History essay example. Essays on history (25 USE question)

The educational and methodical manual brought to your attention is one of the first publications aimed at preparing students for the implementation of a fundamentally new task included in the control measuring materials - historical essay about one of the periods of Russian history (No. 25). This assignment is for high level complexity is evaluated on the basis of a complex of various criteria.
This publication includes recommendations, memos, algorithms for writing an essay, as well as training tasks. Performing these tasks in accordance with guidelines enable you to successfully cope with the new difficult task and significantly increase the overall score on the Unified State Examination.
The manual is intended for students in grades 9-11, applicants preparing for the Unified State Exam. It is also addressed to teachers and tutors for effective training students for the exam in history.

name two historical figures, whose activities are associated with these events, to characterize their role in them.

Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich himself took an active part in the preparation of the Council Code, on whose recommendation it was convened in 1648 Zemsky Sobor, who developed the main provisions of the Code. The tsar vigilantly followed the work of the Council, strove for the main issues to be reflected in the new legislative collection.

B.I. played an important role in compiling the collection of laws. Morozov, educator of the tsar, head of government. True, after the Salt Riot in 1648, the tsar, in order not to disturb the people, removed him from business. However, Morozov continued to be the unspoken head of the government, led the preparation of the Cathedral Code.

The central figures during the period of the church schism were Patriarch Nikon and Archpriest Avvakum. Both were prominent spiritual figures in Russia, had authority in the country. Both understood that it was necessary to reform the church. However, Avvakum did not accept the methods that Nikon used, although for the most part the disagreements did not affect the foundations of the church. Nikon's reform led to both the strengthening of the role of the church in the country and the centralization of power. True, the desire to put church power above the royal one led to the fact that the king stopped supporting Nikon, and in the end Nikon was deposed and sent into exile.

General recommendations for writing an essay about one of the periods in the history of Russia (task No. 25)
Workshop 1
Designing an essay about one of the periods in the history of Russia (task No. 25)
Workshop 2
Workshop 3
Workshop 4
10 essays-characteristics of the historical period

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In accordance with the requirements for an essay, let's start with the characteristics of the period (criterion K1).

"1645-1676 - this is the period of the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov. This king carried out many practical transformations in all areas public life countries that prepared the basis for the future reforms of Peter I. Let's name some of them. The legislative system of the country was improved, a new set of laws was adopted - the Cathedral Code (1649). This document set out legal registration serfdom. According to him, the search for runaway peasants became indefinite, the peasants became forever the property of the owner, the fixed summers were eliminated. In addition, the Code reflected the process of formation of absolutism. It included a chapter regulating the attitude towards the sovereign and proclaiming the most severe punishments for the slightest offenses against the sovereign and the state. Thus, the adoption of the Council Code significantly strengthened the power of the tsar, strengthened the role of the nobles, preserved and confirmed the significant role of the church in the state.

In accordance with the evaluation criteria, this part of the essay characterizes the first of the required two events (phenomena, processes) and summarizes the development of this event (phenomenon, process) (criterion 1).

In accordance with criterion 2, it is necessary to tell about the historical person associated with the event (phenomenon, process) described earlier, and show the role of this person in this event.

“Alexey Mikhailovich himself took an active part in the preparation of the Cathedral Code. The king watched the work of the cathedral, made his own adjustments to the legislation. An educator, the “uncle” of the tsar, the head of the government, the boyar B.I., who was close to the tsar, played an important role in the work of the council and in the drafting of legislation. Morozov. Despite the fact that after the Salt Riot of 1648 he was removed from official participation in government, he tacitly continued to play a huge role at the court of Alexei Mikhailovich, including supervising the preparation of the Cathedral Code.

In the essay, it is necessary to mention at least two events (phenomena, processes), so let's consider one more event.

"The historical period also went down in history under the name "split of Russian Orthodox Church". The beginning of the split dates back to 1654, when Patriarch Nikon began reforming the church. Nikon strove for the unification of church rituals, books, holidays, etc. But not all believers were ready to accept the new rules, and so-called Old Believers, or schismatics, arose. Its essence was expressed in disagreement with the new church orders and the desire to adhere to the old, pre-reform rites.

Despite the split, church reforms led to the unification of the Russian Orthodox Church, strengthening the power and role of the church in the country. However, we must not forget that another consequence of the reforms was the separation of believers, which has been preserved for many centuries.

In accordance with criterion 2, it is necessary to write about a historical person associated with the second event (phenomenon, process) described earlier, and show the role of this person in this event, so you should definitely talk about church leaders who participated in the preparation and implementation of reforms.

“The central figures during the period of the church schism were Patriarch Nikon and Archpriest Avvakum. Both were prominent spiritual figures in Russia, both were in the inner circle of Alexei Mikhailovich, both enjoyed great prestige among believers. However, Avvakum did not accept Nikon's desire to take Byzantine books and rituals as a model for the unification of books and rituals, but argued that Russia had its own, Slavic Christian roots, which should have been taken as a model in the reform. Avvakum, by personal example, demonstrated loyalty to his principles, defended adherence to antiquity, laid the foundation for a schismatic movement.

Nikon first established himself as an active reformer, a supporter of the new, the union of church and state. But in the future, his desire to put church power above secular power led to the fact that Alexei Mikhailovich stopped supporting him and even actively spoke out for Nikon's resignation from the patriarchal throne, which happened in 1667. After that, Nikon was sent to northern exile, where he spent the rest of my days."

In accordance with the requirements of criterion 3, causal relationships between events should be established.

“There are undoubtedly causal relationships between these events. Both events - both the adoption of the Council Code and the church reform - were dictated common causes: the aggravation of social contradictions in the country, the interest of the population in the creation of clear and precise laws, the need to strengthen the authority of secular and ecclesiastical authorities.

The consequence of these events was the strengthening of the central government, the strengthening of the influence of the church in the state, the strengthening of the authority of Russia as a whole.

In accordance with criterion 4, a historical assessment of the period should be made based on the facts and opinions of historians.

“Aleksey Mikhailovich ruled for a long period - 31 years. During his reign, many reforms were carried out in almost all spheres of public life. But his reign cannot be unequivocally assessed.

On the one hand, a significant step forward was made in the development of the economy. Elements of capitalist relations began to develop faster in the country, foreign specialists began to be attracted more often, the tax system changed, and a policy of protectionism was pursued. The Cathedral Code became for many decades the main legislation of the country. Significant progress has been made in foreign policy: signed peace treaties with many countries (for example, the Peace of Cardis in 1661 with Sweden, the Andrusovo truce with Poland in 1667), in 1654 Russia and Ukraine were reunited, the territories of Russia in the East were significantly expanded (explorations of Eastern Siberia by Russian pioneers and merchants).

But, on the other hand, it was under Alexei Mikhailovich that serfdom was finally formalized (1649), and the tax burden on the population of the country increased significantly. Many social protests took place (for example, salt riot 1648 Copper Riot of 1662 first peasant war under the leadership of Stepan Razin 1670–1671 and etc.).

The very figure of Alexei Mikhailovich is also ambiguously assessed by domestic and foreign historians of both the past and the present.

The image of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich in historiography is rather contradictory. In addition, an assessment of the personality of Alexei Mikhailovich often becomes an attempt to justify the nickname “the quietest” attributed to him. This characteristic quickly became almost the only indisputable assessment of the personal qualities of the ruler.

In the study by S.M. Solovyov "History from ancient times" almost three volumes are devoted to the reign of the tsar, but the author did not consider the personality of the ruler himself fateful for Russian history. If we talk about how Solovyov himself evaluates Alexei Mikhailovich, then the tsar, from his point of view, was distinguished by “kindness” and “gentleness”, like his father, Mikhail Fedorovich.

More detailed description gives the king V.O. Klyuchevsky: “I am ready to see in him a better person Ancient Russia, at least I don’t know another old Russian person who would make a more pleasant impression - but not on the throne. This "best" person, according to Klyuchevsky, was passive and unstable, little able to "defend or carry out anything", "easily lost self-control and gave too much room to his tongue and hands."

From the point of view of S.F. Platonov, Alexei Mikhailovich "was a wonderful and noble, but too soft and indecisive person."

The modern historian Igor Andreev uses this epithet on almost every page and several times in his research. “Undoubtedly, the heroic tragedy is not his genre. The Quietest, he is the Quietest, ”he claims on the first pages of a monograph dedicated to the king. This epithet was able to displace even the name of the king and take his place. There is a historical novel about Tsar V. Bahrevsky called "The Quietest", a novel by V.Ya. Svetlov "At the Court of the Quietest Emperor".

In general, the era of Alexei Mikhailovich is a period of strengthening absolutism, creating the prerequisites for the reforms of Peter the Great.


At the end of our overview features of working on a new task 25, we want to recommend a short template, using which it is easier to build a certain sequence of actions for yourself.

What will be the exam in history in 2016

What parts have been removed compared to 2015

Should I panic and be afraid?

What is the main thing in preparing for the exam in history 2016?

All these questions are answered in the video above. Hello. So, the 2015/2016 academic year is coming soon and Federal Institute pedagogical measurements(FIPI) on its website has already published fresh control and measuring materials for the exam in 2016. This post is about history.

The first thing that catches your eye: in the USE test in history in 2016, the former part A was completely removed from the first part of the USE test. It contained the easiest tasks with one answer, usually out of four. The elimination of these tasks, on the one hand, significantly reduced the number of tasks itself: now there are 25 instead of 40. On the other hand, he USE test on the history of 2016 is complicated. Not to say that strong, but complicated.

Here is a table of correspondence between the tasks of KIM USE 2016 in history and:

As can be seen from the table, only 5 tasks (6,7,8, 10 and 25) fairly new (they are marked in red). The rest of the tasks are taken from the 2015 USE test. When I say this, I mean the type of tasks. The most fundamental change occurred in task 6. Its introduction will complicate the test by the fact that the graduate will have to navigate similar tasks from different historical eras.

Task 25 (40) has also been radically revised. If earlier a graduate was required to characterize a historical figure according to an unclear plan, now it is required to write a historical essay on a certain period of national history.

That is, now it is not at all necessary to know the biography of W. Churchill and T. Roosevelt in order to write a historical essay. The principle here is simple: don't write what you don't know 🙂 However, knowing these characters and demonstrating this knowledge to experts will help the graduate get the highest score.

The maximum primary score is now 53 primary scores and 100 test scores. For a historical essay, a graduate can now receive as many as 11 primary points. And the criteria in it have been increased to 7. We will talk more about these tasks in future videos and posts. !

In general, the test has become more difficult and the graduate will have to know not only events from history and historical figures, but also terms, causal relationships and much, much more.

You can seriously train in solving tests, and learn the nuances of their solution, by going through our:

Many will ask: are they relevant for preparing for the exam in history in 2016. Yes, of course they are relevant. After all, my video courses are aimed at developing a graduate's systemic knowledge of the discipline and developing the skill of solving tests of any complexity.

In addition, all those who have purchased a full course in history from me, like other courses, have the right to consult with me on any issues of preparing for the exam. Therefore, everyone who purchased my courses and my services in 2015/2016 academic year without a doubt, they will pass the exam in the history of 2016 by 100 points. As it was in the 2014/2015 academic year.

You can download the latest KIM USE on the history of 2016 here by liking:

I hope I dispelled your fears and panic moods! Next in line are interesting materials:!

Sincerely, Andrey Puchkov

All smart boys and girls who are preparing for the Unified State Examination in History 2016 are well aware of the role of the historical essay in 2016. If anyone is not in the know, I will explain that the maximum primary score for the USE test in history is 53 this year. And for a well-written historical essay put - 11 primary. Anyone familiar with mathematics will easily consider that this is a fifth of the entire examination work. Think about it! One task out of 25 - gives a fifth of the final grade!
First you need to choose a historical period about which you will write.

1. The name of the period and the ruler, the general features of this time and the advantages of the policy of the historical character.

The criteria require you to indicate at least two events and traits, but, as practice shows, it is better to indicate more, at least 3 - 4, because if you make a mistake, then what is indicated further will be counted.

2. Characteristics of a historical personality. Briefly describe how you came to power. And here you need to indicate the second historical figure that you choose for your essay. This is very important choice, since further writing will depend on this.

Patriarchs, commanders-in-chief and heads of organs can be indicated as the second historical person state power. In general, all those who somehow influenced the history / ruler.

3. Description of the first historical fact and another event following from it.

This is all we take from the first paragraph, where in in general terms identified the main features.

It is very important here not only to describe the event, but also to reveal the connection with the other, how it influenced something in the future. This is one of the criteria and it is important to comply with it.

It is advisable to enter in several paragraphs the second historical figure who influenced some event. Be sure to include this person in at least one paragraph and show his influence on this event.

Please note that the goal here is not to describe everything in the smallest detail, the main thing in this paragraph is a causal relationship. Do not write here everything that you know about something.

4. Here, using the same technology as in the first paragraph, we describe the next event, a causal relationship, and the resulting second event.

The main part should contain as many paragraphs as events and connections you want to describe and reveal, but not less than two. We take all this from the first paragraph and reveal it in more detail. If in the first paragraph you indicate 4 events, then there should be 4 paragraphs in the main part.

5. Now the hardest part, you need to evaluate the personality and the government this person in history, based on the opinions of great historians. It is advisable to say how, for example, Karamzin or Solovyov evaluated something.

This will be counted as a withdrawal.

But that is not all. What is above is the content of the paragraphs. And now about some criteria for which they also give points.

1. Use of historical terms. That is, in your essay you need to use the words that were used in a particular era. The words "prince", "squad", " feudal fragmentation and so on. Absolutely simple words, which were used in some of the eras.

2. Criterion K6 (2 points) is awarded only if more than 4 points were awarded for the previous 4 criteria. It is not allowed to set criterion K6, if any factual errors.

3. Criterion K7 is awarded when at least 4 points are given for criteria K1-K4 and when the essay is presented sequentially, and not in fragments of phrases.

Good luck with your preparations!


/Exemplary execution algorithm/

Approximate completion of task 33 from Demo version"Project model for conducting the Unified State Examination in History, developed by the Russian Academy of Education"

Write a historical essay about one of the periods in the history of Russia: 1) 1019-1054, 2) 1725-1762, 3) 1917-1922.

Step 1 . Choose a historical period.

From work experience it follows that students are well trained to perform the task of writing a political portrait. Therefore, it is better to choose the first period, because. it includes the reign of one of the greatest rulers antiquity - Yaroslav Vladimirovich (the Wise), apparently, here it will be quite easy for the student to bring the materials required by the assignment.

On the draft, you can make the following entries :


Major events

Causal relationships


Yaroslav Vladimirovich

Board in Kyiv 1019-1054

Acceptance of "Russian Truth"

The defeat of the Pechenegs in 1036

He came to power as a result of participation in the bloody strife of 1015-1019.

Regulation of the life of the state and society, the possibility of making the same type of decisions throughout the state.

Consolidation military force under the leadership of Yaroslav, strengthening the army and the power of the prince

Strengthening princely power, streamlining relations between prince of Kiev and his deputies

Restriction of kinship revenge, creation of the first civil code laws in Russia.

Termination of Pecheneg raids on Russia. Strengthening the security of Kievan Rus.

Mstislav Tmu-


Speech against Yaroslav in 1024.

In the battle of Listven, he defeated Yaroslav. Since 1025 Yaroslav's activities were mainly associated with the Christianization of Russia and enlightenment.

Until the death of Mstislav in 1036. There was a division of Russia into

2 parts - west of the Dnieper - the possession of Yaroslav, east - Mstislav. Since 1036 Yaroslav - the sovereign ruler of Kievan Rus

Hilarion, the first Russian metropolitan

Church-philosophical substantiation of the unity of the Christian world, the sacredness of princely power

Establishment of an independent church administration from Constantinople. Praise and sacralization of the grand ducal power

Terms and concepts

Internecine war, grand ducal power, metropolis, metropolitan, Christianization, sacred power, land consolidation, separatist actions, etc.


1019-1054; 1024;1036; 1038 and etc.

Step 2Let's carefully consider the given material, we got 3 historical figures and 5 events related to them.

Related material strife between Yaroslav and Mstislav we can be a little more specific:

· material on a causal relationship between the outcome of the Battle of Listven and changes in Yaroslav's life: it is possible that the reason for the abandonment of the prince's usual military activity was a severe injury he received during the internecine struggle with his brothers, apparently, by the end of his life, he is unlikely could do without outside help, as his leg was broken.

· The fortifications built in Kyiv - the “city of Yaroslav”, the Golden Gate with the gate of the Annunciation Church, St. Sophia Cathedral, the monasteries of St. George and Irina, etc. can be considered the result of his educational activities and the Christianization of Russia.

Step 3Let us trace the connection of the personalities we have indicated with each other and with the corresponding events.

Let us clearly denote the fact that, despite the fact that Yaroslav and Mstislav were actually co-rulers from 1024 to 1036, they can be considered as political and military rivals due to strife. BUT Yaroslav and Hilarion - Companions, educators and disseminators of Christianity and its moral and ethical values.

In this respect it can be clarified that Yaroslav was considered a great scribe and a diligent parishioner. Contemporaries and descendants highly valued the work of Metropolitan Hilarion. His work "The Word of Law and Grace”not only contributed to the strengthening of princely power, but is also considered by researchers as a kind of new philosophical idea about the unity of the Orthodox world.

Step 4Carefully consider your notes on the draft and try to build at least two cause-and-effect relationships between events, subjects of activity, and indicate what the activities of the historical persons you indicated led to. Articulate your thoughts in a draft note. Be sure to leave room for correction!

Entries might look like this : the activities of Yaroslav the Wise, aimed at land consolidation and strengthening of power, associated with the creation of "Russian Truth", victory over the Pechenegs in 1036., concluding an agreement with Mstislav Tmutarakansky. The results can be taken from the table.

Step 5. Try to remember what assessments of the events and activities of the historical persons you mentioned are given by historians, writers, politicians, publicists. You can briefly summarize them, paying attention to the fact that these assessments do not necessarily coincide, most often they can be diametrically opposed. Such material can show the high level of your preparation for exams and your interest in the humanities, which is very commendable.

Entries might look like this : The “Tale of Bygone Years” by the chronicler Nestor contains a commendable review of the educational activities of the prince: he took care of translating Greek books into Russian, which formed the basis of the library of St. Sophia Cathedral, Yaroslav Vladimirovich is considered the creator of “Russian Truth” ...

Contemporaries and descendants highly valued the work of Metropolitan Hilarion. His work "The Word of Law and Grace" not only contributed to the strengthening of princely power, but is also considered by researchers as a kind of new philosophical idea about the unity of the Orthodox world.

Step 6. Carefully review all entries, eliminate contradictions, if they are, check for chronological, historical and even grammar and spelling literacy and transfer the material to the examination answer sheet in the form of a plot story.

Remember that your draft entries are not checked or evaluated by experts! Therefore, try to logically present the material you have worked out. scientific language, do not forget to focus on historical terms related to the selected period.

The answer might look like this:

I would like to write a historical essay about the chronological period from 1019 to 1054, because it includes the reign of one of the greatest rulers of antiquity - Yaroslav Vladimirovich (the Wise), who came to power as a result of the bloody strife of 1015-1019. but later his brother Mstislav Tmutarakansky defeated the army of Yaroslav at Listven in 1024. Until 1036, Kievan Rus was divided into two parts - to the west of the Dnieper - the land of Yaroslav, and to the east - Mstislav. These warrior rulers can be considered important historical figures, because. they contributed to the formation of statehood, sought to regulate the life of the state and society. At the same time, there was a significant strengthening of the role of the Orthodox Church and the first Russian Metropolitan Hilarion.

The main task of the ruler of the specified time is the further unification of the lands and the rise of Kyiv as a center of land consolidation. Against the backdrop of separatist uprisings, the grand ducal authorities must take care of the security and inviolability of power. To do this, Yaroslav spreads the action of the "Russian Truth", adopted in 1015. for Novgorod for the whole Kievan Rus, according to some lawyers, it becomes the first civil code of written laws in Russia.

Yaroslav is forced to attach great importance to the defense of the borders from the Pechenegs, who, during the reign of Olga and Vladimir, created a serious danger to the state and its inhabitants. In 1036, the Pechenegs were defeated by Yaroslav, and in honor of this event, the Hagia Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv was founded.

On the example of the biography of the outstanding contemporaries Yaroslav and Mstislav Vladimirovich, it is interesting to consider some cause-and-effect relationships. For example, between the outcome of the Battle of Listven in 1024 and changes in the life of Yaroslav Vladimirovich. It is possible that the reason for the abandonment of the prince's usual military activity was a serious injury he received during the internecine struggle with his brothers, apparently, by the end of his life, he could hardly do without outside help because his leg was broken. Therefore, he refuses military activities, so familiar to him, and is mainly engaged in Christianization and enlightenment. The fortifications built in Kyiv - the “city of Yaroslav”, the Golden Gate with the gate of the Annunciation Church, St. Sophia Cathedral, the monasteries of St. George and Irina, etc. can be considered the result of this activity.

The "Tale of Bygone Years" by the chronicler Nestor (1116) contains a laudable review of the educational activities of the prince: he took care of translating Greek books into Russian, which formed the basis of the library of St. Sophia Cathedral, Yaroslav Vladimirovich is considered the creator of "Russian Truth". It was not by chance that historians of the 19th century gave Yaroslav Vladimirovich the nickname “Wise”.

Contemporaries and descendants highly valued the work of Metropolitan Hilarion. His work "The Word of Law and Grace" not only contributed to the strengthening of princely power, but is also considered by researchers as a kind of new philosophical idea about the unity of the Orthodox world.

Thus, specified period in the history of Russia was very important, and the individuals with whom the main events of this time were connected really decided the fate of the state and society.

An essay on history is written according to a certain milestone in history. This may be the period of the reign of the monarch, the war, the cycle of activity of some social movement. For example, in the tests you can find the following date: October 1917 - October 1922. This is the period civil war, which means it will be the topic of the essay.

Requirements for an essay on history in the exam

Before you start writing an essay, you should carefully read requirements to him.

In the demo version of 2019 on the website of the USE developers www.fipi.ru we read what is necessary in the essay (quote):

  1. Indicate at least two significant events (phenomena, processes) related to this period of history;
  2. Name two historical personalities whose activities are associated with the indicated events (phenomena, processes), and, using the knowledge of historical facts, characterize the roles of the personalities you named in these events (phenomena, processes). Attention! When characterizing the role of each person named by you, it is necessary to indicate the specific actions of this person that significantly influenced the course and (or) result of these events;
  3. Indicate at least two cause-and-effect relationships that characterize the causes of the occurrence of events (phenomena, processes) that occurred in a given period;
  4. Using knowledge of historical facts and (or) opinions of historians, assess the impact of events (phenomena, processes) of this period on the further history of Russia;
  5. In the course of the presentation, it is necessary to correctly use historical terms, concepts related to this period.

History essay plan

Based on the above requirements, history essay plan could be like this:

  1. a brief description of period (you should give a name to what is hidden under the date: war, period of government, revolution, etc.).
  2. Disclosure of the first significant event (phenomenon, process) that occurred in a given period. Here, the causes and effects of this event should be mentioned, as well as the person associated with the event and his specific deeds.
  3. Disclosure of the second significant event (phenomenon, process) that happened in this period. It should be mentioned here the causes and effects of this second event, as well as to indicate the person associated with the event and his specific deeds.
  4. Assessment of the significance of this period for the history of the country.

Indicate causal relationships when disclosing the first and second events. In other words, explain and name the causes and results of reforms, wars, riots, revolutions and other facts.

Remember that there can be more than two indicated events and personalities in the essay. In the essay, the main thing is to exhaustively reveal the content and significance of the selected period of history.

Analysis of an essay on history

Now consider a specific essay example, written according to the plan we proposed and analyze it.

Period of Russian history: 1921 - 1928

The first paragraph of our plan reads: "A brief description of the period." We do:

In these years, the period of the sole rule of Joseph Stalin before the start of the Great Patriotic War fits in. These were the years of industrialization, collectivization, terror and preparation for war.

The second point of our plan: "Disclosure of the first significant event (phenomenon, process) that occurred in this period. Here we should mention the causes and consequences of this event, as well as indicate the person associated with the event and her specific deeds."

In 1929, the policy of industrialization began in the USSR. Industrialization is modernization industrial production, the creation of heavy industry in the country, new industries that meet the requirements of the time.

The reason for the industrialization was the technical backwardness of the USSR, as well as the need to gain economic independence from Western countries. The results of industrialization amazed the imagination: during the first three five-year periods of industrialization, a huge number of new enterprises, roads and industries appeared in the country, the country reached a new economic level.

Anastas Ivanovich Mikoyan (years of life - 1895-1978) took an important part in the events of industrialization. During this period, Mikoyan served as Commissar of Supply and Minister of Foreign Trade. He was engaged in trade, food industry, supply. AT Food Industry Mikoyan introduced several revolutionary things: 1) he laid the foundation for "refrigeration technology" (not "refrigerators in every house", this is later, but new way preparation and storage food products, 2) introduced the technology of canning production and 3) the technology of conveyor production of semi-finished products.

The third point of the plan: "Disclosure of the second significant event (phenomenon, process) that happened in this period. Here it is necessary to mention the causes and consequences of this second event, as well as indicate the person associated with the event and her specific deeds."

To maintain high rates of industrialization, the Soviet government resorted to different kind non-economic methods of coercion. This is the organization of the Stakhanov movement, on the one hand, and the use slave labor prisoners of the Gulag, on the other.

The reasons for the Stalinist mass repressions that unfolded just in the 1930s were Stalin's desire to rid the country of all people who in one way or another aroused distrust and were suspected of disapproving the course adopted by the country. The result of the repressions was the ruined lives of a huge number of innocent people, as well as the formation in society of an atmosphere of fear and lack of freedom, internal and external.
The year of the apogee of repression is called 1937. The head of the NKVD, which means that the leader of the policy of repression, was Nikolai Ivanov Yezhov.

He coordinated and carried out repressions against persons suspected of anti-Soviet activities. Yezhov began with a "cleansing" of the state security agencies themselves, then switched to other categories of citizens. Under Yezhov, the so-called order orders appeared with exact number people who needed to be repressed in one part of the country or another. In 1938 Yezhov was relieved of his post. In 1939, he was arrested and accused of preparing coup d'état and sentenced to death.

The fourth point of the plan: "Assessment of the significance of this period for the history of the country."

Historians assess this period as a time of strengthening the totalitarian system in the country and Stalin's personal power. The heavy industry created thanks to industrialization helped the USSR to lead the Great Patriotic war, however, the repressions bled the country, and also destroyed the command staff of the army, which caused a future failure in the war in its initial period. Collectivization laid the foundation for a future global crisis in Agriculture. The people living at that time received a serious psychological trauma, which had a serious impact on the formation of the national mentality.

An example of a real essay on the exam in history, which received the highest score on the exam (11 points)

These are the years of government Alexander III, who was nicknamed the peacemaker for the fact that under him the Russian Empire did not wage wars. Alexander III came to the throne as a result of the fact that his father, Alexander II the liberator, was killed by members of the revolutionary organization Narodnaya Volya. Later, the main conspirators (Perovskaya, Rysakov) were executed.

Alexander III was a conservative. His policy was aimed at combating revolutionary organizations and sentiments. At the very beginning of his reign, in 1881, for this purpose, the "Regulations on measures for the protection public order and public peace. "It also introduces strict censorship and expands the network of secret police.

Under the emperor, there are such economic figures as Bunge, Vyshnegradsky and Witte. Witte's activity falls mainly on the reign of Nicholas II, but he took up his position under Alexander III. Bunge took a serious step - the abolition of the poll tax. He also reduced the redemption payments. These actions contributed to the calming of peasant discontent. Largely thanks to the above figures, the Russian economy continued to flourish.

In foreign policy, Alexander III chose a peaceful course. The diplomat Girs, who actively participated in international affairs, stood out in particular. He, through diplomacy, dissuaded the German government from attacking France, which delayed the outbreak of the First World War and made it possible Russian Empire to build up its military potential, which later Emperor Nicholas II did not use, which largely caused failures during the First World War and which, in turn, resulted in the February Revolution and the overthrow of the monarchy. Also, two blocs are finally formed in foreign policy: the Triple Alliance (Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy) and the Entente (Russia, France, England).

Despite strict censorship, a tough fight against revolutionary movement, the time of his reign cannot be called unfavorable for the country. Under him, the population sighed calmly, because the men did not go to war. The economy continued to flourish. The peasantry did not rebel because the government tried to help them. In foreign policy, Russia took its place on the side of the Entente, the opponent of Germany's aggressive plans. The reign of Alexander III prepared a worthy ground for the transition to a new century.

Criteria for evaluating an essay on history in the USE

There are seven evaluation criteria in total. The maximum number of points that you can get for an essay is 11.

K1. Indication of events, phenomena

2 points: two events (phenomena, processes) are correctly indicated.

K2. Historical personalities and their role in the indicated events (phenomena, processes) of a given period of history

2 points: two historical personalities are correctly identified, the role of each of these personalities is correctly characterized, indicating their specific actions that largely influenced the course and (or) result of the named events (phenomena, processes) of the considered period of Russian history.

K3. Cause-and-effect relationships (cause-and-effect relationships named when indicating the role of the individual and counted according to criterion K2 are not counted)

2 points: two cause-and-effect relationships are correctly indicated, characterizing the causes of the occurrence of events (phenomena, processes) that occurred in a given period.

K4. Assessment of the impact of events (phenomena, processes) of a given period on the further history of Russia

1 point: an assessment of the impact of events (phenomena, processes) of this period on the further history of Russia based on historical facts and/or opinions of historians.

K5. Use of historical terminology

1 point: Historical terminology is correctly used in the presentation.

K6. Presence of factual errors

2 points: there are no factual errors in the historical essay

! 1 and 2 points according to this criterion can be set only if at least 4 points are given according to criteria K1-K4 !

K7. Form of presentation

1 point: the answer is presented in the form of a historical essay (consistent, coherent presentation of the material).

! 1 point for this criterionbe exhibited only if, according to the criteria K1-K4, a total of at least 4 points was awarded!

If the criteria are not fully met, then the numbers are reduced.

Video about personalities for an essay on the period 1894-1917.

How to write a good essay:

  1. Knowledge of all the dates of the reign of the heads of the Russian state, remembering the names of the rulers and their sequence ()
  2. Knowledge of the dates of all major reforms, wars and uprisings ().
  3. Knowledge of all personalities important for the history of the country, their lifetime and contribution to the development of the state, its science and culture ().