Fortune telling for the new year when you can guess. Fortune telling for a dream: how to see a betrothed in a dream

On the night of January 13-14, the Old New Year begins. This time is considered mystical and ideal for divination.

And although the Old New Year is not an official holiday, many of us love this day. Throughout the history of the celebration, the Old New Year has acquired many interesting traditions customs, ceremonies and rituals.

An integral part of the celebration is fortune-telling for the Old New Year. Traditionally, this winter period our ancestors guessed at the harvest or fate. On the eve of the holiday HB STYLE talks about popular superstitions and features of divination at Christmas time.

When can you guess?

Winter Christmas time is celebrated from Christmas Eve to Epiphany, that is, from January 6 to January 19. People believed that it was at this time that evil spirits come out for a walk, and fate can lift the veil of its secrets and mysteries. These days, our ancestors performed numerous ceremonies and rituals, including fortune telling. Among young girls who had not yet met their beloved, there was a rumor that fortune-telling for the Old New Year was the most faithful.

During the winter holidays, in particular, on the night of January 13-14, with the help of fortune-telling, you can find out the name, character, hair color of your betrothed, whether the wedding will be soon, whether the marriage will be happy and much more.

How to prepare for divination for the Old New Year

If you are going to guess for the Old New Year, this should be taken seriously. People believe that if a person doubts the veracity of fortune-telling, then it will not come true. Before divination, girls need to let their hair down, untie all the knots on their clothes (belts, belts), remove bracelets, rings and other jewelry.

If a girl is going to tell fortunes about her future husband, this should not be done in family home. In the house where such a ritual is performed, men should not be present.

When starting fortune-telling, it is important to clearly formulate your question and mentally abstract from everything that can distract.


Simple fortune-telling for the Old New Year

1. Divination for the future with cups. How many people will guess, so many cups are needed. It is necessary to spread the ring, bread, coin, sugar, salt, onion into cups, and pour water into one. FROM eyes closed each of the fortune-tellers chooses a cup for himself. What was in the vessel, so will be the near future. The ring means a quick wedding, bread - prosperity, a coin - wealth, sugar - fun, salt - failure, onions - tears. A cup of water portends life without much change.

2. Fortune telling on grains. Take a jar of any cereal and ask a question that interests you. Then take out a handful of grains with your left hand and count them. Even number means a positive answer to your question, while odd means a negative answer.

3. Divination on dumplings. This is one of the most traditional divination for the Old New Year. The mistress of the house prepares dumplings with potatoes or cabbage, and puts an unexpected filling in some of them. According to who gets what, they determine the fate of a person in the new year. For example, lollipop means sweet life, a paper bill or a coin - enrichment, dragee candies - replenishment in the family, a thread - a long road, a trip, a button - beautiful new clothes, peppercorn - a bright life "with peppercorn".

4. Divination for the betrothed. Before going to bed, on the night of January 13-14, unmarried girls should put four cards with images of kings of different stripes under their pillows. In the morning, without looking, you need to pull out one card. What suit the king will be, so will it be future husband. The king of spades is an old and jealous husband, the king of clubs is a military husband, the king of hearts is a young and rich betrothed, and the king of diamonds means that the husband will be desired.

5. Girl's divination for the Old New Year. Before going to bed, a young girl should eat something salty and not drink water with food. Going to bed, you need to say these words: "Narrowed, mummers, come to me and give me a drink!". According to legend, whoever a girl dreams about, she will marry.

6. Divination in the name of the betrothed. Finding out the name of the future husband for the Old New Year is very simple. It is enough just to go out into the street and ask the first man you meet to call his name.

7. Divination by the book. You can find out the answer to your question for the Old New Year with the help of a book. Mentally voice your question and, in a randomly selected book, name the page number and line number. The phrase written in this place will serve as the answer to your question.

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The lunar divination calendar will help you choose the best day for predictions and divination.

All girls love to guess. Someone tells fortunes on holidays, for example, at Christmas, while others tell fortunes almost every day. Some girls want to know their future for fun, but many hope for something serious and believe in all predictions.

  • Few people know that in order to get an accurate answer, you need to predict fate on certain days.
  • Astrologers advise using the lunar calendar for divination, since the Moon is a constant satellite of the Earth. Not a single action on our planet, which is associated with the movement of such an element as water, can do without the participation of this planet. All the elements on our planet are connected with the Cosmos, and the Moon is part of it. Therefore, this white magical planet must be reckoned with.
  • The ebb and flow of the seas and oceans, and even the growth of plants, occurs according to the Moon.
  • People stick lunar tips when planning a trip, a wedding, starting a new business, conceiving a child, or planting plants. Also selected favorable lunar days for divination.

Lunar divination calendar for 2019: general provisions

  • On the new moon(dark Moon, true information is hidden, information of dark forces can slip through).
  • On dates eclipses of the moon and sun.
  • On Sunday.
  • When you are emotionally depressed, unhealthy, just not in a good mood.

Remember: Divination is not destiny. You can and should believe in good and make it part of your destiny. Bad things can be changed through personal development.

  • Good days of the week for divination- Friday.

Lunar divination calendar for January 2019

The most active month for divination. Girls guess for the New Year, Christmas time, Christmas, Epiphany. The answer will be especially true if fortune-telling takes place on a favorable lunar day.

January 2019 —
Lunar day Divination
January 1st 25 - Descending. moon
January 2 26 - Descending. moon On this day, do not guess.
January 3 27 - Descending. moon
4 January 28 - Descending. moon
5 January 29 - Descending. moon The most inappropriate day for divination before the new moon (dark moon), complicated solar eclipse. Fortune telling will mislead and lead to trouble.
January 6 1 - New Moon.
January 7 2 - Growing. moon
January 8 3 - Growing. moon On this day, do not guess.
January 9 4 - Growing. moon
January 10 5 - Growing. moon
January 11 6 - Growing. moon
January 12 7 - Growing. moon
13th of January 8 - Growing. moon
January 14 9 - Growing. moon
January 15 10 - Growing. moon
January 16 11 - Growing. moon
January 17 12 - Growing. moon
January 18 13 - Growing. moon
January 19 14 - Growing. moon
January 20th 15 - Growing. moon
January 21 16 - Full moon.
Moon eclipse.
On the day of the lunar eclipse, it is better not to guess. All true information is hidden.
January 22 17 - Descending. moon
January 23 18 - Descending. moon
January 24 19 - Descending. moon
The 25th of January 20 - Descending. moon
January 26 21 - Descending. moon
January 27 22 - Descending. moon
28 January 23 - Descending. moon
January 29 24 - Descending. moon
January 30 25 - Descending. moon You can guess on the water, stones or shells. You will get true results.
January 31 26 - Descending. moon On this day, do not guess.

Lunar divination calendar for February 2019

Lunar divination calendar for February

When it’s cold and cold outside the window, you really want to get together with your friends at one of their houses and guess at your betrothed. Choose a good day and guess in any way you know how.

Divination lunar calendar for February 2019 - the best days:

Lunar day Divination
1st of February 27 - Descending. moon You can guess on water, milk, asking a variety of questions.
February 2 28 - Descending. moon You can guess if fortune telling is related to the trip.
February 3rd 29 - Descending. moon
February 4 30 - Descending. moon A good day for divination, but only with the use of vegetables and fruits.
February 5th 1 - New Moon. They don't guess. Absolutely forbidden!
February 6 2 - Growing. moon You can guess, but in the near future, about a month ahead.
February 7 3 - Growing. moon On this day, do not guess.
February 8 4 - Growing. moon You can guess at the present time, asking questions in such a way that the answer is either “Yes” or “No”.
February 9th 5 - Growing. moon You can guess if fortune-telling is connected with the distant future.
February 10 6 - Growing. moon A great day for divination. You can guess at different topics. The answers will be truthful, because. on this day, clairvoyant abilities increase.
11 February 7 - Growing. moon A great day, but fortune-telling on relationships will be especially true.
12th of February 8 - Growing. moon Neutral day. There is no guarantee that the result will be true.
February 13 9 - Growing. moon Not a good day for divination. There may be inaccurate negative results.
The 14th of February 10 - Growing. moon A good day for divination, but regarding the interests of the family. You can guess with the whole family for future acquisitions.
February, 15 11 - Growing. moon It is better to guess on this day by candlelight so that fire is present. Get answers to a variety of questions.
February 16 12 - Growing. moon The day is not very favorable to fortune-telling. However, if there is an urgent specific question, you can make an exception and guess.
February 17 13 - Growing. moon The day does not favor truthful divination. It is better to refrain from guessing.
February 18 14 - Growing. moon Fortune telling on this day can predict life difficulties that are better not to know about, and they can pass by your life.
February 19 15 - Full moon. On this day, you can guess on runes, cards, asking various questions that concern you.
February 20th 16 - Descending. moon
February 21 17 - Descending. moon You can guess about love if you are sure that there is a reciprocal feeling or look for a reciprocal feeling. The day favors fortune-telling connected with mutual love. For divination on other topics, this day is not suitable.
February 22 18 - Descending. moon You can guess, except for fortune telling on water, mirrors, crystals or other reflective surfaces.
February 23 19 - Descending. moon Forbidden, unfavorable day for divination.
24 February 20 - Descending. moon You can guess about the short-term future related to work and colleagues.
25 February 21 - Descending. moon You can guess, except fortune-telling for money, finances. You can push them away.
February 26 22 - Descending. moon A great day for divination for money, wealth, luck.
February 27 23 - Descending. moon Not a good day for divination.
28th of February 24 - Descending. moon Fortune telling by candlelight, with the help of candles (fire must be involved) for very serious, major events (building a house, buying a car, position) will be successful.

Lunar divination calendar for March 2019: the best days

Those girls who are looking for a soul mate, with the help of divination, receive answers to specific questions about mutual love. Follow the recommendations of the lunar calendar, and tell fortunes about your betrothed. But remember that this is just a prediction, and you should not take seriously the results seen on cards or other objects.

Lunar divination calendar for March 2019 - the best days:

Lunar day Divination
March 1 25 - Descending. moon You can guess on the water, stones or shells. You will get true results.
2nd of March 26 - Descending. moon On this day, do not guess.
March, 3rd 27 - Descending. moon You can guess on water, milk, asking a variety of questions.
March 4 28 - Descending. moon You can guess if fortune telling is related to the trip.
5th of March 29 - Descending. moon The most inappropriate day for divination. Fortune telling will mislead and lead to trouble.
March, 6 30 - New Moon They don't guess. Absolutely forbidden!
March 7 1 - Growing. moon
March 8 2 - Growing. moon You can guess, but in the near future, about a month ahead.
9th of March 3 - Growing. moon On this day, do not guess.
10th of March 4 - Growing. moon You can guess at the present time, asking questions in such a way that the answer is either “Yes” or “No”.
March 11th 5 - Growing. moon You can guess if fortune-telling is connected with the distant future.
March 12 6 - Growing. moon A great day for divination. You can guess on different topics. The answers will be truthful, because. on this day, clairvoyant abilities increase.
March 13 7 - Growing. moon A great day, but fortune-telling on relationships will be especially true.
March 14th 8 - Growing. moon Neutral day. There is no guarantee that the result will be true.
March 15th 9 - Growing. moon Not a good day for divination. There may be inaccurate negative results.
March 16 10 - Growing. moon A good day for divination, but regarding the interests of the family. You can guess with the whole family for future acquisitions.
March 17 11 - Growing. moon It is better to guess on this day by candlelight so that fire is present. Get answers to a variety of questions.
March 18 12 - Growing. moon The day is not very favorable to fortune-telling. However, if there is an urgent specific question, you can make an exception and guess.
March 19 13 - Growing. moon The day does not favor truthful divination. It is better to refrain from guessing.
20th of March 14 - Growing. moon Fortune telling on this day can predict life difficulties that are better not to know about, and they can pass by your life.
March 21 15 - Full moon. On this day, you can guess on runes, cards, asking various questions that concern you.
March 22 16 - Descending. moon A great day for divination for a betrothed, career, money.
March 23 17 - Descending. moon You can guess about love if you are sure that there is a reciprocal feeling or look for a reciprocal feeling. The day favors fortune-telling connected with mutual love. For divination on other topics, this day is not suitable.
March 24 18 - Descending. moon You can guess, except for fortune telling on water, mirrors, crystals or other reflective surfaces.
March 25 19 - Descending. moon Forbidden, unfavorable day for divination.
26 March 20 - Descending. moon You can guess about the short-term future related to work and colleagues.
March 27 21 - Descending. moon You can guess, except fortune-telling for money, finances. You can push them away.
March 28 22 - Descending. moon A great day for divination for money, wealth, luck.
March 29 23 - Descending. moon Not a good day for divination.
March 30 24 - Descending. moon Fortune telling by candlelight, with the help of candles (fire must be involved) for very serious, major events (building a house, buying a car, position) will be successful.
March 31 25 - Descending. moon You can guess on the water, stones or shells. You will get true results.

Lunar divination calendar for April 2019: the best days

If the predictions are bad, don't be discouraged. Do your best to make things right. Direct the situation in the opposite direction, because each person is the master of his own destiny. Remember this always.

Lunar divination calendar for April 2019 - the best days:

Lunar day Divination
April 1 26 - Descending. moon On this day, do not guess.
April 2 27 - Descending. moon You can guess on water, milk, asking a variety of questions.
April 3 28 - Descending. moon You can guess if fortune telling is related to the trip.
April, 4 29 - Descending. moon The most inappropriate day for divination. Fortune telling will mislead and lead to trouble.
April 5 30 - New Moon They don't guess. Absolutely forbidden!
April 6 1 - Growing. moon At the very beginning of the lunar cycle, they do not guess. Unfavorable day for divination. The time of the dark moon is still in effect, which closes the true information. On this day, you can prepare for future fortune-telling, think over questions, a topic, dream about a happy future.
April 7 2 - Growing. moon You can guess, but in the near future, about a month ahead.
April 8 3 - Growing. moon On this day, do not guess.
April 9 4 - Growing. moon You can guess at the present time, asking questions in such a way that the answer is either “Yes” or “No”.
April 10th 5 - Growing. moon You can guess if fortune-telling is connected with the distant future.
April 11 6 - Growing. moon A great day for divination. You can guess on different topics. The answers will be truthful, because. on this day, clairvoyant abilities increase.
April 12th 7 - Growing. moon A great day, but fortune-telling on relationships will be especially true.
April 13 8 - Growing. moon Neutral day. There is no guarantee that the result will be true.
14th of April 9 - Growing. moon Not a good day for divination. There may be inaccurate negative results.
April 15 10 - Growing. moon A good day for divination, but regarding the interests of the family. You can guess with the whole family for future acquisitions.
April 16 11 - Growing. moon It is better to guess on this day by candlelight so that fire is present. Get answers to a variety of questions.
April 17 12 - Growing. moon The day is not very favorable to fortune-telling. However, if there is an urgent specific question, you can make an exception and guess.
April 18th 13 - Growing. moon The day does not favor truthful divination. It is better to refrain from guessing.
April 19 14 - Full moon Fortune telling on this day can predict life difficulties that are better not to know about, and they can pass by your life.
20 April 15 - Descending. moon On this day, you can guess on runes, cards, asking various questions that concern you.
April 21 16 - Descending. moon A great day for divination for a betrothed, career, money.
April 22 17 - Descending. moon You can guess about love if you are sure that there is a reciprocal feeling or look for a reciprocal feeling. The day favors fortune-telling connected with mutual love. For divination on other topics, this day is not suitable.
April 23 18 - Descending. moon You can guess, except for fortune telling on water, mirrors, crystals or other reflective surfaces.
April 24 19 - Descending. moon Forbidden, unfavorable day for divination.
25th of April 20 - Descending. moon You can guess about the short-term future related to work and colleagues.
26 April 21 - Descending. moon You can guess, except fortune-telling for money, finances. You can push them away.
April 27 22 - Descending. moon A great day for divination for money, wealth, luck.
April 28 23 - Descending. moon Not a good day for divination.
April 29 24 - Descending. moon Fortune telling by candlelight, with the help of candles (fire must be involved) for very serious, major events (building a house, buying a car, position) will be successful.
April 30 25 - Descending. moon You can guess on the water, stones or shells. You will get true results.

Lunar divination calendar for May 2019: the best days

Every day has a special energy. Therefore, a specific day is chosen for divination when it is allowed to do this according to the lunar calendar. On the new moon, they usually do not guess, especially for love. This day is listed in the column with a ban on divination. The full moon is a good period for predictions, as magical properties The moons are over the top on this day.

Divination lunar calendar for May 2019 - the best days:

Lunar day Divination
1st of May 26 - Descending. moon On this day, do not guess.
May 2 27 - Descending. moon You can guess on water, milk, asking a variety of questions.
May 3 28 - Descending. moon You can guess if fortune telling is related to the trip.
May 4th 29 - Descending. moon The most inappropriate day for divination. Fortune telling will mislead and lead to trouble.
5 May 1 - New Moon They don't guess. Absolutely forbidden!
the 6th of May 2 - Growing. moon You can guess, but in the near future, about a month ahead.
May 7 3 - Growing. moon On this day, do not guess.
May 8 4 - Growing. moon You can guess at the present time, asking questions in such a way that the answer is either “Yes” or “No”.
May 9 5 - Growing. moon You can guess if fortune-telling is connected with the distant future.
May 10 6 - Growing. moon A great day for divination. You can guess on different topics. The answers will be truthful, because. on this day, clairvoyant abilities increase.
May 11 7 - Growing. moon A great day, but fortune-telling on relationships will be especially true.
12 May 8 - Growing. moon Neutral day. There is no guarantee that the result will be true.
may 13 9 - Growing. moon Not a good day for divination. There may be inaccurate negative results.
May 14 10 - Growing. moon A good day for divination, but regarding the interests of the family. You can guess with the whole family for future acquisitions.
May 15 11 - Growing. moon It is better to guess on this day by candlelight so that fire is present. Get answers to a variety of questions.
16th of May 12 - Growing. moon The day is not very favorable to fortune-telling. However, if there is an urgent specific question, you can make an exception and guess.
May 17 13 - Growing. moon The day does not favor truthful divination. It is better to refrain from guessing.
May 18 14 - Growing. moon Fortune telling on this day can predict life difficulties that are better not to know about, and they can pass by your life.
May 19 15 - full moon On this day, you can guess on runes, cards, asking various questions that concern you.
May 20 16 - Descending. moon A great day for divination for a betrothed, career, money.
May 21st 17 - Descending. moon You can guess about love if you are sure that there is a reciprocal feeling or look for a reciprocal feeling. The day favors fortune-telling connected with mutual love. For divination on other topics, this day is not suitable.
22nd of May 18 - Descending. moon You can guess, except for fortune telling on water, mirrors, crystals or other reflective surfaces.
May, 23rd 19 - Descending. moon Forbidden, unfavorable day for divination.
May 24 20 - Descending. moon You can guess about the short-term future related to work and colleagues.
May 25 21 - Descending. moon You can guess, except fortune-telling for money, finances. You can push them away.
26 of May 22 - Descending. moon A great day for divination for money, wealth, luck.
May 27 23 - Descending. moon Not a good day for divination.
May 28 24 - Descending. moon Fortune telling by candlelight, with the help of candles (fire must be involved) for very serious, major events (building a house, buying a car, position) will be successful.
May 29 25 - Descending. moon You can guess on the water, stones or shells. You will get true results.
May 30 26 - Descending. moon On this day, do not guess.
May 31 27 - Descending. moon You can guess on water, milk, asking a variety of questions.

Divination lunar calendar for June 2019: the best days

Often the result of this action depends on the method and time of prediction. There are fortune-telling that reveal the future only on holidays (New Year, Maslenitsa, Christmas), while others are tied to the lunar calendar. The inner feeling before divination is also important. If you are tuned in to this process, then you can tell fortunes.

Divination lunar calendar for June 2019 - the best days:

Lunar day Divination
June 1st 28 - Descending. moon You can guess if fortune telling is related to the trip.
2 June 29 - Descending. moon The most inappropriate day for divination. Fortune telling will mislead and lead to trouble.
June 3 30 - New Moon They don't guess. Absolutely forbidden!
June 4 1 - Growing. moon At the very beginning of the lunar cycle, they do not guess. Unfavorable day for divination. The time of the dark moon is still in effect, which closes the true information. On this day, you can prepare for future fortune-telling, think over questions, a topic, dream about a happy future.
June 5 2 - Growing. moon You can guess, but in the near future, about a month ahead.
June 6 3 - Growing. moon On this day, do not guess.
June 7 4 - Growing. moon You can guess at the present time, asking questions in such a way that the answer is either “Yes” or “No”.
June 8 5 - Growing. moon You can guess if fortune-telling is connected with the distant future.
the 9th of June 6 - Growing. moon A great day for divination. You can guess on different topics. The answers will be truthful, because. on this day, clairvoyant abilities increase.
June 10th 7 - Growing. moon A great day, but fortune-telling on relationships will be especially true.
June 11th 8 - Growing. moon Neutral day. There is no guarantee that the result will be true.
12 June 9 - Growing. moon Not a good day for divination. There may be inaccurate negative results.
June 13 10 - Growing. moon A good day for divination, but regarding the interests of the family. You can guess with the whole family for future acquisitions.
June 14 11 - Growing. moon It is better to guess on this day by candlelight so that fire is present. Get answers to a variety of questions.
June 15 12 - Growing. moon The day is not very favorable to fortune-telling. However, if there is an urgent specific question, you can make an exception and guess.
June 16 13 - Growing. moon The day does not favor truthful divination. It is better to refrain from guessing.
June 17 14 - full moon Fortune telling on this day can predict life difficulties that are better not to know about, and they can pass by your life.
June 18 15 - Descending. moon On this day, you can guess on runes, cards, asking various questions that concern you.
June 19 16 - Descending. moon A great day for divination for a betrothed, career, money.
June 20 17 - Descending. moon You can guess about love if you are sure that there is a reciprocal feeling or look for a reciprocal feeling. The day favors fortune-telling connected with mutual love. For divination on other topics, this day is not suitable.
21st of June 18 - Descending. moon You can guess, except for fortune telling on water, mirrors, crystals or other reflective surfaces.
22nd of June 19 - Descending. moon Forbidden, unfavorable day for divination.
June 23 20 - Descending. moon You can guess about the short-term future related to work and colleagues.
June 24 21 - Descending. moon You can guess, except fortune-telling for money, finances. You can push them away.
June 25 22 - Descending. moon A great day for divination for money, wealth, luck.
June 26 23 - Descending. moon Not a good day for divination.
27th of June 24 - Descending. moon Fortune telling by candlelight, with the help of candles (fire must be involved) for very serious, major events (building a house, buying a car, position) will be successful.
June 28 25 - Descending. moon You can guess on the water, stones or shells. You will get true results.
June 29 26 - Descending. moon On this day, do not guess.
30 June 27 - Descending. moon You can guess on water, milk, asking a variety of questions.

Lunar divination calendar for July 2019: the best days

If you are guessing for love, choose the right days for the moon. You also need to light red candles. Divination for money is made with golden candles. The number of candles does not matter. They should well illuminate the table on which the cards will lie down, and at the same time not interfere.

Lunar divination calendar for July 2019 - the best days:

Lunar day Divination
July 1 28 - Descending. moon You can guess if fortune telling is related to the trip.
July 2 29 – New Moon They don't guess. Absolutely forbidden!
3 July 1 - Growing. moon At the very beginning of the lunar cycle, they do not guess. Unfavorable day for divination. The time of the dark moon is still in effect, which closes the true information. On this day, you can prepare for future fortune-telling, think over questions, a topic, dream about a happy future.
4th of July 2 - Growing. moon You can guess, but in the near future, about a month ahead.
5'th of July 3 - Growing. moon On this day, do not guess.
July 6 4 - Growing. moon You can guess at the present time, asking questions in such a way that the answer is either “Yes” or “No”.
July 7 5 - Growing. moon You can guess if fortune-telling is connected with the distant future.
July 8 6 - Growing. moon A great day for divination. You can guess on different topics. The answers will be truthful, because. on this day, clairvoyant abilities increase.
July 9 7 - Growing. moon A great day, but fortune-telling on relationships will be especially true.
July 10 8 - Growing. moon Neutral day. There is no guarantee that the result will be true.
July 11 9 - Growing. moon Not a good day for divination. There may be inaccurate negative results.
July, 12 10 - Growing. moon A good day for divination, but regarding the interests of the family. You can guess with the whole family for future acquisitions.
July 13 11 - Growing. moon It is better to guess on this day by candlelight so that fire is present. Get answers to a variety of questions.
the 14 th of July 12 - Growing. moon The day is not very favorable to fortune-telling. However, if there is an urgent specific question, you can make an exception and guess.
July 15 13 - Growing. moon The day does not favor truthful divination. It is better to refrain from guessing.
July 16 14 - full moon Fortune telling on this day can predict life difficulties that are better not to know about, and they can pass by your life.
July 17th 15 - Descending. moon On this day, you can guess on runes, cards, asking various questions that concern you.
July 18 16 - Descending. moon A great day for divination for a betrothed, career, money.
July 19 17 - Descending. moon You can guess about love if you are sure that there is a reciprocal feeling or look for a reciprocal feeling. The day favors fortune-telling connected with mutual love. For divination on other topics, this day is not suitable.
July 20 18 - Descending. moon You can guess, except for fortune telling on water, mirrors, crystals or other reflective surfaces.
21 July 19 - Descending. moon Forbidden, unfavorable day for divination.
July 22 20 - Descending. moon You can guess about the short-term future related to work and colleagues.
July 23 21 - Descending. moon You can guess, except fortune-telling for money, finances. You can push them away.
July 24 22 - Descending. moon A great day for divination for money, wealth, luck.
July 25 23 - Descending. moon Not a good day for divination.
26 July 24 - Descending. moon Fortune telling by candlelight, with the help of candles (fire must be involved) for very serious, major events (building a house, buying a car, position) will be successful.
July 27 25 - Descending. moon You can guess on the water, stones or shells. You will get true results.
July 28th 26 - Descending. moon On this day, do not guess.
July 29 27 - Descending. moon You can guess on water, milk, asking a variety of questions.
July 30 28 - Descending. moon You can guess if fortune telling is related to the trip.
July 31 29 - Descending. moon The most inappropriate day for divination. Fortune telling will mislead and lead to trouble.

Lunar divination calendar for August 2019: the best days

For fortune-telling to come true, you need to lay out cards on the best day on the moon. But remember that the lunar calendar does not affect Christmas, Maslenitsa and New Year's predictions. These rituals are performed on the days indicated by the name.

Lunar divination calendar for August 2019 - the best days:

Lunar day Divination
August 1 30 - New Moon They don't guess. Absolutely forbidden!
August 2 1 - Growing. moon At the very beginning of the lunar cycle, they do not guess. Unfavorable day for divination. The time of the dark moon is still in effect, which closes the true information. On this day, you can prepare for future fortune-telling, think over questions, a topic, dream about a happy future.
August 3rd 2 - Growing. moon You can guess, but in the near future, about a month ahead.
August 4 3 - Growing. moon On this day, do not guess.
5th of August 4 - Growing. moon You can guess at the present time, asking questions in such a way that the answer is either “Yes” or “No”.
August 6 5 - Growing. moon You can guess if fortune-telling is connected with the distant future.
August 7 6 - Growing. moon A great day for divination. You can guess on different topics. The answers will be truthful, because. on this day, clairvoyant abilities increase.
8 August 7 - Growing. moon A great day, but fortune-telling on relationships will be especially true.
August 9 8 - Growing. moon Neutral day. There is no guarantee that the result will be true.
August 10 9 - Growing. moon Not a good day for divination. There may be inaccurate negative results.
11th August 10 - Growing. moon A good day for divination, but regarding the interests of the family. You can guess with the whole family for future acquisitions.
12th of August 11 - Growing. moon It is better to guess on this day by candlelight so that fire is present. Get answers to a variety of questions.
August 13 12 - Growing. moon The day is not very favorable to fortune-telling. However, if there is an urgent specific question, you can make an exception and guess.
August 14 13 - Growing. moon The day does not favor truthful divination. It is better to refrain from guessing.
August 15 14 - full moon Fortune telling on this day can predict life difficulties that are better not to know about, and they can pass by your life.
August 16 15 - Descending. moon On this day, you can guess on runes, cards, asking various questions that concern you.
August 17 16 - Descending. moon A great day for divination for a betrothed, career, money.
August 18 17 - Descending. moon You can guess about love if you are sure that there is a reciprocal feeling or look for a reciprocal feeling. The day favors fortune-telling connected with mutual love. For divination on other topics, this day is not suitable.
August 19 18 - Descending. moon You can guess, except for fortune telling on water, mirrors, crystals or other reflective surfaces.
August 20 19 - Descending. moon Forbidden, unfavorable day for divination.
August 21 20 - Descending. moon You can guess about the short-term future related to work and colleagues.
August 22 21 - Descending. moon You can guess, except fortune-telling for money, finances. You can push them away.
August 23 22 - Descending. moon A great day for divination for money, wealth, luck.
24 August 23 - Descending. moon Not a good day for divination.
25-th of August 24 - Descending. moon Fortune telling by candlelight, with the help of candles (fire must be involved) for very serious, major events (building a house, buying a car, position) will be successful.
August, 26th 25 - Descending. moon You can guess on the water, stones or shells. You will get true results.
August 27 26 - Descending. moon On this day, do not guess.
August 28 27 - Descending. moon You can guess on water, milk, asking a variety of questions.
August 29 28 - Descending. moon You can guess if fortune telling is related to the trip.
August 30 29 – New Moon
August 31 1 - Growing. moon At the very beginning of the lunar cycle, they do not guess. Unfavorable day for divination. The time of the dark moon is still in effect, which closes the true information. On this day, you can prepare for future fortune-telling, think over questions, a topic, dream about a happy future.

Divination lunar calendar for September 2019: the best days

To take into account the lunar calendar when divining or not is a personal matter for every fortuneteller. But many people still listen to the advice of astrologers, and they live easier. Plan this action in advance so that you can tune in and attract positive energy.

Divination lunar calendar for September 2019 - the best days:

Lunar day Divination
September 1 2 - Growing. moon You can guess, but in the near future, about a month ahead.
September 2 3 - Growing. moon On this day, do not guess.
September 3 4 - Growing. moon You can guess at the present time, asking questions in such a way that the answer is either “Yes” or “No”.
4 September 5 - Growing. moon You can guess if fortune-telling is connected with the distant future.
September 5 6 - Growing. moon A great day for divination. You can guess on different topics. The answers will be truthful, because. on this day, clairvoyant abilities increase.
6 September 7 - Growing. moon A great day, but fortune-telling on relationships will be especially true.
September 7 8 - Growing. moon Neutral day. There is no guarantee that the result will be true.
8 September 9 - Growing. moon Not a good day for divination. There may be inaccurate negative results.
9th of September 10 - Growing. moon A good day for divination, but regarding the interests of the family. You can guess with the whole family for future acquisitions.
10 September 11 - Growing. moon It is better to guess on this day by candlelight so that fire is present. Get answers to a variety of questions.
11 September 12 - Growing. moon The day is not very favorable to fortune-telling. However, if there is an urgent specific question, you can make an exception and guess.
12-th of September 13 - Growing. moon The day does not favor truthful divination. It is better to refrain from guessing.
September 13 14 - Growing. moon Fortune telling on this day can predict life difficulties that are better not to know about, and they can pass by your life.
September 14 15 - full moon On this day, you can guess on runes, cards, asking various questions that concern you.
September 15th 16 - Descending. moon A great day for divination for a betrothed, career, money.
16 of September 17 - Descending. moon You can guess about love if you are sure that there is a reciprocal feeling or look for a reciprocal feeling. The day favors fortune-telling connected with mutual love. For divination on other topics, this day is not suitable.
September 17 18 - Descending. moon You can guess, except for fortune telling on water, mirrors, crystals or other reflective surfaces.
September 18 19 - Descending. moon Forbidden, unfavorable day for divination.
September 19 20 - Descending. moon You can guess about the short-term future related to work and colleagues.
September 20 21 - Descending. moon You can guess, except fortune-telling for money, finances. You can push them away.
September 21st 22 - Descending. moon A great day for divination for money, wealth, luck.
September 22nd 23 - Descending. moon Not a good day for divination.
23 September 24 - Descending. moon Fortune telling by candlelight, with the help of candles (fire must be involved) for very serious, major events (building a house, buying a car, position) will be successful.
September 24 25 - Descending. moon You can guess on the water, stones or shells. You will get true results.
September 25 26 - Descending. moon On this day, do not guess.
September 26 27 - Descending. moon You can guess on water, milk, asking a variety of questions.
September 27 28 - Descending. moon You can guess if fortune telling is related to the trip.
September 28 29 – New Moon They don't guess. Absolutely forbidden! The most inappropriate day for divination. Fortune telling will mislead and lead to trouble.
September 29 1 - Growing. moon At the very beginning of the lunar cycle, they do not guess. Unfavorable day for divination. The time of the dark moon is still in effect, which closes the true information. On this day, you can prepare for future fortune-telling, think over questions, a topic, dream about a happy future.
September 30th 2 - Growing. moon You can guess, but in the near future, about a month ahead.

Lunar divination calendar for October 2019: the best days

Before divination, it is good to create a suitable environment in the room. This is necessary if you do not often guess. Calm environment, candles, subdued light and good mood- that's what you need to carry out the process.

Divination lunar calendar for October 2019 - the best days:

Lunar day Divination
October 1 3 - Growing. moon On this day, do not guess.
2 October 4 - Growing. moon You can guess at the present time, asking questions in such a way that the answer is either “Yes” or “No”.
October 3 5 - Growing. moon You can guess if fortune-telling is connected with the distant future.
The 4th of October 6 - Growing. moon A great day for divination. You can guess on different topics. The answers will be truthful, because. on this day, clairvoyant abilities increase.
October 5 7 - Growing. moon A great day, but fortune-telling on relationships will be especially true.
October 6 8 - Growing. moon Neutral day. There is no guarantee that the result will be true.
October 7th 9 - Growing. moon Not a good day for divination. There may be inaccurate negative results.
October 8 10 - Growing. moon A good day for divination, but regarding the interests of the family. You can guess with the whole family for future acquisitions.
October 9 11 - Growing. moon It is better to guess on this day by candlelight so that fire is present. Get answers to a variety of questions.
October 10 12 - Growing. moon The day is not very favorable to fortune-telling. However, if there is an urgent specific question, you can make an exception and guess.
October 11 13 - Growing. moon The day does not favor truthful divination. It is better to refrain from guessing.
October 12 14 - Growing. moon Fortune telling on this day can predict life difficulties that are better not to know about, and they can pass by your life.
October 13 15 - Growing. moon On this day, you can guess on runes, cards, asking various questions that concern you.
October 14 16- full moon A great day for divination for a betrothed, career, money.
October 15 17 - Descending. moon You can guess about love if you are sure that there is a reciprocal feeling or look for a reciprocal feeling. The day favors fortune-telling connected with mutual love. For divination on other topics, this day is not suitable.
October 16 18 - Descending. moon You can guess, except for fortune telling on water, mirrors, crystals or other reflective surfaces.
17 October 19 - Descending. moon Forbidden, unfavorable day for divination.
October 18 20 - Descending. moon You can guess about the short-term future related to work and colleagues.
October 19 21 - Descending. moon You can guess, except fortune-telling for money, finances. You can push them away.
The 20th of October 22 - Descending. moon A great day for divination for money, wealth, luck.
October 21 23 - Descending. moon Not a good day for divination.
22 of October 24 - Descending. moon Fortune telling by candlelight, with the help of candles (fire must be involved) for very serious, major events (building a house, buying a car, position) will be successful.
October 23 25 - Descending. moon You can guess on the water, stones or shells. You will get true results.
October 24 26 - Descending. moon On this day, do not guess.
the 25th of October 27 - Descending. moon You can guess on water, milk, asking a variety of questions.
October 26 28 - Descending. moon You can guess if fortune telling is related to the trip.
27th October 29 - Descending. moon The most inappropriate day for divination. Fortune telling will mislead and lead to trouble.
28 of October 1 - New Moon They don't guess. Absolutely forbidden!
29th of October 2 - Growing. moon You can guess, but in the near future, about a month ahead.
October 30 3 - Growing. moon On this day, do not guess.
October 31 4 - Growing. moon You can guess at the present time, asking questions in such a way that the answer is either “Yes” or “No”.

Lunar divination calendar for November 2019: the best days

During fortune-telling on the cards, ask only about plans for the next month. If you guess for a longer period, then the prophecies may turn out to be false. It is better to create the necessary environment again after a while and guess. Do not perform magical actions in church holidays and Sundays, so as not to bring trouble.

Lunar divination calendar for November 2019 - the best days: table

Lunar day Divination
Nov. 1 5 - Growing. moon You can guess if fortune-telling is connected with the distant future.
November 2 6 - Growing. moon A great day for divination. You can guess on different topics. The answers will be truthful, because. on this day, clairvoyant abilities increase.
the 3rd of November 7 - Growing. moon A great day, but fortune-telling on relationships will be especially true.
November 4 8 - Growing. moon Neutral day. There is no guarantee that the result will be true.
November 5 9 - Growing. moon Not a good day for divination. There may be inaccurate negative results.
November 6 10 - Growing. moon A good day for divination, but regarding the interests of the family. You can guess with the whole family for future acquisitions.
November 7 11 - Growing. moon It is better to guess on this day by candlelight so that fire is present. Get answers to a variety of questions.
November 8 12 - Growing. moon The day is not very favorable to fortune-telling. However, if there is an urgent specific question, you can make an exception and guess.
November 9 13 - Growing. moon The day does not favor truthful divination. It is better to refrain from guessing.
10th of November 14 - Growing. moon Fortune telling on this day can predict life difficulties that are better not to know about, and they can pass by your life.
11th of November 15 - Growing. moon On this day, you can guess on runes, cards, asking various questions that concern you.
November 12 16 - full moon A great day for divination for a betrothed, career, money.
the 13th of November 17 - Descending. moon You can guess about love if you are sure that there is a reciprocal feeling or look for a reciprocal feeling. The day favors fortune-telling connected with mutual love. For divination on other topics, this day is not suitable.
November 14 18 - Descending. moon You can guess, except for fortune telling on water, mirrors, crystals or other reflective surfaces.
15th of November 19 - Descending. moon Forbidden, unfavorable day for divination.
November 16 20 - Descending. moon You can guess about the short-term future related to work and colleagues.
November 17 21 - Descending. moon You can guess, except fortune-telling for money, finances. You can push them away.
November 18th 22 - Descending. moon A great day for divination for money, wealth, luck.
November 19 23 - Descending. moon Not a good day for divination.
20 November 24 - Descending. moon Fortune telling by candlelight, with the help of candles (fire must be involved) for very serious, major events (building a house, buying a car, position) will be successful.
November 21 25 - Descending. moon You can guess on the water, stones or shells. You will get true results.
November 22 26 - Descending. moon On this day, do not guess.
November 23 27 - Descending. moon You can guess on water, milk, asking a variety of questions.
November 24 28 - Descending. moon You can guess if fortune telling is related to the trip.
November 25 29 - Descending. moon The most inappropriate day for divination. Fortune telling will mislead and lead to trouble.
November 26 30 - new moon They don't guess. Absolutely forbidden!
November 27 1 - Growing. moon At the very beginning of the lunar cycle, they do not guess. Unfavorable day for divination. The time of the dark moon is still in effect, which closes the true information. On this day, you can prepare for future fortune-telling, think over questions, a topic, dream about a happy future.
November 28 2 - Growing. moon You can guess, but in the near future, about a month ahead.
29th of November 3 - Growing. moon On this day, do not guess.
November 30th 4 - Growing. moon You can guess at the present time, asking questions in such a way that the answer is either “Yes” or “No”.

Divination lunar calendar for December 2019: the best days

The best day for predictions is Friday the 13th. If this day coincided with the day of the lunar calendar, when you can guess, then you are triple lucky. Many fortunetellers claim that the safest day to receive predictions is a person's birthday.

Lunar divination calendar for December 2019 - the best days: table

Lunar day Divination
December 1st 5 - Growing. moon You can guess if fortune-telling is connected with the distant future.
December 2nd 6 - Growing. moon A great day for divination. You can guess on different topics. The answers will be truthful, because. on this day, clairvoyant abilities increase.
December 3 7 - Growing. moon A great day, but fortune-telling on relationships will be especially true.
December 4 8 - Growing. moon Neutral day. There is no guarantee that the result will be true.
5th of December 9 - Growing. moon Not a good day for divination. There may be inaccurate negative results.
December 6 10 - Growing. moon A good day for divination, but regarding the interests of the family. You can guess with the whole family for future acquisitions.
December 7 11 - Growing. moon It is better to guess on this day by candlelight so that fire is present. Get answers to a variety of questions.
December 8 12 - Growing. moon The day is not very favorable to fortune-telling. However, if there is an urgent specific question, you can make an exception and guess.
9th December 13 - Growing. moon The day does not favor truthful divination. It is better to refrain from guessing.
December 10 14 - Growing. moon Fortune telling on this day can predict life difficulties that are better not to know about, and they can pass by your life.
December 11th 15 - Growing. moon On this day, you can guess on runes, cards, asking various questions that concern you.
12 December 16 - full moon A great day for divination for a betrothed, career, money.
December 13th 17 - Descending. moon You can guess about love if you are sure that there is a reciprocal feeling or look for a reciprocal feeling. The day favors fortune-telling connected with mutual love. For divination on other topics, this day is not suitable.
December 14 18 - Descending. moon You can guess, except for fortune telling on water, mirrors, crystals or other reflective surfaces.
December 15 19 - Descending. moon Forbidden, unfavorable day for divination.
December 16 20 - Descending. moon You can guess about the short-term future related to work and colleagues.
December 17 21 - Descending. moon You can guess, except fortune-telling for money, finances. You can push them away.
December 18 22 - Descending. moon A great day for divination for money, wealth, luck.
December 19th 23 - Descending. moon Not a good day for divination.
20th of December 24 - Descending. moon Fortune telling by candlelight, with the help of candles (fire must be involved) for very serious, major events (building a house, buying a car, position) will be successful.
21 December 25 - Descending. moon You can guess on the water, stones or shells. You will get true results.
December 22 26 - Descending. moon On this day, do not guess.
December 23 27 - Descending. moon You can guess on water, milk, asking a variety of questions.
December 24 28 - Descending. moon You can guess if fortune telling is related to the trip.
December 25 29 - Descending. moon The most inappropriate day for divination. Fortune telling will mislead and lead to trouble.
December 26 1 - new moon They don't guess. Absolutely forbidden!
27th of December 2 - Growing. moon You can guess, but in the near future, about a month ahead.
December 28th 3 - Growing. moon On this day, do not guess.
December 29th 4 - Growing. moon You can guess at the present time, asking questions in such a way that the answer is either “Yes” or “No”.
December 30th 5 - Growing. moon You can guess if fortune-telling is connected with the distant future.
Dec. 31 6 - Growing. moon A great day for divination. You can guess on different topics. The answers will be truthful, because. on this day, clairvoyant abilities increase.

Each person should know the features of the influence of the moon. This will help him guess good days, as well as successfully perform other activities: planting plants in the garden, giving birth to children, doing haircuts, cutting nails, catching fish. The lunar calendar is a real helper for all people.

Video: When I get married - old fortune-telling

Confidence in the future instills peace and harmony in the human heart. It is impossible to know for sure what tomorrow or the coming year is preparing. However, there is a way that helps to lift the veil of secrecy and look through time - fortune telling. What days are they guessing in January 2018? The completion and renewal of the calendar cycle, when the subtle matters of the world are updated, changed and allow sensitive people to catch the echoes of future events, is most favorable for mystical mysteries.

In Russia, January was called "prosinets", because at that time one could see in the sky blue sky between dark clouds. Other names of this month describe its harsh and cold weather - "Sechenets", "Ice", "Zimets". On January 1, the New Year begins, when people wish each other happiness and the fulfillment of all desires. During the winter holidays, they look closely at signs, predict what life, health will be like, whether there will be changes and achievements.

Most auspicious time for divination:

  • New Year's Eve from December 31 to January 1;
  • Christmas - night from 6 to 7 January;
  • Old New Year - the night of January 13-14;
  • Feklistov day - January 17;
  • Epiphany - the evening of January 18th.

Since ancient times, man has guessed, determined the future by the flight of birds, the movement of clouds and smoke, by the entrails of animals and bones. Wise and respected people were engaged in predictions - shamans, priests, oracles. Now anyone can try to predict their future.

Divination on New Year's Eve

The end and beginning of the year is an important time, favorable for predictions. There are several simple ways find out about your destiny. Most often, women guess, but there are also universal ways learn about the future.

  • The girl puts card kings under her pillow. What dream - such will be the groom. If there is no sleep, then the card is taken out in the morning at random.
  • An unmarried girl puts the first piece of holiday dish and invites the betrothed to taste. The groom must dream.
  • Another way to divine from dreams is to put feathers, chips, twigs under the pillow, and then interpret the visions. This method is suitable for both men and women.

All predictions and fortune-telling in January 2018 are individual, unique in detail. The fortuneteller independently determines the circle of significant symbolism and trusts intuition. It is mystical instinct that allows you to predict the future most accurately.

Christmas and Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve is a special holiday, cheerful and at the same time mysterious. Dreaming from January 6 to 7 prophetic dreams. To find out about the future or find the answer to a question, a sheet of paper, a pencil and a dream book are placed at the head of the bed. It is better to write down a "fresh" dream and immediately interpret it from the book.

Even before Christmas, they tell fortunes from the shadows. This is a legendary way to predict the future, it is quite accurate and does not require special knowledge, you do not need to understand complex symbols.

  • An unevenly crumpled sheet of paper is placed on a large heat-resistant plate and set on fire.
  • When the paper burns out, a candle is lit in front of the ashes so that it casts a shadow on the wall. The plate can be gently rotated to see all the shadows.
  • The silhouette is interpreted (for example, an airplane - to marry a pilot, boots - to travel).

To see the signs it is not necessary to perform " magical rituals". A sensitive person sees symbols in everything - in leaves, in the starry sky, in his own sensations. To anticipate and predict, you need to trust your intuition.

The art of interpreting natural symbols and silhouettes

Historically, many divination systems have evolved from folk signs, observations. The signs of the elements were interpreted and comprehended. That is why divination is so closely connected with the natural world. Natural materials are often used as props.

For example, to predict the future from coffee grounds, you need to drink a cup of natural ground coffee, and then knock it over on a saucer so that the mass spreads along the walls and forms patterns. The resulting images are then interpreted. Most popular symbols:

  • silhouette of a person - a date;
  • tree and plants - barriers, quarrels, longing and travel;
  • animals and birds - anxiety and slander;
  • houses and buildings - profit and prosperity.

Fortune telling on eggs is another way related to the interpretation of symbols. Eggs are taken only homemade. To know the future, warm water pour the protein, and then interpret the shadows, signs and movement of matter.

  • protein sinks to the bottom - trouble, loneliness;
  • the squirrel remains in the center and takes on the shape of the figures (the church - for the wedding, the ship - the journey and return of a person, as well as other symbols and meanings).
  • if a pregnant woman gets out from under the hen and breaks the egg, the sex of the embryo will match the sex of the child.

Unusual, scary and beautiful divination

Fortune telling with a mirror is the most mysterious and terrible type of prediction of the future for unmarried girls, it takes courage. They tell fortunes at midnight, alone, by a large mirror, stripped naked.

  • Two candles are placed in front of the mirror to illuminate and cast shadows, as well as a smaller mirror to form an endless "corridor".
  • When a girl sets up mirrors, you need to say: “Betrothed, mummers, show yourself!”.
  • When the image of the groom appears behind him in the reflection, then you should see all the details of his appearance and shout: “Church this place!”. The vision will disappear and fortune-telling will end.

Divination with a ring also helps to see the appearance of the future husband. The wedding ring is placed in a glass with a smooth bottom, ¾ of water is poured, and then looked at by candlelight in the center of the jewelry. The face of the betrothed should appear there.

Fortune telling with a boat is very simple and beautiful. Various predictions are written on pieces of paper, then they are attached to the basin, water is poured and an empty shell is released walnut. To which wish the “boat” swims up, it will come true.

When guessing, it must be remembered that any symbol has many interpretations. Focus on positive values ​​and believe in your lucky star, then all adversity will bypass you, and bright predictions will come true.

Study the lunar divination calendar if you want to do divination and divination. He will help you choose auspicious days and learn about periods when cards cannot be laid out.

  • Not all ladies know that there are certain days for fortune telling.
  • Finding out when you can tell fortunes, and when not, will not be a problem. The lunar calendar contains information about favorable and bad days for predictions.
  • IN New moon usually they do not guess, since during this period the predictions will be false.
  • The moon was worshiped by our ancestors. They knew about the influence of this planet on the living beings of the Earth.
  • Modern astrologers continue to study the impact of the white magic planet on everything earthly. Many people follow their advice: some plant plants in the garden according to the lunar table, others cut their hair or move to a new place of residence, and still others guess on favorable days according to the moon.
  • To believe or not to believe is a personal matter for each person. But millions of people have already appreciated the help of the lunar calendar in various life affairs.

Lunar divination calendar for January 2019: auspicious days

All girls love to guess, getting together with their friends. Many tell fortunes alone, but everyone is interested in learning about the betrothed or getting some information from the future. January is the busiest month for various fortune-telling. And it is better if your fortune-telling day coincides with an auspicious day in lunar calendar.

January 2019 dates Divination
January 1st.
January 2

Divination is not recommended.
January 3

Auspicious day for divination. Fortune telling on milk, water will give the best result. Any questions can be asked.
4 January

Auspicious day for divination. The best result will give a fortune-telling associated with the road, the trip.
5 January

The most unsuitable day for divination. Already affecting negative impact new moon (dark moon) and eclipses. You can predict problems and troubles.
January 6
New moon.
eclipse. 1 lunar day
January 7
2 lunar day - the moon is growing
January 8
3 lunar day - the moon is growing
Bad day for divination.
January 9
4 lunar day - the moon is growing
The day is good for divination. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out at the moment, and the answer to the questions asked should be “Yes” or “No”.
January 10
5 lunar day - the moon is growing
The day is good for divination. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out for the distant future, the distant future.
January 11
6 lunar day - the moon is growing
The day is good for divination. Guessing on all sorts of topics will be successful. Predictions will be the most real, because on these lunar days the ability of foresight is increased.
January 12
7 lunar day - the moon is growing
The day is good for divination. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out to be related to relationships.
13th of January
8 lunar day - the moon is growing
The day is neither good nor bad for divination. There is no guarantee for a quality result.
January 14
9 lunar day - the moon is growing
Bad day for divination. You can guess something bad, which then turns out to be false.
January 15
10 lunar day - the moon is growing
Auspicious day for divination. The best result will be fortune-telling related to the needs of the family, such as a major purchase, moving, and other family interests.
January 16
11 lunar day - the moon is growing
Auspicious day for divination on fire. Fortune telling by candlelight will give the best result. Prepare a variety of questions.
January 17
12 lunar day - the moon is growing
The day is not very favorable for divination. But there is one feature. If an urgent prediction is required, and the question is clearly and specifically, then guess.
January 18
13 lunar day - the moon is growing
Bad day for divination. The result will be false.
January 19

Bad day for divination. You can predict something bad and believe in it, and then it will come true. If you do not know about the bad, it will not manifest itself in your life.
January 20th

Auspicious day for divination. Fortune telling on cards, runes will give the best result. Questions can be very different.
January 21
16 lunar days.
Full moon.
Moon eclipse.
Bad day for divination due to a lunar eclipse. Fake result.
January 22

Auspicious day for divination only on mutual love, for the other half. On other topics it is better not to guess.
January 23

A good day for fortune-telling, except for fortune-telling associated with a reflective surface - mirrors, water, crystals.
January 24

A very bad day for divination.
The 25th of January

January 26

A good day for fortune-telling, but you can’t guess for money. This will adversely affect them.
January 27

Auspicious day for divination. Guessing for luck, money, wealth is welcome.
28 January

Bad day for divination.
January 29

It is favorable to guess by candlelight, with the help of fire. And themes to use the most large-scale, serious. You can guess at major events in life (building a house, buying a car, position, marriage).
January 30
25 lunar day - the moon is waning
Auspicious day for divination. Fortune telling on water, shells or stones will give the best result.
January 31
26 lunar day - the moon is waning
Divination is not recommended.

Lunar divination calendar for February 2019: auspicious days

There are days in which it is better to avoid any fuss, questions about fate, tension. These days you should not engage in predictions. Relax or just relax on the couch. Such periods are indicated in the lunar table as not recommended for divination.

Lunar divination calendar for February 2019 - auspicious days:

February 2019 dates
ordinal number of the lunar day, lunar phase
1st of February
27 lunar day - the moon is waning
February 2
28 lunar day - the moon is waning
February 3rd
29 lunar day - the moon is waning
February 4
30 lunar day - the moon is waning
The right time for a prediction. The true result will be if you guess on vegetables and fruits.
February 5th
New moon.
1 lunar day
The day is quite unsuitable for divination.
February 6
2 lunar day - the moon is growing
Fortune telling is allowed, but it will turn out more truthful if you guess on a short time up to about 1 month.
February 7
3 lunar day - the moon is growing
Bad time for divination.
February 8
4 lunar day - the moon is growing
February 9th
5 lunar day - the moon is growing
February 10
6 lunar day - the moon is growing
11 February
7 lunar day - the moon is growing
12th of February
8 lunar day - the moon is growing
February 13
9 lunar day - the moon is growing
The 14th of February
10 lunar day - the moon is growing
February, 15
11 lunar day - the moon is growing
February 16
12 lunar day - the moon is growing
February 17
13 lunar day - the moon is growing
February 18
14 lunar day - the moon is growing
February 19
15 lunar days. Full moon.
February 20th

February 21
17 lunar day - the moon is waning
February 22
18 lunar day - the moon is waning
February 23
19 lunar day - the moon is waning
24 February
20 lunar day - the moon is waning
Fortune telling is allowed, but it will turn out more truthful if you guess for a short time associated with colleagues and work.
25 February
21 lunar days - the moon is waning
February 26
22 lunar day - the moon is waning
February 27
23 lunar day - the moon is waning
Bad time for predictions.
28th of February
24 lunar day - the moon is waning

Lunar divination calendar for March 2019: auspicious days

There are days on the Moon that are saturated with information. During this period, the predictions will be accurate and undistorted. Such days are indicated in the lunar table as favorable, and are recorded in the column "guessing is allowed." Listen to your feelings. If you're not in the mood to guess even on a good day, don't do it. Postpone the process until a positive attitude emerges.

Lunar divination calendar for March 2019 - auspicious days: table

March 2019 dates
ordinal number of the lunar day, lunar phase
March 1
25 lunar day - the moon is waning
2nd of March
Bad time for predictions.
March, 3rd
27 lunar day - the moon is waning
Good time for predictions. The best result will give if you guess on milk, water. Any questions can be asked.
March 4
28 lunar day - the moon is waning
Good time for predictions. The best result will give a fortune-telling associated with the road, the trip.
5th of March
29 lunar day - the moon is waning
The most unsuitable day for divination. The negative impact of the new moon (dark moon) is already affecting. You can predict problems and troubles.
March, 6
30 lunar days. New moon.
The day is quite unsuitable for divination.
March 7
1 lunar day - the moon is growing
March 8
2 lunar day - the moon is growing
Fortune telling is allowed, but it will turn out more truthful if you guess for a short time, up to about 1 month.
9th of March
3 lunar day - the moon is growing
Bad time for divination.
10th of March
4 lunar day - the moon is growing
Good time for predictions. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out at the moment, and the answer to the questions asked should be “Yes” or “No”.
March 11th
5 lunar day - the moon is growing
Good time for guessing. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out for the distant future, the distant future.
March 12
6 lunar day - the moon is growing
Good time for predictions. Guessing on all sorts of topics will be successful. Predictions will be the most real, because on these lunar days the ability of foresight is increased.
March 13
7 lunar day - the moon is growing
Good time for predictions. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out to be related to relationships.
March 14th
8 lunar day - the moon is growing
Neither a good nor a bad time for divination. There is no guarantee for a quality result.
March 15th
9 lunar day - the moon is growing
Bad time for predictions. You can guess something bad, which then turns out to be false.
March 16
10 lunar day - the moon is growing
Good time for predictions. It will be good to guess at the needs of the family, for example, big purchase, moving and other family interests.
March 17
11 lunar day - the moon is growing
A positive time for predictions on fire. Good fortune-telling by candlelight. Prepare a variety of questions.
March 18
12 lunar day - the moon is growing
The day for predictions is not the best. But there is one feature. If an urgent prediction is required, and the question is clearly and specifically, then guess.
March 19
13 lunar day - the moon is growing
Bad time for predictions. The result will be false.
20th of March
14 lunar day - the moon is growing
Bad time for predictions. You can predict something bad and believe in it, and then it will come true. If you do not know about the bad, it will not manifest itself in your life.
March 21
15 lunar days. Full moon.
Good time for predictions. The true result will give fortune-telling on cards, runes. Questions can be very different.
March 22
16 lunar day - the moon is waning

The most positive day for predictions on a variety of topics - money, betrothed, career.
March 23
17 lunar day - the moon is waning
A positive time for predictions is only for mutual love, for a soul mate. On other topics it is better not to guess.
March 24
18 lunar day - the moon is waning
A positive time for predictions, except for fortune-telling associated with a reflective surface - mirrors, water, crystals.
March 25
19 lunar day - the moon is waning
26 March
20 lunar day - the moon is waning
Fortune telling is allowed, but it will turn out more truthful if you guess for a short time associated with colleagues and work.
March 27
21 lunar days - the moon is waning
A positive time for predictions, but you can’t guess for money. This will adversely affect them.
March 28
22 lunar day - the moon is waning
Good time for predictions. Guessing for luck, money, wealth is welcome.
March 29
23 lunar day - the moon is waning
Bad time for predictions.
March 30
24 lunar day - the moon is waning
You need to guess by candlelight, with the help of fire. And themes to use the most large-scale, serious. You can guess at major events in life (building a house, buying a car, position, marriage).
March 31
25 lunar day - the moon is waning
Good time for predictions. The true result will give fortune-telling on water, shells or stones.

Lunar divination calendar for April 2019: auspicious days

Remember that divination is just a ritual, a prediction. You don't have to take what you see seriously. If the prediction turned out to be bad, do not be discouraged. After all, a person is the master of his own destiny and can change everything in better side. Try to direct the situation in the opposite direction so that only positive things are present in your life.

Lunar divination calendar for April 2019 - auspicious days: table

April 2019 dates
ordinal number of the lunar day, lunar phase
April 1
26 lunar day - the moon is waning
Bad time for predictions.
April 2
27 lunar day - the moon is waning
Good time for predictions. The best result will give if you guess on milk, water. Any questions can be asked.
April 3
28 lunar day - the moon is waning
Good time for predictions. The best result will give a fortune-telling associated with the road, the trip.
April, 4
29 lunar day - the moon is waning
The most unsuitable day for divination. The negative impact of the new moon (dark moon) is already affecting. You can predict problems and troubles.
April 5
30 lunar days. New moon.
The day is quite unsuitable for divination.
April 6
1 lunar day - the moon is growing
Predictions on the first day of the lunar cycle are not recommended. "Dark Moon" still has power, covering the truth. It is advisable today to dream about a good result of future fortune-telling, make plans for a happy outcome of what you want, prepare a topic and what you would like to ask for future fortune-telling.
April 7
2 lunar day - the moon is growing
Fortune telling is allowed, but it will turn out more truthful if you guess for a short time, up to about 1 month.
April 8
3 lunar day - the moon is growing
Bad time for divination.
April 9
4 lunar day - the moon is growing
Good time for predictions. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out at the moment, and the answer to the questions asked should be “Yes” or “No”.
April 10th
5 lunar day - the moon is growing
Good time for guessing. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out for the distant future, the distant future.
April 11
6 lunar day - the moon is growing
Good time for predictions. Guessing on all sorts of topics will be successful. Predictions will be the most real, because on these lunar days the ability of foresight is increased.
April 12th
7 lunar day - the moon is growing
Good time for predictions. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out to be related to relationships.
April 13
8 lunar day - the moon is growing
Neither a good nor a bad time for divination. There is no guarantee for a quality result.
14th of April
9 lunar day - the moon is growing
Bad time for predictions. You can guess something bad, which then turns out to be false.
April 15
10 lunar day - the moon is growing
Good time for predictions. It will be good to guess at the needs of the family, for example, for a large purchase, moving, and other family interests.
April 16
11 lunar day - the moon is growing
A positive time for predictions on fire. Good fortune-telling by candlelight. Prepare a variety of questions.
April 17
12 lunar day - the moon is growing
The day for predictions is not the best. But there is one feature. If an urgent prediction is required, and the question is clearly and specifically, then guess.
April 18th
13 lunar day - the moon is growing
Bad time for predictions. The result will be false.
April 19
14 lunar days. Full moon.
Bad time for predictions. You can predict something bad and believe in it, and then it will come true. If you do not know about the bad, it will not manifest itself in your life.
20 April

Good time for predictions. The true result will give fortune-telling on cards, runes. Questions can be very different.
April 21
16 lunar day - the moon is waning

The most positive day for predictions on a variety of topics - money, betrothed, career.
April 22
17 lunar day - the moon is waning
A positive time for predictions is only for mutual love, for a soul mate. On other topics it is better not to guess.
April 23
18 lunar day - the moon is waning
A positive time for predictions, except for fortune-telling associated with a reflective surface - mirrors, water, crystals.
April 24
19 lunar day - the moon is waning
Very bad time for predictions.
25th of April
20 lunar day - the moon is waning
Fortune telling is allowed, but it will turn out more truthful if you guess for a short time associated with colleagues and work.
26 April
21 lunar days - the moon is waning
A positive time for predictions, but you can’t guess for money. This will adversely affect them.
April 27
22 lunar day - the moon is waning
Good time for predictions. Guessing for luck, money, wealth is welcome.
April 28
23 lunar day - the moon is waning
Bad time for predictions.
April 29
24 lunar day - the moon is waning
You need to guess by candlelight, with the help of fire. And themes to use the most large-scale, serious. You can guess at major events in life (building a house, buying a car, position, marriage).
April 30
25 lunar day - the moon is waning
Good time for predictions. The true result will give fortune-telling on water, shells or stones.

Lunar divination calendar for May 2019: auspicious days

Fortune telling is best done on the Full Moon, since it is on this day that the Moon has magical powers. Her energy during this period is “alive” and helps in carrying out many rituals. Such a day is designated in the lunar calendar as auspicious.

Lunar divination calendar for May 2019 - auspicious days:

May 2019 dates,
ordinal number of the lunar day, lunar phase
1st of May
26 lunar day - the moon is waning
Bad time for predictions.
May 2
27 lunar day - the moon is waning
Good time for predictions. The best result will give if you guess on milk, water. Any questions can be asked.
May 3
28 lunar day - the moon is waning
Good time for predictions. The best result will give a fortune-telling associated with the road, the trip.
May 4th
29 lunar day - the moon is waning
The most unsuitable day for divination. The negative impact of the new moon (dark moon) is already affecting. You can predict problems and troubles.
5 May
1 lunar day. New moon.
The day is quite unsuitable for divination.
the 6th of May
2 lunar day - the moon is growing
Fortune telling is allowed, but it will turn out more truthful if you guess for a short time, up to about 1 month.
May 7
3 lunar day - the moon is growing
Bad time for divination.
May 8
4 lunar day - the moon is growing
Good time for predictions. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out at the moment, and the answer to the questions asked should be “Yes” or “No”.
May 9
5 lunar day - the moon is growing
Good time for guessing. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out for the distant future, the distant future.
May 10
6 lunar day - the moon is growing
Good time for predictions. Guessing on all sorts of topics will be successful. Predictions will be the most real, because on these lunar days the ability of foresight is increased.
May 11
7 lunar day - the moon is growing
Good time for predictions. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out to be related to relationships.
12 May
8 lunar day - the moon is growing
Neither a good nor a bad time for divination. There is no guarantee for a quality result.
may 13
9 lunar day - the moon is growing
Bad time for predictions. You can guess something bad, which then turns out to be false.
May 14
10 lunar day - the moon is growing
Good time for predictions. It will be good to guess at the needs of the family, for example, for a large purchase, moving, and other family interests.
May 15
11 lunar day - the moon is growing
A positive time for predictions on fire. Good fortune-telling by candlelight. Prepare a variety of questions.
16th of May
12 lunar day - the moon is growing
The day for predictions is not the best. But there is one feature. If an urgent prediction is required, and the question is clearly and specifically, then guess.
May 17
13 lunar day - the moon is growing
Bad time for predictions. The result will be false.
May 18
14 lunar days. Full moon.
Bad time for predictions. You can predict something bad and believe in it, and then it will come true. If you do not know about the bad, it will not manifest itself in your life.
May 19
15 lunar day - the moon is waning
Good time for predictions. The true result will give fortune-telling on cards, runes. Questions can be very different.
May 20
16 lunar day - the moon is waning

The most positive day for predictions on a variety of topics - money, betrothed, career.
May 21st
17 lunar day - the moon is waning
A positive time for predictions is only for mutual love, for a soul mate. On other topics it is better not to guess.
22nd of May
18 lunar day - the moon is waning
A positive time for predictions, except for fortune-telling associated with a reflective surface - mirrors, water, crystals.
May, 23rd
19 lunar day - the moon is waning
Very bad time for predictions.
May 24
20 lunar day - the moon is waning
Fortune telling is allowed, but it will turn out more truthful if you guess for a short time associated with colleagues and work.
May 25
21 lunar days - the moon is waning
A positive time for predictions, but you can’t guess for money. This will adversely affect them.
26 of May
22 lunar day - the moon is waning
Good time for predictions. Guessing for luck, money, wealth is welcome.
May 27
23 lunar day - the moon is waning
Bad time for predictions.
May 28
24 lunar day - the moon is waning
You need to guess by candlelight, with the help of fire. And themes to use the most large-scale, serious. You can guess at major events in life (building a house, buying a car, position, marriage).
May 29
25 lunar day - the moon is waning
Good time for predictions. The true result will give fortune-telling on water, shells or stones.
May 30
26 lunar day - the moon is waning
Bad time for predictions.
May 31
Good time for predictions. The best result will give if you guess on milk, water. Any questions can be asked.

Lunar divination calendar for June 2019: auspicious days

Make a good forecast for the future with the help of fortune telling. Sit at a table with cards or other items for predictions only in good mood. Nothing should distract you. Put candles, quantity does not matter. The main thing is that it should be light, but this light should not interfere.

Lunar divination calendar for June 2019 - auspicious days:

June 2019 dates
ordinal number of the lunar day, lunar phase
June 1st
28 lunar day - the moon is waning
Good time for predictions. The best result will give a fortune-telling associated with the road, the trip.
2 June
29 lunar day - the moon is waning
The most unsuitable day for divination. The negative impact of the new moon (dark moon) is already affecting. You can predict problems and troubles.
June 3
30 lunar days. New moon.
The day is quite unsuitable for divination.
June 4
1 lunar day - the moon is growing.
Predictions on the first day of the lunar cycle are not recommended. "Dark Moon" still has power, covering the truth. It is advisable today to dream about a good result of future fortune-telling, make plans for a happy outcome of what you want, prepare a topic and what you would like to ask for future fortune-telling.
June 5
2 lunar day - the moon is growing
Fortune telling is allowed, but it will turn out more truthful if you guess for a short time, up to about 1 month.
June 6
3 lunar day - the moon is growing
Bad time for divination.
June 7
4 lunar day - the moon is growing
Good time for predictions. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out at the moment, and the answer to the questions asked should be “Yes” or “No”.
June 8
5 lunar day - the moon is growing
Good time for guessing. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out for the distant future, the distant future.
the 9th of June
6 lunar day - the moon is growing
Good time for predictions. Guessing on all sorts of topics will be successful. Predictions will be the most real, because on these lunar days the ability of foresight is increased.
June 10th
7 lunar day - the moon is growing
Good time for predictions. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out to be related to relationships.
June 11th
8 lunar day - the moon is growing
Neither a good nor a bad time for divination. There is no guarantee for a quality result.
12 June
9 lunar day - the moon is growing
Bad time for predictions. You can guess something bad, which then turns out to be false.
June 13
10 lunar day - the moon is growing
Good time for predictions. It will be good to guess at the needs of the family, for example, for a large purchase, moving, and other family interests.
June 14
11 lunar day - the moon is growing
A positive time for predictions on fire. Good fortune-telling by candlelight. Prepare a variety of questions.
June 15
12 lunar day - the moon is growing
The day for predictions is not the best. But there is one feature. If an urgent prediction is required, and the question is clearly and specifically, then guess.
June 16
13 lunar day - the moon is growing
Bad time for predictions. The result will be false.
June 17
14 lunar days. Full moon.
Bad time for predictions. You can predict something bad and believe in it, and then it will come true. If you do not know about the bad, it will not manifest itself in your life.
June 18
15 lunar day - the moon is waning
Good time for predictions. The true result will give fortune-telling on cards, runes. Questions can be very different.
June 19
16 lunar day - the moon is waning

The most positive day for predictions on a variety of topics - money, betrothed, career.
June 20
17 lunar day - the moon is waning
A positive time for predictions is only for mutual love, for a soul mate. On other topics it is better not to guess.
21st of June
18 lunar day - the moon is waning
A positive time for predictions, except for fortune-telling associated with a reflective surface - mirrors, water, crystals.
22nd of June
19 lunar day - the moon is waning
Very bad time for predictions.
June 23
20 lunar day - the moon is waning
Fortune telling is allowed, but it will turn out more truthful if you guess for a short time associated with colleagues and work.
June 24
21 lunar days - the moon is waning
A positive time for predictions, but you can’t guess for money. This will adversely affect them.
June 25
22 lunar day - the moon is waning
Good time for predictions. Guessing for luck, money, wealth is welcome.
June 26
23 lunar day - the moon is waning
Bad time for predictions.
27th of June
24 lunar day - the moon is waning
You need to guess by candlelight, with the help of fire. And themes to use the most large-scale, serious. You can guess at major events in life (building a house, buying a car, position, marriage).
June 28
25 lunar day - the moon is waning
Good time for predictions. The true result will give fortune-telling on water, shells or stones.
June 29
26 lunar day - the moon is waning
Bad time for predictions.
30 June
27 lunar day - the moon is waning
Good time for predictions. The best result will give if you guess on milk, water. Any questions can be asked.

Lunar divination calendar for July 2019: auspicious days

Divination is an ancient occupation, and there is no such people in the world who would not know it. Each person wants to know the future or read the thoughts of another person - whether he thinks of me and whom he loves. We ask a variety of questions during divination, and get answers to them. To believe in it or not, each person decides for himself. The moon will help you find the right solution.

Lunar divination calendar for July 2019 - auspicious days: table

July 2019 dates
ordinal number of the lunar day, lunar phase
July 1
28 lunar day - the moon is waning
Good time for predictions. The best result will give a fortune-telling associated with the road, the trip.
July 2
29 lunar days. New moon. Solar eclipse.
The day is quite unsuitable for divination.
3 July
1 lunar day - the moon is growing.
Predictions on the first day of the lunar cycle are not recommended. "Dark Moon" still has power, covering the truth. It is advisable today to dream about a good result of future fortune-telling, make plans for a happy outcome of what you want, prepare a topic and what you would like to ask for future fortune-telling.
4th of July
2 lunar day - the moon is growing
Fortune telling is allowed, but it will turn out more truthful if you guess for a short time, up to about 1 month.
5'th of July
3 lunar day - the moon is growing
Bad time for divination.
July 6
4 lunar day - the moon is growing
Good time for predictions. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out at the moment, and the answer to the questions asked should be “Yes” or “No”.
July 7
5 lunar day - the moon is growing
Good time for guessing. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out for the distant future, the distant future.
July 8
6 lunar day - the moon is growing
Good time for predictions. Guessing on all sorts of topics will be successful. Predictions will be the most real, because on these lunar days the ability of foresight is increased.
July 9
7 lunar day - the moon is growing
Good time for predictions. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out to be related to relationships.
July 10
8 lunar day - the moon is growing
Neither a good nor a bad time for divination. There is no guarantee for a quality result.
July 11
9 lunar day - the moon is growing
Bad time for predictions. You can guess something bad, which then turns out to be false.
July, 12
10 lunar day - the moon is growing
Good time for predictions. It will be good to guess at the needs of the family, for example, for a large purchase, moving, and other family interests.
July 13
11 lunar day - the moon is growing
A positive time for predictions on fire. Good fortune-telling by candlelight. Prepare a variety of questions.
the 14 th of July
12 lunar day - the moon is growing
The day for predictions is not the best. But there is one feature. If an urgent prediction is required, and the question is clearly and specifically, then guess.
July 15
13 lunar day - the moon is growing
Bad time for predictions. The result will be false.
July 16
14 lunar day - the moon is growing
Bad time for predictions. You can predict something bad and believe in it, and then it will come true. If you do not know about the bad, it will not manifest itself in your life.
July 17th
15 lunar days. Full moon. Moon eclipse.
Today you can't guess. Moon eclipse. The truth is hidden.
July 18
16 lunar day - the moon is waning

The most positive day for predictions on a variety of topics - money, betrothed, career.
July 19
17 lunar day - the moon is waning
A positive time for predictions is only for mutual love, for a soul mate. On other topics it is better not to guess.
July 20
18 lunar day - the moon is waning
A positive time for predictions, except for fortune-telling associated with a reflective surface - mirrors, water, crystals.
21 July
19 lunar day - the moon is waning
Very bad time for predictions.
July 22
20 lunar day - the moon is waning
Fortune telling is allowed, but it will turn out more truthful if you guess for a short time associated with colleagues and work.
July 23
21 lunar days - the moon is waning
A positive time for predictions, but you can’t guess for money. This will adversely affect them.
July 24
22 lunar day - the moon is waning
Good time for predictions. Guessing for luck, money, wealth is welcome.
July 25
23 lunar day - the moon is waning
Bad time for predictions.
26 July
24 lunar day - the moon is waning
You need to guess by candlelight, with the help of fire. And themes to use the most large-scale, serious. You can guess at major events in life (building a house, buying a car, position, marriage).
July 27
25 lunar day - the moon is waning
Good time for predictions. The true result will give fortune-telling on water, shells or stones.
July 28th
26 lunar day - the moon is waning
Bad time for predictions.
July 29
27 lunar day - the moon is waning
Good time for predictions. The best result will give if you guess on milk, water. Any questions can be asked.
July 30
Good time for predictions. The best result will give a fortune-telling associated with the road, the trip.
July 31
29 lunar day - the moon is waning
The most unsuitable day for divination. The negative impact of the new moon (dark moon) is already affecting. You can predict problems and troubles.

Lunar divination calendar for August 2019: auspicious days

The principle of predictions is always simple. An event that has not yet occurred is virtual. It is affected by the Cosmos and everything that surrounds us. The future depends on the actions we take in the present. But we don’t know which actions will have an impact, so we turn to predictions.

Lunar divination calendar for August 2019 - auspicious days:

August 2019 dates
lunar number
days, lunar phase
August 1
30 lunar days. New moon.
The day is quite unsuitable for divination.
August 2
1 lunar day - the moon is growing.
Predictions on the first day of the lunar cycle are not recommended. "Dark Moon" still has power, covering the truth. It is advisable today to dream about a good result of future fortune-telling, make plans for a happy outcome of what you want, prepare a topic and what you would like to ask for future fortune-telling.
August 3rd
2 lunar day - the moon is growing
Fortune telling is allowed, but it will turn out more truthful if you guess for a short time, up to about 1 month.
August 4
3 lunar day - the moon is growing
Bad time for divination.
5th of August
4 lunar day - the moon is growing
Good time for predictions. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out at the moment, and the answer to the questions asked should be “Yes” or “No”.
August 6
5 lunar day - the moon is growing
Good time for guessing. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out for the distant future, the distant future.
August 7
6 lunar day - the moon is growing
Good time for predictions. Guessing on all sorts of topics will be successful. Predictions will be the most real, because on these lunar days the ability of foresight is increased.
8 August
7 lunar day - the moon is growing
Good time for predictions. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out to be related to relationships.
August 9
8 lunar day - the moon is growing
Neither a good nor a bad time for divination. There is no guarantee for a quality result.
August 10
9 lunar day - the moon is growing
Bad time for predictions. You can guess something bad, which then turns out to be false.
11th August
10 lunar day - the moon is growing
Good time for predictions. It will be good to guess at the needs of the family, for example, for a large purchase, moving, and other family interests.
12th of August
11 lunar day - the moon is growing
A positive time for predictions on fire. Good fortune-telling by candlelight. Prepare a variety of questions.
August 13
12 lunar day - the moon is growing
The day for predictions is not the best. But there is one feature. If an urgent prediction is required, and the question is clearly and specifically, then guess.
August 14
13 lunar day - the moon is growing
Bad time for predictions. The result will be false.
August 15
14 lunar day - the moon is growing
Bad time for predictions. You can predict something bad and believe in it, and then it will come true. If you do not know about the bad, it will not manifest itself in your life.
August 16
15 lunar days. Full moon.
Good time for predictions. The true result will give fortune-telling on cards, runes. Questions can be very different.
August 17
16 lunar day - the moon is waning

The most positive day for predictions on a variety of topics - money, betrothed, career.
August 18
17 lunar day - the moon is waning
A positive time for predictions is only for mutual love, for a soul mate. On other topics it is better not to guess.
August 19
18 lunar day - the moon is waning
A positive time for predictions, except for fortune-telling associated with a reflective surface - mirrors, water, crystals.
August 20
19 lunar day - the moon is waning
Very bad time for predictions.
August 21
20 lunar day - the moon is waning
Fortune telling is allowed, but it will turn out more truthful if you guess for a short time associated with colleagues and work.
August 22
21 lunar days - the moon is waning
A positive time for predictions, but you can’t guess for money. This will adversely affect them.
August 23
22 lunar day - the moon is waning
Good time for predictions. Guessing for luck, money, wealth is welcome.
24 August
23 lunar day - the moon is waning
Bad time for predictions.
25-th of August
24 lunar day - the moon is waning
You need to guess by candlelight, with the help of fire. And themes to use the most large-scale, serious. You can guess at major events in life (building a house, buying a car, position, marriage).
August, 26th
25 lunar day - the moon is waning
Good time for predictions. The true result will give fortune-telling on water, shells or stones.
August 27
26 lunar day - the moon is waning
Bad time for predictions.
August 28
27 lunar day - the moon is waning
Good time for predictions. The best result will give if you guess on milk, water. Any questions can be asked.
August 29
28 lunar day - the moon is waning
Good time for predictions. The best result will give a fortune-telling associated with the road, the trip.
August 30
29 lunar days. New moon.
The day is quite unsuitable for divination.
August 31
1 lunar day - the moon is growing
Predictions on the first day of the lunar cycle are not recommended. "Dark Moon" still has power, covering the truth. It is advisable today to dream about a good result of future fortune-telling, make plans for a happy outcome of what you want, prepare a topic and what you would like to ask for future fortune-telling.

Divination lunar calendar for September 2019: auspicious days

Everyone chooses their own way of predictions. One person has a good visual perception of everything that happens, and he easily reads information from complex patterns. Another simply translates these symbols or patterns, and the third tells the pictures that are generated in his head in the form of a chain.

Divination lunar calendar for September 2019 - auspicious days: table

September 2019 dates
lunar number
days, lunar phase
September 1
2 lunar day - the moon is growing
Fortune telling is allowed, but it will turn out more truthful if you guess for a short time, up to about 1 month.
September 2
3 lunar day - the moon is growing
Bad time for divination.
September 3
4 lunar day - the moon is growing
Good time for predictions. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out at the moment, and the answer to the questions asked should be “Yes” or “No”.
4 September
5 lunar day - the moon is growing
Good time for guessing. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out for the distant future, the distant future.
September 5
6 lunar day - the moon is growing
Good time for predictions. Guessing on all sorts of topics will be successful. Predictions will be the most real, because on these lunar days the ability of foresight is increased.
6 September
7 lunar day - the moon is growing
Good time for predictions. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out to be related to relationships.
September 7
8 lunar day - the moon is growing
Neither a good nor a bad time for divination. There is no guarantee for a quality result.
8 September
9 lunar day - the moon is growing
Bad time for predictions. You can guess something bad, which then turns out to be false.
9th of September
10 lunar day - the moon is growing
Good time for predictions. It will be good to guess at the needs of the family, for example, for a large purchase, moving, and other family interests.
10 September
11 lunar day - the moon is growing
A positive time for predictions on fire. Good fortune-telling by candlelight. Prepare a variety of questions.
11 September
12 lunar day - the moon is growing
The day for predictions is not the best. But there is one feature. If an urgent prediction is required, and the question is clearly and specifically, then guess.
12-th of September
13 lunar day - the moon is growing
Bad time for predictions. The result will be false.
September 13
14 lunar day - the moon is growing
Bad time for predictions. You can predict something bad and believe in it, and then it will come true. If you do not know about the bad, it will not manifest itself in your life.
September 14
15 lunar days. Full moon.
Good time for predictions. The true result will give fortune-telling on cards, runes. Questions can be very different.
September 15th
16 lunar day - the moon is waning

The most positive day for predictions on a variety of topics - money, betrothed, career.
16 of September
17 lunar day - the moon is waning
A positive time for predictions is only for mutual love, for a soul mate. On other topics it is better not to guess.
September 17
18 lunar day - the moon is waning
A positive time for predictions, except for fortune-telling associated with a reflective surface - mirrors, water, crystals.
September 18
19 lunar day - the moon is waning
Very bad time for predictions.
September 19
20 lunar day - the moon is waning
Fortune telling is allowed, but it will turn out more truthful if you guess for a short time associated with colleagues and work.
September 20
21 lunar days - the moon is waning
A positive time for predictions, but you can’t guess for money. This will adversely affect them.
September 21st
22 lunar day - the moon is waning
Good time for predictions. Guessing for luck, money, wealth is welcome.
September 22nd
23 lunar day - the moon is waning
Bad time for predictions.
23 September
24 lunar day - the moon is waning
You need to guess by candlelight, with the help of fire. And themes to use the most large-scale, serious. You can guess at major events in life (building a house, buying a car, position, marriage).
September 24
25 lunar day - the moon is waning
Good time for predictions. The true result will give fortune-telling on water, shells or stones.
September 25
26 lunar day - the moon is waning
Bad time for predictions.
September 26
27 lunar day - the moon is waning
Good time for predictions. The best result will give if you guess on milk, water. Any questions can be asked.
September 27
28 lunar day - the moon is waning
Good time for predictions. The best result will give a fortune-telling associated with the road, the trip.
September 28
29 lunar days. New moon.
The day is quite unsuitable for divination.
September 29
1 lunar day - the moon is growing
Predictions on the first day of the lunar cycle are not recommended. "Dark Moon" still has power, covering the truth. It is advisable today to dream about a good result of future fortune-telling, make plans for a happy outcome of what you want, prepare a topic and what you would like to ask for future fortune-telling.
September 30th
2 lunar day - the moon is growing
Fortune telling is allowed, but it will turn out more truthful if you guess for a short time, up to about 1 month.

Lunar divination calendar for October 2019: auspicious days

Most important condition the success of a fortuneteller is the correspondence of the chosen method to the spiritual warehouse of the predictor. He must be happy to guess. You need to come to the prediction session, as mentioned above, with a positive attitude.

Lunar divination calendar for October 2019 - auspicious days: table

October dates
lunar number
days, lunar phase
October 1
3 lunar day - the moon is growing
Bad time for divination.
2 October
4 lunar day - the moon is growing
Good time for predictions. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out at the moment, and the answer to the questions asked should be “Yes” or “No”.
October 3
5 lunar day - the moon is growing
Good time for guessing. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out for the distant future, the distant future.
The 4th of October
6 lunar day - the moon is growing
Good time for predictions. Guessing on all sorts of topics will be successful. Predictions will be the most real, because on these lunar days the ability of foresight is increased.
October 5
7 lunar day - the moon is growing
Good time for predictions. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out to be related to relationships.
October 6
8 lunar day - the moon is growing
Neither a good nor a bad time for divination. There is no guarantee for a quality result.
October 7th
9 lunar day - the moon is growing
Bad time for predictions. You can guess something bad, which then turns out to be false.
October 8
10 lunar day - the moon is growing
Good time for predictions. It will be good to guess at the needs of the family, for example, for a large purchase, moving, and other family interests.
October 9
11 lunar day - the moon is growing
A positive time for predictions on fire. Good fortune-telling by candlelight. Prepare a variety of questions.
October 10
12 lunar day - the moon is growing
The day for predictions is not the best. But there is one feature. If an urgent prediction is required, and the question is clearly and specifically, then guess.
October 11
13 lunar day - the moon is growing
Bad time for predictions. The result will be false.
October 12
14 lunar day - the moon is growing
Bad time for predictions. You can predict something bad and believe in it, and then it will come true. If you do not know about the bad, it will not manifest itself in your life.
October 13
15 lunar day - the moon is growing
Good time for predictions. The true result will give fortune-telling on cards, runes. Questions can be very different.
October 14
16 lunar day Full moon.

The most positive day for predictions on a variety of topics - money, betrothed, career.
October 15
17 lunar day - the moon is waning
A positive time for predictions is only for mutual love, for a soul mate. On other topics it is better not to guess.
October 16
18 lunar day - the moon is waning
A positive time for predictions, except for fortune-telling associated with a reflective surface - mirrors, water, crystals.
17 October
19 lunar day - the moon is waning
Very bad time for predictions.
October 18
20 lunar day - the moon is waning
Fortune telling is allowed, but it will turn out more truthful if you guess for a short time associated with colleagues and work.
October 19
21 lunar days - the moon is waning
A positive time for predictions, but you can’t guess for money. This will adversely affect them.
The 20th of October
22 lunar day - the moon is waning
Good time for predictions. Guessing for luck, money, wealth is welcome.
October 21
23 lunar day - the moon is waning
Bad time for predictions.
22 of October
24 lunar day - the moon is waning
You need to guess by candlelight, with the help of fire. And themes to use the most large-scale, serious. You can guess at major events in life (building a house, buying a car, position, marriage).
October 23
25 lunar day - the moon is waning
Good time for predictions. The true result will give fortune-telling on water, shells or stones.
October 24
26 lunar day - the moon is waning
Bad time for predictions.
the 25th of October
27 lunar day - the moon is waning
Good time for predictions. The best result will give if you guess on milk, water. Any questions can be asked.
October 26
28 lunar day - the moon is waning
Good time for predictions. The best result will give a fortune-telling associated with the road, the trip.
27th October
29 lunar day. New moon.
The day is quite unsuitable for divination.
28 of October
1 lunar day - the moon is growing
Predictions on the first day of the lunar cycle are not recommended. "Dark Moon" still has power, covering the truth. It is advisable today to dream about a good result of future fortune-telling, make plans for a happy outcome of what you want, prepare a topic and what you would like to ask for future fortune-telling.
29th of October
2 lunar day - the moon is growing
Fortune telling is allowed, but it will turn out more truthful if you guess for a short time, up to about 1 month.
October 30
3 lunar day - the moon is growing
Bad time for divination.
October 31
4 lunar day - the moon is growing
Good time for predictions. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out at the moment, and the answer to the questions asked should be “Yes” or “No”.

Lunar divination calendar for November 2019: auspicious days

If you want to guess, turn off the TV, close the windows so that the noise of cars passing by or people talking is not distracting. You should feel calm, do not cross your arms and legs. Sit comfortably in front of the table on which you will lay out cards or other items for prediction.

Lunar divination calendar for November 2019 - auspicious days:

November dates
lunar number
days, lunar phase
Nov. 1
5 lunar day - the moon is growing
Good time for guessing. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out for the distant future, the distant future.
November 2
6 lunar day - the moon is growing
Good time for predictions. Guessing on all sorts of topics will be successful. Predictions will be the most real, because on these lunar days the ability of foresight is increased.
the 3rd of November
7 lunar day - the moon is growing
Good time for predictions. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out to be related to relationships.
November 4
8 lunar day - the moon is growing
Neither a good nor a bad time for divination. There is no guarantee for a quality result.
November 5
9 lunar day - the moon is growing
Bad time for predictions. You can guess something bad, which then turns out to be false.
November 6
10 lunar day - the moon is growing
Good time for predictions. It will be good to guess at the needs of the family, for example, for a large purchase, moving, and other family interests.
November 7
11 lunar day - the moon is growing
A positive time for predictions on fire. Good fortune-telling by candlelight. Prepare a variety of questions.
November 8
12 lunar day - the moon is growing
The day for predictions is not the best. But there is one feature. If an urgent prediction is required, and the question is clearly and specifically, then guess.
November 9
13 lunar day - the moon is growing
Bad time for predictions. The result will be false.
10th of November
14 lunar day - the moon is growing
Bad time for predictions. You can predict something bad and believe in it, and then it will come true. If you do not know about the bad, it will not manifest itself in your life.
11th of November
15 lunar day - the moon is growing
Good time for predictions. The true result will give fortune-telling on cards, runes. Questions can be very different.
November 12
16 lunar day Full moon.

The most positive day for predictions on a variety of topics - money, betrothed, career.
the 13th of November
17 lunar day - the moon is waning
A positive time for predictions is only for mutual love, for a soul mate. On other topics it is better not to guess.
November 14
18 lunar day - the moon is waning
A positive time for predictions, except for fortune-telling associated with a reflective surface - mirrors, water, crystals.
15th of November
19 lunar day - the moon is waning
Very bad time for predictions.
November 16
20 lunar day - the moon is waning
Fortune telling is allowed, but it will turn out more truthful if you guess for a short time associated with colleagues and work.
November 17
21 lunar days - the moon is waning
A positive time for predictions, but you can’t guess for money. This will adversely affect them.
November 18th
22 lunar day - the moon is waning
Good time for predictions. Guessing for luck, money, wealth is welcome.
November 19
23 lunar day - the moon is waning
Bad time for predictions.
20 November
24 lunar day - the moon is waning
You need to guess by candlelight, with the help of fire. And themes to use the most large-scale, serious. You can guess at major events in life (building a house, buying a car, position, marriage).
November 21
25 lunar day - the moon is waning
Good time for predictions. The true result will give fortune-telling on water, shells or stones.
November 22
26 lunar day - the moon is waning
Bad time for predictions.
November 23
27 lunar day - the moon is waning
Good time for predictions. The best result will give if you guess on milk, water. Any questions can be asked.
November 24
28 lunar day - the moon is waning
Good time for predictions. The best result will give a fortune-telling associated with the road, the trip.
November 25
29 lunar day. New moon.
The most unsuitable day for divination. The negative impact of the new moon (dark moon) is already affecting. You can predict problems and troubles.
November 26
30 lunar days. New moon.
The day is quite unsuitable for divination.
November 27
1 lunar day - the moon is growing
Predictions on the first day of the lunar cycle are not recommended. "Dark Moon" still has power, covering the truth. It is advisable today to dream about a good result of future fortune-telling, make plans for a happy outcome of what you want, prepare a topic and what you would like to ask for future fortune-telling.
November 28
2 lunar day - the moon is growing
Fortune telling is allowed, but it will turn out more truthful if you guess for a short time, up to about 1 month.
29th of November
3 lunar day - the moon is growing
Bad time for divination.
November 30th
4 lunar day - the moon is growing
Good time for predictions. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out at the moment, and the answer to the questions asked should be “Yes” or “No”.

Lunar divination calendar for December 2019: auspicious days

Formulate your questions before divination specifically and clearly. Do not conduct fortune-telling for fun, as the questions posed will certainly be answered. In order for the answer to be definite, it is necessary to formulate the question correctly. Do not ask "what will happen?", ask about what interests you at the moment.

Lunar divination calendar for December 2019 - auspicious days: table

December dates
lunar number
days, lunar phase
December 1st
5 lunar day - the moon is growing
Good time for guessing. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out for the distant future, the distant future.
December 2nd
6 lunar day - the moon is growing
Good time for predictions. Guessing on all sorts of topics will be successful. Predictions will be the most real, because on these lunar days the ability of foresight is increased.
December 3
7 lunar day - the moon is growing
Good time for predictions. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out to be related to relationships.
December 4
8 lunar day - the moon is growing
Neither a good nor a bad time for divination. There is no guarantee for a quality result.
5th of December
9 lunar day - the moon is growing
Bad time for predictions. You can guess something bad, which then turns out to be false.
December 6
10 lunar day - the moon is growing
Good time for predictions. It will be good to guess at the needs of the family, for example, for a large purchase, moving, and other family interests.
December 7
11 lunar day - the moon is growing
A positive time for predictions on fire. Good fortune-telling by candlelight. Prepare a variety of questions.
December 8
12 lunar day - the moon is growing
The day for predictions is not the best. But there is one feature. If an urgent prediction is required, and the question is clearly and specifically, then guess.
9th December
13 lunar day - the moon is growing
Bad time for predictions. The result will be false.
December 10
14 lunar day - the moon is growing
Bad time for predictions. You can predict something bad and believe in it, and then it will come true. If you do not know about the bad, it will not manifest itself in your life.
December 11th
15 lunar day - the moon is growing
Good time for predictions. The true result will give fortune-telling on cards, runes. Questions can be very different.
12 December
16 lunar day Full moon.

The most positive day for predictions on a variety of topics - money, betrothed, career.
December 13th
17 lunar day - the moon is waning
A positive time for predictions is only for mutual love, for a soul mate. On other topics it is better not to guess.
December 14
18 lunar day - the moon is waning
A positive time for predictions, except for fortune-telling associated with a reflective surface - mirrors, water, crystals.
December 15
19 lunar day - the moon is waning
Very bad time for predictions.
December 16
20 lunar day - the moon is waning
Fortune telling is allowed, but it will turn out more truthful if you guess for a short time associated with colleagues and work.
December 17
21 lunar days - the moon is waning
A positive time for predictions, but you can’t guess for money. This will adversely affect them.
December 18
22 lunar day - the moon is waning
Good time for predictions. Guessing for luck, money, wealth is welcome.
December 19th
23 lunar day - the moon is waning
Bad time for predictions.
20th of December
24 lunar day - the moon is waning
You need to guess by candlelight, with the help of fire. And themes to use the most large-scale, serious. You can guess at major events in life (building a house, buying a car, position, marriage).
21 December
25 lunar day - the moon is waning
Good time for predictions. The true result will give fortune-telling on water, shells or stones.
December 22
26 lunar day - the moon is waning
Bad time for predictions.
December 23
27 lunar day - the moon is waning
Good time for predictions. The best result will give if you guess on milk, water. Any questions can be asked.
December 24
28 lunar day - the moon is waning
Good time for predictions. The best result will give a fortune-telling associated with the road, the trip.
December 25
29 lunar day. New moon.
The most unsuitable day for divination. The negative impact of the new moon (dark moon) is already affecting. You can predict problems and troubles.
December 26
1 lunar day. New moon.
The day is quite unsuitable for divination.
27th of December
2 lunar day - the moon is growing
Fortune telling is allowed, but it will turn out more truthful if you guess for a short time, up to about 1 month.
December 28th
3 lunar day - the moon is growing
Bad time for divination.
December 29th
4 lunar day - the moon is growing
Good time for predictions. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out at the moment, and the answer to the questions asked should be “Yes” or “No”.
December 30th
5 lunar day - the moon is growing
Good time for guessing. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out for the distant future, the distant future.
Dec. 31
6 lunar day - the moon is growing
Good time for predictions. Guessing on all sorts of topics will be successful. Predictions will be the most real, because on these lunar days the ability of foresight is increased.

Whether the prediction will come true or not, no one can give the right answer. If during fortune-telling you have already formed an answer, wait a while. If the results of fortune-telling did not come true, repeat the process, but formulate the question in a different way.

Video: "What does he (she) think?" On-line divination. Divination by Tarot cards

In the New Year, I really want to know: what awaits us in the future? Or maybe you decided to make a wish?! In Russia, famous divination took place in new year's eve from December 31 to January 1 (according to the old style from January 12 to January 13), as well as in the holy week - the week after the Nativity of Christ, celebrated on January 7 and in Epiphany night January 19. And today, many people want to know what lies ahead for them. With the help of these fortune-telling, you can at least a little look into the future ... Then you are offered several types New Year's divination, some yes you will like.

Divination on the phone
Think of a question, mentally focus on it. Look at the phone and say it out loud. If the first call is from a man, the answer is yes. From a woman - negative.

Fortune telling on dreams
Eat something salty before bed, but don't drink. Going to bed, make a guess, saying: “Betrothed, mummers, come to me and give me a drink!” Whoever gets drunk - you will marry him.

Card reading
Divide the cards face down into 4 equal piles. From the first, remove cards until an ace is announced. Look at the card following it: if it is an ace again, connect it with the first one and open the next card: send the ace to his “colleagues”, and any other card to the bat (you will no longer need it). Your task is to find aces in a pile that follow each other. Let's say an ace is hit first, followed by another card, and then another ace. You only need the first ace. All other cards and non-following aces go to bat. Just as you sorted out the first pile, process the other three as well. As a result of the search, you may be left with one ace, two, three, four. A made wish is fulfilled by the owner of 4 aces, 3 aces portend a quick fulfillment of desire, 2 aces, on the contrary, are not quick, and one - there are no hopes. Do not despair if the cards showed you something completely different from what you wanted. You can make any wishes on the “four aces”, and one of them will definitely come true.

Divination by burning paper
On New Year's Eve, water is poured into the cup to half its depth, and a piece of paper with your last name is glued on the edges. A lit candle of such a size is glued into the shell of a walnut or to a plank so that the flame of the candle can set fire to a piece of paper, and they let it into the water. If a candle swims up to someone's piece of paper and sets it on fire, then the fortuneteller's wish will come true; they also find out their fate, but only on the edge of the cup, around it they stick papers with different inscriptions - such as, for example: “Will I get married or will I get married”, “Will I get rich”, etc. - at the request of the fortuneteller.

Divination by shadows
A whole sheet of paper or, best of all, a newspaper is taken, and this sheet of paper must be crushed by hand so that it turns into a shapeless mass, however, trying not to turn it into a ball, but leaving some outline. It is advisable not to look at the paper when wrinkling it. When the paper is ready, it is placed on the bottom of an overturned plate and set on fire with a match. The burnt paper, without moving or destroying the shape of the ashes, is brought to the wall, carefully turning the plate, until some kind of shadow is outlined, according to the outlines of which the future is judged.

Divination on the mirror
If you want more serious fortune-telling, take a mirror, put a decanter filled with water in front of it, burning candles on three sides of it. To find out what the coming year has in store for us, look through the water into the mirror, let it show something!

Fortune telling
A mitten is thrown up from the shelf: if it falls up with your thumb, this means that the one who is expected will arrive; if thumb turned downwards, the expected will not arrive.

Fortune telling on chimes
An hour before the start of the New Year's chimes, write a wish on a small piece of paper. With the first blow of the chimes, set fire to it, and if it has time to burn down by the last blow, consider that the wish has already begun to come true.

Fortune telling on the betrothed by name
At Christmas time, the girl took bread or a pie and ran out into the street with it in the evening and asked the first passing man what his name was - in the certainty that her husband would be with that name. This simple divination there were many various options: with the first piece in the mouth, with a pancake on the head. Sometimes they asked a passer-by not “What is your name?”, But “What is the name of my betrothed?”. By the way, not only girls were engaged in nicknames, but also single guys.

Fortune telling on a candle
Heat the candle in a water bath and immediately pour the melted wax into a large deep plate filled with cold water. Quickly hardening wax forms a clear outline of objects, which are used to judge the future. A horseshoe, for example, promises great happiness, and an asterisk - receiving long-awaited news. By the way, such a figurine can be kept as a souvenir as a talisman. If something formless has formed, call on fantasy, which will surely tell you something.

Divination on the ring
You need to take an ordinary glass with a completely flat bottom, without any drawings, pour water into it and carefully lower the round one into the middle. wedding ring, previously cleaned, then you need to look through the water into the middle of the lowered ring. And with the expiration of some time, you will be able to see the image of the betrothed. Divination should take place by candlelight at midnight. During fortune telling, the girl should be alone

Fortune telling on luminous windows
Go outside in the evening when it's already dark. Mentally think of a question of interest, turning your back to the house. Then turn around and count the glowing windows. Even number indicates a positive answer, an odd number indicates a negative one.

Fortune telling for married
Water is poured into a glass and the name of the husband's mistress is written on a piece of paper prepared in advance. A spoonful of salt and a lit candle should also be prepared immediately. Salt from a spoon is thrown into a glass and a sheet of paper with the name of the opponent is immediately lit from a candle. Salt is quickly mixed with a spoon with the words: “If the salt melts faster, then my husband will not leave me, and the paper will burn out - their love will burn out.” Then they look: if the salt has melted, and the paper is still smoldering, then the husband will remain with you in the end. Otherwise, the husband will leave sooner or later.
