How many religious directions are there. How many religions are there in the world? Major world religions

The followers of Jesus Christ are united in more than 100 churches, movements and sects. These are Eastern Catholic churches (22). Old Catholicism (32). Protestantism (13). Orthodoxy (27). Spiritual Christianity (9). Sects (6). It is the largest world religion both in terms of the number of adherents, which are about 2.1 billion, and in terms of geographical distribution - almost every country in the world has at least one Christian community.

On the issue of relationships Christianity and science, one can see two extreme - although dominant, but equally incorrect points of view. Namely, firstly, that religion and science are in no way consistent with each other - religion, brought to its ultimate "foundations", does not need science and denies it, and vice versa, science, for its part, excludes religion to the extent that is able to explain the world without resorting to the services of religion. And, secondly, that between them, in fact, there are no and cannot be any fundamental disagreements - already due to the different subject matter and different directions of "metaphysical" interests. It is not difficult to see, however, that both points of view (1) dialectically presuppose each other and (2) are also dialectically (“antinomically”, etc.) determined in relation to one principle (“unity” of the world, being, consciousness etc.) - negative in the first case, positive in the second.

Judaism It is divided into 11 currents: Orthodox Judaism, Litvaks, Hasidism, Orthodox Modernism, Religious Zionism, Conservative Judaism, Reform Judaism, Reconstructionist Judaism, Humanistic Judaism Movement, Renovationist Judaism of Rabbi Michael Lerner, Messianic Judaism. Has up to 14 million followers.

The positive aspects of the interaction between science and the Torah are as follows. According to the Jewish worldview, the world was created for the sake of the Torah and the Torah was the plan for the creation of the world. Therefore, potentially they form a harmonious whole.

Islam breaks up into 7 currents: Sunnis, Shiites, Ismailis, Kharijites, Sufism, Salafis (Wahhabism in Saudi Arabia), radical Islamists. Adherents of Islam are called Muslims. Muslim communities exist in more than 120 countries and unite, according to various sources, up to 1.5 billion people.

The Quran encourages the development of science and scientific knowledge, encourages people to think about natural phenomena and study them. Muslims consider scientific activity an act of a religious order. On my own example, I can say that when working under contracts in Muslim countries, I always met with a warm welcome, respect and gratitude. In the Russian regions, they strive to get information “for free, please” and forget to say thank you.

Buddhism consists of three main and many local schools: Theravada - the most conservative school of Buddhism; Mahayana - the latest form of development of Buddhism; vajrayana - an occult modification of Buddhism (Lamaism); Shingon-shu is one of the main Buddhist schools in Japan, belonging to the Vajrayana direction. The estimate of the number of followers of Buddhism ranges from 350-500 million people. According to the Buddha, “everything we are is the result of our thoughts, the mind is everything.”

Shintoism is the traditional religion of Japan. Forms of Shinto: temple, imperial court, state, sectarian, folk and domestic. Zealous supporters of Shintoism, who gave preference to this particular religion, turned out to be only about 3 million Japanese. The development of science in Japan speaks for itself.

Religions of India. Sikhism. Religion based in Punjab, in the northwestern part of the Indian subcontinent. 22 million followers.

Jainism. Dharmic religion, which appeared in India around the 6th century BC. e., preaches non-harm to all living beings in this world. 5 million followers.

Hinduism. A religion that originated in the Indian subcontinent. The historical name of Hinduism in Sanskrit is sanatana-dharma, which means "eternal religion", "eternal path" or "eternal law". It has its roots in the Vedic civilization, which is why it is called the oldest religion in the world. 1 billion followers.

The privileged caste is the Brahmins. Only they alone could be clergymen. Brahmins in ancient India had great advantages. In addition to the monopoly on professional religious activities, they also had a monopoly on pedagogical and scientific activities.

Religions of China. Taoism. Chinese traditional teaching, including elements of religion, mysticism, divination, shamanism, meditation practice, science.

Confucianism. Formally, Confucianism never had an institution of the church, but in terms of its significance, the degree of penetration into the soul and education of the consciousness of the people, it successfully played the role of religion. In imperial China, Confucianism was the philosophy of scholarly thinkers. Over 1 billion followers.

African traditional religions. Confessed by about 15% of Africans, include a variety of representations of fetishism, animism, totemism and ancestor worship. Some religious beliefs are common to many African ethnic groups, but they are usually unique to each ethnic group. Has 100 million followers.

Voodoo. The general name for religious beliefs that appeared among the descendants of black slaves taken from Africa to South and Central America.

It is difficult to say anything about the place of science in these religions, since there is a lot of magic there.

Shamanism. The well-established name in science for a complex of people's ideas about the ways of conscious and purposeful interaction with the transcendental ("other world") world, primarily with spirits, which is carried out by a shaman.

Cults. Phallic cults, the cult of ancestors. In Europe and America, the cult of ancestors ceased to exist long ago, having been replaced by the study of pedigrees. It still exists in Japan today.

The most common religions in Russia are Christianity, Islam and Buddhism

Everyone has their own belief in supernatural powers. Religion is not only an individual form of understanding the world, but also a preference for the canons of morality, a choice of a behavioral line in society. Traditions, rituals, idols unite people, if not into religious communities, then into various communities. Therefore, atheists can also be said to have their own religion.

The most widespread religions in Russia

Russia is in 9th place in the list of ten largest and most populated countries in the world. The national composition of the state is filled with 190 peoples, including small indigenous ethnic groups. Of course, the answer to the question of what religions the peoples of Russia profess is multifaceted. The main religions in the state:

  • Christianity - based on the teachings and life of the son of God Jesus Christ, the most extensive religious movement, its supporters mainly live in the western, northwestern and central regions of the federation, in the 4th century it already existed in the Greek colonies of the northern Black Sea region, and from the 9th century its wide preaching;
  • Islam - the faith of "monotheism", calling for obedience to the Almighty and the existence of the One Law of God, is more common in the Volga region and the Caucasus, it arose on the territory of the state in the VIII century;
  • Buddhism is a “spiritual awakening”, in which the attitude towards a person is regarded as a person, and not as a member of a particular community, the bulk of the followers of this trend is observed in the regions of the Urals, Siberia and the Far East, came to Russia in the 7th century.

Which religious culture is the most numerous?

The three main faiths of the world have their numerous branches and currents. Disputes over what religions the majority of believers in Russia profess do not subside. Many argue that of the Christian directions: Orthodoxy, Catholicism, Protestantism, the Orthodox faith is the most common. 60% of the country's inhabitants identify themselves as Christians. Only 18%-20% of them honor the canons, and they read the Bible and the New Testament much less.

More than 20 million compatriots consider themselves Muslims, the passion for this culture is growing every year. Therefore, Islam in Russia is in second place in terms of the number of adherents.

About 2 million citizens of the country are Buddhists. But every year, emigrants from Central Asian and other states come to the Russian Federation for permanent residence, so in the reference book on religious studies, the line, which is the most common religion in Russia, is inconsistent. After all, Buddhism is the most ancient culture of world significance, and over time it can gain a wide scope.

Traditional religions in Russia

It cannot be argued that Russia is a primordially Christian state, and only the Orthodox faith is traditional. After all, only from the 2nd millennium did Christianity become widespread. This faith came to the eastern regions of the state and Siberia in the 16th-17th centuries. Yet, what religions are considered traditional for Russia?

The Slavic peoples who settled in the western and central regions believed pagan gods, who were credited with the forces of the elements, social and natural phenomena. Until a certain time, most of the peoples worshiped paganism, and in their religions there were signs of fetishism, shamanism and animism. To this day, the peoples of the Far North, Suomi and Karelians are their adherents. In the sparsely populated territories of the Far East of pre-Christian times, there were tribes with oriental culture and religion - Hinduism and Buddhism. Until now, many Bashkirs, Tatars, Khachis are Muslims, and Germans are Catholics.

Non-traditional religions in Russia

The emergence of new modern religions is facilitated by the psychological mood and way of society, including:

  • anxiety about tomorrow;
  • personal rock;
  • professional work;
  • the future of the entire state;
  • fear of death.

Often this is used by newly-minted preachers for selfish purposes and create church denominations. Today, the following non-traditional religions in Russia can be distinguished:

  • Ecumenism is a trend that unites Christian dogmas, is based on the universality of teachings and the denial of differences in religions, with Islamic, Christian, Jewish and other characteristics.
  • "Synthetic cultures" - their teachings can be called a plagiarism of religious denominations that do not really make sense, following the missions created by preachers and representatives of proselytizing ideas with the desire to convert.

Video about non-traditional religions in Russia

Explicit supporters of ecumenism are Jehovah's Witnesses. They appeared in the Russian Empire at the end of the 19th century thanks to the American figure Charles Taze Russell. In 1911, the first treatise of the Watchtower magazine was published in Russian, and since 1913 the religious organization has been officially recognized as a church denomination. Today, there are more than 400 local religious communities in the state.

New religion or utopia?

Now Russia is a springboard for religious poaching. A large number of foreign preachers (from the USA, Japan, Western Europe, Muslim states), unrecognized in their homeland or simply bankrupt, massively use Russian citizens to accumulate capital or to commit political reprisals. Religions and sects in modern Russia are often representatives of ecumenism and "synthetic cultures", among them:

  • "White Brotherhood", "Children of God", "Church of the Body of Christ", "International Church of Unification" and many others preach Christian doctrines mixed with elements of Eastern canons.
  • Divine Light Mission, Society for Krishna Consciousness, Maharai Ji, Pacific Zen Buddhist Center, Transcendental Meditation are of Eastern origin and represent a Western exposition of Buddhist and Hindu beliefs. They do not have a rationalistic orientation, but use psychophysical pressure on people.
  • The Ron Hubbard Scientology Center is a representative of a “cosmic religion”, in the center they interpret the connection of the Earth with the highest cosmic intelligence, they broadcast about UFOs, they are able to speak scientifically about the unexplored characteristics of the human psyche in tandem with the environment.
  • Religious and mystical sects, for example, K. Castaneda, the foundation of their activities is witchcraft and magic, spiritualism and astrology, healing and so on.
  • Satanic directions - Church of Satan, cults of the devil. Here, mysterious rituals, associated with cruelty, preach evil and violence.
  • Terrorist sects, characterized by a strict hierarchical structure, strict discipline, as an example, Aum Shinrikyo.
  • Sects of gender currents - homosexual "Univer" and feminist movement "RuFemen".

The last listed modern religious movements have a pronounced socio-political color.

Video about one of the most widespread religions in Russia

Percentage of religions in Russia

Russian law prohibits requiring citizens to disclose their religious priorities. Therefore, the percentage of religions in Russia is derived from sociological surveys of the population and is controversial. But roughly it can be divided like this:

  • The Orthodox religion is supported by more than 42.4% of citizens.
  • Muslims - 6.5%, including Shiites, Sunnis.
  • Christians who do not belong to a particular denomination - 4.1%.
  • Adherents of Tengrianism (shamanist, Turko-Mongolian, native faith religions, including Caucasian and Ural neo-paganism) - 1.1%.
  • Tibetan Buddhists - 0.4%.
  • Old Believers and Protestants 0.2% each.
  • Non-religious, but spiritual population - 25.1%.
  • Atheists - 12.9%.

The remaining shares are shared approximately in equal proportions by Jews, Catholics, Hindus and Hare Krishnas, Baha'is.

According to scientists, there are about 30 thousand religions and cults on the planet. No one has been able to create an exact list of them. It is also almost impossible to clearly and completely determine which religions are practiced in Russia. After all, the process of emergence and departure of any beliefs is continuous and will last as long as humanity exists. The rudiments of ancient cultures have been preserved in today's church denominations, while pagans exist in all countries. The youngest religion on earth, the Bahá'ís, which appeared in Iran, is only 150 years old. The new religion is successfully conquering the world. Its supporters also live in Russia, but today the leadership remains with Christians and Muslims.

What religion do you and your loved ones practice? Tell about it in

Hello dear friends!

Currently, there are a huge number of religions in the world that give people strength and faith in the future. In today's article, I would like to tell you about what faiths and religions are?

A lot of wars and disagreements occurred due to the fact that a person, having decided on his faith and finding the source of beliefs, ceases to respect other points of view and religions. But does it make sense to find out who is right or more accurate in the context of such an individual approach to the issue?

It doesn't matter what a person believes in, the main thing is that he finds the light and strives for it! Living in harmony with themselves and bringing creative energy to the masses, people can be called people. And it doesn't matter which name of religion is the basis of his deeds.

The classification into types occurred due to the desire of religious studies to separate modern and ancient trends. Today, religions can be distinguished into several types: tribal, world and national.

Many peoples of the world called God by different names. And every belief has its own truth. For some, the Easter Bunny could act as the highest power of being and the universe, while others had the right to consider pagan rites true, which sometimes contradicted most of the canons of the religious system of Christianity.

Atheism acquired the rights for its formation relatively recently. Totemness and self-acceptance as a person similarly took place within the framework of self-expression. If earlier man was on Earth, and the Gods were in heaven, today agnosticism, as faith “between faith”, projects completely different charters of thinking and understanding the world.

I would like to talk about some of the religions in more detail. I want to bring to your attention a list of different religions of the peoples of the world. Of course, you will be familiar with some of them, but you will encounter some for the first time.


Buddhism is one of the oldest religions in the world, originating in India. Thanks to its founder Siddhartha Gautama, known to us as the Great Buddha, people all over the planet are still striving to find solace in the true understanding of the words "awakened" or "enlightened".

Buddhist philosophy is based on the teachings of "noble truths". There are only four of them. The first explains the existence of suffering, the second talks about its causes, the third calls for liberation, and the fourth teaches how to come to it.

The tenets of Buddhism and the very understanding of life can be called a river or a stream of non-material particles. It is their combination that determines the existence of what exists on Earth and in the Universe.

The laws of karma bring rebirth behind them and therefore, it is worth respecting what deeds a person performed in a past life. The ideal of Buddhism can safely be called moral. Its essence is dressed in the motto " Do no harm. Nobody!».

And the main goal is to achieve the state of Nirvana - that is, complete peace and tranquility.


This religion also has its roots in India. It was developed thanks to Vedism. What is she teaching about? The most important thing is the realization of the divine principle of everything vital and tangible, called revelations about Brahman.

And also about the Atman - a unique and personal spirit. Experts in the Vedas played an invaluable role in the development of Brahminism as a free flow. In the religious system, the original role was assigned to them.

The main idea was based on the belief and propaganda that people are unique and it is impossible to find a second identical one. That is, from childhood, a person has his own unique strength, mission and task.

Brahminists were distinguished by complex and cult rites. And rituals occupied the main part of their lives and were strictly controlled.


This religion was revealed to the masses thanks to China and its founder, the sage Lao Tzu. Thanks to the philosophy that resulted in the work of the founder's life - "Tao Te Ching", religion is dedicated to 2 concepts.

The word "Tao", which can be interpreted as a tool or method, and the letters "De", which means grace, prompted the thinker to deeply rethink the model of this world.

According to his thoughts, it can be concluded that the universe is controlled by an even more powerful force. The essence of its occurrence is full of secrets and mysteries, and at the same time, its influence leads life to harmony.

The main goal of religion is to bring man closer to immortality. According to the adherents of the Taoist, it is this that helps the individual to reveal the full power of religious contemplation of the naked beauty of the world. And breathing and gymnastic trainings, alchemy, hygiene of soul and body help to achieve such a state of eternal life.


Jainism is a religion that originated in the Indian subcontinent. Vardahaman is the great founder of religion. And it is thanks to his vision that Jains are convinced that no one created our world. He has existed forever and will continue on his way no matter what.

What's important? The most valuable and true is the desire for self-improvement of one's own soul, strengthening its strength. The teaching says that it is precisely because of such work on oneself that the soul is liberated from everything worldly.

Also, religion is not free from the belief in the transmigration of souls. Jains believe that the success of living this life is directly related to how you behaved in the previous one.

It is worth mentioning that the practice of asceticism is very significant in understanding religion as such. The ultimate goal of the individual is to break the cycle of rebirth. That is, to reach Nirvana and find harmony. And this can only be done by an ascetic.


Hinduism is a whole system of beliefs or laws of the Hindus. It differs in that it does not carry certain and well-established dogmas. The characteristic features or signs of the followers of Hinduism is the authoritarian recognition of the Vedic teachings and, consequently, the brahminical foundation of the worldview.

I want to note that only the person who can boast of at least one Indian parent has the right to profess Hinduism.

The main idea of ​​the faith that is confessed is following certain guidelines of deliverance. Karma, as an act and samsara, as the wheel of being, must be overcome by an individual for complete and true liberation.


I could not fail to mention this world religion, which originated in Arabia. The Prophet Muhammad, who spoke in Mecca, is considered its founder. According to his convictions, as well as thanks to his statements, after his death, work was created. In the future, it became the holy book of Islam and to this day bears the famous name - the Quran.

What is the point? The main teaching is as follows: There is no god but Allah". And the angels and other entities of the higher worlds are not free, but in complete submission to Him.

Also, Muslims are convinced that their religion is the most correct, since Muhammad is the last prophet whom God sent to Earth. The knowledge and wisdom of previous religions, in the opinion of Muslims, are not reliable due to the fact that people have repeatedly rewritten and deformed sacred knowledge.


This is the earliest religion that originated in Palestine. It became widespread mainly among the Jews. Belief in one God, as well as the immortality of the soul and the afterlife, is closely related to the perception of the Jewish people as the personification of the Messiah and the bearer of Divine revelation.

The sacred books of Judaism include the Torah, a huge number of works of the prophets and interpretations that are collected in the Talmud.


It is one of the three most powerful religions in the world. Originated in Palestine, and then spread to the Roman Empire and throughout Europe. She won the hearts of many believers living on planet Earth.

The belief that God sent his son Jesus Christ to Earth, who lived righteously, suffered and died like an ordinary person, is at the heart of the religion.

The main book of religion is the Bible. It preaches the doctrine of the three hypostases of one God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Especially Christians relate to the idea of ​​the first sin and the second coming of Christ to Earth.


Polytheism is the belief in many gods. It can be called a certain system of beliefs, a whole worldview or a ground for disagreement. Religion is based on the belief in several deities that are collected in a pantheon of goddesses and, of course, gods.

Polytheism refers to a type of theism and opposes monotheism, that is, belief in one, one God. And at the same time, he also disagrees with the judgments of atheism, where the existence of any higher forces is completely denied.

In fact, such a term was introduced by Philo of Alexandria because it became necessary to create some kind of difference between polytheism and paganism. Since at that time all those who did not profess Judaism were called pagans.


More of a philosophical trend than a religion, I couldn't help but mention it! The Jedi believe in the Force, an all-encompassing energy field created by all living beings that surrounds and penetrates all living things, and work to develop their own, much like the Jedi Knights from the movie "". In Jediism there are no cult actions and dogmas, and about half a million followers of this trend have already been registered, especially in America and Great Britain.

And the Jedi Code says:

There are no emotions - there is peace.
There is no ignorance - there is knowledge.
There is no passion - there is serenity.
There is no chaos - there is harmony.
There is no death - there is Power.

So most likely, the Jedi direction in many ways resembles Buddhism.

In conclusion, I will say that, in my opinion, the central idea of ​​all religions is the same: the existence of a higher Power and subtle, invisible worlds, as well as the spiritual perfection of man. All religions in my opinion come from ancient esoteric knowledge. So, it will be joyful when each person believes in what he likes best, and also provides the same freedom to others. After all, the first thing you need to do is stay human!

On this philosophical note, I put an end to it.

See you on the blog, bye bye!

Religion as people's faith in higher powers and interaction with them has existed for a long time. Today, researchers distinguish three main religions of the world: Buddhism, Christianity and Islam.

The main features of religion

External manifestations of a particular religion are usually called its signs. What are the main features of religion?

  1. Religious consciousness/psychology is an indispensable element of any teaching, uniting all adherents.
  2. Religious activity of believers, to which all ceremonies belong.
  3. Organizations are associations of believers, the types of which can be very different - a community, a church, a sect, etc.
  4. Religious relations: foreign and domestic policy of members of the organization.

It is these 4 main features of religion, despite the fact that each has its own, that is the basis of the behavior of all adherents.

Major world religions

The main world religions arose in this order:

  • Buddhism originated over 2500 thousand years ago,
  • in the 1st century AD Christianity appeared
  • only in the 7th century AD. Islam appeared.

Buddhism is based on belief in karma - a causal relationship that determines the fate of a person, as well as in nirvana - the end point of the path that a person can go through for several lives, achieving absolute enlightenment, this is what the religion of Buddhism is.

Christianity assumes an indestructible faith in the trinity of God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. And it has several main currents, which are often mistaken for 3 religions:

  • Catholicism,
  • orthodoxy,
  • Protestantism.

Indeed, these offshoots of Christianity have many differences in everything. Catholics and Orthodox Christians are very different from Protestants. Protestantism - the latest direction of Christianity - preaches the rejection of the attributes of the cult (temples, icons, etc.). Protestants also believe that good deeds cannot save the soul, but only personal faith can do this, and a certain fate is prepared for a person even before his birth. This point of view is not supported by either Orthodoxy or Catholicism.

Catholics recognize the existence of purgatory, and Orthodox Christians believe that the soul can immediately go to either heaven or hell. The highest authority for Catholics is the Pope of Rome, and for the Orthodox - Holy Scripture and Holy Tradition. There are also many differences in rituals.

Can there be 5 main religions?

Some do not agree that there are only three world religions, and distinguish 5 main religions, supplementing the list:

  • hinduism,
  • Judaism.

Hinduism is the main religion in India and Nepal. But it has followers in many other countries as well. Hindus believe in the transmigration of the soul, and who the soul will migrate to in the next life depends on the person's behavior during life. The main difference of Hinduism is the belief in many gods of different ranks.

Judaism is the national religion of the Jews, it is based on the idea that the Jews are God's chosen people, their mission is to convey divine truths to all mankind. But, despite this, Judaism assumes the equality of all people in relation to God.

In addition to these religions, there are many others, and each has its own adherents. Only some have millions, and some have only a few hundred people.

Do you identify yourself with any religion? Tell about it in

Basically, every religion is based on absolute faith and truth, on a huge power that serves a person until the end of his life. Religion has a decisive influence on the structure of thinking of a believer.

Religion has played a big role in world history. It has existed since prehistoric times and has always served as a source of inspiration for different cultures of the world.

So let's consider major religions, which are practiced by most people around the world:


This is the religion whose geography is the most extensive. The teachings of Jesus Christ formed the basis of this religion, hence the name "Christianity". Christians believe that Jesus is the son of God and believe in the Trinity (God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit). The Bible says that Jesus will return to earth to judge the living and the dead. Photo: Depositphotos

The Bible is the holy book of Christians, it consists of two parts: the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament describes life before the birth of Jesus Christ. The New Testament records the life and teachings of Jesus himself. There are more than two billion followers of Christianity around the world.


It is a philosophy built on the teachings of the Buddha. Gautama Buddha was born within the current eastern border of Nepal. He spent his whole life in India and devoted it to the philosophy of being. His parables were based on the suffering of Samsara (one of the main concepts in Buddhism, denoting birth and death).
Photo: Depositphotos

One of the most important symbols of Indian philosophy is the soul. The soul is drowning in the "waters of Samsara", trying to get rid of its past mistakes, to cleanse itself. Millions of people in Asia as well as in other parts of the world practice Buddhism.


"Islam" means "obedience to God", this religion is based on the teachings of Muhammad. The Holy Quran was revealed by Allah to Prophet Mohammed. The followers of Islam are known as Muslims. They adhere to the five basic principles of Islam, the five rules on which the faith of a true Muslim is based (monotheism, five daily prayers, charity, fasting in the month of Ramadan, pilgrimage to Mecca).
Photo: Depositphotos

There are over 1 billion Muslims worldwide, making it the second largest religion after Christianity.


An Indian religion formerly called "Sanatana Dharma" which means "eternal law". It is believed that Hinduism is the most ancient religion in the world; there is no definite unity in it. Hindu teachings are stored in a large number of scriptures that have carried philosophical teachings for thousands of years. These scriptures are divided into two parts - shruti (basic) and smriti (additional), they describe the main dogmas, which are the sacred rules for every follower of this religion.
Photo: Depositphotos

Hinduism is practiced by about 1 billion people, this religion is the third largest.


The Jewish religion in the process of becoming became a generalized name for the Jewish people. It is also one of the most ancient religions in the world.

Jews distinguish three main periods in the formation of religion: temple (named after the period when the Jerusalem temple existed), rabbinical and talmudic. Judaism preaches faith in the one God who created the universe and rules it, in the value of a spiritual person who lives his life in accordance with the laws of God and continuously strives to comply with the regulations given in the sacred books.

Photo: Depositphotos

The Tanakh is the so-called "Jewish Bible", which tells about the creation of the world, man, the religious and philosophical aspects of Judaism, and describes in detail the rules that a believer must follow. (The Christian Old Testament is based on the texts of the Tanakh.) Today, there are about 13 million Jews worldwide.

As you can see, the greatest religions of the world are based on different teachings, and it cannot be said that any of them is the best or the main one. Everyone has the right to choose what to believe. We know that religious teachings are often the cause of wars and human suffering, but it must be remembered that any religion teaches, above all, tolerance and peace.
