Who blew up the towers in America. Who blew up the twin towers? Like a house of cards

This year marks the 15th anniversary of the events of September 11, 2001. In the morning, in New York, after the strikes of hijacked (according to the official version, of course) passenger planes, the towers of the World Trade Center collapsed. According to media reports, in the evening in Washington, another passenger plane crashed into one of the Pentagon towers.

It was with this aircraft that the investigation subsequently had the most problems, since its fragments and the remains of passengers were not found, and the hole in the wall was much smaller than the wingspan of this aircraft.

These are far from the only oddities associated with the collapse of the twin towers.

The official death toll is 2,843. There is colossal destruction in New York, but in the midst of this destruction, a completely intact car is found, in which the Koran and the passports of the hijackers are intact and clean. I immediately recall the phrase of the protagonist of the film "Beware of the Car" Detochkin: "The beer has just been brought, but the roach has just been caught."

As early as September 11, President Bush declared that this was an act of Arab terrorists. CIA Chief George Tenet announced the interception of al-Qaeda communications on September 11th. Suddenly it turned out that everything was intercepted, but nothing could be prevented!

The investigation revealed a lot of inconsistencies with the official version. For example, for 40 minutes after the hijacking, there was no communication between the Federal Aviation Administration and the North American Aerospace Defense Command. Journalists noted the confusion in the testimony of Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld. The authorities admitted that they had been warned by the security services about the impending attack, but nothing was done. Also on September 11, ironically, military exercises were held, during which an imitation of the hijacking of aircraft was planned. In Gilbert Chesterton's story "The Broken Sword" to the question: "Where does a smart person hide a pebble?" - Father Brown answers: "Among the pebbles on the seashore." What better cover could there be than a drill?

Nevertheless, despite all this confusion, the Keane-Zelikov commission came to an absolutely ironclad conclusion - this is a terrorist attack for which al-Qaeda is to blame. The Commission was unable to answer a number of questions. Why did the towers fall straight? Why did firefighters hear explosions inside the towers?..

There are some other oddities. For example, a representative of the FEMA organization - the American analogue of our Ministry of Emergency Situations - Tom Kenny, in an interview on September 12, said that the rescue team arrived in New York on Monday, September 10, so that on the 11th in the morning the rescuers could immediately start work. Mayor Giuliani also said that on September 10, rescuers were stationed at berth 92, which became the command center for the rescue operation after the explosion. The question is - is this a thorough preparation for an unexpected terrorist attack ?!

The September 24, 2001 NewsWeek magazine wrote that on September 10, a group of Pentagon officers canceled their flights for the next morning. And in February 2002, it became known that a group of businessmen who usually held their meetings in the shopping center in the towers, held them on September 11 at an air force base in Nebraska.

According to Viktor Fridman, the author of a very interesting study of the terrorist attack, in the first days of September, purposeful activity reigned on the stock exchange. In his opinion, some people were well aware of future explosions, because the ratio of put options to calls options was such that some people made $ 10-15 billion at once. And the owner of the towers, Israel's great friend Larry Silverstein, received $5 billion in insurance.

There was evidence even before the attack. One of the startling events happened in June 2001, when ufologist William Cooper, famed author of Pale Horse, announced that there would be major terrorist attacks in the United States in September, or at the latest in October, and the blame for them would be placed on a man named Osama bin Laden. This man had unique information, so it is not surprising that in late 2001, Cooper was shot dead by the police, accusing him of first resisting the police and then trying to escape. The police were not told that Cooper is a disabled Vietnam veteran, and instead of one of his legs he has a prosthesis - you can’t run. To finish the police theme: according to eyewitnesses, after the first tower collapsed, the police were urgently sent to the second, who began to drive people away from the tower (“and the roach had just been caught”).

Also, unconditional evidence is the fact that already in July 2001, during negotiations with Pakistan, the Americans frankly stated that in October they would seize Afghanistan. In September, even before the bombings, the UK conducted the most significant concentration of naval forces off the coast of Pakistan in the annual Essential Harvest maneuvers. At the same time, NATO maneuvers in Egypt end with the fact that 40,000 soldiers are transferred to Pakistan.

Americans generally have a wonderful tradition - to resolve geopolitical problems to create situations similar to September 11th. For example, on February 15, 1898, on a roadstead in Havana, an explosion occurred on the American battleship Maine. Armadillo crew: 266 people, of which 260 are black and 6 are white officers. There is evidence that when the explosion occurred, there were no white officers on the ship. The Americans blamed the Spanish for the death of their ship, which was the reason for the American-Spanish war. As a result, Cuba became an American semi-colony.

The next number in the American crossbow program is the incident with the Lusitania liner. Although the Lusitania was sunk on May 7, 1915, and the United States entered World War I on April 2, 1917, nevertheless, it was the sinking of this ship that became a turning point in creating a warlike mood among the Americans. This interesting historical event should be told in more detail. Although the Lusitania was a passenger ship with 1,200 people on board (of which 195 were Americans), it transported - in violation of all wartime rules - 6 million ammunition for the Entente countries, paid for by the house of Morgan. The Germans, having learned about this, made an advance payment to fifty American newspapers and asked to publish an announcement stating that they did not recommend American citizens to sail on the Lusitania, since the ship was carrying ammunition and, according to wartime rules, automatically became a target. But only one American newspaper in Des Moines, Iowa, published the announcement, 49 others abstained because the US State Department advised them to wait until the circumstances were clarified. The circumstances, of course, were not clarified, and the Lusitania set sail. She crossed the Atlantic, since the Germans did not drown her, entered the English Channel and began to wait for the Juno pilot ship. After a long wait, the captain of the Lusitania suddenly received a message that the First Lord of the Admiralty, Churchill, had sent the pilot ship Juno very far away, and they would have to wait a long time. The Germans watching the ship understand that they can’t wait any longer and need to sink the liner, because 6 million ammunition is very serious. The order to "destroy" is given. The British intercept this order, but take absolutely no action. The Lusitania is safely sunk, which becomes one of the belli incidents for the US entry into the war.

It is impossible not to recall the events of December 7, 1941, when 3.5 hundred Japanese aircraft hit the American base at Pearl Harbor, destroyed 200 aircraft and 4 battleships, including the battleship Arizona, killing more than 2 thousand Americans. As a result, the United States had a reason to declare war on Japan. Since then, American researchers have done much to clarify this situation. It has now been virtually proven that a little over a year before the events at Pearl Harbor, the Americans broke the Japanese codes. This suggests that they were well aware of Japan's plans. However, Roosevelt did not lift a finger, because he needed an excuse for America to enter the war.

Speaking of Roosevelt, it would not be superfluous to mention the following: the "Roosevelt's New Deal solved all the problems of the USA" scheme is just a myth. Yes, he solved some problems, but he also created new problems. These problems were so serious that in the mid-1930s, Roosevelt had a very dangerous rival on the American political scene - the governor of Louisiana, Hugh Long. It was Hugh Long who became the prototype of the protagonist of the novel by Robert Penn Warren "All the King's Men" by Willie Stark. Hugh Long was a left-wing populist who created property redistribution societies across America. By 1935, 8 million people signed up for them. In 1935, Hugh Long is killed, as it should be - a loner. This tracing paper is known to us from the history of the assassinations of the Kennedy brothers, Martin Luther King, Lincoln. By the end of the 1930s, America faced a choice: either serious social reforms, which, however, could lead to upheavals, or a world war (by the way, Roosevelt began to use the term "world war" six months earlier than Hitler).

Undoubtedly, Pearl Harbor solved the problem of declaring war on Japan - after all, Roosevelt went to the polls with a firm promise not to let America be drawn into the war. At the same time, both he and the forces that stood behind him understood perfectly well that in order to become the hegemon of the world capitalist system, America must enter the war, or rather, force majeure circumstances are needed that will force the United States to start a "retaliatory war." By the irony of history, one of the last commissions that dealt with the problem of Pearl Harbor in America ended its work precisely on September 11, 2001. The experts concluded that the Japanese torpedoes were too outdated and weak to penetrate the armor of the Arizona. Something else has happened. Most likely, there was an explosion on the Arizona itself. But since the towers exploded on September 11, the events at Pearl Harbor - "things of bygone days" - almost no one cared.

In the list of American belly incidents, one can also recall the incident in the Gulf of Tonkin in 1964, which became the reason for the US entry into the Vietnam War. The Americans shouted to the whole world that the North Vietnamese had fired on them in neutral waters. Then it turned out that the sailors of the DRV opened fire on a ship that had invaded the territorial waters of their country, but this was later, when the United States had already used this incident provoked by them to start hostilities.

As we can see, the Americans have a very rich history of crossbows. Anyone who wants to know the true story can easily find it. Those who do not want to will sincerely believe that al-Qaeda and a man named bin Laden are behind the explosions.

A lot has already been written about this character, but it’s worth talking about him briefly, because this figure clearly shows how overt and even more covert American politics are structured.

Bin Laden was born in 1957. In December 1979, at the suggestion of his patron, Prince Turki al-Faisal, who had headed the Saudi intelligence services for more than 20 years, bin Laden began to manage the financial side of the secret CIA operations in Afghanistan. He managed with the help of systematized information, a matrix, which in Arabic is called "al-Qaeda" (translated as "database"). Subsequently, that ghostly organization (many researchers do not believe in its existence) began to be called that, on which the Americans blamed for the explosion of the twin towers.

After the end of the war in Afghanistan, the Islamists split into those who believed that America was the enemy, and those who believed that America should be friends and contact. Bin Laden ended up in the camp of Hassan al-Turabi, the leader of the anti-Americanists. In 1996, Osama declares jihad against the US and Israel. In 1998, after the terrorist attacks in Dar es Salaam and Nairobi, where almost 300 people were killed and 4,500 people were injured, the US blamed bin Laden for everything and put him on the wanted list. Then they begin to hang all the terrorist attacks on him, including the events of September 11th. In 2011, we were told that Osama had been killed in a special operation. According to very authoritative people from Western intelligence services, bin Laden was not alive after 2007. Speaking about the massacre of the 11th year, I would like to draw attention to the mores of the modern American elite. The media showed how the first persons of the state gathered at the White House at the TV screen to watch a show about how a person would be killed. Only "Wow!" did not say, as in the case of Gaddafi, otherwise identical picture - the joyful contemplation of the bloody murder. By the way, all the American special forces who participated in this operation, after 1.5 or 2 months, while performing the task, were ambushed under rather strange circumstances, and almost all were killed. Either they were really removed to hide the ends in the water, or they simply hid them in this way from possible revenge.

What is also surprising in the history of "Terrorist No. 1" is that the bin Laden family had a privileged position and long-standing ties to both the Bush family and the Saud family. One example is enough. In 1979, the Islamists staged an explosion, seizing a mosque in Mecca. Pilgrims were shot, the mosque was seized. The trucks and the plan of the mosque were delivered to the terrorists by one of bin Laden's older brothers. All participants in this attack were captured and executed. Except for the one who provided them with trucks, because he is from the bin Laden family. As a matter of fact, Bushes, Sauds, bin Ladens are one economic cell. It is significant that the finances of the bin Laden group in America were in charge of CarlyleGroup, which occupied 11th place in the American military-industrial complex. The group was created in 1987 and included such people as former CIA chief Frank Carlucci, former British Prime Minister Major, George W. Bush. Bush Jr. himself repeatedly crossed paths with representatives of the bin Laden family. In particular, when he made money from illegal economic operations at HarkenEnergyCorporation, he borrowed a very large amount from one of bin Laden's older brothers and could not repay it. This older brother later died on a plane while flying over US territory. Some journalists believe that this could have been done on the orders of the father of the unfortunate debtor - then President Bush Sr.

Let's go back to September 2001. Events immediately after the attack developed at a frantic pace. Already on September 12, Congress issued Resolution No. 1368 “The US Right to Self-Defense”, in fact, the right to aggression is legalized. On September 13, in order to warm up the population, the White House is evacuated - supposedly the danger of explosions remains. On September 14, Congress authorizes Bush to "recourse to the use of any force against any country, organization, or individual that prepared, carried out, or facilitated the September 11 attacks." On October 7, Bush announces that he has ordered attacks on terrorist and Taliban camps in Afghanistan. Thus begins the American military operation "Unshakable Freedom".

Interestingly, in a memo to the US Army Institute of Strategic Studies, a senior American analyst, Wong, states: “Current public support for military action is comparable in level to that which followed the attack at Pearl Harbor. Americans claim today that they consider military action appropriate, that they are in favor of a long war, and that they have the will to endure all the negative consequences of the war.

Even earlier, on September 11, Henry Kissinger wrote: “The government should be entrusted with the mission of providing a systematic response that would lead, we hope, to the same result that followed the attack on us at Pearl Harbor - to the destruction of the system responsible for this attack. This system is a network of terrorist organizations that hide in the capitals of certain states.”

What is very revealing and symbolic, both Kissinger and Wong remember Pearl Harbor. Kissinger must know that Pearl Harbor is a provocation. It equalizes Pearl Harbor and 9/11, and thus indirectly lets it out. Isn't it strange that already on September 11 he knows which terrorists did this and links them to Baghdad and Kabul.

In September 2000, the US government unveiled a blueprint for the "new American century" - "Rebuilding America's Defense". Among its authors are Dick Cheney, Jeb Bush (brother of Bush Jr.), Donald Rumsfeld. The project says: “The process of transformation (of the world. - A.F.), even if it brings revolutionary changes, is likely to be long, unless some catastrophic and accelerating event happens, like a new Pearl Harbor” (sub. me.-AF) And again - Pearl Harbor as a model, as an approach. People who know perfectly well what Pearl Harbor was say that they need a new Pearl Harbor. Around the same time, at the beginning of the 17th century, Ivan Bolotnikov, already surrounded by the troops of Vasily Shuisky, sent letters around the country with a request to announce some new Dmitry. He knows that Dmitry is a false prince ...

In 2003, the US-British aggression against Iraq begins. And if Afghanistan is geopolitics and drugs, then Iraq is geopolitics, oil and a course towards reshaping the Arab world, towards creating a patchwork quilt called the “Greater Middle East” in the interests of American TNCs. It must be said that drug trafficking and the interests of clans that control drugs play a very large role in all changes in the Middle East, from the American aggression against Afghanistan to the so-called "Arab Spring". Before the American invasion, the Taliban reduced heroin production in Afghanistan, and after the invasion, it increased dramatically. The US invasion of Iraq provided the US military establishment with a very substantial source of income. And not only the American, but also the British establishment, since the zone of heroin production in Afghanistan, as one of the American generals let slip, is the zone of responsibility of MI6. In general, according to analysts involved in drug trafficking, 90% of drug trafficking production is under the control of three special services: MI6, CIA and Mossad, and 10% is in the hands of various mafia structures. Today Blair is free to repent and say that the introduction of troops into Iraq was a mistake, but the deed has been done, and no one has answered for it.

From a series of Freudian slips: In September 2002, the Bush administration released a document called the US National Security Strategy. There is simply a wonderful phrase in it: "The events of September 11 opened up new gigantic opportunities for us." The amazing thing is that the US is openly talking about its plans and capabilities, while the world media is silent!

When the Soviet Union shot down an invading South Korean Boeing, the world press went wild. She denigrated the Soviet Union for nothing. I will not discuss here and now the question of whether the USSR really shot down a passenger Boeing or some other Boeing, and the passenger landed in Okinawa, taking a 25-year non-disclosure subscription from the South Koreans, which ended in 2008 . Let me remember something else: five years later, in 1988, an American aircraft carrier shot down an Iranian Boeing over the territory of the Persian Gulf (not over the territory of the United States!) 300 people died. Ronald Reagan said that it was a pity that people died, but the captain of the aircraft carrier, although he was mistaken, acted absolutely correctly, because he considered that the plane was a threat. The world media did not criticize either Reagan or the United States - it is understandable: it is one thing when the USSR knocks something down, this is unacceptable; it's another matter when a "democratic and free state of the USA" does the same - it's acceptable.

The fact that September 11 allowed the Americans to solve a number of foreign policy tasks is one side of the matter, the external one. Equally important is the inside. One cannot but agree with those journalists-analysts who believe that the September 11 attacks were a prologue to the change of the US political regime. No, the facade has remained the same, but there have been dramatic changes within the country. The executive branch has created new structures to extend to domestic politics the methods that the CIA and the military used outside the country in the 1990s and earlier. America has de facto become a military empire. This is very well told in the trilogy of Chalmers Johnson "Blowback" ("Return"), "The sorrows of empire" ("Sorrows of the empire") and "Nemesis" ("Nemesis"). In a strange way, only the last part of the trilogy was translated into Russian. Chalmers Johnson - famous analyst, CIA man. At the end of the 1990s, he, concerned about what was happening in the US, wrote this trilogy, in which he showed that during the Clinton presidency, very important changes took place in the US behind the Monicalevian smiling businesslike facade. According to Chalmers Johnson, the military has de facto taken control of the United States. And the events of September 11 allowed this de facto to turn into de jure. How?

On October 8, 2001, the Office of Homeland Security was established in the United States. It was led by Tim Ridge. This event marked the beginning of a profound reform of the American state apparatus. This Bureau has become equivalent to the National Security Council, and, in fact, has become something similar to the Bureau of Military Mobilization during the Second World War. Adopted on October 26, 2001, the "Patriotic Act" ("Patriotic Act") dramatically expanded the powers of the investigating authorities, strengthened control over the American population, favoring police arbitrariness. Thus, in the name of terror in the United States, a police state was institutionalized and legalized.

In November 2002, under the guise of protecting against terrorism, Bush signed the enactment of the Total Information Awareness program. This program allows the US government, without any restrictions, to collect any information about everyone who interests it in all the world's databases. Admiral John Poindexter was put in charge of this program. In Russian they say about such people: "there is no place to put brands." This man was implicated in the Irangate scandal that flared up in 1986-1987 during the Iran-Iraq war in connection with the secret importation of weapons to Iran from countries such as Israel and the United States .... The investigation lasted a very long time, and only in 1999 he received 18 months in prison for destroying documents that testified to his guilt.

In addition to this "Total Information Awareness", the Americans launched another information control program - "The Matrix" (what's the name!). Under the guise of collecting anti-terrorism information, this program collects information about all US citizens and their addictions. No wonder many analysts say that if in the 1990s the United States turned from a republic into a military empire, then after the events of September 11, they are rapidly turning into a new Reich, into a fascist state. In "The Rise of the Fascist American Theocratic State," published in February 2002, journalists John Stanton and Wayne Madsen write: , died. And while democracy was breathing its last breath, the fascist and theocratic American state was born.”

As the British say: “Every acquisition is loss and every loss is an acquisition” (“Every acquisition is a loss, and every loss is an acquisition”). Russians say differently: "Don't be dashing while it's quiet." American neocons during the Bush presidency have awakened forces in the Middle East that are now beyond their control. America is overextended. Americans need to leave the Middle East in their old capacity and come in in some other capacity. For the shift change period, they need controlled chaos, which is now being created by the Islamists, whom R. Labevière called "the watchdogs of American-style globalization." As is often the case in history, a certain event, solving short-term measures, creates medium-term problems. To solve medium-term problems, medium-term measures are needed, and they give rise to long-term systemic problems that cannot be solved without changing the system. Today it is clear: the situation in the Middle East is out of American control, the chaos is becoming uncontrollable and is turning against the "lords of chaosogens" who have stumbled in Syria, more precisely, in the position of Russia (as well as China, Iran and some other forces). In this situation, a nervous breakdown of the outgoing hegemon cannot be ruled out, especially if a woman becomes president, who in the States was nicknamed "Killary Clinton" (to kill - to kill). American journalists count about 400 strange deaths for the Clinton couple. If so, then we have just the second edition of Bonnie and Clyde, only not the cinematic one. It must be remembered that people who are not inclined to restrain nervous impulses, whether in everyday life or foreign policy, understand the language of force well. Then they keep their promises. Gaddafi believed, not having the strength - and paid the price. Regarding such characters, who are now often called "partners", Shakespeare's Hamlet at one time spoke as follows: "... whom I believe as two vipers" ("whom I will trust as I will adders' fanged"). This is how we should believe in the reset proposals and much more.

... As for the events of September 11, then most likely we will never know the whole truth about them. Yes, in fact, all the detailed truth at the moment is not required. Almost everything was clear from the very beginning - there is a wonderful clarifying question: cui bono? (who benefits?). I think that now that America is in a much worse position than at the end of the 20th century, we should again expect war. CIA ready. The only thing is that, unlike the Mossad and MI6, they work very rudely, clumsily, with the help of white threads. But this is what their media are needed for, or rather, SMRAD (Means of mass advertising, agitation and disinformation), which these white threads paint over with black. US journalists have succeeded so much that even a significant part of their professorship - the country's intellectual elite - believes that bin Laden blew up the September 11 towers. In such cases, I answer them: “But Kennedy was killed by Lee Harvey Oswald. Moreover, he acted, of course, alone - as earlier Booth, who killed Lincoln, and Sirhan Sirhan, who shot Robert Kennedy. The investigation is over - forget it. But we will hardly forget the events of September 11, since it was with this provocation that it seems that the last desperate offensive of the most aggressive segment of the Anglo-American elite, seeking to save itself at the cost of most of humanity, began.

A dream in which a tower is present means that you want to achieve a lot in life.

Climb the tower - you will succeed. But, if you barely go down, and the tower collapsed, expect disappointment.

Nostradamus considered the tower a symbol of power and authority. Strongly elongated, the pointed tower dreams of a person who imprudently uses the power given to him. Perhaps he overestimates his strength and underestimates the strength of his opponents. This can significantly reduce his influence, and he will lose the support of the majority.

If you dream that you cannot approach the tower, then you will meet with a very significant person, politician or financial magnate.

According to Nostradamus, a thoroughly fortified tower seen in a dream is a symbol of strength and great influence.

A collapsing tower dreams of big changes.

The tower, besieged by armed people, dreams of a clash of different influential camps, a struggle between opponents, which will entail significant consequences.

The tower with loopholes is a symbol of aggression and power based on fear and uncomplaining submission.

According to the Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga, the tower symbolizes the sublimity of feelings, overcoming obstacles or an unattainable dream.

If you climb the stairs to the top of the tower with great difficulty, then in real life you will have to overcome many obstacles on the way to your goal.

A tall, beautiful tower symbolizes the sublimity of feelings and desires.

If in a dream you are standing among the ruins of a destroyed tower, then in reality you can destroy your happiness with your rash decisions and actions.

A sand tower on the river bank, which is subsequently washed away by a wave, means that you will suffer deep disappointment associated with your vain efforts.

They jumped from a high tower and did not crash - they will have to make a very important and responsible decision. Remember that the result of it depends only on you! We were looking for a way out of the tower, which is in danger of destruction - you will become a witness or participant in social upheavals.

They built a high tower from huge, heavy stones - you can overcome all life's hardships and achieve what you want.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological dream book

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On Saturday morning, March 24, an unfinished 220-meter TV tower was destroyed in Yekaterinburg. Behind the death of the unspoken symbol of the city, thousands of people: panoramic restaurants, observation decks, fitness centers and high-rise offices opened early to let those who want to see the explosion. Many came to the tower itself to watch the destruction through the cordon.

At 9:11 am - 11 minutes later than the scheduled time - after a siren blew the tower in the lower section. The concrete pipe folded inside the base, and then fell exactly on an earthen pillow built on the banks of the Iset River. A cloud of dust covered three neighboring blocks, and a fragment remained in place of the tower, which they plan to dismantle manually within a couple of weeks. The Village watched the explosion from the ground and from the Vysotsky skyscraper, and shares a report from the scene.

Yekaterinburg TV tower


PLANNED HEIGHT: 361 meters

ACTUAL HEIGHT: 220 meters


The TV tower in the center of Sverdlovsk was supposed to be the second tallest tower in the country after Ostankino. Like at the top of the tower in Ostankino, it was planned to open a panoramic restaurant here. Construction began in 1983 according to a standard design: in 1980, a similar 314-meter tower was launched in Tallinn, a year later a 327-meter high-rise was opened in Vilnius. By 1991, builders in Sverdlovsk completed the concreting stage - they erected a frame with portholes and made a hole at the top so that parts of the metal spire could be lifted. By this time, the tower had reached 220 meters out of 361 planned, but the facility was no longer funded, and construction stopped forever.

In 2013, the tower and 4.5 hectares around were transferred to the ownership of the regional authorities. They promised to hold a competition and decide what to do with the object next. The architects suggested opening a registry office at the top, building high-rise residential buildings around, making a lighthouse or a giant church inside, or simply placing a statue of St. Catherine with a cross in her hands on top. But the competition ended ingloriously.

Last year, both the tower and the land were transferred to the ownership of the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company in order to be built in its place for the Avtomobilist hockey club. Despite the protests of the townspeople, in mid-January, equipment was driven to the foot of the tower, a new fence was installed and an earthen embankment was started to make the debris fall - a damper. Explosive work was prepared and eventually carried out by the Magnitogorsk company Special Explosive Works.


Attempts to save the tower in Yekaterinburg turned out to be bright, but not numerous. Two days before the explosion, on the evening of March 22, about 2,000 people gathered to join hands and hug the tower. That same night, 15 roofers broke through the guard posts and raised the Russian flag to the top of the tower. At the top, they found themselves without food and warm clothes, and by lunchtime the next day, given the Urals minus 12, they were forced to go down - the strike failed. On the evening of March 23, several hundred defenders of the tower approached the building of the State Guard on Malysheva Street and, in protest, turned their backs on the department, and then went to the tower and again symbolically hugged it. These events are The Village on a special air.

The tower was demolished without polls or a referendum, but this was not the only thing that outraged the public. The company that organized the dismantling did not name the date and time of the demolition until recently, the mayor's office referred to the lack of data. As a result, the media learned about the exact start time of work from leaflets that were handed out to tenants of the business skyscrapers surrounding the tower. Not everyone received leaflets: the chairman of the Sverdlovsk religious organization of Muslims "Nur-Usman" Nail Shaimardanov, whose mosque is located at the foot of the tower, learned about the planned work from the news.

The official 9/11 story is like a sack full of lies, and it seems to be a proven fact for the alternative community. So what really happened? A new series of revelations of a former employee Russian nuclear intelligence shocks even those who think they have a clear idea of ​​what goes on behind the scenes. Why did the WTC buildings collapse anyway? The analytical work of an expert on nuclear explosions leads us to a shocking conclusion.

When ordinary people saw how two planes hit the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center on September 11, and how the Twin Towers collapsed in a cloud of dust, they were too shocked by these events to criticize the events themselves. And therefore, since then, strange ideas have been imprinted in their heads: that hollow aluminum planes supposedly can pierce through steel buildings, while completely disappearing into them; and that jet fuel (kerosene) can allegedly "melt" these steel buildings into microscopic volatile steel powder...

Sooner or later, these ridiculous delusions had to be discarded. The destruction of the Twin Towers has absolutely no nothing to do with airplanes, as well as with the fire allegedly caused by "aircraft". This is an obvious fact that has occupied the minds of millions of Americans, dissatisfied with the official interpretation of the destruction of the World Trade Center, for the past 6 years, at least. As the initial shock of 9/11 wore off, many people began to realize that absurdities in the official version too much

Considering that the fires in both Towers were caused by approximately the same amount of kerosene, and given that the Towers were twins (i.e. absolutely identical in strength), this discrepancy was the first clear indication that their the destruction had nothing to do with the fire.

The next realization came when 9/11 researchers began to consider the fact that the World Trade Center Building #7 (an exceptionally strong modern 47-story steel-framed skyscraper) also collapsed in a similar fashion in the early evening of the same day, but in doing so, however, no planes hit it. If the destruction of the Twin Towers was officially blamed on kerosene brought in by "planes", then the destruction of the WTC-7 was inexplicable to such an extent that the official Report of the 9/11 Commission of Inquiry preferred don't mention at all the destruction of building number 7 - as if the fact of the destruction of a 47-story modern skyscraper did not even deserve to be considered.

A comparison of all these events and the many absurdities surrounding the destruction of the World Trade Center led early 9/11 researchers to realize that the authorities are just fooling them and that the destruction of the World Trade Center had nothing to do with kerosene or "aircraft" because .

The very fact that the building number 7 of the World Trade Center collapsed in the early evening of September 11, 2001 successfully proved that the terrorist planes were unnecessary, and that the destruction of the World Trade Center would have happened anyway - regardless of the "aircraft". Someone just wanted the World Trade Center to collapse and that's why he collapsed. From that moment, the so-called "9/11 Truth Movement" was born.

Here it is - the very seditious video report of the company, in which lines of text were shown claiming that some kind of "third explosion", which first "blew to smithereens", and then "destroyed" the South Tower of the World Trade Center. The North Tower (the one with the antenna) had not yet fallen by that time - it would fall a little later from "fourth explosion"- but CNN will have already received a severe reprimand from the "good people" by then and will no longer mention such seditious things as "explosions".

The Twin Towers of the World Trade Center will be declared "destroyed by kerosene", and the WTC building number 7 (in which not a single plane of the so-called "terrorists" hit) will be declared "destroyed by diesel fuel" (the stock of which was stored in the building for emergency diesel generators).

Understandably, most people who disagree with the official "kerosene" theory are accused of deliberately demolishing the World Trade Center. However, these people do not have sufficient understanding of the industrial processes of demolition in general, and the actual demolition of the World Trade Center in particular.

For this reason, a number of "conspiracy theories" have arisen, ranging from claims that the WTC was allegedly "mined with conventional explosives" to claims that it was allegedly demolished with a so-called "nano-thermite" (some mystical and hitherto unheard of substance), which was allegedly used in the form of "spraying" on every metal part of the supporting structures of the Twin Towers. There are also more bizarre conspiracy theories - the theory of the demolition of the World Trade Center using laser beams from space, for example.

It goes without saying that the authors of these various conspiracy theories cannot give in to each other, and thus they waste precious time not only blaming the US government for allegedly being the main culprit of 9/11, but also blaming one another in an attempt to "muddle the waters of truth." The common problem with all these conspiracy theorists is that they simply don't know what happened to the World Trade Center. in fact and, most importantly, they do not know why this happened.

The author of this article tried to present the reader with something different. Instead of offering another "conspiracy theory", he offers his own expert opinion, in addition to his testimony, which goes along with his personal experience and knowledge gained as a result of service in a relevant post in the Soviet Army.

It is my hope that this approach will provide the reader with a much more sensible explanation of the WTC demolition than he could get from some Internet forum specializing in 9/11.

"Ground Zero" andground zero

To begin with, I would like to remind everyone that the site of the former World Trade Center in New York is called in English "Ground Zero"["zero mark" or "epicenter" in the understanding of the Russian-speaking reader]. Many people seem to be unaware of what exactly the words mean. ground zero and how important evidence they are.

Many seem to perceive "Ground Zero" as a proper name - as if it were the name of a city or a ship. However, few remember today that the strange name ground zero was assigned to the site of the former World Trade Center too quickly to be a "proper name".

Almost immediately after the collapse of the Twin Towers (a few hours before the building number 7 of the WTC collapsed) - that is, approximately after noon on September 11, 2001 - almost all officials and some reporters had already begun to name the site of the former WTC strange words ground zero . All news releases that were printed the next day also called the site of the former World Trade Center none other than ground zero, and these strange words were then still written in lowercase letters.

Similar usage of the term ground zero with regard to the area of ​​the former World Trade Center continued throughout September 12, 2001. And some news outlets continued to use the term ground zero, written in lowercase letters, and during September 13, 2001. And only then, as if someone realized their mistake, the status of this strange name suddenly rose to "Ground Zero" from Capital Letters, and in this capacity, finally, it turned into a Proper Name. But what did the words mean ground zero, while they were still written in lowercase letters, i.e. at the moment when they have not yet acquired the status of a Proper Name?

Why, almost immediately after the destruction of the Twin Towers, were these strange words used to refer to the site of the World Trade Center? Was it a mistake caused by the turmoil in the midst of the unprecedented events of 9/11?

I would answer yes. Undoubtedly it was mistake caused by general confusion and confusion. However, this was not a mistake in the sense that an inappropriate name had been chosen to mark the site of the World Trade Center's demolition, if only because it was too early at the time to even bother choosing a proper proper name.

Actually, civil defense experts were absolutely right when they labeled this zone with the words ground zero . There was absolutely no mistake in this. This was indeed ground zero in the very sense in which the Civil Defense experts understand this term.

However, this was a mistake in the sense that these strange words ground zero were inadvertently "leaked" to journalists, and through them to the general public. After that, it was already too late to try to hush up the widespread use of this strange designation of the Civil Defense service. And so the desperate American officials simply had no other chance than to “Capitalize” these seditious words and thus transform this own definition of the Civil Defense service into a Proper Name ...

Nuclear demolition of the World Trade Center

The author of these lines was a career officer in the Soviet military unit 46179, which was also known as the "Service Special Control 12th Main Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR. The 12th Main Directorate, in turn, was an organization that was responsible for safe storage, production control, routine maintenance, etc. of everything country's nuclear arsenal. While the Special Control Service was responsible for detecting nuclear explosions.

It was also entrusted with the responsibility of monitoring compliance with international treaties relating to nuclear testing. This is especially important in light of the existence of the so-called "Treaty on Peaceful Nuclear Explosions" of 1976 between the USSR and [known in the USSR as the "Treaty between the USSR and the USA on Underground Nuclear Explosions for Peaceful Purposes of 1976"]. In accordance with the provisions of this Treaty, the parties were obliged to inform each other about all nuclear explosions for non-military purposes.

During my service in the aforementioned organization in the late 80s, I learned about the existence of the so-called "Emergency Nuclear Demolition Systems", built into the World Trade Center's Twin Towers. Actually, the “nuclear demolition system” was based on powerful thermonuclear charges (about 150 kilotons of TNT), which were located at a depth of 50 meters below the lowest point of the foundation of each of the Towers.

In those days, it seemed strange to me, to be honest, because. it was hard to believe that the US authorities could be crazy enough to demolish buildings in the middle of a populated city with underground nuclear explosions. However, if I understood it correctly, no one was going to take it down World Trade Center really. It was just a means to bypass some bureaucratic obstacles. The terrifying nuclear demolition system was built into the Twin Towers not to demolish them in reality, but simply to gain permission to build them at all.

The problem was that the then New York City Building Code (as well as the building code) did not allow the Department of Buildings to issue permits for the construction of any skyscraper until its designer also provided the Department with a satisfactory way to demolish such a structure. , both demolition in the future and demolition in the event of an emergency.

Since this type of steel framed building was a completely new concept in the late 60s (when the Twin Towers were first proposed), no one knew how to demolish such buildings. Traditional ("conventional") demolition methods were applicable only to older buildings. Something fundamentally new was required for the incredibly strong steel Twin Towers. Those. something new was needed that could convince officials from the Department of Buildings to issue a permit for their construction. And this "something new" was finally found: nuclear demolition


Now, since I think the reader has already understood how strong the Twin Towers were, which could not be taken down with ordinary explosives, but only with a high-yield underground thermonuclear explosion, it seems to me that it will be quite interesting to consider another question. And could aluminum passenger planes pierce through these Twin Towers, as it was shown to us on TV?

This is one of the most famous videos showing how easily an aluminum plane crashes into a steel tower - without slowing down and without the slightest part of the aircraft falling back into the street. The most revealing thing about this particular video is that the person who happened to be in the frame does not respond to sound supposedly "approaching aircraft", not a sound[aluminum] "aircraft" breaking through the [armor] of the South Tower [like a knife through butter]. This person begins to react only to the explosion itself inside the Tower.

By the way, in this video, although not as clearly as in the last video at the end of this article, the same external aluminum linings are still noticeable, knocked out by the explosion from the inside and flying outward, slightly ahead of the fireball, moreover, flying off to the side, diametrically opposite the direction of movement of the “aircraft” that hit the Tower.

First of all, to make it easier to understand, let's briefly go back to where I started this article: since Gemini did not fall due to "kerosene", but due to high-yield thermonuclear explosions, and, moreover, fell in the "wrong sequence ”, and, in addition to everything, the building number 7, which was not hit by “terrorist aircraft”, also collapsed for some reason, we can assume that planes were simply not needed.

They were redundant. Since they could not add anything to the actual demolition of the World Trade Center [kerosene for the fire could also be brought in barrels]. And since the planes were redundant, we can safely assume that the crime of September 11 could have been committed without planes at all: the Twin Towers and WTC-7 had to go into oblivion, because someone wanted it, and their going into oblivion did not have nothing to do with aircraft.

Therefore, many thoughtful researchers on September 11 began to question the claims that there were any “aircraft” that allegedly hit the Twin Towers at all. Many of their works are available online (notably the popular series "September clues" and "FOXED OUT" available on YouTube), which contain detailed analysis of various 9/11 videos showing "airplanes". These works more than satisfactorily prove that "airplanes" were digital.

The author of these lines, however, prefers a different approach. Instead of subjecting to critical analysis the absurdities of the videos mentioned above (since the very attempt of such an analysis will undoubtedly provoke a lot of criticism), the author of these lines prefers to immediately take the bull by the horns: he cannot break through steel. Dot.

Believing that aluminum Boeing 767s could actually penetrate those thick double-walled steel perimeters shown in the photographs above is the same as believing that the laws of physics decided to take a day off for no reason on the eleventh day of the month of September two thousand first year of Christmas...

Some might argue that because airplanes, even if they are made of aluminum, fly at almost 500 miles per hour [~805 km/h], due to their enormous mass and speed, they have enough kinetic energy to punch through the Twin Towers, even though the latter are made of steel.

However, this wrong approach. Yes, purely intuitively, it seems that a huge fast-moving aircraft carries a huge amount of energy, and it may seem to someone that the aircraft can actually cause damage to the building it crashes into.

But what do you think will happen - hypothetically - if the plane is stationary in the air, while someone takes an exceptionally massive steel WTC Tower and swings it hard and smashes it with a swing at a speed of 500 miles per hour into such a stationary [aluminum] aircraft ? Will such a blow flatten this same plane? Or do you think that the aircraft will pass cleanly through the building - so that not the slightest detail of this aircraft will remain outside the shell of the Tower (which is twice as thick as the frontal armor of the tank)?

To make it even easier for you, imagine that you are hitting a stationary fly with a fly swatter at a fly swatter speed of 1 meter per second, then 10 meters per second, and then 100, and 200 meters per second. Can you achieve such a “necessary” speed at which the fly, instead of flattening out, suddenly passes through the fly swatter, unharmed, leaving a hole corresponding to its silhouette in the latter? Not?

Now imagine everything the same, but a motionless fly swatter, into which a flying fly crashes successively at speeds of 1 meter per second, 10 meters per second, and, finally, 100 and even 200 meters per second. Can it happen that a fly pierces a fly swatter?

Think about this hypothetical question, because whether it's a moving plane crashing into a stationary Tower, or vice versa - someone crashes the Tower into a stationary plane, this event remains identical. Therefore, the “purely intuitive” opinion about the supposedly armor-piercing abilities of the “fast-moving aircraft” turns out to be not so “intuitive” in the light of the above example ...

Are there those who are ready to seriously believe that an aluminum Boeing can really break through the whole (along with the tail, wings and engines) through the steel columns depicted below? Located a meter apart from each other on the facades of the Towers?

For some, it may seem difficult to understand what steel cannot penetrate. So, just to understand this, here's a little hint for you - as a basic premise: it is known that armor-piercing artillery shells are made from materials that stronger the armor they are designed to penetrate. They are usually made of tungsten (the Americans, instead of expensive tungsten, also use depleted uranium-238, which is a useless material, although quite capable of penetrating armor due to its high specific gravity and density, which exceeds that of steel).

Armor-piercing shells made of aluminum do not exist - this is obvious. Just as aluminum sabers do not exist, as well as other piercing and cutting objects made of this metal. The very idea that an aluminum tool can supposedly cut steel is a bit "weird", if not crazy.

A month and a half before September 11, the twin towers insured against a terrorist attack for $ 3.6 billion! TRUMP: It's all a lie from beginning to end. Donald Trump believes that the events of 9/11 were not properly investigated and has promised to find out what really happened when he takes office in January, writes yournewswire.com.

Donald Trump's plans for his first 100 days in office are frowning the establishment around the world. But of all the items on his agenda, it is the reopening of the 9/11 investigation that is capable of causing a real earthquake under the feet of the establishment. Trump believes 9/11 was not properly investigated and he plans to get to the bottom of it.

"First of all, the 9/11 investigation is in a lot of disarray and therefore needs to be reopened", Trump said.

“How can two planes destroy three buildings on the same day? I didn’t find anything in the 585 page document about how building number 7 was destroyed.” he told his supporters.

Donald Trump has also dealt a blow to former President George W. Bush. There will be no cover-up for the sake of former presidents under Trump.

It is worth recalling that in 2015 in London, the corpse of CIA officer Simon Kotz was found in his city apartment. It was he who made a sensational statement two months ago that the tragedy of September 11, 2001, in which about three thousand people died, was a grandiose special operation.

And he has irrefutable evidence of this crime. In September 2015, Kotz was about to release documents that shed light on this tragedy, but on September 3 he was found dead in his apartment.

This is not the first mysterious murder of researchers of the September tragedy. So on April 13, 2014, the American writer Michael Ruppert was shot dead, who, while studying documents about the September 11 attacks, came across curious information that the CIA was selling drugs with the support of well-known oil companies to finance covert operations. And a year earlier, in 2013, in England, in the apartment of his own house, the corpse of national security agent Philip Marshall was found along with the bodies of his minor children.

A little later, evidence appeared pointing to the involvement of the CIA in this high-profile murder. Marshall promised to release documentary evidence that the Bush administration was in cahoots with Saudi Arabian intelligence, which trained the future perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks.

And here is a new high-profile murder of CIA officer Simon Kotz, found in London, in his city apartment. His colleagues claim that he was in possession of classified information related to President Bush's involvement in the air attacks on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon. Work on a sensational book was interrupted by a mysterious murder. And secret materials, drafts, and manuscripts mysteriously disappeared.

What actually happened?

What did the former CIA officer want to talk about so important?

On August 1, 2015, a private jet crashed in the UK. During an emergency landing, the pilot overshot the runway.

The plane rolled, fell into the parking lot, and then exploded. As it turned out later, on board were the closest relatives of "terrorist number one" - Osama bin Laden - his stepmother, half-sister and her husband.



But aren't there too many tragic accidents?

Why, even today, fourteen years after the attacks of September 11, 2001, evidence is mysteriously disappearing and witnesses are dying?

And what does this have to do with the recent sensational statement by US Congressman Stephen Lynch, who called on the current US administration to release 28 pages of the 9/11 air attack investigation into the public domain?

An entire section of data was classified under President George W. Bush. Then the US government explained this in the interests of national security. However, information was leaked today that classified materials are connected with secret contacts of two families: bin Laden and George W. Bush.

On September 11, 2001, nineteen terrorists hijacked four planes. One plane went down and crashed in Pennsylvania. Another Boeing was sent to the Pentagon. Two more planes crashed into the towers of the World Trade Center, after which the towers collapsed.

"The planes that crashed into the towers are just a staged spectacle. The authorities had certain reasons to make the public believe that the towers collapsed on their own. Although, I am sure that the towers were mined," John D. Wyndham, Ph.D. in physics from the University of Cambridge, explained.

It is curious that in the official version of the government Commission, which conducted the investigation of the attacks, not a word is said about the third fallen skyscraper. But the third tower at number 7 was also part of the World Trade Center complex. No plane crashed into tower number 7, it was not subjected to a terrorist attack. The 47-story skyscraper, which was based on metal structures that can withstand a hurricane, tsunami and a powerful earthquake, took shape like a house of cards in seven seconds. Meanwhile, firefighters were evacuated a few hours before it collapsed because someone started a rumor that it would collapse, although, judging by the available photographs, the fire was only a few floors and did not pose a danger to the building.

"The owner of the skyscrapers made a statement about tower number seven. He said that... I have it recorded here. Let me take a look. He stated that they made a decision to pull the building, and then they watched the destruction. What is pulling the building? It's a controlled explosion ", Wyndham said.

The owner of the three fallen skyscrapers was a certain Larry Silverstein, a major player in the real estate market. Six weeks before the tragic events of 9/11, Larry Silverstein will enter into a lease on the Twin Towers and Tower 7. Many of his competitors will be surprised by the acquisition. After all, skyscrapers were nicknamed "white elephants" - their maintenance was a ruinous business. They annually "ate" millions on one electricity, water, heating, repair.

The previous owners dreamed of demolishing them and building profitable housing in their place. The authorities of the city, although they were not against it, did not allow the destruction of buildings. It was feared that carcinogenic asbestos dust would cover Manhattan when the towers fell. And this will lead to the fact that demanding citizens will begin to sue and ruin the city budget on the mere lawsuits about the deterioration of their health.

These facts already testify to the fact that the skyscrapers of the World Trade Center were very disturbing to some. And then, like in a fairy tale, businessman Larry Silverstein appears, closely associated with government circles. He is ready to shell out more than three billion dollars for the towers. He manages to quickly conclude a contract for ninety-nine years. And Larry achieves an incredible increase in insurance. At the same time, Larry will have time to pay only one relatively small tranche for the rental of buildings, after which his towers will collapse.

“Six weeks before the events of 9/11, Silverstein signed a lease for three buildings. At the same time, he took out insurance. As a result of such a deal, Silverstein earned more than eight billion dollars from the destruction of skyscrapers.” Wyndham emphasized.

It is Silverstein who will say in a television interview (which he now deeply regrets) that when Number 7, or the Solomon Brothers Building, was on fire, he made the decision to "pull it down". The classic term for controlled destruction.

CNN journalists reported that the third explosion blew the World Trade Center to pieces. In about half an hour, there will never be any mention of explosions in any American news again.

"Yes, it was heard in the early days that "We put it down" there or "We lowered it", that is, with a directed explosion. Such comments were initially heard", - said Alexey Diashev, Doctor of Technical and Biological Sciences.

The very fact that building number 7 collapsed in the early evening of September 11 clearly showed that the terrorist planes were superfluous, that the destruction of the same twin towers would have happened anyway. Someone just wanted the skyscrapers to collapse, and they collapsed. And, most likely, this someone was informed about the air attack, in order to later shift all the blame on the terrorists. There were many who wanted to turn skyscrapers into a pile of twisted concrete. The first on this list, oddly enough, could be the owner of the buildings himself.

"The buildings may have been mined. There is evidence that a few weeks before the events of 9/11 in the middle of the night - it was about three in the morning - trucks drove up to the buildings. Then someone worked in the elevator shafts. They drilled something there for several weeks , and all at night. True, I have no direct evidence that this is due to the mining of high-rise buildings", - Windham voiced his point of view.

Theoretically, of course, it is possible to mine high-rise buildings with conventional explosives and help them to take shape under the cover of a collision of aircraft. But it takes a very long time to work on it. Especially when it comes to the demolition of such a huge complex as the World Trade Center. If such work was really carried out, then Larry Silverstein has nothing to do with mining skyscrapers. Since in terms of time it turns out that they began to lead before the arrival of Silverstein.

“If we consider the version that something was planted with explosives, then you need to pay attention that preparations for this could take from a month to several months. Schwarzenegger stuck a mine there, for example, "Claymore" M18A1, it exploded and the whole mansion scatters. This is absolutely not so ", - Viktor Averyanov, an engineer, specialist in explosives, shared his opinion.

It is believed that the buildings of the World Trade Center were mined back in the sixties, by the time construction began. The fact is that the building code of New York did not allow skyscrapers to begin to be erected until the designer submitted for approval a plan for the demolition of the skyscraper in the event of an emergency or due to dilapidation of housing.

Traditional demolition methods were only applicable to older buildings. But the twin towers were a new constructive solution. No one yet knew how to demolish such frame structures. Something fundamentally new was required that could convince officials to issue a building permit. And this something new was found. Emergency nuclear demolition. No. No one was going to blow up the World Trade Center - it was just a non-standard decision to bypass the bureaucratic obstacles. And at the same time, it was necessary to place a nuclear charge deep underground, so that new high-rise buildings were at the epicenter of a conditional explosion. It is not for nothing that the place of the former World Trade Center is called Ground Zero - the zero mark, that is, the epicenter. And what a coincidence - only dust remained from buildings, furniture, people, as in a nuclear explosion.

Be that as it may, in fact, one thing is clear - without outside help, the three towers of the World Trade Center would not have collapsed. And the conclusion is this: neither businessmen nor the authorities were interested in saving buildings. In this situation, it was beneficial for everyone to attribute the tragedy to Osama bin Laden.

So, in general, the long-term consequences of the tragedy in New York on September 11, 2001 are impressive: Iraq is devastated, its people hate the United States, pro-American politicians are brought to power in Tunisia as a result of a velvet but bloody revolution, aggression against Libya caused chaos in this once prosperous and a country free from American influence, tens of thousands of victims of the occupation of Afghanistan completely destroyed the country. Now next in line is Syria. Evil begets more evil. The authors are in Washington.

In 2007, Cuban radio broadcast Fidel Castro's sensational message to his people. The Cuban leader said the cover-up of the 2001 attacks was due to the disappearance of hundreds of tons of gold bars stored in the cellars of the World Trade Center.

Many thought that this kind of denunciation was connected with Fidel Castro's traditional hostility to the US government. However, other evidence appeared to confirm the words of the Cuban leader. Here's what the doctor of technical and biological sciences learned

Alexey Diashev from the royal families of Southeast Asia, when he developed one joint project with them:

"These are the royal families, the so-called Dragon Family. A lot of information is now appearing in the press about "white dragons", "yellow dragons", blue, blue, gray-brown-crimson, black. So there are seven such families. During the creation of the Federal Reserve System, the participants, founders of the association were, among other things, the imperial families of Southeast Asia.

During the Kennedy years, the Dragon family handed over another large batch of gold to America. Thus, supporting the plans of the young American president, who wanted to issue new treasury notes that were not controlled by the Rothschild family. The gold of the royal dynasties transferred to the US was estimated at $144 billion. In 2000, the Dragon Family, which at that moment was headed by the Philippine dynasty, asked for this gold to be returned. The courts granted the request.

When it comes to gold, there can be completely different scenarios for the development of events. It cannot be ruled out that there was simply no gold in the cellars. Anyone who knew about the upcoming terrorist attack also knew that gold could not be imported, but everything could be blamed on Osama bin Laden.

However, if you approach it objectively, it should be noted that the US financial model, by and large, did not depend too much on the gold of royal families. It is known for certain that the brokerage firms located in the towers had many valuable documents, in particular, government bonds worth hundreds of billions of dollars. But if the destruction of the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, four commercial planes, and the deaths of almost 3,000 people are viewed not as a "terrorist attack" but as a crime with specific financial goals, then there is logic.

"The FBI compiled a list of 19 so-called terrorists. But it turns out that some of them are still alive. There is little evidence that the terrorists were really on board the planes. It is also known that at least two of the so-called terrorists were FBI informants for a year before the attacks, Wyndham said.

Air strikes were carried out on financial targets: banks, brokerage firms, securities hoarders, and even the Pentagon's accounting department. On the same day, September 11, the Securities and Exchange Commission declared a state of emergency in the country. And for the first time in US history, it demanded emergency powers. This made it possible to redeem secret government bonds for approximately three hundred billion dollars.

The day before the explosion of the twin towers, that is, on September 10, the US Deputy Secretary of Defense, later the President of the World Bank, Paul Wolfowitz, will announce that trillions of dollars have been lost from the Pentagon budget in an unknown way. But this confession was forgotten the next day. It already seemed insignificant, compared with a terrorist attack unprecedented in history, including the plane hitting the Pentagon, or rather, in that part of the building where the accounting reports were stored.

As a result, no media reported on the shocking financial news from the Pentagon, and where the taxpayer money went is still a mystery.

“You see, I also talked with representatives, former employees of the Pentagon, they also have huge doubts that this could happen. Even those people who served there at that time were in the other wing. But the fact that the money was gone and the documents confirming , so to speak, the plundering of this significant amount of funds, this is confirmed by many, "- informs Diashev.

Economist Mikhail Khazin, on the website of a well-known magazine, predicted the attacks a day before September 11, explaining his point of view in an accessible and logical way.

"I wrote on the website of the magazine" Expert "that, most likely, in the near future the Americans will organize some major terrorist attacks against themselves. I gave an analogue with a terrorist attack against the embassy, ​​that is, it seemed to me that it would most likely be outside the United States But this, I say again, was a pure analogy, and that they would blame it all on bin Laden, because he has been very active lately, just a couple of months before the terrorist attacks, the American press began to "rinse"- said economist Mikhail Khazin.

His forecast of terrorist attacks was based on a deep analysis of the economic situation. The fact is that by the year 2000 the resources of the United States, inherited by America after the plunder of the resources of the Soviet Union, were exhausted. Growth rates were declining, financial bubbles began to burst, in addition, the outgoing Clinton made a number of global economic mistakes. In particular, he canceled many laws adopted during the years of the Great Depression, which made it possible to revive the economy, albeit not always by legal means.

The fact is that the entire financial model of the United States was built on the Bretton Woods agreement of 1944, when the US GDP was more than half of the world's. And America's financial policy rested on the constant expansion of the dollar zone. Under this business, money was printed. But sometimes there come moments when there is nowhere to expand. A crisis is coming, due to an overabundance of printed money, that is, emission. If the issue is suspended, then there will be no profit.

In the fall of 2001, both quotes and the purchasing power of the dollar were falling sharply in the United States. The "speculative bubble" was about to burst, and only extraordinary events commensurate with war could have prevented an explosion. According to Mikhail Khazin, the typical situation for America has repeated itself, when the organization of a major provocation allows the inevitable crisis to be blamed on it.

The closure of US stock exchanges after the air attack allowed official Washington to redirect the course of the financial and economic crisis, which is about to enter an acute stage.

That is, the air attack on the twin towers opened up new economic opportunities for the United States, since it justified the inclusion of a monetary printing press, and the expansion of the dollar sector of the world economy, in view of the emergence of the euro. It was not for nothing that the then head of the Fed, Alan Greenspan, made an unprecedented statement about his readiness to provide all the banking and financial structures of other countries with the necessary amount of cash dollars - allegedly to prevent undesirable consequences of the attack on the buildings of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

As a result, after September 11, the dollar's position in the global financial system strengthened, and the world economy was transferred to a state of emergency, or "waiting for war anywhere in the world."

And, of course, "carte blanche" for the anti-terrorist operation against the whole world sharply corrected and improved the US financial and economic situation.

PS: from the comments to the video

I was watching CBS that day. Dan (CBS correspondent) described that it (the fall) looked just like a controlled demolition. Then someone came to him with the right script. For the rest of the day, he was already talking about the "collapse". I don't have the video on tape, but I'm sure someone has it planned. I know what I heard and saw. My first thought was, "Wow, some bastard just blew it all up." I'm sure 99% of people watched and thought the same until they were told what they needed to think.
