Quotes about the ruler. Quotes of great people about Russia and Russians Quotes sayings about Russian rulers tsars emperors

The best ruler is the one about whom the people know only that he exists.
Lao Tzu

To rule does not mean to rule, but to fulfill a duty.

The whole science of government comes down to the ability to gild the pill.
Adolphe Thiers

If I were king, I wouldn't trust aces too much.
Tristan Bernard

The fate of a people is not strong when it depends on the will, or rather, on the temper of one person.
Mark Tullius Cicero

The inclination towards absolutist rule is in direct proportion to contempt for one's own country.
Alexis Tocqueville

Authoritarianism sincerely believes that it has moral advantages over a legal society, because it claims precisely to control morality, while uncontrolled morality does not exist for it.
Alexander Kruglov

The ruler is not so easy to push from first place to second, as then from second to last.
Julius Caesar

The more the throne wobbles, the fewer people want to support it.
Arkady Davidovich

The best day after the death of a bad sovereign is the first day.

With the change of ruler, nothing changes for the poor, except for the name of the master.

It is easier to change the king than the retinue.
Arkady Davidovich

Those who have left the stage often go to prompters.
Alexander Cumor

Being placed in power, do not use crafty people in your positions, for if they sin, they will blame you as the boss.

Only then take power into your hands when you learn to obey.

To comprehend the essence of the people, one must be a sovereign, and in order to comprehend the nature of sovereigns, one must belong to the people.
Niccolo Machiavelli

Reasonable people are often hated by powerful rulers.
Erasmus of Rotterdam

No one can justly govern others if he is not able to put a bridle on his own passions, if he is unjust, cowardly and weak, if he is reluctant to give from his own to people who are respectable but needy.
Andrzej Modzhevsky

If you lead the people through laws and maintain order through punishment, the people will seek to evade punishment and will not feel shame. If, however, to lead the people through virtue and maintain order through ritual, the people will know shame and correct themselves.

Those who knew how to acquire sensible people by meeting peoples capable of political life were able to keep their empires in the greatest flowering for a very long time.
Jean Bodin

In every country the art of molding people is so closely connected with the form of government that any significant change in public education is hardly possible without changes in the state system itself.
Claude Helvetius

Whoever was a good squire will be able to be a good governor.
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

Unfortunate is the ruler who has brought the flatterer closer.
Pierre de Ronsard

Kings deal with people as with coins: they give them a price as they please, and they have to be valued at the rate, and not at the real price.
François de La Rochefoucauld

A monarch who is unwilling to overcome the difficulty of understanding is forced to overcome the danger of trust.
George Savile Halifax

Governance is a cruel occupation. Good character in such a case is only a hindrance.
George Savile Halifax

Only that one is worthy of being a leader, To whom both honor and life are given blindly by a warrior.
Jean Racine

When a good monarch sits on the throne, it's time to legislate against the lawlessness of power.
Joseph Addison

It is easier to conquer than to rule. With the appropriate lever, one can shake the world with one finger; but to support it, the shoulders of Hercules are needed.
Jean Jacques Rousseau

It is sometimes more difficult to manage one person than an entire nation.
Luc de Clapier Vauvenargues

It’s bad if Tsar Eagle is among carrion, but if he himself is carrion among eagles - write wasted!
Gotthold Ephraim Lessing

Imperfect popular representation is only an extra tool for tyranny.
Germaine de Stael

All monarchs are political tyrants, all subjects are rebels at heart.
Edmund Burke

A king may be a nobleman, but not a gentleman.
Edmund Burke

Monarchs love to make friends with all sorts of rabble. It's in their blood.
Edmund Burke

To manage people, you need a head: for playing chess, good-heartedness alone is not enough.
Nicola Sebastian Chamfort

The great art of subjugating people lies in the ability to take them on their good side.
Honore Gabriel Ricchetti Mirabeau

How can a tree bloom if its roots have dried up? So it is here: until there is proper order in the kingdom, where will military courage come from? If the leader does not constantly strengthen the army, then he is more likely to be defeated than a winner. You, having despised all this, praise only courage; and on what courage is based - it does not matter to you.
Ivan IV Vasilyevich the Terrible

Is it proper for a king, if he is slapped on the cheek, to turn the other? How can the king manage the kingdom if he allows dishonor over himself?
Ivan IV Vasilyevich the Terrible

To hunt hares, you need a lot of dogs, to defeat enemies - a lot of warriors; who, having reason, will execute his subjects without reason!
Ivan IV Vasilyevich the Terrible

Every potentant (i.e. ruler) who has a single land army has one hand, and who also has a fleet has both hands.
Peter I the Great

Be gentle, philanthropic, available, compassionate, and generous; let your greatness not prevent you from condescending to small people good-naturedly and putting yourself in their position, so that this kindness never diminishes either your power or their respect. Listen to everything that deserves attention in any way; let everyone see that you think and feel like that,
how you should think and feel. Act in such a way that good people love you, evil people are afraid and everyone respects you.
Ekaterina II Alekseevna

Study people, try to use them without entrusting yourself to them indiscriminately; look for true dignity, even if it were at the end of the world: for the most part it is modest and (hidden somewhere) in the distance. Valor does not climb out of the crowd, is not greedy, does not fuss and allows you to forget about yourself.
Ekaterina II Alekseevna

Petty rules and pathetic refinements should not have access to your heart.
Ekaterina II Alekseevna

I believe that it is much more useful for citizens when the whole state prospers than when individuals live in contentment, while the whole is destroyed.

To do good and hear evil is the lot of kings.
Antisthenes of Athens

He who commands must sometimes obey, and he who obeys with dignity deserves to command in the future.
Cicero Mark Tullius

Spare the conquered, curb the recalcitrant.
Virgil Maron Publius

No matter what the crazy kings do, the Achaeans suffer.
Horace (Quintus Horace Flaccus)

The one who, not knowing how to control himself, wants to control others is insane.
Publilius Sir

Unjust power is short-lived.
Seneca Lucius Annaeus (the Younger)

Many things are forbidden to Caesar precisely because everything is allowed to him.
Seneca Lucius Annaeus (the Younger)

Small errors seem big if they are found in the behavior of those who are entrusted with power.

A good shepherd removes the wool from the sheep, not the skin.

It is fitting for Caesar to die standing.
Suetonius (Gaius Suetonius Tranquill)

Be the first executor of your orders.
Claudian Claudius

The good of the people is the highest law.
Unknown author

The reason why it is difficult to govern the people is that the people are enlightened and there are many smart people in them.
Laozi (Li Er)

In a country where there is order, be bold both in actions and in speeches. In a country where there is no order, be bold in action, but careful in speech.
Confucius (Kung Tzu)

If you rule on the basis of virtue, settle according to ritual, the people will not only be ashamed, but will also express humility.
Confucius (Kung Tzu)

If he himself is direct, then they will do everything without orders. And if he himself is not direct, then they will not obey, even if they are ordered.
Confucius (Kung Tzu)

If you improve yourself, will it be difficult to govern the state? If you cannot improve yourself, how can you improve other people?
Confucius (Kung Tzu)

The board is a correction. Who dares not to improve when you yourself are corrected?
Confucius (Kung Tzu)

The secret of good government: let the ruler be the ruler, the subject be the subject, the father be the father, and the son be the son.
Confucius (Kung Tzu)

Rule the people with dignity and the people will be respectful. Treat people kindly, and people will work hard. Exalt the virtuous and instruct the unlearned, and people will trust you.
Confucius (Kung Tzu)

Wise and able men should be promoted to positions, regardless of their position; lazy and incapable people should be immediately removed from office; the main villains must be executed without waiting for their re-education; ordinary, average people need to be educated, not waiting until they have to apply measures of punishment.
Xun Tzu

The ruler can be compared to a boat, and the people - to water: water can carry a boat, or it can overturn it.
Xun Tzu

The main thing for the ruler, if not the law, then the art of management.
Han Feizi

... In order to manage a state that has a thousand war chariots, you need to be prudent, truthful, moderate in needs, love the people, know the time when you can involve the people in the performance of duties.
Unknown Chinese author

... If the whole country around you is in poverty, the wealth of the ruler, granted by Heaven, also disappears.
Unknown Chinese author

Woe to you, country whose king is a slave
And whose princes feast early,
Blessed are you, country whose king is free
And whose princes eat at the proper time,
To strengthen courage, not for drunkenness.
Old Testament. Ecclesiastes

When a country departs from the law, then there are many chiefs in it; but with a sensible and knowledgeable husband, it is long-lived.

When the righteous triumph, there is great glory, but when the wicked rise, the people are hidden.
Old Testament. Proverbs of Solomon

What is the ruler of the people, such are those who serve under him.
Old Testament. Sirach

Peace, campaign, war and fortifications,
Separation of forces and friendship with the strong -
Here are six ways of the policy of the rulers.

No kings are known to have ruled the kingdom happily continuously.

Who will remain unharmed serving kings and approaching them? Rulers are like a wicked harlot who gets along with many men.
John of Damascus

It is necessary that the rulers do not despise the little ones who are under them: after all, the small are no longer small when they are useful to the great.
John of Damascus

If there is no law, then serve as an example to your subjects - and you will leave an inescapable memory of your reign.
Basil I the Macedonian

Of those who are near you, encourage not those who exalt everything you have done, but those who scold you severely for your mistakes.
Basil I the Macedonian

In order to preserve your kingdom in virtue, what you forbid others to do, never do it yourself: it is terrible for subjects to learn about the atrocities of the authorities.
Basil I the Macedonian

A king who fills his treasury with the property of his subjects is like one who smears the roof of his house with clay taken from under its foundation.

A wise ruler is always patient,
And he knows how to hold back the tide of anger.

The sovereign is not free to choose his people, but is free to choose to know, for his right is to punish and pardon, bring closer and disgrace.
Niccolo Machiavelli

The ruler's mind is first judged by the kind of people he brings closer to himself.
Niccolo Machiavelli

The sovereign does not need to possess all the virtues, but there is a direct need to appear to possess them.
Niccolo Machiavelli

People, believing that the new ruler will be better, willingly rebel against the old one, but soon they are convinced by experience that they were deceived, because the new ruler always turns out to be worse than the old one.
Niccolo Machiavelli

Never let flatterers besiege you: let us feel that you love neither praise nor baseness.
Ekaterina II Alekseevna

Keep in yourself those great spiritual qualities that make up the distinctive identity of an honest person, a great person and a hero. Beware of any artificiality. May the contagion of vulgarity not darken your ancient taste for honor and valor.
Ekaterina II Alekseevna

Show confidence only to those who have the courage to cross you on occasion and who prefer your good name to your grace.
Ekaterina II Alekseevna

In any era, the most malicious representatives of the human race should be sought among the leaders of the people.
Thomas Babington Macaulay

Absolutism requires from the ruler, first of all, impartiality, honesty, fidelity to one's duty, efficiency and modesty.
Otto von Schönhausen Bismarck

Woe to that statesman who does not bother to find a basis for war, which will still retain its significance after the war.
Otto von Schönhausen Bismarck

"Divide and conquer" is a wise rule; but "unite and direct" is even better.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

A tough ruler does not rule for long.
Johann Friedrich Schiller

I explain the institute of pages by the fact that sovereign princes willingly kept the sons of their vassals at their courts as hostages.
Arthur Schopenhauer

It is easier to hold the reins than the reins.
Kozma Prutkov

A good ruler is justly likened to a coachman.
Kozma Prutkov

The whole art of management consists in the art of being honest.
Thomas Jefferson

The sovereign's words should not diverge from deeds. If the sovereign says one thing and does another, then the people can also double-deal. In this case, friends will be split, and enemies united.
Ahmad Mahdum bin Nosir Donish

A whip and spurs are needed to control the seal.
Napoleon I (Bonaparte)

There are two levers that can move people: fear and self-interest.
Napoleon I (Bonaparte)

Keeping people from growing old is the great art of management.
Napoleon I (Bonaparte)

I am either a fox or a lion. The whole secret of management is knowing when to be one or the other.
Napoleon I (Bonaparte)

Simple common sense guides better than false scientific constructs.
Henri Claude de Rouvroy Saint-Simon

There is no more cruel misfortune in human destiny than when the rulers of the earth are not the first among their subjects. And then everything becomes false, perverse, terrifying.
Friedrich Nietzsche

It has long been noticed that people of a mediocre mind and poor in spirit consider themselves worthy and called to rule the state. With amazing energy and perseverance they rush forward, and the most diligent of them manage to achieve the goal.
Chabua Iraklievich Amirejibi

There are no good masters.
Antonio Miro

The king is created by a retinue or a neighboring state.
Antonio Miro

The rulers believe that only they should survive.
Elias Canetti

The ruler never truly forgives.
Elias Canetti

The ruler, on whose existence the existence of others depends, puts between himself and others the greatest and most insurmountable distance; it is thanks to her, and not only to his brilliance, that he is the Sun or, like the Chinese, even more distantly, the Sky.
Elias Canetti

A ruler who is clear of his own hostile intentions cannot deceive everyone with his pretense.
Elias Canetti

If those in power do not guard the social institutions that enable the minority to effect peaceful change, then their rule is tyranny.
Karl Raimund Popper

What a monument to human insignificance is the idea of ​​a philosopher-ruler! What a fall - from the Socratic world of irony, reason and honesty to the Platonic kingdom of leaders.
Karl Raimund Popper

He who teaches that love, not reason, should rule, paves the way for those who are convinced that hatred should rule.
Karl Raimund Popper

The immaturity of those who are ruled lives on the overmaturity of society.
Theodor Adorno

Peter is not only the first Russian intellectual, but also the first Russian nihilist.
Dmitry Sergeevich Merezhkovsky

Whoever thinks he is in charge, he is in control.
Semyon Ludwigovich Frank

While ruling, the leaders are solely concerned with making their predictions true.
Hannah Arendt

A leader without the masses is nothing, a fiction.
Hannah Arendt

The leader or leaders differ little from the crowd they govern.
Émile Durkheim

Napoleon not without reason hated ideologues, and dictators, obeying the general rule, hate philosophers.
Jacques Maritain

The rulers have programs of action, which, however, cannot be put into practice without the support of the ruled.
Raymond Claude Ferdinand Aron

An outstanding statesman is a person who is able to realize the openness of the system, to understand the meaning of what can be called circumstances and an auspicious moment.
Paul Ricoeur

Mao Zedong can be called the last emperor.
Mircea Eliade

Rule the people with dignity and the people will be respectful. Treat people kindly, and people will work hard. Exalt the virtuous and instruct the unlearned, and people will trust you.


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The best ruler is the one about whom the people know only that he exists.

Lao Tzu

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The secret of good government: let the ruler be the ruler, the subject be the subject, the father be the father, and the son be the son.


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If he himself is direct, then they will do everything without orders. And if he himself is not direct, then they will not obey, even if they are ordered.


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People, believing that the new ruler will be better, willingly rebel against the old one, but soon they are convinced by experience that they were deceived, because the new ruler always turns out to be worse than the old one.

Niccolo Machiavelli

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To do good and hear evil is the lot of kings.

Antisthenes of Athens

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Small errors seem big if they are found in the behavior of those who are entrusted with power.


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The sovereign does not need to possess all the virtues, but there is a direct need to appear to possess them.

Niccolo Machiavelli

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A good ruler is justly likened to a coachman.

Kozma Prutkov

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The main thing for the ruler, if not the law, then the art of management.

Han Feizi

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Those who knew how to acquire sensible people by meeting peoples capable of political life were able to keep their empires in the greatest flowering for a very long time.

Jean Bodin

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Is it proper for a king, if he is slapped on the cheek, to turn the other? How can the king manage the kingdom if he allows dishonor over himself?

Ivan IV Vasilyevich the Terrible

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The sovereign's words should not diverge from deeds. If the sovereign says one thing and does another, then the people can also double-deal. In this case, friends will be split, and enemies united.

Ahmad Mahdum bin Nosir Donish

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The ruler can be compared to a boat, and the people - to water: water can carry a boat, or it can overturn it.

Xun Tzu

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The ruler's mind is first judged by the kind of people he brings closer to himself.

Niccolo Machiavelli

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The whole science of government comes down to the ability to gild the pill.

Adolphe Thiers

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It is easier to hold the reins than the reins.

Kozma Prutkov

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To comprehend the essence of the people, one must be a sovereign, and in order to comprehend the nature of sovereigns, one must belong to the people.

Niccolo Machiavelli

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Absolutism requires from the ruler, first of all, impartiality, honesty, fidelity to one's duty, efficiency and modesty.

Otto von Bismarck

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He who commands must sometimes obey, and he who obeys with dignity deserves to command in the future.


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A ruler who is clear of his own hostile intentions cannot deceive everyone with his pretense.

Elias Canetti

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A king who fills his treasury with the property of his subjects is like one who smears the roof of his house with clay taken from under its foundation.


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To rule does not mean to rule, but to fulfill a duty.


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"Divide and conquer" is a wise rule, but "unite and guide" is even better.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe

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A king may be a nobleman, but not a gentleman.

Edmund Burke

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There is no more cruel misfortune in human destiny than when the rulers of the earth are not the first among their subjects. And then everything becomes false, perverse, terrifying.

Friedrich Nietzsche

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To manage people, you need a head: for playing chess, good-heartedness alone is not enough.

Nicola Sebastian Chamfort

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It is easier to conquer than to rule. With the appropriate lever, one can shake the world with one finger, but Hercules' shoulders are needed to keep it going.

Jean Jacques Rousseau

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A sensible ruler is always patient, And he knows how to hold back the tide of anger.


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Be the first executor of your orders.

Claudian Claudius

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The board is a correction. Who dares not to improve when you yourself are corrected?


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Kings deal with people as with coins: they give them a price as they please, and they have to be valued at the rate, and not at the real price.

François de La Rochefoucauld

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When a good monarch sits on the throne, it's time to legislate against the lawlessness of power.

Joseph Addison

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Study people, try to use them without entrusting yourself to them indiscriminately, look for true dignity, even if it be at the end of the world: for the most part it is modest and (hiding somewhere) in the distance. Valor does not climb out of the crowd, is not greedy, does not fuss and allows you to forget about yourself.

Catherine II

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Every potentant (i.e. ruler) who has a single land army has one hand, and who also has a fleet has both hands.

Peter I the Great

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Unjust power is short-lived.

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Governance is a cruel occupation. Good character in such a case is only a hindrance.

George Savile Halifax

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If you rule on the basis of virtue, settle according to ritual, the people will not only be ashamed, but will also express humility.


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The rulers believe that only they should survive.

Elias Canetti

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Those who have left the stage often go to prompters.

Alexander Cumor

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Simple common sense guides better than false scientific constructs.

Henri Claude de Rouvroy Saint-Simon

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Many things are forbidden to Caesar precisely because everything is allowed to him.

Seneca Lucius Annaeus (the Younger)

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A leader without the masses is nothing, a fiction.

Hannah Arendt

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If there is no law, then serve as an example to your subjects - and you will leave an inescapable memory of your reign.

Basil I the Macedonian

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To hunt hares, you need a lot of dogs, to defeat enemies - a lot of warriors, who, having reason, will execute his subjects without reason!

Ivan IV Vasilyevich the Terrible

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Being placed in power, do not use crafty people in your positions, for if they sin, they will blame you as the boss.


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There are no good masters.

Antonio Miro

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Show confidence only to those who have the courage to cross you on occasion and who prefer your good name to your grace.

Catherine II

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A monarch who is unwilling to overcome the difficulty of understanding is forced to overcome the danger of trust.

George Savile Halifax

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Be gentle, philanthropic, accessible, compassionate and generous, let your greatness not prevent you from good-naturedly condescending to small people and putting yourself in their position, so that this kindness never diminishes either your power or their respect. Listen to everything that deserves attention, let everyone see that you think and feel the way you should think and feel. Act in such a way that good people love you, evil people are afraid and everyone respects you.

Catherine II

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How can a tree bloom if its roots have dried up? So it is here: until there is proper order in the kingdom, where will military courage come from? If the leader does not constantly strengthen the army, then he is more likely to be defeated than a winner. You, having despised all this, praise only courage, and on what courage is based - it does not matter to you.

Ivan IV Vasilyevich the Terrible

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The fate of a people is not strong when it depends on the will, or rather, on the temper of one person.

Mark Tullius Cicero

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No one can justly govern others if he is not able to put a bridle on his own passions, if he is unjust, cowardly and weak, if he is reluctant to give from his own to people who are respectable but needy.

Andrzej Modzhevsky

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Only that one is worthy of being a leader, To whom both honor and life are given blindly by a warrior.

Jean Racine

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Who will remain unharmed serving kings and approaching them? Rulers are like a wicked harlot who gets along with many men.

John of Damascus

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Only then take power into your hands when you learn to obey.


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If I were king, I wouldn't trust aces too much.

Tristan Bernard

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The ruler is not so easy to push from first place to second, as then from second to last.

Julius Caesar

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It is easier to change the king than the retinue.

Arkady Davidovich

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Peace, campaign, war and fortifications, Separation of forces and friendship with the strong - These are the six ways of the policy of the rulers.


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Spare the conquered, curb the recalcitrant.

Virgil Maron Publius

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If those in power do not guard the social institutions that enable the minority to effect peaceful change, then their rule is tyranny.

Karl Raimund Popper

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Keeping people from growing old is the great art of management.

Napoleon I

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It is fitting for Caesar to die standing.


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Monarchs love to make friends with all sorts of rabble. It's in their blood.

Edmund Burke

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In order to preserve your kingdom in virtue, what you forbid others to do, never do it yourself: it is terrible for subjects to learn about the atrocities of the authorities.

Basil I the Macedonian

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If you improve yourself, will it be difficult to govern the state? If you cannot improve yourself, how can you improve other people?


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In order to govern a state that has a thousand war chariots, you need to be prudent, truthful, moderate in needs, love the people, know the time when you can involve the people in the performance of duties.

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If the whole country around you is in poverty, the wealth of the ruler, granted by Heaven, also disappears.

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The sovereign is not free to choose his people, but is free to choose to know, for his right is to punish and pardon, bring closer and disgrace.

Niccolo Machiavelli

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Petty rules and pathetic refinements should not have access to your heart.

Catherine II

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Karl Raimund Popper

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He who teaches that love, not reason, should rule, paves the way for those who are convinced that hatred should rule.

Karl Raimund Popper

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A whip and spurs are needed to control the seal.

Napoleon I

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The whole art of management consists in the art of being honest.

Thomas Jefferson

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The king is created by a retinue or a neighboring state.

Antonio Miro

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No kings are known to have ruled the kingdom happily continuously.


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No matter what the crazy kings do, the Achaeans suffer.


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The great art of subjugating people lies in the ability to take them on their good side.

Honore Gabriel Ricchetti Mirabeau

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An outstanding statesman is a person who is able to realize the openness of the system, to understand the meaning of what can be called circumstances and an auspicious moment.

Paul Ricoeur

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A good shepherd removes the wool from the sheep, not the skin.


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The best day after the death of a bad sovereign is the first day.


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I believe that it is much more useful for citizens when the whole state prospers than when individuals live in contentment, while the whole is destroyed.


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The ruler never truly forgives.

Elias Canetti

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The leader or leaders differ little from the crowd they govern.

Émile Durkheim

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Reasonable people are often hated by powerful rulers.

Erasmus of Rotterdam

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I explain the institute of pages by the fact that sovereign princes willingly kept the sons of their vassals at their courts as hostages.

Arthur Schopenhauer

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Peter is not only the first Russian intellectual, but also the first Russian nihilist.

Dmitry Sergeevich Merezhkovsky

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The rulers have programs of action, which, however, cannot be put into practice without the support of the ruled.

Raymond Claude Ferdinand Aron

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The immaturity of those who are ruled lives on the overmaturity of society.

Theodor Adorno

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With the change of ruler, nothing changes for the poor, except for the name of the master.

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All monarchs are political tyrants, all subjects are rebels at heart.

Edmund Burke

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Never let flatterers besiege you: let us feel that you love neither praise nor baseness.

Catherine II

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Keep in yourself those great spiritual qualities that make up the distinctive identity of an honest person, a great person and a hero. Beware of any artificiality. May the contagion of vulgarity not darken your ancient taste for honor and valor.

Catherine II

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Napoleon not without reason hated ideologues, and dictators, obeying the general rule, hate philosophers.

Jacques Maritain

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It is necessary that the rulers do not despise the little ones who are under them: after all, the small are no longer small when they are useful to the great.

John of Damascus

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Whoever was a good squire will be able to be a good governor.

Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

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Mao Zedong can be called the last emperor.

Mircea Eliade

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Unfortunate is the ruler who has brought the flatterer closer.

Pierre de Ronsard

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Wise and capable people should be promoted to positions regardless of their position, lazy and incapable people should be immediately removed from office, the main villains should be executed without waiting for their re-education, ordinary, average people should be educated without waiting for the punishment to be applied to them .

Xun Tzu

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While ruling, the leaders are solely concerned with making their predictions true.

Hannah Arendt

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There are two levers that can move people: fear and self-interest.

Napoleon I

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It has long been noticed that people of a mediocre mind and poor in spirit consider themselves worthy and called to rule the state. With amazing energy and perseverance they rush forward, and the most diligent of them manage to achieve the goal.

Chabua Iraklievich Amirejibi

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Of those who are near you, encourage not those who exalt everything you have done, but those who scold you severely for your mistakes.

Basil I the Macedonian

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I am either a fox or a lion. The whole secret of management is knowing when to be one or the other.

Napoleon I

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What a monument to human insignificance is the idea of ​​a philosopher-ruler! What a fall - from the Socratic world of irony, reason and honesty to the Platonic kingdom of leaders.

Karl Raimund Popper

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It’s bad if Tsar Eagle is among carrion, but if he himself is carrion among eagles - write wasted!

Gotthold Ephraim Lessing

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The ruler, on whose existence the existence of others depends, puts between himself and others the greatest and most insurmountable distance, it is thanks to her, and not only to his brilliance, that he is the Sun or, like the Chinese, even more distant - the Sky.

Elias Canetti

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The inclination towards absolutist rule is in direct proportion to contempt for one's own country.

* There are times when the methods of government are excellent, and there is unrest in the country; but from antiquity to the present day it has not been heard that confusion existed under a perfect ruler.

* Crazy is the one who, not knowing how to control himself, wants to control others.

* During unrest and unrest, the worse a person is, the easier it is for him to take over; only honest and decent people are capable of ruling in peacetime.

* Rulers are like a wicked harlot who gets along with many men.

* For a tyrant and for a powerful city that dominates other cities, everything that is beneficial is reasonable.

* To seek tyranny is unjust, to refuse it is dangerous.

* For subordinates, both dissensions between superiors and their unanimity are equally detrimental.

* Good advice, whoever gives it, will be born from the wisdom of sovereigns, and not the wisdom of sovereigns will be born from good advice.

* If you act too cruelly, you will fail; if you act too softly, you yourself will find yourself in chains.

* If there is no law, then serve as an example to your subjects - and you will leave an inescapable memory of your reign.

* Whoever wants to rule calmly, let him protect himself not with spears, but with universal love.

* Just as there cannot be two suns in the sky, so a people cannot have two rulers.

* What is the easiest way for a ruler to achieve power, peace in the country and glory and avoid weakness, danger and shame? I answer: there is no easier way than to choose a worthy first minister.

* He who is too afraid of hatred does not know how to manage.

* Just as dividing the hand into fingers did not at all weaken it, but, on the contrary, made it more dexterous and more suitable for use, so the ruler, who introduces others to state concerns, achieves greater success by joint efforts.

* Who will remain unharmed serving kings and approaching them?

* Only the King who is stronger than all.

* The best day after the death of a bad sovereign is the first day.

* The power of the king exceeds the human, and his hands are raking.

* Between kings partnership is unreliable.

* A non-acting father of a family cannot be either a legislator or a city manager.

* It is unacceptable, fleeing the arrogance of a tyrant, to fall under the dominion of the unbridled mob. After all, the tyrant at least knows what he is doing, and the people do not even know.

* The courage of warriors is based on the foresight of the leader.

* It is necessary that the rulers do not despise the little ones who are under them: after all, the small are no longer small when they are useful to the great.

* I do not want a leader who would bind me or embarrass me: the leader is the leader, but let my eyes, and my opinion, and freedom remain with me; let me not be hindered either from going where I want, or from leaving something unattended, or trying to reach the unattainable; let them be allowed to walk along the shortest and, if you have enough patience, along a more even road, and to hurry and delay, and deviate from the path and return back.

* A person is not ennobled and exalted by a position, but a position thanks to a person becomes noble and high.

* Indecisive sovereigns tend to choose non-intervention to avoid the immediate danger, and as a rule, this leads them to collapse.

* Once Confucius saw a crying woman and asked what her grief was. She told him that the tiger had torn apart all her relatives one by one.
Why don't you leave this area? - the sage was surprised.
- In other areas, the princes oppress the people.
“You see,” Confucius then said to his disciples, “a cruel tyrant is more terrible for a person than a fierce beast.

* What is left unattended is forgotten, while what has brought the wrath of the ruler seems just.

* The legend says: "The ruler can be compared with a boat, and the people with water: water can carry a boat, or it can overturn it."

* Bad emperors like unlimited power, good - moderate freedom.

* Rulers always suspect and hate those who can replace them.

* The rulers are mortal - the state is eternal.

* The relationship between the ruler and the people is as follows: the emperor is the horseman, the officials and the law are the bridle and reins, the people are the horse. To manage horses well, you need to bridle them correctly, hold the reins evenly and stimulus. It is necessary to proportion the strength of the horses and observe the consonant run of the latter. Under these conditions, the ruler can not make a single sound, not at all clap the reins and not incite with a stimulus - the horses will run by themselves.

* Advice to the ruler: do nothing in anger, but pretend to be irritated when it suits you.

* In an effort to become a master, he behaved like a slave.

* So treat weaker states as you would like stronger ones to treat you.

* You have to rule over people who are unable to endure either true slavery or true freedom.

* Warlike tyrant or emperor
With a robber, like a dear brother, similar,
After all, their temper, in essence, is all the same.
Only from the robber is less evil -
After all, the gang of the robber is small.

* Having learned once that Plato speaks ill of him, Antisthenes said: "This is the destiny of kings: to do good and hear evil."

* A king who fills his treasury with the property of his subjects is like one who smears the roof of his house with clay taken from under its foundation.

* He, Galba, seemed to be a private person, above the private one and, according to the general opinion, he could rule if he were not a ruler.

* In order to preserve your kingdom in virtue, what you forbid others to do, never do it yourself: it is terrible for subjects to learn about the atrocities of the authorities.

* There are times when the methods of government are excellent, and there is unrest in the country; but from antiquity to the present day it has not been heard that confusion existed under a perfect ruler.

* Crazy is the one who, not knowing how to control himself, wants to control others.

* During unrest and unrest, the worse a person is, the easier it is for him to take over; only honest and decent people are capable of ruling in peacetime.

* Rulers are like a wicked harlot who gets along with many men.

* For a tyrant and for a powerful city that dominates other cities, everything that is beneficial is reasonable.

* To seek tyranny is unjust, to refuse it is dangerous.

* For subordinates, both dissensions between superiors and their unanimity are equally detrimental.

* Good advice, whoever gives it, will be born from the wisdom of sovereigns, and not the wisdom of sovereigns will be born from good advice.

* If you act too cruelly, you will fail; if you act too softly, you yourself will find yourself in chains.

* If there is no law, then serve as an example to your subjects - and you will leave an inescapable memory of your reign.

* Whoever wants to rule calmly, let him protect himself not with spears, but with universal love.

* Just as there cannot be two suns in the sky, so a people cannot have two rulers.

* What is the easiest way for a ruler to achieve power, peace in the country and glory and avoid weakness, danger and shame? I answer: there is no easier way than to choose a worthy first minister.

* He who is too afraid of hatred does not know how to manage.

* Just as dividing the hand into fingers did not at all weaken it, but, on the contrary, made it more dexterous and more suitable for use, so the ruler, who introduces others to state concerns, achieves greater success by joint efforts.

* Who will remain unharmed serving kings and approaching them?

* Only the King who is stronger than all.

* The best day after the death of a bad sovereign is the first day.

* The power of the king exceeds the human, and his hands are raking.

* Between kings partnership is unreliable.

* A non-acting father of a family cannot be either a legislator or a city manager.

* It is unacceptable, fleeing the arrogance of a tyrant, to fall under the dominion of the unbridled mob. After all, the tyrant at least knows what he is doing, and the people do not even know.

* The courage of warriors is based on the foresight of the leader.

* It is necessary that the rulers do not despise the little ones who are under them: after all, the small are no longer small when they are useful to the great.

* I do not want a leader who would bind me or embarrass me: the leader is the leader, but let my eyes, and my opinion, and freedom remain with me; let me not be hindered either from going where I want, or from leaving something unattended, or trying to reach the unattainable; let them be allowed to walk along the shortest and, if you have enough patience, along a more even road, and to hurry and delay, and deviate from the path and return back.

* A person is not ennobled and exalted by a position, but a position thanks to a person becomes noble and high.

* Indecisive sovereigns tend to choose non-intervention to avoid the immediate danger, and as a rule, this leads them to collapse.

* Once Confucius saw a crying woman and asked what her grief was. She told him that the tiger had torn apart all her relatives one by one.
Why don't you leave this area? - the sage was surprised.
- In other areas, the princes oppress the people.
“You see,” Confucius then said to his disciples, “a cruel tyrant is more terrible for a person than a fierce beast.

* What is left unattended is forgotten, while what has brought the wrath of the ruler seems just.

* The legend says: "The ruler can be compared with a boat, and the people with water: water can carry a boat, or it can overturn it."

* Bad emperors like unlimited power, good - moderate freedom.

* Rulers always suspect and hate those who can replace them.

* The rulers are mortal - the state is eternal.

* The relationship between the ruler and the people is as follows: the emperor is the horseman, the officials and the law are the bridle and reins, the people are the horse. To manage horses well, you need to bridle them correctly, hold the reins evenly and stimulus. It is necessary to proportion the strength of the horses and observe the consonant run of the latter. Under these conditions, the ruler can not make a single sound, not at all clap the reins and not incite with a stimulus - the horses will run by themselves.

* Advice to the ruler: do nothing in anger, but pretend to be irritated when it suits you.

* In an effort to become a master, he behaved like a slave.

* So treat weaker states as you would like stronger ones to treat you.

* You have to rule over people who are unable to endure either true slavery or true freedom.

* Warlike tyrant or emperor
With a robber, like a dear brother, similar,
After all, their temper, in essence, is all the same.
Only from the robber is less evil -
After all, the gang of the robber is small.

* Having learned once that Plato speaks ill of him, Antisthenes said: "This is the destiny of kings: to do good and hear evil."

* A king who fills his treasury with the property of his subjects is like one who smears the roof of his house with clay taken from under its foundation.

* He, Galba, seemed to be a private person, above the private one and, according to the general opinion, he could rule if he were not a ruler.

* In order to preserve your kingdom in virtue, what you forbid others to do, never do it yourself: it is terrible for subjects to learn about the atrocities of the authorities.

We recall the brightest and most famous quotes, thoughts, aphorisms of prominent people about Russia and its people.

Alexander III the Peacemaker - Emperor of All Russia, Tsar of Poland and Grand Duke of Finland (1845-1894).

In the whole world we have only two faithful allies - our army and navy. All the rest, at the first opportunity, will take up arms against us.

When the Russian Tsar is fishing, Europe can wait.

Russia - for Russians and in Russian.

Nikolai Berdyaev - Great Russian philosopher (1874-1948)

The Russian people created the most powerful state in the world, the greatest empire. From Ivan Kalita, Russia consistently and stubbornly gathered and reached dimensions that stagger the imagination of all the peoples of the world.

No creative historical path is possible without a primordial and spontaneous love for Russia. Our love for Russia, like any love, is arbitrary, it is not love for the qualities and virtues, but this love should be a source of creative creation of the qualities and virtues of Russia. Love for one's people must be creative love, a creative instinct. And least of all it signifies enmity and hatred towards other peoples. The path to pan-humanity for each of us lies through Russia.

An infinitely difficult task faced the Russian people - the task of organizing and organizing their vast land. The immensity of the Russian land, the absence of borders and limits, were expressed in the structure of the Russian soul. The landscape of the Russian soul corresponds to the landscape of the Russian land: the same infinity, formlessness, aspiration to infinity, breadth.

Nikolay Gogol - Great Russian writer and playwright (1809-1852).

Thank God first of all for the fact that you are Russian. This path is now open for the Russian, and this path is Russia itself. If only he loves Russian Russia, he will love everything that is in Russia. God Himself is leading us to this love.

You do not yet love Russia: you only know how to grieve and get annoyed by rumors about everything bad that is done in it, all this produces in you only one callous annoyance and despondency. No, this is not yet love, you are far from love, it is only one too distant foreshadowing of it.

If there is only one Russian farmstead left, then Russia will be reborn.

Anton Denikin - Front Commander, General Staff Lieutenant General; later Acting Supreme Ruler of Russia on the part of the White Movement (1872-1947).

The Russian is not the one who bears the Russian surname, but the one who loves Russia and considers it his fatherland.

When peace rests over our poor country, and the all-healing time turns the bloody reality into the distant past, the Russian people will remember those who were the first to rise to defend Russia from the red scourge.

This is Russian, for Russians. When Russia is free, I will give everything to her.

Fedor Dostoevsky - Great Russian writer (1821-1881).

Is it possible that even here they will not allow and allow the Russian organism to develop nationally, by its organic strength, but certainly impersonally, servilely imitating Europe? But what to do with the Russian organism then? Do these gentlemen understand what an organism is? Separation, "split" from their country leads to hatred, these people hate Russia, so to speak, naturally, physically: for the climate, for the fields, for the forests, for the order, for the liberation of the peasant, for Russian history, in a word, for everything, hate for everything.

The purpose of the Russian man is, no doubt, pan-European and worldwide. To become a real Russian, to become completely Russian, perhaps, and means only - to become a brother of all people, an all-man, if you like. Our inheritance is universality, and not acquired by the sword, but by the power of brotherhood and our fraternal striving for the reunification of people.

The highest and most characteristic feature of our people is a sense of justice and a thirst for it.

Mikhail Lomonosov - World-famous encyclopedic scientist, rector of the Academic University, academician of the Imperial Academy of Sciences and Arts in St. Petersburg (1711-1765).

The greatness, power and wealth of the entire state lies in the preservation and reproduction of the Russian people.

The beauty, grandeur, strength and richness of the Russian language are quite clear from books written in past centuries, when our ancestors did not know any rules for compositions, but they hardly thought that they exist or can be.

For the common good, and especially for the establishment of sciences in the fatherland, and against my own father, I don’t set myself to rebel for sin ... I dedicated myself to this, so that until my grave I fight against the enemies of Russian sciences, as I have been fighting for twenty years, stood for them from a young age, I will not leave in my old age.

Fyodor Tyutchev - Great Russian poet and diplomat (1803-1873).

You can't understand Russia with the mind, You can't measure it with a common yardstick: She has a special become - In Russia, you can only believe.

If you meet a veteran of the Napoleonic army, remind him of his glorious past and ask who, among all the opponents who fought with him on the battlefields of Europe, was the most worthy of respect, who, after individual defeats, maintained a proud look: you can bet ten against one, whatever he calls you a Russian soldier. Go through the departments of France where the foreign invasion left its mark in 1814, and ask the inhabitants of these provinces which soldier in the detachments of the enemy troops constantly showed the greatest humanity, the highest discipline, the least hostility to civilians, unarmed citizens - you can put a hundred against one that they will call you a Russian soldier. And if you want to know who was the most unbridled and the most predatory - oh, this is no longer a Russian soldier.

Peter I the Great - The last tsar of all Russia and the first Emperor of All Russia (1672-1725).

I foresee that the Russians someday, and perhaps in our lifetime, will shame the most enlightened peoples with their successes in the sciences, their tireless work and the majesty of firm and resounding glory.

Russian one who loves Russia and serves it!

Alexander Pushkin - Great Russian poet (1799-1837)

Disrespect for ancestors is the first sign of savagery and immorality. It is not only possible, but also necessary, to be proud of the glory of one's ancestors; not to respect it is shameful cowardice.

I am far from delighted with everything that I see around me; ... but I swear on my honor that for nothing in the world I would not want to change my fatherland or have a different history than the history of our ancestors, such as God gave it to us.

Alexander Suvorov - Great Russian commander (1730-1800).

Whoever loves his Fatherland sets the best example of love for humanity.

Nature produced only one Russia. She has no rivals. We are Russians, we will overcome everything.

The fortress is strong, the garrison is a whole army. But nothing can stand against Russian weapons - we are strong and confident.

The Russian is distinguished by faith, fidelity and reason. In vain will all Europe move on Russia: it will find Thermopylae, Leonidas and its coffin there.
