The most interesting facts about nails. Interesting facts about human nails (15 photos)

Today, nail art is an art. There are many techniques, directions and trends, educational institutions are being created and championships are organized. If you decide to connect your life with the nail industry, we advise you to purchase kits for beginners at The works of the masters are similar to the canvases of artists, and you can’t even believe that they were created on the nails. But there are so many interesting facts!

30 amazing facts about nails you need to know.

Make-up, daily beauty treatments, stylish clothes... This is something that none of us will ever forget. But there is an important aspect that will complement this list and without which a modern woman cannot be considered beautiful and well-groomed - a neat manicure.

1. The main component of the nail plate is keratin. It is also an important part of human skin and hair. But nail keratin, thanks to a special tandem of amino acids, differs from skin and hair.

2. 30% of the nail is under the skin - this is the root.

3. Nails are dead cells, they don't need oxygen. But he, like vitamins, and moisture, is necessary for the epidermis and matrix.

4. Fetal nail growth begins at the end of the first trimester. In addition, a pregnant woman accelerates the growth of her own nails.

5. The thickness of the nail plate is due solely to genetic factors.

6. According to the condition of the nails, one can diagnose the state of human health.

7. Nails grow faster in summer and spring than in autumn and winter.

8. Women's nails grow more slowly than men's.

9. Nails grow faster during sleep.

10. The nail plates on the legs are thicker and grow more slowly than on the hands.

11. The growth rate of nails depends on the length of the fingers, the longer the fingers, the faster the nails grow.

12 . The nails of the little finger and thumb grow more slowly than on others. The nail of the middle finger grows the fastest.

13. The nails on the dominant hand grow faster. For right-handers - on the right hand, for left-handers - on the left.

14 . The older we get, the slower our nails grow.

15. Before critical days, the growth of the nail plate accelerates.

16. From constant contact with water, the nails become thicker, because they have a porous structure. It's also important to drink enough water to keep them hydrated from the inside out.

17. After viral and infectious diseases, nail growth accelerates.

18. On average, fingernails grow 1 mm per week, and toenails grow 0.5 mm.

19. Nelvin Feisel Wuz grew his nails for 25 years. He is listed in the Guinness Book of Records, as the length of his nails was 953 cm.

20. Attention to the nails began to be paid back in ancient Egypt, and not women, but men began to do this. It was believed that the darker the color of the nail plate, the higher the position of a person in society. For example, Cleopatra painted her nails with henna to give them a terracotta hue.

21. In the 17th century in France, men wore long nails on their little fingers in order not to knock on the door, but to scratch.

22. Chinese emperors attached great importance to manicure, as it was believed that the condition of their nails reflected the well-being of the people.

23. There is a science of onychomancy - a direction in palmistry, divination by the nail plate.

24. The prototype of the modern orange stick for nail care appeared in 1830.

25. The prototype of the lacquer coating was made in 1900.

26 . Cuticle remover was invented in 1917.

27. The first water-insoluble varnish was created in 1934 by Charles Revson, the founder of the world famous Revlon company.

28 . The first lacquer base was made in 1938.

29. The end of the 30s of the XX century was marked by a new fashion wave - sets of nail polish and lipstick of the same tone went on sale.

30 . The first false nails were invented in the 60s of the XX century ... by a dentist. He sealed the damaged nail with a filling.

Among the reasons that slow down the growth of nails, we can distinguish:

1. Breastfeeding.

2. Strict diets.

3. Stressful situations.

4. Diseases associated with metabolic disorders.

5. Deterioration of blood circulation.

6. Use of low-quality means with dangerous components.

Do not forget about the rules that will help your nails to be strong and healthy:

1. Balanced diet.

2. Reception of fortified complexes.

I would like to present some interesting and informative facts about varnish, which many most likely did not know:

1. Nail plates can be completely renewed only in four full months;

2. All products that are used for nail growth (in particular, creams) must be applied to the cuticle area, because nails grow there;

3. In ancient Egypt, girls painted their nails with henna. There is even proof of this - a mummy with bright brown-green nail plates. Today, manicure masters choose only the highest quality gel polishes,
for example, such as Naomi brand gel polish - gel polish of this brand stands out from others: the quality of each component, improved formula, availability and variety of collections;

4. People who work at the computer most of their free time can boast of faster growth of the nail plates - hitting the keys works like a massage and an artificial stimulator of blood flow;

5. Approximately one tenth of all people on the planet have a not very pleasant habit of constantly chewing on the protruding parts of their nail plates;

6. At the end of the third month of pregnancy, the fetus already has nail plates;

7. Surprisingly, the word manicure is over three thousand years old - these are “manus” and “cure”, which means hand and care;

8. The color of the nail plates in ancient Egypt was regulated according to the estates. For example, the kings had bright colors, and the slaves had dark ones;

9. It is known that the priority (favorite) color of the seductive Cleopatra (we are talking about nails and varnish for them) is natural terracotta;

10. In order to paint their nails, the Chinese in ancient China used a paste made from a mixture of egg whites, as well as gelatin and egg whites. In addition, the ancient Chinese preferred bright colors, as well as red and black tones;

11. Another interesting point about Ancient China - in those days, China even had its own prototype of today's false nail plates, but then these nail plates looked like tips. They were made of gold;

12. In Europe, the first varnishes began to appear on sale around 1560-1570. It was the time of the reign and reign of Catherine de Medici. However, at that time, bright colors were unacceptable for use, as well as too long a nail length. In those days, good tone - short nail plates of only light shades. It should be noted that in Europe it is still fashionable;

13. The very first nail polishes in the world were like paste. This means that the first varnishes were applied to the nails, and then they waited until this paste dries, and the nail itself completely absorbs the color. After that, the varnish was cleaned down to a gloss, using specialized suede brushes for this;

14. Some of the very first mass-produced colored varnishes in the world as we know them appeared in 1933, and were created by Charles Revson (a company called Revion);

15. The idea of ​​the identity of colors in nail polish and lipstick belongs to Charles Revson;

16. The first manicure tool was created back in 1830. These were scissors and a hoof tool;

17. In 1938, a manicure cost only 38 cents in Europe.

None of the women will forget about makeup, styling, washed and ironed clothes. But also do not forget about manicure, because without it it is impossible to be a well-groomed woman! Today we will talk about marigolds and about 20 facts related to them.


  1. For the first time, they began to pay attention to marigolds in Ancient Egypt, and not women, but, oddly enough, men. A person of high position in society should have had a darker shade of nails, as Cleopatra, known to us, painted the nail plate with henna.
  2. Chinese emperors paid great attention to nails, who believed that their nails were a reflection of the well-being of the people.
  3. In the 17th century in France, men grew a nail on their little finger so as not to knock on doors, but to scratch.
  4. In the 60s of the last century, the first false nails appeared. They were invented by a dentist who sealed a broken nail with a filling. And so the idea was born.

Nail growth

  1. The first fact is interesting in that a person's nails begin to grow when a person has not yet been born, but is in the womb. The nails of the child begin to grow at the end of the third trimester, and during this period the nails of the pregnant woman herself accelerate in growth.
  2. The second fact says that nails grow faster in spring and summer, and much more slowly in autumn and winter.
  3. The third fact, as usual, is not in our favor, girls. It is known that male nails grow faster than female nails.
  4. Nails grow faster during sleep, so go to bed early!
  5. Toenails grow more slowly than fingernails.
  6. The rate of nail growth depends on the length of the fingers. Accordingly, the longer the fingers, the faster the nails grow.
  7. The nails of the little finger and thumb grow more slowly than the others.
  8. The nails on the dominant hand grow faster. So, if you are right-handed, you may notice accelerated nail growth compared to your left hand.
  9. After suffering a viral or infectious disease, nail growth increases.
  10. The older we get, the slower our nails grow.

First tools and varnishes

  1. In 1830, the first semblance of an orange stick appeared.
  2. The prototype of varnish was invented at the beginning of the 20th century
  3. Cuticle remover was invented in 1917
  4. Founder of Revlon in 1934 created the first water-insoluble varnish
  5. The first base for varnish was invented four years later, namely in 1938
  6. In the early 40s of the last century, sets of varnishes and lipsticks matching each other in tone were put on sale.

Incredible Facts

Despite the fact that they are not vital organs of the human body, most people spend a lot of time taking care of your hair and nails.

The next time you go for a haircut or manicure, remember these facts.

facial hair

Facial hair grows faster, than any other body hair. If the average person did not shave his beard all his life, then it would grow at 9 m.

A person constantly loses hair, which is approximately 60-100 pieces per day. The amount of hair loss depends on several factors, including: change of season, pregnancy, illness, diet, age.

different hair

Women's hair in diameter twice less male. Men's hair is coarser than women's.

The diameter of men's hair can vary greatly.

One human hair can support the weight of 99 Therefore, the tale of Rapunzel actually looks believable.

Special nail

The fastest growing nail on the middle finger. It's not yet known why, but nail growth is linked with finger length. The longer the finger, the faster the nails will grow.

Who has more hair

Some people increased amount hair almost like that of a chimpanzee. In this regard, humans are not very different from monkeys. We all have a lot of hair, but we do not notice this, since most of the hairs are too thin and small.

Blondes have more hair than brunettes.

Hair color determines its density. Each person has an average 100 000 hair follicles, each capable of producing 20 individual hairs during a person's life.

Blondes have an average of 146,000 follicles, while people with black hair tend to have about 110,000 follicles. People with brown hair have an average of 100,000 follicles and redheads have the least dense hair, with about 86,000 follicles.

Interesting fact! Superimposed on each other keratin scales form the outer shell of the hair. Kernel is the visible part of the hair. hair root The part of the hair that is under the skin is called. The hair root is in turn surrounded by a hair follicle called follicle.

hair type depends from the shape of the follicle. Slightly curly hair grows from an oval follicle, curly hair from a kidney follicle, and straight hair from a round follicle.

Nail growth

Fingernails are growing 4 times faster than toenails. If you notice that you cut your fingernails more often, then this is not imagining you. This is due to the fact that those nails that receive more external impact and are used more often grow faster. On average, nails on both feet and hands grow by 0.25 cm every month.

Hair lifespan

The average lifespan of a human hair on the body is from 3 to 7 years old. Even though your hair grows every day and quite quickly, it can live for a very long time if it is well cared for.

There are a sufficient number of interesting facts that are related to nails. Some of the information is mere belief, but many are actually considered scientific data. Of the beliefs, some attract attention due to reliability. Consider the following:

1. Nails, like hair, are made up of the same protein called creatine.

2. Nail plates are dead cells, and contrary to popular belief, they cannot breathe. As a result, they do not require oxygen. But cuticles and nail beds are living cells, and they, like others, simply need oxygen, vitamin and mineral supplements.

3. Nail growth is approximately 0.1 millimeter per day (which is one centimeter in a hundred days). It follows that for full growth, the nails need a time period of up to six months. On the lower extremities, the full cycle of nail renewal is about a year and a half.

4. The first Shellac gel polish was produced by CND. many modern women call gel polish - shellac and they are not mistaken, and some people think that shellac is a special type of varnish that differs from gel polish, remember this delusion. Gel polish or shellac is a noticeable detail in the beautiful half of humanity, and the beauty of girls' nails will depend on the choice of high-quality varnish, so you need to buy gel polish only from trusted sellers or stores, which is shellac for nails on this page. Order nail polish without leaving home!!!

5. Men's nails grow much faster than women's.

6. On the hands, both in the male half of the population and in the female, the nails grow at a faster rate than on the legs.

7. The nail plates of the hands are approximately two times thinner than on the legs.

8. The nail grows fastest on the middle finger, respectively, the nail plate of the thumb grows more slowly.

9. Frequently trimmed nails grow much faster than those that are trimmed occasionally. In this regard, the process of growing nails requires considerable time.

10. Climatic conditions and seasons greatly affect the nails. In a warm climate and sunlight, nails grow more efficiently, in cool and dark hours, the growth of the nail plates slows down.

11. In the younger generation, nails are updated much faster than in older people. In addition, during the period of intrauterine development of the fetus, the growth of the nail plates is significantly accelerated.

12. An interesting fact is that on both hands, nails grow at different rates. In the case when a person is left-handed, then on the left hand the nail plates grow faster and, accordingly, vice versa.

13. Simple percussion exercises (for example, typing or working at a computer) stimulate the nail growth process.

14. Nails reflect your well-being and are an integral part of the external image of a person.

15. Manicure is a rather ancient procedure. It is proved that even 4000 years ago our ancestors, thus, brought beauty.

16. According to historical data, a young man from India had the longest nail, its length was 122 centimeters.

17. A small amount of water affects the entire body, and for nails it threatens with dryness.

18. When compared with the skin, the nail plates are very hard, but they will quickly dissolve if they are lowered into the most popular drink in the world, which is recognized as the strongest caustic substance.

19. The absence of sweat glands on the nails clearly indicates that the nails cannot sweat, but the skin around the nail plates can sweat.
