How many years does a gas boiler last? Industrial gas boilers: service life, device

Any equipment has its own service life. Depending on the operating conditions, this period may vary to a greater or lesser extent, but there is always a calculated indicator that is guided by when choosing.

The service life of a wall-mounted gas boiler, more details about which can be found at link, is 15 years subject to timely maintenance and replacement of failed parts.

Equipment class

Economical gas boilers are designed for extended service time - according to consumer reviews, this is 30 years of uninterrupted operation, when repairs were carried out as needed.

Middle class units with regular maintenance rarely last more than 15 years. These are devices of the middle price category, the most popular among consumers, where methods of unhealthy competition are used (premature wear of parts, failure of working elements, etc.). Savings of 15-20 thousand rubles ultimately lead to the need to either replace equipment or constantly contact service workers. In list common problems- loss of water temperature, unauthorized shutdown, burner attenuation, failure of the electronic unit, etc.

Burner type

Gas equipment works on two types of burners:

  • atmospheric;
  • inflatable.

In the first variant, the process of formation of the gas-air mixture occurs naturally. In the inflatable - in the first chamber, air is mixed with gas, passes into the second, where the combustion process takes place. In such designs, natural gas burns without residue, which increases the efficiency to maximum values ​​and, together with it, reduces operating costs by an average of a third.


The key problem of the normal operation of gas equipment is the unstable operation of the power grid. In the absence of a voltage stabilizer or at least a UPS, another power surge in the network can become fatal when the electronic control board, electrical and / or electrically controlled elements fail:

  • ignition;
  • gas valve, etc.

heat exchanger

The material from which the heat exchanger is made is also important, how quickly scale will collect on it. In this case, the choice should be made in favor of separate copies, since on bithermic heat exchangers, in contrast to them, scale forms many times faster.

The intensity of the equipment

Initially, when choosing gas equipment, they make a calculation by power. You can never take it back to back - with constant work, the resource will be exhausted very quickly. You should always make a margin of at least 20%. All equipment is built on impulse operation, respectively, the fewer impulses, the more stable the unit will work.

In any case, the gas boiler works exactly as long as its main components work. If you take preventive measures in a timely manner, install protective filters against scale, voltage stabilizers, undergo maintenance on time, you will be provided with more than 15 years of work.

Like any thing, gas boilers have their own service life. First of all, it is determined by the operating conditions, technical characteristics, its direct installation. Allocate gas boilers wall and floor.

Service life of a wall-mounted gas boiler

The service life of a wall-mounted gas boiler is much less than that of a floor-standing one. This is caused by several factors:

  • in all wall-mounted boilers, heat exchangers are made of copper, while in floor-standing boilers they are made of steel or cast iron. Despite the fact that copper allows you to give the boiler lightness, it wears out faster and requires high cleaning of the coolant. If cleaning is not carried out in a timely manner, copper oxidizes. In this way, copper heat exchanger with proper operation, it can last 5-10 years (the manufacturer is of great importance);
  • should take into account the fact that wall boilers usually have less power. Often, during operation, they have to work at full capacity, and this in turn reduces their service life.

Service life of a gas boiler floor

Floor gas boilers have a service life of an order of magnitude longer. This is due to the material of the heat exchanger. So, a steel heat exchanger can last up to 15-20 years, and a cast-iron one even more. In addition, floor-standing boilers rarely operate at full capacity, and if a deep cleaning of the coolant is carried out at the same time, then such a gas boiler will serve you for decades. If we recall the “Sovdepovskie” cast-iron boilers, their service life sometimes reaches 50 years.

Also, the service life of gas boilers directly depends on the correct installation and further maintenance. Both floor and wall-mounted boilers must be installed level, and not at an angle, since the uniformity of heating depends on this. Timely inspection of the boiler will help to identify and replace worn parts in advance, thereby extending the life of the unit.

It should be remembered that each manufacturer sets its own warranty period for the boiler, based on its specifications Oh. Therefore, for greater reliability, it is worth buying boilers of proven brands, for example, Vaillant, Dakon, Ferroli, while entrusting their installation to professionals.

Heating for houses and apartments is inevitably associated with material costs. Consumers know that the price range for gas boilers, installation and service assistance is quite high. For this reason, many seek to make minimum expenses for the purchase, installation and operation of boiler plants.
But not very expensive gas heating boilers can be unreliable and lead to serious problems during the operational period, and, consequently, there will be additional expenses. In the worst case, inexpensive boiler installations can lead to the fact that the home will always be warm. That is, when choosing economical gas heating boilers, the principles of reasonableness should be used.

Economical gas-fired boilers

The most economical are Navien gas boilers, which have an efficiency close to 100%. The efficiency of an economical gas boiler, which has a premium class, has a maximum value of 94-96 percent.
The efficiency of a middle class gas heating boiler is much lower and is approximately 70 - 90 percent. As for the cost, the premium and middle class have a difference of almost half. For this reason, savings is a very tempting factor. But experts are not recommended to purchase very cheap Russian gas boilers. The whole problem is that in a few seasons the difference in cost will be neutralized. And in the next few decades, owners will have to overpay significant amounts for the operation and maintenance of a gas installation.
Fuel types: which one to choose
A kilowatt of thermal energy will cost depending on which type of fuel is chosen. It is a well-known fact that natural gas is the cheapest type of fuel. If your household has gas, then the question of choosing an economical boiler for space heating should not arise before you. If you do not yet have gas, but in the near future it will be supplied, then it is worth buying a double-circuit gas boiler. Systems can work on diesel fuel as well as natural gas. And during the transition from one fuel to another, it will be possible to avoid additional costs. Lemax gas heating boilers require only a burner change, and the installation itself will operate on gas.

Service life of gas equipment

Economical gas heating boilers have one very important criterion- life time. Economical gas boilers continue to live for about half a century, while middle-class equipment will last about 10-15 years. But has importance not only the service life itself, but also how long it can run smoothly. At the same time, it is directly related to the terms of the general operation. If you thoughtlessly save money and buy a low-quality Mimax gas boiler, then in a few years you may encounter an unpleasant need to repair or replace equipment in the midst of the heating season.
Boilers that run on gas can have two types of burners: atmospheric and inflatable. In an atmospheric burner, the process of formation of gas-air mixtures is carried out naturally. And in a pressurized or fan burner, gas is first pre-mixed with air, and then this mixture enters the combustion chamber. Economical Korean gas boilers have two forced-air burners. In fan burners, combustion is more complete natural gas, which makes it possible to achieve the highest possible efficiency. This means that operating costs will be reduced by 25-30 percent.

Arrangement of a place for a boiler and gas equipment

If your house does not have an area of ​​​​350 square meters, then you can safely refuse to install an expensive chimney. After all, the cost of buying a gas boiler Ross and its installation can be about 100 thousand rubles. Allocate a separate room for the boiler room in order to reduce usable area home is also not required. It is worth buying chimney-free economical gas boilers. They will help you save on installation, maintenance of the chimney, which will also not take up much space in the house.

Automatic type control system

Automatic boiler control

Economical gas boilers must be supplied with automatic systems management. Modern systems very easy to use, they are reliable, they provide comfortable control of the temperature in the house, which, if properly configured, saves about 10-20 percent of fuel. That is, by reducing operating costs, the installation of a control system on a gas boiler will be paid off in the first year and in the future it will help save your money.

Service maintenance

Unfortunately, among consumers who install autonomous heating systems for the first time, they try to save on service maintenance. Indeed, if you abandon it, you can save 10-15 thousand rubles a year. But even after one season has passed, the focus of the burner may shift, soot may appear, deviations in the operation of the automation and the pump from the passport mode may appear. The error of work, at first glance, is not great. But it leads to an unjustified risk, a decrease in efficiency, and in connection with this, the cost of operating a gas boiler also increases. It is worth saying that it is still worth saving when purchasing a gas boiler, but this must be done competently and carefully so that you do not have to regret it later.

Places for installing a gas boiler

Before you install the boiler, you should carefully approach the question of where it can be installed. It can be mounted on residential floors in separate rooms and on the basement, annex or basement. The area for installation of the boiler must be at least fifteen square meters, and the ceiling must have a height of at least 2.5 meters. Must be installed fire door with the third type. The walls must have a fire resistance of at least 0.75 hours and, in accordance with the design features, zero limits for determining open flames. In the room where it is planned to install a gas boiler, lay sewer pipe, with a diameter of 5 centimeters or more. If the room is located on the ground floor or lower, then it is necessary to make a separate exit to the street.

Installation of a wall-mounted boiler

wall-mounted boiler

Through their small size, a place to install a gas boiler can be determined quite easily. Installation wall boiler can be carried out directly in the kitchen or in any other room. Wall-mounted boilers do not require free space and can be installed using wall mounts above other types of equipment or furniture that is located on the floor.

Installing a floor boiler

Gas installation floor boiler happens as follows: a place is selected for installing a gas boiler, the outlet of pipes for chimneys is prepared to the outside, mounted heating equipment, connects to the water supply, to the electrical network, gas network, chimney pipe. The place where the boiler will stand must be flat and made of non-combustible material. All filters that are included in the kit, as well as pipes that must be installed in the process of connecting to the city gas service. When connected, a ball valve, a thermal shut-off gas valve, a gas meter and a room gas indicator are installed.

How to correctly install the boiler in the house

If you want to do the installation of the heating system yourself, then the installation of a gas boiler must be taken very carefully. Since, if even minor errors are made during installation, the consequences can be very serious, and you will have to spend a lot of money to eliminate them. Therefore, during installation it is better not to rush. All the main tasks should be carried out gradually in compliance with all stages. If we talk about what time the installation will have, then experts recommend installing the boiler in the summer.

Location of the floor gas boiler

If your choice would be stopped on a floor-type boiler, then you should immediately think about where it will be located. After that, you need to bring gas pipes and install the chimney. In order to comply with safety standards, the boiler must be installed on special stands. To do this, you need to prepare a wooden formwork with a tedious area, pour a mold a few centimeters high cement mortar. The boiler can be installed on the podium after curing.


It is worth remembering that the chimney pipes must be carefully insulated. This is required so that the combustion products do not cool down in the chimney before they go outside. If carbon monoxide cools down in the pipe, it will lose its volatile properties and instead of the street, it will return back to the boiler, and from the boiler to the room.

Installing a wall-mounted boiler with your own hands

Installation of a wall-mounted boiler

If you want to install gas wall-mounted boilers yourself, then you need to purchase high-quality and reliable fasteners that can withstand the weight of the boiler. The place should also be chosen in advance, preferably closer to the bathroom or kitchen. After that, you need to carefully measure where the fasteners will be mounted. After this, the mounts are put on the mounts, proceed to the next installation step - run water and gas pipes. Don't forget to take care of quality chimney pipes.
During the installation of the boiler, you should definitely pay attention to the little things and details, as this is directly dependent on the efficiency and serviceability of the boiler installations. During installation, all nodes that are responsible for the security of the system must be connected, not only inside, but also outside. The main safety system includes protection against overheating, gas leakage, lack of smoke removal, as well as loss of electrical supply.

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There are things without which it is difficult to imagine our daily existence. One of the most necessary heating appliances in a private house is a gas boiler.

Varieties of boilers

IN modern world many types of gas boilers. Them can be classified according to the principle of functionality and type of installation.

By functionality

gas boilers are divided into 2 groups.

  • single circuit: used for heating only premises.
  • Dual circuit: in addition to the heating function, is also a source hot water .

REFERENCE. Single-circuit boilers can also serve as a source of hot water. To do this, you need to purchase a special device - a boiler.

However, such a tandem almost always comes out more expensive than a simple double-circuit boiler.

According to the principle of installation

Wall Mounted

This placement principle requires special technical characteristics from the equipment. As a rule, wall-mounted boilers are assembled from lighter metals and lightweight materials. This affects the reliability of the equipment not for the better.

When purchasing wall-mounted boilers, be prepared for frequent repairs and constant maintenance!

Floor Mounted

These gas boilers more practical and reliable. They are more powerful than their wall counterparts and are able to heat large areas, however, and weigh more. The operation of such a boiler is often requires a separate room due to the large number of different equipment.

The service life of the boilers, determined manufacturer

Each manufacturer assembles its products from the most various materials. Accordingly, the service life of a particular model of a gas boiler can vary greatly.

Important! As a rule, equipment manufacturers set the term of operation at 10-12 years.

The duration of operation depends on the model, operating conditions and type of boiler.

However, practice shows that with proper care, the life of the boiler can be significantly extended.

In addition to timely maintenance, Boiler durability is affected by many factors..

These include:

  • hardness of water;
  • equipment class;
  • pressure;
  • factors and operating conditions;
  • type of room in which the boiler is installed and much more.

The influence of the class and price of the device should not be underestimated. In the so-called "low" class, low-quality Chinese materials are used..

The lack of an electronic display reduces overall work efficiency. In the middle and premium segment, much higher quality European-made parts are used. Expensive models have a self-diagnostic function and more fine tuning functionality, which has a very positive effect on the operation of the device.

Details that affect the duration of operation

In devices various types And price categories materials of different quality and characteristics are used. Some details have the greatest influence on the long and productive operation of a gas boiler.

Heat conductor material

The wear rate of the gas boiler, as well as the efficiency of its operation, depends on the material of the heat conductor.

  • In floor boilers apply details steel and cast ironmore reliable and wear resistant.
  • In wall equipment,\ radiators are used to lighten the weight copper. This material is highly dependent on water quality and subject to corrosion.

Radiator type

It should be noted that in addition to the material of manufacture, the type of execution also affects the durability of the radiator.

In the production of boilers, 2 types of radiators are used.

  • Serpentine: This type of radiator is excellent for descaling. He easy to maintain and durable. To restore its functioning, simply remove and clean it. After that, you can continue to operate the boiler.
  • Bithermic: cannot be cleaned. The cost of replacing it in the event of failure is a large part of the amount spent on the boiler itself.


Another detail that is constantly in contact with water. Its durability depends primarily on the hardness of the water used in the boiler.

Burner type

The work of the whole gas system also depends on the type installed burner. They work on the basis of the atmospheric or forced principle.

atmospheric principle

It takes air directly from the room where the gas boiler is installed. The product obtained as a result of combustion is removed through the hood. In this type of device, a lot of soot and other harmful deposits accumulate, which makes it difficult for the system to work and increases the load on its parts.

coercive principle

Air comes in from outside. The combustion products in such a burner device are forced out through a special chimney, which more efficient in terms of operation.

reference. The presence of electronic elements also adversely affects the life of the gas boiler.

Features of use that affect the service life

In addition to the installed parts, the operating conditions also have a special influence on the durability of the device.

  • The boiler should be selected according to the parameters of the room in which it will function. Especially it is important to choose a device with a peak power reserve of 15-20% of the planned in operation.
  • An important role is played by the data of the premises itself. Gas boilers are afraid of corrosion and rust. Consequently - it is necessary to exclude the presence of moisture and avoid excessive air pressure.
  • The key to a long service life of the device is a good, quality water . Hard water contains a large number of salts and is main reason scale formation on parts that come into contact with water. This greatly affects the performance of the device as a whole. It is very easy to deal with hard water - you need to install any filter that purifies water. It is best to use polyphosphate filters designed specifically for heating systems.
  • The decisive factor in the struggle for the performance of the gas system is correct calculation of the device power required for permanent job . If you take it "back to back", then the resource of work will quickly be exhausted. Parts of the device will become unusable after a while. That's why it is necessary to have a power reserve of at least 20% of the calculated th. This will prolong the stability and performance of the device.

Thus, by conducting a timely Maintenance and by taking all the above measures, it is possible to achieve a stable and productive work gas boiler for a period of more than 15 years.
