I dreamed of a flood in the apartment - an interpretation according to well-known dream books. Why dream of a flood

To dream that streams of water from neighbors from the top floor are flooding your apartment portends that you will fight to the last, resisting adverse circumstances.

If you manage to cope with a domestic flood, it means that in real life you will soon fall under the influence, which is fraught with very dangerous consequences for you.

A dream in which you see railway tracks flooded with water portends that misfortune will darken your joy of life for a while. If you dreamed of a flood that flooded the whole city and rising higher and higher, this portends hard work and worries.

The whirlpool in which the flood swirled and carried you away means that you will soon find yourself in a large and too noisy society. Drowning during the flood, which literally hid everything under it, means that in reality you will soon encounter insurmountable obstacles in your work.

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Dream Interpretation - Flood

A symbol of violent, destructive passions or emotions that threaten to get out of your control and cause irreparable damage. After such a dream, you should try to keep your feelings in balance, not letting them overwhelm you.

Clear waters of the flood: a sign of your possible excitement or passion.

Dirty waters: mean a harbinger of a quarrel and a difficult conflict.

Interpretation of dreams from

Why dream of a flood

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

A flood in a dream is a symbol of violent, destructive passions or emotions that threaten to get out of your control and cause irreparable damage. After such a dream, you should try to keep your feelings in balance, not letting them overwhelm you.

The clear waters of the flood are a sign of your possible excitement or passion.

Dirty waters - mean a harbinger of a quarrel and a difficult conflict.

Why dream of a flood

Dream interpretation from A to Z

To dream that streams of water from neighbors from the top floor are flooding your apartment portends that you will fight to the last, resisting adverse circumstances.

If you manage to cope with a house flood, it means that in real life you will soon fall under the influence, which is fraught with very dangerous consequences for you.

A dream in which you see railway tracks flooded with water portends that misfortune will darken your joy of life for a while. If you dreamed of a flood that flooded the whole city and rising higher and higher, this portends hard work and worries.

The whirlpool in which the flood swirled and carried you away means that you will soon find yourself in a large and too noisy society.

Drowning during the flood, which literally hid everything under itself, means that in reality you will soon encounter insurmountable obstacles in your work.

Why dream of a flood

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Flood - Great danger threatens your property

Drown - Someone - show cruelty - be drowned - avoid great danger

Why dream of a flood

Dream Interpretation of Azar

To see your dwelling flooded - sensuality and base inclinations that aggravate the soul, illness, restriction, lack of freedom.

Why dream of a flood

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina

You dreamed of a Flood - your property is in danger. Imagine that the water is decreasing, the flood is ending, there are no victims and no destruction.

Why dream of a flood

Worldly dream book

Seeing a flood in a dream is a very unfavorable sign that indicates that a period is coming in your life when, giving a lot, you will receive practically nothing.

Get ready for the fact that a lot of your efforts will simply disappear, and you will not get any effect, no return from them. If you dreamed of a flood, try not to take any active actions in the near future, otherwise, you may quickly get tired, disappointed, which will develop into depression.

Flood - If you had a dream where you see yourself in a stream of raging water, you are carried away by the current, then in real life you will face a situation where nothing will depend on you - you will have to rely on the will of fate or those people who are in this situation and provoked.

If you had a dream in which you save others from the water, then in real life too many responsibilities have piled on you, and you are not sure if you can handle them.

Flood - Looking at the flood from above and understanding that the water will not reach your shelter is the hope that soon the unsuccessful life period will come to an end and you can relax a little. To see how water floods fields, farms - unpleasant events taking place in your life will affect not only you, but also your loved ones.

Why dream of a flood

British dream book

Flood - Floods threaten life. The symbolism of water can reflect the strongest emotional disorder. In real life: Do you feel swamped or submerged, or threatened with losing everything you own in a dangerously intense relationship? Consider if it's worth it.

Why dream of a flood

Old Russian dream book

See the flood - See the flood.

Why dream of a flood

Mayan Dream Interpretation

Good value If a woman had a dream, then very soon you will have a replenishment in the family. To make replenishment desirable, wipe all glass surfaces of the house with salt water.

Bad meaning If a man had a dream, then in the near future you may lose your job. To prevent this from happening, drink a glass of salt water before going to work and carry a crystal of salt with you for a week.

Why dream of a flood

Online dream book

Why dream of a flood? This plot - says that you are full of strength to deal with any circumstances.

Defeated the flood - beware that you may be influenced by the one who decided to use you.

If he swallowed the whole city, difficult times await you.

I dreamed that a flood happened in your bathroom - now you are in a state where feelings (most likely negative) overwhelm you and overshadow your mind.

To see a flood in the city - a tragic event will occur, the consequences of which will become irreversible, and will make themselves felt for a long time to come.

The dream book interprets the flood as some kind of peak, critical situation, by resolving which you will become stronger and happier, you can get rid of everything superfluous and gain new benefits. But before that, you will have the strongest excitement.

If you dreamed that a flood occurred in your home, it means that in reality you should control your emotions, carefully consider your every action. Otherwise, your vehemence can lead to huge losses.

Why dream of a flood

Frightening dreams about a flood can be understood in different ways, depending on what feelings and emotions you experienced. If you calmly and solemnly watched how the elements flooded vast spaces, then this is a sign of spiritual development and changes for the better. The water has cleared your mind and carried away everything unnecessary. Now you can safely start life anew, armed with previous experience.

If, along with the flood, fear surged over you, and the panic does not go away even after waking up, then this is a signal that there has been a strong release of accumulated energy and repressed emotions. In reality, you feel hopeless and cannot change the situation in any way.

Dream interpretation flood

According to Freud's dream book, a flood is dreaming of disturbing thoughts about conceiving a child and pregnancy itself. Perhaps you think and worry about someone close to you, or you yourself really want to have a baby.
Flood in a dream - Vanga's dream book. Means impending poverty due to the growing love of drinking. Expect unexpected guests.

Why dream of a flood according to Miller's dream book. Drowning, screaming people in a dream are a harbinger of loss, sadness and a hopeless situation in the surrounding society.

If you see in a dream how beautiful, clear, calm waters flooded a huge territory, then this is a good omen. The long-awaited peace and rest awaits you after a long, exhausting struggle. Your hard work will pay off handsomely.

Dreaming about how dark, dirty streams of water carry you away - a prediction of a long illness that will tear you away from important matters and work for a long time.

A modern dream book explains a flood in a dream as a good omen. The period of long travel, dangerous difficulties, battles and hardships is over. Now began a peaceful, measured life in complete prosperity.

If people died during the flood, then this is a sign of imminent losses that can unsettle you for a long time. You will feel the bitterness of the uselessness of your own existence.

If you yourself were picked up by a raging stream, and you cannot do anything about it, then this is an omen of a long illness. For this reason, you will have to postpone a lot of important things for later.

The dream book of the Ancient Slavs warns that if in a dream you are covered with dirty, muddy water, then you will find yourself in a strange, dangerous place and you need to be very careful.

Dreaming of how it was covered with crystal clear water, then this is just a temporary postponement of important events.

If you managed to get out of the flood healthy and unharmed in a dream, then this is a quick repentance for past sins. When you repent, you will be forgiven.

The universal dream book says that every dream about a flood is a harbinger of an imminent disaster and unrest. This may be due to unwanted changes for which you were not ready.

Localization of the elements in a dream

Why dream of a flood in the city. If the metropolis is flooded with raging streams of water, then this is a harbinger of an approaching catastrophe in which people will suffer.

Dreaming of a flood in the street. The time has come not to take risks, but to behave with restraint and discretion. Avoid conflict situations. Take care of your own health and take care of your family.

In the village. If the elements flooded the entire village, destroying houses, taking away people and animals, then this is a bad sign that predicts a terrible catastrophe and a lot of misfortune that will affect not only you, but also other people.

In the mountains. The flood, which began from the mountains in a dream, portends the loss of a trusting relationship with a loved one.

In room. It is a dream that you are indoors at the time of the flood and see how water floods the entire space, this is a signal of major trouble with the authorities. Conflict can ruin your career growth.

I dreamed that a flood occurred in the house, which began from the basement and flooded all the rooms. This is a warning that a wide range of people will become aware of your secret very soon.
In the apartment. If you see how a pipe burst and flooded the entire apartment, then be prepared for dirty gossip.

Elemental power

Dreaming of a flood-flood that covered the entire city, portends losses. If in a dream you stayed afloat, but lost your belongings, then this is a financial loss. If you drowned in a dream, then this is a loss on the love front.

Water flood. In a dream, you are watching the elements from the roof of the house, the upper floors, or any other safe place and the water did not touch you, then career success awaits you. You will overcome all difficulties and achieve your goal.

Flooding incoming water in a dream indicates an internal conflict and a personality crisis. In reality, you understand that before that you didn’t live the way you wanted, and it’s time to start all over again.

Dreaming of a tsunami flood means imminent difficulties in solving important issues. An explosion of emotions and global changes await you in later life.

Flood end of the world. In reality, it does not portend anything terrible. Big changes await you in your personal life.

A flood wave signifies powerful emotions and inevitable change. It is pointless to resist the new life, you just need to realize that the waves of change will soon calm down. You will come out of this flood with new knowledge.

The sea is flooding, strong sea waves cover you. This means that soon you will be covered with a wave of strong love and passion. And the stronger the waves in the dream, the stronger the feelings will be.

Flood disaster. Most often, such nightmares scare only in a dream. In reality, there will be no serious trouble. This is just a warning to be careful and not take risks.

Dreaming of a hurricane and a flood with a downpour and thunderclouds speaks of strong sexual dissatisfaction. These thoughts prevent you from living and developing normally.

To escape the flood yourself in a dream is a sign that it is time to stop obeying base passions, and listen to your mind and common sense.

If you save someone from a flood, then this is a sign of your own helplessness. In reality, you have taken on impossible obligations and are now in desperate need of help.

Water spouting from the ground caused a flood. This dream portends imminent surprises. If cold water beats out of the ground - to unpleasant surprises. Hot water - for joyful changes and fun.

Why does a man dream of a flood

For men, a dream about a flood has a hidden connotation, and suggests that in reality he experiences a strong sexual passion for pregnant ladies. If a man is married, then such a dream is a signal that the time has come to have children.

If a man watches how water flooded everything around, then these are his subconscious memories of his own birth and infancy, of an inextricable connection with his mother.

Why does a woman dream of a flood

If a woman in a dream experiences severe anxiety that does not go away even in reality, then this signals her internal panic about an unwanted pregnancy. She is afraid of children and responsibility for them.

A pregnant woman to see a flood in a dream means that she is overwhelmed with feelings. She wants peace, to feel safe and completely isolated from external fuss and problems.

Why dream of a flood

Any stormy, uncontrolled flow of water, in dream books, means events that we cannot influence. An unexpected realization that the children grew up quickly, and life flew by.

A strong flood with clear and still water is a good omen, promising a calm, prosperous life.

To be in the epicenter of the flood is an overabundance of strong feelings and emotions that cannot be contained. If in reality you succumb to momentary weakness and commit a rash act, then this will entail losses. So try to keep your emotions in check.

Watching the flood from the side in a dream is a sign of a critical attitude towards yourself and your actions. You have a unique ability to see yourself from the outside and correct your own shortcomings in time.

I dreamed that you were drowning in a flood - in fact, you have great difficulties with communication. The people around you do not want to understand you. Problems began with the self-realization of their own ideas. You are scared, but because of petty worries, you may not notice the real danger.

Prevent flooding - fighting a raging stream predicts an approaching disaster. In everyday life, you will have to try, but you will cope with all the difficulties.

The flood caused famine and drought, a sign of personal stagnation. In ordinary life, you feel dissatisfaction, do not get the necessary emotions. Do something you love or donate.

A flood caused by heavy rain in a dream speaks of your worries about an unsatisfied parental instinct.

In any case, a dream about a flood is just a signal about your inner and mental state, which is worth paying attention to. Get rid of negative emotions, repent of past sins, clear your conscience, and let peace and tranquility come to your soul again.

For the most part, a flood in a dream portends problems. If in a dream the elements completely destroyed the settlement, not only you, but also other people will be at risk. To find out where to expect danger from, the dream book recommends recreating the events from the vision as accurately as possible in memory.

Miller's interpretation

A village or city, flooded with muddy foaming waters, is deciphered by a psychologist as an imminent disaster and great losses.

Compiling a dream book, Miller pointed out: people who are carried away by a flood symbolize hopelessness. Your reality will become bleak, life will turn into a dull and meaningless existence.

If in a dream vast spaces are covered with clean water, it means that after doing hard, at first glance, meaningless work, you will receive a generous reward.

In a vision, a flood is rapidly sweeping you along with debris and debris - a significant project will require much more time than previously planned.

Flood damage and losses

  • Great human losses are promised by a flood in a dream, which floods cities and villages with dirty, black, bubbling water. Such a dream can be prophetic and foreshadow a catastrophe in reality, in the near future.
  • If in a dream, the sleeper sees how streams of water destroy houses and carry people away with a powerful stream - to terrible losses that make life meaningless or lead to deep psychological trauma that leaves a person “not in himself” until the end of his days.
  • In a dream, water overflows its banks and floods the space, taking the sleeping person with it, along with the debris of destroyed buildings, speaks of a possible, serious illness.
  • An overflowing river in which a sleeping person finds himself can mean an important matter, whose course will stop for a while, or an unresolved problem, the solution of which may not come very soon.

Flooding with clear water in a dream

But not only terrible signs carry dreams with natural disasters. When interpreting, it is important to consider what the water was like, because its purity is directly related to the message of the subconscious. Clean water in a dream always means something good, and dirty water - on the contrary. There is also a positive interpretation of the flood:

  • A huge area that is flooded with clear, clean water in a dream may mean that the sleeper has been struggling with fate for a long time and his strength is already running out. Perhaps it seemed that the way to solve some problem or case was meaningless, but it is not. Such a dream speaks of the imminent completion of hard work and the successful overcoming of all difficulties. A new, white streak in life.
  • Water receding or leaving the sleeper's house - trouble will bypass the house, the harmful influence will cease to matter.
  • Fall into clear water - to good prospects and well-being.

Modern dream book

The flood represents a calm life and abundance after a fight with a strong rival, endless travel.

The modern dream book deciphers people dying from the elements or drowning in water as a lot of heavy losses. As a result, sink into a deep depression.

The modern dream book is sure: a flood and a stormy stream portend that grown-up children will make you grow old prematurely.

In a vision, pure calm water spilled to the horizon - this dream has an almost favorable interpretation and is prophetic.

Freud's version

The psychoanalyst correlates the image of a flood in a dream with childbirth. The flooded places that the woman dreamed of mean: she is worried about the probable pregnancy, the upcoming birth. Most likely, one of the relatives or friends is in an interesting position. Freud's Dream Interpretation also indicates a reluctance to have children.

Waking up after a dream about a flood, you can’t calm down for a long time and feel fear, which means that you are afraid of an unplanned pregnancy, difficult childbirth, or doubt your ability to raise a child.

Freud pointed out in his dream book: a man who saw a flood in a dream seeks an intimate relationship with a pregnant woman and wants a large family with many children. The size of the dream is directly proportional to the area of ​​the spilled water.

Freud's dream book interprets: if a man dreamed of a very strong flood, this is an indication of affection for his mother, memories of infancy and an exorbitant desire to return to childhood.

Interpretation of modern psychoanalysts

Dreams of floods can be deciphered in different ways, modern psychoanalysts are sure. It has a significant impact on what you did in a dream and what emotions you experienced after waking up.

If the plot seen did not cause alarm, then the image symbolizes favorable changes. The current carries away the negative and makes room for the new, the positive. The dream interpretation testifies: there is a chance to start living again, leaving pain, disappointment and correcting past mistakes.

Frightened by a flood dream? In reality, this indicates a surge of energy. A person will be able to get rid of the tension caused by a long-standing disappointment, to change the situation to his advantage.

The dream book, if you are in the center of the stream, warns: emotions are overflowing. To avoid excruciating pain, avoid impulsive decisions.

Watching the flood in a dream from the side? This means that in reality they are able to give an objective assessment of the state of affairs. This feature will help you achieve your goal.

If you have difficulty expressing words and thoughts, then the dream book deciphers the dream of a flood as follows: your anxiety and excitement have reached the limit. A vision where you are drowning predicts a collision with great risk.

Predictions of the Ancient Slavs

Dirty water sweeping over you is interpreted as a strange and unusual place. But if the water is clear, then you can postpone urgent projects for a while.

They managed to get out of the waves sucking into the depths, the dream book of the Ancient Slavs prophesies repentance for committed deeds, the realization of one's wrongs and receiving forgiveness.

Drowning in a vision? Such a dream indicates a fear of openly showing emotions. You are helpless and unable to cope with the situation. You are overcome by negative emotions. A little more and there will be a breakdown.

Floods and tsunamis in a dream predict the emergence of huge problems and hopelessness. For example, if the house is flooded, and the water level rises further, then the vision symbolizes a midlife crisis.

However, if in a dream a person tries to prevent a catastrophe, then it is very likely that in reality he will also be able to avert trouble. Also, a dream where you resist drought portends bad luck, but at the same time it is a little encouraging: you will be rewarded for your efforts. The dream book is even inspiring: you will be ready for the coming trials, and failures will not break your spirit.

Felomena version

A flood, according to the seer, always portends health problems, in business or personal relationships. But if you managed to escape in a dream, then you can easily cope with the troubles that await in reality.

The overflowing sea indicates constantly suppressed feelings and emotions. Accumulating, they interfere with enjoying life.

The Flood in a dream is a reflection of internal experiences, unwillingness to accept changes, fears of the unknown. And if in a vision a flood led to a disaster, there will be a decline in a career, and quarrels will begin with a loved one.

Universal dream book

Why dream of a flood? This is a symbol of great misfortune and troubles. The changes that have taken place will come as a complete surprise. Previously, it was hard for you to even imagine that this could happen.

Floods and tsunamis in vision are associated with a surge of feelings, imminent cardinal changes in fate. This may be bankruptcy or dismissal from a position, a rapid deterioration in the health of a relative, etc. But incidents will not surprise a person if in a dream he was ready to resist the elements.

Waves are interpreted as a manifestation of emotions associated with changes in life. The universal dream book recommends not hiding, but accepting the current situation. Then it will be easier to cope, and if it is completely unbearable, share your fears with loved ones, and it will become easier for a while.

The universal dream book draws attention: famine and drought caused by floods symbolize emotional stagnation. Feeling hungry in a dream? In reality, you do not consider your needs. It can’t go on like this for a long time, if you don’t change your attitude, health problems will begin.

Other interpretations

A vision of famine and flood indicates that you are ignoring, not accepting your emotions and feelings. The female oracle warns: the chosen one is on the verge of collapse. You also have no strength left to support him.

Why is the symbol of poverty dreaming? By misjudging what is happening in reality, you will attract troubles into your life. In addition, seers warn: gloomy thoughts attract misfortune and failure.

Vlasov's dream book is sure that visions of hunger and poverty hint at the need to fulfill a missionary mission, to participate in a charity event.

How to define a prophetic dream

After interpreting sleep, we think. Whether a dream will come true or not depends on what lunar day he had a dream and on what day of the week. Let's look at the lunar calendar - what and what lunar day.

Comparing the data on the lunar day and the day of the week, we can assume whether the prophecy of sleep will come true.

Sleep from Friday to Saturday 03/23/2019

Sleep from Friday to Saturday can also be used in reality. The abundance of happy events and pleasant impressions presented by Morpheus speaks ...

dream book flood

If you dreamed of a flood, you should not expect terrible events or sad incidents. This dream reflects the emotional state of the dreamer, and does not predict the future. This is a ripe anger, a burst of patience, an outrageous irritation.

To understand why the flood is dreaming, you first need to analyze your own emotional state. If you have been living in nervous tension for a long time, then this is a sign that everything accumulated will soon spill out.

Seeing a flood in a dream is really very scary. This is the destructive force of the elements, which can demolish everything in its path. Feelings that, soon, the dreamer can throw out can be exactly the same. The most reliable interpretation of what the flood is dreaming of can be obtained if you remember exactly where the elements raged:

  • in your own apartment;
  • in the town;
  • global flood.

Element localization

If you dreamed of a flood

The appearance of such an element in a dream is not a reflection of the future. This is a symbol of the dreamer's feelings and his spiritual ability to "explode" if his life situation remained tense for a long time. Depending on the location, one can talk about the manifestation of feelings in the family circle, within the city, or it will be an experience about the fate of the whole world.

apartment filled with water

An apartment filled with water in a dream means that a major scandal is brewing, says Miller's dream book. If the relationship has been “tight” for a long time, then now is the time to ease the tension in order to prevent extremes.

  • To see how water quickly fills the room - surging feelings will prevent you from adequately responding to the current situation.
  • A faulty pipe caused a flood - an unresolved family problem that was shelved in a “long box” will not make itself felt in the best way.
  • To experience panic fear due to the fact that the room is filled with water - the dreamer has a fear of the near future. Perhaps events should occur that can upset or frighten him.

Raging element in the city

To understand why the flood is dreaming within the city, you need to transfer the main interpretation to the city scale. Most likely, there should be actions that will be accompanied by strong emotional intensity. It can be rallies, protests, demands of residents.

Or vice versa: sports competitions (such as football fans' revelry), a grandiose concert of a mega-star, or a celebration of the founding of a city.

If the streams of water in a dream are strong, seething and carry people away, then you need to be very careful. There is a real risk of casualties during cultural events.

An interesting interpretation is given by a modern dream book: a flood, during which the dreamer got on a wave and feels confident afloat, is a very good sign. The dreamer will soon get to the right time, to the right place and take a high position in society.

worldwide flood

Analyze your inner world

Seeing in a dream how the elements absorb entire cities is a disturbing dream. But he does not predict a real danger to either the world or even the dreamer's city. This is an attempt by the subconscious mind to analyze or slightly change (as an option - supplement) the dreamer's worldview. These are thoughts about the eternal:

  • about the infinity and immensity of the Universe;
  • about the immortality of the human soul;
  • about the knowledge of true good and evil.

An attempt to approach this knowledge, even in a dream, can be very frightening, which is why such terrible images arise.

Water purity is important - Miller's dream book

This popular dream book considers the flood seen in a dream to be the appearance of situations that are completely independent of the dreamer.

  • To see dirty water in your apartment that flows down the walls or gets to your feet - illness, ailment. This will greatly complicate the already difficult relationship with the household.
  • A city flooded with muddy water - a crisis, temporary difficulties in business. And this applies not only to the dreamer, but to everyone who works in this area.
  • An apartment filled with clean water is help in an insoluble matter.
  • To swim along the city streets without resisting the elements - the absence of one's own life positions.
