What vitamins during pregnancy. Do expectant mothers need vitamins? Vitamins Alphabet for pregnant women

It is difficult to argue with the statement that pregnancy is a special period in the life of every woman. The birth of a new life and its development, the expectation of a new person in the family and the pleasant chores associated with preparing for childbirth - what could be better? And, of course, all expectant mothers want only the best for their baby. And for the proper development of a future person, a combination of a whole complex of vitamins is necessary, which in general help to form the baby's skeleton, his brain and other vital organs.

Unfortunately, in the modern world, women rarely have the opportunity to eat properly and regularly, and here various vitamin complexes come to the rescue, designed to compensate for the lack of one or another element in the body of the expectant mother, from which the baby draws its resources. Of course, every woman in this exciting period wants to know which ones are the best for pregnant women, what is the advantage of one over the other, and which complex to ultimately choose.

Features of vitamins for pregnant women

Multivitamins that are used during pregnancy differ from conventional complexes, so it is important to drink only special preparations intended for a specific period of life. When the question arises which vitamins for pregnant women are the best, the reviews of girlfriends are not the determining criterion. Remember that what works for one person may not necessarily work for another. Only a doctor who observes the patient both during pregnancy and before her can most accurately prescribe drugs that are right for her. For this, special tests can be prescribed, because an excess of elements in the body is no better than their shortage.

A woman's need for vitamins is constantly growing as the baby grows. Thus, a feature for pregnant women is a higher content of vital elements, compared with conventional drugs, which provide the ability to saturate the needs of the body. That is why, when deciding which vitamins for pregnant women are the best, it is necessary to take into account the period of development of the baby. As a rule, the complex is prescribed after the 12th week of pregnancy, in the absence of other indications.

What should prenatal vitamins contain?

In addition to vitamin complexes, there are separate preparations designed to make up for the deficiency in the body of certain elements. For example, folic acid, which is prescribed even before pregnancy, during the planning period, and Iodomarin, which saturates the body with iodine. In addition to these two elements, calcium must be present in vitamins for pregnant women, which affects the proper formation of the baby's skeleton.

Thus, these three elements must be present in multivitamins. In addition, it should be borne in mind that in complexes, the iodine content, as a rule, does not exceed 150 mcg. Therefore, it is necessary to replenish it in the body by using additional or by including seaweed, fish and any seafood in your diet.

Planning for pregnancy: choosing the right vitamins

The stage when the decision to conceive is ripe is crucial for ensuring the most comfortable conditions for bearing and giving birth to a healthy baby. How correct this period was, directly depends on how the pregnancy itself will proceed.

Planning a pregnancy means for both partners the need to undergo a complete examination for the presence of chronic diseases and infections, and for the woman also the intake of certain vitamins. The drug that you need to start taking immediately after a conscious decision about future motherhood is folic acid (vitamin B9). Its reception is considered the best prevention of defects in the formation of the nervous system of the unborn baby. If pregnancy occurs unexpectedly, the drug should be used immediately after confirmation of pregnancy. The fact that it can be drunk before a visit to the doctor is an important criterion by which it is included in the list of "the best prenatal vitamins." Reviews about him are only positive both from medical workers and from expectant mothers who received him.

Another important element at this stage is vitamin E, which improves the reproductive functions of the body and provides optimal conditions for the development of the baby. In addition, it is a good prevention of pathologies such as miscarriage and miscarriage.

Thus, it is these two trace elements that are most needed during this period.

First trimester: what vitamins do you need?

As in the planning period, already after the onset of pregnancy, in the 1st trimester, the need for vitamins begins to slowly increase. However, many doctors agree that the best vitamins for pregnant women in the early stages are proper, balanced nutrition and positive emotions. As a rule, gynecologists prescribe multivitamins after 12 weeks, when the internal resources of the expectant mother cannot fully cope with the growing needs of the body. At this stage, it is believed that the use of folic acid, as well as vitamins A, E, C and iodine, is sufficient. This choice is explained as follows:

  • folic acid serves as a prevention of disorders of the nervous system of the unborn child and severe malformations;
  • vitamin A helps to properly form the nervous system, visual apparatus and skeleton;
  • vitamin E is the prevention of miscarriages, and also helps the proper formation of the placenta;
  • vitamin C increases immunity, thereby increasing the body's resistance to various viruses and infections, which prevents premature termination of pregnancy;
  • Iodine is extremely important in the process of proper formation of the nervous system and thyroid gland.

It is this combination that suggests a group called "the best vitamins for pregnant women in the 1st trimester."

Second trimester: the right choice of vitamins

After the 12th week, the rapid development of the unborn baby and the formation of its vital organs begin. To provide it with the necessary resources, you need to start taking vitamin complexes.

The best vitamins for pregnant women in this period are those that are sufficiently contained:

  • iron;
  • calcium;

Iron is essential to reduce the risk of anemia during pregnancy. Hemoglobin, which consists of it, carries oxygen throughout the body and delivers it to the baby. In addition, it is iron that is actively involved in the process of protein synthesis, due to which muscles are formed. Among other things, a lack of iron can lead to an increase in the tone of the uterus.

Iodine is prescribed already at an early stage of pregnancy, however, the need for it increases significantly during it. It is important in the process of forming the skeleton of the unborn child, as well as the development of his mental abilities. Lack of iodine significantly disrupts the metabolism of the expectant mother, causing general weakness and overweight.

Calcium is actively involved in the formation of the skeleton, endocrine system and kidneys of the baby, so its correct use is extremely important in the second trimester. It is noteworthy that this microelement is poorly extracted from food, so it is desirable to use it in finished form.

It is this combination of trace elements in the 2nd trimester that answers the question: “What are the best vitamins for pregnant women?”. Reviews of doctors and expectant mothers confirm this information.

Third trimester: vitamins

The last three months of pregnancy are the hardest. The future baby is already strong enough, tremors and movements are becoming more noticeable, the stomach is increasing, which leads to some physical discomfort. In the last months of pregnancy, it is difficult to choose a comfortable position for sleeping, and housework becomes quite burdensome. At the same time, the baby continues to develop actively, he still needs resources for formation. The main trace elements that are needed at this stage of pregnancy are:

  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin D.
  • magnesium.

Vitamin C improves the work of the expectant mother, which is especially important in the 3rd trimester. Any disease at this stage can lead to sad results. That is why it is extremely important to have good immunity, especially if the last months of pregnancy occurred during the flu epidemic.

Vitamin D helps prevent rickets in the unborn baby and helps to properly form the skeleton in late pregnancy. This vitamin can be obtained from the sun, so if the 3rd trimester fell on the summer months, you need to be in the sun more, while not forgetting about skin protection.

Magnesium is a preventive component against premature birth, which is especially important at this stage of pregnancy.

The best prenatal vitamins list

To date, there are many vitamin complexes designed to replenish the body of the expectant mother with the necessary trace elements. Given the large selection of drugs, it is quite difficult to determine which prenatal vitamins are the best.

However, now there are complexes that are most widely used in practice. They are considered optimal multivitamins that provide the body of the expectant mother with all the necessary trace elements in sufficient quantities.

Also good prenatal vitamins are:

  • "Alphabet for pregnant women";
  • "Vitrum prenatal", "Vitrum prenatal forte";
  • "Materna";
  • "Pregnacare";
  • "Elevit prenatal";
  • "Femibion".

According to experts, these drugs are the most suitable vitamins during pregnancy in the absence of contraindications. Despite the fact that they contain all the necessary trace elements, their amount is different for each drug. That is why only a doctor can prescribe the most suitable vitamin complex for a particular woman. Self-selection in this case is not appropriate.

How to use vitamin complexes for pregnant women

The best vitamins for pregnant women, whose name was mentioned above, should be taken once a day, in the morning after breakfast. Unless otherwise indicated by the doctor, the drugs should be taken in courses in accordance with the instructions. Usually one course is a month, after which it is necessary to take tests and determine whether to take the drug further. As a rule, if the expectant mother lives in a favorable climatic region, the need for taking vitamin complexes is not constant. You should not abuse them, even if they are the best prenatal vitamins.

Doctors' opinion

As a rule, any gynecologist at one stage or another of pregnancy prescribes vitamins to the expectant mother. However, at the same time, all experts agree that the most correct way is to get the necessary trace elements naturally, through food and sunlight. It must be remembered that even the best vitamins for pregnant women are medicine, and there is no reason to take medicines without urgent need. In addition, the intake of trace elements should be preceded by a thorough examination of the body with blood donation. This is necessary in order to prevent hypervitaminosis, which is possible if the balance of drug intake is not observed. Each expectant mother should be aware of the degree of her responsibility for the correct reception of the complexes, which in any case affects the health of the baby.

If you get the necessary trace elements naturally, then the risk of hypervitaminosis is completely absent. That is why the best vitamins for pregnant women, according to doctors, are proper, balanced nutrition, walking and absorbing positive emotions. In addition, medical professionals warn that excessive use of vitamins during pregnancy and lactation can lead to allergic reactions in the baby in the future.

The best vitamins for pregnant women, reviews

Despite the skepticism on the part of doctors, it is difficult to find a woman who, while pregnant, would not take vitamins. This is due to the fact that not all expectant mothers can eat properly and balanced for various reasons. This may be a lack of funds, lack of time for full and frequent cooking, hard work and other factors. In such a situation, taking vitamins solves the problem of saturating the body, and hence the future baby, with the necessary microelements. That is why in recent years, taking vitamins during pregnancy has gained such popularity. If you want to highlight the very best prenatal vitamins, testimonials from women who have taken them can be helpful. So, what are the advantages and disadvantages of multivitamins that are on the list of the best.

  1. "Alphabet for pregnant women." The advantage of this drug is to take into account the interaction of all the microelements contained in it. Vitamins are available in tablets of three different colors, so you can refuse a certain one in case of an allergic reaction. In addition, it is this complex that contains the largest amount of iodine, so there is no need for additional intake. The disadvantage of this drug is the low content of folic acid, therefore, up to 12 weeks, an additional intake of this vitamin is necessary.
  2. Vitrum Prenatal. The main advantage of this drug, thanks to which it is very popular among gynecologists, is its high iron content. It is enough for the prevention of anemia at all stages of pregnancy, and for its treatment at the initial stage. In addition, it contains folic acid in abundance. The disadvantage of the drug is the absence of iodine, however, this disadvantage is compensated in the Vitrum Prenatal Forte complex.
  3. "Mother". Judging by the composition, there is a sufficient amount of iodine and folic acid. However, reviews indicate that this drug has a significant drawback - a high content of vitamin A and B vitamins, which is often the cause of many allergic reactions.
  4. "Pregnavit". Reviews about this vitamin complex are mostly positive, it contains all the necessary vitamins during pregnancy. However, there is also no iodine, which requires additional intake of iodine-containing drugs.
  5. "Elevit Prenatal". This drug receives a lot of positive reviews. The advantage noted by both doctors and expectant mothers is the high content of magnesium, which is the best prevention of abortion. In addition, it significantly improves blood circulation, and this is quite important during pregnancy.
  6. "Femibion". Perhaps this is the only vitamin complex to date, which contains in the right amount all the necessary elements during pregnancy, including iodine and folic acid, which is the basis for positive reviews about it. This drug is available in two versions: "Femibion-1", suitable for the first trimester of pregnancy and "Femibion-2" - after 12 weeks. The main advantage of the drug, which is noted by pregnant women, is that it combines all the necessary vitamins. Accordingly, there is no need to take additional drugs, and this is very convenient. Its only drawback, which is noted, is a rather high price.

Thus, judging by the reviews, the best complex of vitamins for pregnant women is Femibion. This is the only drug that combines all the trace elements necessary during pregnancy. Therefore, you do not need to take additional pills in combination with it.

Nevertheless, do not forget that any complex of vitamins, regardless of its quality, has its own contraindications. That is why only a doctor who observes a woman throughout pregnancy should choose the best vitamins for pregnant women and the method of use.

A long process of tedious waiting for conception passed, and finally, the expectant mother received confirmation - life was born inside her and the unborn child is growing. Ahead of 9 months of new discoveries, an amazing change in your own body, and finally, the long-awaited birth. It is during this period that the fair sex and her unborn baby need all-round support. Proper lifestyle, prevention of problems, good nutrition and, of course, an additional intake of vitamins, which are already lacking in everyday life, and now some of them go to support and develop the fetus. Below, you will find out which vitamins, and in what period it is best to take a future mother, as well as get comprehensive answers from doctors to the most common questions about vitamin complexes.

Almost every pregnant woman asks herself and those around her this question. The answer is obvious - of course, yes. The process of bearing an unborn child is associated with global changes in the work of the whole organism: the metabolism is radically rebuilt, the composition of the blood changes, the functioning of the hormonal system, and so on.

It is during pregnancy that the consumption of a number of substances by the body and the unborn child increases significantly: you need to constantly replenish the internal reserves of useful vitamins and trace elements.

Unfortunately, not always natural products or a special diet can fully compensate for the lack of one or another element, so you have to introduce them artificially, using individual drugs or whole complexes created specifically for pregnant women. The growth of the embryo, the assimilation of proteins, the work of the hormonal system - a lot depends on vitamins, including the health of the life growing in you.

Vitamins during pregnancy. What are the best drinks?

Among the whole variety of vitamins / trace elements, there are a number of substances that play an important, and sometimes a key role in the formation and development of the fetus.

  1. Folic acid. This water-soluble vitamin promotes the growth of fetal tissues, helps the cells of the host organism, recover and renew itself. In addition, it directly affects the growth of the placenta and the system of blood vessels in the uterus. A lack of B9 significantly increases the likelihood of miscarriage, and also worsens the mother's well-being.
  2. Tocopherol. The natural compound is involved in a number of important processes for the body, in particular the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. In addition, E-vitamin is a powerful antioxidant. The lack of tocopherol in the body can provoke anemia, visual impairment, and heart problems in the unborn child. The mother has general weakness, muscle pain and involuntary abortion.
  3. Pyridoxine. Vitamins B6 are a catalyst for the formation of amino acids, from which proteins are subsequently created. In addition, the biologically active substance forms the development and functioning of the nervous system, providing normal oxygen supply to the brain, while reducing the effect of toxicosis.
  4. Vitamin B12. A key element of the processes of ovulation in women not only helps to get pregnant, but also supports the development of a fertilized egg to the stage of an embryo.
  5. Vitamin A. It is involved in the development of the nervous system, vision and skeleton in the unborn baby.
  6. Vitamin C. Supports the mother's immunity and forms its basic rudiments in the child.
  7. Vitamin D. Promotes bone growth.
  8. Vitamins of groups PP, K, H are not as critical as the previous ones, but are necessary for the full functioning of the female body during periods of increased stress during pregnancy, as well as general health-improving substances.
  9. Calcium. Building "basis" for children's bones, which during pregnancy is required more and more.
  10. Iron. It helps to supply oxygen to all organs of the expectant mother and her unborn child.
  11. Iodine. Participates in the synthesis of hormones, helps prevent damage to the central nervous system and the skeleton of the unborn baby, and also protects the thyroid gland of the fair sex.
  12. Zinc. Directly and indirectly involved in a number of related biochemical processes. Its deficiency leads to complications of childbirth, postpartum hemorrhage, the development of congenital defects in the fetus, too little or too much weight / height at birth.

Vitamins for men

The representative of the stronger sex was able to provide you with high-quality genetic material, works hard and does everything possible to make the pregnant woman as comfortable as possible. Do not forget about a man - he also needs vitamins in order to be in perfect condition and always delight you with care, guardianship and love.

  1. Vitamin C. A powerful antioxidant that decomposes free radicals and significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.
  2. Lipic acid. Significantly improves liver function in men, normalizes the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats.
  3. All vitamins of group B. The representative of the stronger sex must be smart, fast and strong - it is vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12 that will help him become perfect.
  4. Vitamin H. Men do not always pay attention to the current condition of the hair, nails, skin. It is biotin that can bring them back to normal.
  5. Vitamin E. Tocopherol is the key to the success of the stronger sex on the love front.

The universal protector of cell membranes, which is both an actihypoxant and an antioxidant, reduces the likelihood of cancer formation, protects cells from oxidation, controls the synthesis of nucleic acids, and acts as an excellent neuroprotector. Taking vitamin E, a pregnant woman normalizes the production of progesterone, improves uterine distension, prevents fetal underdevelopment and possible miscarriage.

With all this, the most recent studies show that an excess of tocopherol and its uncontrolled intake can negatively affect the child in the future - individual medical specialists analyzing samples according to these criteria indicate an increased risk of heart defects in the early period.

That is why the intake of the vitamin should be strictly regulated - from 200 to 350 IU, unless your doctor has prescribed a different dosage. In this case, the daily use itself must be divided into two times, in the morning and in the evening after eating.

Folic acid is a key element involved in the formation and maintenance of new cells in the body. This is especially important at the prenatal stage of development of the unborn child, because the violation of natural processes due to a lack of B9 leads to very serious complications in later life. The bone marrow primarily suffers from a lack of vitamin, therefore, without fail, pregnant women are required to take 400 milligrams of the substance daily from the beginning of pregnancy planning to childbirth. Folic acid intake can be divided into two times - 200 mg after breakfast and dinner.


A classic vitamin complex for pregnant women, containing all the main groups of low molecular weight organic compounds. The composition of multivitamins was developed more than twenty years ago, taking into account the then recommendations of experts. Of the main advantages of the drug, one can note the presence of a sufficient number of trace elements, including iodine and zinc, as well as a low price. Of the minuses - insufficient content in the composition of folic acid (200 mg), which requires the introduction of an additional dose of vitamin B9 into the diet. Also, certain groups of patients complain of frequent allergic reactions after taking Materna, most likely caused by a high content of B12 and vitamin A.

Alphabet - Mom's health

Russian multivitamin complex designed for pregnant women from conception to childbirth. The drug is divided into three types of tablets, which contain low molecular weight organic compounds and trace elements that do not conflict with each other and do not weaken the mutual action of the components.

Of the positive aspects of the combined preparation, we will cancel the moderate price and the presence of iodine in the composition. At the same time, as in Materna, there is not enough folic acid.


The composition of this multivitamin complex does not include iodine (that is, it must be taken separately), but there is a sufficient amount of folic acid and an increased content of magnesium, which is especially necessary for the prevention of miscarriage and the threat of premature birth. Doctors recommend these multivitamins for the complex treatment of placental insufficiency. The price category is above average, reviews of Elevit are mostly positive.

Vitrum Prenatal Forte

One of the most famous, balanced and optimal vitamin complexes, used with equal success during the planning of the unborn child, pregnancy and after childbirth. The formula of the drug contains enough for the fair sex, the amount of vitamins A, B (including folic acid at a dosage of 400 mg / day), C, D, E, K, H, etc., as well as trace elements - iron, iodine, zinc, magnesium, selenium, copper, manganese, etc. With regular use of Vitrum Prenatal Forte, it is usually not necessary to take additional doses of certain low molecular weight organic compounds.

Of the positive qualities, one can note the ideal balance of the composition, which does not cause negative manifestations in the vast majority of patients, a convenient dosage (1 tablet / day in the morning after eating), as well as an understandable long-term regimen indicated in the instructions for the drug and calculated for the period before conception, 1 ,2,3 trimesters of pregnancy and time after childbirth with the onset of lactation. The only disadvantage of the multivitamin complex is its high cost compared to analogues.

Useful video

Prenatal vitamins

Question answer

What vitamins to take in the first, second and third (last) trimester of pregnancy?

If you do not get enough vitamins from healthy fresh food (and up to 90 percent of all women experience this, since it is almost impossible to purchase really fresh vegetables / fruits, other similar products and ideally balance the diet in such a way as to completely cover the needs for low molecular weight organic compounds) , then vitamins must be taken constantly, or in long courses throughout the entire period of pregnancy. However, depending on the timing, individual components are particularly important:

  1. First trimester. The most necessary for the future baby and you, folic acid, vitamin E and A.
  2. Second trimester. With a properly balanced diet, you can take small breaks in taking vitamins. The most important trace elements of this period are considered to be iodine, calcium and iron.
  3. Third trimester. Vitamins C and D are especially important.

In any case, if possible, throughout the entire pregnancy, take complex multivitamins according to the recommendations and regimen of the attending physician - this will eliminate the need to use 3-4 separate drugs and save you time / nerves along the way.

How much vitamin E to take during pregnancy?

The recommended dosage of vitamin E ranges from 250-350 IU / day, divided into two doses and depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. Regular intake of large doses can negatively affect the health of your child in the future: a number of modern studies and statistics show that women who take more than 600 IU of vitamin E daily throughout their pregnancy give birth to babies with a high risk of heart disease.

Advise, please, the best vitamins for pregnant women

Given the modern lifestyle, poor ecology, as well as the difficulty of maintaining a truly healthy and nutritious diet, the best way to regularly replenish the missing stocks of low molecular weight organic compounds and trace elements is to take combined multivitamin complexes containing the main groups of useful substances in the required dosage. One of the best drugs of this kind available on the pharmacy market and designed specifically for the needs of pregnant women is Elevit (with an additional separate intake of iodine) and Vitrum Prenatal Forte. Schemes for taking these multivitamins are described in detail in the instructions for the preparations.

Is it possible to drink vitamins Elevit not pregnant?

Naturally, you can. Moreover, they are recommended to be used not only before conception as a general tonic, but also after childbirth, as well as during lactation, when a tired body that has lost many vitamins and microelements urgently needs to recover and maintain vital processes at the proper level.

What vitamins to drink in early pregnancy?

In the early stages of pregnancy, it is desirable to use all the main groups of vitamins, one way or another positively affecting the processes of recovery, work and growth of the body. Folic acid and tocopherol are considered to be the key low-molecular organic compounds during this period - the first (vitamin B9) is responsible for the synthesis and support of cell function, and the second (vitamin E) is an antioxidant and ensures the correct metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

Should I take vitamin B6 during pregnancy?

Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine is an important organic compound that is necessary for the synthesis of a number of amino acids responsible for the formation of a growing organism at the cellular level. It is he who ensures the correct and timely development of the nervous system and, in fact, the brain of your unborn child. In addition, a lack of B6 provokes irritability / aggressiveness, severe toxicosis, convulsive syndrome in the fair sex. It is definitely necessary to take it, either separately or as part of a multivitamin complex. The daily requirement of this drug is 2-4 milligrams, divided into 1-2 doses.

The main mission of a woman in society is the continuation of the family. When planning a replenishment in the family, you first need to think about your health. You can start drinking special multivitamins for pregnant women even before the conception of a child. This will allow the fetus to fully develop in the early stages of pregnancy.

Before choosing pharmacy vitamin products, you need to talk with your doctor to find out which ones are better. Only a specialist can prescribe a suitable complex, taking into account the general well-being of the woman, the month of pregnancy and the results of the examination.

Why do pregnant women need to take vitamins?

The body of a girl preparing to become a mother functions in an increased rhythm. He needs to nourish with useful substances and oxygen not only a woman, but also a developing fetus.

Not every woman can provide herself with proper nutrition, rich in multivitamins and minerals. In addition, current products are not natural and healthy enough, since most vegetables and fruits are grown using pesticides and nitrates.

Modern multivitamin preparations, such as Pregnacare or Femibion, include essential components that provide the mother and child with the missing trace elements. It is important that the unborn baby is born healthy. Regular intake of synthetic vitamin complexes during gestation will ensure the full development of the baby at every stage of pregnancy.

Is it safe to take vitamin complexes for pregnant women?

According to scientists, it is believed that if a girl eats natural products, she no longer needs to drink vitamins for pregnant women. The consequence of this may be their excess in the body, which will also negatively affect the mother and child.

In addition, the need for vitamins during gestation is individual for each woman. It depends not only on her general health, but also on her diet, as well as on the time of year. Vitamin and mineral pharmaceutical preparations are compiled without taking into account the seasonal factor, so there may be an imbalance in the amount of a particular vitamin in the body.

If the doctor has studied the history of the expectant mother and recommends taking multivitamins (Pregnacare or Elevit Pronatal), you need to listen to him. You may need a course of one specific vitamin or mineral component (calcium, iron, magnesium, iodine, retinol).

How to choose the right vitamins?

Manufacturers are trying to include in vitamin complexes the entire list of necessary components that are so important for the body of a woman in position and her unborn child. The drugs differ among themselves in the dosage of useful substances, cost and the presence or absence of auxiliary components.

It is necessary to select good multivitamin complexes with your doctor, since their slight deficiency can be corrected by nutrition, especially in summer. By adding seaweed, fish, apples and dairy products to the diet, you can replenish iodine reserves, and meat, eggs, cereals and dried fruits will help to enrich yourself with iron.

In addition, you need to be guided by the duration of pregnancy and the general health of the woman herself.

Indications for the use of vitamins during pregnancy

Not every woman changes her lifestyle during gestation, and when it comes to a healthy balanced diet, it is not always possible to stick to it. In this situation, taking multivitamin complexes for pregnant women, such as Complivit or Elevit pronatal, will help replenish the body with the necessary components and vitamin groups.

The attending physician pays special attention to the physiological and individual characteristics of the pregnant woman. Indications for the use of vitamin complexes are:

  • age (pregnant women under 18 and over 30);
  • malnutrition;
  • previous miscarriage or birth of a disabled child;
  • poor test results (anemia);
  • 2 or more embryos.

First trimester

The first trimester is the most significant stage for the entire period of pregnancy. In the first weeks, all the vital organs of the fetus are laid. Important for the normal development of the child are:

  • Vitamin A (retinol). Affects the formation of the baby's skeleton, nerve cells and organs of vision. The correct dosage of retinol is important, because due to its excess, the fetus often develops heart muscle defects.
  • Vitamin E. It is very important for maintaining pregnancy in the early stages and the formation of the placenta.
  • Folic acid (more in the article:). Gynecologists recommend taking the substance at the stage of planning a child. Participates in the reliable reproduction of genetic material, cell division, protects against miscarriage, the development of anemia.

The top of the best pharmaceutical preparations that are effective during the first 12 weeks include Femibion ​​(without iron) and Elevit pronatal. They contain irreplaceable multivitamins and mineral components necessary for the development of the fetus at the beginning of pregnancy.

Second trimester

In the second trimester, for the full development of the fetus, other important trace elements will be needed: iodine, iron and calcium. They are involved in the processes:

  • the formation of the baby's skeleton;
  • mental development;
  • development of the organs of the endocrine system;
  • full supply of oxygen to the placenta.

If these elements enter the body in excess, they may accumulate in the urine and placenta. This is not the norm, so it is important to follow the dosage recommended by the gynecologist.

third trimester

By this time, all the vital organs of the baby have already formed and, if there were no deviations in the process of gestation, vitamins are not prescribed. Only a gynecologist can prescribe vitamins in the third trimester, given the history of the pregnant woman. It could be Femibion ​​or Complivit Mom.

At this stage, the fetus is improving the nervous system, developing sensory organs. The body of the expectant mother should receive vitamins A, C, K and D, iron and calcium. Vitamin deficiency during this period affects the health of a woman. She may have:

  • problems with teeth, nails and hair;
  • disorders of the pancreas;
  • low hemoglobin level.

Rating of vitamins for women in position

The pharmaceutical market offers a wide selection of vitamin and mineral complexes and supplements for women in position. According to doctors and women themselves, the top ten most popular ratings include:

  • Vitrum (made in the USA, UniPharm company);
  • Elevit (from Roche, France);
  • Femibion ​​(Austrian company Merck KGaA & Co. WerkSpitta;
  • Alphabet "Mom's health" (Russia);
  • Complivit (Russia);
  • Pregnavit (German company Merkle ratiopharm);
  • Multi-tabs (Denmark, Russia);
  • Pregnacare (Great Britain);
  • Solgar prenatal (USA);
  • Lonopan (Russia).

Comparison table of vitamin complexes

Taking multivitamin preparations is important both in early pregnancy and in the second and third trimesters. In modern complexes, manufacturers have tried to reunite the most necessary minerals and vitamins in one or another period of pregnancy. The list of the most popular and their distinctive features are presented in the table.

Elevit pronatal (more in the article:)Contains 12 vitamins: A, 6 types of vitamin B, C, PP, E, H, D and 7 minerals: calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, copper, zinc, manganese (see also:).1 tablet per dayIt can be taken at the planning stages, during pregnancy and during lactation.Expensive product, lack of iodine in the composition
Vitrum prenatal1 capsule contains 10 vitamins and minerals (iron, zinc, potassium)Same wayLikewise, affordable priceDoes not contain all vitamins (no H and B5) and minerals, additional intake of another drug may be required
Femibion ​​1As part of 9 vitamins, iodine, phosphorus and iron (more in the article:)1 tablet per day + softgelContains folic acid in the form of metafolin, which contributes to its better absorptionHigh price
Alphabet "Mom's health"Contains 13 vitamins and 11 minerals, including taurine3 tablets per day with an interval of 4 hoursA full range of important vitamins and minerals, an affordable price, in the presence of allergies, one of the components can be easily removed, since the daily dose is divided into three tablets, different in composition and color.The need to take 3 tablets a day (for the forgetful, this is not very convenient)
Complivit momContains 11 vitamins and 7 minerals, including phosphorus and manganese1 tablet per dayCan be taken throughout pregnancy, inexpensiveDoes not contain iodine, in rare cases may cause nausea
Pregnawit1 capsule contains 9 vitamins and 5 mineralsDepending on the term: in the 1st trimester - 1 ton per day; in the 2nd - 2 tons, in the 3rd - 3 tons.Universal inexpensive drugContains no iodine
Multi-tabs perinatal11 vitamins and 9 minerals including selenium and chromium1 tablet per dayAffordable price, versatilityLow dosage of vitamin D and folic acid
PregnacareAs part of a standard set of vitamins and minerals1 capsule per dayCan be taken at any timeContains no calcium, high cost
Solgar prenatalContains over 20 natural ingredients2 tablets per day (in 1st trimester), 4 tablets per day (in 2nd and 3rd trimesters)Gets rid of toxicityVery expensive drug, rather large tablets
LonopanComplete complex of minerals and vitaminsIn the morning - 2 green dragees, in the evening - 4 white onesGood toleranceYou will have to take up to 6 tablets per day, high cost

Side effects and contraindications

A contraindication to taking such drugs is individual intolerance to one or more components. With prolonged use of multivitamin complexes, side effects occur in the form of:

  • constipation;
  • nausea;
  • allergic reaction;
  • vomiting;
  • drowsiness;
  • habituation to individual components.

The most dangerous side effect is hypervitaminosis (an excess of vitamins). Depending on which vitamin is in excess, there are the following complications:

  • damage to the mother's kidneys, heart defects, nervous system, arms and legs of the fetus - an overdose of vitamin A;
  • oxygen starvation of the fetus, too dense structure of the skeleton and skull - an excess of vitamin D;
  • late toxicosis - a lot of vitamin C;
  • the risk of bleeding during childbirth - excessive intake of vitamin E.

Is it possible to do without vitamins?

When a girl is in a position, in order to maintain her body and for the full development of her unborn baby, daily intake of vitamins and microelements is mandatory. If some mineral or vitamin is supplied in a meager amount or absent altogether, this is fraught with the occurrence of anomalies in the development of the fetus.

Hypovitaminosis is dangerous:

  • the occurrence of a miscarriage;
  • fetal hypotrophy;
  • the development of intrauterine hypoxia;
  • insufficient development of the immune system;
  • anemia
  • the occurrence of rickets in a child;
  • development of heart defects.

For mom, a lack of vitamins is also dangerous. A woman may experience the following symptoms of hypovitaminosis:

  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • migraine;
  • respiratory infections;
  • fragility of nails;
  • decrease in working capacity;
  • hair loss;
  • stomach ache;
  • diarrhea;
  • tremor.

Some pregnant women refuse to take synthetic vitamins, because they believe that it is possible to get the missing elements by introducing the necessary foods into the diet. During the period of bearing a child, nutrition should be correct and balanced.

You can get the necessary supply of nutrients from food:

  • vitamin A (found in the liver, fish, milk, eggs, spinach, parsley, carrots, cottage cheese);
  • vitamin C (found in red fruits and vegetables, citrus fruits, cauliflower, beans);
  • vitamin E (they are rich in milk, vegetable oils, wheat germ, lettuce);
  • B vitamins (found in cereals, milk, meat, liver, eggs, wheat germ, fish, beans, peas);
  • vitamin D (found in fish, egg yolk, vegetable oil, beef liver and meat);
  • vitamin K (present in cauliflower, onions, spinach, lentils, green tea);
  • vitamin H (found in egg yolk, nuts, oatmeal, milk, chocolate);
  • vitamin F (found in dried fruits, fish oil, olive oil) (see also:).

To prescribe synthetic vitamins or not - the doctor must decide. If the expectant mother has any health problems or she is at risk (she is over 30 years old, has multiple pregnancies, had a miscarriage or premature birth), the specialist will definitely prescribe her a course of pharmacy vitamins.

Prices, reviews, composition of vitamins for expectant mothers

Women preparing for the role of mothers need to carefully monitor their diet and choose the right vitamins. You need to take care in advance to strengthen your immunity. Unfortunately, modern technologies for the manufacture and processing of products leave almost no chance of getting all the necessary elements from food, even when organizing proper nutrition during pregnancy. You can solve this problem with the help of vitamin supplements.

It is impossible to name a specific brand of vitamins unambiguously. The best vitamin complexes are preparations intended directly for expectant mothers, where the content of microelements is as balanced as possible, taking into account the needs of a pregnant woman. In a previous article, we described the composition and daily intake of vitamins for pregnant women. This time we have prepared for you a comparative analysis of vitamin complexes sold in pharmacies.

Rating of the most popular vitamins

  • Elevit Pronatal
    • Pros: suitable for the first trimester, does not cause allergies and nausea, often prescribed for the threat of termination of pregnancy, one of the most modern vitamin complexes for pregnant women;
    • Cons: quite expensive, does not contain iodine, large size of tablets;
    • Cost: a package of "Elevit Pronatal" in 30 capsules will cost you around 500-600 rubles, and get ready to pay 1300-1500 rubles for a package of 100 capsules.
  • Alphabet "Mom's health"
    • Pros: Inexpensive, micronutrients grouped according to mutual compatibility, tablets are small and easy to swallow;
    • Cons: these vitamins must be taken in fractional doses 3 times a day, so there is a risk of forgetting to take one of the portions;
    • Cost: One pack of Alphabet Mom's Health contains 60 tablets and costs an average of 300 to 400 rubles.
  • “Vitrum Prenatal Forte”
    • Pros: in addition to vitamins contains minerals - iodine, including;
    • Cons: due to the high iron content, the dosage should be carefully controlled;
    • Cost: a package of "Vitrum Prenatal" in 30 tablets will cost 350-450 rubles, a package of 100 tablets can be purchased from 850 to 1100 rubles.
  • “Sana Sol for pregnant and lactating women”
    • Pros: contains all the necessary trace elements, which are grouped according to mutual compatibility;
    • Cons: due to the fact that these vitamins must be taken in fractional doses 2 times a day, there is a risk of forgetting to take one of the servings;
    • The cost of packing "Sana-Sol for pregnant women" in 60 tablets is about 500-600 rubles.
  • “Complivit Mama”
    • Pros: low cost, contains trace elements;
    • Cons: possible side effects, a large number of negative reviews;
    • Cost: one pack of "Complivit Mama" will cost only 100-200 rubles.

We hope that after reading the article, you yourself will be able to answer the question of which vitamins are better and choose the perfect vitamin complex for yourself.

Absolutely every person needs vitamins and minerals, and a pregnant woman is no exception, rather, she even needs it doubly. The reason for this state of affairs is the growth and active development of the fetus.

Deficiency of vitamins and microelements, including in the first trimester, can adversely affect the formation of vital organs and the health of the child as a whole. Therefore, it is so important to saturate your body with these beneficial substances daily. To solve this problem will help special vitamins, designed to meet the needs of a pregnant woman. What vitamins to drink during pregnancy?

It is known that everything necessary for a person vitamins and minerals found in food. This is true, however, it is worth noting that we are talking about.

Alas, it is not always possible to monitor your diet and get all the necessary substances from food. It is for this reason that very often pregnant women need taking vitamin complexes. Let's consider the main questions on this topic.

Can pregnant women take vitamins

No physician can give a universal answer to this question. On the one hand, the lack of nutrients will adversely affect the health of the unborn baby. But it should be remembered that their overabundance will also not be beneficial. The vitamin complex has a standard composition and does not adapt individually to the needs of each woman, but the need depends on the region of residence, nutritional conditions and even the time of year.

Should pregnant women take vitamins?

As with many health issues, the truth lies somewhere in the middle here. If, before pregnancy, a woman had a deficiency of some vitamins or microelements, especially B12 and iron, and the situation was also aggravated by the cold season, then taking a special complex is fully justified. In addition, due to allergies to certain foods from which we obtain useful substances, it is also recommended to drink vitamins. In the case when a pregnant woman eats fully and correctly, and everything is summer outside, which means that you can eat fresh fruits and vegetables every day, there is no point in taking artificial vitamins.

Need extra vitamins women over 30 years of age and women whose previous pregnancy ended unsuccessfully or the child was born with anomalies.


As before the use of any medicines, before taking vitamins also need to be aware of the side effects.

If speak about contraindications, then first of all it is urolithiasis and an excess of vitamins A and D, as well as iron and calcium. Their uncontrolled intake can provoke health problems.

The need for consultation with a doctor and proper nutrition

Before you start taking a special vitamin complex for pregnant women, need to consult a doctor. Only he, having assessed the state of your health, can make the right decision on the advisability of prescribing vitamins. I would also like to note that it is still better if a pregnant woman adjusts her diet and thus receives all the vitamins and other useful substances in their natural form from food.

How much and what vitamins are necessary for a pregnant woman

What vitamins to drink when planning a pregnancy for women

Folic acid or B9. One of the important vitamins that are recommended for those planning a pregnancy. The role in the emergence of a new life can hardly be overestimated: it is responsible for the growth and development of cells, the correct formation of the neural tube, brain and soft tissues of the body.

Deficiency of this vitamin can lead to serious fetal malformations even in the initial stages of pregnancy, and even when the woman is not yet aware of her condition. That is why gynecologists prescribe folic acid already at the time of planning. As a rule, it is recommended to take this vitamin separately, since its share in the composition of multivitamin complexes is small. The norm of folic acid entering the body is 400 mcg.

B group vitamins. We are talking about vitamins B1, B2, B6 before pregnancy. They are necessary already at the initial stage in order to ensure the normal development of the brain and the nervous system as a whole. Also, these vitamins contribute to the growth and proper formation of the skeleton and muscles of the unborn child.

What vitamins to drink in the first trimester of pregnancy

During early pregnancy, a few more vitamins are added to the necessary folic acid.

Vitamin E. This is a vitamin that affects the ability to both give birth and give birth without pathologies. He is responsible for cell renewal. Also, vitamin E provides the right balance of hormonal levels necessary for conceiving a child. Normally, vitamin E should be ingested in the amount of 100-300 IU per day.

Vitamin A. It provides the mother's resistance to infections, participates in the growth and strengthening of bones, hair and teeth. However, with this vitamin you need to be extremely careful, because its overdose can lead to the appearance of pathologies. It is best to get it from natural food. Its dose ranges from 250 IU per day.

With the beginning of the second trimester, the leading role begins to play iodine, iron and calcium.

Iodine necessary to maintain the proper functioning of the endocrine system and the metabolism of the mother and its formation in the unborn child. It is also involved in the mental development of the fetus. Ideally, a pregnant woman should receive at least 250 IU daily.

Calcium. It is directly involved in the formation of the skeleton, endocrine system and kidney function. It is best taken in the form of vitamins, as it is not well absorbed from regular food. 1500 mg is the daily dose of calcium.

Iron. Necessary for the prevention of uterine tone. Also, iron prevents development and is involved in protein synthesis. Its amount per day is 30-60 mg per day.

Vitamins in the third trimester

In late pregnancy, a woman's body especially needs iron, vitamins A, C, D. We have already mentioned the properties of the first two above, but we will consider the other two in detail.

Vitamin C. It has a direct effect on strengthening the immune system and increases the body's resistance to various infections, which is so important at this stage of pregnancy. Its norm per day is 90-100 mg.

Vitamin D. It is prescribed for the prevention of rickets in an unborn child. Its dose is 400 IU per day. However, if pregnancy occurs in the summer, you can simply be in the sun more often.

How to choose and which complex of vitamins for pregnant women is better

What vitamins to drink during pregnancy? In practice, there is no such thing as "the best" prenatal vitamins. You can look at reviews, ask the opinions of friends, but this should not become a determining factor when choosing.

The choice of vitamin complex also depends on the time of year, gestational age, health conditions and even the weight of the woman.

Here are the key points need to pay attention first of all:

  • composition;
  • possible reaction of the body to specific components of the vitamin complex.

To pick up vitamins, it will be more correct if you consult a specialist. Already taking into account your health, the characteristics of the course of pregnancy, the time of year, place of residence and nutritional conditions, he will select which vitamins to take during pregnancy for you.

Rating of the TOP 5 best vitamins for pregnant women

To make it easier for you to navigate the variety of vitamin complexes available on the market today, we have highlighted the most popular ones.

  1. Elevit. This popular preparation contains 12 vitamins and 7 minerals. Its peculiarity is in the high content of magnesium and folic acid, so gynecologists recommend it to women at risk of miscarriage. However, there is no iodine here, and therefore it must be taken separately.
  2. Vitrum Prenatal. It contains all the vitamins necessary for the body of a pregnant woman. In vitamins for pregnant women, Vitrum Prenatal is especially rich in iron, which is necessary for the prevention of anemia.
  3. Femibion. The complex, taking into account the latest developments in science. It is divided into two types: Femibion ​​1 - for the first trimester and Femibion ​​2 - for the 2nd and 3rd. In vitamins for pregnant women, Femibion ​​lacks iron and calcium, which is due to a possible overdose.
  4. Pregnacare. Another popular vitamin Contains 11 vitamins and 5 minerals, including folic acid and iron. Iodine is absent and must be taken separately.
  5. Alphabet. The complex of vitamins for pregnant women Alphabet is different from the rest by dividing into 3 capsules containing a different set of vitamins. So, if a pregnant woman is allergic to some vitamin, then taking a tablet containing it can be excluded.

Video about vitamins during pregnancy

We present to your attention a short video in which a specialist answers popular questions about prenatal vitamins. What are they for? What and how much do they contain? Is it necessary to use them?
