Description of how to make a scabbard for a knife with your own hands. How to make a leather sheath with your own hands at home What to make a sheath for a hunting knife

If you spend your free time on long hikes, you are addicted to spending the night under open sky and to food cooked on a fire, then you can not do without special equipment. The main thing in such conditions is convenience and safety. Therefore, today we will make with our own hands such an important attribute as a knife sheath made of rough leather.

What to prepare

For this you will need:

  • cotton fabric,
  • a piece of dense and high-quality leather,
  • spool of kapron threads,
  • solid steel needle
  • stationery clips,
  • strong wire.

From the tools you need to take:

  • sharp knife and cutters,
  • pliers,
  • awl,
  • calipers,
  • drill with a small diameter drill.

  1. The first thing we will do is the liner for the cover. We impregnate the handle with a water-repellent agent, and wrap the knife blade with cotton cloth, cover it with paraffin for rigidity.
  2. First, we make a pattern for making a cover: put the knife on paper, draw a line at some distance from the blade, repeating its contours.
  3. Wet the part cut out of leather thoroughly with water. We put a cotton insert on the knife and put it in the center of the workpiece, the edges of which we connect and fix with clerical clips. We are waiting for the future scabbard to dry naturally.

  1. We also make a hanger for the scabbard with our own hands. We cut out a blank from the leather, which is a rectangle 4-5 cm wide and two narrow long strips extending from it. We make cuts on the edge of the workpiece and insert “tails” into them.
  2. On the blank of the scabbard we make three pairs of holes (one under the other) for attaching the suspension. Watch this process in the video, and everything will become clear to you.
  3. We pass the ends of the suspension through the holes made.

  1. First, we scrape (or thin) the skin at the fold with a knife. Then we coat the edges of the workpiece with glue, connect and fix with clerical clips.
  2. After the parts are dry, we clean the ends on a grinder.
  3. We impregnate the sheath with a solution obtained from PVA glue and vodka.
  4. We mark the seam using an ordinary table fork, thanks to which we get two parallel lines.
  5. We pierce holes around the entire perimeter with an awl. To make it easier for yourself, you can drill them with a drill with a thin drill. Be sure to make grooves with an awl along which the connection thread will pass.
  6. To sew leather details with a regular stitch, you need to apply considerable force. It will be more convenient to use pliers.
  7. After completing the work, we tighten the nylon thread, cut off the ends and singe with a match.
  8. To obtain a rich brown color, paint the cover with a stain. Then sand the entire surface. sandpaper.
  9. To adjust the sheath to the size of the knife, we moisten the skin with water. We insert the blade into them and tighten the wire at the top.
  10. Remove the fixative after the skin is dry.

Before using the product, we process it with shoe cream - this will give softness and an attractive look to the material.

Handmade scabbards made of leather have one significant drawback: due to the fact that they are solid, they cannot be cleaned. Therefore, before inserting the blade into the case, the blade must be thoroughly washed and dried.

But there is a simple option - a wooden case. Making it is pretty easy.

It consists of two parts. For screed use a cord or leather strap.

  1. We cut out the parts so that one fits into the second. They must move freely relative to each other.
  2. We make the inside of the wooden scabbard so that the knife can easily fit into them.
  3. The blanks are polished and varnished. We connect together and wrap it either with a cord or with a strip of leather.

To prevent the product from falling out of the case, we fix a small springy plate inside.

Without good knife the hunter is indispensable. Big choice models are presented in stores, and some prefer to make this item of equipment on their own. In any case, every knife must have a good sheath. They will securely fix the blade in the stowed position, protect it from dirt and moisture, and prevent injury. Scabbards can be made at home with your own hands. The first point that needs to be decided is what to make this piece of equipment from. Durable scabbards can be made from leather, plastic, plywood, or birch bark.

Making Scandinavian type scabbards from leather

To make a leather scabbard with your own hands, you need to take:

  • hard skin about 4 mm thick;
  • shoe knife;
  • knurling with a wheel for marking seams;
  • kapron thread;
  • awl;
  • a strong needle that can be used to sew leather;
  • pliers;
  • wood cutter with a semicircular notch.

First of all, you need to put a knife on a piece of skin and outline the contours of the sheath blank. At the same time, 3 cm must be retreated from the edge of the blade on the sides, and an allowance of 1 cm must be left below the tip. In the upper part, the workpiece must be cut under the handle.

You need to make a markup for two blanks, and then cut them out. For this, it is best to use a shoe knife. It must be held at an angle of 45 degrees, so that in the end the two blanks of the scabbard are connected evenly. If desired, the skin can be made thinner - for this it is enough to scrape off or cut off the inner layer.

Then the skin should be soaked for 15 minutes under warm running water. After that, it becomes soft and pliable, and it can be easily wrapped around the blade. After that, you need to mark the future seams. For this, it is best to use the knurling. Thanks to its use, the seams will turn out to be as even as possible, the thread pitch will be the same throughout. After that, you need to make holes in the sheath with an awl. They should come out through the end cut of the skin, located at an angle of 45 degrees.

In order for the scabbard to be strong and durable, they must be sewn with a thread first on one side, and then skip it again in the opposite direction. After that, the seam must be fixed with knots. Thus, the main part of the scabbard will be ready.

It remains only to add a suspension to the blade case. To do this, you need to make a hole in the sheath with a wood cutter with a semicircular notch. If not, you can use a sharply sharpened metal tube.

To make a pendant, you need to use a strip of leather. At one end it is necessary to make a cutout in the form of a pitchfork 3 cm long and a third of the strip wide, and then prepare the corresponding holes in the sheath, thread the suspension through them and form it. A rivet can be added to the tip of the scabbard.

When making sheaths for Scandinavian-style knives, such as Swedish, Finca or Puuko, a latch is not necessary. Such knives are placed almost completely in the case and hold well in them.

Finished leather scabbards can be dyed. Another option is to polish them with a semi-abrasive wax paste, which will give the piece a darker tint. Paint and wax applied to the skin will perfectly protect it from moisture. If you want to preserve the natural color of the leather, it can be coated with shoe wax.

Plastic scabbard

Another option is to make a knife sheath out of plastic. sewer pipe. In addition to this, you will need:

  • saw;
  • building hair dryer;
  • vise;
  • drill or screwdriver;
  • rivets;
  • riveter;
  • ready-made fasteners for fixing the scabbard on the belt or leather for its manufacture.

First you need to saw off a piece of pipe, which should be slightly longer than the blade. Then you need to make a longitudinal cut in it along the entire length. After that, the workpiece must be well heated and squeezed so that it becomes flat. To do this, use a building hair dryer at a temperature of 300 to 500 degrees.

Having warmed up the workpiece well, you need to insert a knife inside and squeeze it, giving it the desired shape. To do this, it is better to clamp the plastic in a vise. When the form is ready, you need to cut off all the excess, giving the workpiece the shape of a blade, leaving an allowance of about 2 cm in the area of ​​​​the blade.

Then you need to drill holes in the plastic and insert rivets into them. At the same time, it is necessary not to press too hard so that they do not push through the material. Studs from rivets are most conveniently sawn off with a drill.

Finished scabbard can be painted black regular paint from a balloon. It remains only with the help of a riveting to attach a latch for fastening on a belt - and the sheath for a hunting knife is ready.

Plywood scabbard

To make such a sheath for a hunting knife, you will need:

  • layered plywood 1.5 mm thick;
  • a piece of thick felt;
  • epoxy resin and hardener for it;
  • leather belt;
  • lavsan thread;
  • file;
  • sandpaper.

From plywood, you need to cut two blanks in the shape of a knife. They should be a little bigger size than the blade itself. It is also necessary to cut out two pieces of felt that match the shape and size of the plywood plates. They need to be glued to the plywood with epoxy.

Both blanks must be folded to each other with felt inside and a leather belt glued to them so that a loop is obtained. It will be used to attach the knife to your belt.

Then the workpieces need to be coated epoxy resin outside and wrap with lavsan threads. After the epoxy dries, you need to repeat the procedure. Thus, it is better to apply at least 4 layers of thread so that the sheath is strong and durable.

When the epoxy under the last layer of thread has dried, the sheath needs to be shaped using a file and sandpaper. You can smooth their corners or apply various grooves and embossments to their surface. To give the product a more presentable look, it will not be superfluous to perform other finishing. To do this, the scabbard can be painted or wrapped with braid.

How to make a scabbard out of birch bark?

You can also make a sheath for a knife with your own hands from birch bark. This is a material that has been tested for centuries. It is especially suitable for making a case with a wooden handle, as it will be in harmony with it. To make such a sheath, in addition to birch bark, you will need:

  • scissors or a knife for cutting material;
  • wide saucepan;
  • board 10 mm thick;
  • a small piece of skin about 2 mm thick;
  • food film;
  • insulating tape;
  • stationery clips.

The first step is to cut three identical blanks from birch bark. They should be shield-shaped with a pointed bottom edge. In the manufacture of the scabbard, the blanks will need to be folded in half and wrapped around the blade, laying them one on top of the other. Then you need to cut out two curved spacers from a pine plank, which will be located in front of the cutting edge of the knife.

Birch bark should be placed in boiling water and boiled for 2 hours, and then turn off the heat and leave to soak for a few more hours. After that, she will curl up into a tube. While the birch bark is being cooked, you need to attach a spacer made from a plank to the blade with electrical tape.

It is better to wrap the knife beforehand cling film. There should be a small distance between the spacer and the knife. To leave it, you need to place a piece of thin skin in front of the cutting edge.

Then you need to get a piece of birch bark out of the water, carefully unfold it and wrap it around the knife, securing it in the area cutting edge stationery clips. After 10 minutes, when the material takes the form of a blade, you need to remove the clamps and put another piece of birch bark on top. Then the procedure must be repeated a third time. After that, leaving the clamps, the birch bark should be allowed to dry for an hour.

Then the future scabbard must be smeared with moisture-resistant PVA glue between the layers of birch bark and fastened again with clamps. A day later, the entire structure must be disassembled by separating the spacer from the plank from the blade. Next, you need to generously lubricate the PVA spacers, clamp with their help in a vice the part of the sheath located in the region of the cutting edge of the knife, and leave for two weeks.

After that, you need to drill holes in the sheath and sew them with a thick thread or a thin strap. You also need to make an oval hole for the latch for attaching to the belt. To make it, you can use a rope or a braid woven from leather strips.

With high-quality scabbards made from improvised materials, a hunting knife will last as long as possible. Which of the manufacturing options to choose is a matter of taste. Any sheath will be good if you approach their manufacture correctly.

Everything new is well-forgotten old. I would like to introduce readers to old technology making practical and at the same time pretty scabbards. I had to slightly modernize it so as not to cook glue from fish or birch bark, but to use the “Moment” available to everyone.

I do not accept the assertion that in the old days everything was done rudely. Items of vital necessity, to which, first of all, I attribute the knife, have been made from time immemorial, solid, decorated with protective ligature. The foot sword, the knife was placed in the cradle of newborns so that the children would grow up stately and strong, like a blade. And the weapons that modern experts call cold, our ancestors called WHITE, that is, clean, noble.

Before proceeding to the description of the technology, I dare to express some disagreement with Mr. Meshcheryakov (article "Manufacturing of leather sheaths", "Prorez" No. 3 for 2008). When dressing leather in modern production use potassium dichromate - chromic - K 2 Cr 2 O 7. Apparently, this salt of hexavalent chromium is mentioned in the article. But hrompik, in my opinion, does not harmful effects on steel. I occasionally use it for bluing carbon steels into a saturated Brown color and still did not notice that the surface of the blade was covered with shells or worse, the cutting properties of steel were reduced. The danger for steel, even conditionally stainless (there is no stainless steel), is residual ferric chloride - iron (III) chloride 6-water - FeCl 3. H 20, used, like chrompike, by furriers when tanning leather. In addition, PVA glue (polyvinyl acetate) does not have the best effect on blade steel, to which manufacturers add dibutyl phthalate - dibutyl ester of 0-phthalic acid - C 6 H 4 (COOS 4 H 9) 2, which enhances the adhesive properties. Vapors of dibutyl phthalate, even in microdoses, can weaken the bond between those two grains that provide razor sharpening of the blade. And then don’t scrape the dried PVA out of the seams, everything is one.

Now you can move on to the technology of manufacturing scabbards.

All your costs are the cost of half a tube of Moment glue (since a little less than half a tube will be used up) and a few hours of hard work. Well, yes, and it’s not a pity, because you are trying for yourself. Here's what else is required. Leather - the tops of old boots, outdated items of clothing, an out-of-fashion handbag ... whatever! One plank from a container box, of which there are countless in the backyard of any supermarket. A simple set of tools available in any home. The most important thing is your imagination, coupled with the desire for high.

Firstly, it is necessary to align the planes of the plank with sandpaper laid on a flat surface, and then, with a knife blade, mark the dimensions (photo 1a).

We cut the lines with a scalpel or knife and select unnecessary wood with a semicircular cutter or knife to a depth equal to 2/3 of the blade thickness on both halves. This depth is due to the need to glue the suede into the selections and then adjust the sheath to the blade.

We mark, cut and paste the suede into the samples (photo 1b).

The side surfaces of the blade should never come into contact with wood. Otherwise, well-polished steel will scratch and lose its mirror finish. At the ends of the blanks, a selection is also made for the bend of the suede, in order to avoid stripping the latter when inserting the blade.

Now you should fit the sheath to the thickness of the blade. Fold the halves of the blank without glue and insert the blade. If it dangles - and it will dangle - then grind off the contact surfaces with a file or sandpaper. When you achieve a tight, but not tight attachment and withdrawal of the blade, glue these halves with the “Moment”.

It does not matter how long the surfaces to be bonded are under pressure, the compression force is important. The stronger the better. Therefore, it is enough to compress the parts with pliers (photo 1c).

The next stage is the "decoration" of the scabbard (giving them desired shape). I try to do it in the traditional way, namely, with the knife that I wear. All irregularities after the knife must be smoothed out with a flat file and sanded with sandpaper. Linen is ready. This is followed by "decoration" or, speaking modern language, "decoration". Here you will need your sense of beauty and imagination.

On the "linen" with a simple pencil, we draw the lines of the future relief (photo 2a).

In this case, we designate a “shield”, in which the drawing, your initials, or whatever comes into your head will be located. Slavic runic script is closer to me in spirit, but I had to make the Jolly Roger and even the emblem of the football club. As they say, who is in what much.

With a round file, we deepen the lines over the entire surface of the scabbard, that is, on both sides (photo 2b).

We impose on the "linen" a piece of paper and a fingernail thumb right hand we push through the borders of the "shield". Then we enter the selected image into it. We paste the drawing on suede and cut it out with scissors and a scalpel along the contour (photo Sv).

Glue the cut out drawing on the “shield” of the scabbard. "Lingerie" is almost ready to meet the skin. Some volume is missing. In photo Zg, you can see how the lines should be cut to give the impression of “diving” one line under another.

Photo 3. Relief on the scabbard

Surely someone will find such a simple operation really difficult to perform. It's okay, try to make the "Svarog Ladder" from the category of "nowhere easier", but looking pretty for a start (photo 4a-d).

Let's start marking the skin.

We will need the following details: a butt, a trench coat for hanging on a belt, a “shirt” of the scabbard itself, tassels-pendants. We apply the end of the “linen” to the skin and circle it with a fountain pen, then mark the slot for the blade according to the print.

We cut out the trencher with a size of 180x56 mm and designate the longitudinal axis. The trench coat must be glued so that it is two-layer and reinforced with Moment glue. We are preparing a shirt. We put the sheath on the skin and circle it with a fountain pen. We roll the scabbard through the butt and circle the second side. We mark the end line (5 mm below the lower edge of the end of the “linen”) and, stepping back 100 mm from it, cut off the edge of the pattern. By the way, it can be done in the form of a wave.

For allowances on the sides, I usually leave 20 mm, just in case (photo 4a). We also mark and cut out blanks of brushes in the amount of two pieces with dimensions of 65x55 mm and a strip of lace 200x5 mm. We “shred” the rectangles of the brushes, not reaching the edge of 10 mm, and with the help of the “Moment” we twist them into brushes. Cut and glue the end of the scabbard (photo 4b).

We sew the glued trencher to the “shirt” and make a glued fold (photo 4c). Tightly, without gaps, glue the "linen" of the butt.

We put each side on the "Moment" tightly - this is very important. We also carefully coat the allowances with glue and crimp tightly. In principle, such an assembly does not imply mandatory firmware. But we are trying for ourselves, relatives. For fair skin, I prefer to take the thread a few shades darker to make it glamorous. After flashing, we retreat from the line 4 mm and cut off the allowances. According to the principle of a noose, we hang tassels-pendants, but this time it's not really about decoration or decor.

If necessary, they can wipe the dirty blade - that is why they were first hanged. As the brushes become dirty, they can be replaced with new ones.

Again we use the nail of the thumb of the right hand - we push the relief of the scabbard. That's all (photo 4d).

Why did I lean on the "Moment"? Didn't guess?

The wooden part of the scabbard is almost completely (and with dexterity and 100%) protected from moisture. Even if the sheath with the knife inserted falls into the water for a couple of minutes, nothing will swell. Check.

In conclusion, a few tips for knife users:
1. When long-term storage the scabbard and knife must be kept separate from each other.
2. Lubricate the blade and all metal parts with petroleum jelly before storing.
3. The ideal skin care product is a silicone protective cream.

Respect your knife. Someday it will save your life.

Oleg and Yana Rudik Photo: Yana Rudik

To protect a hunting knife from damage, it is imperative to carry it in a sheath. These "covers" are sold as a set or sold separately. They can be bought in specialized stores, departments for fishing and hunting, ordered online. There is another option - independent production case made of leather, wood, plastic. Do-it-yourself knife sheaths are easy to create if you cook everything necessary tools and materials and familiarize yourself with themed photos and video.

Leather knife sheath

The knife is a necessary attribute of the hunter's activity. The best knives are made from the toughest types of steel, so they last for many years. Which sheath is suitable for quality knives? The most popular are leather, because they are durable, but soft, easy to use. Yakut, Kizlyar (Russia) are considered popular brands. According to the type of fastening, cases are vertical and horizontal, for open and hidden wear. Often, hunters choose a Finnish-type scabbard, universal or tactical with a Molle attachment system.

The benefits of using a leather holster are:

  • the knife is perfectly held by friction against the skin, while you can make any movements without fear of losing the product;
  • the case looks stylish, beautiful, very comfortable;
  • The sheath made of leather can be adjusted to a specific knife using fixation straps.

It is best to carry the tool in a leather sheath in a hidden way with the handle down - this position will be the most favorable. Leather is easy to work with, so even a beginner without any experience in such matters can build a scabbard.

Materials and tools

To sew a homemade scabbard, you need to pick up everything in advance necessary fixtures and materials. First of all, it is a piece of leather that can be taken from old boots, a thick jacket. Exist different ways scabbard making, so some accessories may not be useful. Here is their complete list:

  • paper or cardboard A4;
  • strong nylon threads (you can replace them with a thin cord);
  • glue for skin (it is better to take epoxy or "Moment");
  • adhesive tape or cling film;
  • pencil and ruler;
  • sandpaper;
  • sewing awl with hook;
  • scissors, clerical knife;
  • tassel;
  • stationery clips;
  • drill with a drill 1 mm;
  • kitchen fork;
  • vodka;
  • paraffin;
  • shoe wax or shoe polish;
  • stain;
  • PVA glue;
  • cotton fabric impregnated with epoxy resin.

Operating Instructions

First you need to make a pattern of the scabbard. In order not to cut yourself, the blade itself is covered with adhesive tape, cling film. Wrap tape around the entire point several times to get a strong protective layer. Then you can start creating a pattern:

  • put a sheet of white paper on the table;
  • place a knife on paper, carefully circle it with a pencil (if the knife has a guard, it must also be outlined);
  • cut the piece.

Next, you can start working with the skin. A piece of material is laid out, a pattern is applied to it, circled. Another part of the pattern is drawn in a mirror image or laid out on the back of a piece of leather and lines are drawn. On each side of both patterns, 1 cm is added per seam. Details are cut with sharp scissors. Also, a suspension 2.5 cm wide should be made of leather, an insert 1 cm wide.

The order of work will be as follows:

  1. Make holes in the hanger with an awl. Cut off all excess parts of the skin, thread the straps into the holes.
  2. With an awl, make holes in the main piece of leather. The size of the holes is a couple of millimeters smaller than the width of the belts. Three holes in two rows are enough.
  3. Fold the leather blank in half, iron well at the fold. Glue the skin at the seams with epoxy, "Moment" or other reliable means. Press the edges well with clerical clips.
  4. After the glue has completely dried, trim the edges to a neat shape to smooth them. Curved parts are well sanded with sandpaper.
  5. In a small bowl, mix 1 part PVA glue and 2 parts vodka. Shake the product thoroughly. Apply it with a brush Leather Case three times, each time waiting for partial drying.
  6. After 15 minutes from the moment of the last lubrication of the workpiece with glue, when it has not completely dried out, draw even lines along the edges. The easiest way to do this is with a regular fork.
  7. According to the marks, drill small holes for the seams with a drill and the smallest drill (it will not work to pierce the glued skin with a needle). Cut grooves connecting the holes to conveniently position the thread in them.
  8. Sew the scabbard along the length. After you can apply a stain on them, let it dry completely without heating. Repeat the procedure until the shade desired by the user is obtained.
  9. At the end of the work, sand the skin with the finest sandpaper for softness, soak it with cream, wax, and dry it again at room temperature.

Survival knives are actively used by lovers of extreme recreation, various hikes. They will also require a scabbard, and for such products it is better to make a case with a tab inside. You can make them to order or try to do it yourself:

  1. Take a cotton cloth, carefully wrap it around the blade. Melt the paraffin, thoroughly smear the fabric. Form a tab in the scabbard.
  2. Make a pattern on paper with a knife. Transfer to the skin, also circle, cut through. There must be allowances on the product.
  3. Put the fabric blank on the leather one, fold it, coat it with glue, fix it with stationery clothespins. After the glue has dried, carefully stitch the sheath with a thick nylon thread through the holes made by the drill.
  4. Cut off the excess parts, set fire to the edges. Then sand the product with sandpaper.
  5. Make a pendant out of pieces of leather. Cut the part in the shape of the letter U, make small holes at the edges. Thread the straps, tighten. On the scabbard, mark the attachment points, make holes, insert the pendant.
  6. Cover the finished product with cream, dry.

If we make a sheath from a piece of old, too rough leather, it needs to be softened a little before sewing. hot water then dry in a towel.

Wooden scabbard - step by step instructions

Creating wooden sheaths for knives is much more difficult, it will require certain carpentry skills. You can make them from birch bark, solid wood - at the request of the master.

Tools and materials

For work you will need:

  • one large or two small planks about 10-15 mm thick (according to the size of the knife);
  • epoxy glue;
  • jigsaw;
  • awl;
  • clothespins;
  • bit;
  • file;
  • file;
  • woodworking machine with different nozzles;
  • wooden pins;
  • vise or press;
  • leather for hanging;
  • rivets, riveter.


How to make a scabbard out of wood? First you need to sketch, finding suitable option on the Internet or by inventing it yourself. Saw the plank in half (or take two at once), put a knife between them, outline the diameters of the mouth on the end. Measure the depth of immersion of the knife in the future sheath. Using a suitable cutter or a regular chisel, make a recess under the knife handle, then put the knife again and outline it. Repeat all the steps on the second half, adjusting them as accurately as possible.

Next, you should give the planks the shape of the future knife. It should fit freely into the case, but not dangle. Sawing is done with a jigsaw, saw, file. Both halves need to fit perfectly to each other. If you need space for the blade, the handles are deepened with a chisel. Next, you need to work like this:

  1. Put the pins on the epoxy glue. Lubricate the two halves of the blanks, press with a vice or other press. Leave for a day, then clean off the excess resin.
  2. Cut out a strip of leather for suspension and two more strips for loops for fastening the sheath strap and attaching to the belt. Soak leather parts overnight in water in which PVA is dissolved (approximately 2:1).
  3. In the morning, squeeze the skin, cut a little at the bending points. Wrap the scabbard, fix with a vise, leave to dry. Fold the straps of the loops in half and overlap, also place under the press to dry. Then the skin will be ready for stitching.
  4. Connect the sheath strap end-to-end, sew it with the overlaid leather. If necessary, pierce the holes for the needle with an awl. For ease of stitching, use clothespins.
  5. sand down wooden product. Then apply drying oil to the finished scabbard, leave for a day. Wet the leather parts again, pull them onto the tree when wet. Secure the skin with metal rivets.

Some sheathe the wooden scabbard with leather on the outside, but they can be left in their original form. It is also interesting to look at the product with a printed pattern, a carved pattern.

Plastic scabbard

Plastic sheaths are less difficult to make than wooden ones. You will need the following materials and tools:

  • saw and drill;
  • plastic pipe;
  • building hair dryer;
  • leather fasteners for the scabbard;
  • sandpaper;
  • pencil;
  • drill with a thin drill;
  • fasteners and riveter.

Initially, you need to create the main blank from plastic pipe. Cut off a piece 2 cm larger than the knife blade with a part of the handle that will be recessed into the sheath. Cut the pipe in half lengthwise. Heat it with a hair dryer at a temperature of +400 degrees, wearing protective gloves. As the pipe softens, insert a knife, give the plastic a shape resembling the instrument itself.

After allowing the plastic to cool, become solid. Saw off excess parts of the material along the length and width with a saw. Make a mark with a pencil where the rivets will be inserted. Drill holes with a drill, attach leather parts with rivets, fixing them with a riveter. If necessary, you can paint the scabbard in any color with paint for plastic. This will make it easier to find them in the grass if they fall. It is not difficult to build a scabbard, the main thing is to be careful and correct sequence actions, then you can save a lot on the purchase.

Every self-respecting hunter keeps his knife in a sheath. And some even have a few protective covers. Moreover, most people prefer to make a sheath for a knife with their own hands. After all, it is quite simple to make this simple product, and self-production will make it possible to make it convenient and to your taste. Despite the fact that now you can choose any material for this, real hunters do not change traditions - they make scabbards from leather or wood.

Leather sheath: brief instructions

Do-it-yourself leather sheath for a knife begins to be made from a template.

  • Take a piece of paper, fold it in half and place a knife on it.
  • Circle it along the contour, leaving an allowance for a seam 8–10 cm wide on the side of the blade.
  • Cut out the drawn template in such a way as to duplicate only the outline of the blade, and leave the outline of the handle alone. The whole point is that in real life this circuit will play the role of a loop for fastening with a half ring. It is important to take into account that in the future the width of the “handle” coincides with the half ring that you prepare.
  • Now ready template put on a piece of skin. Please note that at the junction of the belt and the scabbard, it should be about 3 cm narrower than the fastening length, and “ears” should be left along the edges of the scabbard. They will be the place for the button after the pattern is folded in half. Moreover, their size should be such that 2 mm of skin is left around the button.
  • Provide two holes for inside corners. Place them in the place where the wide part of the pattern (under the scabbard) is combined with the narrow part (under the handle). This is done so that during operation the skin does not tear at the corners.

How to make a knife sheath with your own hands from leather? At first glance, everything is clear. But, nevertheless, in this case there are subtleties that will help to do it as best as possible.

Those who are familiar with the manufacture of scabbards firsthand recommend:

  • Complete the leather scabbard with an insert. This is what plastic is for. To fold it in half, it is better to heat the fold line. After it is folded, both halves are made symmetrical with a file, repeating the shape of a knife blade.
  • In order for the sheath to take the shape of a knife, the cut skin is moistened for 20 minutes in warm water. After it softens, it is wrapped around a knife. It must first be wrapped in cellophane. The skin is fixed with clothespins and left for a day.
  • During this time, you can make a suspension loop, and after the clothespins are removed from the scabbard, glue it on Right place and then flash.
  • In order for the sheath for the knife to be stitched with high quality with your own hands, holes are marked along the seam line every 3-5 mm and drilled. It is necessary to sew the sheath with two needles, one of which is with a single thread, and the other with a double thread.
  • After everything is stitched, the sheath should be soaked again in warm water for 10 minutes, insert a knife wrapped in cellophane into them and leave for a day.
  • When the scabbard is dry, it should be treated with shoe wax or shoe polish.

Wooden scabbard

Some hunters find wooden scabbards to be more comfortable than leather ones. They are especially popular in Siberia and the Urals. Their simple and robust design allows you to quickly remove and insert the knife without unfastening the clasps. And you can do it with gloves. Such scabbards cannot be pierced in a hurry with an unsuccessful knife hit.

Due to the fact that the selection is made in the form of a funnel, which evenly narrows from the mouth to the tip of the blade, the handle is tightly fixed in the sheath, actually wedging there. To get the knife, you just need to grab the handle tightly and squeeze your fingers tightly. From such an effort, he literally jumps out of the scabbard. Yes, and you can make a wooden sheath for a knife with your own hands very beautifully.

Making scabbards using Ural-Siberian technology

The process of manufacturing wooden scabbards takes place in several stages:

  • pick up small boards (2 pcs.), The vertical size of which will correspond to the length of the knife, and the horizontal size is equal to two thicknesses of its handle;
  • carefully process the boards, achieving a tight fit to each other;
  • place a knife on each of them and circle its outline;
  • on the end part from the side of the handle, mark the sampling depth for it;
  • wood should be selected along the contour, the finished sample should take the form of a funnel, evenly tapering from the mouth of the scabbard to the tip of the blade;
  • provide a small gap between the sheath and the blade (3-4 mm).

If you were unable to perfectly fit the mouth to the handle, do not despair. From the inside, on the mouth, glue a strip of fabric, after soaking it with epoxy. Wrap the knife with polyethylene and press the fabric well against the mouth of the sheath.

The final stage of processing the scabbard

After the selection is made and the mouth is fitted to the handle, the manufacture of the sheath for the knife with your own hands enters the final stage:

  • chop off the outside of the scabbard, leaving a wall thickness of about 5 mm;
  • next to the mouth, leave a side with a section of 5x5 mm in order to further fix the suspension loops on it;
  • to increase the strength of the scabbard, wrap the place under the side with several layers of nylon thread, then impregnating it with epoxy;
  • in the lower part of the scabbard (near the tip), make several holes and pull the same thread through them to reinforce the product;
  • do as you wish below air vent(it may not be);
  • now glue the prepared parts of the scabbard;
  • after the glue dries, sand the surface in a way convenient for you and saturate with drying oil.

Additional elements and scabbard design

So, do-it-yourself knife sheaths are completely made and can be used for their intended purpose. In addition to them, a suspension or belt loop is sewn from leather. Some for greater strength fit such a wooden case with leather, but this, so to speak, is not for everybody.

The scabbard can be left as it is, or you can use different finishes - burning, wood carving or inlay. It all depends on your taste.

Now that you have become familiar with the manufacturing technology, how to make a sheath for a knife with your own hands is no longer a question for you, but a reason to get down to business.
