Analysis of the poem "Autumn Evening. "Autumn Evening", Tyutchev F.I.: analysis of the poem

The poem "Autumn Evening" refers to the period of the early work of F. I. Tyutchev. It was written by the poet in 1830 during one of his short visits to Russia. Created in the spirit of classical romanticism, an elegant, light poem is not just landscape lyrics. Tyutchev comprehends in it the autumn evening as a phenomenon of the life of nature, looking for an analogy to the phenomenon of nature in the phenomena human life, and these searches give the work a deep philosophical character.
"Autumn evening" is an extended metaphor: the poet feels "a gentle smile of fading" autumn nature, comparing it with "divine bashfulness of suffering" in man as a prototype of morality.

The poem is written iambic pentameter, used cross rhyming. A short, twelve-line poem is one complex sentence, read in one breath. The phrase "mild smile of fading" combines all the details that create the image of fading nature.

Nature in the poem is changeable and many-sided, full of colors and sounds. The poet managed to convey the elusive charm of autumn twilight, when the evening sun changes the face of the earth, making the colors richer and brighter. Brightness of colors ( azure, crimson leaves, shine, variegation of trees) is slightly muffled by epithets that create a translucent haze - foggy, light.

To depict a picture of autumn nature, Tyutchev uses the technique of syntactic condensation, combining various means artistic expressiveness: gradation ( "damage", "exhaustion"), personification ( "a languid whisper" leaves), metaphors ( "ominous brilliance","Wilting Smile"), epithets ( gentle, meek, bashful, misty).

"Autumn Evening" is full of diverse in structure and meaning epithets- synthetic ( "ominous brilliance and variegation of trees"), color ( "crimson leaves"), complex ( "sadly orphaned"). Contrasting epithets - "touching, mysterious charm" and "ominous brilliance", "foggy and quiet azure" and "gusty, cold wind"- very expressively convey the transitional state of nature: farewell to autumn and a premonition of winter.

The state of nature and feelings of the lyrical hero helps to express used by Tyutchev alliteration, which creates the effect of falling leaves ( "Crimson leaves languid whisper"), fresh breath of wind ( "And, like a premonition of descending storms / / A gusty, cold wind").

The poet is characterized by a pantheistic interpretation of the landscape. Tyutchev's nature is humanized: like a living being, it breathes, feels, experiences joy and sadness. Tyutchev perceives autumn as a meek suffering, a painful smile of nature.

The poet does not separate the natural world from the human world. The parallel between these two images is created using personifications and compound epithet "sadly orphaned" emphasizing the theme of farewell. Light sadness, inspired by the foreboding of the coming winter, is mixed in the poem with a joyful feeling - after all, nature is cyclical, and after the coming winter, the world around us will be reborn again, full of rich spring colors.

In the instant impression of the autumn evening, Tyutchev contained his thoughts and feelings, all the infinity of his own life. Tyutchev compares autumn with spiritual maturity, when a person acquires wisdom - the wisdom to live and appreciate every moment of life.

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The landscape poetry of the poet Fyodor Tyutchev rightfully occupies a worthy place in Russian literature of the 19th century. And this is not surprising, since the author of numerous poems about the beauty of nature managed to organically combine the traditions of Russian and European literature in his works. The poems of Fyodor Tyutchev are designed in the spirit of classical odes, both in style and in content, but they are much more modest in size. At the same time, there is European romanticism in them, which is associated with Tyutchev's passion for the work of such poets as Heinrich Heine and William Blake.

The literary heritage of Fyodor Tyutchev is small and includes about 400 works, since the author devoted his entire life to diplomatic public service, carving out rare free hours for creativity. However, a magnificent example of classical romanticism is his poem "Autumn Evening", written in 1830. At this time, Fedor Tyutchev was in Munich, acutely feeling not only loneliness, but also homesickness. Therefore, an ordinary October evening inspired not only sad memories for the poet, but also set him in a lyric-romantic mood, which, in turn, prompted him to write a very elegant, exciting and filled with deep philosophical meaning poem called “Autumn Evening”.

It would seem that autumn itself evokes a feeling of longing, which is subconsciously associated with the extinction of life, the completion of another cycle that makes a person older. Approximately the same feelings are evoked by the evening twilight, which the Symbolists associate with old age and wisdom. However, at the time of Tyutchev, it was not customary in literature to express themselves through symbols, so the author tried to find positive moments in the obviously sad combination of autumn and evening, emphasizing from the first lines of the poem that “the lordship of autumn evenings” has a special, inexplicable charm. Watching the autumn twilight descend on the “sadly orphan land”, the poet managed to catch the moment when the last rays of light touched the multi-colored crowns of trees, flashing in bright foliage. And Fyodor Tyutchev compared this amazingly beautiful phenomenon with the “mild smile of withering” of nature. And - he immediately drew a parallel with people, noting that in rational beings such a state is called "divine bashfulness of suffering."

It is noteworthy that in the poem “Autumn Evening” the poet does not share such concepts as animate and inanimate nature, rightly believing that everything in this world is interconnected, and a person often copies in his gestures and actions what he sees around. Therefore, autumn in the work of Fyodor Tyutchev is associated with spiritual maturity, when a person realizes the true price of beauty and regrets that he can no longer boast of a fresh face and a clean look. And the more he admires the perfection of nature, in which all processes are cyclical and at the same time have a clear sequence. A huge mechanism, launched by an unknown force, never fails. Therefore, a feeling of lightness and joy is mixed with a slight sadness, which is inspired by trees shedding their foliage, early evenings and gusty cold winds. After all, autumn will be replaced by winter, and after that the surrounding world will again change beyond recognition and will be full of rich spring colors. And a man, having passed another life cycle, will become a little wiser, having learned to find sensual pleasure in every moment lived and appreciate any season, depending on the vagaries of nature, their own preferences and prejudices.

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Analysis of Tyutchev's poem “Autumn Evening

Landscape lyrics by F.I. Tyutcheva occupies a special place in Russian literature. This poetry will always attract the reader with its unique depth and vivid imagery. The poem "Autumn Evening" is one of these gems.

F.I. Tyutchev wrote the poem "Autumn Evening" in October 1830. The poet was then in Munich as an attaché of a diplomatic mission.

It is noteworthy that abroad, the young writer had practically no one to talk to in his native language - Russian. Only poetry and communication with his uncle N.A. Khlopov were able to fill this void. Probably, homesickness, autumn weather inspired Tyutchev with melancholy thoughts, which served as an impetus for the creation of the poem "Autumn Evening".

Genre, direction and size

AT this poem Tyutchev's youthful passion for Russian poetry of the 19th century. This is manifested in the solemn odic character of the work, in the use of vivid epithets (touching, sadly orphaned), as well as in the use of dissonant forms (wind). However, "Autumn Evening" refers to the mature period when the author is interested in Schelling, Blake and Heine. At this time, Tyutchev formed his special natural-philosophical poetry.

The versification is not distinguished by ingenuity: the size of this work is iambic pentameter, and the rhyme is cross. Tyutchev is original in another way, in particular, in rethinking the genre of landscape lyrics.


The poem has a harmonious three-part composition. A stanza of twelve lines can be divided into quatrains, and they will line up in a special line according to gradation: from a light landscape sketch to a deep philosophical conclusion.

  1. The first part is a landscape sketch. Here is put forward the thesis on which the entire work is built.
  2. In the second part, more dramatic pictures appear, reporting the withering of nature.
  3. The finale of the poem is a philosophical conclusion, where a parallel is drawn between a person and the world around him.

Images and symbols

Along with images typical for depicting autumn (crimson leaves, quiet azure), Tyutchev describes very unusual observations: an ominous brilliance, a fading smile.

The lyrical hero of the poem is a thinker. His extraordinary view of the world allows you to see not only the usual plots of the autumn evening, but also helps to discover something new, projects a reflection on the relationship between nature and man. He sees in the pictures of fading a gentle smile, and the color of the leaves seems ominous to him.

Themes and mood

Autumn is traditionally associated with old age followed by death. But, nevertheless, it cannot be argued that the poem is imbued with only depressive tragic motives. The lyrical hero tries to see positive moments even through a dreary mood: the lordship of the evenings, the mysterious charm, the slight rustle.

Thus, the main theme of the work is the confrontation between withering and unbending optimism. The author empathizes with nature, he is not indifferent to her aging, but still the poet does not want to succumb to melancholy and sadness.


"Autumn Evening" is one of the brightest examples of natural-philosophical lyrics by F.I. Tyutchev. general idea this kind of poems serves as a reasoning about man and nature, comparing them. Tyutchev was aware of human insignificance in comparison with the Universe, and in some cases urged readers to take an example from the outside world.

In this poem, the main idea is the relationship of the autumn season with "a rational being." They are similar in that they experience a similar feeling, called "the divine modesty of suffering." It manifests itself in people and the world around them in the same way - in a “meek smile”, they only show it in different ways: a person - with facial expressions, and in nature the leaves change color, the earth becomes empty, the sky becomes cloudy.

Means of artistic expression

The rich figurativeness of the work is achieved through the use of numerous means of artistic expression. Most often, the author refers to epithets, sometimes applying two definitions to a noun at once: “Touching, mysterious charm”, “languid, light rustle, “gusty, cold wind”.

Tyutchev compares the withering of nature with human suffering. There are inversions in the text: crimson leaves, cold wind at times.

Personification is a through trope of a poem. This technique affects epithets (sad orphan, languid), nouns involved in the description natural phenomena(smile, exhaustion). In addition, the “behavior” of the wind is explained by the premonition of “descending storms”. And all the processes that occur in nature in autumn are compared with human aging.

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(Illustration: Sona Adalyan)

Analysis of the poem "Autumn Evening"

Fyodor Tyutchev's poem "Autumn Evening" plunges the reader into an amazing state of contemplation, expectation of changes of slight anxiety, sadness and hope.

At the beginning of the poem, the author is immersed in a lyrical mood. In the first two lines, he notes the charm, peace and silence of the autumn sunset, filled with a quiet mysterious light. The poet is touched by observing the peaceful and, at the same time, fulfilled secret meaning a picture of the withering of day and life.

But, by the third line, the mood of the poet is changing. In the sunset light falling on the foliage, in its vibration from the slight movement of air, he sees a hidden threat. The effect of anxiety is achieved through the use of sound writing (ominous shine, variegation, rustling) - an abundance of hissing and whistling creates a sharp sudden contrast with the first lines, and color descriptions (glitter, variegation, crimson) only add a note of anxiety. The picture, seemingly static, is actually filled with internal stress, anxious expectation of something inevitable.

However, in the next two lines, the author again describes peace, silence, immobility. The sun has set, and the crimson-orange light is replaced by azure, and the brilliance of the last rays of the sun is replaced by a light haze of fog. In place of unconscious anxiety comes a clearer sadness from parting with daylight and summer warmth, personifying life itself. The poet and the nature surrounding him are ready to meekly plunge into winter lethargy.

Sudden gusts of cold wind, harbingers of the future harsh winter, bring them out of a submissive, sleepy and motionless state. But the promise of trials in the future, nevertheless, inspires optimism and hope for the revival of life in the author and reader.

Therefore, the last four lines, in which the words withering, suffering, exhaustion and damage are heard, do not evoke those sad feelings that are inherent in their meaning. The immutability of natural cycles gives the poet, who feels himself and all of humanity as one with the natural world, confidence in his own immortality, because the autumn withering and winter stillness will surely be followed by a spring awakening, just like the morning, which will certainly come when the night ends.

The poetic size of the text is iambic pentameter with a two-syllable foot and stress on the second syllable. Syntactically, this astronomical poem is one complex sentence. Small in volume, it is saturated with bright, diverse epithets expressing opposite states, capacious images, deep philosophical meaning, internal movement. A sharp picture is replaced by a blurry one, light is replaced by dusk, anxiety is replaced by peace, silence is replaced by sound and vice versa. The skill of the poet is expressed in how he put such a mass of feelings, thoughts and images into a small volume without overloading the composition. The poem remained light, airy, read in one breath and leaves feelings light after reading.

The poem “Autumn Evening” refers to landscape lyrics. The poem describes an autumn landscape.

"There are in the lordship of autumn evenings

Touching, mysterious charm!”

The poem consists of twelve verses. At the beginning of the poem, the author admires nature. At the end, the author is sad because autumn is ending:

” Damage, exhaustion - and on everything

That meek smile of fading.”

Nature at the beginning of the poem is calm, peaceful.

After nature begins to worry, she loses her calmness.

Rhyme is cross. The poetic size is iambic pentameter. The poem is read calmly.

The lyrical hero of the poem is the author himself. In the beginning, the author admires nature. However, then the author is overwhelmed with sadness and anxiety:

"Ominous brilliance and variegation of trees

Over the sadly orphaned earth.”

Well, how can you convey all the beauty of nature without using the means of artistic expression. Tyutchev, being a master of Russian literature, used many tropes in the poem: metaphors, comparisons. The poem is saturated with epithets that show us the emotions of nature: “touching mysterious charm”, “languid, light rustle of crimson leaves”, “foggy and quiet azure”. Metaphors: “over the sadly orphaned earth”, “the smile of fading”, “the divine bashfulness of suffering”.

Comparisons: "and as a premonition of descending storms." All this gives the poem expressiveness and imagery.

I really liked the poem, because Tyutchev very beautifully and accurately describes autumn to us. I believe that this poem is comparable only with Pushkin's” Sad time! Eye charm."
