finger does not have a name, so I have no illness, a servant of God (name). Amen. Soon you will feel relief, and the malaise will go away without a trace.

What to do when you lose strength

If a person feels a decline in strength, let him go into the field, lie down in a fresh furrow and say: You are stubble, give me all your strength, the earth will give birth, the earth, revives, the earth rewards me with strength. Jesus Christ is risen, so let my strength be risen. What she said, what she didn’t say, what she thought, everything to benefit me, God’s servant (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
And the strength is corrected with herbs. (See the section "Herbs".) On a full moon, at 00 o'clock, you can go outside, raise your hands up and shout, without thinking that you can be heard by the Force, heavenly invincible, inexhaustible. Angel, my, support me with this strength. In the name of. Father and Son and Holy Spirit. Amen. You can't do this on odd days.

What can you do to help yourself when you feel unwell

If you are sick, exclude all meat from your diet. Give preference to fish, and even better fish soup (fish broth). Rub also in a bowl butter with honey, rub yourself with this mixture, warm up in the bath. See how quickly your strength returns.

Sleep restores health. Turn off the doorbell, phone, close the curtains tightly. When you go to bed, say: Angels strengthen my health. Amen.

If possible, eat less, drink lingonberry broth with honey and hot milk with foam more often. Twice a day - in the morning and in the evening - wipe terry towel dipped in hot salt water. After this procedure, they are rubbed with a dry waffle towel.

If your bones break, wrap your naked body in a goat shawl and, lying down in bed, say: Take the two-horned from the two-legged. Desk, Abu, Ali, Ala. The two-legged took, the two-legged gave. Amen. The same should be done with a cold.

If your illness has dragged on for a long time, do this. Enter the river (if there is no river nearby, you can go into a bath of water), pour water over yourself from head to toe with the words: Mother waters, departed, childbirth, mothers, let's go. I'm out of the water, - and out of the water, I came out. God gave me a soul, settled me on dry land. I will go into the water, I will find relief. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The sacrificial blood of a freshly killed bird helps to alleviate the painful condition.
Chopping a chicken, setting it up left hand under warm blood. Forty crosses are drawn on the naked body with this blood. For every cross drawn they say: You, the bird, are dead, but I am alive. The blood is on the cross, but health is in me. Amen. After that, your health will improve very quickly. From a contagious disease If an epidemic breaks out, speak to yourself in advance so as not to get sick.
Set up two mirrors. One in front and one in the back. Look at the back of your head and say: There are no eyes on the back of the head, there is no nose on the back of the head, there is no mouth on the back of the head. So that I don’t get sick: neither from people, nor from animals, nor from horses, nor from cows, nor from goats, nor from birds, nor from the wind, nor from water, nor from the earth. Lord, save. Save and defend. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

From an unknown disease

If the doctors can't make a diagnosis and you feel like you're dying, start reporting immediately.
Read twelve nights before bed.
Uncounted kills, release my veins. Take your eyes, you serpent of the womb. From my body, fly into the chimney, find another victim for yourself. All the holy heavenly helpers of God, honor me, the servant of God (name), with your help, crush my illnesses! Now and forever and forever and ever. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

A conspiracy that protects during flu epidemics

They slander the water, stirring it with a torch, split off from a log. Only interfere in one direction, clockwise. Interfere until they read three times. Then the whole family is washed with water. The wood chips are dried and burned. The shield of the Lord is with me from every disease, earthly: from ulcers, pestilence, from plague, fire, from leprosy, purulent, from plague and shaking, fire, rabies. Protect, Lord, with Your fence, my family. Amen.

lamp of life

In order to find out whether the patient will die or not, they make a lamp of life. They pour oil into the lamp, take the sweaty undershirt of the patient, raise it to the level of the lit lamp and read: The candle of the life of the servant of God (name) burn. His guardian angel, indicate. If this lamp does not burn, the servant of God will die. Amen.
Then wave the patient's shirt behind you. If the flame weakens, but does not go out, then the patient will still get sick, but will not die. If the fire goes out, then it will not rise.

How to speak yourself from diseases for the whole year

This is a very old and proven way. Grandmother spoke about him like this: "Defender, rescuer." If you do everything right, avoid colds and ailments during the year.
Remove the charcoal from the blower with your left hand. Draw a line on the floor, stand with your back to it, step over it with your left foot back and forth and say: There is no line to the devil, there is no cross for him. So there is no illness for me, and pain neither tomorrow, nor the day after tomorrow, nor for a week, nor for a month, nor for the whole year! Amen.

Bath conspiracy for good health and longevity

Say the words of this conspiracy while washing in the bath or, if the bath is contraindicated for you by doctors, in the bathroom. The words of the conspiracy are spoken when you douse yourself with water for the last time.

Water from goglia, thinness from me, dry skin, bruises, windbreak, wash off, rinse from the servant of God (name). Like a duck from the sea, so sickness from me. Like water off a duck, so sickness off me. Like water off a duck, with (name) thinness. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy at the beginning of the disease

As soon as you feel the first signs of malaise, read this conspiracy - it will help stop the disease at the very beginning.

I draw, I draw from the whites of the chest, red faces, from zalotukh, from kumchug, from windy cheekbones. He came with the wind and went with the wind. Amen.

Conspiracy over a sick relative

The plot is read over the patient three times.

Descend from (name), illness, to an animal, to a leaf, to a dry bush, to an empty barrel, to a swamp hummock, cleanse the body of (name). Strongly. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy in the treatment of wounds and bruises

If it hurt, wound, inflammation - move your hand around the sore spot (you can rub the ointment at the same time if it is prescribed for you) and read the plot three times:

As on a dry birch a leaf dries up, falls off, so would the wound heal at (name), the disease would dry up, fall off. Strongly. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Morning spell for good health

This is a good way to start the day.

I get up, the servant of God (name), blessed, cross myself, wash myself with holy water, wipe myself with a robe-veil, pray to the Lord God. I will go out from door to door, from gate to gate under the morning dawn of Mary, under the evening dawn of Maremyan, to the ocean to the sea. On the ocean-sea, a golden stone does not sink and does not ache, the servant of God did not have a back, did not ache, the tumor did not rise up, it would burn out from under the nails, from under the elbows, from under the ribs, from under the vein, from - under the turnout, there would not be all the tracts, all the shelters, there would not be all 12 birthplaces, they would have dried up, so they would have disappeared from his servant of God (name), there would be neither in the bones, nor in the joints, nor in exuberant head, not in a ruddy face, not in clear eyes, not in black eyebrows, and from his entire body, and from his entire member. morning dawn Mary, the evening dawn of Maremyan, how soon you calmed down, calmed down, so the servant of God (name) would subside, all sorrows and pains subsided, relatives, tracts dry up, all 12 relatives disappear. Those who taught, undertaught, which words she knew - read, which, apparently, she knew - forgot - left, they would run ahead and help more than those. And be, my words, strong and sculpting, stronger than stone, faster than a violent wind. Till the end of time. Amen.

Conspiracy when washing for health and beauty

Every morning and evening, washing your face, read these conspiracy words. They will not only help to get rid of the disease, but also to healthy person sickness will not be allowed. And besides, they will give you a healthy and fresh look.

I wash my face with water, I wipe myself with a veil, I walk for good health. Amen.

Conspiracy to catch disease

In order to catch the disease and remove yourself from yourself, you need to outline the sore spot in a circle index finger right hand and read the plot three times.

I will rise, the servant of God (name), blessed, I will go, crossing myself; I will wash myself with the morning dew, wipe myself with a thin white cloth and go from the hut to the door, from the door to the gate, under the eastern side to the Okiyan-sea. On that Okiyane-sea stands God's island, on that island lies the white combustible stone Alatr, and on the stone is the holy prophet Elijah with heavenly angels. I pray to you, holy prophet of God Elijah, send thirty angels in a gold-plated dress, with bows and arrows, and beat and shoot from (name) lessons and prizes, and inflows, pinches and aches, and a wind-borne ulcer, to where the winged bird flies, on black mud, on swampy swamps, and on the opposite and transverse, stamovo and lomovo - on the young, on the dilapidated and on the cut moon.

Conspiracy over medicine

This conspiracy will enhance the healing effect of any medicine.

Send me thunder and lightning; beat and shoot from the servant of God (name) lessons and prizes, pinches and aches, burdens and yawns, and a wind-borne ulcer, where a winged bird does not fly in, and a daring fellow on a horse does not call in, oncoming and transverse, stamov and lomov, internally, singly, leathery and veined. Like a dead dead man's arms and legs, teeth and lips, a trembling body, so would the lessons and prizes and inflows, pinches and aches, pains and yawns, and a wind-borne ulcer, counter and transverse, stamov and lomov, inside , singly, leathery and veined.

Such a conspiracy works very well on medicinal herbs, moods and decoctions of them.

Water conspiracy for dousing to alleviate the patient's condition

Pour into a bucket warm water and read the plot over it. After washing, pour water over the patient.

The servant of God (name) got up, blessed, went, crossing himself, out of the hut through the doors, out of the courtyard gate, and went out into the open field. In an open field there is a blue sea, on that blue sea there is a quiet backwater, on that one in a quiet factory a gray goldeneye floats, on that gray goldeneye neither water nor dew holds. Also, no lessons, no prizes, no dashing slanders, no windy shots and no nightly commotions would hold on to the servant of God (name). Forever and ever, amen.

Red wine conspiracy for strength and blood renewal

This conspiracy renews the blood and carries new forces throughout the body. They read it over a glass of red wine, it is better to use Cahors - church wine, symbolizing the blood of Christ. Wine should be given to the patient to drink before going to bed.

I will stand, blessed, I will go, crossing myself, into an open field; in an open field, the Oka River runs along the tracks and roads. And the River Oka washes its steep banks, and silk grasses, and fine sands, and pebbles. So she would upholster and wash from the slave (name) all the condemnations and ghosts. And you, servant of God (name), wash yourself with dew, wipe yourself off the stars, wipe yourself off for a month and save yourself from judgment with the red sun, and get away from the thief and the opposing one! And as the cathedral church closes and hardens, so I, the slave (name), affirm and strengthen all the words and sentences, now forever, amen. Mark the Hermit, help and help the servant of God (name), so that from now on and forever there will be no sorrow; and just as you didn’t hurt and didn’t ache, so the servant of God (name) would have deadened the pain in his teeth.

A conspiracy over water and salt to return consciousness

Pour water into a cup, add a pinch of salt and put three coals.

Read the plot above the water and sprinkle the patient three times on the arms, legs, chest and back.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us sinners, have mercy on the servant of God (name)! Mother of God, do not leave the servant of God by Your mercy, forgive his great sin, in which he sinned before You. Have mercy, Lord, on him from every evil eye. Give him, Lord, health and salvation!

Then cross the patient and read these words:

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on the servant of God (name). Lord, bless, Father! The archangels, the angels of the Lord, Michael and Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael, who see at the doors of the Lord, hold scepters in their hands, and keep the bed of the Lord; in the form of many forces, an archangel and rivers: “Curse the devil, and he will not touch the servant of God, day or night, neither on the way, nor in any place.” But observe, Lord Jesus Christ, with the prayers of the Most Pure Thee Mother and all the holy angels, always and now and ever and forever and ever, amen.

Conspiracy for arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism and joint pain

You need to thoroughly comb out a yard dog, always one that does not live in a house, but in a kennel, spin wool, tie socks (if your legs hurt) or a scarf (if you suffer from pain in your back, arms). The resulting product must be brought close to the lips and whisper a conspiracy on it. After that, the thing is used for its intended purpose: a scarf is tied to a sore spot, socks are put on and left overnight.

The words are:

Stand up, servant of God (name), blessed in the morning and in the evenings, wash yourself with the morning dawn and evening, wipe yourself with white light; a red sun bakes in the forehead, a bright moon in the back of the head, frequent small stars scatter along the pigtails; he will go out of the door with doors, out of the canopy of the canopy, out of the gate by the gate, he will go far into the open field, four heights, he will stand with his face to the east, to the west with his ridge: in the east is the light of the true Christ; on the blue sea a white stone, on a white stone a white man in a white dress, light George the Brave; George of Light the Brave has two young men, two much more daring, great archers: one son is Simeon, the other is Gerasim, they walk with a tight bow, shoot at a damp oak. Oh, you, Simeon and Gerasim, do not shoot at a damp oak, shoot at inflow wounds, shoot, chop off a servant of God (name) parishes, prizes, inflow slanders, windy fractures, inflow slanders. Amen.

Look in the country, in the village for a house where the dog is kept, ask the owners for wool. You can, if you try, find people who will spin the wool. Try to do everything as indicated here, because the remedy is good, reliable.

Well, if it doesn’t work out, use other conspiracies.

Healing oil preparation

Take vegetable oil and speak it for the future, to lubricate the sore spot with it at any time.

There is a sea-okiya; on that sea there is a golden bridge, a golden man sits on it, shaves golden arrows and shoots from the servant of God (name) a kosok, and a parable, and a pinch, and a hairy, a kos of night and day, noon, and midnight, and water, and wooden, from the arms and legs, and from the bone, and from the marrow, and from all its uds; give, God, the servant of God (name) for health and salvation.

Plot on ashes from bone diseases

Read the plot over the ashes nine times, then sprinkle it on the sore spot.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Hair, hair, go out on a rye ear from a servant of God (name) either to an ashtray or to warm water!

Conspiracy for stretching the back

As soon as you pulled your back, you need to immediately, without leaving your place, say a conspiracy:

Mother dawn-lightning, red maiden, mother earth, take off from me, from the servant of God, the quickness - I’m terrible, across; noon, noon; night, midnight. Amen, amen, amen.

Conspiracies from pressure surges, pain in the heart

Naturally, with heart disease it is necessary to be observed by a doctor. But the conspiracy is also useful: they took a pill - and so that the attack passes faster, read the conspiracy.

1. Conspiracy during an attack.

Say the plot three times and spit three times after each time.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen. Egory descends from heaven along the golden stairs, Egory takes down from heaven three hundred golden-striped bows, three hundred golden-feathered arrows and three hundred golden-striped bowstrings and shoots, and shoots at the servant of God (name) lessons, bites, pains of the heart: “And bear it, black beast bear, in dark forests, and trample, the black beast bear, into the rearing swamps; so that they will not be for a century, neither day nor night ... ”Forever and ever, amen.

2. How to speak heart medicine.

If you regularly take medicine, then before taking it, read the conspiracy word over it:

There is a slave (name) from the court in baptized faith from the Holy Spirit, from the seal of Christ. Christ has a city of Jerusalem, Luke, Marko and the third Nikita the martyr walk in that city of Jerusalem, who was tormented for Christ, and prays to God for us. In the hands of the Mother of God is the key, the lock, where Christ himself rests. My guardian angel, save my soul, fasten my body from damage, my heart from pain. The enemy is Satan, a dashing person, pump yourself out of me, a servant of God (name), like a beast from a beast, a snake from a snake, a heretic from a heretic, a sorcerer from a sorceress. Bless, Lord, to live in good health, and to our parents the Kingdom of Heaven.

Conspiracy for a stomach or intestinal ulcer

This conspiracy is done on water, which they then drink.
Our Lord is eternal, King of heaven and Creator. Your many-sinful servant (name) turns to you, prays for mercy in your age. For my sins punished, ulcerated, sick inside. All my insides have been eaten away, withered, hurt. I beg you for forgiveness, if I bow before the red throne. Deliver Your servant (name) from torment, from a burning ulcer, from a fierce pain. Send your servant (name) deliverance with the holy guardian angel, with the Holy Mother of God, with the healer Panteleimon, your saint. Amen.

Spellbound drops are drunk in a special way: in the morning, on an empty stomach, drink one drop, the next day - two, then three, and so bring it to twelve, then in the opposite direction - first eleven, then ten, etc.

Conspiracy for diarrhea and vomiting

Pour boiled water into a cup, pour a pinch of salt into it and say a plot. This water is drunk on a spoon during the day.

I will rise, the servant of God (name), blessed, I will go, crossing myself, from door to door, from gate to gate, on the way to the blue Okiyanu-sea. By this Okiyana-sea stands a karcolist tree; hanging on this karcolist tree: Kozma and Demyan, Luke and Pavel, great helpers. I resort to you, servant of God (name), I ask, great helpers, Kozma and Demyan, Luke and Paul, to tell me: why do bare-haired women come out of the sea-okiyana, why do they go around the world, depart from sleep, from food, sucking blood, pulling veins like a worm, sharpening a black liver, sawing yellow bones and joints with saws? Here you do not live, dwelling, not cool; you go into swamps, into deep lakes, beyond fast rivers and dark forests: there for you boarded beds, downy feather beds, and pillows are put; there are sugary dishes, honey drinks; there you will have a dwelling, a dwelling, a cool place - to this hour, to this day; my word, servant of God (name), strong, strong, strong.

Jaundice Conspiracy

Read the plot over the patient three times.

Protect, Lord, with the power of Your honest and life-giving cross and save the viva from all evil, Lord, I betray my spirit, but You save me and bless the living eternal grant. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy from tumors of the abdominal cavity

This plot is read on a birch broom. But to carry out the conspiracy, you need an assistant.

Invite a person who is optimistic about life, sees the good in everything, believes in a better outcome, and instruct him to say this conspiracy.

The broom needs to be steamed out, uttered words on it, and then applied to the stomach. After pouring the patient with water, in which the broom was steamed.

I, the servant of God (the name of the one who heals), will dissuade the servant of God (name): Interior inside, get out of the servant of God (name), from his white body, from his stomach. Go out into the open field, where there is emptiness; there are oak tables, tablecloths, honey drinks, sugar dishes. You were invited to visit!

Take a glass of boiling water and a piece of gauze. Pour a teaspoon of wormwood herb into cheesecloth. Roll up the gauze and tie with red thread. Then lower it into a glass of boiling water and keep it all the time while the conspiracy is being said. Then throw out the herbs, cool the water and drink a teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach.

I, the servant of God (name), will become blessed and cross myself, wash and dry myself, and pray to the Lord God, I will go far, far, to the east side; on the east side there is a green garden; in the green garden, George the Brave, the Passion-bearer of Christ, protects and encloses from gray worms, from white worms, from forest, marsh, leaf, root. Goy you, gray worm, white worm, forest, marsh, leaf, root, go across the sea, to the priest Perfil, a lot of cabbage fields have been sown at the priest Perfil, they have been fielded with honey, dinner has been prepared for you; here is your way and the road, under the stake, under the twist, under the mortgage pole. Amen.

Conspiracy from renal colic and kidney stones

Place the palm of your right hand on the kidney area and say:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen. Not from the wind, not from the vehor did this arrow come to the servant of God; and come out, this arrow, from the servant of God (name) to the way, to iron and oil, shade, do not break and do not tear. Always, now and forever, and forever and ever, amen.

Conspiracy from warts

Removing a wart is a simple matter.

Count the warts on your hands. Take wool thread, put your hands behind your back and tie as many knots on the thread as you have warts. Bury the thread in the ground (possibly in a flower pot). Read the plot:

How this rope rots so that all the warts rot.

A conspiracy from scrofula

Scrofula in the old days was called ordinary diathesis - a disease that occurs more often in children, but often affects adults as well. It seems like nonsense, but it happens that a person combs itchy skin until it bleeds. This conspiracy will help with such a disease, both adults and children.

Zarya-lightning, red maiden, come to help me; help me, Lord, to pronounce scrofula from the servant of God (name), reconsidering, rethinking, negotiating, midnight, violent-buinovice, yellow-yellow, blue-bluish, red-beauty and crumbly; scrofula-krasukha, come from a slave (name), from a violent head, from clear eyes, near a clean field, near the blue sea, on growth, turns, on deep swamps; as a horse does not drink water, does not eat grass, stunned, numb, so it would be slain by a slave (name), numb in a violent head, in clear eyes; as frequent stars pour from the sky, so would a slave (name) have scrofula rolled out of a violent head, from clear eyes.

A conspiracy from chiria to cream

Pour cream into a clay cup and read a plot over them. After that, lubricate the sore spot with cream.

The servant of God (name) got up, blessed, and went, crossing himself, out of the hut through the doors, out of the gate, out into the open field. There is a dry shalga in an open field; on that shalga grass does not grow and flowers do not bloom; and also the servant of God (name) would have neither chiria, nor vered, nor baennoy evil spirits. The slave (name) is being cleansed. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen.

Baptism of an abscess

Move the index finger of your right hand along the abscess in cross-shaped movements and read the plot:

Father, a young month, you don’t have any pain or sickness, so the servant of God (name) would not have had any pain or sickness in the boil.

Evening conspiracy for an abscess

In the evening, before going to bed, read the plot for an abscess:

Naritsa, naritsa, queen, you won’t be here, you won’t live here, you won’t make a nest here, you’ll live near an open field, on a white birch. There you will live, there you will be, there you will nest.

Scab conspiracy - scabies

To quickly deal with a tick and get rid of itching, use a conspiracy word.

Go to the river bank (a lake or a pond in this case is not suitable - you need running water) with a piece of bread and salt. Salt the bread and throw it into the water with the words:

Bread, honest salt, sail wherever you want, you have a good journey, but leave me good health!

Conspiracies from burns

1. As soon as you get burned (not very badly, not to the blisters), immediately pour salt on the burn, and then say the plot three times:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Light to dawn, and dawn to light, and burn to words. Forever and ever, amen.

2. Conspiracy for a smoke burn.

Light a match or candle, blow it out so that smoke comes out. With your hand drive the smoke towards the patient and say:

Smoky smoke, take the volatile fire from the slave (name). God bless.

3. On the ring finger from a burn.

As soon as you get burned, you need to take hold of the ring finger on the hand from which the burn is. Read the plot three times, after each time blow on the burned place and spit over your left shoulder:

The fox was walking behind the forest, where the fox will pass, there the burn will lick, blow three times, spit three times - everything will pass. Amen.

Conspiracy from abscesses and inflammations

Above the sore spot, read this:

I will stand, the servant of God, crossing myself, I will go, blessed, from door to door, from gate to gate, to the east, under the red sun, under the bright moon, under the morning dawn of Mary, under the evening Maremyan, to the Keanu Sea, on the Keanu Sea Zlatyr stone, holy apostolic church, in the apostolic church the throne is holy, on the holy throne sits Michael the Archangel and Egor the Brave with tight arrows, with sharp whips; I, the servant of God, will come closer, I will submit and pray: “In Thou, father, Michael the Archangel and Egor the Brave, beat and whip with tight arrows, whipping twelve nails of the red horse with whips, whip him over the ears and behind the ears, over the eyes and over behind the eyes, along the skin and along the skin, along the bones and along the bones, along the mane and along the mane, along the tail and along the tail, along the hooves and along the hooves, along the joints along the joints, from the blood and from the heart; Father Michael the Archangel and George the Brave, drive out the unclean spirit, twelve nails.

How to baptize an abscess

Gather your fingers into a pinch and baptize the inflamed area:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen. I, the servant of God (name), will become blessed, I will go, crossing myself, from the hut through the doors, from the gates, into the open field, to the east side. There is in the open field, in the eastern side, there is a holy golden throne, the Savior sits on the holy golden throne. Blessed Mother, help and help! I, a servant of God, have a nail and a dashing pain. The Blessed Mother sends her servants to heaven with all the power of heaven, and all the power of heaven does not disobey: Flor and Laurus go ahead, Michael the Archangel follows Frol and Lavr, Cosmas and Damian follow Michael the Archangel, Georgy the Brave follows Cosmas and Damian; and they come to me, send away and drive away every nail, evil, dashing and dashing pain. Florus and Laurus remove the scepter from their head in front of me, drive away the evil, dashing nail in three guards, into the ground, under the grass roots. And God passed me by the evil, dashing nail for all days, hours, forever and ever, amen.

Conspiracies from faces

So that erysipelas passes faster and the infection does not go further, this conspiracy will help you.

Take a stick with a knot. with a sharp knife wooden handle circle the knot three times clockwise, three times against, reading the plot. After the name of each mare and while listing the faces, spit each time:

An erysipelas rode on a white mare, the mare fell, and the erysipelas disappeared. Bone mug, windy mug, mug to the evil eye, mug from lessons, mug from a cold, from a whirlwind, from the wind, from a thin thin person, from a dear native.

An erysipelas rode on a red mare, the mare fell, and the erysipelas disappeared. Bone erysipelas, windy erysipelas, evil eye erysipelas, erysipelas from lessons, erysipelas from a cold, from a whirlwind, from the wind, from a thin thin man, from a dear native.

An erysipelas rode on a black mare, the mare fell, and the erysipelas disappeared. Bone mug, windy mug, mug to the evil eye, mug from lessons, mug from a cold, from a whirlwind, from the wind, from a thin thin person, from a dear native. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy for eczema

Take a new needle and a dry knot. Poke a needle into the branch and read the plot. Then blow on the inflamed area and spit three times over the left shoulder:

As this bitch does not stand on the vine, do not chat with leaves, dry-dry and no longer rest, so you, eczema, dry-dry and no longer rest.

Lichen conspiracy

Tear off the plantain, wash it with boiled water, read the plot over the leaf and tie it to the sore spot for the night. Repeat three to five days in a row:

Good from God, good from me. As saliva dries on the stove, let (name) lichen dry. Fly over dense forests, over swampy swamps, where the beast does not walk, where the bird does not carry bones. Fly longer than an overlay knife, a sharp-sharp saber. I will close my mouth, the key is in the sea, my tongue is in my mouth. Amen. Amen. Amen.

A conspiracy from a splinter

Lubricate with iodine the place into which the splinter entered, and read the conspiracy over it - the splinter will come out by itself:

Duck from the sea, bird from the tree. Come out, splinter, from the body. Amen. Amen. Amen.

A conspiracy from a speck in the eye

If a speck gets into your eye, cross it and read the plot:

As I am a chaschinka from the road, so a speck from the eye. God bless.

Conspiracy from thorn

Read the plot three times, then spit over your left shoulder:

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us! Amen. And St. Yegoriy walked across the iron bridge, and three dogs ran after him: one gray, the other white, the third black. The gray dog ​​licked the thorn, the white dog licked the thorn, the black dog licked the thorn from the born, from the prayerful, from the baptized servant of God (name).

Conspiracies from barley

1. Conspiracy for adults.

Wet the index finger of the right hand with saliva and wipe the sore eye. Read the plot three times:

God bless! The sun to the west, the day to the end, the knot in the eye to the exhaustion, it will disappear itself, as the forehead turns black. Key and lock to my words.

2. Conspiracy for children.

If barley begins in a child, then show the fig to your closed eye. Read the plot three times, each time crossing the eye with a fig:

Here you are, barley, a little cookie, and a slave (name) has a healthy eye.

Conspiracies for colds

1. Conspiracy with the onset of a cold.

Take three coals and drive them in turn around the nose, ears and neck of the patient. Say every time:

Like an ember, it burns and burns, it goes out and burns, burn and burn, go out and dry, toad and gourd, and mumps.

2. A conspiracy from sore throat - from a toad.

A toad in the old days was called a sore throat, inflammation of the throat or pharynx. To make the patient feel better, you need to rub your neck with your hands, saying:

I went to bed (name) to sleep, praying and blessing. On the Kiyan-Sea lies the Latyr stone; near that stone of Latyr stands the throne of the Most Holy Theotokos; near that throne stands a tree with dry faith; a bird sits on this tree in the dry land - iron noses, damask claws, nibbles, pulls dry and wet toads, forever, forever and ever.

After that, wave your hands towards the door and say:

Go, dry and wet toad, dry!

3. Conspiracy rinses with angina.

Pour boiled water into an earthenware cup, cross it ring finger right hand and read the plot over it. Gargle and drink the rest of the water.

Bless, Lord, and save, Lord, your servant or servant (name) from troubles and misfortunes, and from a dashing person, and from a hater, have mercy and save your servant (name) in a clean field, in a green oak forest; an oak hearth and on a dry tree on which there are no shoots; from now on and forever and ever and ever; Amen.

Oak, oak, take your oak swallow, and swallow, and wet toad, dry oak swallow, and swallow from the servant of God (name)! If you don’t take your oak-throat, it will swallow you with branches and roots.

5. For pain in the ears.

Put the patient in a corner and say behind his back:

The corner is chopped and the oaks cross. That cross did not hurt, did not sting, and did not twirl the ear; and so the servant of God (name) would not hurt, not sting and twirl, neither in the day, nor in the night, nor in the dawn of the morning, nor in the vespers, nor to the new, nor to the old and not to block the month. Forever and ever, amen.

6. Conspiracy from otitis.

If your ears hurt, take a twig from a broom and touch your earlobe with it, as if tingling the disease. Say:

I, the servant of God (name), will dissuade the superficial disease of the mumps. The earmuff came in kindly and leave kindly, but if you don’t go kindly, I’ll put on birch bast shoes, in belt loops and throw a bush under the birches so that it doesn’t hurt, so that it doesn’t hurt and doesn’t interfere with the servant of God (name).

7. How to speak an ache.

In the old days, when reading this conspiracy, they planted the patient under the mother - a beam at the base of the roof of the house. It is clear that most people now live in modern houses, in which there are no beams. Just seat the sick person under any crossbar - for example, in the doorway. Drive over his head with scissors, as if cutting off the disease, while reading the plot:

Lord, bless, Lord Christ. As this mother is forever planted on forty blocks, so I will plant this ailment forever; as I cut clean with these scissors, so I will cut out this ailment forever; as I remove rust from a scythe with a beam, so I remove this ailment from the servant of God (the name of the patient). Amen.

8. Conspiracy from temperature with tonsillitis, otitis media and other inflammatory diseases.

Place icons of the Mother of God and the Savior next to the sick bed and read the plot:

Holy prayer from the Lord Jesus Christ, the King of Heaven. The Lord created heaven and earth, and all the universe; a fiery river flowed, in the same fiery river the power of the Lord was baptized, Peter and Paul, Michael the archangel, Jesus Christ himself. Satan settled near their own temple; he, Michael the Archangel, twisted his head in the rear. O, Holy Mother of God, close the servant of God (name) with your shroud and imperishable robe and deliver him from pinch, from aches, from shaking kumukha, from twelve pains and twelve kumukhov shaking: from daunica, zhelunitsa, from visceral, vein, bone, brain, day, night, noon, midnight, morning and evening.

Scarlet fever conspiracy

Read the plot three times over three coals, then bury the coals in the ground.

Wet toad, dry toad, scarlet fever, nettle fever, dry dry.

Conspiracy from stomatitis

You can slander on a knot, which then needs to be put in water and left for twelve hours. And then rinse your mouth with this water.

Bitch, bough, take your boughs from the born, from the stricken, this bough dries up so that these branches dry up with the servant of God (name). Amen.

Conspiracy from herpes

You need to speak like this:

Fire, fire, take your fire, give the servant of God (name) purity, whiteness. Amen.

Conspiracy at high temperature during a cold

Read a conspiracy over a patient with a high temperature:

I, the servant of God (name), will become blessed, and I will go, crossing myself, in the blue sea; on the blue sea lies a white combustible stone, on this stone stands God's throne, the Blessed Mother sits on this throne, holds a white swan in her white hands, cuts off, plucks from the swan white feather; as the white feather bounced, jumped back, so bounce, jump back, back away from the servant of God (name), darling fire and darling fever, from a violent little head, from clear eyes, from black eyebrows, from a white calf, from a zealous heart, from a black liver , from a white lung, from a hand, from a scabbard. I came from the wind - go to the wind; I came from the water - go to the water; I came from the forest - go to the forest, from now on and forever.

A conspiracy over a man who fell into unconsciousness from a fever

Read the plot over the lying patient, baptizing him all the time:

On Mount Favorstey, under the oak of Mamre, that Sedyakh Sihail, Michael, and that all the powers of heaven, angels and archangels, cherubim and seraphim, gathered, and seven simple-haired virgins and without belts go, and they say to them: “Who are you, virgins?” They say: "I am the daughter of King Herod." - "Where are you going?" - "Let's go to the world of the bones of human lomiti and the bodies of their tomiti." And they gave them a thousand wounds, iron oaks, and plunged them into the fiery sea. "God forbid you be from the fiery sea, neither in the family nor in the tribe." Gathering the forces of heaven, angels and archangels, cherubim and seraphim, driving away from the servant of God (name).

Conspiracy decoction for influenza

Prepare a healing drink for the sick person and read the magic words over him.

Take a handful of dried raspberries and a handful of dried linden flowers, mix and pour one liter of boiling water. Say a conspiracy to the infusion, cover with a lid and let stand for 20 minutes. Drink the patient with infusion during the day.

I, the servant of God, will become blessed, and I will go, crossing myself; I will wash neither white nor black, wipe dry or wet; I wash myself with unleavened milk, I wipe myself with poppy color; I will go from door to door, from gate to gate; Saint Tikhon met me, I bow to Saint Tikhon: “Take, father, twelve rods of tin, iron, and beat the twelve daughters of Herod with them, so that they don’t coward me, don’t break my bones - from now on and forever.”

Conspiracy from temperature during sunstroke

If you overheated in the sun, wipe yourself with a towel dipped in cold water. Wiping yourself, read the plot, spitting over your left shoulder:

The accursed Satan, the shaker and the fire, who delivered me, the servant of God (name); four evangelists rest here: John the Theologian, Luke, Marko, Matviy, the unmercenary miracle workers Kozma, Demian, Cyril, Jonah, Pantelei, Yermolai, they will take thee, the cursed Satan, the shaker and the fire, from me, the servant of God, they will lead out and cast into the furnace of fire and they will protect in the name of the Lord always, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy from stabbing (sharp stabbing pain)

With the tip of a sharp knife, circle the place where you feel the prickling, and cross this place with the knife. Say the words of the conspiracy. After that, dip the knife into a cup of water. Part of the water should be drunk, part of the lubrication of the sore spot.

I cut, I cut off, I chop, I chop, I cut, I chop a prick with a sharp knife. As a bar disappears from the way, from damask steel, from iron, so disappear and wither, dear prick, in white bone, in black meat, in a white body from now on and forever.

Conspiracy for stomach pain

Baptize your belly and read the plot:

Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God, have mercy on the servant of God (name), vouchsafe him, bless, Father! There is a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bgold, a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bgold is a ship on gold, St. Nicholas rides on a gold ship, helps the servant of God (name) from the mustache; there is a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bgold on gold, a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bgold tree, on a gold tree of gold, birds - iron noses and iron nails, tear, drag from the servant of God (name) to mosses, to swamps; there is a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bgold, on gold the sea is a white stone, on a white stone sits a red maiden with an iron club, tepet, defends, excommunicates from the servant of God (name) put on mosses, on swamps; there is a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bgold, on gold a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bgold ship, thirty kings and seventy queens ride on a gold ship, help the servant of God (name) from the mustache; there is a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bgold, on gold a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bgold is a ship, Saint Nicholas rides on a gold ship, opens the depths of the sea, raises the iron gates, and removes from the servant of God (name) put hell in the jaw.

A conspiracy from aching joints

Take two cups - one with water, the other empty. Pour water from cup to cup, reading the plot, then pour water on the ground.

Calm down, ozevische and slough, from a violent head, from a zealous heart, from clear eyes, from black eyebrows, from bones, from brains, from fingers, from joints and shrug your shoulders; I will throw you on fast rivers. Mother fast water, you go to the sea - take the ozevisch and the slice from the servant of God (name) to the sea and the deep sea, to the very end.

Conspiracy for toothache

Read this plot at any time when your tooth hurts.

Oak of oaks, worm of teeth, do not sharpen and do not gnaw at the servant of God (name), a tooth, but sharpen and gnaw a dry oak.

And when you treat your teeth, repeat a short conspiracy to yourself:

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us. Amen. Antipas, savior, father, dental healer, heal, Lord, this servant of yours (name) from itching, toothache. Not from a stone is fruitful, but from a dental disease. Amen, amen, amen to the King of Heaven.

Conspiracies to stop the blood

Of course, you need to put a tourniquet on a large wound, but you can just talk about small cuts.

Read such a conspiracy over a bleeding wound three times:

A brown horse ran from the ocean-sea, broke a golden stone. You, blood, are not a servant of God (name).

On an open wound

If the wound periodically opens and bleeds, it is necessary to whisper twelve times over the wound:

I will stand on a stone, my blood will not sink, my blood will never sink. Chur, my thoughts, chur, my thoughts.

Conspiracies in case of accidents

1. From being bitten by a rabid dog.

King Bread, I’m not telling you, I’m trying to dissuade you from every reptile, from nasty impurity, from a crazy dog ​​(such and such wool); I slander, I dissuade (name) from bones, from relics, from veins, from veins, from composition, from a semi-composition, from a violent head, from a rib bone, from combustible blood, from a lean stomach, from fractional intestines. On the sea-okiyana, on the field of seedlings, on a high mound there is an iron house, copper ropes, silver gates, golden locks, locks cannot be unlocked, shawls cannot be burped.

2. From snake bites.

On the sea, on the Ocean, on an island on Buyan, there is an oak, under that oak there is a willow bush, under that bush lies a white stone, on that stone lies a runtso, under that rune lies a scorpion snake. She has sisters Marya, Marina and Katerina. And we will pray to you, we will bow on all four sides: "Quiet your dashing from the servant of God (name)."

3. Charmed ointment from any bites.

Take cottage cheese, turpentine or fish oil and read a plot over it. Circle the bite site three times in a circle with the index finger of your right hand and attach the spoken remedy to it.

I, the servant of God (name), will stand early in the morning, put on my shoes smoothly, wash my face white, pray to God; I, the servant of God, will go from the hut through the doors, blessed, from the courtyard to the gate, crossing myself, under the morning dawn, to the Ocean-Sea. On the Ocean-Sea lies Zlatyr stone, on the Zlatyr stone stands a cathedral church, in that cathedral church there is a throne, and behind the throne are three hundred iron horses and three hundred men of iron. I’ll come, pray, bow and huddle: “In thou art, three hundred iron horses and three hundred men of iron, take an iron bow and three hundred iron arrows, you will soon drive hastily and shoot the black cow mother in the udder, in the already sting and in snake." As Mother Earth stands on three cedars, she doesn’t shake and doesn’t stir, so stand, already a sting and a snake, don’t shake and don’t stir. Amen.

4. From dislocation.

Baptize the sore spot and say:

The Lord Himself walked along the borders, walked along the paths, did not shake himself, did not wear out. Likewise, do not shake off the servant of God, do not be wasted, and lived in a vein, and a joint in a joint. Lord, Lord, the servants of God (there) are all eternal prizes, all fractures, the unclean came out forever, amen.

5. Plot from a fracture.

Read over the sore spot three times:

The heat, and the blow, and the thought: that's where, famously, it came, - there, famously, go, - the heat, and the blow, and the scream. Here are all the princes, princes, prizes, human conversations and all strong thought, here get off your white body, from your zealous heart, from your arms and legs, and from all joints, from your wild head, from countless hair, from white eyebrows, from clear eyes, from all the servant of God. Forever and ever, amen.

6. Conspiracy from injury.

I will become a servant of God, having prayed, I will go, crossing myself, from hut to hut, from porch to porch, from door to door, from gate to gate. I will go out into the open field, I will stand with my face to the east, my back to the west, I will pray, I will worship the Lord himself, Jesus Christ himself - the King of heaven, the Most Holy Lady Theotokos. I will begin to ask and pray to the servant of God, the Lord Jesus Christ himself - the King of heaven to send for help, for the Lord's great mercy. We will begin to beat, beat, beat off from the servant of God all the parables, all the ghosts, all human slanders, badly our thoughts, bad thoughts; and we will begin to remove annoying wounds from the servant of God, severe wounds, longing-pinching, no matter what hurts, does not pinch, does not hurt the servant of God, would not press the heart of anguish-pinches, on the body of the tumor, from all the bones, from all kinds of pain and from all distant joints. From a beater-girl, from a silk-haired woman, from a peasant, from a heretic, from any evil, dashing person. Amen.

Conspiracy from longing

Diseases can be not only bodily, but also mental, and sometimes the second is more painful than the first. With this conspiracy, you can treat longing for yourself and any other person.

On the sea, on the Ocean, on an island on Buyan, in a hollow clearing, under a mokretsky oak, the servant of God (name) sits, yearning, twisting in an unknown longing and in an unrecognized sadness, in an unsaid torment. 8 elders go with the elder, uninvited, uninvited; goy, why are you sitting like this in a hollow clearing, on the island of Buyan, on the sea-ocean! And the servant of God (name) spoke to 8 elders with an elder: trouble found among the outskirts, lay down in a zealous heart; it hurts, the little head hurts, the clear light is not nice. Call to all the elders with a formidable elder, they began to break longing, throw longing beyond the outskirts, kidma threw longing, from east to west, from the river to the sea, from the road to the crossroads, from the village to the churchyard; nowhere did they accept longing, nowhere did they hide longing; rushed to the island to Buyan, to the sea, to the Ocean, under the Mokretsky oak. I speak a slave (name) from unbearable longing, to this day, to this hour, to this minute, no one will overcome my word either with air or spirit.

Conspiracy from drunkenness

Alcoholism - serious disease. There are ways to speak this disease.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen. Hop and wine, depart from the servant of God into dark forests, where people do not walk and horses do not roam, and the bird does not fly.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit (twice), hops and wine, go out on fast water, on which water people do not ride; from the servant of God, hops and wine, go to the violent winds, which the wind travels in range. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, attach yourself to a dashing person who thinks dashingly of (name), attach himself to that one who will not do good, get rid of me forever. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen.

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Usually a conspiracy is made using those natural components that embody the multiplicity b, an uncountable amount of something - so that, according to the principle of similarity, you have the same amount of money.

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What are these natural ingredients? stars in the sky, fish in the sea, ants in an anthill, feathers on birds, seeds…

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The second option is to use what increases. For example, a dough that rises, a growing plant... So that your income also increases according to the principle of similarity.

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For example, everyone knows the plant, popularly called Money Tree. You don’t even need to specifically speak it, because. it has the ability to attract money. Often, changes in the money tree can also be used to judge the change in the financial situation of its owners.


For example, they told the following story: when a person is offered a job that immediately puts him on a substantially higher level of income, he Money Tree grew fantastically in a matter of days. And when the financial crisis comes, the money tree, on the contrary, begins to wither. On my tree, I also observed the following picture: the tree suddenly began to branch strongly, let out many side shoots. This coincided with the emergence of various revenue streams.



Both the money itself and new things are used to attract money. You are already familiar with this - the fiat ruble technique. There are conspiracies for money that need to be repeated periodically, each time selling the old charmed coin and conspiring a new one.

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Often sellers do not spend the first proceeds from trade, but leave it as a talisman attracting new customers. But the buyer can also use the purchased items to attract the next new things (and therefore money for them!) - there is also a special conspiracy for this.

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In money magic, the phase of the moon is important, on which magical work is done.. Conspiracies to attract money are best done on the growing moon. And to get rid of debts - to decrease.

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And now some good conspiracies for money.

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Ancient conspiracies for money so that wealth goes hand in hand


* Bread is baked for the young month (pie, buns), slandering the dough before baking:


"As you will grow dough, rise and increase, so I will grow, in a position to rise, above people in my glory and in money. Amen."

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* They slander a coin, so that it has a five (5 kopecks or 5 rubles), and they carry it with them everywhere. A month later, they get rid of it and make the same one again.


“I’m going to trade as a merchant, I’m returning on a sable, well done. I'm bringing home the treasure. Give, God, so much money that there is nowhere to put it. Amen"

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* To keep money flowing


It is necessary to say on a bill with a denomination of 5 monetary units (rubles, dollars) at sunrise:


"Five-Five, five, don't be lazy!"


and carry it with you. On the new moon, spend and slander the same words on a new bill.

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* Ritual for wealth for corn, wheat
It is necessary to go out into the field or garden at sunrise, to pluck an ear of corn, saying at the same time: “for prosperity, for wealth, for harmony, for peace in the house!”


Then dry the cob, put the grains in the eastern part of the dwelling on the windowsill for three days and read on them these days every morning and evening:


“Just as many cobs grow from one grain, so I, (my name), have all the good things to be full. It would not decrease, but would increase and arrive! May it be so!"


Then the grains are sewn into a pillow or feather bed, without telling anyone about it.

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* Conspiracy to surrender in the store


You need to give money with your right hand, and take it with your left. When accepting change in a store with your left hand, say to yourself:


"In our purse - your money, your treasury - my treasury! Amen."

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* To sell well, sell goods


It is necessary to baptize the goods with the index finger of the left hand, while saying:


"I am a merchant, always well done! We will sell our goods to you! Money to money! Your money is for us, our goods are for you! Amen."

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* To attract money into your life


Read the following plot to attract money. At the evening dawn, stand by the window, dilute half a spoonful of salt in a small amount in a new cup clean water. Take three sips from the cup and read the words of the conspiracy:


I change salty salt for gold-silver, I collect the profit for myself. I will save red-hot salt, I will save wealth for a century. Amen. Amen. Amen.

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Then moisten your forehead with the rest of the drink, sprinkle a little in your bosom and down your collar. Throw the rest of the water out the window. This plot should also be read only with a young moon.

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* Conspiracy for money and wealth
For this plot, you should buy a new broom (not synthetic, but ordinary). Early morning When the moon is waxing start sweeping your apartment. Only, unlike ordinary cleaning, revenge should not be towards the threshold, but from the threshold. At the same time, say the words of a conspiracy for money and wealth:


"Garbage out of the house, money into the house, bow to the broom."

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When you finish cleaning, collect all the garbage in a bag, put the broom in the right place with the whisk up, and take the garbage out of the house. The plot can be repeated the next moon month, only again with a new broom.


Basically, all modern rituals, one way or another, came to us from ancient times. Forbidden ancient magic and ancestral spells were able to prove that the knowledge of all the rules and regulations plays a key role. If a person performs the rite in a modified form, then all the actions that were performed can turn against him. Especially if he doesn't know.

When casting spells, you must adhere to certain rules:

The pronunciation of the conspiracy is carried out in a quiet and clear voice.

· The spell must be learned by heart in order to avoid pauses and hesitation.

Before you begin to perform, you need to set yourself up psychologically and achieve perfect well-being.

You must experience only positive emotions.

During pronunciation, a person must believe in what he says and only then will he receive in full.

In addition, he must be sure that everything will work out, and he will achieve the goal for which he is using ancient magic.

Ancient rituals and spells

In ancient times, each conspiracy had a name - a grimoire. Often books that contained information about such rituals were called the book of a magician or witch. Such records contain rituals that can solve any problem of a person. However, it is more suitable for beginners.

There are many legends around each book. Until now, the exact date of writing the grimoire is not known. Previously, it was believed that only its owner could use the rites that are described in it.

Today we will analyze what can be useful ancient magic and spells that are described in magical books. Each of them will have a different execution process and efficiency. If you prefer this particular category, do everything clearly according to the instructions.

How to get the love of the chosen one using ancient magic

Every spell that was used in ancient times was written in Latin. To date, each of them has been translated verbatim, but still some of them may differ from the original spells. At that time, no paraphernalia was used, therefore, we will not need it either. It will be enough to memorize the text:

The book testifies that it is necessary to pronounce words only in the growing phase of the moon after the first twilight has appeared on the street. When the time is right, cast the spell:

« With black eyes from heaven I will cut through the human dark forest. I choose two bodies of young people (yours and the name of a loved one), I mix souls in them, I clothe them with a wedding. Drink them a cup of love to the brink. Whoever does not hear my word, that last day breathes!».

Take the pronunciation of the conspiracy seriously. After all, spells are a very complex science. And if you use - then be especially vigilant.

How to get good luck with the help of ancient rituals

ancient ancestral magic for good luck, it was used to attract rain and thereby get a big harvest. The requirements of the people of that time were different from ours, magical mysteries were created to achieve goals that today seem to us meaningless.

In order to get what everyone wants, you need to do a set of actions. First, you will need to go to a less passable place and build a fire. It must be made of wood. Secondly, you need to learn a spell that will give strength to this rite. The time of the event should be in the evening. In order for the fire to burn and not go out throughout the process, choose oak or birch. In addition, you will need to make a sacrifice in the form of some personal item.

After the fire is lit, start reading the words:

« Sweetie, mother! Rainbows and a yoke, spread throughout the earth. Walk on it, happiness will be ahead! Open its doors so that we can get through!».

Forbidden magical mysteries

The forbidden magic of the ancients was often used by witches and black sorcerers. She had a striking effect. But, few could decide to take advantage of such sacraments. Therefore, these rituals could not reach our time. They have been too modified and now they cannot give what they could before. But, nevertheless, you can try to achieve your goals with its help.

There is a spell that was literally translated from Latin. It will help to get wealth, luck and even love. It can be applied to both men and women. To do this, you will need herbs. They need to be collected at dawn, and then dried for a week. You must put them in casual clothes and carry with you all the time.

« My spells are powerful, they will help me find happiness. Witchcraft lives in me. In spite of everything, in spite of everyone, I will find everything that I need. May it be so forever and ever».

Forbidden Magic of the Ancients is capable of many things and should be used only in the most extreme cases when other rituals failed. Do not try to modify the plot - especially if it is or, but read it as written above and then you can make all your most secret desires come true.

What is the oldest magic

Mailer's magic is considered the oldest. It has been used in Egypt for many centuries. To perform the rituals that relate to her, it was necessary to draw pictures on the rocks. Thus, the performer could show the higher powers exactly what he wants.

The original rites that were used by the people of those times had no consequences. This happened due to the fact that all actions were carried out in full accordance with the instructions.

To date, none of the rituals has survived to our times. Each of them has been modified, which will not allow to obtain such an effect that could be realized earlier.

Rites were held before military campaigns. They helped the army to win even in the most difficult and bloody battles. Rituals were used to cure this or that disease, to gain wealth and so on.

Naturally, the most ancient magic was quite complicated, but the result that could be obtained with its help paid off all the efforts. However, everything remains a mystery to this day.

Old Russian magic

Magic sacraments in Russia played one of the key roles. Rites were used not only to gain love and wealth, but also to bring rain or get a good harvest.

Magic ancient Russia was very strong. Often, to perform rituals, huge fires were lit and conspiracies were read. In some cases, sacrifice may have been used. People of that time believed that if they offered a sacrifice to the Gods, they would fulfill all desires.

Today there is a ritual that has not been changed and is able to bring a result that will please every person. It is used to obtain mutual feelings of a loved one. It can be applied to both men and women.

The traditions of that time have not been changed and to perform the ritual, you will have to build a large fire. While reading, you will need to add herbs to the steel, which you need to collect yourself, then dry them and prepare them. welcome.

After the fire is lit, pick up the plants and read the plot:

« Adversity, storms, nothing will affect our love. The bird will fly in, take the news and tell the whole world that we are with you (name of a loved one). From now on and forever, I will be your favorite!».

As long as you are reading these words, throw the previously collected herbs into the fire. The effect of the deed will not be long in coming, since the magic of ancient Russia is very strong.

What did the ancient symbols mean?

Ancient symbols of magic used to convey higher powers what the person who has used this or that rite wants. Each of them had its own meaning and was used for completely different situations. in some way very similar to them.

╦ - this symbol meant what the person wanted to receive better life. It was used in rituals for good luck and wealth. The gods to whom the appeal took place could understand what a person wants and gave it to him in the shortest possible time.

☼ - such a symbol meant that the population did not have enough rain or harvest. In some cases, it was used to get rid of frost. To date, there is little information left on how to use it.

╪ - this sketch has two lines that symbolized fate different people. The symbol was used in order to receive the love of a person who is at a great distance.

 - was used in order to achieve a fatal outcome in a particular person. The symbol refers to Black magic and was actively used by sorcerers and witches.

These are the most common ancient symbols of magic that were used by our ancestors. Unfortunately, all the sketches could not be preserved and it would not be possible to bring all the desires to life with their help.

ancient egyptian mysteries

Egypt gave rise to magical mysteries. The first rites or rituals began to be applied in this place. The priests were able to understand that with the help of magic, you can take advantage of all the benefits of life. They used it to solve all kinds of problems that had completely different directions.

Magic ancient egypt numbered more than one thousand rituals, but, unfortunately, humanity is not destined to find out their true purpose. This happened due to the fact that the ancient people of Egypt did not want to share their rituals with the rest. They were sure that with their help they would be able to rule the world.

Each ritual had the most difficult process of execution. In addition, the time allotted for this could take several years. Their rituals were not at all like modern ones. For their implementation, specific actions could be required that are beyond the power of modern man. Often, for magical mysteries, a sacrifice in the form of a person was required. That is why many nations have abandoned it. The magic of ancient Egypt was not in demand, and all the rituals were dissolved over time.

Ancient magic of the gods was very strong and capable of solving any problem, in principle. But, today it is impossible to use most of the magical mysteries. Some rituals have been preserved, but modified, which will not allow you to get the effect that was possible in those days. This article has presented several ordinances for you to choose from. Use them and you will get everything you want.

If you have any questions, please contact me through the "contact the magician" form and I will answer them.

Some ancient healing spells

To stop bleeding:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Amen!

I do not speak, the true Christ speaks

and the Mother of God herself!

There is a brown horse, a man is old;

an old woman walks, leads an old dog;

the dog fell, at the servant of God (the name of the rivers)

(or the servant of God, the name of the rivers) all the itch is behind

and hot blood rose forever and ever!

Amen! Amen! Amen!

I will get up blessed, I will lie down, cross myself and lie down in an open field, in green; I will get up blessed, go crossing myself in an open field, in a green seaside, I will look at the eastern side: from the right, from the eastern side, three vrans, three brothers, carry three eolots keys, three gold locks; they locked, they closed the waters and rivers, and the blue of the sea, springs and springs; they locked up, they closed the bloody wounds, the blood is combustible; as the rain does not sink from the blue sky, so the blood of the servant of God (the name of the rivers) would not sink!

On the sea on the Okiya, on the island on Buyan lies a white combustible stone; on this stone stands a bare hut, there is a throne table; on this table sits a beautiful maiden, this is not a maiden, but the Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos; she sews, embroiders with a golden needle, silk thread; thread, break, blood, bake, so that the blood does not go, and the body does not bail!

Amen to this, amen, amen.

From far away hundreds of lands, from far away hundreds of people, a red deviya came out, took out a needle with a silk thread and sewed up a bloody wound from the servant of God (the name of the rivers); so as not to hurt that bloody wound, blood, ore not to walk from now on and forever and ever and ever! Amen.

A good conspiracy from a hernia

I will get up blessed, go crossing myself from door to door, from gate to gate into an open field.

A copper river flows in an open field, the banks are golden; a fish swims along this river, and its name is pike: its teeth are iron, cheeks are copper, eyes are pewter; and this pike with iron teeth, copper cheeks, pewter eyes gnaws, bites and heals a side hernia, a keel hernia and a water hernia, an umbilical hernia, a vein hernia, a bloody hernia in the servant of God (the name of the rivers) from the homeland to the first bayni, from the first bayni and until the last bing and until the imminent death, childish and kindred, and all dashing gnaw and disease! Zabayano, spoken by the servant of God (the name of the rivers) forever and ever! Amen.

What the master did not finish teaching or did not finish himself, then everyone in advance. Be my words strong and firm, the key to the castle forever and ever!

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Note: Bai (and) t - to speak, tell, bike - a fairy tale, bayun (bayukon) - talker, storyteller, rhetoric, joke, lull (baik) - rock the child to the song, charm, (charm, charm) - seduce, enchant, starin, obavnik (charmer) - a sorcerer, a charmer 2); illir. bajanie - conspiracy, sorcery, song, poetic fiction, bajan - sorcerer, sorcerer; Polish bajac - tell tales, bajacz (bajarz) - storyteller, baja - fairy tale, bajeez well - fabulous; Czech. bag, bagar, bagec - storyteller, bageni - fable, speech; Serb. bajati - to conjure, bajach - a sorcerer, bajaface - a sorceress, bajaibe - magic. These expressions also explain the "boyan" of "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" - a singer, a sorcerer. From the verb "bayat" comes baly, a word explained in the "ABC": "enchantment, fortune-teller", and in the Freisingen manuscript it is used in the meaning of a doctor; pampering - divination (Afanasiev).

Lord God, bless!

I, the servant of God (the name of the rivers), will become blessed,

I will go crossing myself from the hut through the doors, from the courtyard through the gates,

I will go to an open field; there is an ocean-sea in the open field,

and there is a white stone on the ocean-sea, and there is under a white stone

golden pike - and golden feathers, and golden bones,

and gold teeth; and come, pike, to the servant of God (the name of the rivers),

and gnaw out from the servant of God (the name of the rivers) with your gold teeth

windmill hernia, ruptured hernia,

vein hernia, bone hernia,

mast hernia, red hernia,

wet hernia, hernia from father, hernia from mother,

any that happens; and go down, hernia, to the belt,

and come out with urine and swindlers on a stone stone,

and live three hours of the day,

and go, hernia, from the stone

on the empty place, to a dark place where the sun does not warm,

where people don't go and don't go, where birds don't fly,

where animals do not enter; and go, hernia, for fast rivers,

and go, hernia, for thundering streams,

and when Christ's second coming,

turn back, hernia!

To those words forever and ever, amen!

In an open field there is a damp oak, and in that damp oak there is an iron husband, and that iron husband cannot be drunk and fed with bread, salt, no vegetables, but feed that iron husband from a living person: from the heart of a hernia, from under the breasts hernia, from the navel hernia; besides, there is a white stone in the blue sea-ocean, and from that white stone a red maiden comes out and comes to that servant of God (the name of the rivers), and takes out a hernia from that servant of God from the navel, from the heart a hernia, from under the navel a hernia, and puts it on a silk ribbon, and takes it down to a damp oak, to an iron man; and that iron man eats and devours a hernia from the heart of that servant of God, a hernia from under the breasts, a hernia from the navel, and with that the iron man is full!

Just as the old nanny did not sew on children, so the slave (name of the rivers) did not have a hernia!

From the viscera (swelling of the abdomen). It is read far away in the bathhouse, and the same number of times the patient is hovered with a broom. Then the broom is thrown into the field to the west.

I will become a servant of God (the name of the rivers),

dissuade the servant of God (the name of the rivers),

interior nutryanka, come out from the servant of God (the name of the rivers),

from his white body, from his belly;

go out into the open field, where there is emptiness;

there are oak tables, tablecloths,

honey drinks, sugary dishes; you were invited!

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A variety of ancient spells were used by our ancestors to achieve many goals. Many texts were written in Latin, but unfortunately, many of them have not survived to our time. To date, sorcerers mainly use an adapted translation of the most ancient spells when conducting various ceremonies.

Old Slavic ancient spells - protection

However, if you want to forever bind absolutely any man to yourself, you can use the old conspiracies and spells. In this case, you need to prepare a large wax candle. No more additional attributes are required.

An important condition: such a conspiracy will only work if the man does not have a wife, lover, he is absolutely alone. If you try to destroy the happiness of another woman, the spirits will refuse to help you.

The ceremony is performed only on the growing moon, between two and three in the morning. Close all windows and doors in the room where the ceremony is held. It is desirable that you are alone in the house. Nobody should interfere with you.

Light a candle, start peering into the flame. Imagine that you and your beloved are happy together, burn in this flame of love and passion. When you feel that your heart is filled with warmth and love, say these words three times:

Light spirits, come to me, help me. Warm the heart (name of the man) with warmth, burn with my love. Let him warm himself in a hot flame, his icy heart will melt, feelings for me will flare up in his heart. Bring me (man's name) to the threshold. Do not extinguish, spirits, the fire I lit. Because I love him with all my heart. She didn’t encroach on someone else’s husband, she didn’t take away someone else’s groom. I light a fire for the sake of my beloved, the one who is sent to me by fate as a husband. From now on, he will be with me and I will do everything to make him happy.

It is believed that this is indeed a very strong conspiracy, and you will see its effect in a couple of days.

The question of how to attract prosperity to the family has been relevant for all ages. In ancient times, people tried to resort to witchcraft in order to get rich as quickly as possible and attract cash flows to your house. Ancient spellbooks preserve such an ancient rite.

Before performing the ritual, you must fast for 9 days : you can not eat meat, drink alcohol, any sweets, indulge in love pleasures, even have fun. You must behave humblely, be calm, balanced and come into harmony with yourself.

On the day when the ritual will be performed, in the morning it is necessary to clean the room well. Important: don't just do wet cleaning, but also get rid of all the things that you do not need. The rubbish must be thrown away.

After the general cleaning take a bath, a contrast shower in order to not only cheer up, but also completely get rid of the energy that has been accumulated on you.

In addition, you should bring yourself into proper form. Let your hair down, remove any jewelry (rings, earrings, crosses, and so on), take off your shoes. In the room where you will perform the ritual, open all the windows wide open. You need to prepare:

  • green dense thread longer than 1 meter;
  • cloves (spice) 9 pieces;
  • green wax candle;
  • white piece of cloth;
  • matches.

The work surface is covered with a white cloth. Light a candle and mentally divide it into exactly 9 parts. From the very beginning, as soon as you sit down at your workplace, begin to imagine that the money has come to your house, you are already rich and happy, you do not need anything. Think about how money flows into your hands.

Take 9 carnation buds and tie them to a thread. Make sure that the distance between each two bars is at least 10 centimeters. As you do this, say:

She tied a thread for 9 knots, tied wealth and money to herself. It is my will, so be it.

A thread must be tied up with a candle. Make sure that each clove bud is located on one of the 9 candle pieces. Start looking into the flame, imagine that wealth is going into your hands.

The ritual is carried out for 9 days, without a break. For each day, one piece of the candle must burn. No one should be told about this ritual. Otherwise it won't work.

In ancient times, people often used healing spells. In our time, another spell is known, which was used back in the 10th century. Used it in the event that it was necessary to stop the bleeding of a wounded person. In Latin, the spell sounds like this:

Christus et sanctus Johannes ambelans ad flumen Jordane, dixit Christus ad sancto Johanne ‘restans flumen Jordane’. Commode restans flumen Jordane: sic restet vena ista in homine isto.
