Dream interpretation ship at sea. The meaning of a dream about traveling on a ship according to various dream books

For those who dreamed of sailing, the dream book symbolizes interesting journeys, new, promising acquaintances, impressive, vibrant events. You can interpret in more detail by remembering the details of the dream: what the ship was like, its condition, the mood of the weather (calm or storm).

Luxurious, large ship, in a period of calm, in the bright sun promises profitable business prospects, good personal life. Interprets in detail modern dream book a dream where a boat is sailing along the river. A floating, elite ship speaks of the fulfillment of cherished dreams, set goals, a strong, successful union of two hearts, a happy marriage is possible.

Also, a dream has a positive meaning when the dreamer travels on an impressive ship along the river in bad weather, which then gives way to calm. This is a good symbol of the generosity of your destiny. However, watching a sailing ship from the shore, during a raging storm, means trouble will bypass.

Don't worry, success is near

The English dream book says to sail on a chic, snow-white ship financial well-being, profitable, successful business. A pregnant woman dreaming of a ship with sails symbolizes the birth of a long-awaited boy.

Sailing at night means that decisions are to be made in reality, the result of which depends entirely on the dreamer's intuition. A favorable interpretation symbolizes a dream where the ship fell under a hurricane, however, withstood it. This means that your willpower is very strong, your inner mood is firm, resolute. If the ship sank, in reality think about whether your goals are correct, do you really want to realize them?


  • Dream Interpretation Enigma

The ship is a sign of vivid impressions, exciting journeys, promising acquaintances. To give a clearer meaning to the dream, details about the state of the water and air elements can.

Swimming was accompanied by calm, sunny weather, which means that in reality expect success in various areas of life. Traveling caught up in a storm? It is worth being patient, remembering that life can be hard. Nothing should stop you on the way to your goal.

Being on a ship in a storm, however, the weather became calm, the sun came out a good symbol for the dreamer. Night sailing will suddenly come to a situation where decision-making can occur spontaneously, intuitively.

A terrible storm seized the side of the ship, but nevertheless the ship survived, which means that your endurance, invincibility, desire, will overcome any trouble. If the ship sank, it is worth rethinking the goals, whether they are correct.

  • Dream Interpretation of Terenty Smirnov

Climbing on a ship, then setting sail with all your might to try to realize bright, promising dreams.

The dream says to young dreamers - an adult begins, life stage. Getting off the ship symbolizes the end of a troubled period, the arrival of peace, happiness, love.

A sea voyage is a sign of improving well-being, personal happiness, a correct, life course. Stormy weather says the dreamer will carry out his plans, although it will be quite difficult.

The ship ran aground - probably your dreams will collapse as if House of cards. Seeing a warship is an alarming symbol, the dreamer is in trouble, insidious people. Your ship is sinking, the work you started will fail.

  • Dream Interpretation of Gustav Miller

The interpreter symbolizes the ship with positive news, creative realization, the end of the past, the beginning of a new one, favorable prospects for its reality, filling the dreamer with spiritual happiness.

In addition, a dream means soon the dreamer will enjoy authority among respected people. By the way, this position will significantly increase your income.

However, sailing in a raging storm is likely that you are surrounded by vile people who are trying to harm you with all their might.

In swimming, your state is suppressed, which means a black streak is coming. Business collapse is possible. Again, if in reality, your attentiveness when choosing deals is worth it, troubles will pass by.

Direction of travel

What is important is the course of your ship:

  • You are probably swimming against the current, the dreamer is outraged by the state of affairs, dissatisfied with himself in reality.
  • Going with the flow is the habit of living one day without making any effort to improve one's position. Do you like this course of reality?
  • To see the approaching shore from the ship is a symbol of new changes, a significant change in personal relationships, possibly a place of residence.

Where was the ship?

Also, the place where your ship was located is of no small importance.

When the ship is at sea, it is important in what weather the voyage is made:

  • The weather is calm, sunny, a quiet wind, the time has come to forget the past, to concentrate thoughts on the future. Good luck will come, luck that always accompanies the dreamer.
  • Sea calm on the one hand, it is pointless to expect a gift of fate. On the other hand, the implementation of the plan will not be so simple. The dreamer should gain strength, determination in order to find true happiness.
  • A storm, a strong tailwind, the dreamer's forward movement is associated with internal resistance. Envious, insidious people, in every possible way interfere with the realization of your plans.
  • Hurricane wind, tsunami your way to the goal is risky and thorny.

Ships stand on land, the personification of the hopelessness of your dreams. Tragedies will pass you by, however, dreams will not come true.

A ship in port is a sign of peace, care, protection. The dreamer can be calm, his future will be peaceful, cloudless, troubles will bypass.

What was the ship

The interpretation of the dream also depends on how the ship looked like:

  • Big ship lucky sign, the dreamer moves forward slowly, but steadily confidently. No circumstance can prevent you from achieving what you want.
  • A ship under sail, hold the opportunity firmly, it is your good qualities that will help make dreams come true.
  • The ship has lowered the sails, it is worth being more optimistic, otherwise inaction will not bring the desired results. Strive only forward.
  • A small ship is sailing, a symbol of a strong spirit. The dreamer is firm, sure, his actions are precise. Such perseverance will always be rewarded.

If you are the captain

There is a big responsibility ahead to steer the ship. In addition to yourself, you need to take care of friends, relatives, loved ones. Gathering everything internal forces, overcome the flooded ocean of adversity, protecting yourself, your family from bad people.

Erotic subtext of vision

Freud interprets the dream in detail, where you stand on the karma of the departing liner. Probably, you need to rethink your sexual reality, make a reassessment, it needs to be rekindled with vivid emotions. To stand at the bow of the boat, watching the breakup of a real, sexual relationship waving at you from the shore.

The ship leaving for the sea promises a betrayal of a partner, an unsatisfied intimate life. The ship sails towards a new, rich sex life.

Why does a woman dream of a ship in a dream (according to the dream book of Natalia Stepanova)

The ship is a symbol of respect, honor, professional development, realization creative way. If the ship is caught in a storm, then failure will overtake your business. It is a dream that you were informed about the shipwreck, the tragic end of important matters, deceit, betrayal, the tricks of envious people. The ship went to the bottom, the result of which was your death, perhaps a loved one asks for help. Distress suffers an unknown unfavorable sign. Probably bankruptcy, ruin, a decrease in reputation, hypocrisy, loved ones will turn away. Military ships portend a long separation, farewell, it is possible to move from one's own country.

What does the Boat symbolize in a dream (Psychotherapeutic dream book)

A sea vessel is a sign of perpetual motion, the fulfillment of goals, aspirations, desires. Sailing is a clear warning of danger. A global restructuring is required, it is necessary to streamline thoughts. Also, the dream symbolizes the dreamer is trying to get rid of the routine of life, to establish business relationship. I dreamed that the control of the ship was undermined, you were swallowed up by apathy, the loss of all meaning, inaction, a breakdown. The mast is dreamed in detail, the steaming pipes of the ship are bright, sexual fantasies. Find a sunken ship, live on past mistakes, they should rather be forgotten.

The meaning of the dream about the Cruiser (the message of the Tarot cards)

The dreamer, the ship, predicts a confident movement forward. These are trips, holidays abroad, a long-awaited move. If you dream of a ship, as a rule, it symbolizes forward movement, exciting travel, moving abroad, emigration. Perhaps also receiving news from afar. Like night sleep will help to explain what the last time was thinking about. Positive or sad thoughts will reveal more meaning. The ship moves quickly, raising the sails is a good symbol, marks a confident, clear progress towards the goal. However, to see the disaster of the ship is most likely, in reality the dreamer's dreams are unlikely to come true.

List of used literature:

  • Bolshakov I. V. Predestination and interpretation of dreams in Ancient Egypt(historical and philosophical aspect). St. Petersburg: Aletheya, 2007.
  • Zhivitsa E. Yu. Russian tradition of dream interpretation // Knowledge. Understanding. Skill. - 2005
  • Nechaenko D. A. The history of literary dreams of the XIX-XX centuries. Dreaming as a form of culture. - M.: University book, 2011.

For people who dream of sailing on a ship, the dream book promises new experiences, exciting journeys, and interesting acquaintances. You can find out more about what this action is dreaming of with the help of the details of the dream plot: the weather, the state of the water and the ship itself.

Be sure dreams come true

A trip on a large beautiful boat along the river in calm and sunny weather promises good prospects in a dream book in personal and business life. Detailed value what a boat floating on the river dreams of is available in a modern combined dream book. Yes, water travel big ship in a dream, broadcasts about the fulfillment of a cherished dream and far-reaching plans.

The dream is considered the most successful when it happens to sail on a large ship along the river in a storm, which is abruptly replaced by calm. This is a sign of the favor of fate. But standing on land, watching a boat sailing in a storm, suggests problems that will pass by without affecting a sleeping person.

Miller's interpretation

The interpretation of a dream about a water journey according to Miller's dream book depends on the weather factors in the dream. So, sail on a ship:

  • in a storm, promises trouble;
  • in sunny, calm weather - to a lucky coincidence, honor, promotion;
  • strong wind - unforeseen circumstances;
  • at night - to adventure, unjustified risk.

Erotic subtext of vision

Freud's dream book explains in detail why one dreams of standing on the bow of a sailing ship. The dreamed plot means that in the intimate life of the dreamer, a period of comprehension of relationships with a partner begins. Standing on the bow of a sailing boat to see that someone is escorting you on land - to separation or the end of the current intimate relationship.

To dream of a ship sailing away from the port, according to an erotic dream interpreter, portends a betrayal of a partner or his dissatisfaction with the connection. But a ship moving towards you in a dream means new intimate adventures.

Boat course or direction in life

The set sailing course in a dream makes it possible to more widely interpret what dreams of sailing on a ship. So, to move on a boat against the current, speaks of the active, slightly rebellious position of the dreamer. I dreamed that I happened to go downstream, which means that in reality you do not have the courage to live and do as you want. Seeing a boat sail away and moor to the other side means a quick change in work or personal life.

Don't worry, success is near!

The English dream interpreter believes that a dream in which one had to sail on a ship, especially if it is beautiful and rich, promises success in business, an increase in profits and well-being. A pregnant girl, seeing in a dream a floating boat with sails, announces the birth of her son in a dream book.

A dream associated with a ship and the sea has a fairly large number of interpretations. Most often, if a person sees himself sailing on a ship, this promises him a quick trip, new experiences, exciting travels, interesting acquaintances, and possibly a business trip.

What if you dream of sailing on a ship?

A dream with a ship or swimming portends good luck, only if the sea is calm, the weather is clear and sunny. Otherwise, if the ship makes its way through storms and storms, then a sign is given to a person that failures in business await him soon. A shipwreck promises even greater troubles: deceit, betrayal of loved ones, illness. However, do not be afraid of the consequences if the dream ended well, no matter how nightmarish it may be. If the storm is over and the sun begins to shine, it means that after a streak of failures, a new, even greater success will follow.

If in a dream a person sees a ship swaying on the waves, then, on a subconscious level, he feels his unstable position in real life. In this case, you need to listen to your inner voice, weigh the pros and cons, consult with loved ones. In general, approach an exciting problem as thoughtfully as possible.

If you see in a dream big ship or a steamboat - this symbolizes some grandiose work coming up in the near future. If a small but beautiful boat, it means that soon a good opportunity to acquire something new, for example, a job, may turn up.

In one of the most famous dream books, the dream book of Nostradamus, there are also several interpretations of what dreams of sailing on a ship. It describes that this sign symbolizes the beginning of a new milestone in a person's life. In the dream book of Nostradamus, dreams about ships are mainly related to the fate of the country where the person lives. For example, a burning ship means disasters, large-scale destruction, cataclysms.

What portends?

In line with English dream book A merchant ship with rich goods seen in a dream means quick success in business, wealth. The richer and more refined the ship, the greater wealth waiting ahead. Also on this dream book, the ship may mean emigration from the country of residence. Also, the British have a belief that if a pregnant girl sees a sailboat or a ship in a dream, this may mean that she will have a son who will become a sailor. However, this sign, in our time, can be treated rather with humor.

According to Miller's dream book, sailing on a ship in a dream means recognition of merit, promotion is possible. In that case, than more ship on which the person is located, the higher the new position will be. Warships mean a quick separation from friends and loved ones, which can last a long time.

As you can see, dreams about sailing and ships have many interpretations. Of these, a person should choose those that are closest to his personal life situation. If the dream is correctly interpreted, it can help answer difficult question and get out of a predicament.

A dream where you are sailing on a big ship portends an early acquaintance with a pleasant, interesting person who has come from distant lands. You can learn a lot from him. useful information to gain new knowledge, expanding, at the same time, intellectual horizons.

Try to get away from dating maximum benefit. Chances like this won't come up too often.

Sailing on a ship fast in a dream

The meaning of sleep, where you have to sail quickly on a ship, portends getting into a difficult situation. with problems in professional activity you will have to cope on your own, which you will successfully do.

It is necessary not to lose concentration when solving important tasks. Silly mistakes can negatively affect your mood.

Sailing on a boat in a dream

Dreaming that you are sailing on a boat? Financial situation can be very severely affected. The reason for this will be their own inattention, disregard for seemingly insignificant details.

If you managed to get into a storm - in reality, find yourself in a difficult situation. You will not be able to navigate and find a way out immediately, which will lead to more serious difficulties.

It will be possible to cope with problems and troubles, to restore the former financial situation, by showing purposefulness and perseverance. It is not recommended to sit and wait for everything to work out by itself.

In a dream, sail on a ship with your loved one

Did the girl dream that she was sailing with her beloved on a ship? Sexual problems may arise, which will negatively affect relationships and emotional state.

At the first signs of emerging problems, you should seek help from a doctor, consult. Do not neglect your well-being.

Sailing on a ship on the sea in a dream

In a dream, sailed on the sea on a ship? Dream Interpretation of the Oracle considers this symbol as an omen difficult situation in professional activities. Friends with close people will not be able to provide assistance in solving problems, as they themselves will face serious troubles.

Various symbols that you may dream of should not be taken literally. For example, if you dreamed of a ship, this does not mean that you will meet it or go on a cruise. Most interpreters argue that the sea is a person's life, and a ship sailing on the sea is a symbol of change or a sign of hope.

According to different dream books a ship in a dream promises change. But whether they will be good for you is a moot point.

Miller's dream book

  • A shipwreck predicts a situation in which enemies will deceive you.
  • If in a dream you saw a ship, they will come soon auspicious times. And if he was not alone, then the promotion that you have been waiting for is already near.
  • See a ship in a storm and strong wind means that your deeds will be exposed.
  • Warships do not bode well, but speak of an imminent parting with loved ones.

Dream interpretation of E. Tsvetkov

  • If the ship moored to the shore, success awaits you, and unexpected.
  • Seeing a ship sailing in a dream means receiving money and good luck in amorous affairs.
  • Are you sailing on a ship in the arms of Morpheus? Get ready for the changes that will leave an imprint on your life path.
  • If a shipwreck happened in a dream, then you should expect a dirty trick from relatives.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

  • If a person you know is sailing on a ship, then he will soon leave this world.
  • Sea cruise in the blue sea on a beautiful liner white color- a symbol of fatigue from the monotonous flow of life, the soul asks for romance.
  • If the ship is wrecked and you want to save yourself, clinging to the wreckage with a stranglehold, you will soon realize that you are not living your life. To stay afloat and then rise, you need to build a foundation.
  • If the ship's sails turn into banknotes, you need to give money to charity, and not make meaningless purchases.
  • The ship cannot moor at the pier - the personification of loneliness, the thought that nothing can be changed.
  • Seeing yourself in a dream as the captain of a ship - you are ready to work as a boss.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

  • Go ashore from the ship - plunge headlong into business and worries.
  • The ship in a dream shows the way along the waves of life. If the sleeper holds on to the helm, then he huge selection opportunities, one has only to direct the ship in the right direction.
  • If there was a storm, and you were on the ship, then this is an omen of injury or scandal.
  • Does traveling by ship seem like a pleasant experience to you? Then expect the fulfillment of all desires and hopes.
  • If in a dream your ship was not alone, but there are other ships around, you will have to turn to your friends, you need their support.


To get on a ship in a storm means that public unrest will directly affect you, especially if you are involved in politics.


  • In a dream, go on a cruise on a ship - to life changes.
  • The ship indicates movement towards the intended target or away from it.
  • If you lose control of the ship, then there is a chance of "losing yourself", which will lead to apathy and despondency.
  • The chimneys and the mast of the ship signify a phallic symbol.
  • If in a dream the ship sank, then it is the personification of a goal that was not achieved in the past.

In a dream, go on a cruise on a ship - to life changes


  • If there is a lot of gold on the ship you dreamed about, then a white streak will soon come.
  • If you see a ship in a dream, then the stars have sent you a lucky sign, which means a successful accompaniment of all affairs.
  • If you were on a ship during a storm, expect some hype associated with you. But you will remain calm as ever.
  • If in a dream the ship crashed, one should be wary of committing rash acts.

A woman on a ship or a family man

If a girl had a dream about a ship, and around the bright light of the sun and the azure sea - she is very lucky, she will find her destiny.

Sleep plots and dreamer's actions

Much depends on what the ship was like, what happened to the ship and how the person himself behaved in this situation.

Climb the anchor on the white liner

Fresh impressions, meeting interesting people, traveling to new countries - all this can be received by a person who dreams of sailing on a ship.

A dream in which you have to anchor a ship promises a new life path with a streak of good luck and luck.

If in a dream you climb a ship, then you will have to enter some organization, team, take part in a new business.

Who are you - a captain, a passenger or an outside observer?

The steering wheel in a dream is a symbol of good luck.

If in a dream your role is the captain of the ship, then in reality you have to deal with an important problem, the solution of which will have an impact on others. Or maybe you met the captain in a dream? So, there will be an opportunity to influence an authoritative person. Seeing yourself at the helm - a mysterious journey awaits you where you have not been before.

The sea is raging, and you stand firmly on the ship? It means that you have strengthened your position in life.

It is considered rare luck to see in a dream a ship named own name- to a new life, immense happiness and fidelity.

If you saw the ship from the side as an outside observer, then the recognition that you have been waiting for will finally come. Another interpretation speaks of a promotion in a career.

I dreamed of a ship on which you are going to open ocean or the sea - rejoice, because good luck in amorous affairs rushes to you!

Being on the deck of a ship in a dream means that you will be respected according to your merits.

If your ship has a black bar, how to escape?

Has there been a crash and the ship is sinking? Around the corner, financial bankruptcy or betrayal by your closest friend awaits you.

It is considered a bad sign if the ship ran aground in a dream or was tied to an anchor. This dream means that the decision of affairs will be suspended.

A battered ship promises professional changes, for which it is better to prepare in advance.

I dreamed of a sinking ship - a short sad period in life awaits you.

If you dream of a destroyed ship, then your hopes for the best are unrealistic, it remains to change the country or wait until the political situation changes.

Storm, crash and burning deck warn

Seeing a shipwreck in a dream means that the things you started are a failure, and the enemies are not asleep.

To die during a shipwreck in a dream - your loved one needs help.

If other people are involved in the shipwreck, then shame and lack of money await you. A dream in which ships crash into each other marks conflicts between groups of people.

The ship went to sea, there is a valuable cargo on board and a storm is raging - such a dream is a dream at the beginning of trouble.

A wreck at sea during a storm means that the solution of the problem is impossible without obstacles. A burning ship dreams of war, sudden collapse, natural disaster, burning.

A burning ship dreams of war, sudden collapse, natural disaster, grief

If you dream of the masts of destroyed ships, then dreams and hopes will collapse.

Job change, some difficulties and small problems they are waiting for the one who was lucky enough to escape from a sinking ship in a dream.

Ship on the river or "Flying Dutchman" in the sky

A ship on the river dreams of a promotion at work, thanks to your activity, your bosses will notice you.

A ship on the water dreams of winning. If the ship is on the water, and there are many waves around, then the person will have to learn or master new profession. A ship moored to the shore means the final, the end of a career or study.

Seeing a ship sailing in the sky in a dream is an opportunity to independently find a way out of this situation. Seeing a ship on land in a dream means that your sorrows will soon pass and your worries will be resolved.

A dream about a flying ship, where you experience anxiety for unknown reasons, indicates that dreams will not come true.

What the size, quantity, color and type of the ship say

Launching a big ship is a dream for a good deal. And if he stands near the shore, this marks success and good luck in his career. Your profit will grow.

A small ship acts as a symbol of small but pleasant joys. They will appear in the near future.

A large ship that stands off the coast dreams of success and good luck in a career. A small ship acts as a symbol of small but pleasant joys.

Many ships dream of meeting places a large number of people.

A dream about a ship painted red speaks of a bloody struggle for happiness.

The wooden ship symbolizes favorable changes in life. And the military man dreams of moving abroad.

Scarlet sails and more

A ship with sails speaks of the impending need to defend one's innocence. A dream about a ship with lowered sails leads to health problems.

In a dream, you see a mast above you with sails deployed in the wind - it means that in summer it's time to go mushrooming, and in winter - skiing.

A dream about a ship with white sails says that your life will improve when the country has an ally. A ship with black sails denotes a risky business.

ship with scarlet sails means infantilism in love, which is uncontrollable. And a ship with golden sails dreams of happiness and improvement of life in the country.

A ship with scarlet sails means immaturity in love that cannot be controlled

Don't be late to buy a ticket

If you missed the ship in a dream, you may miss opportunities and lose your happiness. The dreamer controls his ship - you think before you do something, and rightly so.

Buy a ship ticket in a dream - a sign indicating that in order to find happiness, you need to solve problems in your head. If you were not sold a ticket to the ship, then in the past you ignored the important lessons of fate, you need to work on yourself and change.

Did you decide in a dream to return a ticket for a ship? Circumstances will force you to abandon your plans, as fate decreed.

Video: what does it mean when a ship dreamed

Unfortunately, the ship does not always dream for the better. The most important thing is to remain calm under any life circumstances and hope for the best. Negative interpretation take dreams only as a possible warning, and do everything so that only good events happen in your life.
