Handmade candles at home. How to make beautiful candles at home

In autumn and winter, it is especially pleasant to wrap yourself in a warm blanket and, turning off the light and leaving only candles to burn, enjoy hot tea, watching snowflakes falling outside the window. And if you add coffee beans and a little vanilla to homemade candles, then your house will be filled with amazing "winter" aromas. Unlike those bought in stores, they will not spread a pungent and sugary chemical aroma.

To make them, you will need:

  • small jars or cups;
  • wax for candles (you can also use old candles by melting and filling them with a jar you like);
  • wick;
  • coffee beans;
  • ground vanilla beans.

Melt the wax in a steam bath (you can also melt it in microwave oven using a special container for this). Glue a wick to the bottom of your chosen jar or vase. Pour in some melted wax and then add the coffee beans and vanilla. Then fill the jar to the brim. Stir if desired wooden stick. Leave the workpiece to harden and then cut off the excess end of the wick.

Master class №2

By adding shavings from colored wax pencils to a homemade candle, you can achieve a variety of color combinations and effects. In this tutorial, we'll show you how to make a multi-colored geometric pattern candle, but feel free to experiment and try to create your own unique pattern. If you want the colors to blend seamlessly into each other, simply fill in the next layer without waiting for the first one to dry.

You will need:

  • small glass cups (clear or frosted glass), as well as dishes in which you will heat the wax (paper cups for ice cream are also suitable);
  • wax;
  • wax pencils;
  • wick;
  • wooden sticks for stirring.

1: Fill a cup with wax and put it in the microwave for 1 minute. Put some hot wax on the bottom of the glass and fix the wick in it. Wait until it freezes.

2: Prepare the wax crayons: To do this, remove the paper and cut them into small pieces. Fill one of the cups with wax, put pencil pieces (of the same color!) on top and put in the microwave for 2 minutes, then stir to get a homogeneous mass.

3: Take glass cups, tilt them at an angle of about 30° (you can use a dish dryer as a support) and fill with colored wax (about 1/3). Leave on for 20-30 minutes until the wax hardens. Turn the jars over and pour the second layer, then wait again for it to harden. Before pouring the last layer, place the jars vertically on the table. Wait about an hour for the candle to cool completely before lighting the candle.

And it's done!

carved candle

Candles with this pattern are ideal for creating a cozy atmosphere with cold and long autumn evenings. You will need:

  • candle;
  • paper;
  • pencil;

Measure the circumference of your candle and cut out the appropriate piece of paper. Draw the pattern you would like to transfer to it.

Then wrap it with a sheet of paper (pattern facing out) and circle the pattern with a scalpel.

Then, using a knife, carefully peel off the layers to make your drawing voluminous.

DIY gel candles

Gel candles are very easy to make, and at the same time you can fill them with absolutely any decorative ornaments to your taste: shells, colored stones or even beads and buttons.

You will need:

  • jar, glass or glass for a candle;
  • wick;
  • gel wax;
  • decorative ornaments;
  • dyes (you can use food coloring).

Step 1: Warm up the wax. To do this, put a saucepan or any other container on the stove and heat the gel over low heat until it melts into a thick mass. Make sure that the temperature does not exceed 100°C.

Step 2: Glue the wick to the bottom of the cup or jar of your choice. Wait for the glue to dry before pouring the hot gel.

Step 3: Add dye. To get a uniform color, add it while the gel is heating up. If you want air bubbles to form in it, just stir it. And to make a multi-colored candle, just warm up several portions, adding dyes of different colors to each of them.

Step 4: Spread decorations on the bottom of a jar or glass, then fill with a layer of gel. Wait for it to dry, then put on a second layer of decorations and fill with gel again. Here are our gel candles:

Lesson #5: Geometric Candle

To make such unusual candles, you will need:

  • paraffin wax;
  • wick;
  • container for heating;
  • wooden stick for stirring;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • PVA glue;
  • newspaper (to protect the desktop from drops);
  • candle stands;
  • aromatic oil (optional)
  • thick paper.

1: Print and cut out candle templates. Using a blunt object (for example, the back of a knife), “push through” the folds (as shown in the picture).

Bend the template: bend along the dotted lines in the direction “towards you”, along the usual lines - “away from you”. Fold the shape and glue the bottom and sides. After the glue has completely dried, make sure that all joints are sealed (otherwise the wax may seep through the cracks). If necessary, reinforce the seams with tape.

2: Glue the wick to the bottom of the mold. To secure it vertically, wrap (or glue) string around the pencil and place it over the edges of the mold.

Melt the wax in a steam bath, add dyes and / or aromatic oils. Then pour it into a cardboard mold. Make sure the wick stays in the middle of the candle.

After the candle has cooled down, you may find that the center has "sunk" a little. Just add some more wax and wait for it to cool down.

3: After the wax is completely hardened, remove the paper. We recommend that you put the candle in the refrigerator first, then the paper will come off easier. Trim the wick and use your finger to lightly round the edges of the candle.

Master class number 6

Floating candles look very romantic. You can also experiment with different colors and sizes.

You will need:

  • wax;
  • a saucepan for melting;
  • wick;
  • wax pencils;
  • old molds for baking;
  • baking spray (to make it easier to remove finished candles from molds);
  • aromatic oil (optional)

1: Spray each mold with baking spray - this will make it easier for you to separate the candle from the mold later. For each candle, take a piece of wick about 8 cm long and glue it to the bottom.

Melt the wax by adding wax pencils cut into small pieces. To make 6 candles you will need approximately 4 cups of wax and 20 drops aromatic oil(5 drops for each serving). To get this coral color, use red and orange wax crayons.

2: After melting the wax, fill each of the baking pans with it about ¼ full. Please note that candles should be light so that they do not drown. When everything is completely cool, remove the candles from the molds by pulling on the wick.

Dip them in a vase filled with water and light it.

Lesson #7

Candle lovers know that there are many ways to decorate them. We offer you several ideas on how to decorate them, for example, for a festively laid New Year's table or a romantic dinner in honor of Valentine's Day, or if you just want to diversify the interior according to your mood.

Using the technique we have suggested, you can decorate the candle with any suitable pattern.

You will need:

  • plain candle (preferably a light color);
  • white paper napkins;
  • wax paper;
  • scissors;
  • Printer;

Select the picture you like, enlarge or reduce it to the desired size. On a regular A4 sheet, place a napkin a little bigger size, fold the corners, and print your image on it. If your printer does not allow you to print on such paper, then you can draw a picture on a napkin yourself or transfer it through carbon paper.

Cut the image along the contour and glue it on the reverse side with glue (glue stick is best for this), glue it on the candle. Then wrap the candle with wax paper. Take a hair dryer, turn it on and direct the jet of air at the image.

Under the influence of hot air, the wax on the wax paper and the candle will melt slightly, and the picture will stick to the candle.

Lesson number 8: Candles with an autumn pattern

You will need:

  • three candles of different sizes;
  • a plate or tray as a stand;
  • decorative sand (natural or golden hue);
  • paint markers;
  • sequins.

On the largest candle, draw a tree with a brown marker, and below it, next to it, a few fallen leaves.

Draw twigs with leaves on two smaller candles.

To get such multi-colored leaves, drip a little green paint, then orange and yellow. Without waiting for the paint to dry, lightly mix the paint with a toothpick or thin wooden stick. Decorate the candle with glitter.

While the paint dries, prepare the tray. Pour golden decorative sand, put cones, leaves, twigs and berries and arrange candles. Our composition is ready:

Decorative candle with gradient effect

You will need:

  • candles;
  • paraffin wax;
  • wax pencils different shades one color (for example, orange);
  • clean tin.

1: Remove the paper from the wax pencils and cut them into small pieces. Fill a tin cup halfway with wax and place wax crayon pieces on top. Place the mug in a saucepan and fill with water to cover about 2/3 of the mug. Press down on it, for example, with a lid and bring the water to a boil. Wait for the wax to melt (approximately 15 minutes). Then mix well.

2: Place the container with melted wax on a flat surface, then take the candle and lower it vertically to a depth of 2.5-3 cm. Hold it in this position for about 10 seconds, then lower the candle another 2.5-3 cm deeper. Wait another 10 seconds. Continue dipping the candle deeper into the wax until you reach the desired level. To make the last layer as thin and transparent as possible, lower the candle only for a moment, and then immediately pull it out.

After about an hour, the wax will completely harden and the candle can be lit or packaged and presented to someone as a gift.

I hope you find an interesting idea for yourself and make a candle yourself!

Candle making at home is becoming an increasingly popular hobby. This is a very interesting and simple activity, having mastered the basics of which you can always surprise your friends or colleagues with a small but pleasant gift. You can also decorate the interior of your home. interesting candles handmade. In this article, the author invites you to try your hand at candle making with minimum set materials and tools, you do not have to buy any special fixtures or components. And if you are fascinated by this activity, then you will already be experimenting with dyes, flavors and shapes.

To get started, prepare everything you need:
1. Paraffin ordinary candle.
2. Small knife.
3. An empty juice or milk bag.
4. Pencil.
5. Dishes for a water bath. Since the dishes are very difficult to put in order later, it is recommended to use inexpensive dishes, which will later be used for such purposes.
6. Small sieve.
7. Coffee beans.
8. Small decorative elements to decorate the candle (optional).

Before starting work, carefully read the safety precautions for working with paraffin !!!
1. Paraffin is a flammable substance, so it is not worth melting it directly on a fire or in a microwave oven. You need to melt paraffin only in a water bath, while the fire should not be too strong. In the process of melting, paraffin can be stirred with a wooden stick or spatula and in no case should paraffin be left on fire unattended.
2. When pouring paraffin into a mold, be careful, if you use a bowl with an iron handle to melt paraffin in a water bath, then do not forget to use an oven mitt.
3. Also, when pouring paraffin into molds, be extremely careful and make sure that the melted paraffin does not get on the skin.
4. Keep an open pack handy for emergencies. baking soda. In case of fire, paraffin should not be extinguished with water, only with soda.
So let's get started.

1 step.
With a knife, carefully make shallow cuts along the entire length of the candle without cutting the wick. We break the candle into pieces, carefully remove the wick. We will need it in the future. We grind the paraffin from the candle with a knife and put it in a previously prepared container for melting. Now we take a pan of a larger diameter, pour water into it and put it on gas. From above, into the water, we put a vessel with finely chopped paraffin. When the water in the pan boils, the paraffin will begin to melt in a water bath.

2 step.
Before the water boils, prepare the form for future candle. To do this, take a bag of juice and cut off the top with a knife. Now we take the wick previously removed from the candle and wind it around the pencil. Then place the pencil with the wick strictly in the center of the form.

3 step.
Now let's get back to the paraffin. The water boils, and the paraffin begins to slowly melt in a water bath. After the paraffin has completely melted, pour a handful of coffee beans into it.

4 step.
Now pour all this mixture into the previously prepared form. This will be the first, decorative layer of the candle. Now you need to give the paraffin mixture in the form a little time so that it freezes.

5 step.
Then again melt the paraffin in a water bath and pour it into the form with a second layer. Since this layer is already made without grains, any impurities are undesirable in it. Therefore, you can use a strainer and pour the paraffin into the mold through it, sifting out unnecessary impurities.

6 step.
Now we patiently wait for the paraffin to finally harden. Then, with a knife, we cut the juice bag, which served as a mold for the candle, and carefully remove it. The candle can be decorated with special candle stickers or simply wrapped with tape, which will need to be removed when it's time to light the candle. Here is a great result at a minimum cost.

And if you choose a wider shape and wind several wicks on a pencil, you will get such a wonderful candle with several wicks. And in order for her to be pleasant coffee color it is enough to add ordinary wax crayon in the process of melting paraffin Brown. I hope you liked your new experience and you will enjoy learning a new useful hobby. Successful creativity!

People have been using candles for a long time. Previously, they served to illuminate the premises, and now they are an element of decor and a way to create a romantic, festive or cozy atmosphere.

You can find many in stores different types candles, ranging from the simple to the whimsical. Similar decorations can be made independently from simple materials. Making decorative candles does not require financial costs and does not take much time, but by showing imagination and putting a piece of your soul into your product, you can create a unique thing that will bring joy to you and your family.

How to make decorative candles with your own hands

What will be required

candle material. Wax, paraffin or stearin. For people who are new to candle making, it is best to start with paraffin wax, as it is easier to work with. Paraffin can be bought or obtained from white household candles or their remains.

Stearin is easily obtained from laundry soap. Grate the soap on a coarse grater or cut it with a knife. Place the chips in a metal container, fill with water so that the liquid covers it and send it to melt in a water bath. When the soap has dissolved, take it off the heat and add the vinegar. A thick mass will float to the surface, which must be collected with a spoon after cooling. This mass is stearin, it must be washed several times under water and wrapped in a clean cloth to remove excess moisture.

Wick. For the wick, you will need a thick cotton thread, for example, a braided thread or a floss twisted into a rope. Synthetic materials for candles are unsuitable because they burn quickly and smell unpleasant. It is easier to get a wick from ordinary candles.

The form. Various containers can be used as a mold for making candles: coffee jars, strong packaging, sand molds and plastic balls. If you decide to make a candle narrowed to the top or a round one, the container that you will use for this, for example, a plastic ball, should be cut lengthwise and a hole with a diameter of at least 1 cm should be made at the top so that the composition can be freely poured into it.

Dyes. You can use dry food coloring wax crayons or natural ingredients such as cocoa. But paints on alcohol or water based unsuitable for making candles.

Dishes for melting. A small saucepan or bowl is suitable, which is convenient to place on the steam bath.

Additional materials. You will need them to decorate and add flavors to the product. Since DIY candles are a lot of fantasy, you can use whatever you like, such as coffee, dried flowers, shells, beads and sparkles. Candles can be scented with your favorite essential oils, vanilla or cinnamon.

Working process

  1. Grind the selected raw material and place it in a water bath. If you are using household candles, be sure to remove the wick. The remains of candles must be cleaned of black soot. While stirring, wait until the mass melts. Dip the wick into it several times so that it is saturated and set it aside.
  2. Add flavoring and coloring to the mass. If you use wax crayons, grind them with a fine grater. When using two or more colors, you can achieve a marble color. And dividing the mass into several parts and coloring them in different colors, you can make a multi-colored candle.
  3. Grease the mold chosen for the candle vegetable oil or dishwashing detergent. Fix the tip of the wick on a stick, toothpick or pencil and place it on the mold so that the free end of the wick passes through its middle and reaches the bottom. For reliability, a weight, for example, a nut, can be attached to the free part of the wick.
  4. Pour the melted mass into the mold, wait for it to solidify completely, then pull out the candle by pulling on the wick. If the candle is difficult to remove, immerse the mold in hot water.
  5. You can decorate candles in different ways, for example, spread dried flowers, blades of grass and seeds around the edges of the mold and then pour the melted mass. For the manufacture of coffee candle you need to pour a layer of coffee beans on the bottom of the form, pour them liquid material for a candle and put grains on top again. It is better to decorate the product with beads, rhinestones and shells after it has solidified and taken out of the mold. decorative elements inserted into the melted surface of the candle or attached with glue.

Candles are a wonderful souvenir that can decorate a family holiday and create a romantic atmosphere. Ease of making candles with an extensive choice of material, allows you to fill the decor in home environment. This article will help you understand all the intricacies of cooking candles.

How to make a candle - preparation of materials and tools

To make candle decor, you need to prepare tools and materials. At the first stage, it is important to clearly follow all the recommendations in order to fill the candles correctly later.

  • The basis. One of the cheapest materials for candle mass is soy wax. It has a natural base, which is made from soybean oil. It is easy to work with such wax and clean molds from it.
  • In addition to soy-based wax, beeswax is used, which is known for its medicinal properties. But such wax has a high cost. An analogue of natural components is paraffin - cheap, but made from petroleum products. Transparent candles have a gel base.
  • The form. It is convenient to use as a case for candles if it is with a glass surface. Through it, the structure of the candle is visible. Metal, silicone and plastic molds are also used for candle making.
  • Wick. A thin cord or floss thread is often used for it. Pre-soak it with melted wax, then install it in a metal holder.
  • Flavorings and dyes. The dye gives the color to the wax. Instead, you can add oil paints. Essential oils will add aroma to the candle. Use your favorite oil or a mixture of both.
  • Instruments. In addition to materials for making candles, prepare the following tools. Scales for determining the mass of a solid base, a knife and a grater, measuring cups and a container, a wooden spatula, a thermometer. Take extra paper towels and oven mitts as the wax will be hot.

How to make a candle - the progress of work

  • If you don't have special molds for casting candles, then cups from an old tea set or even empty jars will do. Rinse blanks before use warm water. Or plunge into boiling water.

  • Wipe well with paper towels. Wax must be poured into a completely dry container, otherwise it may bounce.

  • To determine the volume of the required mass of wax, resort to a little trick. Pour water into the mold to the desired level.

  • Then pour the liquid into a measuring cup. That's how you'll know exact weight for making candles.

  • Weigh the water without taking into account the capacity. Grind the wax on a grater or with a knife. Try to make equal pieces so that they melt evenly. In a separate bowl, transfer the wax equal to twice the weight of the liquid.

  • Wax must be melted in a water bath. Fill a large saucepan with water up to halfway. Put on fire. Transfer the wax mixture to a pitcher or other container with a handle. When the water boils, lower the dishes into the pan.

  • Stir frequently until wax is completely melted. So the mass will have a uniform consistency.

  • If the wax outwardly began to resemble olive oil then it melted completely. Remove the container from the fire.

  • The hot mixture should not be immediately poured into the mold. Before adding other components, it is necessary to reduce its temperature to 60 degrees.

  • While the wax mass is cooling, install the wick. Fix its base with hot glue at the bottom of the mold. So during the hardening of the wax, it will not move.

  • It is also important to fix the wick in the central part of the workpiece. This can be done with a piece of satin ribbon. Fold the ribbon in half and cut along the fold line.

  • Pass the wick through the hole in the ribbon. Additionally, fix its edges with tape.

  • Add to cooled wax essential oils. The optimal ratio of aroma to candle weight: 1 drop of extract per 400 g of wax.

  • Mix the warm wax well. This will distribute the flavor evenly throughout the mixture. Instead of aromatic oils, use spices or coffee beans. You can add dyes if you wish.

  • Pour the liquid wax into the mold in a thin stream. Try to do this slowly and avoid getting the mixture on the wick and ribbon. This filling will help to avoid the formation of bubbles during the solidification of the wax.

  • When the wax has completely hardened, trim the wick to required size and remove the tape.

At first glance, there is nothing complicated in the manufacture of candles. But there are a few recommendations for pouring fragrant decor that will facilitate the process and help avoid mistakes.

  • To achieve a uniform color of the wax, do not use food coloring. They are water based.
  • If it was not possible to purchase special dyes for candles, then use wax-based colored pencils. Grind them and add to the warm candle mass.

The process of making candles at home becomes an exciting experience. In addition, hand-made candle decor gives comfort and warmth.

How to make a candle with colored wax, look at the video:

Candles became popular in the Middle Ages. They were only people with wealth because their price was very high. They were made from different material, it could be paper or papyrus, different plants and fat. Then the North American colonists figured out how to get wax. Since then, a lot has been done different experiments and experiments, but the expected result was not. This lasted until paraffin was invented. Since then, candles have been made from it.

DIY candle molds

Forms for candles can be very different, it will depend only on your imagination and mood. For this, various transparent glass jars, cups that you have in the kitchen, containers from under baby food and yogurts, small boxes that are made of thick cardboard. You can also use orange and lemon peel. Also you can do plaster mold for candles, for this you need to fill the figurine of an animal or flower with plaster and wait until it hardens.


The wick can be purchased at a special store, taken from a candle that you have, or you can make it yourself. There are two options.

Materials that will be needed for work:

  • bamboo sticks or cork sticks;
  • sunflower oil, olive oil can also be used;
  • napkins;
  • scissors.

First you need to cut the stick, the length you need. Then place the resulting stick in sunflower or olive oil for twenty minutes. This is necessary in order for the wick to burn longer. After that, remove the stick and lightly blot with a napkin. Your wick is ready.

Second option. Here the wick will be made from cotton thread. Necessary materials for work:

  • floss thread or cotton thread;
  • water;
  • salt;
  • borax.

You need to cut off a couple of strips of cotton thread. Then take a glass and mix in it three tablespoons of borax and one tablespoon of salt. After that, dip strips of thread into a glass and leave them there for twelve hours. After this time has passed, the threads will need to dry well.

When the threads are dry, weave them together and dip them in wax or paraffin. After drying, the wick will be ready.


Essential oils can be used for this. When the candle burns, they will evaporate and permeate the air. pleasant aromas, which, in most cases, have a good effect on the body. You can mix oils and get candles for different purposes, some can be for relaxation and excitement, while others can be uplifting. The more oil is added to the candle, the brighter its smell will be. But if you are making a candle with your own hands from natural wax, it is better not to use fragrances.


This component is optional, since you can make a candle without it. But if you decide to make your candles bright, you can use wax crayons that children use to draw on asphalt. Before use, it must be crushed into small crumbs, and then added to the melted mass for the candle. still exist liquid food coloring, but they are not suitable for our candles, because they are based on water. You can replace them oil paints or special paints, which are sold in stores where there is everything for candle making.

How to make a candle at home

DIY wax candles

Necessary materials:

  • wax or paraffin, at your discretion;
  • the form;
  • flavorings and dyes, if you decide to use them;
  • a container for a water bath and a pot of water;
  • wick;
  • sticks that will support the wick;
  • glue gun.

Making candles.

First of all, you need to decide on the form into which the wax will be poured. Then install a wick in this form. The wick must be glued to the bottom of the form, via glue gun and fix his wand, and if there is no wand, then you can use an ordinary drawing pencil.

After you have fixed the wick, you need to make a mass for the candle. To do this, wax or paraffin is melted in a water bath. As soon as the mass takes on a liquid form, you can add flavorings and dyes to it.

The last step in the work will be pouring the mass into molds. In order for it to take on a shape such as you want, it needs to harden, this will take several hours. After hardening, your original candle will be ready.

DIY gel candles at home

They can be a wonderful gift or souvenir. They smell very nice and burn much longer than paraffin or wax ones. Moreover, the container in which the candle will be made, after it burns out, can be used for other purposes. How to make candles with your own hands will tell further.

Materials for work:

  • gelatin, it should be colorless;
  • glycerin and tannin;
  • ink that has different colors;
  • essential oil that you prefer;
  • glass container;
  • wick;
  • miscellaneous items

Making candles.

The first thing to do is add five parts gelatin to twenty parts water. Then twenty-five parts of glycerin are placed in this mass and it is all heated over low heat until transparent.

Till gelatin and glycerin heated to dissolve the tannin. To do this, you need to take two parts of tannin and ten parts of glycerin, after mixing, add to the total mass. The mixture should boil until it becomes clear.

If you want the candle to be bright and beautiful, add ink, the color of the candle will depend on its color. After that, essential oils are added.

To decorate a candle, you need to put decorations on the bottom of the mold, it can be beads, various beads, shells and even pieces of fruit.

After that, the wick is fixed in the form, it is necessary that it be in the middle. Then the mass is poured and left to solidify. A beautiful candle, after hardening it will be ready for use.

You can use whatever you like for this. If you are making an aroma candle, you can use pieces of fruit, oranges, tangerines, lemons, grapefruits will do. But before that, the fruits must be dried, this can be done in the oven at seventy degrees.

You can also use different ribbons, threads for decoration and lace as decoration. But you need to be careful with this decor material, as it ignites easily. It is best to mount it on a candlestick.

Handmade candles can be decorated with cones, coffee beans, cinnamon sticks, different beads, printed photographs. How your candle will be decorated depends only on your imagination and desire.
