Community advertising in contact for what to advertise communities and how to do it. VKontakte: effective advertising in communities

There are many free ways to promote and promote groups and communities on social networks. Some of them are very effective, but they all require time and effort. Therefore, one day there comes a moment when you realize that in addition to all the available methods, it would be good to add one more, paid method - targeted ads. And if before there was no experience of submitting advertising, for example, in such social network, like VKontakte, the next question arises quite quickly: how to make VKontakte advertising on your own, without asking for help from specialists.

In fact, there is nothing complicated. I think that with the help of my screenshots, you will be able to repeat all the steps, make an advertisement on VKontakte, and analyze the results.

Starting the first advertising campaign

The first thing to start with is to follow this link. to the VKontakte advertising page. We are interested in the first tab "Targeted Ads". I must say right away that targeted ads are key feature advertising on VKontakte, and assume the availability of tools with which you can customize the display of ads according to various parameters.

  • Gender, age, marital status, country and city of residence.
  • University, faculty, school, year of higher education.
  • Positions, districts, metro stations and even streets.
  • Interests, hobbies, favorite movies, books, games, etc.

That is, we can set up our ad in such a way that the ad is shown exactly target audience. If your target audience does not include schoolchildren, then you can independently set the desired age of the audience, and exclude ad impressions from the field of view of schoolchildren.

Click on the “Targeted Ads” tab and read carefully about the benefits of placing ads on VKontakte. Feel free to click "Create Ad". On the next page, we are asked what we want to advertise: our community (group, public or meetings), the VKontakte application, a video with a link to the advertiser's website or an external website. Community advertising is the most popular, so we choose this option as an example if it suits you.

Here, on this page, you will need to select your community, and you will find yourself on the ad placement page. Task: choose the accommodation option that you like best.

  • Title 25 characters + image 90x120px with pay-per-view
  • Headline 25 characters + image 90x65px + ad text 60 characters with pay per click
  • Promoting communities - the group logo is automatically shown.

In my opinion, the most difficult thing is to correctly write a 25-character title. In my case, it would be better to correct the title with two words “Tips box”.

Scroll down and you will see the targeting settings. You can select a country, city, gender, indicate interests and education. If you see fit and check the necessary items, then in this way you will narrow your audience to the target audience, interested in your products and services.

The most important thing left is to set the cost of the advertising price. And for this, it is important to determine what you want to pay for - for impressions or clicks.

Here is how VKontakte describes the differences between ads for impressions and clicks:

“Pay-per-impression ads are a more static format than pay-per-click ads. They are suitable for advertisers who are interested in generating demand for a product or service of a particular brand or in image advertising. The main component of pay-per-impression ads is the image.
When paying for impressions, for each 1000 impressions, the amount that you set yourself is deducted from your budget (for example, 1 ruble = 1000 impressions).

When paying for clicks, only unique clicks on your ad are counted. If a VKontakte user has already clicked on this ad (from any computer), the click will not be counted. You also set the price for the transition yourself (for example, 1 transition = 1 ruble).»

It is worth considering only the fact that when paying for impressions, the image is noticeably larger due to the lack of ad text and, most importantly, there is no CTR in the CPM formula.

Since the effectiveness of advertising can only be determined through testing, I prefer to listen to the advice of more experienced people, and set the payment for clicks. That is, I will pay only for those people who clicked on my ad and clicked on it. For the first time, I recommend starting with a small cost of the transition - 3 rubles, even though VKontakte recommends paying me from 22 to 31 rubles per transition.

As an example, here are my results:

Having set the cost of the transition to 3 rubles, I replenished my account by 300 rubles. For 3 days, 36 transitions were made, and 5 of them became subscribers of the group. Small results, but to get the best, I need this experience today. As a result, 108 rubles out of 300 rubles were spent in 3 days. The cost of one subscriber was 21.6 rubles. Expensive to say the least. We still have to work on reducing the cost of a subscriber. It is difficult to achieve what you want the first time. This means that I have to test the increase in the cost of the transition, since the higher I set the bid, the more often my ad will be shown.

With experience, an understanding of the chips will come, which seem to lie on the surface, but the first time they are not amenable to awareness. By experimenting with the selection of target groups and improving the advertisement itself, you can achieve a smaller number of target audiences and a smaller, but more optimal cost per click.

You need to be prepared for the fact that the effectiveness of your ad will have to be constantly monitored, if you are not satisfied with the results, then there is always the opportunity to edit the ad and make changes to the settings.

Running ad

After you agree with the advertising policy of VKontakte, the ad must be launched in personal account. Now that you have created your first advertising campaign, on the right side of the page you will see the link "advertisement", follow it at any time, and you will find yourself in your advertising account.

Replenishment of the budget

At the top, enter the amount of the total limit and the daily limit. That is, how much money would you spend on advertising per day, and for all time. Of course, beforehand, you need to replenish the balance of your personal account and transfer money in any way convenient for you: bank cards Visa and Master Card, via electronic payment systems Yandex.Money, WebMoney and Qiwi Wallet You can also replenish your account using a fairly large list of payment terminals.

After the money appears on the account of your personal account, you need to set the daily and total limit at the top of the page and in the table, and launch an ad in the "status" section. After that, your ad is sent for moderation for about 2-3 hours. The moderation of VKontakte ads is serious: you can’t address the audience in an advertisement with “you”, indicate phone numbers in the text and in the image, you can’t advertise drugs, pornography, tobacco products etc.

Should know! There must be at least 100 rubles left on the campaign account, otherwise you will see a warning:

"Could not run ad. For each ad you run, you must have at least $100 in your budget. You can replenish the budget or stop the ad. "

Do not be afraid to make changes to the ad settings during a running advertising campaign if you see that the result does not suit you. In some advertising campaigns, it will be more profitable to use payment for impressions, rather than for clicks. But you have to experience it for yourself.

Pay attention to the ads that are showing on your page right now. Evaluate whether the advertiser correctly took into account your interests, or preferred to waste the advertising budget. For example, if you are a mother on maternity leave, and you are shown an advertisement for the Elektrostal plant, then this is a clear sign that the advertiser has set up his ad incorrectly, and, accordingly, the effectiveness of his advertising campaign will be low.

Many beginners and experienced businessmen strive to make a public or a VKontakte group and thereby expand the boundaries of their business, attract new customers and increase their income. Sometimes groups are created with the aim of providing the general public with their goods or services, as well as with the possibility of making money on advertising. In order for this method to really work and bear fruit, on early stages advertising of the VKontakte community is required. You should be aware that there is no specific universal method for advertising a VK group. Each VK user will be able to independently empirically, through high-quality, systematic and systematic work, identify the optimal set of techniques for promoting their particular community.

What goals do we achieve with the help of community advertising in VK

If you advertise VKontakte communities, you can get permanent sources of income.

The purpose of community advertising is to generate income different ways. There are both paid and free methods promotion. As a rule, no one will just invest money in the promotion of a group. Either this is a community that sells some goods or services, or it is gaining a number of subscribers to further earn money by placing ads in it.

Now more and more offline businesses are creating their online representative offices. As a rule, we are talking about creating an online store and maintaining groups in popular social networks. If you study the main ways of advertising the community, then your profit will only grow.

  • increase in the number of subscribers;
  • increase in user activity;
  • increase in the number of unique visitors.

In the first case, the group strives by any means to gain a certain number of members or subscribers. Activity refers to the frequency of any action. These include repost, like, comments. The third point is an increase in the number of unique visitors who visit the group at least once every day.

How to advertise a community in VK

There are several ways to advertise the VK community. You can use either one specific or combine several, combining paid and free options. The last suggestion will be the most effective and will help promote the community in VK.

Promoting the community through an invite

Inviting friends - the method can be more called not advertising, but promotion. It is enough to send an invitation to friends to join the created group. You can invite no more than 40 people per day. If a public is created, then there is no such option in it. There is a "tell friends" button. To bypass the limit of 40 people, people create additional fake accounts, from which they also send friend requests and invite them to join the group.


Targeted advertising is a tool that is gaining popularity and has appeared relatively recently in the social network. It is a frequent and for some annoying posts that can be placed on the left side under the main menu of the page, as well as in the users' news feed. The advertiser must create an attention-grabbing post and set the parameters of the audience to which his published ad will be displayed.

Popular publics

Community advertising through the publication of posts in other groups and publics. The method of advertising has appeared almost since the founding of the social network. The scheme works as simply as possible: it is enough to buy the opportunity to place an advertisement in a promoted group. The audience already gathered there will be able to follow the link to your community. Such an ad is posted for a period of time, usually 24 hours, one hour of which is in the first place, and in 23 hours it gradually descends down the feed.

Draws with prizes

Contests. There is no better advertising for the VKontakte community than holding contests and sweepstakes. Usually, the conditions for participation are as simple as possible, the user must become a member of the group or subscribe to the public, repost a certain entry, leave a like, a comment - at the discretion of the organizers, and save it in their news feed until a certain date, or even make it a pinned entry. It is best to place contests in already ready-made groups, which are often tied to certain cities. They carry names like "freebie", "free", "promotions", "competitions" and the name of the city. They already have an active audience that will perform the actions you set.

Mutual PR for the promotion of the VK public

Mutual PR, that is, the exchange of advertising with another organization on a free basis. To do this, you need to choose groups with related, but in no case the same or overlapping topics. Also, the number of people in them should be about the same as yours.

Effective celebrity advertising

Advertising from a blogger, celebrity, expert is a very effective advertising move. A famous person places your promotional post with a link to the community on their page or even by recording their own video with advertising. Many hyped bloggers now do not hesitate to advertise everything, simply demanding a fixed payment for it. So you don't even have to be friends with them.

How VKontakte community advertising works

If you publish a group ad in another community, then its readers will see the news in the feed. Everything interested persons at least follow the link. And this is already the fulfillment of the target action. The most they can do is subscribe or even buy your product. Here it is important to choose the most accurate and correct community for advertising in it, the audience of which will be most interested in your group. For advertising to really work, you must first study the statistics. Pay attention to indicators such as the gender and age of participants, geography, as well as detailed indicators - reach, attendance and activity. Sometimes it is necessary to personally ask the administration to open access to such statistics. If it is hidden, then this fact should alert advertisers.

Pros and cons of advertising communities in VK

  • a large selection of methods for advertising communities on VKontakte;
  • attracting the target audience, which in the future can turn into potential buyers;
  • the ability to choose both paid and free advertising methods suitable for any budget of an advertising campaign;
  • increase traffic to the target site or group.
  • high competition in most of the selected areas for trade and services;
  • queue for advertising;
  • there is always the possibility of a ban;
  • no guarantee of achieving a high-quality result, even with the condition of thinking through all the nuances.

Possible problems with advertising communities:

  • A community ban occurs due to people clicking the "this is spam" button or choosing other items from the drop-down menu attached to the advertising post - you need to contact technical support to unblock it, change the target settings, change appearance and the content of the ad;
  • Advertising does not increase all possible indicators, including the growth of participants, views, likes, comments, reposts - all without changes. This means that the advertisement is placed at the wrong time in wrong place. You need to find another community with a target audience without fakes and "dead" pages, change targeting settings, choose a different location, age, gender, change the time of publication of the ad;
  • The refusal of the group administration to publish your ad - you need to find another community with more loyal conditions or change the content of the ad depending on the requirements.


Why advertise the community on VK is understood by many. The main goal is to make a profit. But what methods to do this, everyone can choose for themselves. To do this, you need to try different of them, conduct analytics, leave the most effective ways advertisements and improve them. Only an integrated approach and diversity of the chosen methods will give a qualitative result.

How to attract the target audience to your group? Absolutely all community owners face this issue. There are several ways for which in any case you will have to pay: direct money or your time. Today we will talk about attracting users through advertising in public. Consider the example of the social network VKontakte, but for Odnoklassniki and Facebook, this method of increasing the audience is also suitable.

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Site analysis

Publication on such advertising platforms resembles traditional media. Each group is dedicated to a specific topic: sports, healthy lifestyle, reading, travel, cooking, and so on. They sell advertising space that you can redeem for your ad. Choose a group that suits your product and advertise. How to do it right, read on.

Ways to advertise in public

On the this moment There are 3 ways to post advertisements:

  1. Official advertising exchange VKontakte, Market platform ;
  2. Unofficial exchanges:,;
  3. Direct collaboration with communities.

Let's consider each of them in more detail.

Official exchange VKontakte

The safest, but less diverse in terms of choice and more expensive way is to advertise in public through the official VKontakte exchange. You can get into it through the advertising account in the user's personal profile.

The scheme of work is quite simple:

  • replenish the budget;
  • create an ad;
  • choose platforms for advertising;
  • send a request for publication;
  • study placement statistics.

To submit an application, the remaining budget must be at least 150 rubles. At the same time, the minimum amount of replenishment of the cabinet is 500 rubles. Therefore, to start your advertising campaign, you should focus on this amount. It should be noted right away that the social network takes a fairly high commission. If you compare the prices that administrators or unofficial exchanges can offer, then the margin sometimes reaches 45%. But by overpaying, you get a 100% guarantee of public reliability and help in solving contentious issues from the social network itself.

Informal advertising exchanges

The most popular and the first to appear on the market is the Sociate exchange. With its help, you can place ads not only on VKontakte, but also on other social networks.

Watch a video review on how to work with similar exchanges:

Direct cooperation with community administrators

Another way is a direct agreement with the community owners. The advantage of this approach in individual work with customers: firstly, you do not need to pay a commission to exchanges, and secondly, you can negotiate discounts for large volumes or frequent orders.

In most cases, administrators own several publics. The total number of subscribers in them can exceed several tens of millions of users. By choosing advertising in such publics, the cost of an advertising campaign can be significantly reduced through package offers. Sometimes savings can reach 300% compared to the Market Platform.

This is a more time-consuming method of work, since you need:

  • manually select sites for placement,
  • ask administrators for rates and statistics (although often this information is indicated in their personal profile on the wall),
  • transfer payment to them
  • manually send ad,
  • in right time check his publication,
  • request access to statistics again.

Also, many large interesting sites work only with exchanges. Calculate the cost of an hour of your work and evaluate which way of publishing in groups is beneficial for you.

Another significant disadvantage of direct cooperation is the risk of being deceived. Do not immediately transfer large amounts by the administrator, look for reviews on the Internet about these people. We also had curious cases when administrators refused to provide access to the group's statistics, explaining that the statistics were the result of their many years of work. How can you choose a group without knowing its indicators - the question.

Keep in mind that all public owners are private individuals. They can leave, get sick and not answer you for several days, ignore your application or refuse to publish. Therefore, lay a few days before the desired launch date of the advertising campaign.

How to choose a public for advertising VKontakte: checklist

Below we will share our checklist for choosing publics for VKontakte advertising.


First of all, choose groups that meet the interests of the target audience. It can be both obvious solutions, and not so. For example, you have goods for children. Which groups to choose? Of course, sites dedicated to child development, education, leisure. But let's take a slightly broader look at the interests of parents, and mothers, first of all. After all, her areas of interest are household, and self-care, and self-development, and relationships with her husband, and so on and so forth. But, if you have a modest advertising campaign, it is better to choose direct thematic publics.


Examine the design and content of the posts that are posted in the group. Do you like their content and design? Are they full of an excess of ridiculous characters? What is the number of advertising posts to thematic? Do you like the products that are advertised? Do you want your product to be featured alongside current posts? We analyze, put a tick in the checklist and proceed to the analysis of statistics.


The next parameter for selecting a public for advertising in VK is the number. You should not consider communities with members under 100 thousand, and it is better not to choose monsters with more than 2 million users. In the first case, the coverage is too small, in the second, the audience is too blurry.

Placement price

Look at the placement price. We consider it through the cost of contact with the user. The optimal figure is up to one and a half rubles per thousand participants. For example: you have selected a group with 1,600,000 subscribers, the price is 2,000 rubles. We consider 2000/1600 = 1.25. We take!

Audience solvency

We request statistics from the admin if we communicate directly. When placed through exchanges, it is available without additional request.

The first indicator we pay attention to is the age of the participants.

We are interested in potential buyers, so we need to weed out the audience under 18 years old. If it is more than 25% in the group, you should choose another site.


So, in our example of 1,600 thousand participants, full coverage is half and this is a good indicator.



One of the most important indicators is user activity. To calculate the coefficient we need, sum up the likes, reposts and comments for the month. Divide the amount received by the number of participants.

The number must be at least 0.7. This means that each user must perform some kind of activity at least once during the period. For ease of calculation, upload the data to excel. In our example, the total activity is 1,575 thousand actions, and the indicator equal to one which is more than a good result.

On the infographic, we presented our checklist and displayed the indicators that you should focus on.

How much does advertising in public VKontakte cost?

The main question that should worry you as an advertiser is not the cost of an ad, but its payback. Calculate the price of a lead - an attracted customer - and compare it with other customer acquisition channels, such as targeted advertising. Perhaps the advertisements are not best strategy For you.

Don't chase scores

Administrators of large communities are successful and professional marketers. Who, if not them, should be able to create good first impression? To not accidentally give too great importance lines on the graphs, take a closer look at user comments - this will give a much better idea of ​​​​both activity in the community and reader loyalty. After all, how they relate to the content depends on how they perceive your ad.

The article will be useful to those who want to promote goods, services or communities using VKontakte publics, but do not know where to start. After reading, you will learn how to select groups with a target audience and compose posts that help achieve maximum conversion.

Audience Revealing

Before looking for communities, find out who your potential buyer is and make a portrait of him.

Identify Needs. Find out what need your product or service satisfies. It should be one thing that brings the target audience together. Polls and forums will help you figure out what customers want.

Learn about interests. Find out about the interests of your audience to determine the topic of the group.

For this task, the Cerebro Target audience search tool is suitable. It allows you to analyze the interests of potential customers of the selected community.

In the "User Analysis" section, insert a link to the group in which, in your opinion, the target audience is a member.

Cerebro will well complement another tool located in the Facebook advertising account - audience_insights. It shows the marital status, position, as well as the top favorite sites of your audience. And if you are studying the market in the USA, then in addition to the above, the level of salaries will also be available to you.

Determine gender and age. Firstly, these parameters will help you select groups with the right audience. Second, make the message in your post more personal. The service from Mail.Ru will help to find them out.

Community Selection

After compiling an avatar of the audience members, collect as many pages as possible that potential customers can subscribe to. For this:

  1. Use the "Community Search" "VKontakte".

  1. Find groups through " Market platform» in your account.

  1. Use third-party tools for working with VK groups, such as Pabler. In order to start the selection, go to the "Publics / profiles" section, subsection - "VKontakte publics".

Community analysis

When you have a decent list of groups on the same subject, check each of them against five criteria.

Presence of target audience

To find out if your potential customers are in the community, check the gender, age and geography of its members. These data can be viewed in the "Statistics" tab.

By gender, age and geo, check the presence of an audience in the group

Member activity

If there are people in the group right age and gender, we check it for involvement. This indicator is denoted by the abbreviation ER (engagement rate) and is calculated using the ratio of actions to coverage.

To understand whether ER is normal in a group, compare it with the indicators of leading communities in this topic.


You can find out the percentage of bots through the VKontakte application: Search for "dead" members and subscribers". To do this, go to the application, paste the link to the community and click "Scan".

The presence of bots is also shown by Pabler.

Usually there are 10–20% of bots in groups. Anything more is cheating

Another way to check the community on " dead Souls» - look at the outflow of subscribers. To do this, in the statistics of the page, look at the number of unsubscribes. A high jump in the unsubscribe graph is a clear sign a large number bots.


Reach refers to the number of times a post has been viewed in the news feed or community wall. This metric only counts unique users. Moreover, VKontakte does not count the fast scrolling of the entry in the tape. The person must keep their attention on the text or image. You can also see this indicator in the group statistics.

The normal coverage rate is 10–20% of total number subscribers. If a million people subscribe to the group, the reach should be 100,000 - 200,000.

Advertising entries

If competitors posted only 1-3 times, most likely their advertising did not bring results. It is worth checking it for professional suitability (read about this in the “Composing a post” block).

If advertising posts of competitors are published regularly, then most likely the group has the audience you need. And to get a piece of it, stand apart from the competition with creatives and unique selling propositions.


Through administrator

To post directly:

  1. Find the administrator's contacts on the page. If there are none, write your offer in a message or in a suggestion on the wall.

  1. Agree on the price, time and conditions of accommodation. By purchasing a package of accommodations at once, you can agree on a discount. But you should buy more than one advertising space at once only in already verified communities.
  2. Choose the time of posting based on the activity of subscribers. If the seats are only available for a low activity period, ask the administrator to reduce the price a little. You can view the activity in the "Pabler" in the "Detailed statistics" tab.

  1. Submit your post for approval. Please note that you may need to make changes. Therefore, it is better to send the entry in advance so as not to redo it five minutes before publication.

Through the exchange "VK"

Publication through the VK advertising exchange is 10-15% more expensive. Suitable for those who do not use third-party community search tools, as the service itself offers accommodation options. And also for those who do not connect third-party metrics to analyze the effectiveness of advertising, because in your account you can see detailed statistics after the campaign.

To place a post through the exchange:

  1. Create an ad and submit it for moderation.

When the post passes the test, it will appear in the "Active" tab - it can be posted. If it doesn't pass - "Rejected". In this case, the moderators will definitely indicate the reason, after correcting which, the ad can be sent back for moderation.

  1. Based on the given parameters, find groups to place. You can search for them based on topics, budget, coverage, number of participants, etc. However, you won’t be able to find a specific community by name - the service itself will offer options.

  1. Submit a placement request. Your ad will be automatically posted within the time range you specified.

Compiling a post

After you have agreed on the publication, prepare an advertising post.

  1. In the ad, take into account the needs of the audience, tell how your product will solve their problem.

  1. Analyze competitor ads, if any. Then come up special offer and post design to make your creatives stand out from the crowd.

  1. Examine the content of the public in which you plan to post. By learning which ones are the most popular, you will better understand the interests of subscribers. This will help make a more interesting and less promotional post.

  1. Fill the text with emoticons to make it more noticeable and focus on the main thing. Just do not overdo it, the post should look natural, and the emoticons should fit the meaning.

  1. Shorten long links in the text with or Google URL Shortener. So the record will take up less volume, look neater and, most importantly, inspire more confidence.

  1. The image should be catchy to get your post noticed in the feed, but still relevant to the offer.

  1. Write a catchy headline. To do this, make it the main benefit. If it does not interest the target audience, then no one will read your text, even the most useful and selling one.

Working with comments

Negative. After the publication of the entry, comments will be left under it, and not always positive. Therefore, try to work out all the negativity.

Informational. Also, people can ask questions: “how to order”, “how much does it cost”, “what is the advantage of the product”, etc. They also need to be answered in time.

Outsiders. Any off-topic remarks can be asked to remove the administrator.

Evaluation of results

To make it convenient to keep statistics and analyze the results, create a table in Google Sheets or Excel with the following fields:

  • name and link to the community,
  • advertising post,
  • placement cost,
  • date and time of posting,
  • administrator contacts,
  • number of transitions
  • the number of applications
  • ER group,
  • profit.

See data on transitions and applications in Yandex.Metrica. And to distinguish between your sponsored posts and the communities you host, add UTM tags to your links. Dmitry Dementy opened this topic in more detail in the article: "".

If placed through the VK exchange, in the advertiser's personal account after the RC you can see:

  • the total number of users who viewed the advertisement, and their distribution by gender and age;
  • the number of unique users who clicked on at least one link in the post;
  • the number of users who shared, commented on, or liked the post;
  • the number of subscribed users, if the community was advertised;
  • number of applications per group.

To open detailed statistics, click on the corresponding icon in the section of the corresponding advertising campaign.

If you sent an application directly, but there is no way to connect the metric, ask the administrator for the statistics of the post before deleting it. She shows:

  • overall reach and subscriber reach;
  • likes, reposts and comments;
  • the number of users who have hidden a post from their newsfeed;
  • the number of complaints about the publication;
  • The number of people who clicked on the link in the post.


If your first few community posts were successful, keep posting. But keep in mind that over time, ad conversion will decrease. Most members will notice your ad after a few placements, so next time they will ignore it. To overcome banner blindness, update your post every few placements.

  • Test the new header.
  • Change emoticons.
  • Change the structure of the text.
  • Post with a different image.

Give your post a new look and people will start noticing your post again.

For example, I posted several times in the community with this announcement:

The first placement brought ten leads, the second - eight, after the third placement only two applications came, after the fourth - three.

I changed the photo, came up with a new headline, added different emoticons, and the next day I posted in the same group.

Re-placements with a new post brought eight, and the second time - seven applications. Despite the fact that the text of the ad remained the same, only its visual part and title have changed.

Search for new communities

To increase coverage, you need to constantly look for new groups to place. To find similar communities, use an audience intersection tool such as Cerebro Target. In it, you can follow the link to the public in which you have already successfully advertised, find similar ones, where part of the same subscribers will consist. To do this, go to the "Audience search" section, the "Groups with target audience" subsection and insert a link to the desired page.

Groups can be filtered by the parameters you need and download links to them in a text document or in Excel.

To find audience intersections, you can also use free analogues, for example, the application "

Advertising in Vkontakte communities is still able to bring good profit in almost any business, and this is no exception. Of course, a lot has changed recently. The Vkontakte administration is trying to tighten control and eradicate advertising that is purchased by the exchange and offers gray goods.

On the one hand, a complete ban on gray offers will have a positive effect on the cost of buying advertising in Vkontakte communities - the price will be lower and ROI will be higher. But this will be a tangible blow to all affiliates who are actively working with all sorts of dubious products, such as weight loss products, enlargement creams, chewing gums, stimulants, etc.

First of all, I am writing an article for arbitrageurs in the hope that you know what traffic arbitrage is, so I will not explain the basics. The article may also contain slang typical for affiliates. So if you find an expression incomprehensible to you, then read the article about or ask your question in the comments.

This step-by-step instruction for advertising in VK communities. And at the end, you will find additional materials in the form of a presentation, a script for the VK exchange and a table template for conducting an advertising campaign. Add-ons will help to effectively increase the speed of work and profit from each advertising post.

1 Choose an offer

To advertise in Vkontakte communities, you need to choose the right offer. Beginners should choose an already promoted offer that is on the rise in its popularity. This will make it easier to start, since there is definitely a demand for the selected product if it is actively advertised.

If we see that the amount of advertising for the offer is increasing every month, then you can work on it (maybe not for long). If the dynamics is reversed, that is, the popularity is falling, this is a sign that the offer is “squeezed out” and affiliates gradually stop working with it, having worked out the previously selected target audience (TA).

The graph shows that the peak of the popularity of Ray-Bans was from April to May 2016, but now there is a gradual increase before the summer. Therefore, for April-May, you can take this offer and test it.

I do not recommend newcomers to get involved with little-known offers. Building customer demand is costly. Let professionals with huge budgets do it. Although I will not hide the fact that in this case all the cream will go to them.

I am sure that many of those who read this article will gain enough experience to independently generate demand in the market, start selling goods on their own and make money on their Vkontakte group.

Do not take medical topics and gray offers for the first tests. You will not pass moderation with them and you will have to negotiate directly with community administrators. If this does not scare you, you are ready to correspond with the admins, then you can try.

An offer should be chosen based on personal knowledge about a particular target audience. For example, if you play games or watch streams, then you are in the know and it is more logical to choose a game offer.

If you don’t know anything about potential buyers of an offer that is currently at the peak of its activity, you can search for information about the target audience on forums, in articles and landing pages. On the forums, people openly write about their problems, the so-called "pains". And articles and landing pages need to be studied in detail and analyzed for whom the text is intended, what the copywriter focused on when writing the text.

  1. Availability of demand (growth in the number of advertising);
  2. Creates a WOW effect unique property which distinguishes the offer from other similar offers on the market);
  3. The EPC indicator (average profitability per click) is preferably more than 6 rubles;
  4. The widest GEO (minimum is the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan)

The main mistake of many beginners is choosing an offer with a narrow GEO.

Understand that when buying advertising in Vkontakte communities, we pay for all subscribers. Often 25% of subscribers are in Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. If, according to the terms of the offer, only traffic from Russia is accepted, then all other traffic from the CIS will not be counted even if there are conversions. You will simply lose some of the profits.

Some publics have subscribers from European countries. A very small percentage, but with a low budget, even this should be taken into account.

If you have a low budget, choose an offer with a fee for registration (browser games, dating sites, fresh info business offers). Testing such offers is cheaper.

What to do if the offer is good, but the GEO is narrow?

If GEO is limited for a suitable offer in one CPA affiliate, be sure to look for this offer in other affiliate networks for missing countries. In such a situation, streams will have to be redirected using a trafficback or tracker.

If there are no conditions for a specific offer in other affiliate programs that expand the GEO to the level of the CIS, then you should not place its advertisement in Vkontakte communities. It has targeted ads.

2 Determine the target audience

Now for the selected offer, you need to determine the target audience. It is important to do this as accurately and in detail as possible. Usually the audience is not one, but several. Therefore, you need to make a table of several audiences, noting the following points:

  • Age
  • Family status
  • Interests, hobbies
  • Needs
  • Wishes, dreams
  • Problems and "pains"
  • Idols, favorite films, who is the authority
  • What loves
  • What steps did you take to get rid of the problem?

I repeat, if you don’t know the target audience well for a potentially good offer, you have a direct road to forums, articles and landing pages - find out more about the buyer than he knows about himself!

Offer – corset for waist reduction Waist Trainer

young mothers
– Age: 24-30
- Pain: recovered after childbirth, husband is dissatisfied
- Complexes: the waist increased and the sides began to hang down a little
- What makes you happy: career achievements
— Interests, hobbies: music, sports
— What is important in solving the problem: quickly and safely
- What are you willing to spend money on: the ability to lose weight without risk to health
Women who try but can't lose weight
— Age 40+
- Pain: countless diets failed
- Complexes: excess weight is bad for health
- What makes happy: the success of children
— Interests, hobbies: cooking, knitting
— Idols: Malysheva
— What is important in solving the problem: speed is not important, the main thing is a guaranteed result
- What are you willing to spend money on: the ability to lose weight without physical exertion

3 We select Vkontakte communities for advertising

The next step is to select the communities in which we will buy ads. This must be done for every audience.

The main indicator in the selection is the percentage of target audience in the community. If the target audience in the community is less than 40%, it does not suit us. Since it is unlikely that paid advertising in such Vkontakte communities will pay off at all, not to mention profit. Therefore, we select only the best communities!

Comparison options:

  1. Percentage of target audience by gender and age. The bigger it is, the better. Less than 40% of target audience does not suit us.
  2. Audience interest. It is determined by the ratio of likes to the reach of posts for the last 24 hours. Also pay attention to reposts and especially to comments. The presence of adequate comments on fresh posts is a clear sign of an active audience.
  3. CPM - price per 1k post views. The lower the better. For each topic, the CPM is different, but if it is below 50 rubles, this is very good.
  4. The number of posts per day. Allowed - 1 post per hour. If more often, it is worse for us: the record will “sink” in the news feed faster. But it’s not worth taking communities where the last post was a few weeks ago.

Based on the combination of all these parameters, it is necessary to select Vkontakte communities for advertising. I have listed them in descending order from most important to least important.

Have you noticed that the percentage of target audience is the most important indicator? That is why it is necessary to accurately determine the portrait of the target buyer before selecting communities.

Where can I find communities?

  • Official exchange Vkontakte
  • VK search by subject name

The easiest way is to select communities in the official VK exchange. To get there, go to "" -> " Community advertising» —> « Available sites».

For example, the topic “Beauty” is too broad a concept for us. This definition includes communities for manicure, makeup, hairstyles, about the history of beauty, about fashion, and so on. For us, these are different topics with different audiences.

After all the sorting, we proceed to the selection of communities according to CPM indicators, attendance, reach, and audience activity.

4 We prepare advertising posts

Choosing a creative format

There are three main formats when advertising is bought in Vkontakte communities. It is advisable not to mix them!

Direct advertising of the offer

This is the most common format. The image clearly reflects the essence of the ad and shows the product "face" or in action (dynamics attracts attention). The text contains the main advantage of the offer. If there are several of them, it is allowed to make a list of benefits.

At the time of this writing, GIFs are very popular. They grab attention, better explain product features, and increase conversions.

Post leading to laying

The image does not contain a product, it should be of interest and be bright at the same time. The test creates intrigue and necessarily corresponds to the gasket in meaning.

This format is used to warm up the audience, raise the level of trust in a gray offer (cream-enlargers, drugs for insomnia or alcoholism).

Selling story

Post-story, like the previous format, is used to warm up the audience, build trust and interest of the target audience. Only the gasket is missing because the history of the gasket is contained in the ad text. Famous person it is replaced by a regular subscriber of the community in which the advertisement is placed.

When a person reads such a story, he involuntarily tries it on himself, begins to trust if something similar has already happened in his life.

Suitable for offers whose wonderful properties are hard to believe. For example, chewing gum is a pathogen.

If you have decided on the format, then proceed to the selection of images and drafting text.

Cooking pictures (creatives)

Choose bright and prominent images. The best option after the redesign is the use of square creatives. They occupy the maximum possible place in the news feed. A picture of this size is difficult to scroll through. At the same time, if there is text on the image, then a person can have time to read it and become interested in our offer.

The text in the picture can (sometimes even need to) be placed, but it should be at least. The font should be large enough to be readable on a mobile phone screen.

Make concise and understandable phrases that put pressure on the pain of a potential buyer. The principles of compilation can be different: (1) intrigue (understatement), (2) appeal, (3) question.

If you choose a photo with people, then there should not be any clipart! Use realistic photos like this real people. There is more confidence in such photographs.

Doesn't inspire confidence


We compose text for advertising in Vkontakte communities

The text of the post in most cases should also be as short as possible and carry maximum meaning. The exception is a post in the form of a selling story.

List only understandable benefits, and not sucked from the finger like “75% discount” and “ high quality". This has not been conducted for a long time, but the words “certified by Rostest” are still believed. This is the advantage of the offer.

It is advisable to compose the text for the post so that it puts pressure on the pain and closes the main doubts that can keep you from buying. Women are afraid to use teeth whitening products, which can adversely affect their health. But the line "Use this safe remedy certified by Rostest! we unobtrusively close this fear.

We prepare links for each post

To receive information about the effectiveness of advertising in a particular Vkontakte community, for each post you need to create a unique link with a unique subID. It is best to enter a unique community id there (the value after "").

Instead of "public41871682" for each post, manually write the id of the community for which the post is intended. It remains only to shorten this link with

5 Advertising in Vkontakte communities

Go to the "Analysis of VK publics" and enter a link to the community of interest. We look at activity by day of the week and by hour.

In this example, it is better to be placed around 19:00 hours.

One more important point on which your profit depends:

Sometimes the CPA affiliate program disables the offer or reduces the GEO, so keep an eye on the selected offer so as not to lose traffic. Notice such changes in a timely manner and redirect traffic to a similar offer or to another affiliate program.

After 18-20 hours after posting, we write down the results for each post in a table.

What to do with negative comments?

I will say frankly that products in CPA networks very often do not differ good quality. Therefore, advertising posts are gaining negative comments. This significantly reduces the effectiveness of advertising in Vkontakte communities.

There is an exit: agree with the community admin to clean up negative comments.
Usually everyone goes to the meeting. If you are placing through the exchange, then there should also be administrator contacts.

If there are no admin contacts anywhere and public messages are disabled, you don’t need to post there.

In the future, you will select for yourself a dozen or two communities where you will purchase on an ongoing basis. You will have a trusting relationship with the admins of these communities. In this case, you can ask to give you editorial rights in order to independently monitor the reaction to advertising entries.

6 Analysis of results

Without analytics, it is impossible to reach a consistently good result!

I already wrote that after 18-20 hours the results must be recorded in a table. Each offer has its own table!

Now you need to properly analyze the records. Let's get started.

We look at the amount spent on the topic and on the leads received.

If you spent more rewards from the affiliate program for a confirmed lead and there are no conversions, then we made a mistake at the audience selection stage.

We look at the indicator "Interest"

Well, when the interest is 0.5 and above. If the interest is low, then the creative is bad, or again a mistake with the audience.

If the interest is good, but there is no conversion, then:

  • the creative does not match the landing page
  • not enough clicks received (small community)

If the audience of a small community shows good interest and the cost of advertising is small (up to 400 rubles), we buy in it again.

We look at the price for the transition

Knowing the conversion of the landing and the approval of the offer (percentage of confirmation of leads) in the affiliate program, we can calculate the cost per transition, which we can pay without draining into a minus. All these values ​​are indicated in the affiliate program where you connect the offer.

Offer: Magnetic window brush. Landing conversion is 1:38 (that's 2.63%), approval is 67%, we take an average of 600 rubles for a confirmed order.
We consider: 600 rubles. * 0.67 * 0.0263 \u003d 10.57 rubles.

At a price of 10.57 rubles. we will not make a profit. It turns out that in order to work in plus, you need to reduce the cost of advertising or increase its effectiveness.

But in any case, always look at the end result. See how much money is invested in the audience test and how much is earned. Situations may be different, and advertising will pay off.
