Easy ways to paint walls. What paint is better to paint the walls in the apartment - features of materials and installation rules

To know how to to paint walls with water-based paint, you need to familiarize yourself not only with the technology of its application, but also with the procedure for preparing the surfaces to be decorated for it. If you strictly follow all the rules, then you can make sure by your own example that there is nothing super complicated in this process.

Despite to appear on market of numerous innovative finishing materials, wall painting has been and remains the most relevant for modern office premises, and for living rooms in apartments and private houses.

Water-based paint is attractive because it is water-based and does not emit an unpleasant odor when painted. At the same time, it is distinguished by excellent decorative effect - as a result of staining, a pleasant soft matte surface texture is obtained. In addition, using this type of paint, you can create various patterns on the walls that imitate relief, or you can come up with a special texture using auxiliary elements for this. Typically, this method is used in cases where the wall has irregularities, and there is no way to fix them. An ideal even painting is obtained if the wall is well cleaned and leveled, so all work begins with the preparation of the walls.

Before proceeding with any work related to painting, it is necessary to prepare the working area, as well as tools and accessories, including protective equipment.

To carry out the work, you need to prepare the following tools:

  • Construction mixer, but in this case it may well be enough conventional drill with mixing attachment. This will be enough to mix the paint.

  • Paint tray - for the convenience of dipping the roller in paint and in order to maximize material savings.

  • Roller with a pile of medium length and a long handle - for the convenience of painting walls under the ceiling without the use of additional ladders or goats.

The main tools of the painter - rollers, brushes

  • Brushes of different widths - for applying paint in places inaccessible to the roller.

Grater - a tool for leveling the surface of the wall

  • Grater for cleaning the walls from the old coating and polishing them.
  • Spatulas, brushes or a hard sponge - for cleaning surfaces.
  • Wide spatula for leveling walls with putty.

  • If the paint will be applied either with a relief pattern or its imitation, then you will need additional tools or homemade elements that will help create the desired texture.

Wall painting materials

It is necessary to prepare in advance and materials, without which it is impossible to do when painting:

The main material is high-quality water-based paint

  • Water based paint. It can immediately have a certain color or be white. In the latter case, you will need a dye that will allow you to choose required shade to the paint. It is recommended to mix it yourself, as it becomes possible to paint the walls in a slightly different tone. For example, the walls in which window blocks are installed are less illuminated than other surfaces in the room, so you can prepare a paint tone lighter for them.

  • Dye of the selected color.

  • Wall primer that will prevent mold stains on the walls and create conditions for good adhesion of paint to surfaces.
  • Sandpaper for cleaning and polishing the surface.
  • Putty, rough - for repairs and finishing - for the final alignment of the walls.
  • Polyethylene film - to protect surfaces that will not be painted from accidental splashes of paint.

  • Masking tape-adhesive tape, for fixing protective film on walls and floors, to protect painting areas - if necessary.
  • In addition, you need to prepare working clothes and means of protecting the skin and respiratory organs - this is a suitable suit, a respirator or mask, rubber and fabric gloves.

On the choice of paint, or rather, on the criteria that predetermine it when buying, one should dwell in more detail.

Paint selection options

Water emulsion is not at all the same - you need to be able to choose it

Water-based and water- dispersion paints are, perhaps, the best option for decorative painting of surfaces of walls and ceilings in residential premises. This is due to a number of positive qualities of such compositions:

  • Such paint is an environmentally friendly product that does not harm human health.
  • When working with these paints, there is no sharp bad smell indoors, so work can be carried out even with the windows closed.
  • Water-based compositions give a smooth matte surface - a wide scope opens up for the implementation of a wide variety of design projects.
  • Sufficiently high moisture permeability of the paint allows it to be used for decorating walls in rooms with high humidity, if the surface is properly prepared.

The most in demand are aqueous emulsions, which are made using acrylic resins. They provide the paint with maximum elasticity and strength, but such compounds have a rather significant cost. Therefore, you can choose compositions that are affordable, but also include acrylic components - these are vinyl acrylic and styrene-acrylic paints.

If the paint contains latex, then after drying the surface acquires water-repellent properties. Such a coating can withstand about a thousand wash cycles.

The water-dispersion version of the paint is somewhat different from the water emulsion. This primarily concerns the main components, which include styrene copolymers, polyacrylates, as well as polyvinyl acetates. These components do not dissolve in water. When applying paint to a surface as it drying out water evaporates, and polymerization of insoluble components occurs on the wall with the formation of a coloring film.

Pigments are included in both aqueous paint compositions - titanium dioxide or zinc oxide are most often used in this capacity - they are introduced to obtain a perfectly white color. In inexpensive paint formulations, instead of these coloring pigments, a chalk component is added, which, in addition, acts as a filler.

When purchasing coloring compositions, you need to pay attention to their characteristics, such as drying time, emulsion viscosity, its consumption, shelf life, storage conditions, specific gravity other.

  • The drying time of the applied paint is from 2.5 to 24 hours, and this parameter depends on the humidity and temperature in the room. Ideal conditions for painting works: the temperature of the surfaces to be painted is + 18 ÷ 20 degrees, the relative humidity of the air is -60- 65%.
  • The viscosity of the composition is an indicator of the degree of dilution with water. A similar parameter is measured with a viscometer. The simplest viscometer is a funnel of a strictly defined volume with a calibrated drain hole. And the viscosity index is measured in seconds - how long does it take for all the paint to completely flow out. Such a device is often available to professional painters, fortunately, it is inexpensive. But data on the viscosity of the composition must be indicated on the packaging. Usually, for applying paint with a roller or brush, a viscosity of 45-50 s is required, and when using a spray gun, not more than 20-25 s.
  • Paint consumption per square meter of area, covered in one layer, is 170 ÷ 200 ml. This parameter depends on the surface on which the paint is applied - its friability and absorbency.
  • Shelf life water-based paint is almost always two years from the date of issue, provided that it is properly stored. These conditions include the temperature of the room, which should not be negative, but the overheating of paintwork materials should not be allowed - the paint should be stored in a cool room with an even temperature
  • The specific gravity of one liter of paint is approximately 1.3 kg.

Main specifications water emulsions, established by GOST, are shown in the following table.

Name of indicatorVD-VA-224VD-AK-111VD-AK-111rVD-KCh-183
paint pH6,8 - 8,2 8,0 - 9,0 7,5 - 9,5 from 8.0
Residual mass of non-volatile substances, %53 - 59 52 - 57 47 - 52 52 - 57
Covering ability of the dried film, g/m 2120 100 80 120
Frost resistance of the composition, number of cycles5 5 5 5
Static water resistance, at a temperature of (20 ± 2) °С, hours12 24 24 24
Degree of abrasion, microns30 60 60 60
Drying time (20 ± 2) °С, hours1 1 1 1
Conditional light fastness, %- 5 5 5

Water-based compositions are easily applied to the prepared surface, but they cannot be used to paint walls previously covered with oil paint, or a glossy surface. On the walls, previously covered with an aqueous emulsion, paint made on any basis will fall.

Water-based paint can, in principle, be applied to any surface other than metal, as it can provoke corrosion processes.

Surface preparation

Since the surface of the walls is almost never perfectly even, and besides, most often some kind of old coating is already present on it, it must first be brought into the proper condition, suitable for painting.

Before starting work on floors and other surfaces that will not be cleaned and painted, a polyethylene film is laid. It must be fixed to the skirting boards with masking tape. By applying this method of protection, you can subsequently save yourself from t intensive cleaning and keep in original condition decorative coating gender.

Wall cleaning

  • First you need to remove the old decorative coating from the walls. This process can be carried out with a stiff brush or sponge if the wall, for example, has been covered with whitewash.

The surface is moistened with water, the remains of whitewash are cleaned with spatulas, brushes, and if it gets wet easily, then it is simply washed off using a sponge and a soft cloth.

  • If the surface is painted with oil paint, then it can be cleaned with building hair dryer is a long and laborious process, especially if the wall is painted thin layer. You can go in other ways, for example, in such a situation there are two ways out - sheathe the walls with drywall, or make notches on them and re-plaster them, creating a smooth surface.

If there are many layers of paint on the wall, and in some places it began to move away, then you will have to clean it off by heating it with a hairdryer and picking it up with a spatula or scraper.

Crack sealing

  • After cleaning the walls, it is necessary to conduct the most thorough inspection of them to detect cracks or unstable areas. If they are not repaired before puttying and painting, then they will definitely appear on an already updated wall.

  • The detected cracks need to be expanded so that the repair compound penetrates as deep as possible into the thickness of the wall.

  • Cracks are expanded with a spatula or grinder with a circle over the stone. Then they are thoroughly cleaned, covered with a primer. deep penetration and left to dry for the time specified in the instructions (usually from 4 to 6 hours).
  • After drying, the cracks are sealed with putty or one of polymer materials, For example, silicone sealant or liquid nails.
  • Closing the cracks, you need to try to remove from the surface of the wall all excess material so that the “patch” is flush with wall surface.
  • After complete drying of the repair composition, all walls primed and dry out. If the wall is not smooth enough, then it is leveled with putty, which can be purchased in a pasty state or in a dry mix.

Wall puttying

Whatever putty is used to level the walls, it must be well prepared and brought to the desired consistency. A drill with a mixer nozzle will help with this. The resulting mass must be completely homogeneous, otherwise it will not make the surface smooth.

  • Prepared composition is taken from the bucket with a medium-sized spatula or trowel and spread on the edge of a wide spatula. With its help, the leveling mass is applied to the wall with smooth movements. The material can be applied to the surface from the ceiling, floor or corner, the main thing is that the mixture should be distributed in an even layer. All stripes and other flaws remaining from the corners of the tool are immediately smoothed out.

  • After the walls are plastered, they are left to dry. This process etc it will go away quickly enough, since the layer of material should be very small, only 2 ÷ 3 mm.

  • If the putty lay down successfully, the next step will be to grout it with a grater. If necessary, a second, finishing layer can be applied on top of the first layer, and after drying, proceed to the final grout.
  • Grouting is done with light circular movements counterclockwise until the surface is perfectly even.
  • After completing these works and achieving the desired result, it would be nice to vacuum the walls thoroughly from putty dust, but so as not to leave accidental scratches with the brush of the vacuum cleaner.

  • Next, a primer is applied to all prepared surfaces, which must be given 5 ÷ 6 hours for complete absorption into the walls and drying. The primer may have White color Or be transparent. It is best to apply it with a roller, but it can also be applied with a wide brush, especially in hard-to-reach areas (at corners or in places where pipes pass, etc.)

Then you can proceed to the preparation of the paint.

Paint preparation and color selection

One of the tricky parts is choosing the right color.

When you open a can of paint, you can see that its consistency is usually quite thick. The composition of this viscosity is well suited for creating embossed wall paintings, but for painting it is still thick. Therefore, after intensive mixing of the emulsion, it can be slightly diluted with water to the desired state.

  • Water is added in very small amounts to prevent over-dilution to a condition unsuitable for painting vertical surfaces.
  • Using different colors and shades of water emulsion, you can create amazing room interiors. However, in order to realize what was conceived, you will have to “conjure” over white paint by adding the selected color to it, and the more it is added, the brighter the paint will turn out.

Color is added gradually, and after each addition, the paint is thoroughly mixed.

  • In order to get the same color for all surfaces of the room, you need to immediately determine how much color is added to each can or to a bucket of paint of a strictly defined volume. And even better - prepare immediately such an amount of paint desired color, which is enough for all surfaces of the room.

The only retreat that is recommended is to cover the wall on which the window is located with a coloring composition one or two tones lighter than the other three walls. This combination will visually expand the space of the room.

  • It would be nice to leave some of the made paint in reserve, so that if the walls are worn in some places, they can be brought back to their proper form. Preparing exactly the same color later is a very difficult task.
  • If, according to the project, several colors of paint will be used in the room, then masking tape is indispensable. It highlights a separate part of the wall, which is painted in one color. After the final drying of this area, the tape is glued on the other side of the border, and the second selected color is applied next to it, and so on. In this way, even quite complex mosaic patterns are performed.

Video: tips for tinting water-based paint

wall painting

  • Water-based paint is applied in two to three layers, depending on the degree of absorption of the surface. To reduce this absorption capacity, the walls need to be very well prime, as already mentioned above.

  • The prepared paint is poured in a small amount into a clean tray, from which it is convenient to pick it up both with a brush and a roller. In addition, the ribbed surface of this paint bath helps to save material, as it is perfectly squeezed out of excess paint taken on a roller or brush.
  • The roller is dipped in paint and scrolled in it so that its entire “fur coat” is saturated with the composition evenly. The first stroke with a roller is best done on a sheet of cardboard. If it will be seen that the roller is well impregnated, then you can install a long handle into it and start painting over the wall, starting from the top. The smudges formed in this case, which fell on the unpainted bottom of the wall, in the process of work will be compared and rolled out with a roller.

Large areas are covered with a roller, and corners or places inaccessible to its penetration are painted with a brush.

  • Wall painting should be carried out in two or three layers, always after each of them has dried - only then will a uniform paint coating be obtained.
  • During the drying of the coating, it is necessary to protect the room from the occurrence of drafts, as they can spoil the evenness of the color of the walls, due to the fact that the areas will dry out unevenly under such conditions.
  • On a flat and dry surface of painted walls, often through a stencil or with a special nozzle on a roller, drawings of a different color of paint can be applied. With this decor, you can revive a boring plain wall.

An interesting surface texture can also be given with the help of the simplest devices - sponges, home-made rollers, crumpled polyethylene, etc.

  • Another option for creating a visual texture it can be applying paint of a different tone to a dried surface with a sponge, compressed plastic wrap, or other home-made devices.

- The first layer of textured surface coating is made with the base color. Such a layer should paint over the entire plane perfectly evenly. In this case, you can use a spray gun to cover the main layer - it will help the paint penetrate into all the deepest places in the relief.

- Further, paint is taken two or three tones lighter than the base color, and preferably a much thicker consistency. It is typed on a clean roller, which, without pressure, is carried out only on the top layer of the textured pattern. This must be done very carefully, as you can ruin the first base layer and have to make laborious adjustments.

Video: an interesting technique for applying a textured pattern

By choosing textured look coloring, you need to take into account that the paint will need almost twice as much, since the top textured or top layers will be applied with a thick, undiluted paint composition.

The work of painting the walls can be called creative, since with the help of water-based compositions you can create works of art - you just have to turn on your imagination and imagine the room in the final version.

If there are no ideas, then you just need to choose a color that will suit all the residents of the house, and get to work. It is not difficult to paint a finished flat surface, the main thing is to make the walls smooth, but this enough labour intensive process . The creative part of decorating the room will be easy, as things will go to completion and receive an updated, self-created interior.

Video: how to paint walls with water-based paint

Remodeling your home is fun, but expensive. You can cut costs by doing some of the work yourself. The easiest way to paint the walls is with paint, so they will last longer, and you can complete the work in a day. How to paint the walls in the apartment with your own hands, step by step instructions for our readers in one article.

What materials and tools will be needed

If the paint application technology is not followed, the walls will quickly peel off and become sloppy. In order to further protect yourself from trouble, you need to know what you need to paint the walls in the apartment with high quality.

Taken for self-assembly the following materials, tool:

  • Roller, brushes or spray gun.

How to paint the walls depends on many factors. The easiest way to apply paint on the walls with your own hands is with a roller. The tool is selected depending on the type of paint. It is not worth saving, as an inexpensive roller will quickly fail and you will have to buy a new one. A special container for paint is purchased for the roller. With its help, it is convenient to give away excess composition from the tool and there will be no smudges on the walls. The bath is purchased in the size of a roller or more, the instrument simply will not fit into a smaller one.

Important! Brushes are purchased in any case. Several options are available in different sizes. They will be needed for tinting hard-to-reach places behind radiators, near door and window openings.

  • Primer.

The primer is selected individually for the type of paint. You can purchase a universal one that fits any type of coating. Prime the walls before painting, it is necessary for better adhesion. The paint, having a high degree of adhesion to the wall, lies more evenly and lasts longer.

  • Dye.

For internal works natural ingredients are taken. The product is selected according to the type of room. In the kitchen, bathroom and toilet, you need to paint the walls with acrylic paint with silicone additives. It is moisture resistant and is not afraid of mold and mildew. In the living room, nursery and bedroom, you can buy a simple water-based. But if monthly wet cleaning of the walls is planned, then a waterproof composition is purchased. In the nursery, the walls are painted with eco-friendly water-based paint. It is odorless and contains no harmful ingredients. The only disadvantage of the formulations for children is the high price. Photos of finished examples can be seen below.

A color scheme is purchased for any water-based paint. In large outlets tinting of the paint will be done in the color desired by the buyer. At home, you will have to dilute paint with tonal paste yourself.

When diluting acrylic paint with color, it is taken into account that after drying on the wall, the color is 30% lighter.

Spray gun for interior work is rarely used. If the apartment is new and there is no furniture with fittings, then you can use an airbrush. In other cases, everything around will be in colored drops, which are problematic to wash off after drying.

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Work progress

When materials and tools are selected, you can get to work. Applying paint to the walls is carried out in stages, each of which must not be skipped:

  1. The walls in the apartment are cleaned of the old coating. Paint is easier to remove with a solvent, wallpaper with water and wide spatula. After that, the surface must be washed with water with a small amount of soda ash.
  2. If the walls are even, then they can immediately be primed. The surface with cracks and large transitions is leveled. For this, putty and plaster are used. At the corners and at the transition points, it is additionally glued with a reinforcing mesh. From above, the surface is rubbed with sandpaper and a wet sponge. The quality of the paint application depends on how even the wall will be. After coating, the most minor flaws will be evident.
  3. A primer is applied to the prepared wall. The number of layers is from 2 or more, depending on the material of the walls. The primer is given time to dry.
  4. The top coat is applied on top. They begin to paint the walls from above, so the smudges from below will even out in the course of work. Apply paint to the walls in smooth movements, leaving no gaps.
  5. Let the first layer dry, then apply the second. Next, tint the corners and that's it hard-to-reach places.

Walls should dry from 12 to 32 hours, depending on the type of paint. The room can be ventilated, but not allowed to dry out. Humidity for uniform drying is kept within 45-60%. Direct sunlight is also best avoided.

The dream of every good owner is to bring his own apartment to perfect condition. At the same time, quality modern renovation, striking the imagination with design features and use the latest technologies, the average citizen will certainly not be able to afford it. In this situation, the hosts are looking for low-cost solutions using the cheapest expendable materials, or even refusing to pay the master, preferring to carry out repairs on their own.

For a long time, painting has been the most economical type of wall repair, but if earlier such an option was considered far from the best, today a wide selection of paints, as well as a competent approach to organizing the process, allow achieving a decent result for little money.


Painting the walls in the apartment is popular among the owners, largely because they are able to perform such a procedure with their own hands. This does not require any special knowledge or skills - it is enough to have at least minimal experience with a brush (which should remain from the time of study at school) and follow the exact procedure for the result to be both aesthetically attractive and durable.

If paint is used quite rarely for wall decoration in residential premises, then in household premises it still remains very relevant. Properly selected dyes withstand the effects of water, high temperatures and steam much better than even nice wallpaper, at the same time, the painted surface is washed no worse than a tile, but it costs much less. Repaint walls if needed cosmetic repairs or design updates are also quite simple - the procedure will take a maximum of a couple of days and, again, will not require outside help.

In general, wall painting is considered one of the cheapest solutions. a number of possible additional costs must be taken into account. First of all, it all depends on the readiness of the walls, because they must be even and clean, otherwise they will have to be leveled and cleaned from any contamination, which can lead to an increase in costs even several times. In addition, for better adhesion of the paint to the wall, it is desirable to use soil mixtures, ideally in several layers, which also increases the cost of the project.

A separate cost item is the purchase of painting tools, if, of course, they cannot be found for free. First of all, you will need brushes, ideally two: a wide one for painting large spaces and a thin one for drawing small details and painting hard-to-reach places. If there are not so many of the latter, but the flat surface of the walls is large enough, it makes sense to purchase and paint roller which will greatly speed up the process. It still needs to be chosen correctly depending on the type of wall surface: foam rubber for smooth surfaces, fur for rough ones. When buying a roller, you will also need a painting cuvette - a special container with a relief bottom, which allows the painting surface of the tool to be fully saturated with paint. If you need to provide a clear contour separating surfaces of one color from surfaces of another shade, you can not do without a special plastic spatula or masking tape.

Finally, for high-quality mixing of the coloring mixture (especially if different colors were mixed), a special mixer attachment for an electric drill is purchased.

This set of tools is typical, but not mandatory or exhaustive. To simplify painting, an airbrush or even aerosol cans can be used to replace brushes and rollers. With a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and the use of paint without mixing shades, in some cases they also refuse a drill with a mixer, replacing it with any improvised tool like a stick.

If we talk about the amount of paint needed to paint the walls in the house, then it must be carefully calculated in advance, because if there is a sudden shortage of material, the work will have to be interrupted, and it’s good if the pieces of the walls painted with the purchased mass do not differ in shade. Such calculations are performed according to a fairly simple formula, according to which it is necessary to calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200ball the walls planned for painting. To do this, the height of each wall is multiplied by its width, and if there are several such walls, the areas of all walls are summed up. Although this area often includes window and door openings, they should not be subtracted - this will ensure that there is enough paint. Manufacturers in the instructions on the banks usually indicate the typical consumption of their products per square meter - it is enough to multiply this figure by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bits of their walls, and also add 15% for insurance, to get the amount of paint needed for painting in one layer. If multi-layer painting is planned, the required volume of material is multiplied by the number of layers.

Types of paint

In order for the result to be of high quality and durable, it is necessary to choose the right type of paint. To date, there are several varieties of colorants for repair, each of which has advantages and disadvantages. All of them must be considered in the selection process.

Water based paint

Water-based paints are well suited for painting rooms with medium humidity, so they can be used for painting walls and interior doors in the residential part of the apartment. Such a substance perfectly adheres to most types of surfaces and "breathes", passing water vapor, and, accordingly, interfering with the development of the fungus. This type does not need to be bought in the right color - the consumer can independently add the necessary dyes to the colorless mass in order to obtain the desired shade with perfect accuracy, and most importantly, all this is very inexpensive. Another thing is that the water emulsion is not suitable for rooms with high humidity, such as a kitchen or bathroom, and it also does not hide the unevenness of the wall, therefore it requires a perfectly prepared surface.

The choice in favor of this type of dye should not be made when repairing a nursery, as it is unstable to mechanical damage.

Water-dispersion paint

Silicone-based water-dispersion paints are compatible with all types of surfaces and are undemanding to thorough wall preparation - the film formed during the drying process is able to hide imperfections and cracks up to 2 mm in size. The painted surface is able to withstand almost any test - it does not exfoliate from moisture, does not crack or crumble from impacts, and does not fade from sunlight. You can use silicone dyes in any type of premises, but the only drawback that can scare away a potential buyer is a rather high cost.

acrylic paint

Acrylic paint can be relatively inexpensive to replace silicone paint, but there will be fewer advantages - in particular, wall imperfections should no longer exceed 1 mm. Paint consumption will probably also increase somewhat - it has a slightly lower hiding power, so you will have to paint in several layers. Its variety is also textured decorative paint, which, when dried, forms a surface with a certain texture - its advantages and disadvantages are completely similar to ordinary acrylic composition.

Alkyd paint

Alkyd paints include mixtures based on drying oil or varnish, respectively, called oil or enamel, but the characteristics are very similar. They are most often purchased at a very low cost, so they are suitable for those who save with all their might. At the same time, alkyd dyes are quite resistant to high humidity and temperature, as well as to fading in the sun, and they can also add aesthetics to the repair due to the possibility of choosing a glossy or matte finish. However, to dilute such paints, a solvent with a very pungent odor is used, which does not disappear quickly, so this solution is still somehow appropriate in the bathroom, but is hardly suitable for living rooms, in particular, for a nursery. In addition, a wall painted with alkyd paints loses its brightness after a certain period of time, and then it may begin to peel off.


The preconceived notion of paint as a boring material for wall decoration is due to the fact that in the past, when choosing in favor of such a solution, the walls were painted entirely, while modern ideas consist in combining different elements of decoration.

This applies not only to colors, but also to different textures - this combination almost always looks original and interesting, allowing you to highlight the accent, visually increase or decrease the dimensions of the room.

For different rooms, different aesthetic moves are used. In the bedroom, for example, it is permissible to paint even all the walls in one tone, since here the emphasis can be moved, say, to window textile. At the same time, it is in the living room that paints with some unusual effect should be chosen, since there are no requirements for special endurance here. Textured paints, which are an imitation of the same silk, will help to decorate it. Unusual practice recent years- paint the walls using a gradient method, when the shades smoothly move from one to another. This decor looks stylish and modern.

For the bathroom and kitchen, the priority is not the aesthetic effect, but the ability to withstand difficult conditions - for example, constant humidity, high temperatures and more abundant use of caustic detergents than in other rooms. In a kitchen, the accent can be a piece of the wall that experiences maximum load - the so-called apron, which is often laid out of tiles; then you should decide on the colors in such a way that they blend well and are either close shades of the same color, or radically different.

Wall painting is also appropriate in conditions of purely utility rooms - in particular, a pantry. Here, even the cheapest oil paint will be more practical than wallpaper, and the owners rarely come up with ingenious design ideas, choosing for this room one calm tone of color paint and whitewashed ceilings.

The choice of color can affect the perception of the room as a whole.- small rooms are advised to "enlarge" by choosing a light wall finish, and vice versa - inappropriately bulky "reduce" with dark tones. In addition, all modern designers advise choosing a specific color depending on which side the windows of the room face. If they face south, then the room is probably experiencing an overabundance of sunlight and heat, and cold shades can make the atmosphere a little more comfortable. On the contrary, in rooms with windows facing north, one gets the feeling of eternal winter and coolness, which is not always comfortable, because it is more appropriate to use rich warm colors here.

When choosing a shade obtained by mixing different colors, it is necessary to knead the entire mixture at once, otherwise the slightest deviation in proportions can divide the room into different “zones”.

In addition, you should be careful when choosing the type of paints so that they do not turn out to fade in the sun. It may turn out that soon after the repair, the original plan will be violated, or, even worse, one side of the originally plain room will suddenly become lighter than the other.

Work technology

The technology of painting walls in an apartment with your own hands does not contain any too challenging tasks, but it consists of many stages that are undesirable to skip in order to avoid worsening the final result.

First of all, it is recommended to remove old paint or any other finish, otherwise it is possible that the new coating will peel off along with pieces of the previous one that has worn out. How to properly remove the previous finish depends only on what type it is. In some cases, it is possible to paint over the old layer. For example, some types of paint or special wallpaper are subject to re-painting, but in this case you need to make sure that such a base is still firmly attached to the wall. Regardless of whether it was decided to leave old renovation or not, the surface must be cleaned of any foreign contaminants, as they do not promote adhesion.

In the case when the old coating was nevertheless removed, the problem of uneven walls probably arises. It must be removed with the utmost care, since paint is not the best masking material. Leveling is carried out using a cement-sand mortar or putty, and in the most severe cases - drywall. Installed drywall sheets they solve a number of tasks at once, including the removal of the old coating, cleaning and leveling the walls, however, such a step can significantly increase the cost of repairs and will certainly reduce the room somewhat. After the wall is cleaned and leveled, it should be carefully primed. Due to this, the paint will become better connected to the surface and its consumption will decrease. Not every primer is suitable - you need to choose the variety that is combined with the selected type of paint.

Only when the primer is completely dry, you can proceed directly to painting.

Correct technique staining involves both horizontal and vertical strokes, since this is the only way to achieve uniformity of tone. At the same time, paint streaks are unacceptable - they will remain clearly visible even after drying, which is unlikely to add aesthetics to the repair. To avoid leakage, the dye should be carefully diluted. Do not add too much water or solvent there. At the same time, some types of inexpensive paint are sold exclusively in white, then they will have to be tinted with the most special color scheme - a color additive that allows you to perfectly accurately get the desired shade.

The staining steps must be followed in strict sequence. Today it is not customary to paint literally the entire surface of the walls with paint of the same color, so they should first be divided into sections delimited by masking tape. Coloring involves the application of just a few horizontal stripes, which are then shaded with an ideally wrung out tool - a brush or roller. Finish shading by moving from top to bottom - as excess paint could drain.

When using paint different colors for curly painting, you can’t do without marking with special masking tape - then accidental “climbing out” of the necessary will remain on it, and not on the walls. It is necessary to peel off such a masking tape only after the paint has completely dried, otherwise contour violations cannot be avoided.

If there are pipes in the room that also need to be painted, it is worth starting with them. The surface of the pipes and the space behind them are hard-to-reach places, however, such a painted interior detail can greatly interfere with the painting of the walls.

To get a good result after painting the walls, you should follow a certain sequence. If you are not serious about such work, then stains, uneven strokes, villi from the brush and cracks will be striking. But the walls painted indoors attract a lot of attention, so there should be no errors. That is why this material provides information on how to paint walls.

  1. How to paint walls: choosing the right paint

Before you start painting, you should determine how to paint the walls. For such purposes, emulsion paints are usually used. They are good for painting interior walls and ceilings; it is better to use emulsion (dispersion) paints. They are resistant and not subject to abrasion, they are well applied to plaster, concrete, brick and drywall. In addition, they wash well and endure various impacts.

Walls covered with emulsion paint "breathe" as they pass water vapor, so they are not afraid of mold. The surface after painting remains smooth and in case of contamination it can be easily wiped with water with the addition of detergent. High-quality emulsion paints are easy to work with, they have a thick consistency (jelly when unmixed), do not drip or drip from the brush. They differ from each other in the binder, which can be, for example, acrylic, vinyl or latex. The properties of water-based paint depend on the quality of the resins, the pigment and the grade of raw materials used in their production. Also, these factors predetermine the cost of the final product.

The most popular types of paints include:

  • acrylic

based on acrylic resins: good spreadability, no unpleasant odour, resistant, good covering properties.

  • vinyl

easy to use, give the surface a beautiful matte finish. The surfaces covered with them are prone to contamination, but are easy to clean, poorly pass water vapor;

  • acrylic-vinyl

have the properties of the two previous types of paints

  • latex

very durable, resistant to sunlight (UV), they are more resistant to abrasion and washout than acrylic emulsions, have excellent covering characteristics, dry quickly, but have a characteristic smell;

  • acrylic-latex

are intended for painting rooms with high humidity or those rooms where the walls are subject to intensive influence (pollution) or damage, for example, corridors, stairwells. Such paints are both durable and elastic, but do not let water vapor through.

  • silicate

liquid potash glass can act as a binder, which reacts with a base containing lime. They give a very resistant, easy to clean coating and are vapor permeable. These are quite expensive paints, most often used for painting facades;

Structural paints are no less popular today. They are quite thick, which allows you to give the walls a decorative texture. To apply them to the wall, you should use special tools: spatulas, swabs, rollers, etc. The technology for applying structural paint is very simple, it is much more difficult to properly prepare the surface for its application - after all, the durability of such a coating depends on this to a greater extent. It is also worth noting a wide range of additives, which will make it possible to realize any decorating idea.

It looks like a wall covered with textured paint.

What kind of paint to choose?

Hall and bedroom

In living rooms and bedrooms, matte emulsion paints have proven themselves well. They perfectly hide various irregularities - the walls and ceilings will look noble. It is worth taking care that the painted surfaces absorb excess moisture. This is especially important in a room designed for sleeping. Thus, in the bedroom it is worth using acrylic paints with the so-called high vapor permeability.

Children's room

For children's rooms we recommend easily washable acrylic paints. They must be characterized by zero emission, that is, they must not contain harmful substances. Choose paints that have designations such as Eco Label, Blue Angel on the labels. This label indicates that the products are environmentally friendly and safe. Glue paints are also safe, but walls painted with them are more difficult to keep clean.

Bathroom and kitchen

Sanitary areas are best painted with moisture-resistant latex or acrylic paints with the addition of antifungal agents. And for the kitchen best solution there will be those paints from which in the future you can easily wash off stains of fat.

Hallway and corridor

For painting the walls of the hallway and corridor, you should choose paints that are resistant to mechanical damage and abrasion, for example, acrylic-latex.

  1. Color matching

Today, there are various color options for wall paints on the market. Therefore, problems with the choice should not arise. The main thing is to decide the right shade, which will harmoniously look with interior items and not oppress the mood of the household. For example, have you ever thought that color can evoke such associations as strength, softness, brittleness, hardness, rigidity, etc.?

Possible colors and tinting options for modern paints

  1. Preparatory work

Before you start painting the walls, you should protect areas of the room. The floor must be covered plastic wrap, and it is desirable to close the transoms together with the wall panels with masking tape. Windows and batteries should also be covered with polyethylene.

The surface intended for painting is cleaned of dirt and dust. new wall needs a primer. This will increase the adhesion of building materials.

Particular attention should be paid to previously painted walls. If their condition remains normal, then it will be enough just to wash the surface. But in the case when the peeling of the old paint occurs, it will need to be removed with a spatula, and then covered with a primer layer.

Removing old paint with a spatula

Surface priming is an operation that precedes painting. The primer prepares the base for the subsequent application of finishing materials, protecting and strengthening it, improving adhesion.

Priming is necessary for:

  • improved adhesion of the paint to the surface,
  • foundation reinforcement,
  • leveling or reduction of absorbent properties,
  • binding non-adjacent parts of the base,
  • reduced consumption and uniform paint application,
  • protection against mold and mildew.

The primer is applied with a brush or roller. To achieve the result, it is necessary to apply the number of layers recommended by the manufacturer (this information is usually placed on the package).

Fresh plaster can be primed only after 1-4 weeks, after complete drying.

A layer of decorative paint can be applied 24 hours after priming.

All existing cracks and irregularities need to be puttied, you can find out how to choose the right putty in the article, and. After that, it remains only to vacuum and prime the wall. Such actions will help to achieve a uniform surface.

Tools and fixtures that you may need when painting walls

  1. Staining procedure

If you want to learn how to properly paint walls with paint, then you need to start this process from the ceiling. For convenience, you can use a ladder or a telescopic handle on which a paint roller is attached. You need to paint the ceiling in stripes, and each subsequent layer should slightly cover the previous one. In this case, the strips should go from the window into the room. The staining process starts from the corners. For these purposes, round rollers are most suitable. As for painting the areas near the outlets, it is better to do this with a small brush.

  1. Possible problems after staining and their solution

5.1 The painted surface has a different gloss (more shiny or more matte areas of the coating are visible on the wall.).


  • Different absorbency of the base, the reason for which is mainly due to the presence of porous putty areas on the general, otherwise absorbent, background of the surface.
  • Uneven priming or use of very “weak” primers.
  • Changing the direction of painting with a roller, leading to a change in the direction of the surface texture, which in turn, at certain angles of view, is perceived as spots.
  • Significant difference in coating thickness.

5.2The painted surface has spots or stripes of varying intensity or shade.


  • Use of tinted paints with a very low binder content, such as ceiling paints (or other non-tinted paints).
  • A different number of applied layers or a difference in the thickness of the paint, which is mainly relevant for low opacity paints.
  • Different absorbency of the base (mainly due to the presence of porous putty areas or uneven priming).
  • The use of an inappropriate tool leads to a certain surface texture, which, depending on the angle of view, is perceived as areas of different intensity or shade.
  • A change in the direction of painting with a roller, leading to a change in the direction of the surface texture, which, in turn, is perceived as spots at certain angles of view.
  • Use paints adapted for tinting with a “margin of safety”. The higher the characteristics of the paint in terms of resistance to wet abrasion and hiding power, the less problems during its application and further exploitation coatings.
  • Thoroughly prime the surface to be painted with quality primers compatible with the coating.
  • Keep a "wet edge" while painting. Painting should be carried out "wet to dry" so that the transition between the painted areas is not obvious. All water-dispersion and latex paints tends to dry faster than alkyds. When applied to areas that have already dried up, the layer of paint “doubles” on them, which can lead to the effect of a visible joint - a strip of a different intensity or texture. Therefore, in order to avoid this phenomenon, try not to make breaks in painting one large area and paint in the direction from the wet (newly painted area) to the dry (not yet painted area). Usually this problem is relevant when painting large areas. Moreover, the more glossy the paint, the more noticeable this problem.
  • If after staining you still have areas of different gloss, shade and texture), then you should re-priming and staining.


On a painted surface, mold can appear as black, gray, greenish dots or spots. In advanced cases, a white cotton-like coating may appear. Mold appears, as a rule, in damp places, as well as in places without access to daylight (usually bathrooms, toilets, kitchens) and damp rooms with insufficient ventilation. You can often see mold on the walls of living rooms, when water condenses from the warm, humid air of the room on a cold wall in contact with the street. He likes mold and cold water pipes passing through warm, humid rooms that constantly form condensation.


  • The surface is "optimal" for the development of mold (permanently damp, poorly lit, porous surfaces).
  • Applying paint over an already moldy surface.
  • High hydrophilicity ( ability to absorb water well) and the porosity of the paint - in the wet pores of the coating, ideal conditions are created for the development of fungi.


  • The main thing is to get rid of the reasons leading to the emergence of optimal conditions for the development of mold: Ensure good ventilation of the room. If possible, provide maximum illumination with daylight (even a small amount of ultraviolet light prevents the development of mold). Thermally insulate cold walls where condensation may occur.
  • If the coating already has a fungal infection, it is possible to mechanically remove mold deposits and treat the surface with a fungicidal preparation (means). If the coating is included in the "mold risk group" - also treat the surface with a fungicidal preparation (means).
  • Use only quality materials for pre-finishing and mildew resistant topcoats from trusted manufacturers.
  • Coat surfaces especially “loved by mold” with special fungicidal paints, on which the development of fungi is impossible even in the most optimal conditions for them.


Over time, the paint (lacquer or enamel) may turn yellow, both in whole and in spots, which is especially noticeable for white or blue coatings.


  • Exposure to heat from stoves, radiators and heating pipes (mainly true for alkyd-based coatings).
  • Lack of daylight, such as surfaces hidden behind something (behind paintings, cabinets). Actual mainly for alkyd enamels and varnishes.
  • Excessive exposure to daylight (or rather its ultraviolet component). It is also relevant for coatings based on alkyds, as well as styrene-butadiene latexes. Natural oxidation of alkyd or oil paints and varnishes.
  • The presence of tar in the room atmosphere (for example, from smoking, cooking or other source of smoke) and their adsorption by the coating.
  • Banal leaks.


  • Give preference to water-dispersion enamels and paints. Unlike alkyds, they practically do not turn yellow under the influence of darkness or light.
  • If you have chosen alkyd enamel or varnish, take only high-quality brands of trusted manufacturers. If it is important to maintain the whiteness of the coating, choose enamels with the inscription "radiator" or "yellowing resistant". In the case of choosing a varnish, choose brands that include ultraviolet filters or adsorbers.

How to paint walls (video):

To date, painting walls with water-based paint is one of the most popular types. interior decoration walls. Long years this method was forgotten, but now new technologies have appeared, new coloring compositions, and the appearance of the painted wall has completely changed, and this type of finish has become unusually fashionable. With the help of coloring, you can turn your home into your own little world, creating an individual and unique atmosphere in it. So, what and how to properly and beautifully paint the walls in the apartment?

Among the variety of colors and tinting options (modern color catalogs will help you with this), you can find the paint of the desired shade and degree of gloss for any surface. Anyone who once faced with the choice of paint for their walls can understand how interesting and exciting it is to correctly choose the color of paint for the ceiling, walls and window frames. After all, the entire color palette in your apartment should be harmoniously interconnected.

Color and its effect is one of the most important aspects which must be taken into account when painting. Along with the color, the gloss level should be chosen correctly, as this characteristic significantly affects the perception of the color. On the other hand, no matter what degree of gloss we take, the painted surface should easily withstand wet cleaning with a cloth or be easily repainted.

Matte or completely matte surface brings peace and harmony to the interior. Paints with this degree of gloss are most often chosen for the walls of rooms in which they rest. On the matte surface the color becomes elegant and soft. Daylight, entering the room through the window, gently diffuses on the matte surface, while hiding minor imperfections of the substrate. Semi-gloss and semi-gloss paints are suitable for rooms that are actively used during the day. Glitter gives the surface dynamism and makes the color play.

What paint to choose for the walls

It is advisable to paint the interior with water-based paints. You can buy water-based paint for walls in Moscow in our store. Such paints are non-toxic, easily diluted with water to the desired consistency, dry quickly. They can be used to paint concrete, stone and wooden surfaces. During the painting process, water from the applied paint layer is partially sucked off by the base material (the surface itself), and partially evaporated. In this case, the emulsion breaks up and a film is formed, which has sufficient strength and has a high vapor permeability. The latter quality is especially valuable for the interior of a dwelling, as it improves the indoor climate, the walls “breathe”, passing water vapor through their thickness.

For painting walls in the bedroom, living room, hallway and other dry areas famous companies- coatings manufacturers offer big choice water based paints.

Tikkurila wall paints

Tikkurila Harmony is a completely matt Finnish paint with good resistance to cleaning and giving the painted surface a velvety effect. Tinted according to the Tikkurila Symphony color catalog. The velvety dullness of this paint softens the effect of color and, as if lulling, plunges into the realm of sleep.

Tikkurila Joker is a washable matte paint that does not contain organic solvents and has a silky sheen. The paint has been awarded the "Eco-label" of the European Union, it is approved by the Association of Specialists in Allergic and Asthmatic Diseases. The paint is tinted according to the Tikkurila Symphony color palette. The silky tone of this paint beautifully reflects the light penetrating from the outside.

Tikkurila Euro 2 - completely matte paint, can be tinted in light shades according to the Tikkurila Symphony fan.

Tikkurila Euro 7 - matte paint. Withstands easy wash brush. Tinted according to the Tikkurila Symphony color system.

Tikkurila Remontti-Yassya is a semi-gloss paint that does not contain organic solvents, it withstands frequent washing, so it is better to paint it in corridors, hallways, kitchens and bathrooms. Kraske also holds the European Union Ecolabel and is approved by the Allergy and Asthma Association. Tinted according to the range of colors of Tikkurila Symphony.

When painting the walls and ceiling of the bathroom, which are inevitably exposed to moisture and direct contact with water, moisture-resistant paint is needed. If there is a possibility of mold spots appearing on the walls and ceiling, then it is necessary to use a paint containing fungicides and algicides that prevent the development of mold on the surface. For these purposes, we recommend using Tikkurila Luya paint. It has three gloss levels (matt, semi-gloss and semi-gloss) and has excellent wash resistance and contains an anti-mold component. The paint is resistant to strong detergents and disinfectants used in hospitals. It is tinted according to the Tikkurila Symphony catalogue. With this paint, you will make the surface of the walls of wet rooms waterproofed and give the walls a clean sheen.

Tikkurila Euro 20 is the Russian analogue Finnish paint Tikkurila Luya has a semi-gloss finish and a lower price.

The video shows water-based wall paints from different manufacturers

Wall paints by Beckers

Beckerplast 3 is a matt water-based paint, an excellent choice when it is necessary to obtain a durable washable coating. It is suitable for high quality finishing works indoors.

If the surface is durable and does not leave a chalking residue on the hand, then it is enough to treat the surface with water-based paint, previously diluted with water in the required proportion. For the first (priming) layer on a new or cleaned surface, dilute no more than 1 part of water to 5 parts of paint. For the next layer - no more than 1 part of water to 10 parts of paint.

The strength of the painted surface is not less than important point. Therefore, it is necessary to remove all loose particles, especially when painting surfaces covered with old paint.

If it is necessary to repaint a previously painted surface, then you need to make sure that after washing there are no stains left on the surface (traces of leaks, splashes of berry juice, ink, oil, etc.). It is difficult to wash such stains, but it is unacceptable to leave them. We recommend using for this special agent for surface cleaning before painting with Maalipesu or Huoltopesu.

Paint application technology

Consider the easiest way to paint walls. For painting, we recommend using a velor roller, it is better than all the others, distributes the paint on the surface of the wall.

There are several types of rollers for this type of work: foam rubber, mohair or sheepskin, with different pile lengths - short, medium and long. Your choice of roller actually depends on the type of paint you are using.

The short pile mohair roller is suitable for applying a silky emulsion. The medium pile sheepskin roller works perfectly with matte emulsions. Foam rollers are not recommended for conventional water-based paints because their spongy structure creates air bubbles on the paint film, which then burst, leaving a cracked crust on the surface. The paint is usually applied in two layers. Before application paint needs to be mixed carefully.

With the first layer of paint, we sort of prime the surface, and with the second we fix the color. We start painting from the wall in which there are window or door openings. Before you start painting the walls, you need to prepare. Mark the boundaries of the area to be painted with masking tape. With its help, the painting line will turn out to be even and you can not be afraid to paint over the excess, but, anyway, you need to paint carefully and slowly on the masking tape.

Pay special attention to window and door frames, as well as ceiling surfaces adjacent to walls. With a brush, it is necessary to process all areas inaccessible to the roller. As a rule, this is 20-30 cm from each corner of the room, as well as other boundaries marked with masking tape. The surface should be painted in a thin and even layer. Drying time for water-based paint is usually 2 hours. Each layer must dry. Otherwise, when painting on a wet layer, you will peel off this layer from the surface, which will nullify all previous efforts.

Before painting the walls, the roller must be prepared for work, for this, take a paint tray, pour a little paint into it, lower the roller there and roll it over the ribbed surface of the pallet. This will evenly distribute the paint on the roller.

We start painting from the wall in which there are window or door openings. We carefully apply the paint to the surface. We start work from the top of the wall, moving the roller up and down, so that a W-shaped “pattern” is obtained. We roll the roller from top to bottom and back and somewhat obliquely. In the event that you move the roller exclusively vertically, ugly marks may appear on the painted surface.

This is just one of options, but how exactly to paint - straight or at an angle - everyone decides for himself. After finishing work, without waiting for the paint to dry, you should pay attention to small details throughout the room, such as window and door frames, floor or ceiling plinth. Noticed smudges and misses must be removed immediately, they are easily removed with a damp cloth.

We sincerely hope that our advice will help you in this difficult, but very interesting matter. We wish you that your house becomes exactly the way you intended it, so that repairs in your apartment bring only joy, and you yourself save significant money, time and nerves.

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